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NBA 2K20 MyTeam got back to Twitter to declare the appearance of new cards
10 września 202110 września 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Following the game, JBM to USABasketball stated that "there's not really any word to use" They were able to represent USA Basketball and also win the nailbiters NBA 2K MT, and fight against the odds after losing the first game.

The NBA 2K covers have each included at the very least one NBA player, beginning with Allen Iverson in the original NBA 2K. Contrary with the NBA Live series' cover artists The NBA 2K games include multiple cover players. Iverson was featured on the cover of the first five games, and Shaquille Oleal was featured back-to-back in NBA 2K6 and NBA 2K7. Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant have also been featured on numerous covers.

In 2010, NBA 2K11 became the first game in the series to have a retired player on the cover, specifically Michael Jordan. Jordan returned as the front-cover player of NBA 2K12, with limited edition Magic Johnson and Larry Bird covers being released. NBA 2K13 marks the first time that multiple players feature on the same cover including Blake Griffin, Kevin Durant and Derrick Rose appearing together.

NBA 2K14 had LeBron James as the cover model. NBA 2K15 had Kevin Durant, as well as NBA 2K16 had three covers with the stars James Harden Cheap NBA 2K22 MT, Stephen Curry and Anthony Davis. Each NBA 2K Game Of The 2010s, Ranked from Worst to Best.

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