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27 lipca 202427 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Corrections has quietly removed all cellphone jammers from prisons.

The technology, introduced in 2008-09 to prevent inmates using smuggled mobile phones, has cost more than $17 million.

But signal blocker have not been in use since June after being found to interfere with new prison guard safety systems.

When announcing their introduction, then Corrections Minister Phil Goff said cellphone blocking in New Zealand prisons was a major step forward that will stop prisoners committing further offences while behind bars.

Stuff recently obtained details under the Official Information Act about the number of cellphones seized from the 18 prisons run by Corrections over the past three years.

There were 626 cellphones and more than 750 cellphone-related items (such as batteries, chargers, SIM cards etc) found by Corrections staff between January 2023 and November this year.

When asked why inmates would be smuggling cellphones when the prison's had the mobile signal jammer that should render them useless, Corrections chief custodial officer Neil Beales said the cellphone jammers were removed in June.

The jammers had been found to interfere with new safety systems such as Corrections officer safety alarms, he said.

Advances in cellular technology had also resulted in jammers becoming "increasingly obsolete".

It was "only one of a number of tools used to stop cellphones being used in prisons" and a number of "more effective tools" remain in place, Beales said.

These include Cellsense devices, which detect a range of metals found in cellphones, alongside screening and x-ray capability as well as detection dogs.

"Some people in prison go to extreme and elaborate lengths to introduce contraband into prisons, and we are constantly working to stay one step ahead of new methods used to introduce contraband into our prisons," Beale said.

Corrections was looking at new and emerging technology to complement systems already in place, he said, and had started introducing the use of full body imaging technology at a number of sites to detect contraband that has been concealed on or in a person's body.

In 2018 Corrections admitted cellphone jamming technology created a communications blind spot near Rimutaka Prison, meaning residents of a child sex offender unit outside the wire could not be tracked on-site at the facility.

Cellphones could be used by inmates to put pressure on others outside the wire, or to co-ordinate drug deals, and other offending. In May this year nine prison staff at Rimutaka were suspended for alleged misconduct, including the smuggling of cellphones into the prison.

Drug and alcohol counsellor and criminologist Roger Brooking, who has been critical of the spending on jammers from the outset, said it was not surprising that Corrections had ditched the technology.

"They don't work. They never have worked," he said.

"What prisoners have told me is that they have always managed to find areas within the prisons where the jammer just doesn't seem to operate. So prisoners have been able to continue making cellphone calls to conduct drug deals, talk to family or whatever."

TagiTagi: cellphone 
26 lipca 202426 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Signal jammers are very popular in many countries, and in the United States, a world economic power, the demand for cell phone jammer and other jammers is increasing. Jammers bought signal blocking devices. is a professional manufacturer and distributor. for providing security and protection measures for key industries in the American market.

We are well aware that there are many effective and most important professional VCRS on the market. But as long as we are in such a vulnerable position, there is a digital card in the form of a digital recorder that we constantly investigate and recommend to the best surveillance agencies in Italy and abroad. The recorder card not only has the aesthetics for the given task, but also the ability to start high-quality recordings thanks to many interesting features that we will list below.

I may be a little exaggerated, but there are some problems in the business world that can have real consequences. In fact, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to be intercepted by unauthorized persons, such as people who spy on competitors or business partners, politicians in campaigns, production supervisors who steal trade secrets, military or government control. Therefore, be aware that in hidden locations, the sound between bits and data remains on the ether and can even be eavesdropped!

This means that we must not only know where we are, but also where we are going. Satellite systems always know where we are. Also note that when you use the, the may use this information to harm us. Therefore, it may make it difficult to track down people who want to join private companies (oh, marital infidelity...) or people who work for multiple companies on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce but don't want to know. These two addresses are for customers. The other end, or more simply, is a truck driver who wants to drive for a long time to take a nap. It can also be used in cars equipped with 4G cellular signal jammers. Equipped with the latest SMD components and integrated circuits, the phone has advanced anti-interference functions, is easy to install and use, and can work continuously for a long time. Be careful to choose the correct position of the shield and avoid rotation.


Jammer fills holes in communication equipment

If you think it's expensive, a GSM-compatible car anti-theft system can make your car 100% safe from all kinds of thieves and kidnappers and give you a variety of options for controlling your car. I may be wrong. Of course, a smartphone or a simple mobile phone can be used as a remote control for a car alarm, but don't forget that these modern smartphones are vulnerable to all kinds of hackers and attacks. Therefore, using a mobile device as a remote control for a car alarm is not the best idea. However, there are some advantages to the GSM car anti-theft system. First of all, all the code-catching jammers used to hijack vehicles are completely inoperable. You can also start the engine remotely. This is very useful if you park your car outside in the winter.

However, there are some fairly old and well-known methods to bypass these GSM alarms. First of all, one of the most effective devices is a device that can fake a cell phone tower. These handheld jammers have recently been used by US authorities for persecution purposes. That is, these devices pretend to be cell towers, making all GSM devices think they are connected to a cell tower and all traffic is routed through the gadget. Using this gadget affects GSM alarms.

Another point to consider when dealing with such alarms is that you cannot use a GSM blocker. This alarm will also not work if someone nearby is using a cell phone signal jammer. No one can lock or unlock it. However, considering the recent research of Don Bailey and Matthew Solnic, this feature can be considered a good security measure. I will start with a device that I recently developed. The code can be deciphered by decoding the encryption algorithm of the GSM alarm. Security experts have calculated that the cost of building such a device could be as low as $5,000. But now it gets worse. I have already mentioned Don Bailey and Matthew Solnic. A security vulnerability was found in the GSM communication protocol.

Even modern GSM alarms with two-way communication and interactive codes are vulnerable to this vulnerability. A malicious individual with technical knowledge can access the vehicle through such alarms and even start the engine remotely. All you need to do is send a specific SMS to the alarm with the code for the desired action. The same functionality works with various smartphone apps for car remote controls. Don Bailey and Matthew Solnic conducted many tests to discover this vulnerability. "Just connect your laptop to a GSM network that supports M2M (Machine to Machine) technology. This system allows devices to exchange data over the GSM network. Once connected to the network, you will be connected to the same GSM network. You will be able to connect now that you have found a way to send commands such as "turn off the alarm" and "start the engine".




25 lipca 202425 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Dear customers, are you still worried about the safety of traffic 5G mobile phone GPS jammers?

Here are some questions raised by our UK customers, and we have summarized them into FAQs to reply to everyone.

1. Please tell me - what will you write on the document to send the product to me in the UK? If it says jammer, it will go into a black hole and cannot be delivered. So what will you write on the document to pass customs smoothly, such as,

Generally, we will write the product names such as signal amplifiers, routers, etc., but not the name of the signal jammer.

2. I need to know which products I will get - portable GPS car alarm, WiFi handheld portable 5G jammer and portable jammer detector? Please confirm that all products can be used in the UK?

WIFI and GPS signals are universal worldwide; and the mobile phone signals in each country are different, so we will customize the corresponding frequency according to your receiving country.

How to choose a 4G jammer for your local network?

  1. What is the difference between 4G and 4G LTE?

  2. 4G LET (3.9G) is not a real 4G network! 4G LTE was proposed by the 3gpp organization in response to the emergence of WiMAX. The latest LTE-Advanced released by 3gpp is the full name of 4G technology.

  3. What is the difference between WiMAX and LTE?

1) The WiMAX standard is set by IEEE, and the LTE standard is set by 3GPP. The above two points have different basic protocols, but it is said that smooth interoperability will be achieved over time.

2) The goal of WiMAX is to achieve broadband mobility, and its predecessor is WLAN (WiMAX has an advantage in speed and a disadvantage in mobility). The goal of LTE is to achieve broadband mobile communications, and its predecessors are GSM\WCDMA\HSPA (LTE has an advantage in mobility and a disadvantage in speed).

The final rate results are similar!

  • In the current design specifications, WiMAX is not yet compatible with LTE, but LTE is compatible with WiMAX.

  • In many countries, LTE, WiMAX, HSPA+, 3G UMTS, GSM networks coexist!

We customize the jammer signal according to the customer's local frequency, other shops send the same jammers all over the world with poor shielding effect!!

TagiTagi: jammers safely 
24 lipca 202424 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Marine Corps is on the hunt for electronic warfare attachments, "buckshot-like" ammunition, and advanced optics for its standard-issue rifle to help dismounted troops track and defeat incoming drones, according to a recent announcement from the service.

The notice seeking sources, published July 15 by Marine Corps Systems Command, details plans to field several new attachments to troops at the squad and platoon level to mount on their M27 Infantry Automatic Rifles in order to "support 'every' Marine's ability to conduct self-defense against threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS [unmanned aerial systems]," drones that weigh 20 pounds or less and between 21 and 55 pounds, respectively.

Those attachments include a "directional RF [radio frequency] and/or Global Positioning System gps jammer" designed to interfere with the signals drones use to communicate

Rather than have dismounted troops to rely on bulky and unwieldy stand-alone hand-held, counter-drone jammer, the emphasis on mounting these new attachments on an "organic" (read: essential) rifle reflects a need for systems that have "little to no impact on [Marines'] primary mission," as the notice puts it.

For the advanced rifle optics, the most likely candidate for Marines is the SMASH 2000L fire control system from Israeli defense contractor SmartShooter, which allows troops to "lock on" to an incoming drone target for a "guaranteed hit." The Marine Corps has been testing the system since 2021 but has yet to field it across the broader close-combat force.

The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab "has provided a limited quantity of the [SmartShooter] SMASH 2000L optics to a small number of Marine Corps units for experimentation," a battle lab spokesperson told "The optic has not been provided by the program office for use in Marine Corps training, nor has it been provided to deployed units."

For the average grunt, it's unclear how much weight these new devices will add to their rifle and, in turn, how that might affect its use on the battlefield.

The M27 weighs 9.8 pounds loaded with a 30-round STANAG magazine and outfitted with a sling. The addition of the Corps' new Squad Common Optic (2 pounds), a rail-mounted AN/PEQ-16 laser illuminator (9.9 ounces), and a standard Knights Armament suppressor (1.4 pounds) results in a 13.8-pound weapon -- just under the weight of the noticeably heavy XM7 Next Generation Squad Weapon rifle the Army recently started fielding.

Beyond these rifle add-ons, the Corps is also searching for "enhanced ammunition for existing firearms," namely "buckshot-like" rounds for the service's arsenal of rifles chambered in 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm, such as the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System, as well as for its M2 .50-caliber machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers.

Details about the new ammunition were not immediately available, but as recently as April Marines have engaged in counter-drone training with shotguns, alongside other "direct fire" weapons such as rifles and machine guns.

A Marine Corps Systems Command spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

Conventional militaries and non-state actors have increasingly menaced U.S. and allied forces with low-cost, weaponized drones in recent years, a development that had previously prompted Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., the former head of U.S. Central Command, to dub them the most dangerous threat to American forces in the Middle East since the advent of the improvised explosive device at the dawn of the Global War on Terror.

While the Marine Corps is working overtime to field several vehicle-mounted counter-drone solutions such as the vehicle-mounted Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, or L-MADIS, the new push to equip grunts with easy-to-carry systems is part of the service's broader effort to make every Marine a drone defender at a time when some units are currently deploying to geopolitical hot spots such as the Indo-Pacific without such capabiilties.

"Every unit down to the individual Marine, regardless of geographic location on the battlefield, is vulnerable to reconnaissance and, more dangerously, attack from threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS," according to the notice. "To facilitate freedom of movement, Marines require the ability to conduct self-defense against the threat."

TagiTagi: fight drones 
24 lipca 202424 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Marine Corps is on the hunt for electronic warfare attachments, "buckshot-like" ammunition, and advanced optics for its standard-issue rifle to help dismounted troops track and defeat incoming drones, according to a recent announcement from the service.

The notice seeking sources, published July 15 by Marine Corps Systems Command, details plans to field several new attachments to troops at the squad and platoon level to mount on their M27 Infantry Automatic Rifles in order to "support 'every' Marine's ability to conduct self-defense against threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS [unmanned aerial systems]," drones that weigh 20 pounds or less and between 21 and 55 pounds, respectively.

Those attachments include a "directional RF [radio frequency] and/or Global Positioning System gps jammer" designed to interfere with the signals drones use to communicate

Rather than have dismounted troops to rely on bulky and unwieldy stand-alone hand-held, counter-drone jammer, the emphasis on mounting these new attachments on an "organic" (read: essential) rifle reflects a need for systems that have "little to no impact on [Marines'] primary mission," as the notice puts it.

For the advanced rifle optics, the most likely candidate for Marines is the SMASH 2000L fire control system from Israeli defense contractor SmartShooter, which allows troops to "lock on" to an incoming drone target for a "guaranteed hit." The Marine Corps has been testing the system since 2021 but has yet to field it across the broader close-combat force.

The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab "has provided a limited quantity of the [SmartShooter] SMASH 2000L optics to a small number of Marine Corps units for experimentation," a battle lab spokesperson told "The optic has not been provided by the program office for use in Marine Corps training, nor has it been provided to deployed units."

For the average grunt, it's unclear how much weight these new devices will add to their rifle and, in turn, how that might affect its use on the battlefield.

The M27 weighs 9.8 pounds loaded with a 30-round STANAG magazine and outfitted with a sling. The addition of the Corps' new Squad Common Optic (2 pounds), a rail-mounted AN/PEQ-16 laser illuminator (9.9 ounces), and a standard Knights Armament suppressor (1.4 pounds) results in a 13.8-pound weapon -- just under the weight of the noticeably heavy XM7 Next Generation Squad Weapon rifle the Army recently started fielding.

Beyond these rifle add-ons, the Corps is also searching for "enhanced ammunition for existing firearms," namely "buckshot-like" rounds for the service's arsenal of rifles chambered in 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm, such as the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System, as well as for its M2 .50-caliber machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers.

Details about the new ammunition were not immediately available, but as recently as April Marines have engaged in counter-drone training with shotguns, alongside other "direct fire" weapons such as rifles and machine guns.

A Marine Corps Systems Command spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

Conventional militaries and non-state actors have increasingly menaced U.S. and allied forces with low-cost, weaponized drones in recent years, a development that had previously prompted Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., the former head of U.S. Central Command, to dub them the most dangerous threat to American forces in the Middle East since the advent of the improvised explosive device at the dawn of the Global War on Terror.

While the Marine Corps is working overtime to field several vehicle-mounted counter-drone solutions such as the vehicle-mounted Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System, or L-MADIS, the new push to equip grunts with easy-to-carry systems is part of the service's broader effort to make every Marine a drone defender at a time when some units are currently deploying to geopolitical hot spots such as the Indo-Pacific without such capabiilties.

"Every unit down to the individual Marine, regardless of geographic location on the battlefield, is vulnerable to reconnaissance and, more dangerously, attack from threat Groups 1 and 2 small UAS," according to the notice. "To facilitate freedom of movement, Marines require the ability to conduct self-defense against the threat."

TagiTagi: fight drones 
23 lipca 202423 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Detecting the presence of a cell phone blocker can be challenging, but there are several signs and methods that can help you determine if one is being used:

Signs of a Cell Phone Jammer

  1. Sudden Signal Loss:

    If your cell phone suddenly loses signal in an area where you normally have good reception, it could be an indication of a jammer.

  2. No Signal Across Multiple Devices:

    If multiple devices from different carriers lose signal simultaneously, it may suggest the presence of a jammer.

  3. Static or No Service:

    Interference in calls, such as static noise, dropped calls, or complete loss of service without a clear reason

  4. GPS Disruption:

    Difficulty in accessing GPS services, as jammers can also interfere with GPS signals.


Methods to Detect a Jammer

  1. Check Signal Strength:

    Use your phone's signal strength indicator to see if it drops suddenly without moving from your location.

  2. Use an RF Detector:

    Radio Frequency (RF) detectors can be used to identify the presence of strong interference signals in the frequency bands used by cell phones.

  3. Monitor Network Behavior:

    Observe if there are patterns to the signal loss (e.g., specific times of day or locations), which could indicate intentional jamming.

  4. Consult Your Carrier:

    Contact your mobile service provider to check for network issues or outages. If none are reported, jamming might be the cause.

  5. Test with Different Carriers:

    Use devices from different carriers to see if they all experience the same issue simultaneously. This can help confirm if the disruption is widespread and not carrier-specific.

  6. Legal and Safety Considerations Legality:

    The use of cell phone jammers is illegal in many countries because they interfere with essential communication services.

    Report to Authorities: If you suspect that a signal jammers is being used, it is important to report it to the appropriate authorities (e.g., FCC in the United States) as they can investigate and take action.

    Safety: Cell phone jammers can prevent emergency calls, so identifying and stopping their use is crucial for public safety.


TagiTagi: mobile 
19 lipca 202419 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Handheld jammers are more popular than desktop jammers because they are easier to carry and can be used anywhere. You just need to fully charge it. We shop to make it easier for customers. We provide on-board charging equipment, which can guarantee that your signal blocker will be delivered anywhere, and any local charging point provides a cigarette lighter socket, which continuously jams the signal.

We look forward to your visit, it has been proven to be very effective in micro-managing untrustworthy employees or betrayed couples. The most common is consumption within the office. However, its application in the field of audio surveillance is almost unlimited. You don't have to make your or someone else's desk look beautiful either. RECCARD items also have no problem with wallets or folder pages, because they have a microphone that can capture any type of sound, adapt to different audio signals and play the sound. Recording.


Not only is the anti-shielding phone an ordinary GSM phone designed to protect users from physical interception by the site. Not only that. It also allows users to send and receive encrypted text messages between two or more invisible phones, thoroughly protecting the user's mobile phone privacy from infringement. Taking all this into account, it is not surprising that such a powerful mobile phone has quickly become the security standard for commercial, military, political or civilian telephone communications.


On the other hand, which smart device will notify you in time to prevent interception attempts on the Bud?

Of course, these interference waves do not harm human health or navigation systems, but simply prevent interaction with satellites. Thanks to this system, you can enjoy a little "calmness" that is not always available, not always required to be connected, always visible and never free. Eventually I wrote a wireless portable mobile jammers. If you think you are being followed, I think it is better to consider whether you are suspicious. It simply turns off the wireless signal of the mobile phone, and you can use it without affecting the signals and transceivers of other devices. It is a convenient and safe WiFi communication interference, and the output can be adjusted.

Mobile Blocker allows you to disable mobile devices in the classroom and focus on your lessons. I use my mobile phone for a long time, so I need a high-power wireless module. It may interfere with important wireless communications, such as wireless communications.

To ensure the blocking effect and long-term stable operation, strong electromagnetic environments should be avoided. When the portable jammer is not in use, the power should be turned off for a while. When used outdoors, it is important to be waterproof. Do not disassemble the antenna when the jammer is working, otherwise it will affect the shielding effect. The actual shielding range may vary depending on the place of use. The effective enclosed area is a circular area centered on this area.

In the rapid development of the Internet, various resources on the Internet have provided us with great convenience, but there are also some dangers while enjoying these conveniences. It is easy to buy various high-tech mobile electronic devices on the Internet. With the prevalence of bad network culture, network fraud has become a worrying problem. Many people may have experienced network fraud, which has led to distrust of online stores.

Nowadays, most middle school and college students have their own mobile devices, and we are now in the era of mobile Internet. High-tech communication equipment enables us to understand and deepen our understanding of the outside world, and also increases the convenience of communication contact. This is the problem, so you may need a mobile phone jammer. This is a useful tool. But sometimes they also get into trouble with others. I shouted to observe etiquette, but I didn't do it thoroughly enough. Mobile phone signal interference can solve this problem. Shielding must be guaranteed during installation. This is a widely used portable jammer. It is very suitable for offices and shops. It is used in theaters, hospitals, military areas and areas where mobile phones are prohibited.



TagiTagi: than desktop jammers 
18 lipca 202418 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phones have become an essential part of modern life. Not necessary anymore, but necessary. Landline connections are old, there are more mobile phones than ever before, and that number continues to grow every day as new models and types continue to appear. It is estimated that there are 7.22 billion mobile phones and 7.19 billion people in the world. The large number of mobile phones and their widespread use means that there are many unwanted calls. There are various ways to deal with these unwanted calls. One of the most common methods is to put your phone on silent or vibrate. But this is where cell phone jammers come into play by far. They provide an effective barrier

Blocking one caller at a time is annoying and time-consuming. However, you can use a cell phone jammer to block all incoming calls at the same time. This may seem like a complicated process to many people, but it is actually very simple. Cell phone jammers emit signals at the same frequency as cell phone signals. The jammer then sends that signal out to the entire world. If successful, your phone will no longer receive a signal in a specific location.

There are several reasons why people choose portable jammers. For example, business owners can block employee cell phone signals so that they do not interfere with work or distract during important meetings. Jammers can also block a cell phone from sending outgoing messages. Humans can use jammers as a security measure to prevent sensitive information from leaking. It is also used to block traffic lights to prevent terrorist attacks. Another reason I like jammers is that instead of receiving a "phone is off" message, I get a "service is down" message. This means that callers cannot reach the owner of the phone.

To understand the process, you need to understand your cell phone signal. Your cell phone sends signals to cell towers near your location. Cell towers share the workload by focusing on certain areas. During your journey, your phone sends signals to every tower along the way. Jammers transmit radio frequencies to the same tower and override the phone signal. The signal from the phone and the signal from the jamming device collide, cutting off the communication between the cell tower and the phone.

Cell phone jammers are reliable and useful because some of the most advanced law enforcement agencies in the world use them. For more information, see Signal Jammers. They have been successfully used in many counter-terrorism operations to disrupt communications between explosives and cell phones. Law enforcement agencies also use them to block communications between criminals. Civilians also use them to block nuisance calls. Places such as government offices, conference venues, hospitals, libraries, schools and theaters also need to be silenced, which makes cell phone jammers an important tool.

The demand for jamming devices is increasing

Signal jammers are very popular in many countries, and in the United States, a world economic power, the demand for cell phone jammers and other jammers is increasing. Jammers buy signal blocking devices. is a professional manufacturer and distributor. for providing security and protection measures for key industries in the American market. Here is our sales diary for the month of August, recording the most popular signal jamming devices and other related items in the United States.

We are well aware that there are many effective and most important professional VCRS on the market. But as long as we are in such a vulnerable position, there is a digital card in the form of a digital recorder that we constantly investigate and recommend to the best surveillance agencies in Italy and abroad. The recorder card not only has the aesthetics of a given task, but also the ability to start a high-quality recording, thanks to many interesting features that we will list below.

I may be exaggerating a bit, but there are some problems in the business world that can have real consequences. In fact, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to be intercepted by unauthorized persons, such as people who spy on competitors or business partners, politicians in campaigns, production executives who steal trade secrets, military or government control. Therefore, please note that in hidden locations, the sound between bits and data remains on the ether and may even be intercepted by eavesdroppers!

This means that we not only know where we are, but we must also reach our destination. The satellite system always knows where we are. If you use Observer, please also note that Observer may use this information to harm us. Therefore, it may make it difficult to track those who want to join private companies (oh, marital infidelity...) or those who work for multiple companies on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce but do not want to know. These two addresses are for customers. The other end, or more simply, is a truck driver who wants to take a nap after a long drive. It can also be used in cars equipped with 4G cellular signal jammers. Equipped with the latest SMD components and integrated circuits, with advanced anti-interference functions that are easy to install and use, the mobile phone can work continuously for a long time. Please carefully choose the correct position of the shield and avoid rotation.

TagiTagi: cell phone 
17 lipca 202417 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you already know what a jammer is, it turns out that one of the latest technology models is much better than the previous ones, and we will tell you why. First of all, many people are forced to buy various jamming devices according to their needs. This means that you may need to buy items such as cell phone jammers, GPS blockers, and remote control jammers. If you are wondering how to proceed, we will try to inform you.

Imagine the following situation. You are sitting in a nice restaurant and you want to interrupt your cell phone signal because jammers keep talking about their problems and don't want to stop doing it. In this case, a cell phone jammer is needed. Later, you think that you are being followed and don't want to allow this to happen. In this case, you will need a portable jammer.

Even if you have the financial ability to buy all these devices, be aware that it is not very convenient to carry them. This means that you should also look for a comfortable and affordable device. Now, this is where the combination jammer comes into play. There are many models, and of course, if you are looking for the right one, you will be able to find a device that will meet your needs.

The first thing to know is that the price may be slightly lower than what all these jammers cost if purchased separately, but all you have to do is know that it is much more comfortable. In addition, some newer and more expensive models offer the option of blocking two or three frequencies at the same time. I think this is great. There is a signal blocker that can block all 10 frequencies.

But nothing is perfect. Let me tell you, the more often you block, the faster your battery will discharge. So if you are looking for a portable universal frequency blocker, pay attention to the battery specifications because you don't want a signal blocker that you need to charge every 30 minutes. Also, look for an adapter for your lighter so that you can charge your device in the car.

We hope to help you and also want to let you know that there are a lot of people who can definitely answer all your questions. You should also know that there is a dedicated website. It's better to know how to get there and ask the right questions.



TagiTagi: more signals jammer blocks 
16 lipca 202416 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

With the rapid economic development of modern society, the phone has become a very important tool for us. A young woman in the United States conducted such an experiment: not using a mobile phone for a week. You might think that the girl will definitely go crazy in the end, but the result is surprising. This young person without a mobile phone lives a healthy and happy life. Because she has more time to study, accompany her family, and do things she has always wanted to do but has not done. There is a new tool in life, a mobile phone jammer, which can block all mobile phone signals around you.


