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That's off the top of my head btw
21 maja 202021 maja 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

People really should quit acting like ea provides a shit about CFM when money was brought by MUT they stopped. Career mode was the mode if you want my Mut 20 coins opinion. I miss that. You mean you don't love when your 95 total QB at a clean pocket misses the large open receiver operating an In Route only to sail it 15-20 yards overhead RIGHT into where the security is standing completely flatfooted?


Really my favorite glitch is if a CB takes the perfect angle to select the ball but just won't jump and lets the ball sail over his head into an open recipient who can run for a 40 yard gain.I meant more you tap into a receiver running a wheel/crossing route to the side-line (let's say left), his arm cries to the left, nevertheless the ball moves directly right to a defender.


Everything you said tho, yet another couple pieces to the 10000 piece glitch/legit game-issues puzzle. Where your recipient is not covered by any one I really like, but curls will not work. Or chunk"rebounding" on a players mind. Or players performing the same animation. Or players running via a wall. If does not glitch or franchise media complete ineptitude. Or defenders right doing nothing, watching a ball sail to defender 1yd over them away, then moss the handle.

Speaking of tackles about these flips. Or having all receivers have the same icon. Or franchise style essentially freezing mid-game. Or choosing a slide when QB fumbles and dives. Or throwing a goalline fade. Or if your"slightly tired" RB becomes damaged. Or when injuries are the same injuries for each and every participant. When trades together with the CPU make no fucking sense. Or when using any participant that's under the fuckery along with 80 the AI decides to perform on the field. Or the pop-up ads for MUT. Or the punt/FG that is scripted blocks. Or the scripted plays generally (in football nothing ought to be scripted). Or the recovery, stumble.


That's off the top of my head btw. I feel as though I could continue but that has gotten long. I'd LOVE if someone composed all the glitches issues with Madden one. Most of these issues, I have had since at least Madden 12 (that is more because of memory compared to Madden). I went to it on 4th & 3 got it and they said my receiver was outside. I challenged it and won, so rather than getting my first it down was another and 3. The opposing player stepped backwards out of bounds to buy Madden 20 coins and caught it and it gave them the ball at the 35 rather than the 25.


I feel as if I spend an unhealthy quantity of time lol. The only other one I get angry about that you did not mention is if you snap the ball and can not throw the ball away or into a receiver because border player or the DL come around untouched and kills your QB. And when Madden is screwing you it can occur 2-3 plays at a roll. Along with your QB requires 10 minutes to throw the ball into your WR or away.

TagiTagi: nfl coins 


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