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Someone needed to wow classic gold - Portal rodziców / Grupy / Someone needed to wow classic gold
Kreator grupy
Kategoria: Ciąża
Rodzaj grupy: Grupa publiczna (Pomoc)
Utworzono: 18 kwietnia 2019
Lokalizacja: __,
Użytkownicy: 1
Krótko o grupie: wow classic gold

I say this as somebody who had been the raiding Ret Paladin in guild pre-1.9 in order the guild could obtain Kings, the 31pt Ret talent at that moment. Someone needed to wow classic gold get Kings, though, which was me. (The best raid healing talents were the first 14 in the tree pre 1.9)

When the revamp hit, there was zero reason behind the guild to need me to stay Ret despite the fact that it was a much more enjoyable spec to perform . Consequently, though I had been one of the inner circle, I used all of the aforementioned tactics (except beginning my own guild) to stay helpful to the guild.

I probably averaged 100 gold/week on respecs alone, spent my months because Holy, and was totally sure that I was never without appropriate buffs no matter what role I was playing. Then, the only reason they were completely okay with it was since I had spent a complete year in the worst Paladin spec, healing anyhow, just to facilitate guild progression.

As there are always"hybrid" course players around the outside looking in who don't know the amount of cheap wow classic gold time commitment and relative sacrifice it required to be one of"those" guys. A couple even joined the guild back then and eventually had to have"a talk" with guild leaders explaining why I"must be the Ret participant". One even had to eventually be removed for a bad attitude. It is extremely unlikely that you're gonna waltz to a guild that happily throws Avenger's gear and an Eye of Sulfuras at you.

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