Specializing in radio signal jamming systems, we have developed improvised explosive devices and radio jammers that can be carried like backpacks, as well as jamming systems that can be thrown into closed spaces like grenades. Today, with the increase in people's needs, portable signal jammers have occupied the vast majority of all jammer markets. It is small in size, light in weight, and comfortable to carry.

GPS jammers can be used for a variety of applications: hiding, changing or blurring the location signal of a GPS device; hiding the location of a device or vehicle; preventing mobile devices from making or receiving calls, text messages or emails, etc. Many devices with damaged GPS will also interfere with each other. Mobile phone signals.

On December 19, 2018, the London Gwywick Airport Hub was attacked by a drone. The entire airport was closed for more than 18 hours, the airport runway was closed, and 120,000 passengers on 760 flights were affected. In recent years, with the emergence of drones, it has become a "black hand" that repeatedly breaks into cleared areas and endangers flight safety. In order to control the "black fly", it is necessary not only to increase patrol inspections of no-fly zones, but also to use a number of high-tech means, among which the use of drone jammers is one of the most important measures.

The drones on the market now are basically the following frequency bands: 2.4G, 5.1G, 5.8G, GPS, etc., so pay attention to the relevant parameters when purchasing. They are well received by many users. You can choose according to your needs. Welcome to order!

TagiTagi: jammers 
15 lipca 202415 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Estonia has accused neighbouring Russia of jamming GPS navigation devices in airspace above the Baltic states, echoing concerns from airlines that say they have been contending with such interference for months.

Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna's accusation, for which he provided no proof, followed Finnair's (FIA1S.HE), opens new tab decision to pause flights to Tartu in eastern Estonia for one month due to GPS disturbances. The Kremlin did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

There have been reports of a rise in GPS interference around the world, particularly since last year, raising fears of an increased risk of accidents if planes veer off-course.

what Is Gps Jamming and Spoofing?

GPS, short for Global Positioning System, is a network of satellites and receiving devices used for positioning, navigation and timing on Earth in everything from ships and planes to cars.

GPS is one of the more important navigation tools in aviation, which has replaced expensive ground devices that would transmit radio beams to guide planes towards landing.

However, it is also fairly easy using store-bought tools to block or distort GPS signals and militaries have invested in technology that can do so.

GPS jamming uses a frequency transmitting device to block or interfere with radio communications, usually by broadcasting signals from the ground that are stronger than satellite-based signals.

Spoofing might involve one country's military sending false GPS signals to an enemy plane or drone to hinder its ability to function and is often considered more disruptive and dangerous than signal jamming.

The problem for commercial aviation comes if that false signal is picked up by a GPS receiver in a passenger plane, potentially confusing the pilot and air traffic control by showing the wrong time or coordinates without warning.

where Does It Occur?

In December, aviation advisory body OPSGROUP flagged a surge in spoofing affecting private and commercial jets around the Middle East, including Iraq, Iran and Israel, and the Black Sea.

It tends to impact areas close to war zones as the technology is used to send suicide drones off-track.

Baltic countries have reported the issue for years, particularly since the war in Ukraine began in 2022.

Over the past six months, jamming has worsened around the Baltic Sea, Finnair pilot and Finnish Pilots Association Safety and Security Committee chair Lauri Soini said.

Soini said GPS jamming now occurs in an area extending from Poland across the Baltic states to the Swedish and Finnish coasts, also affecting lower altitudes and maritime traffic.

While politicians and German officials, opens new tab have pointed to Russia as the main culprit in the Baltic states, experts say Western militaries, including U.S. and British forces could be using some form of the technology in parts of the world.

why Is It a Problem for Airlines?

Most modern airliners have a variety of sensors and sources to determine their positioning, in addition to GPS, meaning they can fly if there is interference.

However, according to pilots and industry experts, airlines still rely primarily on GPS. If jamming or spoofing occurs, GPS might have to be switched off and cannot be reset for the remainder of the flight in many cases.

That can cause stress and delays for take-off and landing because certain procedures require GPS to function.

GPS navigation is also the only form of navigation for some private jets.

However, AirBaltic safety manager and flight captain Janis Kristops said the Tartu incident with Finnair was rare. Most major airports have a variety of navigation tools available if GPS isn't working, he said.

And given the diverse nature of wifi jamming and spoofing devices, it's difficult for the airline sector to come up with a sweeping technological solution that can mitigate the risk.

Instead, authorities are looking to train pilots to verify jamming and spoofing sooner.


TagiTagi: gps jamming problem aviation 
13 lipca 202413 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

An international burglary ring is suspected of using high-tech equipment to spy on expensive homes.

A search of the suspects' vehicles revealed cameras disguised with leaves.

Police say the burglary ring secretly installed hidden cameras outside homes so they could tell when the homeowners were away.

In another incident, police arrested two men who they say threw Wi-Fi jammers from their cars. Wi-Fi signal jammer are used to disrupt home security systems like Ring cameras.

The same person was arrested in both incidents.

All of the men are from Colombia. They are suspected of traveling to the U.S. on what authorities call "burglary tourism."

A couple has gone public with their security cameras saying they missed a burglar entering their home through a second-floor bedroom window because a Wi-Fi jammer disabled the security system.

"We learned from detectives that they installed Wi-Fi jammers that cut off the signal to the Ring cameras," Mytien Goldberg told Inside Edition.

"My cameras went offline around 9:30 p.m., and then they left the front of the house at 10:16 p.m.," Ala Tabatabai said.

The couple's home was vandalized when the thieves dragged a heavy safe that had been bolted to a closet out of the house.

"[Wi-Fi jammers] can disrupt any wireless system, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and radio frequencies," Officer Vahe Abramyan told Inside Edition. Abramyan said a single jammer could disrupt wireless systems for an entire neighborhood.

Federal law prohibits the sale and use of Wi-Fi jammers, but people buy them online and overseas.

TagiTagi: cut ring camera signals 
12 lipca 202412 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A French father is facing jail time and a hefty fine for using a signal jammer to block his children from going online and affecting others in a nearby town.

Starting at midnight and ending at 3am every week, the French town of Messanges found their mobile phones and internet service no longer functioning.

A mobile operator reported the problem to the Agency Nationale des Frequencies (ANFR), the public agency responsible for managing the radio spectrum in France, and it was determined that someone was using a signal jammer to block radio frequencies in the town.

A signal jammer is a device that transmits radio waves at the same frequency as mobile devices to prevent them from connecting to cell towers and receiving legitimate signals.

A report from the ANFR explains that a technician tracked the jamming signal to a house in a neighboring town, where the homeowner admitted to buying the mobile jammers online and using it to force his teenage children offline.

"The reason is disturbingly simple: the jammer was installed by the head of the family in order to prevent his children from surfing the internet on their smartphones before bedtime! His children have literally become addicted to social networks and other apps, especially since the quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic," the ANFR explains in the report.

"After consulting Internet forums, the father decided that a jammer was the best solution to stop these excesses!"

While the father's intention was not to disrupt the internet for the entire town, using a jamming device is illegal in France and punishable by a fine of up to €30,000 and six months in prison.

Similarly, using a jammer in the United States is illegal and can result in prison and hefty fines.

"The use or sale of jammers in the United States may be subject to hefty fines, confiscation of illegal devices, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment," the FCC's enforcement alert on jamming explains.



TagiTagi: father takes his kids 
11 lipca 202411 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Georgia's attorney general wants a federal agency to lift its ban on mobile signal jammer that bars state officials from using the devices to block contraband cell phones in jails and prisons.

The Federal Communications Commission currently bars cell phone "signal blocker" within prisons and jails, a prohibition Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr's office said extends to state and local governments. Carr made his request to reconsider the prohibition in a Tuesday letter to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel.

According to data included in the letter, contraband cell phones frequently make their way into jails and prisons, creating dangerous situations for inmates and correctional officers. Georgia officials confiscated 8,074 contraband cell phones in 2023 and 5,482 to date in 2024.

  • "The easiest way to protect the public from the harms caused by contraband cell phones is to allow for the use of cell phone jamming technology in prisons and jails, but the FCC continues to block our efforts," Carr said in a Tuesday statement.

  • "This outdated guidance limits legitimate law enforcement tools, presents dangerous conditions for correctional officers, and allows for the escalation of criminal networks both inside and outside prison walls," Carr added. "We're committed to combatting violent crime wherever it occurs, which is why we continue to call on the federal government to remove this substantial barrier to public safety."

In March, Georgia officials announced the results of "Operation Skyhawk," a months-long investigation into contraband at Georgia Department of Corrections facilities.

Authorities seized 273 contraband cell phones in facilities and arrested 150 suspects, including eight GDC employees who were immediately terminated. Bad actors used drones to help introduce contraband into the facilities.

  • "There are hundreds of examples from across the country of how a contraband cell phone in the hands of an inmate can be used as a deadly weapon and gives them the ability to continue their criminal enterprise," Georgia Department of Corrections Commissioner Tyrone Oliver said in a release.

  • "We are incensed by the length these individuals go to in continuing those activities and endangering the public," Oliver added. "As attempts to infiltrate our facilities with contraband cell phones evolve, access to jamming technology is paramount in our efforts to combat those attempts."

When asked whether he had a position on this request, a spokesperson for U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Georgia, pointed to legislation he sponsored with U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to crack down on contraband in federal prisons.

In 2022, Ossoff led a 10-month-long bipartisan investigation into misconduct at U.S. Penitentiary Atlanta, now FCI Atlanta. The investigation's findings revealed the need to eliminate illegal cell phones in the facility.


TagiTagi: use phone jammers 
10 lipca 202410 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Detecting whether a cell phone jammer is being used can be challenging, but there are several signs and methods you can use to identify potential jamming activity:

Signs of Cell Phone Jamming

  1. Sudden Signal Loss: If multiple cell phones in the same area suddenly lose their signal and cannot connect to the network, this could indicate the presence of a jammer.

  2. Poor Call Quality: Frequent call drops, inability to make or receive calls, or severe degradation in call quality in an area where you usually have good reception can be a sign of jamming.

  3. Interrupted Data Services: Slow or nonfunctional data services (such as internet browsing, messaging apps, and email) in areas where they typically work well.

  4. No WiFi Connectivity: If WiFi networks are also affected and users are unable to connect, this could be due to a jammer targeting multiple frequencies.

  5. Consistent Pattern: If the signal issues occur at specific times or locations consistently, it may suggest intentional jamming.

Methods to Detect Cell Phone Jamming

  1. Check Multiple Devices: Verify the signal on multiple cell phones from different carriers. If all devices show similar issues, it's likely not a carrierspecific problem.

  2. Use Signal Detection Apps: There are apps available that can analyze the signal strength and quality. Sudden drops or patterns in the signal may indicate jamming.

  3. Professional Signal Detectors: Invest in a professional signal detector or spectrum analyzer. These devices can detect jamming signals by analyzing the radio frequency spectrum and identifying unusual or strong signals in the cellular bands.

  4. Contact Your Carrier: Reach out to your mobile carrier's customer service. They may have tools to detect jamming activities and can investigate the issue.

  5. Listen for Interference: Some jammers may emit a faint buzzing or humming noise, although this is not always the case.

Professional Detection Equipment

If you suspect persistent jamming and need a reliable method to detect it, consider the following professional equipment:

RF Detectors: These devices can detect a wide range of frequencies and are useful for identifying jamming signals.

Spectrum Analyzers: These provide a visual representation of the frequency spectrum, allowing you to see the presence of jamming signals.

Cell Phone Signal Monitoring Systems: Specialized systems designed to monitor and detect disruptions in cellular signals.

Preventive Measures

  • Shielded Areas: Create shielded areas where cell phone signals are not required, using Faraday cages or signalblocking paint. This prevents external signals from being jammed.

  • Secure Communication Channels: Use landlines or wired internet connections for critical communications that cannot be interrupted by signal jammer.

  • Legal Action: Report any suspected jamming activity to the relevant authorities, such as the FCC in the United States. Jamming devices are illegal, and authorities can investigate and take action against offenders.


Detecting a cell phone jammer involves observing sudden and consistent disruptions in cellular service, using signal detection tools, and employing professional equipment if necessary. If you suspect jamming, it's important to take appropriate measures to confirm and report the activity, as the use of jammers is illegal in many countries and poses significant risks to safety and communication.


TagiTagi: tellcell phone jammer 
09 lipca 202409 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Wi-Fi blockers and jammers are a notable topic in news reports about burglars in 2024, but is your smart home security in jeopardy?

Wi-Fi blocking sounds dangerous, but it's unlikely to be a threat to your home

One of the big selling points of smart home security is that it can make your home safer and more convenient. But you may have seen reports in 2024 about burglars using new technology to block Wi-Fi signals, jamming valuable camera systems or video doorbell connections and rendering them useless. This news report discusses police warnings about break-ins using Wi-Fi jammers in Los Angeles and Glendale, and here's a scary-sounding story about jammer burglars hitting homes in Minneapolis.

If you're worried, you're like many other homeowners who worry that their devices -- especially Wi-Fi cameras and sensors -- won't alert them in the presence of mobile Wi-Fi blockers, catch the thief, or even call a monitoring station for help.

Wi-Fi jammers do exist, but they are unlikely to pose a threat to your home or any of your devices.

Let's summarize your reasons to stay calm:

  • The above reports are general messages from police to their communities, with little evidence of Wi-Fi jammers being used and only wealthy neighborhoods being robbed. In some cases, local reports explicitly state that police are only saying thieves "might" have used jammers, not that they've caught anyone in the act of committing robberies. Some burglar arrests, like this one in Connecticut in 2023, do provide evidence of jammer devices, but this is one of the very few that has been confirmed.

  • Smart home encryption helps prevent such attacks and can notify owners of problems immediately.

  • Burglars may not have the time or resources to buy and learn new technology. They'll smash your windows or drill your door latches-blocking Wi-Fi isn't their plan.

  • More likely, a suspected smart home security malfunction is the result of a dead wireless device battery or a failure of motion detection to activate due to a motion zone or detection sensitivity issue.

  • According to a 2019 FBI report, burglaries account for only 16% of property crimes, with only about 60% of those involving residential thefts and only about half of burglaries involving any kind of forced entry. It's also worth noting that between 2010 and 2020, burglaries overall dropped by about 50%.

However, Wi-Fi jamming technology does exist, and despite FCC laws prohibiting the sale of such technology, thieves can still find and purchase jammers online.


TagiTagi: home security 
08 lipca 202408 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

NBC10 Investigators tracked down a cell phone sniffer who specifically targeted people using their cell phones on SEPTA bus routes. Not only did he admit to doing it, he thought it was a good thing.

The man, who calls himself Jonathan, told NBC10 Investigators, "I guess I'm taking the law personally, and frankly, I'm proud of it."

Jonathan said he doesn't want to hear people talking on their phones in public.

"It's still pretty annoying, and frankly, it's pretty rude," Jonathan said. Jonathan

said he was activating a cell phone jammer he bought online to block out conversations he doesn't want to hear.

"A lot of people are very loud and have no sense of privacy at all. When they feel like they're bothering me, I just screw in the antenna and turn the switch on," Jonathan said.

An NBC10 employee, whom NBC10 Investigators calls "Brooklyn," said she was horrified when she saw the man jamming passengers' cell phones while she was riding a SEPTA bus to work.

"He was clearly holding this device that looked like a walkie-talkie, with four thick antennas on it. I started watching him, and whenever someone started calling, he would press a button on the side of the device," Brooklyn said.

Brooklyn tipped off NBC10 Investigators, who went undercover and caught the phone thief with hidden cameras.

Minutes after boarding the No. 44 bus, NBC10 Investigators spotted Eric jamming a cell phone. Weeks later, they caught Eric as he got off the bus and told him cell phone jamming devices were illegal.

"From what I understand, it's more of a gray area. From what I understand, it's illegal to stop TV signals, radio signals. From what I understand, it's not illegal to jam cell phone signals under the FCC," Jonathan said.

But under federal law, it's illegal to use, possess, buy or sell a cell phone jammer. The federal government says violating the law could result in jail time and a fine of up to $16,000. Cell phone jammers are illegal for public safety reasons.

Dr. Rob D'Ovidio of Drexel University studies cell phone forensics and e-crime. D'Ovidio said some cell phone jammers can block GPS, two-way radios and even police radios if they are close enough.

"With a cell phone jammer, you can limit all types of communication tools that use radio frequencies. That has the potential to be a public safety disaster. It's a dangerous thing to cut off not only our government officials from communicating with the dispatch center, but also the public from communicating with 911," Dr. D'Ovidio said.

NBC10 Investigators asked Jonathan if he was worried about disturbing someone who was seeking emergency help.

"Certainly, if that happened on a bus, I think I would have been in that situation. Of course, I think that would have been a very different situation; I think I would have called 911 myself," Jonathan said.

SEPTA officials said they have received many complaints from 44 bus route passengers about lost phones. But SEPTA insisted that passengers are safe, adding that they have tested their system and handheld signal jammer alone are not enough.

SEPTA said all buses are equipped with panic buttons. Drivers can also alert police via digital destination signs on the front of buses. The transit authority said it has tested two-way radio communications and insisted cellphone jammers wouldn't affect it. But that didn't make Brooklyn feel any better.


TagiTagi: jamming phones 
05 lipca 202405 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Karyn Wall has lived in Lemon Grove for the past 20 years, and to her knowledge, her home has never been targeted by criminals. However, she recently learned how vulnerable her home is to would-be burglars.

"My husband and I feel very secure, but I know we may need to do something about the house, the interior, the lighting, etc.," Wall said.


Shanah Clevenger is a crime prevention specialist with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department who runs the free Lemon Grove Home Security Consultation Program. She'll consider anything that can be done to bolster home security, no matter the budget.

"Some of my suggestions are quick and easy and don't cost a lot," Clevenger said. "I just suggest: do what you can, or do it incrementally until you feel your home is secure."

That security measure includes protection against a relatively unknown type of wifi jammer. NBC 7 Responds spoke to cybersecurity expert Jim Stickley about these devices, who said that even though they are illegal in the U.S., there are several websites where you can buy them and have them delivered to your door.

"I mean, you shouldn't panic," Stickley said. "It's real, but the number of criminals who actually use it is relatively small."

How do Wi-Fi jammers work?

Jammers disable Wi-Fi devices by overloading the Wi-Fi frequency, or any radio frequency, and large jammers have a fairly wide range of interference, Stickley said.

"It could take out a whole house, or even a couple of houses around me, and take out all the Wi-Fi," Stickley said.

Once the Wi-Fi is down, criminals can break in without the cameras capturing it.

How to disable a WiFi jammer?

Wired cameras won't be affected by signal jammer, of course. Remember: The memory chip will record video whether or not there's Wi-Fi. Plus, some security systems offer systems that send owners notifications when Wi-Fi is down.

"If you get a notification that the Wi-Fi can't communicate with the camera, you can say, 'OK, something might be wrong,' and then you can call a neighbor and say, 'Hey, can you go check it out for me?'" Stickley said.

Wall said she couldn't imagine coming home one day to find her home ransacked by strangers.

"That would be horrible," Wall said. "That would be horrible because you'd be worried if there was someone else in the house and wouldn't want to go in. That would be a very scary situation."

Wall hopes to continue living safely in Lemon Grove for another 20 years.

The sheriff's department said technology is important to keep your family and home safe, but it's just as important that you and your neighbors look out for each other. They can also help start a neighborhood watch program.


TagiTagi: home security systems 
04 lipca 202404 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has released a report detailing the results of its micro-jamming technology test conducted on January 17, 2018, at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution in Maryland.

Test data showed that the micro-jamming signal interfered with commercial wireless signals inside the cells, meaning that if cell phones were used inside the cells, they would not work. However, at 20 feet and 100 feet outside the cells, the micro-jammer signal did not interfere with commercial wireless signals.

Department officers present during the January 17, 2018 test reported that while their cell phone signals were blocked inside the cells, their phones still worked when they stood a few feet from the cell windows.

"These encouraging test results mark a step forward in our efforts to combat the security threat posed by contraband cell phones," said Beth Williams, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy. "The results show that this micro-jamming technology has the potential to have a localized impact. This is an encouraging sign that we are closer to solutions that make our communities safer and help prevent the continuation of criminal activity within prisons."

The data in the report will be used by the BOP and the Department to understand the effectiveness of micro-jamming, further evaluate jamming technology, and develop strategic planning recommendations.

Contraband cell phones continue to be a correctional security and public safety concern for the Bureau of Prisons and state and local correctional institutions. Across the country, inmates use contraband cell phones to direct gang activity, operate criminal enterprises, distribute child pornography, intimidate witnesses, and facilitate the commission of violent crimes. "This test is just one part of our ongoing efforts to disrupt and disable dangerous contraband cell phones in federal and state prisons," said Assistant Attorney General Williams.

The Bureau of Prisons will continue to evaluate cell phone detection and blocking technologies and work with federal partners and Congress to find cost-effective options to combat this threat to prisons and public safety. The agency does not endorse any specific vendor or product.

Carr Pushes for Federal Legislation to Combat Contraband Cell Phones in Prisons

ATLANTA, Ga. - Attorney General Chris Carr and 21 other attorneys general are urging congressional leaders to pass legislation that would allow states to implement cell phone jammer systems in correctional institutions. Currently, federal law prohibits the use of jamming technology, including jamming cell phones. Meanwhile, prisons across the country are using contraband cell phones with no way to stop them.

"Cell phones in the hands of criminals are an ongoing safety concern, not only for Georgia, but for correctional institutions across the country," said GDC Commissioner Tyrone Oliver. "We appreciate Attorney General Carr's support in finding a solution to this problem, which is critical to our commitment to public safety."

As of January 1, 2023, the GDC has conducted 126 full facility searches and seized more than 23,000 contraband items. Last year alone, 8,074 contraband cell phones were seized.

In a letter sent on January 25, 2023, the Attorney General outlined the national challenges associated with contraband cell phones.

The letter reads: "The use of contraband cell phones by inmates is one of the most serious issues facing prison administrators today. Inmates use contraband cell phones to organize murders, riots, drug trafficking, fraud, etc. By using contraband cell phones, inmates can easily continue their criminal activities inside prison."

Previously, Congress has introduced several bills to address this issue, including H.R. 1954 in the 116th Congress and H.R. 864 and S. 4699 in the 117th Congress. However, these bills have not made any progress and have never received a vote.

TagiTagi: cell phone criminal 
03 lipca 202403 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

To jam a 5G signal, an intelligent adversary can detect unencrypted synchronization signals to obtain the physical cell identity (PCI) and then launch a targeted cell phone jamming attack on the physical broadcast channel (PBCH). This intelligent jamming (PBCH-IJ) disrupts the master information block (MIB) decoding, leading to denial of services for users trying to access the PCI cell. The proposed method in the paper suggests detecting PBCH-IJ by analyzing the principal direction of PBCH demodulation reference signal space at the user side, as this direction is significantly impacted by PBCH-IJ under low mobility scenarios.



Jamming attacks on 5G signals can be executed by exploiting various vulnerabilities inherent in the 5G network architecture. One common method involves targeting the synchronization signal blocks (SSBs) during the initial access phase, as these blocks are unencrypted. An intelligent adversary can detect these signals to obtain the full physical cell identity (PCI) by sniffing, and then use the PCI to attack the physical broadcast channel (PBCH) extraction through targeted jamming. This type of PBCH intelligent jamming (PBCH-IJ) disrupts the decoding of the master information block (MIB), leading to severe denial of service for users attempting to access the PCI cell. Another approach involves using a multi-antenna jammer to interfere with the downlink signals from femto base stations (FBS) to femto users (FUs) in a two-tier 5G heterogeneous network (HetNet). This can be particularly effective in dynamic environments where traditional anti-jamming techniques like frequency hopping (FH) and direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) lack self-adaptive capabilities. To counteract such jamming, advanced techniques like federated deep reinforcement learning (DRL) have been proposed, which optimize beamforming and power allocation to improve the achievable rate at FUs despite the presence of signal jammer. Additionally, jamming detection in 5G can be enhanced by using the "EVM-vs-RB" measurement, which calculates the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) for each Resource Block (RB). This method is more sensitive and informative, capable of detecting jamming even at high Signal-to-Jamming Ratio (SJR) values, which traditional metrics fail to identify. These methods highlight the sophisticated techniques adversaries can use to jam 5G signals and the equally advanced countermeasures required to mitigate such attacks.


TagiTagi: signal 
02 lipca 202402 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I was there in an exhibition yesterday. Most of the times, i was not able to use my cellphone data internet. But, i was able to make calls with the phone most of the times. Now, i have a doubt here. I happened to call a friend who was also to the same show, and he did say that he was not able to access the cellphone internet there. He said that they had used Network Jammers, though he was not certain about it.


My question here are:

1) Can network jammers only restrict data and not calls? How is it possible??
2) Will there be separate jammers for 2G/3G/4G/5G, based on it's spectrum?
3) Are jammers free of health hazards?
4) What could be better designs to use than jammers?
network jammers can selectively block data services while allowing voice services. This is possible because voice and data services use different network protocols and frequencies. A network jammer can be designed to block specific frequencies and protocols while allowing others to pass through.
there are different types of cell phone signal jammer for 2G/3G/4G/5G networks since they operate on different frequencies. Each technology operates in a different frequency band and therefore requires a specific jamming device.
Network jammers emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation that can be harmful to humans if they are exposed to it for extended periods of time. The radiation emitted by a jammer can cause cancer, DNA damage, and other health problems. Therefore, network jammers are not free of health hazards.
There are alternative methods to restrict network access in specific areas without using network jammers. For example, using Faraday cages can block all electromagnetic signals from entering or leaving an enclosed space. (There is graphite paint for example for walls, normally it is connected to ground with metal strips under the paint.) Another approach is to use signal blockers that selectively block specific signals without affecting other services. However, the effectiveness of these alternatives is limited, or they would just be too expensive, and jammers remain the most effective way to block specific network services in a specific area.
The possible misuse of internet can be one reason to block data services. Also, the method were used, i'm not sure now, when a person decorating high post in the country uses public transport infrastructure.

