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Buy Rs gold think it is still like the old Runescape - Portal rodziców / Grupy / Buy Rs gold think it is still like the old Runescape
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Kategoria: Hobby rodziców
Rodzaj grupy: Grupa publiczna (Pomoc)
Utworzono: 23 października 2020
Lokalizacja: __, Buy Rs gold
Użytkownicy: 1
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 If I'm looking at OSRS gold restaurant reviews I would still rather see a person's two star review than not see it, even when they did not explain why they didn't like it. This review is not any different than that.

A bad review, even if unexplained, remains a valid review.I adored RS3 when it initially came out. It was a breath of fresh air to the game, but frankly I'll pay my 15$ a month to get WoW or FF14 for this sort of combat system. Let folks spend their cash on RS3 so we can continue to acquire RS3 AND OSRS content.RS3 is damaging the game in the long term. The entire idea of it was flawed from beginning as it's a contradiction to what runescape is about. I've been playing since classic, as a 27 year old, I know the profound deep hatred many have of rs3, myself included. Like reverse uno. Individuals should know exactly what a bad game is.

Just because they play RS3 it's not guaranteed they'll play OSRS. In fact I'm willing to bet if they see real bad reviews about RS3 & more great reviews about OSRS they will be more prone to try out OSRS anyway.It's like saying"Do not leave bad reviews for Windows Vista! It might turn off new PC users that may try Windows XP." If I did not know Windows Vista was awful I would've installed it instead of Windows XP once I received my 1st pc in 2007.

I supposed review bombs like these, if you have a Genuine review then I dont really have a problem, but if you just do"osrs awful, rs3 great" as your review, that doesnt help anybodyNot me some folks may, also im not saying its a fantastic game, im mentioning reviews like"osrs is better" or"dont play this play os" hurt both games.RS3 isn't even very bad. People keep trying to Buy Rs gold think it is still like the old Runescape in order that they compare it all the time. It is an almost completely different game, with the only real things staying the same would be the titles of things, areas, and individuals.Individuals should stop trashing a game they do not playwith. We already got OSRS out of this deal anyway. (

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