This is also the day that players need to make an important decision regarding their personal characters: to progress that character into their next level, the Burning Crusade and all the amazing "new" content, or to keep the character they have in what Blizzard calls"the "Classic Era", i.e. the version of WoW Classic players played to this point. If they login for the first time post pre-patch players will be prompted to decide the best option for them to either keep their character on their existing server, which will automatically be converted to Burning Crusade, or to move their character at no cost to a WoW Classic only server. The player isn't able to log in with their character until a choice on which version of the game to play has been made.
World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade reveals the Burning Crusade
There is, of course, a way to keep characters in both versions the game, but at the cost. Blizzard offers the option of character cloning (previously $35. reduced to $15 after player protests) meaning that players will have two copies identical to the characters.
The Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch period is much shorter than many players expected. Blizzard announced at its BlizzConline event earlier this year that players would have the opportunity to level up their characters, namely the brand-new Blood Elf and Draenei characters prior to the official launch of the expansion.
A majority of players assumed that this would be a 4 week pre-patch. That's typically the case with most pre-patch's of WoW's expansions through the years. But the Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch will only last two weeks that is frustrating more than some players who feel like they're not able to find the 100+ hours needed to get a character leveled within the timeframe of two weeks. It is possible to continue to level after the expansion is released on June 1 but they'll begin considerably behind players who are already at level 60 and ready to move on.
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