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1 thing about server capacity problems
30 maja 202030 maja 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I suppose that my point being that I believe ticks should still be OSRS gold around, and they don't will need to be quicker (the global cooldown on skills is faster than FF14 for example, though that game has lots of off-cooldown abilities you can use immediately.) But obviously RuneScape has heaps of separate tick rates going on at precisely the same time, so why don't uniform them better or remove a number of them completely in exchange for actual timers?


1 thing about server capacity problems,they are likely due to overpopulating hardware servers using servers. In essence, they are attempting to jam approach to much on their servers at a time. It is far cheaper for any data intensive organization to twist up virtual servers rather then having a physical hardware server for every single world. Over doing digital servers is quite common as companies attempt to obtain more customers without increasing prices. Option? This would need to be done before tick changes or other modifications to RuneScape that may demand server care.


This one I am curious about. Has anyone spoken about the technical aspect of the options Jagex has and this occurs? Jagex has spoken about Another two two themes I understand. The tick speed thing I do not expect whatsoever and may actually be a detriment to RuneScape reason being the tick process is a measurement to RuneScape similar to how 3D motion is a dimension to FPS games that said Jagex has demonstrated they've looked in to this if not broadly. UI design and scaling I believe I have seen addressed by Jagex and unlike tick speed I think we could realistically find this as it complements the development of rs mobile working in many different size of phone/tablet screens.


I mean it's quite probable that what the issue is that the responsiveness is inhabitants. If you're used to it being 0.6 seconds per tick even a very slight deviation from this will cause huge troubles. That is something people don't consider when they say"get rid of tick system" or the more knowledgeable"make quicker ticks" - if they triple the spotlight rate we'll find much more people based tick rate changes. Unless they buy servers that are far too much for running RuneScape 99% of their time. It comes down to cash, 99% of the time the servers aren't stressed and don't drop tick rate. Thus from jagex's standpoint it is not an issue, since fixing that will be throwing off 99 percent of the cash used to repair it.


I don't quite think about it the largest, although tick speed to buy RuneScape gold is unquestionably the issue. The biggest problems, I believe, are in the center gameplay: namely the controllers (both movement and combat). It makes movement sense clunky, and since both motion and targeting are performed through the mouse, so it makes moving through enemies and exact positioning more frustrating than it otherwise would be, and generally makes combat less fluid and more intuitive than I'd need it to be.

TagiTagi: runescape gold 


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