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If the statement is about the activities of Runescape and activities
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He was certainly dead unless he faked The World Wakes' events by collaborating with Sliske, something I believe is impossible. Guthix was among the most powerful "normal" Gods. This was due to his exposure to Stone of Jas power RuneScape 2007 Gold, but it's reasonable to assume that he lost a lot of that power after many years of being isolated. Do not think that he was powerful enough to pull off such daring acts at the time.

He was not able to escape death in the same manner as Zaros. This is due to the fact that Zaros body was distinct from Guthix's. It's likely that Zaros, in an attempt to preserve his life, and to save it transformed his body into pure energy in order to escape death.

Guthix was not affected by this, you can be certain. Plus Gielinor experienced other effects that prove that he actually died, such as the divination craters believed to be caused by the Anima Mundi itself mourning for Guthix.

It is evident that there isn't any balance right now around the globe, and the world's events show this. Chaos is taking a beating. Balance in RuneScape is not a battle of evil and good. It is a battle between order or chaos OSRS Gold For Sale. Saradomin and Armadyl have already beaten each other in games, meaning that Order is ahead by two to one.

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