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Begin your Lost Ark venture three days in front of different players
09 lipca 202209 lipca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
In the context of "both the parties" Park is presumably talking about Amazon and Smilegate which share publication rights for the game Lost Ark Gold. Park clarified the partnership between the two companies in explaining the reason Lost Ark isn't available in the Middle East or parts of Europe. In contrast to previous Amazon Games games like New World, the company is not the owner of Lost Ark.

Instead, it's a partnership to Korean publishing company Smilegate RPG, who own the intellectual property rights. Park stated that the deal does not grant Amazon the rights to publish Lost Ark globally, only in certain areas in Europe, Oceania, and the Americas. This makes it unclear if or when Lost Ark might arrive in new regions.

Another pertinent question is why it took so long it took Lost Ark to arrive in the West. It's true that the game's Korean release was in 2019, bit it only went international this year. Park was unable to provide an answer to the question of the reason Amazon did not approach Smilegate earlier, but did note that Amazon moved in the direction it did following the success of Lost Ark in the East.

He explains how entertainment is increasingly international in the form of Korean music, movies, and TV shows beginning to gain popularity throughout the West. According to Park the only thing that is expected of Korea is that Korean video games would be the same. Amazon appears to be the one that was simply the first American company to profit of Korea's gaming opportunities.

Amazon and Smilegate will "consider" Lost Ark console port

Amazon Games and Smilegate would "consider" an Xbox adaptation of Lost Ark, if fans desired it. According to VG247, Amazon Games' franchise lead Soomin Park was asked about whether the game will be ported to Xbox and Lost Ark Gold for sale PlayStation particularly following the huge success of the main competitor Diablo 3.

TagiTagi: p2pah lost ark gold 


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