The possible reason would be high capacity which the BTS (for that particular cell) wouldn't be able to provide. This point needs to be valid, since the network used to fall back to lower generation at times. Again, i'm not sure how the BTS would automatically cut off the channel width based on the number of connections.

As said above, in order to prioritize the audio calls, the frequencies used will get the connectivity to 2G or 3G.

TagiTagi: designs jammers 
01 lipca 202401 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

NBC News reports that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing RF jammers as drone deterrents or privacy tools, thereby circumventing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) states that signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, while also interfering with other forms of everyday communications and air navigation systems.

The FCC said: "It is a violation of federal law to use phone blocker, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, disrupt, or interfere with authorized radio communications. Use in businesses, classrooms, residences, or vehicles is not exempt. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent authority to use jamming devices; federal law enforcement agencies may use them under applicable regulations under certain limited exceptions."

The FCC warning also states that "it is illegal to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market jamming devices to consumers in the United States"

But NBC reports that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online stores based in China, and small domestic companies that specialize in drone-related equipment are all ignoring the law. The FCC told NBC that it is investigating the sale of jammers, including on Amazon.

As part of its investigation, NBC spoke with the CEO of a U.S. company that offers portable anti-drone radio frequency jamming devices online. The CEO told NBC that the devices are easily available if consumers have the money, but they mainly see interest from large companies and government agencies as they prepare for domestic drone terrorism.

There are more people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and can be used to cause chaos in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually around 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports, and have been used to disrupt radio communications near police stations. FCC officials said they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the United States. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public

The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

"Simply posting an ad for a signal jammer on a site like is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," Michele Ellison, director of the FCC's enforcement bureau, said in a statement. "One person's moment of peace or privacy could very well jeopardize the safety and well-being of others."

Most sellers advertised jammers as a way to take an "undisturbed nap" on a bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area "free of interference," without mentioning the more nefarious uses the device could be used for, according to the citations.

"We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammers do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers," one citation reads. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believe that their illegal operations are personal convenience or should be excused."

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for a "cell phone jammer, WiFi signal jammer" for $300. He stated in the ad that "due to the nature of this item, we are disclosing very few details," that the jammer was "not a toy," and that "I just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

TagiTagi: sales rfjammers 
25 czerwca 202425 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Morris County Police Department is warning residents about a new home invasion technique that involves jamming Wi-Fi signals, making it impossible for residents to call for help or access security cameras while thieves are inside the home.

Police say the technique was used by thieves in an unsuccessful burglary in Florham Park earlier this week.

According to a social media post by Florham Park Police Chief Joseph Orlando, authorities believe the suspect is part of a South American burglary ring that uses Wi-Fi jammers.

"While Wi-Fi jammers are nothing new to the criminal world, this is the first time we have seen or heard of them being used in Morris County," Orlando said. "The advancement in criminal technology used by these criminal gangs is alarming."

A resident of Lincoln Avenue in Florham Park was in his basement around 11:30 a.m. Monday when he heard a loud bang coming from the first floor, police said. He checked his home's security cameras and saw a man trying to gain entry to his home.

Soon after, the resident's camera system and cell phone lost service, indicating the suspect had used a Wi-Fi signal jammers to disable any Wi-Fi-enabled device, police said.

The suspect fled after realizing the resident was home, police said.

Still unable to use his cell phone to call for help because of the jammer, the resident ran out to the street to get help, police said. A pedestrian called 911.

Florham Park police arrived less than a minute later and searched for the suspect, authorities said. The Madison Police Department and Morris County Sheriff's Office also assisted in the search, but the man was not found.

Police said they suspected the man was part of a South American burglary ring that used Wi-Fi jammers, but they did not elaborate on any other connections between Monday's attempted burglary and the ring's previous crimes.

"These criminals are of South American descent and typically work in groups of three, park their getaway vehicles on adjacent streets, and utilize various pre-operative surveillance techniques to track their targets' patterns and behaviors to minimize the likelihood that they will commit thefts while residents are home," police said.

Police said gang members also used surveillance cameras (disguised as landscape plants to blend into the home's outdoor landscaping) to monitor movement in and out of homes before attempting to break in.

Police said the gang's surveillance cameras can be disguised in a variety of ways.

"They come in a variety of forms, including fake utility boxes, flower pots, tree stumps, rocks and boulders, and even those funny owls that move their heads, supposedly to repel critters," police said. "Basically, you know what's in your yard or front landscaping area and what doesn't belong to you."

Members of the South American burglary gang have committed burglaries across the country, including Baltimore, Los Angeles, Indiana and Florida. In April, the FBI warned of the presence of an international organized burglary ring in Indiana.

The FBI said the gangs typically target homes in affluent neighborhoods while residents are away and often steal high-end jewelry, accessories and cash. Officials said the gang members traveled to the United States to commit the thefts.

"While we are still investigating this incident, the only response strategy we can offer at this time is to install a surveillance camera system in your home and install a landline to combat Wi-Fi jammers," Florham Park police said. "In addition, regularly check your landscaping for any potential disguised surveillance devices and contact the police department immediately if you find such a device."

Officials are also asking Florham Park residents near Lincoln Avenue, Cathedral Avenue and Lockwood Road to check their surveillance systems between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. Monday for signs of potential suspects or vehicles

Police said the suspect in Monday's suspected burglary attempt was a man wearing tan or beige pants, a dark shirt and a face mask.

TagiTagi: wifi 
24 czerwca 202424 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. - Police in Florham Park, N.J., are warning residents that robbers may be using Wi-Fi jammers to prevent victims from using their cell phones to call for help.

Floham Park Police are investigating an attempted robbery involving a Wi-Fi jammer

A Florham Park resident was in his basement around 11:30 a.m. Monday when he heard a loud bang from the first floor, police said. When he checked his home security footage, he saw a stranger trying to enter his home.

The man then lost service on his camera system and cell phone, according to police.

Police believe the suspect used a Wi-Fi jammer - a device about the size of a smartphone that disables devices that use the signal.

Police said the suspect ran away, and the victim, still unable to use his phone, ran outside and flagged down a pedestrian who helped him call 911. Officers arrived shortly after, but police said the suspect had already fled.

"The victim had enough time to leave the area between the time he stepped outside and the time he flagged down a passerby and had him call the police," said Lt. Brian Ford of the Florham Park Police Department.

WiFi signal jammers can even block signals from police intercoms, home alarm systems and surveillance cameras that connect via Wi-Fi. The devices are illegal under federal law, and state Rep. Carol Murphy introduced legislation earlier this year to criminalize them at the state level.

"Every time I see something like this, I think, 'Wow, I need my law to pass,' because it's about giving law enforcement the resources to do what they have to do. I never want to see a story like this again," Murphy said.

"While Wi-Fi jammers are nothing new to criminals, this is the first time we've seen or heard of them being used in Morris County," Florham Park Police Chief Joseph Orlando said in a statement.

No arrests have been made.

Attempted robbery victim in New Jersey has no recourse

The Florham Park Police Department may be linking the incident to a theft ring known as the "South American Theft Syndicate."

According to police, they usually work in groups of three and install hidden cameras in the landscape to track the movements of potential victims.

Police recommend that if you can, you should change your daily routine, check and report any suspicious devices and cars inside and outside the house, and even install wired security cameras and landlines.



TagiTagi: burglary gangs 
21 czerwca 202421 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Be cautious of cell phone jammers as criminals might incorporate them into their arsenal for illicit purposes. These portable devices, capable of initiating a "denial of service" or "DOS attack," are available for purchase on different online platforms for $1,000 to $2,000. However, the penalty for possessing one could exceed $10,000. Despite their compact size - with one model reportedly able to "fit into any empty cigarette pack" - these devices are highly potent. Once activated, they disrupt wireless signals within a range of approximately 100 feet.

Devices that illegally silence cell phones


The occurrence of cell phone jammers in Canada has attracted widespread attention, as reported by the Ottawa Sun. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has taken action by issuing a cautionary message to all law enforcement agencies nationwide regarding the use of cell phone jammers. This action was prompted after two Quebec police officers experienced interference with their walkie-talkies when they encountered two suspects on a dimly lit highway.

The effectiveness of these jammers in disrupting police radio communications was highlighted by the Mount Spokane incident. Consequently, multiple safety alerts have been issued in recent weeks to caution officers about the potential compromise to their safety posed by these devices.

Despite the provision outlined in Section 333 of the FCC Rules, which explicitly prohibits any individual from intentionally or maliciously disrupting or causing interference to radio communication, the regulatory body faces significant challenges in effectively enforcing this rule.

The owner of an upscale Maryland restaurant revealed that FCC and Verizon Wireless investigators paid a visit to the establishment last year. The unidentified owner disclosed that he invested $1,000 in a high-powered jammer to deter employees from prioritizing their phones over attending to customers.

He stated that he instructed them repeatedly, saying, "Place your mobile devices aside, place your mobile devices aside, place your mobile devices aside." However, they disregarded his instructions. The proprietor mentioned that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigators extensively surveyed the vicinity for a week, utilizing specialized equipment to identify signal jammers. Nevertheless, the proprietor had deactivated the equipment.

Verizon investigators faced a similar lack of success. The owner mentioned that the individual reached out to every resident in the town, providing them with his contact number and urging them to call him promptly if they encountered any issues. However, the owner has now discontinued the use of the jammer.



TagiTagi: beware phone jammers 
20 czerwca 202420 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Global navigation jamming will only get worse. The U.S. needs to move fast

As geopolitical crises escalate, signal jamming and spoofing attacks on GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are becoming more common, creating significant challenges and risks to aviation, shipping, and other critical services around the world.

Data from confirms widespread GPS/GNSS jamming in parts of Europe and beyond as a result of the war in Ukraine. Affected regions include Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, in addition to the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and Turkey. The Middle East has also seen jamming due to hostile activities by Israel and Iran in the region. Other jamming activities, albeit on a smaller scale, are also common in Pakistan, India, and Myanmar.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide critical positioning, navigation, and timing services to users around the world. However, like other electronic-based systems (and despite industry efforts to strengthen the security of these technologies), devices that receive signals from GNSS satellites can be vulnerable to wifi jamming and spoofing. It is time for the United States to coordinate international efforts to stop the marketing and sale of devices that jam GNSS systems.

To be clear, gsm jamming and spoofing are already illegal. In the United States, the Communications Act of 1934, the U.S. Penal Code, and other federal laws and regulations prohibit tampering with navigation systems, including GPS, cellular and personal communications devices, and police radar systems. However, without international coordination to enforce existing laws and regulations, bad actors will continue to jam and spoof GNSS signals, disrupting critical uses ranging from personal navigation and agriculture to emergency response and defense.

New drone tactics keep jamming risk alive

A key feature of current conflicts is the new use of drone warfare, which is what makes GNSS jamming operations so powerful. As this technology becomes more widely available to state and non-state actors, these tactics are likely to be repeated again and again-regardless of where the conflict occurs.

While the Middle East is likely to remain a major hotspot for such activity in the coming years, it is not the only region at risk. Any country facing conflict or terrorism could face the asymmetric threat posed by cheap satellite navigation capabilities.

As a result, more countries will have to resort to defensive GNSS jamming to defend against these threats, resulting in a wider range of unreliable navigation signals that could affect airlines, shipping, and more. This gps jamming is not limited to affecting receivers on Earth. Low Earth orbit satellites carry GNSS receivers to improve weather forecasts, predict space weather, and monitor climate change. These important missions and other scientific research should not be hampered by regulatory inaction or lack of resources.



TagiTagi: uefaeuro 
19 czerwca 202419 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The European Football Championship is one of the most prestigious football tournaments in the world, attracting millions of fans and widespread attention from the media and stakeholders. With the stakes high, the integrity of the tournament is of paramount importance. One of the tools used to ensure this integrity is the deployment of cell phone jammers. These devices are essential to preventing players from manipulating matches, a significant issue in professional sports.

Match-fixing refers to the manipulation of the results of sporting events for financial gain, often orchestrated by gamblers and criminal organizations. This illegal activity undermines the integrity of the sport, reduces fan trust, and can have serious legal and financial consequences. Players, referees, and other officials may be contacted and coerced into participating in match-fixing schemes through a variety of means, including cell phones.


How Cell Phone Jammers Work



Cell phone jammers interfere with communications by sending signals on the same frequency as mobile phones, creating a "noise" that clogs communication channels. These devices can be used to block phone calls, text messages, and data transmissions within a specific area. By blocking mobile communications, signal blocker can thwart attempts to influence or coerce players and officials at critical moments, such as before or during a match.



Implementation at the European Football Championship



Mobile phone jammers were implemented as a strategic measure to preserve the integrity of the competition during the European Championship.



Here are their typical uses:



  • Dressing Rooms: Jammers are placed in the players' dressing rooms to prevent players from receiving or sending messages before a match or at half-time.

  • Referee Areas: Ensure referees are not contacted during critical moments.

  • Team Benches: Prevent communication with the outside world during matches.

  • Jammers are activated during specific periods when the risk of communications for match manipulation is highest, such as pre-match preparation, half-time and during matches.

  • Clearly communicate the presence of jammers to players, referees and staff. This transparency helps manage expectations and ensures all parties understand the importance of these measures in maintaining the integrity of the sport.



Advantages of using mobile phone jammers



  1. By blocking potential match-fixers from accessing players and referees, jammers reduce the risk of undue influence on match outcomes.

  2. Players and officials can focus fully on the game without the distraction of mobile devices, creating a fairer, more competitive environment.

  3. The use of jammers sends a strong message that UEFA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in the sport of football.

  4. Knowing that communications are being monitored and potentially blocked acts as a deterrent to those who would like to manipulate matches.


portable cell phone jammers


The use of mobile phone jammers during the European Championship is an important measure in the fight against match-fixing. By blocking unauthorised communications, these devices help ensure matches are played fairly, upholding the integrity of the sport and protecting its reputation.


18 czerwca 202418 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

An oilfield company faces a May deadline to contest a $126,000 fine assessed by the Federal Communications Commission against the company for jamming signal cellphone calls.

that on April 9, the FCC adopted a notice of apparent liability against Taylor Oilfield Manufacturing Inc. of Broussard, accusing Taylor of using four cellular phone jammers to curtail cellphone use by employees.

Company officials told the FCC the cell jammers, which disrupted cellphone usage, were used to prevent employees from using cellphones at work.

Taylor was given 30 days from April 9 to pay the penalty or respond to the FCC in writing as to why the fine should be canceled or reduced.


Taylor officials did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.

The case began after the FCC received a tip and sent an agent to the company site in Broussard in May 2012. The FCC notice said company officials confirmed use of four cell jammers and possession of a fifth cell jammer, which was not then in use.

Use of cell jammers is prohibited in the United States, and the FCC prohibits companies from importing cell jammers from outside the country. The Broussard company said it bought its cell jammers from overseas, the FCC said.

"These unlawful jammer operations posed a tangible public safety hazard by potentially blocking authorized communications" such as 911 emergency calls and other law enforcement communications, the FCC said in its notice to the company. Cell jammers can also adversely affect global positioning system signals.

Taylor representatives told the FCC it tried to block employee cellphone use after a near accident the company said was partly connected to an employee using a cellphone, according to FCC documents.


TagiTagi: cellphone 
17 czerwca 202417 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

So now that thief's are using WiFi jammers that apparently can be bought for $40, what is everyone turning to to protect your property?

8 Bands Jammer Device


News of break-ins these days show quite a few security camera captures, but in many of them the perpetrator is covering their face. So ultimately I'm not so sure how much security cameras (even wired ones that capture clear images) can really protect a property.

It appears even traditional alarm systems would be disabled by a signal blockers since all the sensors' signal would be blocked as well.

I have NEVER considered a WiFi connected device to be any sort of serious security device. For a serious security device, it needs to be wired (power and data), and the video recorded locally with serious backup power (no, a 15 minute UPS does not qualify). I do have what would likely be considered a Pro-sumer level video camera system, with hours of backup power.

With that said, I have over 40 Wyze cameras, and I do use them regularly as they are quite a bit less expensive than my wired system, and the software is more convenient for a quick look remotely.

Two of the most common attacks are a simple broadband signal generator and a specific WiFi De-Authentication. In the case of the first, the jammer simply broadcasts a strong enough signal that the intended signals are covered in noise. An audio example would be trying to talk back and forth with someone 100 feet away in an empty stadium. That would likely work fine, but now add 50,000 other people and there is so much noise that the person 100 feet away can not be heard. A broadband jammer is a quite simple device.

A De-Authentication attack is an smart device that to keep this simple, impersonates the WiFi client and sends a command to the WiFi access point telling it that the client is disconnecting. Note that WPA-3 prevents that by encrypting the management packets. However although the WPA-3 standard has been out for quite a few years, most IoT devices do not support it.

Both of these attacks happen between the WiFi client and access point, so a firewall or anti-virus never get involved.




TagiTagi: wifi 
15 czerwca 202415 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We heard from our friend Charles Curry of Chronos Technology over the long weekend. He had a "yes and" to last week's post about a jammer company with a new product line. - Full disclosure, Chronos has long be an RNTF corporate member.

Charles is semi-retired but still keeps an eye on the jammer market.

He and Chronos have quite the history detecting GNSS interference and recommending ways to mitigate it. They have worked with police departments advised governments, and published several papers.

Their "Sentinel Project - Report on GNSS Vulnerabilities" was issued in 2014. Most of its findings and recommendations are as pertinent today as they were seven years ago.

Here is Charles' list of 100 active websites selling GNSS/
GPS jamming equipment, and a list of over 200 that used to do so, but that have links that appear inactive.

Charles said there are more sites, he just stopped when he got to 100. - Yeah, a hundred ought to make the point reasonably well...



FCC investigates Amazon over alleged marketing of wireless signal jammers

The FCC is the federal agency that has the authority to enforce the law on this, and establish and enforce supporting regulations.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it is taking action to enforce the law against marketing, selling, and using wireless jammers, including those that target GPS/GNSS. While reports do not mention anything about spoofing, it is against the law also.

What Else to Know:

  • While news reports do not mention anything about the FCC addressing spoofing, that is against the law also.

  • Unfortunately, over the last 20 years the FCC's enforcement bureau has been greatly reduced in size while the incidents of accidental (also not allowed) and intentional interference with GPS has greatly increased.

  • While it is illegal to market, sell, and use jamming devices, they are not illegal to own.

  • The U.S. does not have a systematic way to detect interference with GPS/GNSS signals. The 2022 interference event at Denver lasted 33 hours before it was geo-located and terminated. The event at Dallas the same year lasted for 24 hours and the source was never located.

  • We looked for the original statement from the FCC spokesperson, but were unable to find it on the FCC site. It looks as though it was made directly to NBC in response to their inquiry.



TagiTagi: jammer websites 
14 czerwca 202414 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

What's the context?

US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

  • South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones

  • Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely

  • Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming - like the South Carolina pilot - threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called "contraband interdiction systems."

Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

"I would love to get jamming - I don't see it happening, unfortunately," he said.

Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are "chilling options" that could have unintended consequences.


TagiTagi: cellphone 
13 czerwca 202413 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

NBC News reported that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing radio frequency jammers as drone deterrence or privacy tools, bypassing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, as well as interfere with other forms of daily communication and air navigation systems.

"The use of telephone jammers, GPS jammers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law," the FCC said. "There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent powers to use jamming devices; With certain limited exceptions, use by federal law enforcement agencies is authorized under applicable statute."

The FCC's warning also states that "it is illegal to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market interfering devices to consumers in the United States."

But NBC reported that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online stores based in China, and small domestic companies specializing in drone-related equipment flouted the law. The FCC told NBC that it is investigating the sale of jammers, including on Amazon.

As part of its investigation, NBC interviewed the CEO of an American company that offers portable anti-drone RF jamming devices online. The CEO told NBC that the devices are easy for consumers to buy if they have the money, but they are mainly seeing interest from large corporations and government agencies as they prepare for domestic drone terrorism.




TagiTagi: jammer blocker use illegal 
12 czerwca 202412 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS technology has fundamentally altered the way companies oversee their vehicle fleets. Real-time tracking capabilities now enable managers to monitor their vehicles effectively, a crucial aspect for businesses heavily reliant on transportation. Fleet GPS tracking has significantly improved operational efficiency and speed for these companies.

Azuga's high-tech tracking system offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from optimized route planning to effective fuel management. However, the presence of fleet GPS jammers can hinder your fleet's progress. Let us delve further into the topic of GPS jammers and explore preventive measures to ensure uninterrupted fleet operations.

What are Fleet GPS Jammers?

Concealing their whereabouts is made possible for drivers through the use of GPS jammers, which are small transmitter devices. These jammers operate by emitting radio signals on the same frequency as your fleet GPS device, resulting in interference that disrupts the GPS device's ability to track the vehicles' locations. Despite being illegal, the convenience of GPS signal jammers leads to many drivers disregarding the law and utilizing them.

How Do GPS Jammers Work?

A GPS jammer disrupts standard GPS signals. This disruption makes it difficult for devices to determine their location accurately. A driver can activate a GPS jammer with three easy steps:

  1. They plug the jammer into the auxiliary power outlet.

  2. The driver then places the unit near the fleet GPS tracker.

  3. When the driver activates the jammer, it creates an interference signal that lasts over a 5-10 meter radius of the fleet GPS signal.

Of course, you want to prevent your fleet drivers from using GPS jammers. Not only are they bad for your business, but they can also have serious consequences. They are illegal because they interfere with essential services like navigation and emergency communications.

Three Tips to Combat GPS Jammers

  • Tip #1: Privacy Mode Authorization

  • Some authorized drivers use their work vehicle for personal tasks, like taking it home or running errands during lunch breaks. In these situations, they might prefer not to be tracked. GPS tracking devices often have a "privacy mode" feature, allowing drivers and dispatchers to hide their location and activity temporarily. This feature helps protect their privacy without resorting to using GPS jammers.

  • Tip #2: Jamming Detection for Added Security

  • Advanced GPS tracking devices, like Azuga's Fleet tracking software, can detect GPS signal jamming. This feature safeguards against vehicle theft and aids in recovering stolen fleet vehicles.

  • Tip #3: Tracking Employees Using GPS Blockers

  • Even without jamming detection, you can still catch employees using GPS blockers. When an employee activates a GPS blocker, it shows as a missing or interrupted trip on the tracking map. Additionally, you can set up alerts for GPS signal errors to notify management when interference occurs. Using a blocker would likely draw more attention to their actions.

Tracking is Easier with Azuga!

Azuga's fleet management solution can help you implement the above tips. Our state-of-the-art tracking software can detect signal jamming and track accurate driver location. Reach out to an expert today and try a demo of our software if GPS jamming is a concern within your fleet.




TagiTagi: gps 
11 czerwca 202411 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Glendale police issue warning about burglars using WiFi signal jammers to disable alarms, security cameras

GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- Glendale police have issued a warning about residential burglars who use WIFI jammers to disable security alarms and surveillance cameras.

As described by police Sgt. Victor Jackson, the devices used by thieves block the signal or scramble the WiFi. "So if you have a Ring camera, a Nest camera -- any kind of alarm system that is WiFi-based or a camera that's WiFi-based -- it blocks the signal and knocks it out," he said.

A disproportionate surge in residential burglaries plagued Glendale and Southern California in the fall, leading investigators to the crime trend.

"As our detectives started going into these cases, that's when they realized what was happening," Jackson said. "In some cases, because of the way the device works, it made it look like when you went back and rewound your tape and looked, it wasn't a black screen -- it was seamless. It didn't exist there, so there was no evidence."

Police recommend that residents increase security by:

  • hardwiring alarm systems and cameras,

  • using back-up batteries in those security devices,

  • installing sturdy locks on security gates,

  • enhancing exterior lighting,

  • securing windows and balconies,

  • and having a trusted neighbor or housesitter look after your home, when away.

The Glendale Police Department's residential burglary task force has been working to lower the number of break-ins, officials said.

"Our patrol officers, our motor officers, our special enforcement detail, and detectives -- we have them undercover in the area -- and we saturated the area," Jackson said.

Nora Alabi, a Glendale resident, told ABC7: "I feel like there's no part of the city that you can be in and not run into a cop or not run into a police car.

"If I stand here for five minutes, I might see like three cop cars drive by," she said. "So, because of that, I feel like it's a safe city."


TagiTagi: glendale police 
07 czerwca 202407 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In a statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using wifi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

(TNS) - A group of thieves have been outsmarting smart devices across the Los Angeles area, authorities said.

8 Bands Jammer Device

In a March 4 statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using Wi-Fi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

This swarm of tech-savvy robberies in California is part of a larger "smart" crime wave happening nationwide. Last year, police in Minnesota and Connecticut issued similar warnings to residents when groups of Wi-Fi jamming thieves made their rounds. And those are just two examples of many.

