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This is something that I've never heard of
25 października 202125 października 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The expansion I'm imagining is WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold a real war between horde and alliance fighting over neutral zones in order to take the control of Azeroth. While controlling a zone you can access more quests and flight paths. You can earn quests while attacking a particular zone to aid your faction in gaining control of the area. Instead of having to slay 10 raptors in order to reach the highest level, you can engage in the war. Once you've gained charge of a territory, you get new quests to keep the control in place, the zone is altered depending on the faction controlling it. Horde is controlling it? Alliance only has two outposts. It is required to move at a slow pace. World PVP with NPCs fighting each other , as well as players. Ressource transportation is secured for various zones, and defending them against the hostile faction.


The LocalDefense channel lets players communicate with each other as well as announce attacks by enemy forces on outposts/towns. Your faction may gain the resources gained from winning battlegrounds for the fight. Each neutral zone gets a new battleground. Alterac valley is winterspring and Warsong = barrens and so on. Be sure to quench for any bg's or zones that need your help. The war effort you put into it will enable you to purchase more powerful gear for any level, gain ranks for your faction and gain access to mounts/tabards, and even more gear. Your professions can be used to design items needed for war.


I'm sure there's more to add to this basic idea and several other aspects in vanilla that have made for an excellent foundation but have not yet seen a follow-up.


I'm aware that there are some flaws in this design which require some kind of solution, for example the difference in levels for the characters with max levels participating, fresh characters or faction imbalance. Just thinking about it helps me appreciate the potential WoW had, despite the fact that it was already a fantastic game.


This is something that I've never heard of , but I would love to learn more. I don't know what the process would be with the game it was based off. But I do have a good understanding of the beta development, which I've not yet read. Anyone have any suggestions for where I could learn more about this? Ty, Cheers


Imagine that you begin with a faction antagonistic to the faction of your race. Based on the way you fought other races and what quests you accomplished it is possible to gain or lose factions. Humans can form friendships with undead people and complete undead quests.

I would've loved something similar to that. For me, there's no better feeling than going outside with random encounters with fellow players. It's a bit odd to me that an mmo could go to such a great extent toward small groupings that buy wow TBC gold aren't part of the world.

TagiTagi: wow classic tbc gold 


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