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There's a degree of OSRS gold inconsistency - Portal rodziców / Grupy / There's a degree of OSRS gold inconsistency
Kreator grupy
Kategoria: Ojcowie
Rodzaj grupy: Grupa publiczna (Pomoc)
Utworzono: 28 czerwca 2020
Lokalizacja: __, OSRS gold
Użytkownicy: 1
Krótko o grupie: OSRS gold
There's a degree of OSRS gold inconsistency within it, and some look amazing, although I mean look at RS3 the worst places of it have more contemporary images compared to OSRS.Repeatable quests, HD clients, once again hoping to push new skills, etc.. Questions regarding how polling content works specifically is frightful, given Jagex's current penchant for only forcing content that has failed multiple surveys through as integrity upgrades.

This poll provides me the vibes which you guys really need to be famous to your communicating with your community, and that you are well knowledgeable of the gaming world about you. Neither of these are especially correct.

Jagex"communicates" with their neighborhood over a number of other games, but not nearly the maximum, especially when you don't count polls that are crampacked filled with voting biasing issues, questions that shouldn't be inquired, and (what seems like) intentional misinformation or lack of crucial information required to make an informed decision.

I agree with about everything you said. It's true that OSRS's content usually come from BOTH Jagex and community. But we must not forget that Jagex by his very own is also capable of best old school runescape gold site fantastic surprise if given the chance ( consider the way Twisted League was awesome, and we didnt understood much about it prior to launch ) I think if all League content was polled beforehand, it would have been alot different and probably less exctiting and surprising.
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