While the Federal Communications Commission has banned Wi-Fi jamming devices, this doesn't stop criminals from buying them cheaply, KARE11 reported. Wi-Fi jamming devices don't necessarily deactivate devices, but work by overloading the network the devices are connected to.

"These (signal jamming) devices create traffic jams for the radio transmitter so that real traffic cannot get through," cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman told the outlet.

"If you are going to use a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, perhaps consider using a hardline camera inside your home," he said. Wired cameras connected via Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and would not be disrupted by a Wi-Fi jammer.

Los Angeles police also recommends hard wiring burglary alarm systems

While "smart" technology may be part of the problem, it may also have a hand in the solution, according to Tom's Hardware. Officials recommend using timers or smart home devices to make it look like someone is home while you are away. Some smart home technology also comes with the ability to alert users if the signal or connection has been interrupted.

Tom's Hardware also recommends connecting surveillance devices that store camera footage directly on your device, and not just to a cloud storage system. By having a camera that records to itself, you'll have footage saved during a Wi-Fi disruption.

The LAPD also encourages people to stay vigilant by locking their doors, relying on neighbors to check on things when away and reporting any strange activity, including suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.


TagiTagi: wi-fi 
06 czerwca 202406 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Jammers don't target individual phones - they actually block all phones in the affected area. They drown out communications between cell phones and base stations by generating RF noise - the equivalent of you trying to talk to someone while I'm standing next to you screaming at the top of my voice.

I doubt anyone is using jammers - jammers are uncommon, and the penalties for using jammers are quite severe in many places. Start by talking to your mobile carrier. If after all of this you still have reason to believe that jammers are being used, complain to the body responsible for radio and communication systems in your country - this could be the FCC in the US, or Ofcom in the UK - other countries will have their own equivalent.

Someone used a signal jammer on me. How do I find it and stop it?

I thought it was the same at my house where the signal was always down to 3g and I couldn't use the service unless I was outside. It turned out to be an IMSI trap installed in the apartment next door. I started getting phishing pages from my bank and realized that my email had been compromised, the virus software on my computer had been disabled, and everything I did had been copied because it acted as MITM.

Desktop  Jammers

How to prevent jammers?

This happened to me at the school where I worked. Now, a private company has rented the school building to conduct the exams. As previously agreed, in order to prevent rampant unfair practices in public exams, the company installed jammers in all 108 classrooms of our school. This was done a few days before the exam. Children are curious and mischievous by nature. One morning, we found that none of our smartphones on or off campus had received a signal. Several departments at a university next door were also affected. It's almost impossible for us to find the malicious jammer we suspect is at work. Fortunately, however, the school LAN as well as Internet connections and landlines are working. As head of technology, I had to come up with a solution, and today I'm going to share that solution.

Compared to GSM 4G cellular networks, Wifi uses a higher frequency (2.4 Ghz). The trick for all users with a phone that supports WiFi calling or VoIP is to route calls through the WiFi network. For other users with smartphones, the solution is to use Whatsapp to talk to FBM (Skype works too, only no one uses it except me).

This went on for a few days, and after the test was over, the renters left with their jammers.

Have you ever secretly used a cell phone blocker in a restaurant, theater, or on public transportation to end an unusually loud, obnoxious, and unnecessary phone conversation with a stranger sitting next to you?

I once rode the quiet Amtrak car between Boston and New York.

A woman was on the phone, completely oblivious to the signs posted and the announcements made over the public address system.

She replied, "The train hasn't moved yet," and continued the conversation.

From now on, all I have to do is ask the conductor for help, even if he's sitting next to me. I've gotten too many smart-aleck - or worse - replies.

Once, at a movie, I asked a young woman next to me to turn off her lit cell phone, and she reported me for harassment.

God, I'm easily twice her age, but that obviously doesn't count.

How to use cell phone jammer? Where can I buy one?

To use this phone number, first make sure you have the lawyer's phone number on hand - it is illegal to use a lawyer's phone number in most countries.

It's easy to find them online - try Google, but you'll have to check if they're allowed to be imported into your country. It's easy to find unsophisticated devices that broadcast across the entire spectrum (kind of like sparks, but more sophisticated), but this would obviously annoy more people and authorities even more, not least because it would block 911 calls and potentially also communications for emergency services, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.

If you want a device that allows 911 calls but blocks other calls, it's very complicated and expensive. In addition, as more and more frequencies (from about 800Mhz to more than 3GHz) are used in cellular networks, these devices must cover a range of radio spectrum.



TagiTagi: traced 
05 czerwca 202405 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In the minutes leading up to noon on September 11, 2018, Jared Johns, a former Army private, lay down on his bed, switched on the camera of his iPhone, and expressed his goodbyes to his family.

Approaching the conclusion of the two-minute video, Johns's eyes widened in horror as he read a message on his screen: "She is informing the police, and you will be imprisoned," the message declared.

Post-Afghanistan service, Johns took a deep breath, positioned a 9 mm handgun under his chin, and proceeded to pull the trigger.

Hundreds of former and current service members, including a 24-year-old veteran, have fallen victim to a distressing "sextortion" scheme. This tragic plot, which ultimately led to the veteran's suicide, involved deceitful individuals masquerading as underage girls on dating sites. Prosecutors claim that these scam artists aimed to extort money from men who were lured into their trap.

Nevertheless, the most startling feature of the narrative in Johns' case was that it was purportedly orchestrated by inmates at Lee Correctional Institution, a high-security prison in South Carolina located about 150 miles east of Greenville. Moreover, the inmates accomplished this using smartphones - prohibited devices that were meant to be blocked by the prison's $1.7 million "managed access system."

Prison administrators, together with select federal bodies, have suggested the purchase of a more complex and potentially more expensive technology to prevent illegal cellular and Wi-Fi communication from contraband phones in correctional facilities: a signal blocker device that is capable of blocking all calls within its operational radius.

Bryan P. Stirling, who leads the South Carolina Department of Corrections, has stated that prisoners, though physically confined, are still free digitally.

Nevertheless, some experts sound a warning about the utilization of jamming technology, which was recently tested by the federal Bureau of Prisons in a South Carolina correctional facility. They caution that such technology could potentially endanger the public by interfering with crucial 911 calls and other cellphone services nearby. In the case of rural prisons, the concern revolves around the impact on drivers using local roads and highways. Additionally, these experts assert that the effectiveness of this technology is highly questionable.


Jamming all calls, even to 911

The challenges at hand have prompted corrections officials and federal agencies to propose the adoption of cellphone jammers, a technology that has faced opposition from the communications industry. This solution seeks to put an end to all calls, irrespective of whether they are made from phones owned by staff or emergency workers.

Unlike managed access systems, which restrict calls to approved numbers, jammers have the capability to interfere with all frequencies, including data and Wi-Fi, without discrimination. This poses a significant problem for the nation's 911 phone system, as it operates on a frequency that is closely related to those used by commercial carriers.

Only federal agencies have the legal authorization to operate jammers, and solely in restricted circumstances concerning national security. Nevertheless, with the endorsement of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai-selected by President Trump in 2017- and the U.S. Department of Justice, the potential use of jammers in correctional facilities may be explored.

September saw the department and state officials releasing news about a test conducted at South Carolina's Broad River Correctional Institution. The test demonstrated that a micro-jammer could effectively block calls within a cell block, while allowing "legitimate calls" a foot outside its walls.

On the other hand, the technical report from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration offered a different perspective. It highlighted that the test solely focused on one out of the 14 jammers required to block calls in half of the cellblock. Furthermore, the report noted the detection of jamming signals at a minimum distance of 65 feet, although the actual impact on regular cell-phone service remained uncertain.



TagiTagi: block prisoner cellphone use 
04 czerwca 202404 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A Chinese government-affiliated trade body sought to purchase drone-jamming equipment for Russian buyers, but dismissed accusations, claiming the Russians tried to buy children's toys, FT says.

FT: China trade promotion body eyed drone jammers for Russia

China's Guangdong Province Trade Promotion Association for Russia, established under the guidance of the provincial commerce department, posted a "Notice of foreign enterprises purchasing [unmanned aerial vehicle] equipment" on its WeChat social media site, seeking "interference generators, drone detectors (trade names BorisTone, Assel Labs, Bulat) or other similar technological solutions, UAV suppressors, communication frequency band signal blockers," according to Financial Times.

China claims neutrality in the Russo-Ukrainian war, positioning itself as an alleged proponent of peace. Despite this, it provides economic support to Russia, including drone technology and gunpowder ingredients, following the announcement of their "no limits" relationship.

FT notes that the agency was set up last year to help Russian customers buy goods ranging from trucks to boats. This time, the buyers specifically wanted a locally produced equivalent to the Bulat drone detectors developed by the St. Petersburg company 3mx, which has said its products have been used "on the front lines" during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The procurement notice was later removed from the association's WeChat account. When contacted by the Financial Times, a person from the group claimed it was "some sort of mistake" and alleged the Russian buyers were actually looking for "children's toys," contradicting the detailed drone countermeasure descriptions in the original post.

The US aims to disrupt supplies to Russia's defense industry via China, a crucial support route for Putin's war efforts. US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo emphasized in Berlin on 31 May that Chinese firms must choose between trading with Western economies or supplying Russia with dual-use goods.

The Financial Times report highlights the dominant role China plays in the global drone supply chain through companies like DJI, the world's largest commercial drone maker.

Earlier, British Defense Minister Grant Schapps stated that forthcoming evidence from American and British intelligence would show China providing lethal combat equipment to Russia for use in Ukraine. However, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan dismissed Shapps' claims, noting at a White House press briefing that the US has not observed such activities and he anticipates coordinating with the UK for a unified understanding.



TagiTagi: drone jammers promotion 
03 czerwca 202403 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The FCC says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.

The FCC has noticed a rise in people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and could be used to cause chaos in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports and have been used to jam radio communications near police stations. FCC officials say they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the U.S. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public.

Earlier this week, the FCC issued subpoenas to eight individuals and companies that posted ads for jammers on Craigslist.

The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

"Simply posting an ad for a signal jammers on a site like is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," Michele Ellison, director of the FCC's enforcement bureau, said in a statement. "One person's moment of peace or privacy could jeopardize the safety and well-being of others."

According to the citations, most sellers advertised the jammers as a way to take an "undisturbed nap" on the bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area "free of interference," without mentioning the more nefarious uses the devices could be used for.

"We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammer devices do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers," one of the citations read. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believed that their illegal operations were a matter of personal convenience or should be excused."

But the FCC said at least one seller appeared to know that jammers were contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for sale a "cell phone blocker, wifi blocker" for $300. In his ad, he said that "due to the nature of this item, we are revealing very few details," that the jammer was "not a toy," and that "I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

"The nature of the ad suggests that Mr. Grabowski knew about the sensitive and/or illegal nature of the equipment he was selling on Craigslist," the citation reads.

People who receive the ticket have 15 days to remove the ad from the site and provide the FCC with information about where the jammer was purchased and to whom it was sold. Simply posting an ad for the sale of a jammer could result in a fine of more than $100,000.

The FCC has set up a "jammer tip line" for people to report to the agency people who may be selling or using jammers.

"We intend to take increasingly tough enforcement action against offenders," Ellison said. "If we find you selling or operating a jammer, you will be punished."

TagiTagi: crackdown cell phone 
01 czerwca 202401 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Expanding the scope of cell phone jammer applications

Cell phone jammers were initially created for law enforcement to intercept messages from terrorists and criminals. Over time, they have undergone significant advancements. Nowadays, they play a crucial role not only in combating terrorism but also in various official and civilian applications. Their capability to block communications as a precautionary step against organized crime and to disable remote-controlled explosive devices makes them essential in contemporary security measures. Furthermore, there have been instances where signal jammers have prevented attempts to assassinate prominent figures, underscoring their vital function in high-risk security situations.

Technological advances enhance jamming capabilities

The efficiency of cell phone jammers is attributed to the sophisticated technology powering them. These gadgets emit precise signals that disrupt the functioning of the remote-controlled receiver, thus thwarting the implementation of any programmed instructions. It is crucial to note that this interference is limited to a specified zone, guaranteeing that devices beyond this shielded region remain unaffected. This accuracy is vital for upholding uninterrupted communication across a broader expanse while safeguarding the intended area.

Jammers employ uniquely coded signals to trick GSM device receivers, stopping mobile phones from linking up with their respective base stations. This advanced method guarantees that any effort to communicate through a cell phone within the jammed area is successfully disrupted, while authorized communications beyond the jammed area continue without interruption.

Applications Beyond Terrorism

  1. Educational Institutions:

    - Cell phone jammers are increasingly used in educational institutions to prevent cheating in exams. By blocking signals within exam rooms, authorities can ensure a fair exam environment.

  2. Prisons and Detention Centers:

    - In detention centers, jammers are essential to prevent inmates from making unauthorized calls, which could coordinate criminal activity outside the facility.

  3. Corporate Security:

    - Companies use jammers to protect sensitive information during high-level meetings, ensuring that no unauthorized recording or transmission occurs.

  4. Public Events and Venues:

    - During large public events such as concerts or sporting events, jammers can prevent disruptions and ensure the safety of attendees by blocking potential threats such as remote control devices.

  5. Hospitals:

    - In medical settings, jammers help maintain security in areas where cell phone signals could interfere with sensitive medical equipment.


It is evident that cell phone jammers offer numerous advantages; however, their utilization necessitates a careful balance between ethical and legal factors. The deployment of jammers is subject to regulations that differ across countries and regions. In numerous locations, their usage is restricted to authorized individuals and specific situations to prevent any potential abuse and guarantee uninterrupted access to emergency communications.

With the continuous advancement of technology, it is expected that cell phone jammers will undergo further improvements. These future enhancements may involve refining the targeting capabilities to minimize any unintended disruptions, enhancing the portability for quick deployment in dynamic scenarios, and strengthening the encryption to ensure that jamming signals remain impenetrable.

Cell phone jammers have transformed from a niche law enforcement tool to a versatile device with widespread use in security, privacy, and public safety. By leveraging advanced technology, these devices play a vital role in protecting against threats ranging from terrorism to cheating on exams. However, their use must be strictly regulated to balance security needs with individual rights and freedoms. As we move forward, the continued development of jamming technology promises to enhance our ability to protect and secure society from emerging challenges.



TagiTagi: jammers security privacy 
31 maja 202431 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Discontent is a significant factor in the growth of individuals, communities, and civilization. Excessive dissatisfaction may have negative consequences, but an appropriate level of discontent can bring about positive outcomes. If everyone is content with the status quo, progress will stagnate, leading to the decline of humanity. In this article, we will present the necessity of discontent in the creation of cell phone signal jammers.

The primary purpose of a cell phone jammers is to effectively obstruct unauthorized communication signals whenever necessary. This device is particularly well-suited for individuals employed in diverse government and correctional institutions. However, it is important to note that signal jammers have the capability to impede communications, posing a significant security risk.

Security is a crucial requirement for certain facilities due to clear reasons. Take military facilities, for instance, where communication is strictly regulated and requires prior approval.

Cell phones play an important role in our daily life. Why are there cell phone blockers now? Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the improper use of mobile phones in some formal occasions. Discontent is also a driving force of human civilization as a whole. It can be said that in primitive society, science came into being because ancestors were not satisfied with their understanding of the world, and technology came into being because ancestors were not satisfied with simple manual labor. This curiosity and desire, in fact, also led to the prosperity of technology later.

Use jammers to prevent interference and block unauthorized communications

In order to avoid disruptions, it is essential to utilize a signal jammer to enhance your daily life. Several nations prohibit the use of cell phone jammers by individuals. It is important to verify the regulations in your area. Some people opt to install jammers, particularly cell phone jammers, to prevent disturbances. If it is permissible under your country's laws, you may acquire a beneficial jamming device.

In various settings such as classrooms, conference rooms, presentations, or religious services, receiving a call at an inappropriate moment can lead to significant disruptions. However, the use of cell phone jammers can effectively prevent such calls from occurring in the first place. By employing these devices, interference and unwanted phone noise can be blocked, granting you the ability to regain control over the situation.

Encountered this scenario before? The phone kept ringing, yet no one bothered to address the disturbance. You vocalize, "Kindly silence your phone." Unfortunately, your call goes unanswered. In a large gathering, instructing individuals to silence their devices proves ineffective. A considerable portion will inevitably keep their devices active for various reasons. The solution? A cell phone jammer.

It is a matter of debate whether this signifies a broader issue within society, nevertheless, it remains a fact. Even during solemn occasions like funerals, it is unavoidable that there will be intermittent phone calls to disrupt the silence or offer prayers.

The signal jammer has the capability to disrupt the frequency required for a phone to receive incoming calls, regardless of the circumstances, resulting in the phone not ringing.


TagiTagi: phone blockers 
30 maja 202430 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The individual who fitted a laser jamming device in his commercial vehicle to evade speeding fines has received a suspended prison term, been instructed to pay a fine of £3000, and subjected to a two-month curfew.

Jason Moore was convicted by a jury at Swansea Crown Court for obstructing justice by installing a Laser Star jamming device on a VW Transporter van to obstruct a laser speed camera operator from Dyfed-Powys Police in determining the vehicle's speed.

James Hartson, the prosecutor, informed the court that in September 2018, the van was observed traveling at a high rate of speed as it neared the speed camera near Nantyci Showground on the A40, St Clears, heading towards Camarthen.

The camera operator encountered an error message while trying to measure the speed of the vehicle. Despite this, the operator had received training from Road Safety Support experts to identify the specific conditions that could trigger such an error message.

Dyfed-Powys Police, as part of Road Safety Support, enlisted the expertise of Steve Callaghan, a forensic video analyst and laser jammers specialist employed by the company.

Mr. Callaghan received a copy of the video and verified the presence of a suspicious device in the footage. Additionally, he observed that the laser signal jammers emitted light from the van's grille while error messages were being displayed by the laser speedmeter.

Following Mr. Callaghan's initial assessment and recommendations to Dyfed-Powys Police, the van was retrieved in order to conduct testing on the device and gather evidence.

A comprehensive report was compiled detailing the examination results and the circumstances surrounding the incident, during which the speed could not be determined. Road Safety Support determined that the van was traveling at a speed of 72 mph, exceeding its maximum permitted speed of 60 mph.

Mr. Moore stated that he was unaware of the Laser Star jamming system's ability to interfere with the speed measurement feature of a police speedmeter. He asserted that he purchased the device specifically for its parking sensor function.

Mr. Moore selected David Winstanley, a former police collision investigator, who asserted his proficiency in laser and video systems, to serve as his expert witness.

Mr. Winstanley emphasized that the Laser Star should be marketed as a 'parking sensor' rather than being viewed primarily as a laser jamming device.

Mr. Callaghan clarified that utilizing a laser beam for identifying parking obstacles was completely unsuitable and mostly ineffective. He pointed out that a parking sensor does not have to be set to disrupt a laser speedmeter in any circumstance. Additionally, the Laser Star is advertised as being able to disrupt speed cameras in its instructions and marketing materials, which is not a feature of a parking sensor.

Mr. Moore further mentioned in his explanation that the security firm he was employed by required staff to cover the costs of any harm inflicted on company vehicles. He argued that he installed the device to minimize the likelihood of damage.

Moore was convicted by a jury and received a sentence at Swansea Crown Court on October 18, 2021.

Judge Vosper QC deemed Moore's defense as baseless, expressing no astonishment over the jury's dismissal of it.

Moore received a suspended 32-week custodial sentence, which will remain in effect for a period of 2 years. Additionally, he has been instructed to settle costs and fines amounting to £3,000, and a curfew lasting two months has been imposed upon him.

Can police tell if you have a laser jammer?

The utilization of a lidar gun by the police, directed towards a vehicle, will result in the device displaying either "no response" or cosine error. In the event of such an error, the police will be unable to determine whether the vehicle is equipped with a laser jammer or if they are simply not targeting the vehicle accurately. Consequently, this grants the driver an opportunity to modify their speed before the police can retrieve the data once more.

Since police need to be stationary and able to see a vehicle at close range without cover for lidar to work properly, if police receive a false response the first time they fire their lidar gun, the targeted driver will likely have time to adjust his speed when out of range. Lidar is most often used by motorcycle police or identifiable patrol cars, who use it most effectively on major roads, which limits when and where they can be used. In the case of heavy traffic, the police lidar gun is very effective at focusing on the vehicle and instantly calculating its speed, distance and direction.


TagiTagi: speed camera jammer 
29 maja 202429 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A Fairhope man was charged last week with interfering with a 911 dispatch call, and new court documents show a similar thing happened at the same apartment building a month earlier.

The residents of the apartment were the first to know and called the police.

On June 6, Trenton Lisak, 31, allegedly interfered with 911 dispatch calls from the Mobile Police Department, Fire Rescue, the sheriff and even the Metropolitan Jail in the downtown entertainment district. Police say Lissak carried out the well-planned attack from an apartment in downtown Mobile.

"People with these kinds of resources obviously cause a lot of concern," said Michael Kraus, a resident of the apartment building.


In a moment of life and death, this can be catastrophic

Officials at the Mobile County 911 Center told FOX10 News that detectives traced the disturbance to the 9th floor, where they found Lisak as well as the black market mobile jammer.

Now, new court documents show that a month ago, multiple tenants in the building complained that Wi-Fi and phones were not working.

Investigators said at the time that AT&T had gone to the apartment where Lissak was staying and told a tenant to stop interfering. After the disruption stopped, it began again on June 6. At that time detectives found the strongest signal jamming at the same door.

Kraus, who lives on a nearby floor, said the poor Wi-Fi signal affected his remote work for weeks

"Things are moving slowly, and I can see that there are issues like connectivity issues and interference," Krause said. "To me personally, it was very different, but after he left, or in this case, I guess arrested him, everything seemed to go back to normal." Since you told me it was on the 9th, that must explain a lot."

Court records show that Lissak is no stranger to the law. He was jailed for unrelated crimes, including a burglary in Baldwin County.

911 service director Charlie McNicol said Lissack's motive was unclear.

"He could have a variety of reasons, like he just likes to watch chaos, or he has mental issues, or unfortunately, he could be planning a major event and want to ensure public safety by interfering with communications," McNicol said.

Other residents told FOX10 News reporter Lacey Beasley that they saw SWAT officers enter the building the day Lisak was arrested.

But employees at the apartment said he did not live there.

The FBI is investigating.

TagiTagi: 911 jammer tampered 
28 maja 202428 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

On Tuesday, a 63-year-old man from Chicago was accused of utilizing an unauthorized device to seek tranquility while on the CTA.

Audrina Bigos from CBS 2 reveals that this is not the initial instance where the man has faced allegations of disrupting cell phone signals, and numerous grievances regarding dropped calls have caught people's attention.

Dennis Nicholl, a certified public accountant, exited the jail wearing a ball cap and business casual attire following his felony charge for using a signal jamming device.

Keegan Goudie mentioned that the device was very noticeable, prompting him and his brother to write a blog post about it on after seeing it on the CTA Red Line.

Chas mentioned that he appeared to have malicious intentions and that the device in question was not something he should be handling.

Cell phone signal disruptors can be purchased on the internet for prices ranging from $30 to $300. The sale, purchase, or use of these devices is prohibited by federal law. These disruptors have the capability to interfere with cell phone signals, police communication systems, and emergency calls.

Keegan stated that it demonstrates the extent of an individual's capabilities in terms of security and terrorist threats within any significant urban area.

Chicago Police spent months looking into reports of dropped calls on the Red Line. Eventually, a 911 caller alerted authorities to the infamous Nicholl. He was apprehended by undercover officers on a CTA platform on Tuesday and is currently charged with a felony.

Attorney Charles Lauer stated that he did not have any intention to harm anyone.


According to his attorney, Nicholl's motivation for using signal blocker was simply to find solace amidst the constant disturbance caused by numerous individuals engrossed in their cell phones.

The FCC states that individuals who use cell phone blocker may be subject to imprisonment and substantial fines. Violators could face penalties of $16,000 per violation or up to $112,000 for a single instance of using the device.

Nicholl was released from jail on Wednesday evening after posting bail.


TagiTagi: alleged phone jammer 
27 maja 202427 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

What's the context?

US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

  • South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones

  • Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely

  • Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

RICHMOND, Virginia - As director of South Carolina's Department of Corrections, Bryan Stirling believes he knows what is needed to make the state's 21 penal institutions safer while also protecting people outside the prison walls.

Ideally, Stirling would like to have the power to jam phone signals from the state's prisons to tackle the scourge of illegal cellphones being used to facilitate crimes ranging from sex trafficking to murder-for-hire and drug dealing.

But this action has been prohibited under federal law for decades, and there is no immediate sign of change despite numerous appeals from law enforcement officers across the country, including a letter from top state prosecutors to the leaders of Congress last year.

With no movement likely in the near future, South Carolina opted for a pilot programme that allowed authorities in Lee Correctional Institution to identify and shut down contraband cellphones. More than 800 phones have been shut off at Lee since last July, out of an inmate population of about 1,100.

"We call it a pilot, but it's basically the system in there now," said Stirling. "We are using this technology in Lee and we will continue to use this technology until we can secure the money to do it everywhere."

Cellphone jammers not enough to block calls from prisoners

  1. This is the view of senior prison officials who tell the Sunday Express that even though signal blocker (which they say are operational) are used to block signals from cellphones within the prisons, other interception technologies are needed for the system to be effective.

  2. "Cellphone jammers are being used. But they need to be in use with other technologies like Wi-Fi jammers to be truly effective. We can see this in other jurisdictions. But it's yet to be properly utilised here.

