This game, developed in 2013 by the French programmer Julien Thiennot, is called Cookie Clicker because it requires players to, you guessed it, click on cookies. By clicking, the player gains cookies, which can be used to purchase supplies, which in turn are used to generate even more cookies, and so on.
The public's fascination with this hypnotic low-effort game has led to the inclusion of a number of cheats for those who, alas, do not have the time to engage in the cookie grind.
Cookie Clicker hacks are typed differently depending on your browser, so make sure you're using the right instructions for Chrome, Safari, or whichever browser you're using.
Here are all the Cookie Clicker cheats and how to use them, starting with links to jump right to the instruction you need. So, let's get to work making cookies with a little more help.
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