If this all feels like a lot, that's because it is. There has been a downpour of changes to Covenants, even over the weekend as Blizzard makes a final tuning pass. But keep this in mind: Covenants are designed so you can use most of them for almost anything, over time. If you're not a progression raider or PvP player, you can safely pick whatever Covenant you like the look of without feeling hobbled.To get more news about buy WoW Classic Items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
Even if you're more attached to your damage and healing simulation results, you're probably safe choosing between the top couple of covenants in your sims. Tweaks and tuning are likely to still happen down the road, meaning that close calls now will probably be fine later no matter what you choose.
Swapping from one Covenant to another is easy. You'll have to do some catchup with the new Covenant, but the same mechanisms that help alts pick up more Renown with Covenants more quickly will apply to you, too. The only hitch you'll encounter is if you try to return to a Covenant you previously left. Based on interviews with the developers, that'll require you to do some questing and grinding to get back in their good graces. After that, you can pick up where you left off.