  3. "So you will have prisoners with cellphones and tablets who cannot make calls. But they can use either the phone's data, or if they have access to a hot-spot device or a Wi-Fi box, they will be able to make calls via social media apps. These include things like WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. So there is still the issue of communication with the outside world. Communication is still being made.

  4. "In other jurisdictions, you will see the cellphone jammers being used with other interception devices to determine the frequencies used by these devices, and then target those specific frequencies. If this is not done, then it's almost like spinning top in mud," a senior source in the Prison Service explained yesterday.


TagiTagi: cellphones 
25 maja 202425 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A laser jammer is a device designed to produce a "no response" or cosine error when a police officer directs a laser radar gun towards a vehicle. By displaying this error, the laser radar gun fails to provide any indication to the police officer whether the vehicle is equipped with a laser jammers or if their aim is simply off target.

A laser signal jammers is a tool that produces a "no response" or cosine error signal when a law enforcement officer directs a laser radar gun towards a vehicle. This error signal prevents the police officer from determining whether the vehicle is using a laser jammer or if they are not targeting the vehicle accurately.

How to jam police lasers?

In order to counteract the effects of a laser, it is essential for the front laser jammers to safeguard the headlights, license plate, and the reflective surfaces in their vicinity. Conversely, at the rear, the license plate and tail lights become the main focal points. Additionally, the center high-mounted stop light, backup lights, and vertical reflective surfaces are also susceptible. Surprisingly, even a spare tire/wheel assembly mounted on the tailgate can be targeted, as demonstrated by our successful attempt at hitting a Jeep Wrangler's aluminum spare wheel from a distance of 2,500 feet.

Can you install a laser jammer on your car?

California Vehicle Code Section 28150 (Division 12: Equipment of Vehicles, Chapter 5: Other Equipment, Article 17: Jamming Devices) states the following:

(a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(b) No person shall use, buy, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute any device that is designed for jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of subdivision (a) or (b) is an infraction.

(d) When a person possesses four or more devices in violation of subdivision (b), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who has a valid federal license for operating the devices described in this section may transport one or more of those devices if the license is carried in the vehicle transporting the device at all times when the device is being transported.

Can police radar measure speeds or more than one vehicle?

Police radars mounted on the dashboard have the capability to detect the speed of multiple vehicles simultaneously, often up to two.

Presently, radar technology allows for the simultaneous targeting of multiple vehicles, enabling the identification of the fastest vehicle in a group as well as the vehicle with the emest radar signal reflection. However, visual determination by the officer is still necessary to determine the fastest vehicle among those targeted.



TagiTagi: laser jammers 
24 maja 202424 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In 2011, the Payson Police Department believed they were acquiring a cell phone jammers from a government program supplying surplus military equipment to law enforcement agencies. However, they ended up with a smokescreen device from a U.S. Navy ship.

"The ‘Electronic Countermeasures' were supposed to be cell phone jamming devices. However, what was sent were smoke machines off of a naval ship," Chief of Police Ronald Tischer said in an email to Arizona Mirror. "So, we are in the process of sending them back. They were never used and have been in storage since 2011."

The Mirror reached out to the Payson Police Department after analyzing data published by the Defense Logistics Agency about military equipment sent to local law enforcement agencies across the country. The department obtained two items listed as "electronic countermeasures" in 2011 both valued at roughly $4,800.

Company offering cell, drone and other jammers is fined $35 million

Despite the possibility of not recovering the fine, the Federal Communications Commission announced yesterday that it has imposed a penalty forfeiture order of $34.9 million on Chinese electronics manufacturer and online retailer C.T.S. Technology for selling signal jamming devices to American consumers.

Radio frequency transmitters known as "jammers" are deliberately designed to obstruct, disturb, or impede wireless communications, including cell phone calls, GPS systems, Wi-Fi networks, and emergency communications.


C.T.S. Technology has been subjected to an investigation by the FCC's Enforcement Bureau, resulting in the Commission's proposal to impose a fine of $34,912,500. This penalty is being considered due to the company's marketing of 285 jammer models within the United States.

The company was directed by the FCC to guarantee that its marketing adheres to federal law. Despite not responding to the proposed fine, referred to as a "Notice of Apparent Liability," the company has subsequently implemented various measures to align its marketing practices with the U.S. laws that prohibit the marketing, sale, and importation of signal jammers.

The Commission did not receive any evidence from C.T.S. Technology to challenge the findings of the proposed fine. Therefore, yesterday's decision, which was a formal forfeiture order, upheld the full proposed fine against the company.

But collecting that money may be difficult.

Due to C.T.S. failing to acknowledge receipt of the NAL, the FCC reached out to the Chinese government to issue the NAL, as allowed by international law.

However, China's designated service affairs agency disregarded the agency's request and concluded that a forfeiture filing was suitable.

C.T.S. must make payment within 30 days. The FCC has not disclosed any further steps that will be taken in the event of non-payment.


TagiTagi: government programs 
23 maja 202423 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Bear will endeavor to elucidate the complexities at hand. Initially, there arises the matter of what and how they are disrupting. Bear will presume that they are causing interference rather than engaging in hacking, as the latter entails an entirely distinct matter.

In the event that a human experiences a loss of network connection to Ubear while still maintaining phone, data service, and GPS connectivity, it is highly likely that the problem lies with the Ubear application. It is unwarranted to suspect that nearby drivers are causing this issue through jamming. When Ubear loses coverage, which is common in its mountainous habitat, no specific actions need to be taken to regain access to U/L. This appears to be a problem with the human's phone.

If human is being jammed, most off-the-shelf (all illegal) jammers are going to be broadband and omnidirectional. In fact, bear finds in a search that such devices advertise their broadband capability. So any driver using one is going to potentially take out not only cell service but also TV broadcast (which still uses the parts of the good ol' UHF band that haven't been sold to the cell providers) and possibly GPS, and maybe even local 2.4GHz services (wifi, bluetooth), within the range of cell phone jammers. These devices aren't exactly subtle and many of them have a stupid amount of broadcast power. Bear saw one device with 8W transmit; in comparison, bear's marine radio normally uses 1W, but if bear is about to drown (bear can swim quite well) and needs the Coast Guard to come from miles away to save bear, bear can kick it up to 25W which gives range of up to 60 miles (the Coast Guard has bigass antennae to receive).

Consequently, signal jammers will inadvertently disable their own capacity to receive any signal, ultimately disconnecting themselves from the network.

If you had a particularly sophisticated rideshare driver/jammer, they would deploy a network of directional jammers to yield a shaped jamming coverage that created a window for them to receive signal at these magical hotels, but block pings from going to outside drivers. Not impossible, radio stations have to shape their broadcast signals in order to avoid interference with surrounding markets. Just somewhat technically challenging for a rideshare driver with off-the-shelf equipment (bear did not see any directional antennae on the first few results in a Goggle search). This would be the type of thing that is going on in the Ukraine war with government-sponsored technicians.

Additionally, the designated period for a hotel's busy checkout time should ideally span approximately one hour. In a stationary setting, this duration is set at a minimum of 15 minutes. This timeframe is significantly longer than the duration in which the reckless driver, who was caught jamming a specific cell tower during his morning commute, would have been causing interference. If individuals are actively disrupting GPS signals, it is reasonable to assume that military entities might also become aware of such activities. Undoubtedly, any driver in Florida is always in close proximity to a Coast Guard resource.

It is possible, perhaps even plausible, that they possess a low-power device with a limited range of operation. They seem to be aware of the fact that the human takes daily naps in a specific location. Consequently, they position themselves in close proximity to the human, causing a brief disruption by jamming their device for a few seconds. Remarkably, the human's phone is of such poor quality that it is susceptible to this interference. Excellent! Now all they need to do is repeat this process with the numerous other ants patiently awaiting their turn, as they continue to drive around.

All to earn $0.60/mile on a ride?

Bear recommends that individuals keep another service active while taking a nap, such as Pandora. If Pandora does not experience any disruptions in the same way, it implies that the person is not encountering any interference (unless they are solely disrupting the GPS, which should not necessitate restarting their phone as mentioned).


The Bear possesses a test receiver capable of encompassing all bands ranging from FM to UHF, spanning approximately 75 to 900MHz. The Bear extends a warm invitation to humans to borrow this receiver! Simply adjust it to a TV band that corresponds to the human's local market and suppress the audio signal of the TV station. Once gps jammers is activated, its disruptive noise will overpower the squelch, providing the human with absolute certainty.



TagiTagi: uber drivers 
22 maja 202422 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Canada held a National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft on February 8, 2024 in Ottawa. The Summit sought to bring together stakeholders to solve this very serious problem.

A major outcome of the Summit is that the government will disrupt the supply chain that makes available devices that are often used in vehicle theft by criminals in the process of stealing vehicles.

Vehicle theft has grown to be a very critical issue in Canada: The country is seeking to mitigate this situation. News reports reveal that car thieves have developed systematic techniques where it is easy to obtain stolen vehicles for sale in other markets. The federal government with the support of advocates is implementing plans to reduce this problem.

Should vehicle manufacturers do more to stop vehicle theft?


This very question of more remedies needed to stop vehicle theft has stimulated the growth of Aftermarket solutions. Antitheft systems and devices are growing in popularity becuase some people feel insecure about simply replying on the vehicle manufactures built-in security systems. The Forbes article below highlights this concern:

"Manufacturers are always working to improve the anti-theft measures in vehicles, but thieves work just as hard to defeat them. According to FBI statistics, in 2020 the U.S. saw an 11.8% increase in car thefts over the prior year, and the trend has continued. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported that over 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2022. That's a 7% increase over 2021, and the first time there were over 1 million vehicles stolen since 2008."

When the pickup truck was stolen, the thieves allegedly removed a factory-installed GPS tracker but the owner had his own backup plan: a second GPS tracker which was installed by a trained mechanic. This second telematics device enabled him to locate the Toyota Tundra at a parking lot in Toronto before he called the police.

The strategy of using a second backup tracker is a common strategy used all over the world: The typical weakness of this approach is Management and Maintenance. Management speaks to checking on the proper functioning of the Tracker at regular intervals. Maintenance requires prompt attention at the earliest signs of malfunction.

Information Risk

I believe that Information RISK is the typical reason why some persons chose backup security devices. Vehicle manufacturers adopt strategies to secure information on primary built-in tracking systems and devices so that vehicle security is not compromised. As the age old adage goes "a chain is as strong as its weakness link".

The vehicle service and maintenance information systems has to be distributed downstream involving more human players which inherently increases the risk that ethical issues may compromise security. How to prevent Information from being leaked to bad actors is always a systemic concern.

Information Risk Mitigation

The Information Risk Management (IRM) plan addresses the risk mitigation strategy using policies, technology and procedures to minimize the probability of information security leaks.

Once it becomes apparent that vehicles are being stolen despite the IRM being in place, data should be collected and analyzed to assess how the IRM can be strengthened. The spectrum of compromises varies from sharing of Master Access Codes, Encryption Algorithms or an individual in the Supply Chain informing criminal elements how to defeat the built-in security.

The tools devices generally used to steal vehicles include GPS and GSM Jammers.

GSM & GPS Jammers

Information on how to temporarily block GSM and GPS Signal jammers are readily available online.

Tech-Savvy criminals can learn and become proficient

The GPS Tracker which is an Internet of Things (IoT) device, detects the attempts to jam GSM and GPS transmissions: This electronic attack interferes with the operation of the tracker in it's function to protect the vehicle from being stolen. The small electronic circuit board within the device gathers GPS, GSM, Bluetooth data and other information that keeps the vehicle secure. Satellite data determines vehicle location and elevation.

Is the vehicle on a mountain road or driving through a tunnel under a river. The GSM module assists the GPS module by also providing tracking data based on Mobile Cellsite Towers: This information assists the GPS functionality of the tracker. The Mobile (GSM) data connectivity from the wireless telephone operators such as T-Mobile or Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) allows for the sending of Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring data from the Tracker to GPS Tracking platforms (Software) such as



TagiTagi: combatting auto theft 
22 maja 202422 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Canada held a National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft on February 8, 2024 in Ottawa. The Summit sought to bring together stakeholders to solve this very serious problem.

A major outcome of the Summit is that the government will disrupt the supply chain that makes available devices that are often used in vehicle theft by criminals in the process of stealing vehicles.

Vehicle theft has grown to be a very critical issue in Canada: The country is seeking to mitigate this situation. News reports reveal that car thieves have developed systematic techniques where it is easy to obtain stolen vehicles for sale in other markets. The federal government with the support of advocates is implementing plans to reduce this problem.

Should vehicle manufacturers do more to stop vehicle theft?


This very question of more remedies needed to stop vehicle theft has stimulated the growth of Aftermarket solutions. Antitheft systems and devices are growing in popularity becuase some people feel insecure about simply replying on the vehicle manufactures built-in security systems. The Forbes article below highlights this concern:

"Manufacturers are always working to improve the anti-theft measures in vehicles, but thieves work just as hard to defeat them. According to FBI statistics, in 2020 the U.S. saw an 11.8% increase in car thefts over the prior year, and the trend has continued. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported that over 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2022. That's a 7% increase over 2021, and the first time there were over 1 million vehicles stolen since 2008."

When the pickup truck was stolen, the thieves allegedly removed a factory-installed GPS tracker but the owner had his own backup plan: a second GPS tracker which was installed by a trained mechanic. This second telematics device enabled him to locate the Toyota Tundra at a parking lot in Toronto before he called the police.

The strategy of using a second backup tracker is a common strategy used all over the world: The typical weakness of this approach is Management and Maintenance. Management speaks to checking on the proper functioning of the Tracker at regular intervals. Maintenance requires prompt attention at the earliest signs of malfunction.

Information Risk

I believe that Information RISK is the typical reason why some persons chose backup security devices. Vehicle manufacturers adopt strategies to secure information on primary built-in tracking systems and devices so that vehicle security is not compromised. As the age old adage goes "a chain is as strong as its weakness link".

The vehicle service and maintenance information systems has to be distributed downstream involving more human players which inherently increases the risk that ethical issues may compromise security. How to prevent Information from being leaked to bad actors is always a systemic concern.

Information Risk Mitigation

The Information Risk Management (IRM) plan addresses the risk mitigation strategy using policies, technology and procedures to minimize the probability of information security leaks.

Once it becomes apparent that vehicles are being stolen despite the IRM being in place, data should be collected and analyzed to assess how the IRM can be strengthened. The spectrum of compromises varies from sharing of Master Access Codes, Encryption Algorithms or an individual in the Supply Chain informing criminal elements how to defeat the built-in security.

The tools devices generally used to steal vehicles include GPS and GSM Jammers.

GSM & GPS Jammers

Information on how to temporarily block GSM and GPS Signal jammers are readily available online.

Tech-Savvy criminals can learn and become proficient

The GPS Tracker which is an Internet of Things (IoT) device, detects the attempts to jam GSM and GPS transmissions: This electronic attack interferes with the operation of the tracker in it's function to protect the vehicle from being stolen. The small electronic circuit board within the device gathers GPS, GSM, Bluetooth data and other information that keeps the vehicle secure. Satellite data determines vehicle location and elevation.

Is the vehicle on a mountain road or driving through a tunnel under a river. The GSM module assists the GPS module by also providing tracking data based on Mobile Cellsite Towers: This information assists the GPS functionality of the tracker. The Mobile (GSM) data connectivity from the wireless telephone operators such as T-Mobile or Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) allows for the sending of Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring data from the Tracker to GPS Tracking platforms (Software) such as



TagiTagi: combatting auto theft 
21 maja 202421 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The device resembling a walkie-talkie, known as a phone jammer, possesses greater power than one may initially assume. Once activated, this compact box has the capability to disrupt all cell phone signals within its vicinity. Utilizing such a device is not only a violation of federal law, but can also lead to severe consequences such as a $16,000 penalty and imprisonment.


Eric, a resident of Philadelphia, refused to let the situation deter him. He grew weary of the incessant chatter from cell phone users on SEPTA 44 buses. In order to avoid these conversations, Eric decided to activate a jamming device.

Eric mentioned that many individuals lack consideration for privacy and tend to be excessively noisy. To cope with the disturbance, he adjusts the antenna and switches on the device.

The utilization of jammers, similar to the ones employed in this particular scenario, is deemed unlawful due to their ability to disrupt crucial communication channels during emergencies, including cell phone networks, as well as impeding the transmission of essential signals like police radios and other two-way radios.

Eric stated that upon learning of its illegality, he intends to dispose of the jammer he purchased, a device that ABC News approximated to be worth $300.

Buying a jammer is easy, but where can you use it?

Various methods for deliberately disrupting electromagnetic frequencies, commonly referred to as jamming, have been incorporated into a range of gadgets and are progressively becoming more accessible to both individuals and groups. Despite being prohibited in many regions globally, jammers are becoming more compact, portable, user-friendly, and cost-effective. While certain jammers may obstruct communications without discrimination, there exist distinct categories of specialized devices engineered to block specific signals. The most sought-after among these are mobile phone jammers, wifi jammers, drone blocker, and gps jammers.

Most national authorities disapprove of the use of these devices due to their tendency to cause more significant disruptions than anticipated. Even when used with good intentions, such as to block mobile phone usage in schools, theaters, and hospitals, or to prevent drones from flying over private property, the interference can extend far beyond the intended scope. Unintended consequences like dropped 911 calls, drones crashing, and compromised air traffic control have prompted countries like South Africa and Israel to ban jammers altogether.

Is there somewhere I can use a jammer?

Jammers are frequently employed near correctional facilities and detention centers to inhibit unauthorized and unmonitored interactions between inmates and detainees and the external environment. Some nations, including Brazil, India, New Zealand, and Sweden, have either granted exemptions or are contemplating exemptions for the deployment of mobile phone and wifijammer around prisons, whereas in the UK, this practice has been lawful since 2012.

Some nations have authorized or suggested broadening the utilization of jammers. In India, for instance, jammers may be utilized in educational institutions, places of worship, and entertainment venues as long as it is proven that the disruption remains within the confines of the premises. While jammers were previously sanctioned for deployment in locations like theaters and concert halls, this practice ceased in 2012.

If you find yourself in possession of a cell phone blocker, what course of action should you take? One option to consider is booking your upcoming flight to Ukraine, as this country has implemented measures to deter students from using mobile phones for cheating during exams, making it one of the rare nations where jammers are permitted.




TagiTagi: cell phone 
20 maja 202420 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Why use cell phone blockers?

Signal jammers are deemed essential in locations where adhering to cellphone etiquette proves challenging; however, their prohibition stems from the potential hazards they present to public safety and communication infrastructures.

Are cell phone blockers legal?

In South Africa, the preservation of communication network integrity is crucial, leading to the strict prohibition of mobile jammers by law. Similar to numerous other regions worldwide, the utilization of such devices goes against the legal structure put in place to uphold public safety and guarantee communication reliability.

The South African signal jammers are considered illegal due to their inherent interference with authorized radio communications. Their disruption of signal transmission between mobile devices and cell towers poses a substantial threat to public safety. This interference can obstruct crucial emergency calls, cause delays in response times, and potentially put lives at risk. Furthermore, signal jammers have the capability to disrupt law enforcement communications, impede the effectiveness of police operations, and jeopardize public safety.

Does a signal booster work against cell phone jammers?

Regrettably, the signal booster proves to be ineffective when faced with a signal jammer. This is primarily due to the fact that signal jammers intentionally disrupt the transmission of cellular signals, thereby interfering with the very signal that the signal booster is intended to enhance.

A signal booster's purpose is to receive a cellular signal from outside a building or vehicle, boost it, and transmit the emer signal within a specific area. But, when a signal jammer is in use, it disrupts or replaces natural cellular signals, hindering the signal booster's ability to receive and amplify them effectively.

Detect and respond to cell phone jammers

Detecting signal jammers poses a significant challenge for the average consumer due to their stealthy nature and lack of clear indicators. Service interruptions or sudden loss of connection may suggest the presence of jammers, but these signs can also be caused by other factors like network congestion or technical issues.

Specialized equipment or expertise is often necessary to accurately determine the exact location of a signal jammer. Most consumers do not have access to advanced spectrum analyzers or RF detectors, which are typically required for pinpointing the source of interference. Therefore, if there are suspicions of illegal interference activities, it is recommended to seek help from law enforcement agencies or relevant regulatory bodies. These authorities possess the necessary resources and expertise to effectively investigate and resolve such incidents.


TagiTagi: signal booster 
18 maja 202418 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The topic at hand pertains to wifi interference and devices that rely on wifi for transmitting data.

The discussed wifi interference does not impact cellular or sensor RF signals.

Wifi-enabled cameras and wifi communication for dual path signaling could be vulnerable. Certain third-party security systems rely solely on wifi, and they appear to occasionally substitute the term security system with that of a single doorbell camera.

Extended wifi disconnection would be identified as a dual path communication breakdown. The system utilizes RF jam detection for PowerG and traditional sensor frequencies, however, there is no mention of wifi interference.


wifi jammer and cellular jammers are both designed to block different signals that require jamming.

They manufacture combination devices that effectively disrupt both cellular and wifi signals within a single unit.

Criminals are becoming increasingly adept and employing more elaborate methods to carry out their illicit activities.

The news broadcasted footage of burglars entering a business located next to jewelry stores due to their vulnerability to break-ins. They were seen utilizing a sledgehammer to breach the drywall and gain access to the jewelry store.

It is important to emphasize that my intention is not to cause unnecessary alarm, but it is worth noting that thieves are increasingly going to extreme measures to break into properties.

It is my firm belief that alarm companies must confront this issue and proactively stay ahead of the changing trends.

The Glendale Police Department released a statement on Tuesday regarding the recent increase in residential burglaries that have occurred over the last few months, not only in Glendale but also throughout Southern California.

The GPD stated that suspects have been using technology in certain instances to carry out these crimes, including the use of Wi-Fi signal blockers or "jammers" to avoid being detected by home security alarms and cameras.

These devices emit signals that are inaudible to humans and effectively disrupt Wi-Fi signals and security systems, rendering them disconnected from the network and alarm systems disabled. A portable signal jammers, capable of blocking wireless communications within a 15-meter radius, exemplifies such a device.


GPD has stated that this technology causes interference with the signals transmitted by residential Wi-Fi systems, resulting in the interruption of conventional home security systems and cameras. Consequently, these security measures become incapable of notifying homeowners or law enforcement about the presence of intruders. The occurrence of such incidents has given rise to substantial apprehensions regarding the safety and security of our community.

The number of burglaries has been steadily declining according to the latest report from GPD. In December and January, there were 19 incidents each, followed by 18 in February. The most recent data shows that there have been eight burglaries so far in March.



TagiTagi: wifi jammers used 
17 maja 202417 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

According to a report from NBC News, online retailers and drone technology companies are promoting the sale of radio frequency jammers as tools to deter drones or protect privacy. This marketing strategy allows them to bypass laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a cautionary statement regarding signal jamming devices, highlighting their potential to disrupt emergency calls and jeopardize public safety communications. Additionally, these devices can interfere with various other types of communication and air navigation systems.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) states that the intentional use of a phone blocker, gps blocker, or any other signal jamming device to block, jam, or disrupt authorized radio communications is against federal law. There are no exceptions for using such devices in a business, classroom, home, or vehicle. Local law enforcement agencies do not have the authority to use jamming equipment independently; only federal law enforcement agencies are authorized to do so in specific situations as outlined by relevant statutes.

The FCC has issued a caution indicating that it is illegal to promote, sell, deliver, import, or in any way promote jamming devices to consumers within the United States.

NBC has reported that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online retailers from China, and small local businesses focusing on drone-related products are disregarding the law. The FCC informed NBC that they are currently looking into the sale of jammers, including those available on Amazon.

During its investigation, NBC interviewed the CEO of a US company specializing in portable anti-drone RF jamming units available for purchase online. The CEO informed NBC that these devices were readily accessible to consumers with the financial means, although the primary interest came from major corporations and government entities seeking to safeguard against potential domestic drone threats.


WiFi jammers sold by online retailers

I have a wired security camera due to the availability of WiFi jammers sold by Amazon. While I concur with this reasoning, it is important to note that the FCC does not support this practice.

Maverick Drone Systems, a company headquartered in Minnesota, is selling a portable anti-drone "RF jamming unit" for $2,999 on its website, with Tatusky, a company based in China, identified as the supplier. The jammer, which bears a slight resemblance to a shotgun, is described as "easy to use" and has a range of 1-2 kilometers, as stated in the listing. Maverick CEO Adam Shaw mentioned in a phone interview, "Any individual could purchase one of these devices as early as tomorrow."

Maverick, however, is not the only one. Nine independent sellers on Amazon have recently listed "jammer" devices for sale, with prices starting as low as $25.63, as reported by NBC News. The listings claim that these devices can be utilized in various scenarios, such as disrupting microphones.

Observe the technique we are employing to flip a playing card, showcasing "$3k quasi-military hardware here" on one side and "$30 wifi jammer on Amazon" on the other. It is crucial to acknowledge that both of these items are illegal, despite the vast contrast in their prices.


TagiTagi: jammers 
16 maja 202416 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Ukraine has received a contribution of drone-jamming equipment from Lithuania as part of its most recent military assistance package. This addition will complement the numerous advanced Lithuanian counter-unmanned aircraft systems that are already in operation.

The ministry's aid program includes a range of unspecified capabilities such as weaponry, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-drone equipment, as well as training and logistics support requested by Ukraine signal jammer.

