Within the first few hours after the playtest was made available the number of players peaked at over 100kplayers, which is awe-inspiring even for an early alpha. Whatever the case, this indicates that there are many new players joining Dark and Darker, so let's look at some strategies to help players to bridge the gap between themselves and the players who participated in earlier betas as fast as they can.
Similar to games of the past, crouching is again. It appears that the majority of games that has recently come out features an incline that, when pressed into the air, lets players add a bit of height from their leap. In Dark and Darker, this is how players get over objects to confuse NPC AI, jump over objects to stay clear of or quickly approach enemies or jumps they would not have.
It is crucial for players who are new to understand the concept of crouch-jumping and get comfortable with it as soon as is possible. Once it's a standard routine, players will have a wealth of advantages over players who do not use this technique. In addition, it allows players to guard their weak spot, which is their head by keeping their head away from their reach.
The most obvious and the most crucial tip to combat for newcomers are headshots. When fighting melee, using bows or even magic shooting NPCs and other players with headshots should always be a top priority. This isn't one of games in which headshots are only able to result in a tiny amount of damage. When playing Dark and Darker headshots basically deal double damage, therefore getting used to shooting for the head may improve combat in PvE and PvP a lot more effective all-around.
In games like this the statistics that players need to be paying attention to are fairly evident. It's usually things like intelligence, strength as well as constitution and even charisma. However when it comes to Dark and Darker, there's an interaction speed stat and it is of paramount significance. This number (which is dependent on an Agility stat) will DAD Gold determine how quickly the player interacts with, activates, or gets everything within Dark and Darker.