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Astellia Online Asper MMOGO - Portal rodziców / Grupy / Astellia Online Asper MMOGO
Kreator grupy
Kategoria: Na wesoło
Rodzaj grupy: Grupa publiczna (Pomoc)
Utworzono: 30 października 2019
Lokalizacja: American Samoa, Astellia Online Asper MMOGO
Użytkownicy: 1
Krótko o grupie: You have to purchase to Astellia Online Asper
From what I've heard, there are things in the version of the game that you have to purchase to Astellia Online Asper use, and those sorts of things can be notable in PvP. That's quite typical of for Western audiences, and matches in that region. It doesn't seem like the idea followed the match over, which is one of the essential points of concern that I would normally be looking for.

That said, running the dungeons get expertise and to unlock stellas that you have is an integral component of the game and it will look like there'll be some type of firewall. It looks like your chance to run these dungeons would be limited and could be awakened with cash, although I didn't get far enough into the game to buy Astellia Online Asper experience itself, so I am not sure how this'll work. I'm not panicked about it since there's so much I do not know but it is one aspect of the game that I find worthy of keeping an eye on.

Western gamers do not like having parts of the game carved off supporting a cash store. There is a probability of it being perceived that way, if that is not exactly what the strategy is. The team in charge of porting the game over and the marketing team will have to be very careful about how they manage that understanding if that is not the direction they intend to go.

Based on what I saw, the match should not be far from release. It has been live in Korea or so the growth is relatively complete. There was a nine-month gap between launching for the game in Korea and the past beta, but that should not apply to the North American launch.
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