Kyiv will receive a substantial long-term assistance plan from the country, amounting to 200 million euros ($217 million). This plan is set to be distributed over the course of six years, until 2026 drone jammer.

Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas emphasized the vital role played by the weapons and equipment provided by Lithuania and its allies in supporting Ukraine's fight for independence and ensuring the security of Europe.

Continuing Support

Since the commencement of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, Lithuania has extended more than 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in assistance to Ukraine, demonstrating its commitment by allocating 1.2 percent of its GDP towards this cause.

The notable contributions made by this organization consist of two Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, 36 Bofors L-70 anti-aircraft guns along with ammunition, and 50 M113 armored carriers.

Plans were also revealed to supply extra demining gear, ammunition, and food provisions to the nation from 2024 to 2025.

Furthermore, it intends to provide training to approximately 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the conclusion of 2024.

TagiTagi: drone 
15 maja 202415 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Numerous variations of 5G signal jammer are presently available. Some devices are designed to solely disrupt a single frequency, whereas others possess the capability to obstruct multiple network types concurrently. The latter mode automatically switches between different networks, actively seeking out unsecured signals. High-end devices have the capacity to block all frequencies simultaneously, while alternative devices can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

In essence, these devices emit random static or noise across a broad spectrum of frequencies, resulting in a failure to establish proper connections. It can be likened to sitting beside the engine of a sports car, opening the hood, and attempting to have a phone conversation. The localized noise becomes so overpowering that the device fails to connect effectively. Swift and extensive coverage of a specific frequency range can effectively hinder the proper functioning of a device.

The EMI signal's carrier frequency matches that of the receiver, allowing simultaneous demodulation of the interference signal. This analogy can be likened to transporting a model vehicle (carrier frequency) along with counterfeit goods (interference signals). Only upon receiving the goods can their authenticity or falseness be determined. The shielding effect can be achieved due to the significant electronic interference power, which is constrained by the interference signal.

The operational mechanism of a 5G cell phone jammer involves transmitting a signal from a device that operates on the same frequency as the mobile signal source. Once the jammer is installed, it can be activated to disrupt mobile signals in areas where they need to be deactivated. It is crucial to ensure that there are no obstructions present at the location for the interference to effectively take place. Given the rising number of mobile phone users, there is a growing requirement to selectively disable mobile phone signals in certain areas using civilian-oriented methods rather than electronic devices.

A 5G wifi jammer serves as a tool to safeguard the reception signals of mobile phones by blocking them. The signal rates of cell phone signal blocking device modems are equivalent to those of cell phone towers. The activation of a mobile phone jammer results in the successful disruption of mobile phone signals, rendering them disabled.

Mobile devices operate in full-duplex mode, allowing them to utilize two frequencies concurrently for transmitting and receiving signals. This synchronous signal processing enables seamless communication. However, certain 5G signal jammers are only capable of blocking one frequency at a time, inadvertently causing both frequencies to be blocked. Consequently, the phone may interpret this as a lack of service in the vicinity due to receiving only one frequency.

5G signal jammers operate on a common radio frequency, causing interference. Devices designed for shielding purposes can disrupt the connection between cell phones and base stations. The act of blocking signals is sometimes referred to as a denial of service attack, as it prevents users within the jamming range from accessing radio signals.

The concept of disabling mobile phones produces a similar blocking impact on 4G/5G networks as it does on other forms of radio communication. In order for a mobile phone to function, a signal must be transmitted from the phone to the nearest cell tower. In urban areas, multiple towers are strategically placed to ensure seamless signal transmission as users move around.


TagiTagi: signal interceptors 
14 maja 202414 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The use of unapproved devices that disrupt cell phone signals has been flagged by the FCC as a potential security hazard.

The sale of "signal jammer" - devices capable of disrupting cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has caught the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), prompting concerns about potential disturbances in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of cell phone jammer, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

The Communications Act of 1934 strictly prohibits the sale, advertising, usage, or importation of jammers, as it is illegal to disrupt radio communications in public places.

As per the FCC, jammers were promoted on the site in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not see any connection between the cases.

The FCC's enforcement bureau chief, Michele Ellison, pointed out that the simple action of posting an ad for a signal jammer on websites such as is breaking federal law. Signal jammers are considered contraband for a particular reason.

In line with the citations, the majority of sellers promoted jammers as a way to enjoy an undisturbed nap while traveling on a bus, maintain a quiet educational setting, or create a peaceful environment, without mentioning the potential for misuse of the device.

As mentioned in one of the citations, there is an increasing concern about the limited comprehension of individual consumers who operate jamming devices regarding the serious consequences that may arise. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified by personal convenience or should be pardoned.

The FCC has indicated that there was at least one seller who had knowledge of jammers being classified as contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised a "cell phone jammer, wifi jammer" on the Philadelphia Craigslist, with a price tag of $300. In the ad, he acknowledges the limited details disclosed about the item due to its nature. He emphasizes that the jammer is not a toy and expresses his intention to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

His citation reveals that the ad created by Mr. Grabowski suggests his awareness of the sensitive and potentially illegal nature of the device he was selling on Craigslist.

The establishment of the "Jammer Tip Line" by the FCC allows individuals to easily inform the bureau about any suspected cases of jammer sales or usage, ensuring efficient reporting and investigation of such activities.

It was announced by Ellison that we have a firm determination to increase the severity of our enforcement actions against violators. Any individuals caught selling or operating a jammer will face costly consequences.


TagiTagi: fcc cell phone jammers 
14 maja 202414 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The use of unapproved devices that disrupt cell phone signals has been flagged by the FCC as a potential security hazard.

The sale of "signal jammer" - devices capable of disrupting cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has caught the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), prompting concerns about potential disturbances in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of cell phone jammer, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

The Communications Act of 1934 strictly prohibits the sale, advertising, usage, or importation of jammers, as it is illegal to disrupt radio communications in public places.

As per the FCC, jammers were promoted on the site in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not see any connection between the cases.

The FCC's enforcement bureau chief, Michele Ellison, pointed out that the simple action of posting an ad for a signal jammer on websites such as is breaking federal law. Signal jammers are considered contraband for a particular reason.

In line with the citations, the majority of sellers promoted jammers as a way to enjoy an undisturbed nap while traveling on a bus, maintain a quiet educational setting, or create a peaceful environment, without mentioning the potential for misuse of the device.

As mentioned in one of the citations, there is an increasing concern about the limited comprehension of individual consumers who operate jamming devices regarding the serious consequences that may arise. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified by personal convenience or should be pardoned.

The FCC has indicated that there was at least one seller who had knowledge of jammers being classified as contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised a "cell phone jammer, wifi jammer" on the Philadelphia Craigslist, with a price tag of $300. In the ad, he acknowledges the limited details disclosed about the item due to its nature. He emphasizes that the jammer is not a toy and expresses his intention to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

His citation reveals that the ad created by Mr. Grabowski suggests his awareness of the sensitive and potentially illegal nature of the device he was selling on Craigslist.

The establishment of the "Jammer Tip Line" by the FCC allows individuals to easily inform the bureau about any suspected cases of jammer sales or usage, ensuring efficient reporting and investigation of such activities.

It was announced by Ellison that we have a firm determination to increase the severity of our enforcement actions against violators. Any individuals caught selling or operating a jammer will face costly consequences.


TagiTagi: fcc cell phone jammers 
13 maja 202413 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Roni Bandini grew increasingly annoyed by the reggae music blaring from his neighbors' Bluetooth speakers on a daily basis, prompting him to devise a solution using a Raspberry Pi bluetooth jammer.

Roni Bandini, a technologist and developer, grew weary of her neighbor's daily reggaeton sessions. Instead of confronting them directly, she devised a clever solution using a Raspberry Pi. Bandini programmed the device to detect when reggae music was playing and disrupt nearby Bluetooth speakers, causing distortion in the sound. Despite the invasive nature of this approach, it effectively helped her deal with the noise without direct confrontation signal blocker.

Based on a Tom's Hardware report, Roni Bandini utilizes a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to operate his system. Additionally, he links it to a DFRobot OLED display panel. For playing music loudly, he employs a microphone connected to a USB port on the Raspberry Pi. To initiate music playback, he simply presses a button.

Bandini utilizes two distinct software programs, Raspberry Pi OS and Edge Impulse, to enable the Raspberry Pi to identify reggae music. Raspberry Pi OS functions as the core of the device, while Edge Impulse aids in the learning process. With the help of these programs, Bandini successfully trained the Raspberry Pi to differentiate reggae music from other genres.

Bandini emphasized that the project was conducted mainly as an experiment and should be approached with care. It is crucial to verify the legality of such devices according to local regulations before attempting something similar at home. Moreover, Bluetooth interference is effective only when the individual is in close proximity to the speaker, and not all Bluetooth speakers are suitable for this technique.

It is crucial to emphasize that unauthorized access to a Bluetooth device through hacking is both illegal and unethical. Nevertheless, Bandini's Raspberry Pi offers a legitimate and ethical means to engage with Bluetooth devices by establishing connections, transmitting data, and managing them appropriately.

The Raspberry Pi comes equipped with Bluetooth capabilities, allowing for seamless communication with various Bluetooth-enabled devices like speakers, headphones, keyboards, and IoT devices. One practical application is using a Raspberry Pi to establish a Bluetooth connection with a speaker and transmit audio content to it.

Unauthorized access or manipulation of someone else's Bluetooth device without their consent is considered hacking and is against the law. It is of utmost importance to consistently uphold privacy and security boundaries while utilizing technology.



TagiTagi: jammer block loud music 
11 maja 202411 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Phoenix authorities found one of the gadgets during the apprehension of three burglary suspects, as indicated in the arrest records.

Cellphones and Wi-Fi jamming devices are reportedly being utilized by burglars to gain access to upscale residences in the Valley, as per the allegations made by Phoenix police. This scenario resembles something straight out of a spy movie.

Phoenix law enforcement reported that surveillance officers observed several suspects in the Camelback Hill area close to the intersection of 44th Street and Camelback Road at approximately 7:30 p.m.

Law enforcement officials reported that officers observed the individual entering a residence and attempting to unlawfully enter the property.

The individual proceeded to exit the residence and board a minivan that was ready, however, law enforcement obstructed the vehicle from departing.

The driver collided with the police car at a significant speed, as stated in the arrest documents. Subsequently, four individuals exited the vehicle and fled the scene. Law enforcement promptly established a cordon in the vicinity, leading to the successful apprehension of three suspects. However, the fourth suspect remains at large.

The authorities stated that each of the three individuals possessed counterfeit identification documents. Furthermore, they were found to be residing in the United States with expired visas.

Law enforcement officers also discovered tools commonly used in burglaries discarded by the suspect while attempting to evade capture. Among these tools is a jamming device wifi jammer.

Bernard Zapor, a faculty member at Arizona State University and former ATF agent, mentioned that the devices exhibit a high level of sophistication.

Zapol mentioned that it could potentially intercept your phone's signals and display your whereabouts as you travel.

The means by which the suspects acquired the device remains uncertain; however, Zappel stated that it bears resemblance to the equipment employed by law enforcement and intelligence agencies during investigations.

The frequency of these burglaries is on the rise in affluent communities. Authorities in Phoenix have reported approximately 111 break-ins across the Valley since February of last year.

It has been reported that the suspects specifically focused on affluent households and managed to pilfer around $3 million in valuable jewelry, cash, high-end wallets, and other items.



TagiTagi: high-tech jammers 
10 maja 202410 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Axon Enterprise, a Taser manufacturer based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has recently finalized a deal to acquire Dedrone, a company located in Sterling that specializes in the production of drone-jamming and detection devices.


The companies announced on Monday that the transaction is anticipated to conclude in the latter half of 2024, with no disclosure of the deal's terms.

Dedrone's portable gunlike drone jammer can thwart aerial drones by disrupting communications links with targeted radio pulses. The company has worked with police departments, the U.S. Army and other military and commercial clients. Dedrone has partnered with the Ukrainian government to provide nearly 300 sensors capable of identifying and detecting radio signatures of nearly 250 different models of drones, according to Dedrone's website. It has also sent riflelike devices to Ukraine that have been used to jam Russian drones, according to The New York Times.

Dedrone utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer a constant and independent process of questioning and validating drones. Its technology is capable of identifying and deterring unauthorized drones in various locations, including military bases, airports, and public events.

Axon, previously recognized as Taser International, is most famous for its Taser products, along with body cameras, dash cameras, and cloud-based digital evidence management systems. The company serves clients in the first responder sector, including local, state, and federal law enforcement personnel.

The acquisition of Dedrone will enhance Axon's capacity to assist clients in securing their communities, enhancing their response to crucial incidents, and safeguarding additional lives across various locations, as stated in the news release issued by the companies.

Axon founder and CEO Rick Smith stated that by merging Axon's 30-year history of innovation with Dedrone's state-of-the-art airspace security solutions, they intend to transform public safety once more. Smith emphasized that their collaboration will speed up the development of a more sophisticated end-to-end drone solution that allows beneficial drones to operate while preventing harmful ones from doing so.

In 2017, Taser International underwent a rebranding and changed its name to Axon. Axon's revenue increased by 34% in the first quarter of 2024, with recurring revenue reaching $825 million.

In a statement, Dedrone CEO Aaditya Devarakonda emphasized that Dedrone's influence is expanding in various sectors, including federal governments, utilities, critical infrastructure, event venues, airports, correctional facilities, and other enterprises. This, combined with Axon's robust network of interconnected devices and software, will position us as leaders in safeguarding not just our communities but also the security of nations worldwide.




09 maja 202409 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

decided to go ahead and do a complete integrated radar detection and laser jamming system and really this whole category is new to me so looking for some advice on what type of system to put together. From what I can gather so far, I am looking at one of the newer radar detectors (Passport Max/Max2, Beltronics STiR, Redline XR, Valentine1, etc.) and an ALP 2-sensor laser jamming system. I like the idea that the ALP system offers the remote mount Beltronics STiR receiver add on option and they offer a Bluetooth module that prevents you from having to run a display into the cabin and you can just use your phone for alerts instead. Have no idea how good any of these detectors or feature options work so before dropping $1200-$1500 bucks on a system I'd like to get some real world user opinions (Is a two sensor system enough for the V to protect the front? Am I better off using a stand alone radar detector beside the STiR add on unit ALP's offers? Is the GPS functionality offered in the Radar Detectors and ALP's units really add value (ie. knowing if you are on a highway or not)?) I want the system obviously to perform great but I want something that is not intrusive to the vehicle or looks like an add-on turd inside the cabin signal jammer.

it comes down to how much money you want to spend. I would go with the ALP system for laser. Two heads up front and if you can afford it, two heads in the rear. That will cover you for laser. For radar it domes down to a few things. If you want integrated permanently mounted (less likely for theft) go with the STIR. If you want a windshield mount go with either the Redline or Valentine. There are passionate advocates for both the Redline and the Valentine.

I have the Valentine and it is pretty obnoxious with all the noisy falses. The best way to address these is to use the Bluetooth add on and run an app on your phone called YAV1. The app lets you do a million things. You can segment the bands the detector scans, use the phone gps to lockout falses, log alerts, use it as a remote display, etc etc. The down side is you have yet another device you have to sync up to work with the detector. I live in a high theft area so leaving a detector visible along with a spare cell phone is asking for car damage and stolen items so I have not messed with the phone app and just run the Valentine on road trips.

If you want something which is tunable and you are kind of a techie I'd recommend the Valentine. I thought the arrows were a gimmick at first but they are actually pretty nice. If you want something that runs great out of the box then go with the redline. If you are worried about getting ripped off, install the STIR.

I never thought about the theft aspect so I agree, not something I want to entice a break in (I live in downtown Detroit). Seems like the integrated STiR is what I am looking for then. I really like the idea of the systems alerts/display all acting together from a single point. Am I losing any key features/performance benefits of the integrated STiR over the windshield mount Redline or V1? Also, wasn't planning to do the rear laser jammers as I don't know really where I'd mount them on my wagon and really the only scenario I can think of for laser from the rear is the cop on an overpass sending chase cars as he dings cars going under the bridge (pretty rare in my travel areas). Is there another reason/scenario for rear laser protection I am missing?


TagiTagi: jammer user opinions 
08 maja 202408 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Reconsider your decision if you are thinking about utilizing a radar jammer to evade a speeding ticket, as radar jammers are against the law.

Jammers distinguish themselves from the widely known radar detectors. While a radar detector informs you about the presence of a radar gun used by the police on the highway, signal blocker, on the other hand, actively interfere with the radar signals. Although jammers are not prohibited for use in passenger cars, their effectiveness is not guaranteed as they solely provide an alert when radar is detected, which might be tardy.

The radar jammer operates by effectively neutralizing the radar guns employed by law enforcement agencies. By rendering the car invisible to radar signals, it becomes impossible for them to track your speed. Although intended to assist in evading tickets, in actuality, they may exacerbate the situation.

Detecting a radar jammer on the highway is a serious issue. It goes beyond mere fines or higher insurance costs.

Radar jammers are prohibited in certain states, which implies that you may face penalties even if you refrain from using them on federal roads. It is crucial to note that possession of such devices should be avoided altogether, and it is particularly important not to utilize them in California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, or Virginia.

The regulation of radar jammers by the FCC is highly stringent, with radar jammers being deemed illegal since 1996. Consequently, individuals are prohibited from using or selling such devices. Furthermore, the FCC has prohibited companies from advertising jammers altogether.

The utilization of radar jammers often leads to the police being able to detect their usage, even if they are unable to record your speed. The interference caused by these devices can serve as a clear indication, prompting the police to pull you over.

Laser speed monitoring can be countered by utilizing a laser jammer, which effectively obstructs the monitoring beam. Although the use of laser jammers does not infringe upon federal law, it is important to note that numerous states have enacted legislation prohibiting their usage.

It is advisable to refrain from utilizing them in California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

It is recommended to refrain from speeding in order to avoid a ticket legally. However, using radar jammers as a solution is not advisable, as their existence does not justify their usage.


TagiTagi: laser 
07 maja 202407 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I got my first speeding ticket the other day (92 mph in a 70 mph zone) and am looking to buy a laser jammers. The ticket says the officer used a Stalker DSR/DB015283 gun. Based on this info, what signal jammers models would you suggest looking into?

Based on Google research, it sounds like there are a LOT of different jammers available to purchase, so I just want to make sure I get one that will jam the guns used here in GA & AL.

Also, on the topic of radar specifically -- I know it's illegal to use radar jammers in the US, but is it common for people to, you know... use products that do it anyways (if you get what I'm saying)? Just curious.

No. They are federally illegal and WILL land you in prison and/or with a very hefty fine.

For Jammers, you need to look into ALP or an R9. But we don't know your budget.

I was buying A laser jammer, I would buy an R9 or an ALP system

what your problem was is you didn't have a radar detector so I would purchase a R8 or R7 both made by uniden or Valentine one makes a very nice one. V1G2 .that's my opinion and everyone has one.

I looked into the R9, but I don't think I can afford to spend $4k on a detector right now. However, it looks like a the R8 is only $700, which is definitely within my budget.

In terms of laser jammers, it looks like the ALP costs around $1700 (assuming I'm looking at the correct product page -- the website layout is kind of confusing).

Basically, I'm only at risk of getting pulled over when driving on the the highway. Unfortunately, there are long stretches (I.e., probably several thousand feet) of highway that don't curve or change elevation at all (and there are typically bridges at the ends of these stretches that the cops hide under), so I'm wondering if a radar detector will be effective at all (especially if the cops have a tendency to use a function I've heard about called "instant on").

GA is tricky, they have a lot of dragoneye which is the hardest lidar to jam, but it is doable. Countermeasures are best done in layers, so a radar detector to cover radar, laser protection for laser, and I would add running an app, Waze at minimum or add something like highway radar/JBV1. As those will provide you warning of police traps ahead as reported by other users.

Loads of radar detector options, as you mentioned instant on is an issue so go for something long range, if you want to save some money and can do without arrows, the uniden R4 is a great choice otherwise the R7 or R8, V1G2 are all solid choices.

For laser coverage ALP is the long running solution as they have been around and providing dragoneye coverage the longest, if a full setup front and rear is out of your price range, there are other systems like TPX or TMG that can also do decently, they lack some nice to have features but will generally do the job.

I typically found most traps in GA were marked on Waze before I got to them but not all, they do like to shoot laser and radar from behind (parked on highway entrance ramps/overpasses) those are not always as well marked. Having laser coverage and radar detection in addition to apps will round out your layers of security.


TagiTagi: buy laser jammer 
06 maja 202406 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A radar scrambler, available for under $100, has emerged as the newest tool in the ongoing battle between speeding drivers and law enforcement. For $199.95, a more advanced version can not only disrupt police liDAR but also older RF radars. These devices surpass traditional radar detectors by emitting signals that bewilder police radar systems, rendering it challenging to accurately determine a driver's speed.

Radar detectors are prohibited in the UK and several other European countries, along with certain states in the US. According to Mike Churchman, the creator of Rocky Mountain Radar in Littleton, Colo., scramblers are not subject to the same regulations as radar detectors since they do not detect radar signals. Instead, RF scramblers utilize a high-gain antenna to reflect incoming signals back to the radar gun while simultaneously emitting another radio signal to confuse the receiver.


The pricier Phazer scrambler from the company comes equipped with an infrared LED that emits invisible infrared pulses through the vehicle's windshield. Lidar interprets these pulses as reflections, determining the car's distance. However, due to speed calculations based on distance readings, inaccurate data may affect speed measurements.

Churchman stated that laws have been enacted in Oklahoma and Minnesota to prohibit our activities. The Minnesota legislation became effective in August. Despite investigations by the FBI and the Federal Trade Commission, Churchman mentioned that no legal actions have been taken against us.

The Pentagon has invested billions in electronic warfare systems utilizing technology to conceal military aircraft from radar detection. Meanwhile, the Air Force is exploring the development of laser blocker to disrupt enemy navigation systems.


TagiTagi: thwarted laser jammers 
05 maja 202405 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Should you be contemplating the acquisition of a radar or lidar detector for your vehicle, it is important to understand that you could potentially face more serious consequences than simply being caught for speeding.

The purpose of these detectors is to alert drivers about potential speed traps, whereas other applications of the technology at a lower level are intended to identify and disrupt laser signals.

The utilization of radar and/or liDAR technology by law enforcement agencies throughout Australia enables them to identify motorists who exceed the speed limit. Consequently, it is imperative to note that the use of radar detectors on roads within any Australian state or territory is strictly prohibited by law.

It is recommended for individuals who frequently face consequences for speeding to refrain from relying on radar detectors or laser jammers, and instead focus on reducing their speed.

Radar detectors or liDAR detectors have been specifically engineered to detect the potential existence of radar or lasers in close proximity.

Law enforcement utilizes radar and/or LiDAR technology to identify drivers who are exceeding the speed limit.

The utilization of radar detectors in Australia is strictly prohibited and can result in a substantial fine of up to $6,500.


What is the price of a laser jammer?

A quality laser jamming system for an average midsize passenger car usually begins at a price point of $600. Prior to purchasing, it is crucial to investigate two key factors: the frequency of firmware updates offered by the signal jammers manufacturer and the effectiveness of the jammers in disrupting new pulse rate and random pulse rate laser guns.

Should you be contemplating the purchase of a radar or lidar detector for your vehicle, it is important to understand that you could potentially face more serious consequences than simply being caught for speeding.

The purpose of these detectors is to alert drivers about potential speed traps, whereas other applications of the technology at a lower level are intended to identify and disrupt laser signals.

Queensland Road Transport Operations offers services related to devices installed in vehicles that hinder the proper functioning of speed measuring devices. Additionally, they provide devices that can detect the usage of speed measuring devices.

Also note that you may be penalized even if the device is not running or working properly. An on-the-spot fine of $400 May be imposed, or the maximum penalty imposed by the court is 40 fine units, or $5,750.


30 kwietnia 202430 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Laser Interceptor functions as an Anti Laser type active Laser signal jammers, effectively obstructing police lasers with its beam emission feature. In contrast, radar detectors only notify you of speed measurement. This LIDAR-triggered Laser laser jammer emits a Jamming Beam upon LIDAR signal detection, ceasing when the signal disappears, and reactivating upon detection of another LIDAR Signal(s). The device comprises two sensors.

Every sensor is comprised of a laser detector and a laser transmitter. These sensors are placed on the front of the vehicle, and supplementary sensors can be acquired to secure the rear of the vehicle also.

Each time the device is powered on, it undergoes a self-diagnostic test and then proceeds to play a welcoming sound. The transceiver unit contains two integrated sensors that are capable of detecting laser beams. Upon detection, the sensor sends a signal to a high-speed microprocessor for evaluation, which subsequently relays corresponding signals to the LASER transmitter.

By synchronizing both sensors, the jamming effect is amplified. When a LIDAR device receives signals from a vehicle equipped with a Laser Interceptor, it becomes incapable of accurately determining the speed. This is due to the device receiving erroneous information about the current distance from the vehicle. As a result, the speed is not displayed, and the device issues an audio warning sound and a Voice Alert to notify the user about the type of LIDAR being utilized whenever a speed measurement is attempted.

In order to function efficiently under extreme temperature conditions, the device incorporates a built-in thermo regulation mechanism. Its housing is crafted from black plasticized aluminium and includes a front optical lens. Additionally, the device is both waterproof and highly durable, capable of withstanding various forms of mechanical damage.


Installed in a vehicle, a radar detector is a device designed to detect radar signals over a significant range. Its primary function is to provide immediate warnings to the driver/user regarding potential radar-based threats, including speed measuring devices like multanova or radar speed guns.

