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karry Info

Płeć: Kobieta
Kraj: Chiny flag
Miasto: xian
Data urodzin: 1992-11-30
Stat. profilu: Aktywny

Głosowanie na profil

0 głosy(ów)
Jewelry Design
We are professional jewelry developers and designers. Focus on a variety of beautiful wedding rings, wedding jewelry set design. For more information, please follow us. Very Happy Very Happy


30 marca 2021 Bez nazwy; 0 komentarzy
The engagement is one of the most important moments in a woman's life. The engagement necklace is also an indispensable part of ... czytaj więcej
29 marca 2021 Bez nazwy; 0 komentarzy
Let's talk about mens unique wedding bands. Many people spend hours, days or even weeks obsessed with engagement rings, try... czytaj więcej
05 lutego 2021 Bez nazwy; 0 komentarzy
When engagement ring has been chosen, the following thing you need to do is to choose your wedding ring matching engag... czytaj więcej
04 lutego 2021 Bez nazwy; 0 komentarzy
You deserve a perfect bracelet when it comes to jewelry. What makes bracelets so much fun is that they can be enjoyed ... czytaj więcej
02 lutego 2021 Bez nazwy; 0 komentarzy
Recently we are all looking for interesting colors! Many times, we find ourselves looking at emerald engagement rings, sapphire ... czytaj więcej

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