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I was believing that Runescape ought to have the option to have a pet capacity
25 lutego 202225 lutego 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
It's a cost of 90,000 every 15 hours. It's less if you're working at home and actually have a medium-smithing level (50 in the case of Torag RS Gold, for example, will cost you 70k). Let's take a round and make it 100k exactly like we're going to round down the cost of Torag's 300k not 340k. 1,290 is the number of many hours of your time you'd have to be fighting with this (not only wearing it) before spending nearly as much on it you would with a dragon's platebody.

For reference, 200 hours would be a long time for acquiring a skill level of 99. This decreases when fighting. This isn't just a matter of wearing it. The statistics don't decrease slowly. They're excellent, but they end when they go between 25% and 0%.

I'm not sure why anyone should pay more for an inferior piece of armor based on the necessity of shelling out a small amount of money for every 15 hours of combat. Dragon platebodies' reason for being priced so high has nothing to do with the reason they are so expensive is that they are hard to get.

If not, I'll be buying an BGs, and then two claws along with any extra cash... Then the remaining cash is used for leveling mages, pray, summ or herby. Ndy: Got 90 Str today.. I wont be training on that for quite a while.. But not until I'm 85 def, and 90 atk. (From 90 and 80 respectively ..), and 70 and even veng l0l..

And by then I'd have a cr hopefully. I can afford Sarasword easy.. There are full torags along with full veracs for tank grind (full intake of three sharks OSRS Accounts, as well as rest of super sets and pots to pray over the offence..)

TagiTagi: rsorder gold 


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