The primary purpose of radar detectors is to detect and protect against RADAR threats, ensuring efficient security. Nevertheless, they may not adequately warn you in a timely manner against LIDAR, a laser-based speed measuring device. LIDAR is gaining popularity due to its superior performance, stability, and advanced technology, surpassing outdated RADAR products such as RADAR multanova.

The exclusive means of ensuring sufficient defense against LIDAR lies in laser jamming systems. These systems possess the ability to both detect and impede laser speed guns, granting you the freedom to drive without any apprehensions about laser-based speed measurement.



TagiTagi: car 
29 kwietnia 202429 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I'll be due for a new full size (not certain of brand) truck this fall and would like to add laser protection. I am 75% Iowa driving with the balance in IL and MO. I run from +10-20 PSL, usually set cruse on +15. Judging by the open IA state contracts I could run into a range of guns including DE. I don't know what flavors of LiDAR are actually in widespread use.

Obviously, ALP's are the way to go but I really don't encounter much laser (zero in local driving) and am not interested in rear protection. From what I've seen first-hand rear shots are rare, if at all, here - correct me if I am wrong. I'd rather not spend up for the ALP's and have cash left over to add a system to the wife's mini-van.

This leaves me at the TMG and APX systems. Either would be fine with me but I do like the smaller remote on the APX. My biggest concern with either system is the lack of self checks and notifications for head issues. I'm not very interested in app integration or gun id's. Fun, but not necessary for me. I just want the system to do its job reliably. I would install the system myself.

TMG has had its fair share of dramas and reliability issues over the years but has a larger user base than APX's automotive system. TMG has a better feature set. From what I have gathered the A-17 has taken care of the reliability issues?? More people here on the forum to bounce questions off of, too. I like that their heads have disconnects for easy replacement. Does the A-17 require a totally independent power supply? I find the power supply issue odd but can be worked around.

TPX looks like solid choice as they have been at it with motorcycles for awhile. Simple system and tests well. A JTK button and failed head notifications look to be about the only missing features (and head pigtails). On the other hand, we don't have years of testing and fine tuning or history of updates on the automotive side.

The R7 won't work with the Uniden signal jammer. Only the R4/8 will and it requires a box that holds the programming which then runs the jammer heads. I don't recall seeing anyone try an R7 with the R9 laser jammers heads but I'm pretty doubtful it would be that backwards compatible; even less so with non-factory firmware.

Currently Uniden has said they have no plans to release them as an add on option (something Vortex posted), even though they and other accessories were mentioned on release. That might change as mentioned above.


TagiTagi: won’t work uniden jammers 
26 kwietnia 202426 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Radar detectors typically do not detect laser signals. Radar detectors are designed to pick up radio waves emitted by radar guns used by law enforcement to measure vehicle speed. On the other hand, laser jammer are devices designed to detect and disrupt the laser signals emitted by police lidar (light detection and ranging) guns. They work by emitting infrared light pulses that confuse or jam the laser gun's ability to accurately measure a vehicle's speed. However, it's important to note that the legality of using laser signal jammer varies by jurisdiction.

They emit pulses of infrared light to disrupt or confuse the laser gun's ability to accurately measure the speed of a vehicle. This interference makes it difficult for the laser gun to obtain a speed reading, potentially alerting the driver and allowing them to adjust their speed accordingly.


Do Police Laser Jammers Work? - Yes they do.

Would I still need to purchase a radar detector if I buy a laser jammer? - Yes, a laser jammer will not detect police radar. Because of this if you want 100% protection you will need both a radar detector and a laser jammer.

Do you sell radar blockers or radar jammers? - No, jamming radar is illegal and can land you a $50,000 fine and 5-years in jail.

Can I Get Parts for My Blinder M47, M27, HP-905? - Sorry but no, Blinder has discontinued manufacturing this laser jammer as they are exclusively manufacturing for the Escort brand.

Are Laser Jammers Legal? - The states of California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and the District of Columbia do have laws that do prohibit the use of laser jammers.


25 kwietnia 202425 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As a widely employed form of traffic enforcement, police lidar, also referred to as police laser, presents a considerable challenge in terms of detection and is utilized extensively across the globe.

The use of police lidar, also known as police laser, is widespread in traffic enforcement worldwide, presenting a popular and difficult-to-detect approach.

Remember that a radar detector may not be enough to safeguard you from police laser speeding tickets.

This statement remains valid as, when an officer utilizes their police laser gun, the lidar's narrow light beam is usually focused on either your license plate or one of your headlights.

At a distance of 500 feet, the light beam's width measures a mere 18". If you fall within the targeting range, the police lidar general typically requires fewer than a second or two to determine your speed, depending on your distance from the device. This is especially true when you are targeted from behind, often from an elevated position such as an overpass or an onramp.

Today, law enforcement officers can target individuals from distances greater than 1500 feet. In these situations, a reliable police lidar detector can prove to be quite useful.

Even with the best radar detectors, there is still a chance of being caught by police lidar.

Hence, it is of utmost importance that you possess the added protection of an efficient laser signal blocker, the Laser Veil stealth coating, or a combination of these two measures.

It has been approximated that police lidar is accountable for a minimum of 25% of all speeding tickets given out, particularly in states like Hawaii where it is the only method employed.

TPX produces a cost-effective police laser jammer that offers high performance for vehicles and motorcycles at a competitive price point.

After thorough testing, we can confidently state that the Uniden R9 custom installed radar detector and laser jammer possess the most superior laser jamming capabilities we have ever encountered.

The TPX and Uniden R9 have continuously met our expectations during our journeys.

If you are unable to purchase a police lidar jammer, the Veil G6 stealth coating is an excellent and affordable choice, providing effective protection against police lidar.

When paired with police lidar jammers, Veil can enhance their effectiveness, particularly with certain models like the Anti-Laser Priority, Escort ZR5/ZW5, or K40 laser jammers that may experience "punch-throughs" allowing speed readings to still be obtained.


TagiTagi: police laser protection 
24 kwietnia 202424 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

You're driving down the road, minding your own business, and suddenly you spot an officer parked on the side of the road pointing something at your car that looks like a radar gun. Your trusty radar detector never makes a peep, though. The first thoughts that race through your mind: Is my detector broken or did the cops get some new radar gun that my detector can't detect?

Chances are the answer to both questions is no. What happened is that you were shot with a police laser gun.


California Laser jamming Device Act

It is worth noting that police use two types of speed measuring equipment: laser speed guns (also known as police lidar) and police radars.

Jamming police radars and operating radar signal jammers are federal crimes and are banned throughout the United States. Police radars, while nearly as accurate, are mostly no longer used by law enforcement.

Laser speed guns or lidar are now more commonly used. Some states prohibit the use of laser jammer, while most of the United States does not have specific anti-laser jammer laws.


How popular are police laser guns?

Nationwide, 125,000 speeding tickets are issued every day

Police laser tickets accounted for more than 25 percent of the tickets. In Ohio, Florida and Rhode Island, however, laser tickets account for more than half of all speeding tickets. In addition to a handful of radar guns on military bases, the state of Hawaii has transitioned to lasers only. One of the reasons for the growing popularity of police laser enforcement is that car insurance companies donate laser guns to police departments. Lasers are harder to beat than radar guns, and this investment can pay back dividends to insurance companies because of increased revenue through higher premiums.


Is laser jamming legal in California?

In some states you can legally use laser jammers, but in California attempting to interfere with the operation of both laser and radar speed measuring devices is illegal.

California Vehicle Code Section 28150 (Division 12: Equipment of Vehicles, Chapter 5: Other Equipment, Article 17: Jamming Devices) states the following:

(a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(b) No person shall use, buy, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute any device that is designed for jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of subdivision (a) or (b) is an infraction.

(d) When a person possesses four or more devices in violation of subdivision (b), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who has a valid federal license for operating the devices described in this section may transport one or more of those devices if the license is carried in the vehicle transporting the device at all times when the device is being transported.


Where is the laser jammer installed?

Laser enforcement is usually done when you approach an officer aiming at the headlights or front panel. Therefore, the laser jammer transceiver must be installed in the grille area of the vehicle in order to function.

These transceivers are then connected to a controller mounted below the dashboard, which is then connected to an external warning LED and/or speaker. The number of transceivers required depends on the size of the vehicle. For example, a mid-size car needs two fronts, while a large SUV needs at least three.

Rear laser enforcement accounts for only 5 percent of all speeding tickets, but in some areas, such as Dallas/Fort Worth, officers have been known to target behind vehicles from overpasses and highway entrance ramps. The rear of the vehicle can also be protected, but fitting the head there can be more difficult and add to the cost.


TagiTagi: shot with police laser gun 
23 kwietnia 202423 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Have you ever been the victim of a police laser gun and been ticketed for speeding? If your answer is yes, then you may want to take countermeasures to help you prevent such encounters. Well, your problem can be solved. Check out the tools that help prevent speeding tickets - defensive laser Jammers!

A laser signal jammer confuses a laser gun by emitting a signal that interferes with the gun's ability to accurately measure speed.

In order to comprehend this concept, it is imperative to grasp the functioning of a laser gun. This device directs a laser beam towards your license plate or any other surface that possesses reflective properties.

Laser jammers were created to aid in the detection of laser speed traps.

Laser jammers possess the capability to analyze incoming traffic laser signals and effectively disrupt the origin of the signal. Consequently, the source device remains oblivious to any detection and presents the operator with an incomprehensible or misdirected message.

It is imperative for top-notch jammers to possess the capability of automatically deactivating themselves upon detection and verification of a laser threat.

Continuous laser interference may result in a confrontation with a law enforcement officer who is targeting you but has not yet acquired the speed reading of your vehicle.

What is the purpose of laser jammers?

Minimize the chances of receiving additional speeding citations: Excessive speeding violations can lead to the deduction of numerous points, putting your driver's license at risk and causing you to waste your valuable money. For individuals who rely on driving for work, losing their license equates to losing their means of income. Purchasing a laser jammer is akin to a proactive measure against potential consequences.

Your radar detector has let you down. A radar detector can alert you to a police laser gun targeting your vehicle. Nevertheless, radar detectors are passive, and laser guns can capture your speed in under half a second. Consequently, by the time you receive a warning, the officer may have already clocked your speed. On the other hand, a laser jammer is active and obstructs the laser gun from calculating your speed for a specific duration.



TagiTagi: laser jammers help 
22 kwietnia 202422 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A laser scrambler is a device that returns a "no response" or a cosine error when a police LIDAR gun is used to target a vehicle. When the LIDAR gun shows this error, an officer won't know whether a vehicle is equipped with a laser signal blockers, or whether they simply didn't aim correctly at the vehicle. This gives drivers time to adjust their speed before a police officer can take another reading.

Since police need to be stationary and have an unobstructed view of a vehicle in close proximity for LIDAR to work correctly, a targeted driver will likely have time to adjust their speed while they move out of range if an officer receives an error response the first time they fire their LIDAR gun. LIDAR is most often used by motorcycle officers or recognizable cruisers positioned in a way police can most effectively use it on a major road, which limits where and when they can be utilized. In heavy traffic, police LIDAR guns are very effective at narrowly focusing in on a vehicle and instantaneously calculating their speed, distance, and direction.

While often called laser guns, LIDAR actually uses infrared light to calculate how far away an object is, and the amount of time it takes for focused light pulses to bounce off a target and return to the gun can determine speed. All this is happening at the speed of light, so without a car laser jamer in use, it would be very difficult to avoid. LIDAR guns are aimed precisely at the most reflective spot on a vehicle - a license plate, headlight, or a chrome grill - and in order to get an accurate reading, they need to hit their target at the correct angle to refract light.

Who Should Use a laser blocker?

laser scramblers for cars and trucks can be used by any driver who is seeking extra protection on the road. Most often this will mean pairing laser shifter sensors with a quality radar detector to receive the most up-to-date information on traffic conditions and ticket threats. By combining the two, drivers can also tap into a large database of alerts for red light cameras, speed cameras, and real-time community alerts - allowing for a more informed and protected driving experience. Advanced laser shifters are a great defense against all laser guns, including variable pulse rate, or VPR guns, although more sensors may be needed to combat these. Keep in mind that police mostly use LIDAR guns in busy cities and along major roads, so drivers that would benefit the most from radar laser blocker are those frequently traveling in or through urban areas.

How to Install a laser jammer for car

Radar laser jammer should be hardwire-installed and we recommend always having a professional custom installation since it's crucial that the sensors be placed at exactly the correct angle and position on your vehicle. Depending on your vehicle and preferences, you may need anywhere from 2 to 5 sensors.

For optimal performance, each sensor should be on a flat surface with an unobstructed view at the correct angle to refract light. Although it's rare for police to fire LIDAR guns at a retreating vehicle, drivers can choose to have laser shifters on both the front and back of their car or truck for ultimate protection.

If you're an avid DIYer and feel confident that you can install the sensors correctly, then the sensor installation kit includes mounting brackets, bolts, and double-sided tape. It'll be important to ensure that any cables are secured away from moving parts or heat. Installing two laser shifters at a minimum and placed correctly will ensure a base level of protection.


TagiTagi: laser jammer how they work 
20 kwietnia 202420 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In fleet management, GPS, or global positioning system, acts as a part of telematics systems. It allows business owners and managers to track their fleet in real-time. These systems collated data from multiple touchpoints on a vehicle to provide actionable business insights.

You might be thinking if GPS tracking would be blocked or how to disable vehicle GPS tracking. GPS technology relies on precise signal transmissions for location and navigation features. So, vehicle tracking using GPS technology can be blocked using jamming devices that interfere with these transmissions.

For instance, wrapping things like aluminum foil around the GPS receiver creates a Faraday Shield, which blocks the GPS signals. Similarly, wet trees and plastic or tin containers filled with thick materials can also scramble these signals. These signals will help you protect your GPS data.

A handheld gps jammer is equally effective at hiding your location on the virtual map as an embedded one. Therefore, you do not need to hotwire a cell phone jammer if you decide to get one. Also, make sure you install one from a professional to avoid damaging other parts of the car.

A GPS receiver must have an unobstructed view of the satellite at all times to function correctly. A signal jammer sends out interfering radio signals to scramble the GPS signals and disrupt the functionality. Aluminum foils, plastic containers, metal boxes, and other similar items filled with dense materials can act as GPS jammers.

signal blocker device

How Does Gps Jamming Work

GPS jamming involves transmitting signals that interfere with the GPS (Global Positioning System) signals received by GPS receivers.

There are various methods used to accomplish this, including:

Signal Masking: Transmitting a signal on the same frequency band as GPS signals to overwhelm and mask the GPS signals, making it difficult for GPS receivers to accurately determine their location.

Noise Generators: Emitting noise across the GPS frequency band, disrupting the reception of GPS signals by introducing interference.

Spoofing: Broadcasting fake GPS signals that mimic authentic GPS signals but provide inaccurate location information. This method can deceive GPS receivers into believing they are in a different location.

Directional Antennas: Focusing interference signals towards specific GPS receivers or areas to disrupt GPS signals selectively while minimizing interference elsewhere.

Are Gps Jammers Illegal

GPS jammers are illegal in many countries, including the United States and many European nations. The use, manufacture, sale, or possession of GPS jammers is typically prohibited by law due to the potential risks they pose to critical services that rely on GPS technology, such as navigation systems for vehicles, aircraft, maritime vessels, and emergency services.

Interfering with GPS signals can disrupt communication and navigation systems, leading to safety hazards, financial losses, and legal consequences. Deliberate interference with GPS signals is considered a violation of telecommunications regulations and may result in fines, confiscation of equipment, and even criminal charges.

Do Gps Blockers Work

GPS blockers, also known as GPS jammers, can interfere with GPS signals and disrupt the operation of GPS receivers within their range. In that sense, yes, they "work" in the sense that they can disrupt GPS reception.

However, the effectiveness of GPS blockers can vary depending on factors such as their power output, antenna design, surrounding environment, and the quality of the GPS receiver being jammed.

While GPS blockers may temporarily disrupt GPS reception, they are not a reliable or legal solution for addressing privacy concerns or avoiding GPS tracking. It's essential to seek legal and appropriate alternatives if you have concerns about GPS tracking or privacy.


TagiTagi: gps vehicle tracking 
19 kwietnia 202419 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Proliferation of wireless signal jammers

Our modern society relies more and more on wireless technology. From checking emails in the morning to using GPS for navigation, wireless devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, this dependence also makes us vulnerable to best signal jammer.

How does a signal jammer work?

Generally, jammers disrupt existing wireless signals by inundating them with noise, thereby causing interference. By configuring the jammer to a specific target frequency range and emitting a high-power noise, tone, or pulse, it can disrupt nearby receivers attempting to receive signals on that frequency. Although traditionally used to interfere with radio communications, the same fundamental principles can be applied to other wireless signals such as cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and more. The range of jammers varies depending on the device's power and size. In urban areas, compact handheld jammers can effectively disrupt signals within a range of 100 meters or less, whereas large military-grade jammers can be strategically placed in locations that cover vast distances of open terrain, spanning hundreds of miles.

Military and paramilitary uses of signal jammers

Jammers gained significant usage during World War II, as the Nazis disrupted Allied radio communications in occupied Europe. Subsequently, their popularity grew even further during the Cold War. The Soviet Union and China employed jamming techniques to interfere with incoming signals, Cuba blocked American radio stations, and both North and South Korea engaged in jamming each other's transmissions.

Signal jammers remain a prevalent tool in electronic warfare (EW), notably within the Russian military. In 2018, Russia allegedly employed this technology to disrupt U.S. low-altitude surveillance drones in Syria, leading to uncertainty regarding the drones' fate - whether they crashed or deviated from their intended path.

Jammers have gained significant popularity among Mexican drug cartels, often being used in conjunction with drones, another technology favored by these criminal organizations.

Commercial drones of a small size have been utilized for surveillance purposes over certain areas, particularly during nighttime using thermal cameras. These drones have also been equipped with weapons and have the capability to release explosives on specific targets, a strategy that has been employed by various terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State, in the Middle East. Consequently, members of cartels carry portable anti drone jammer to disrupt the drone connections in close proximity, along with cellular and radio communications.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Signal jammers may not seem like a concern for someone like me who is not a high-value military target or associated with a warring drug cartel. However, this assumption is incorrect. It is important to note that signal jammers are readily accessible online, inexpensive, and simple to operate for those who are aware of their availability. These devices have the potential to significantly impact various aspects of your everyday life. Facebook has even shared some unexpected demonstrations to highlight the extent of their influence.

It is not our intention to suggest that you should cease using WiFi, discard your phone, or get rid of your ham radio - wireless devices offer convenience and are highly beneficial during emergencies. Nevertheless, in order to safeguard your family and belongings, it is prudent to be mindful of their potential weaknesses and implement measures to reduce dependence on wireless devices.


18 kwietnia 202418 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Despite its resemblance to a walkie talkie, the compact device possesses far greater capabilities than meets the eye. Once activated, a mobile phone signal jammer has the ability to disrupt all cellular services within its vicinity. However, it is crucial to note that employing such a device not only constitutes a federal offense but also carries the risk of incurring a hefty $16,000 penalty and potential imprisonment.

Eric, a resident of Philadelphia, was undeterred by the presence of talkative cell phone users on the SEPTA 44 bus. As reported by NBC 10 in Philadelphia, Eric resorted to using a block signal jammer to block out unwanted conversations.

"A lot of people are extremely loud, no sense of just privacy or anything. When it becomes a bother, that's when I screw on the antenna and flip the switch," Eric told NBC 10.


Eric professed his ignorance regarding the illegality of blocking a cell phone signal, considering it to be a "gray area." He believed that such actions were only deemed illegal when interfering with television or radio signals.

However, despite this, he displayed a lack of remorse for his actions.

He informed NBC 10 that he believes he is assuming responsibility for enforcing the law, and he expressed his pride in doing so.

The utilization of jammers, such as the one employed in this instance, is deemed unlawful due to their potential to disrupt cell phone communication during critical situations and impede essential signals like police radio and other two-way radios.

Eric stated his intention to get rid of the jammer he purchased after learning that it was illegal, with ABC News approximating its value at $300.

The larger concern lies in the fact that Eric is not the only one engaging in this jamming practice.

TagiTagi: block chatter bus 
17 kwietnia 202417 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

An uptick in individuals selling "jammers" - devices designed to interfere with cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has been noted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), raising concerns about potential disruptions in public areas.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of jammers, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency..

It is against the law to sell, promote, operate, or bring wifi jammers into the country as per the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits the interference of radio communications in public areas.


Eight individuals and companies advertising jammers on Craigslist were recently cited by the FCC.

According to the FCC, jammers were marketed on the platform in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not perceive any connection between the cases.

According to Michele Ellison, the FCC's enforcement bureau chief, the act of posting an ad for a signal jamming device on platforms like is in direct violation of federal law. Signal jammers are prohibited for a significant purpose.

As per the citations, many sellers marketed jammers as a tool for achieving an uninterrupted nap while traveling on a bus, creating a noise-free classroom, or preserving a tranquil environment, all without hinting at the device's potential for more sinister activities.

The concern is mounting as it is observed that individual consumers who employ jamming devices seem to be oblivious to the severe implications of their actions, as stated in one of the citations. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified based on personal convenience or should be exempted.

The FCC has stated that at least one seller was knowledgeable about the fact that jammers were illegal contraband.

TagiTagi: cell phone jammers 
16 kwietnia 202416 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In a further testament to the advancing technological skills of criminals, authorities in Minnesota have revealed that burglars have been resorting to Wi-Fi jammers to momentarily incapacitate the connected security systems of unsuspecting homeowners. It is estimated that this method has been employed in a total of nine burglaries occurring over the course of the last six months.

The police department in Edina, Minnesota, has confirmed that the recent spate of burglaries spanning the past six months is not a result of random victim selection. Instead, the criminals are strategically choosing affluent neighborhoods and monitoring homes for periods of vacancy to carry out their break-ins without encountering anyone.

What makes this case fascinating is the utilization of Wi-Fi bluetooth jammer by the culprits to disrupt the security systems of the houses, particularly surveillance cameras. Following this, they abscond with safes, jewelry, and other luxurious possessions.

According to cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman, signal jammers do not actually block signals. Rather, they flood wireless networks, causing legitimate traffic to be unable to reach devices.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) strictly prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of any jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications, as stated by federal law. This prohibition encompasses various communication services such as cellular networks, personal communication services, police radar, and global positioning systems. It is crucial to understand that there are no exemptions for using such equipment within business premises, classrooms, residences, or vehicles. Furthermore, local law enforcement agencies lack the authority to independently employ jamming equipment.

Nevertheless, one can still acquire Wi-Fi jammers through online channels outside the United States, with prices ranging from $40 to $1,000. Instances have been documented where these gadgets were utilized to evade connected home security systems, like Ring video doorbells, over the past few years.

There are various suggested strategies to mitigate the risks posed by Wi-Fi jammer burglaries. One such method involves utilizing a hardwired camera system positioned both indoors and outdoors, which directly connects to a local storage unit. It is also recommended to install security alarms and lighting fixtures that do not rely on wireless networks. Moreover, since these burglaries typically occur when houses are vacant, leaving lights or the television running can potentially deter potential intruders from targeting your home.



TagiTagi: home security systems 
15 kwietnia 202415 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The idea of implementing a ban on mobile phones within university premises has left students across the city feeling unsettled. The Higher Education and Technical Education Department of the Maharashtra government has proposed this rule in order to address the issue of cybercrime in universities.

Nevertheless, the students were disheartened by the infringement on their freedom. Lala Atole, a student at ILS Law School, considers the proposed ban to be entirely illogical.

"School authorities can impose stricter rules on the use of mobile phones in classrooms, but installing wifi jammer will directly affect students' freedom," he said. Some students believe that installing jammers will not affect most students because they are addicted to games during class. "If mobile phones are banned and we can't even answer important calls, students may think of avoiding lectures." How does that help students?" "Asked Vedang Bhagwat, a student at Garware College.

While students have complained about the move, university authorities remain divided over the proposal. They can install jammers in classrooms, but not throughout the campus. Hrishikesh Suman, principal of Symbiosis College of Arts and Business, said: "cell phone jammer definitely help prevent distractions during class. Outside of the classroom, however, this can affect internal academic communication with teachers." The authorities would welcome such a move only if they were given the power to control jammers. "Signal congestion affects our security systems and impedes emergency communications. Also, students are not used to restrictions, which can do more harm than good." Dilip Sheth, principal of SP College.

Teachers believe that voluntary restraint is more helpful. "Students should voluntarily avoid using mobile phones without our close attention," added MMCC principal MD Lawrence. Some people are even in favor of using cell phones on campus. "signal jammer are not the solution because there are a lot of out-of-town students in Pune and their guardians usually need to contact them," adds Girija Shankar, vice president of Neswadia Business School.


12 kwietnia 202412 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

On Wednesday, the Federal Communications Commission announced that it is currently conducting an investigation into the marketing and sale of wireless signal jammer by Amazon and other retailers.

The use, sale, or advertisement of wireless devices that deliberately obstruct or disrupt signals from lawful electronic products like cell phones and GPS devices to American consumers is prohibited by law.

FCC spokesperson Will Wiquist publicly confirmed that the agency is currently conducting various investigations on retailers, such as Amazon, for potential breaches of Commission regulations concerning the marketing and sale of devices without the necessary FCC authorization.

