This is pretty decent, however, you'll be out of inventory or time slots for the terrorbird before you get to this it seems like, Maybe there are only monks in the inventory, however it seems that the b2p can be used at around 80 defense. However, the RuneScape Gold terrorbird couldn't hurt I'd guess, just play with it.
It's extremely profitable to take down a foe, especially with falador shield 4. Instead, go with a terrorbird and make sure that it begins combat with the mole every single time. What will happen is that the terrorbird will start to move in the course of the mole, even in the event of digging, giving you a great idea which direction it is located.
The terrorbird also allows you to run infinitely (with the scrolls) which is a massive helm. If you're looking to range, use a general ran setup of Dragonhide , with a few Prayer or Defence bonuses mixed into (Helm of Nietiznot for instance). I'd suggest that diamond or ruby bolts (e) are the best to utilize. When you're fighting whip/chaotic and the claws/ddp. If you're meleeing, bring proselyte armor to keep prayers and use piety.
To fight, could guthans and a super set be effective? I was just at it with an arsenal set up (rune plate, granite shied, otherwise d hide) and it didnt hit all that often, so i thought that barrows gloves, guthans as well as some super sets would be extremely beneficial and increase my income faster as i would never use diamonds or food as much?
If you are in a safe area (using the tiny gap adjacent to the obelisk to ensure it won't even hit you until after it burrows) it won't require much food, if any. Guthan's method isn't likely to be efficient.
I recommend using broads/emerald (e) setup, start in the middle with the Emerald (e) to poison, then move to broads and finish the. Each kill is worth roughly 20k or less. I myself do 2 kills each run (using the eagle eye and prot melee at times) before returning to home port. recharge at altar, use fally portal, save and then return at the right time until the next kill to happen.
Hey. Everyone is different. What is the "correct" method of killing something? I would say, simply attack them with your finest weapons and gear while boosting! Although, I've not killed one. Make sure to eliminate what's hardest or what you dislike. Why keep a task which isn't efficient?
I'd cancel Black demons. Heard those are bad. Kalphites are swift and RS 2007 Gold will give you quick Slayer points. Not all slayers have experience, but nonetheless, it's a fast task.