Different log files are retrieved and retrieved.Database upkeep -- Certain tables can only be optimized when players no longer have read or write access to this database.Game server maintenance -- Shutting down and then restarting the game servers lets us prevent certain game latency conditions that collect if the servers aren't restarted regularly.Complete backup of game server data -- We've got a method for backing up all game data while the servers are up and running (without disrupting the game), but we also perform backups once the game servers are now offline.
Server operation updates -- The server application and game data are sometimes updated and replaced by a newer edition. Character transfers between servers. Deployment of patches available in the changelog. During maintenance, our testing staff verifies that developments and stains are functioning correctly. Even when these maintenance operations do not offer new in-game material or fixes visible to players, they enable us to make sure our databases and servers are working correctly.
As you may see, maintenance requires the involvement of many different groups; it is, therefore, preferable to do maintenance during working hours to ensure as many people as possible are available to respond to any issues that may arise. So, why Tuesday in particular? Just because if a problem occurs after an update or maintenance surgery, our teams can intervene during the upcoming few days. It should also be noted that Tuesday morning (French time) is when there is the least amount of activity in terms of players: There is more action in the evenings and evenings than in the first morning (French time). DOFUS being an international game, there are gamers connected at any time of the night or day.
These maintenance operations are declared on Twitter and about the forums, as a top statement on the main page. The"Server status" section allows you to have a follow-up on possible compensations or more info such as rollback to get example.Sometimes we can not declare it beforehand as it is a repair on a crucial bug which requires immediate intervention. We apologize in advance for any struggles cancelled or playtime missed during these processes, but this kind of maintenance is crucial for the game to buy Dofus Kamas operate correctly.