Regarding the maps of the world, I am impressed by the work they did to RuneScape Gold complete the gaps. While there's always the possibility of improvement, eliminating the ugly lines around their edges has made the look much more rounded and more logical.
Next, take down some fences. While I haven't been to Al Kharid yet, I like the map's look. Also, the starter area could be amazing. Finally the shrinking of Draynor Manor in order to be more compatible with Scale Theory would improve the map.
Actually, I have an additional thought to add to the discussion. I would like the world map to be altered slightly to make Scale Theory either near-universally applied (on the mainland) or not. Draynor Manor measures the actual size of the manor. Draynor Village measures a fraction the size for a village. Clan Camp is way too big relative to Falador and is a bigger city. I'm certain there are others.
Expanding to the proper size in quests and consequently on the edge of the map is the only place that is logical. Either you have lots of space (forests that I mentioned earlier) or you don't. Draynor Manor, and Clan Camp are large-scale items that aren't able to fit into the already crowded F2P zone.
Runescape has faced five major criticisms in Buy OSRS Fire Cape the past, and these were not only by the Runescape community but as well from the gaming community. Graphics are horrible. The graphics have been improved in large part. The graphics are good for a browser game. Many scammers and hackers are involved. Jagex's hard work has made it idiot-proof, making areas out of the wilderness largely fixed.