I have never played with any other pso game, therefore I am not certain how it compares, but it feels like they made Pso2 to be overly modularly instanced in the get go and such a system does not lend itself well to an incorporated linear storyline. It's weird though because they've scripted events occur inside quests, so it seems like they could have easily made Story Quests which take Expeditions and have them trigger cut scenes as you go through the map, just then call those Story Quests rather than having them all separated. Whatever the case, I absolutely hate the present system and it's actually slowed down my drama of pso2 as I am not interested in playing only for the purpose of leveling up my character, without the narrative being significant to the play I don't feel like there's a reason for my efforts.
Personally I also really dislike the writing, which makes it even harder to slog even though a menu driven story, but I feel like it'd still get me into Phantasy Star Online 2, even if I did not enjoy the writing, if it was integrated. Without some storyline cohesion everything feels like chores which serve no purpose in influencing the entire world. The Role Play aspect is made into background fodder. It's disappointing because originally I thought it was an intriguing world based on what I played at the beta, but I got beyond the guided part and it is only all menus and endless map conducts. It has really turned me off from trying any others.
It's standard of PSO2 it appears. The elderly Phantasy Star games have been traditional JRPGs (for the large part. The managed dungeons relatively uniquely for the time frame ), so if you are into such things they are reasonably enjoyable. And funny enough PSO1 did precisely what you're suggesting, which means that you may see why this implementation is bothersome when they already had it figured out. This was a measure that is weird for them considering it's original implementation, as parts of it was nearer to that. You would do a few meaningless Kill X Collect Y quests, and then it would"Unlock" a narrative scene which would then spawn on a level as a floating label that played the scene in question.
The biggest problem was that as you've seen, many of these scenes really are tiny, and not only were they separated by many"Missions" (Which had to be done so, one at a time, therefore fresh quests for each), but if you had multiple related scenes unlocked, Phantasy Star Online 2 only spawned one at a time. That means you'd have to select the mission to watch the next scene. Each of buy Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta the elements for creating a story exist in Phantasy Star Online 2 code.