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Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Rotten WingedSword Insignia
30 maja 202430 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
No.1 -Lord ofBlood'sExultation

Lord ofBlood'sExultationis the talismans what theWhite Maskisto armor.It just provides even Elden Ring Items moredamage this Talisman raises your attackpower by 20%for 20 seconds every timethere's blood loss.

No. 2 - Claw Talisman

TheClaw Talismanstacks with the RaptorsBlack feathersand it increases jump attack damage by15%.This is a great option forcurved swords andTwinblades which hit4times with the jumping L1.

No. 3 - Rotten WingedSword Insignia

TheRotten WingedSword Insignia is another greatoption for this setup because it raisesattack power with successive attacks by6,8,and then 13%and you'll be doing alot of successive attacks.

No. 4 - Dragoncrest Greatshield

Now before youget to thenewgameplus,wehighly recommendyour last Talisman sloppy theDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman which flatout reduces all incoming physical damageby 20%.That's the equivalent of having 20%more HP.

No. 5 -Millicent'sProsthesis

If you're a new game plusand you want to maximize the damage ofyourTwinbladeor curved sword build,you want to run Millicent'sProsthesisin your last Talisman slot.This raisesattack power's successive attacks by4, 6,and11%.But you'llneed to Elden Ring Items buy be a new game plus to get boththis and theRotten Winged.

TagiTagi: elden ring items 


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