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The athletes themselves speak about their ratings NBA
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Are Jokic's back-to-back MVP accolades enough to allow him the advantage on Embiid in the latest version of the game? Discover the answer below.NBA 2K23 C ratings: Who are the highest-rated centers?Nikola Jokic as well as Joel Embiid are both tied among the second-highest rated players in the game at 95 overall . Karl-Anthony towns is the second-closest center with 89 overall.

This is the second consecutive year that 2K didn't pick between the two giants widely considered to be the best centers in the world. In the past, both were given 95 rating in 2K22.I feel like I'm eating from Ronnie 2K's hands right now. In the end, we're in the midst of offseason. With Kevin Durant pressing pause on the Brooklyn Nets' doomsday device in the past few weeks What else do we have to talk about?

Whatever it is, Madden, NHL, FIFA, MLB the Show, or any other major sports league video game, the publication of each athlete's scores always generates heated discussions. When you publicly rank all players in a particular team, it's natural for you to encounter a few crying fans, scorned rivals and feelings of snubbery.

The athletes themselves speak about their ratings occasionally to further the discussion. Durant has done so this week, and so did an old teammate from Klay Thompson. Both were not happy with their latest scores to not the least.It's my personal belief that game designers do this on purpose. They issue ratings that are just controversial enough to make the news without compromising the integrity of the game. In doing so, they create a buzz about their latest game, hoping that more people will buy it.

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