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PvP Fishing and Gold Farming Guide in the New World
14 listopada 202314 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As New World players embark on their MMO journey, a seasoned adventurer is advocating for a unique strategy to dominate in both player versus player (PvP) combat and New World Gold farming - an unexpected hero emerges: the humble fisherman.

In the vast world of New World, players have various gathering skills at their disposal, each offering the potential to harvest higher-tier resources. While players can freely switch between these skills, a compelling case is being made for prioritizing the often-overlooked skill of fishing.

At first glance, fishing may not seem like the most direct path to success. However, this seasoned player argues that reaching Fishing max level 200 holds the key to late-game dominance, especially in wars and resource gathering. The revelation lies in legendary fish that can be transformed into fishing trophies, enhancing luck significantly when placed in a house with a high furnishing skill.

The significance becomes apparent when these legendary fish are used to create consumable foods at the kitchen, providing a substantial stat boost of [+40] for 30 minutes. With a high enough fishing level, players can reel in coveted catches like Abaia Serpe, Glowing Gunfish, Ray-Finned Barb, and more - ingredients for powerful consumables that can turn the tide in PvP battles.

Furthermore, the financial benefits of fishing are not to be underestimated. Selling in-demand fish at the trading post, along with residual items, can ensure a healthy gold reserve throughout the player's journey.

So, how does one swiftly ascend the ranks of the fishing elite? As with any MMO, persistence is key. Some players have achieved max fishing level in New World within approximately 36 hours, dedicating their entire playthrough to mastering the skill.

To expedite the process, BlakeGarrison62 recommends stockpiling Firefly bait and strategically utilizing their drop rate from farming bulrush. Identifying hotspots, particularly those where better fish spawn at night, is crucial. Players are advised to move systematically from one hotspot to another, maximizing their chances of catching valuable fish.

For those aiming for efficiency, it's crucial to note that a pole's Max Cast will relieve Tension more quickly. Therefore, investing in the best tier of fishing pole available is a wise decision.

In the vast new world, each player faces trials and tribulations, and strategic decisions become crucial. Fishing is an effective way. If you are tired of Farming work, then you can try to buy Cheap New World Coins from, which is a professional supplier with rich supply experience, 100% safe, fast delivery, 24/7 online service.

TagiTagi: cheap new world coins 


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