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02 grudnia 202002 grudnia 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

mt nba 2k21 already confirmed they will be using the activities feature to put challenges for players to complete every season that seems very fun and unique tbh.


I believe developers will use the activities from the ps5 to make some unique and fun content for ps5 owners to appreciate which makes the game feel unique to the ps5 platform.I will need to wait and see the future for myself before I say it's good or not cuz right now honestly it sounds sort of useless to me.


I don't really get it. It does not look like they actually do anything. I had much rather just get a trophy or an online game battle for xp. The cards and activities seem like they were designed by somebody at a hackathon in 48 hours with no sleep.


In the UI revealthe dude was like"and here is how easy it is to join someone's match" while actually scrolling directly through like 15 additional cards It only seemed like getting a phone notification, but having like buy nba 2k21 mt a month's worth of previous alarms uncleared I completely agree I truly hope that there is at least a way to organise the cards so you don't have to scroll through the 15+ cards about the game until you can get to what you desire. I really like the alarms simply because of how fast you can access them compared to ps4.


Growing the gaming community is a plus in my book.


Besides these features are optional so we do not need to use them when we would like to select a collectathon with no spoilers.

TagiTagi: nba 2k21 
06 marca 201906 marca 2019 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
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