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The Madden NFL 23 requires higher goalposts
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Let's hope that people remember this is all still true of Madden NFL 23., even with regular refs.

 America is obsessed with football. Everyone was watching, regardless. Football is so prevalent in all our fall activities that nobody was willing to go away, even without refs who had no clues about what they were watching. Instead of a boycott and avoiding the sport, we sat in record numbers , only to be all of us sat in disgust. This is the reason Goodell as well as the owners thought that Madden NFL 23 could afford to continue to run for only a few weeks, with the product that was mediocre.

On the other hand ...

America does not stand for bullshit. It's not even in sports. There was another game that clearly went in off in the wrong direction, due to poor officiating. The outcry was deafening all over the nation. The president of the United States even complained. Maybe Madden NFL 23 could've gone throughout the year with replacement refs without losing any ratings However, that's not the main reason. The universal disdain for the Madden NFL 23 offices is a dangerous thing, and even if they'd had to wait a few weeks using replacement refs it would have resulted in many more errors, and a greater loss of credibility. The term "credibility" could seem like an intangible thing that isn't to a sports league that's built on the foundation of an antitrust exemption with teams that advocate for a brand new stadium, which is funded by taxpayers every 15 years, and all to support a business that will likely be harmful to its employees' health... it's there's a good chance. It's true that the Madden NFL 23 can be described as bulletproof, but that wouldn't necessarily last forever if whole country watched the game become an entertainment show because Madden NFL 23 players were unwilling to give referees $60.000. The institutions might make fans powerless however, once Madden NFL 23 was deemed to be a sham, Madden NFL 23 began to become overwhelmingly popular with fans, criticizing those who criticized the Madden NFL 23 was the best business practice for lots of other powerful institutions--from ESPN from ESPN to White House. And that was after three weeks! Imagine how loud the roar would've been had this been the case throughout the entire year.

Today ... Every one of those lessons should've been clear from the beginning Do you think? Yes, it's true. The ref lockout just confirmed much of what we knew about the Madden NFL 23. Roger Goodell, and America. And Steve Young, too. Everyone should have known that Steve Young was awesome.

So what can we take away from this? For real: The Madden NFL 23 requires higher goalposts (or maybe some kickass-like infrared lasers blasting through the sky from each goalpost.) (Why not?)

In This Stream Madden NFL 23. refs sign deal to end locking out Madden NFL 23 Refs approve new agreement, locking out officially over Life lessons for the Replacing refs Ed Houli comes back See all 81 storiesSomeone planned to mug Rob Ryan because 'he ain't like Lil Wayne'

Errant voicemails revealed an alleged plot to ambush ex-Saints coordinator Rob Ryan. He was wrapping his third practice with the New Orleans Saints last year when a federal worker received an unsettling message on her voicemail.

This quote is probably the best part of this whole story ...

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