NBC News has recently disclosed that certain online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing RF signal jammers for sale as tools to deter drones or protect privacy. This practice allows them to bypass federal regulations that prohibit the sale of such devices within the country.

Amazon failed to promptly reply to a Reuters inquiry for comment.


According to NBC's investigation, a recent report revealed that nine Chinese sellers on Amazon, along with three on eBay, were found to be selling "jammer" devices. These devices have the capability to disrupt drones, disable security cameras, and block Wi-Fi networks.

Certain online retailers and drone technology firms are promoting RF jammers as tools for deterring drones or safeguarding privacy, bypassing federal regulations that ban the sale of these devices in the United States.

Rf jammers are devices that interfere with communication systems, usually by sending competing radio signals to confuse nearby electronics. It's a decades-old technology that federal regulators have been trying to crack down on, but interest in jammers persists because people can use them to avoid unwanted drones, disable security cameras or block Wi-Fi networks.

The Federal Communications Commission stated on its website that these disruptive devices present a major threat to public safety and have the potential to disrupt other radio communication services.

Jamming devices serve various purposes, such as interfering with undesired drones, disrupting Wi-Fi networks, and disabling doorbell cameras. In a Reddit forum focused on Ring doorbell cameras, certain users expressed concerns about individuals using jammers to disable the cameras while committing theft to evade detection. Interestingly, a Reddit user pointed out the irony that Amazon appears to benefit from both scenarios: Ring is a subsidiary of Amazon, and Amazon also sells devices that can potentially disable Ring's cameras.

Amazon has refrained from providing any response regarding allegations of tampering with Ring devices when questioned.

RF blockers, commonly known as jammers, are often a subject of conversation in online communities focused on individuals who feel targeted for extensive monitoring by the government or other entities, a concept known as "gang stalking."



TagiTagi: signal jammers 
11 kwietnia 202411 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS disruptors resemble the enigmatic Bermuda Triangle, sparking various enigmas and misconceptions. Are these disruptors lawful, precise, and secure? These peculiar inquiries left individuals astounded.

Many field service representatives are knowledgeable about the rules and sanctions related to the use of GPS interceptor apps to alter their location or falsify driving records. Certain delivery drivers are employing GPS blockers without considering the lawful repercussions. Who is in the right in this situation?

GPS jammers are hardware devices designed to disrupt GPS signals, causing interference with accurate location tracking and navigation. By emitting RF signals, they can overpower legitimate GPS signals in their vicinity, leading to disruptions or inaccuracies.

8 GPS Jammer errors

💡 GPS jammers are legal to use

GPS jammers are only legally used for personal privacy or security reasons and for navigation systems or emergency services. But there is a limit. However, their use is often illegal in many countries because they can damage critical infrastructure such as navigation systems and emergency services.

💡 Their use is not harmful

Many people believe that GPS jammers only affect a user's own GPS signal and do not interrupt other people's signals. But the truth is, they can interfere with GPS signals from multiple nearby users. Ultimately causing potential harm or inconvenience to people nearby.

💡 GPS jammers are for the rich only

- GPS jammers are cheap on sites like eBay. Anyone can buy them for $50. Yes, you don't have to be rich to get these blockers. Their reasonable price range poses a serious threat to modern vehicles and mobile devices with integrated GPS hardware.

These signal jamming device are easy to buy and install, putting GPS dependent navigation systems at great risk.

💡 It is not illegal to install jamming devices that claim to block only any vehicle's GPS signal.

- It is illegal to sell or operate any blocking device that interferes with or emits RF signals to block GPS signals in states such as the United States. However, their use is exceptional in cases where the number of government-approved uses is limited.

Given that GPS jammers are deceptive and interfere with navigation and position tracking needs, it's best not to do the following two things:

  • First - don't believe half-baked facts or myths or assumptions about GPS jammers (without any evidence).

  • Second - assume that every fleet management software that provides GPS tracking is accurate and resistant to interceptors.
TagiTagi: gps jammer stereotype 
10 kwietnia 202410 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Dennis Nicholl observed the implementation of cellphone signal blockers on trains in Chicago.

He is a silent avenger.

Dennis Nicholl, a financial analyst employed at the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, was apprehended last week for realizing the aspiration shared by numerous commuters worldwide: putting an end to disruptive cell phone conversations.

"I think he liked the feeling of being in control of the car," Aaron Robinson, who witnessed Nicol in action, told the Chicago Tribune. "It's kind of like the numbers, 'You young people with cell phones, stay off my lawn. '"

Nicole was apprehended on March 8 in a covert sting operation carried out by the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago Transit Authority, and the Federal Communications Commission. The reason behind his arrest was his involvement in using a jammer to disrupt police radios and impede emergency calls. As a result, he now confronts the possibility of imprisonment and a hefty fine of up to $100,000.

Residents of the Windy City were once again able to make personal calls while on the move, much to the disappointment of many.

The jammer cell phone will be deactivated at this moment. A well-known figure, @AnthonyBialy, shared on Twitter.

New York residents are advocating for the establishment of a local vigilante group to combat jammers within the city.

@dzcman tweeted that taking the NYC bus led them to consider the phone jammer as a valuable investment for maintaining their sanity.

@jammerstore, an online retailer specializing in cell-blockers, has also attempted to capitalize on the demand of New Yorkers to maintain silence among subway riders. They tweeted, "Cell service now available at 6 #NYC stations. Why not consider using a signal jammer diy for uninterrupted travel?" Excessive chatter is unnecessary!

Nicol maintains that his motives solely revolve around seeking peaceful travels.

Charles Lauer, the attorney representing Nichol, informed Tribute that he was distressed about interacting with those in his vicinity. Despite appearing self-centered and self-absorbed, he had no intention of causing harm.


TagiTagi: hero vigilante 
09 kwietnia 202409 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A Signal blocker is usually a device used to block wireless signals, such as cell phone signals, GPS signals, etc. If you want to protect your privacy trail, here are some common methods and suggestions:

Employ a signal disruptor: Make use of a tool designed to disrupt wireless signals, such as a signal disruptor bag or box. These tools prevent your cell phone signal and signals from other wireless devices from being tracked.

When wireless devices are not required, it is recommended to switch them off or enable airplane mode to prevent any potential tracking. This precautionary step should be taken for devices like mobile phones, tablets, in-car GPS units, and other similar gadgets.

Employ privacy protection tools: Numerous apps and services offer privacy protection functionalities, such as encrypted communication tools and VPN services. By utilizing these tools, you can enhance the security of your personal information and online interactions.

Recognize the risks involved in location tracking, including those stemming from cell phone signals, social media platforms, and in-vehicle GPS technology.

Keep an eye on your privacy settings: It is important to regularly monitor and update the privacy settings on your devices and online accounts to safeguard your personal information and location data.

How can I protect my privacy trail with a device specifically designed to block wireless signals

Using devices specifically designed to block wireless signals is an effective way to protect your privacy trail, but it needs to be used with caution because in some cases it may break the law or interfere with others' communications. Here are some general steps to use these devices:

Prior to making a purchase, verify that the equipment is lawful and meets the regulations in your area, as some countries or regions may have strict limitations or prohibitions on cell phone blocker.

Familiarize yourself with the device's functions and operations before utilizing it. It is recommended to read the device's manual or seek assistance from the seller after making the purchase.

Opt for the correct scenario: Establish the scenario in which the device will be put into use. For instance, in situations where privacy is a concern (such as in public areas), a signal blockers can be utilized to disrupt cell phone or GPS signals.

Turn on and off devices: Turn on or off devices as necessary. To ensure your privacy, you can turn on your device to block wireless signals. Keep in mind that turning on the device may interfere with the communications of others nearby, so choose the timing and location wisely.

Make sure that your operations are in line with local laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues. Keep in mind that using signal blockers may be against the law and could lead to penalties.

Exercise caution: Be cautious when using a signal GPS blockers
and avoid using it in situations where it is not needed to prevent unnecessary interference or discomfort to others.

Perform routine evaluations: Consistently review relevant laws, regulations, and operational instructions regarding equipment usage to maintain legal and ethical compliance.



TagiTagi: trail blocker 
08 kwietnia 202408 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

To determine the influence of a mobile phone signal jammer on laptop Internet access, one must first grasp the interference frequency band employed by the jammer as well as the frequency band utilized by laptops to connect to the Internet.

First of all, if the interference frequency band of the mobile phone signal jamming device overlaps with the frequency band used by the laptop to access the Internet, it will affect the laptop's Internet access function. Let's first take a look at the interference frequency band of cell phone signal blocker. Due to the wide signal coverage of domestic operators and the wide range of application standards, mobile phone signal jammers must achieve the effect of blocking the entire network. Generally, they will effectively block interference for 2G, 3G, 4G band signals, WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth signals.

After comprehending the frequency bands that the mobile phone signal jammer mentioned previously can block, it is time to explore the frequency bands that laptops use for Internet connectivity.

Laptops generally have two ways to access the Internet, one is wired Internet access, that is, Ethernet network port Internet access, and the other is wireless Internet access. At present, mobile phone signal jammers cannot block or interfere with wired Internet access, so here we mainly describe the frequency bands for laptop wireless Internet access. According to the current classification of laptops on the market, wireless Internet access supports single-band and dual-band. The so-called single-band refers to only supporting WiFi2.4 frequency band to connect to the Internet, while dual-band supports WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.8 frequency bands to connect to the Internet. Most laptops only support single-band, and some that are more expensive or have more conscientious configurations will be equipped with dual-band Internet access.

By grasping the distinct working frequency bands of signal blockers and laptop computers, astute individuals can promptly discern the potential impact of mobile phone signal jammers on laptop Internet access.

Detailed requirements are broken down into the following situations:

1.The mobile phone signal jammer does not have a WLAN module and will not affect the wireless Internet access of laptops;

The mobile phone signal jammer supports the WiFi2.4 frequency band, which affects the wireless Internet access of single-band laptops but does not affect the wireless Internet access of dual-band laptops;

The mobile phone signal jammer supports WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.8 frequency bands, which will affect the wireless Internet function of the laptop.

By thoroughly examining the information presented earlier, we have arrived at a conclusive answer regarding the potential influence of a mobile phone signal jammer on a laptop's Internet connection. It is important to note that the laptop's wireless Internet access may be affected by the presence of a mobile phone signal jammer. To ensure uninterrupted connectivity, customers who rely on signal jammers for protection should consider utilizing Ethernet cables to connect their laptops to external network offices. This approach will enable them to optimize their Internet experience.



TagiTagi: laptop wireless 
06 kwietnia 202406 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell interference The use of devices to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

In some burglaries, thieves have figured out how to use technology to evade surveillance cameras.

This is called cellular interference, and it happens when a person uses a device to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

According to the FCC, "The use of telephone mobile jammers , gps blocker interceptors, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law." There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles."

Cell interference may occur with devices or home cameras approximately 30 feet from the intended target.

Video from the south Charlotte neighborhood showed a suspect crawling across the yard at night, but not all of the incidents were caught on camera.

"Any time you have a wireless device, whether it's on Wi-Fi and so on, you know people are going to find a way - how to jam it, how to try to stop something from communicating," said John Shocknesse, vice president of security customer operations at CPI.

Within moments, someone can be seen on the camera, but with cellular interference, with the flick of a switch or the press of a button, that person disappears, or nothing is recorded.

The CMPD says the problem has occurred in some burglaries in South Charlotte.

"We haven't seen any of this activity, so it's most important that we're aware of it and make sure we have the best technology and the latest technology," Shocknesse said.

WBTV asked him which devices are more susceptible to cell phone interference.

"I think where it comes into play is with some older wireless devices that don't have encryption," Shocknesse said.

Newer security and monitoring systems have better encryption and are more secure, he said.

"I really don't think we can emphasize enough the importance of having cameras and some on-board recording," Shocknesse said. "The cameras we put there have storage devices on them, so even if something goes wrong, you can still record what's going on and you can take it to the police station."

Complementing this advice, he said the best solution to prevent cell phone interference is to adopt the latest encryption technology and wired devices instead of Wi-Fi.

As for preventing break-ins, following a few simple tips, such as maintaining good lighting, turning on an alarm system, and trimming bushes to no higher than three feet, may be effective.

TagiTagi: cell jamming 
05 kwietnia 202405 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Advantages of cell phone signal jammer

Cell phone jammers prevent and disable any mobile phone communication from entering specific areas of a building or open space to...

  • Prevent industrial espionage using mobile devices as eavesdropping devices or for taking photos (cameras)

  • Counter terrorist threats, such as remotely detonating bombs in high-risk areas

  • Eliminate public nuisance in places such as cinemas, restaurants and churches

How cell phone blockers work

Cell phones are two-way radios that communicate via cell towers. cell phone jammer work by sending a strong signal on the same frequency used by mobile devices to effectively interfere with communication between the device and the cell tower. The result is that the mobile device does not work and "No network" is displayed.


Physical description of cellular jammer

It comes in different sizes and shapes. Some are pocket sized, some are bigger. Some masquerade as plain phones or briefcases.

Precautions before buying a mobile phone jammer:

• What is the effective interference range (10-50 meters above)

Which cellular systems can it block (cdma in North America, gsm, tdma, 4G, 3G amplifiers, pcs, dcs or all?)

• How many cellular systems can it block simultaneously (cdma, etc...) (Low-end models can only block one type at a time, while more complex models block multiple systems at once)

Indoor 3G cell phone signal blocker

As we all know, for a certain purpose, in order to achieve the ideal state, now mobile phone signal blockers are used to help people achieve the purpose, and in the various types of mobile phone signal blockers sold on the market to buy one that can meet your requirements is the best choice. For those who are looking for a signal blocker that can cut off 3G cell phone signals and also has adjustable features, they can take a look at this "4 antenna Adjustable Cell Phone Signal" remote control jammer that will be introduced here soon.

As we all know, in different situations people may need to cut off the signal of different frequency bands, if this is the case, gain one with adjustable function may be a good choice, because it allows you to choose the interference frequency band you want, and since this 3G mobile phone signal blocker design has adjustable buttons, so you can easily reach the target. In addition, since this is a high-power 3G phone jammer and is designed with 4 antennas, it can also easily cut off 2G 3G phone signals at the same time. This adjustable 3G mobile phone signal blocker features a high-power design that interferes up to 40 meters depending on the signal strength in a given area.

More importantly, the 3G mobile phone signal blocker is also designed with a good cooling fan system, so that the 3G mobile phone signal blocker always maintains a good working condition, without producing high temperature harmful to the 3G mobile phone signal blocker itself. Therefore, one aspect that people will also consider is the application field of this high-power 3G mobile phone signal blocker, if so, you do not have to worry about this high-power 3G mobile phone signal blocker, you can easily use it in churches, churches and other places, theaters, concert halls, classrooms, libraries, banks, museums and other places do not allow loud talk, But some people can't resist talking on their mobile phones, and other places where the use of mobile phones is not allowed, this 3G mobile phone signal blocker can also be used.

4G cell phone signal blocker

The full name of this handheld signal blocker is "6 antenna Handheld 3G 4G full frequency mobile Jammer", this is a 3G 4G full frequency mobile jammer, with 6 antennas, in addition to cutting off 3G, 4G(LTE) and 4G(Wimax), the jammer can also block normal 2G mobile signal at the same time. Such as CDMA, GSM, DCS and PCS mobile phone signals. And with a portable design, it is lightweight and can use a rechargeable battery as a power source, so this portable 3G 4G signal jammer is easy to remove when needed.

So while this is a handheld 3G 4G phone jammer, it's also designed with a high-quality cooling system so you can use it without worrying about the temperature. In addition, this handheld 4G signal blocker has also been designed with an on-board charger, so that it can easily be used in the car, so for people who need to use this handheld signal blocker in the car, just choose this one. . Therefore, this handheld 4G mobile phone blocker is also designed with selectable buttons so that you can decide the interference frequency band according to the actual situation you are in.

TagiTagi: phone 
03 kwietnia 202403 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The use of signal blockers to ensure security at public events is a complex issue and may involve a range of legal, ethical and technical considerations. Signal blockers are mainly used to block or interfere with wireless communication signals, but their use needs to be carefully considered to avoid interference with legitimate communications and possible adverse consequences. If necessary, the use of signal jammer should be carried out by trained security experts, while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations wifi jammer.

jamming bluetooth signal

Here are some possible scenarios to consider:

Terrorist attack prevention: In some cases, signal blockers may be used to prevent terrorists from using remote detonating devices, such as those triggered by cell phone signals. In this case, signal blockers may be deployed around public events to block remote trigger signals for explosive devices.

Communication Management: In some activities, wireless communication may need to be restricted or managed to ensure the security of the activity. For example, at high-security events, an individual's wireless communication devices may be restricted to prevent them from being used to transmit sensitive information or as part of a detonating device.

Electronic boundary Settings: Signal blockers can be used to create electronic boundaries that limit the use of wireless communication devices within a specific area. This can be used to restrict unauthorized persons from entering or leaving an area, thereby enhancing the security of the event.

However, it is important to stress that the use of signal blockers can have a negative impact on public communications, including emergency communications, emergency services and the general public. Therefore, when using a signal shield, it is necessary to carefully consider its possible adverse consequences, and take appropriate measures to minimize these effects. It is best to use a signal blocker under the guidance of a professional safety expert and in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

TagiTagi: safety public events 
02 kwietnia 202402 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you are concerned about being recorded either in public or within the confines of your home, employing a cell phone jammer is the most effective solution. This device will effectively block any attempts to record, ensuring your privacy.

The functionality of cell phone jammers involves blocking the signals of nearby cell phones, rendering them unable to send or receive information. It is crucial to carefully consider different aspects before purchasing a cell phone jammer.

Price is a crucial aspect to consider. It is contingent upon the level of advancement you require for your jammer and the specific additional features you seek. Generally, basic cell phone jammers, capable of blocking signals, are priced lower than wireless jammer and remote control jammers. It is advisable to bear in mind that the wider the working radius coverage, the higher the corresponding price.

Prior to utilizing a cell phone jammer, it is essential to understand the frequency at which the device functions. In the United States and Canada, for instance, the frequencies are 850MHz and 1900MHz. Hence, it is advisable to take note of this to prevent acquiring a cell phone jammer that is not suitable.

military jamming

Why do you need a GPS signal jammer?

In this age of information proliferation, a growing number of individuals are showing interest in protecting their confidential information.

When buying and using car mortgages, sometimes it is best for us to install a GPS shield at some stage to protect our private secrets. In particular, some car dealers pay for the car and buy guaranteed cars. That means once they get the car, they can turn on the GPS signal jammer, put one in the car and another in the trunk! Turning the jammer on will ensure you stay calm on the way there and back. However, since the gps signal jammer cannot be activated within 24 hours, when the security device reaches its chassis, professional technicians must check the GPS, modify the GPS positioning device and password lock, and change the key password to prevent security errors. Just like this, a GPS shielding device can effectively prevent GPS communication satellite tracking, effectively affect GPS communication satellite signals, and protect your privacy and information trade secrets.

The time has come to stand up for your rights and reject those who steal information.

TagiTagi: enough privacy 
01 kwietnia 202401 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

This portable video interceptor intercepts PAL or NTSC wireless video systems.

Cell Phone Signal Detector

Scan and intercepts both video and audio

You can now intercept and view nearby wireless video cameras cell phone blocker

Simply power up your device and it will start scanning from 900 to 2525MHz.

Instantly see if your home, office, or public restroom is hidden with wireless video.

Due to its high frequency, it can detect and display most, if not all, wireless video devices.

Covers from 0.495MHz to 2495MHz.

PAL is a system used in Asian and European countries.

NTSC is the system used in the United States and Japan.

This device intercepts both formats. You'd be surprised where people hide their wireless video cameras.

You will be amazed at what you may find.

Its A/V output to any TV or recorder.

A super powerful tool

TagiTagi: video interceptor 
29 marca 202429 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

This is a common misconception. Many people tend to think that in an emergency, cell phone jammer do block emergency calls. They couldn't be more wrong.

Did you know that your regular smartphone can still make emergency calls even without a SIM card installed? Most cell phones are designed so that if you run into trouble and can't connect to the network provider you signed up for, you can still call 911 and other emergency services.

As a precautionary safety measure, you can always connect to emergency services. This is the international standard. For example, in the United States and other countries, there is a law that requires cell phones to be able to make emergency calls even in the event of a complete shutdown of service.

Similar to roaming services when you are abroad, your phone can be connected to any other available network to make emergency calls. 911 in the US, 999 in the UK and 112 in Europe will override any roaming listings or unregistered ones and will force the phone to try to connect to any network it can receive.

The basic understanding is that if you have a cell phone, all providers must accept 911 calls and forward them to a call center. Mobile phones are designed to allow calls to local emergency numbers using any available and compatible network, even without a subscription to the provider (i.e. SIM card via GSM phone).

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer


Since most jammers emit low-power signals, the following bands will still be able to communicate with cell towers and will not be blocked (in most cases) anyway:

Police band

EMS Band (Emergency Medical Services)

Fire band

Cellular jammers can prevent teenagers from negligent driving

This is a big concern for many parents. Knowing that your son or daughter is driving will always worry you. Today, most accidents are caused by distraction while driving using a cell phone. The number of deaths caused by distracted driving is staggering.

Cellular jammers, which are installed in vehicles and automatically activated once a certain speed limit is reached, will go a long way towards reducing these numbers and allowing for more accurate and careful driving. No more Facebook or Instagram; No more WhatsApp messages while driving. We could all be safer on the roads.

Considering everything in this article, it's clear that we're in favor of legalizing the sale of cell phone signal jammer. Although they are illegal, there is great public interest in them and their use has increased over time. In this technological world, the need for such devices cannot be ignored.

The demand exceeded our expectations, and more and more people came to us for solutions to this never-ending problem called the mobile phone.


TagiTagi: block emergency calls 
28 marca 202428 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A resident of Rogers Park named Dennis Nicholl, aged 63, has been charged with deliberately interfering with cellphone signals during his Red Line commute. His motive was to create a quieter atmosphere for himself. In order to address this issue, Nicholl will be undergoing counseling and is likely to avoid facing criminal penalties.

Users of the Reddit website have given the nickname "The Red Line cell phone jammer" to Nicholl, who has now agreed to a deferred sentence on misdemeanor charges. These charges were filed against him for using an illegal device to block cellphone signals on the L train. Charles Lauer, Nicholl's attorney, has stated that the upcoming court appearance in June may result in the dismissal of the pending misdemeanor count.

With one of his lawyers by his side, Nicholl briskly departed from the courthouse, opting not to provide any answers to the queries of reporters.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

"He's scared out of his mind that this happened," Lauer said outside the courthouse. "He's turned in that (jamming) device. I don't think we're going to hear from Mr. Nicholl about this again."

Photographs of Nicholl employing an illicitly obtained miniature signal disruptor from a Chinese manufacturer had been making rounds on the Internet before receiving a tip about Nicholl from CTA officials. A coordinated sting operation involving the CTA, Chicago Police, and the Federal Communications Commission was launched in early March, leading to Nicholl's arrest for activating the signal jammer while an undercover officer was using his cellphone in Nicholl's car on the Red Line.

After being apprehended on a Red Line train on March 7, Nicholl spent a night in jail before his bail hearing. Initially charged with a felony for interfering with a public utility, the charge was subsequently downgraded to a misdemeanor earlier this month.

Lauer stated that Nicholl had been caught interfering with signals on the L line before, but he did not face any serious consequences and received much less media attention than he did during his recent arrest. The unassuming accountant, who was just looking for some peace and quiet on the L, has since experienced difficulties at work, according to Lauer.

According to Lauer, his only wish is to escape and conceal himself.

He understood that it was unlawful, but he didn't view it as a significant violation. It was more comparable to getting a ticket for a traffic violation.

Let's hope he doesn't get upset if others bother him.

TagiTagi: cta red line jammer 
28 marca 202428 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A resident of Rogers Park named Dennis Nicholl, aged 63, has been charged with deliberately interfering with cellphone signals during his Red Line commute. His motive was to create a quieter atmosphere for himself. In order to address this issue, Nicholl will be undergoing counseling and is likely to avoid facing criminal penalties.

Users of the Reddit website have given the nickname "The Red Line cell phone jammer" to Nicholl, who has now agreed to a deferred sentence on misdemeanor charges. These charges were filed against him for using an illegal device to block cellphone signals on the L train. Charles Lauer, Nicholl's attorney, has stated that the upcoming court appearance in June may result in the dismissal of the pending misdemeanor count.

With one of his lawyers by his side, Nicholl briskly departed from the courthouse, opting not to provide any answers to the queries of reporters.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

"He's scared out of his mind that this happened," Lauer said outside the courthouse. "He's turned in that (jamming) device. I don't think we're going to hear from Mr. Nicholl about this again."

Photographs of Nicholl employing an illicitly obtained miniature signal disruptor from a Chinese manufacturer had been making rounds on the Internet before receiving a tip about Nicholl from CTA officials. A coordinated sting operation involving the CTA, Chicago Police, and the Federal Communications Commission was launched in early March, leading to Nicholl's arrest for activating the signal jammer while an undercover officer was using his cellphone in Nicholl's car on the Red Line.

After being apprehended on a Red Line train on March 7, Nicholl spent a night in jail before his bail hearing. Initially charged with a felony for interfering with a public utility, the charge was subsequently downgraded to a misdemeanor earlier this month.

Lauer stated that Nicholl had been caught interfering with signals on the L line before, but he did not face any serious consequences and received much less media attention than he did during his recent arrest. The unassuming accountant, who was just looking for some peace and quiet on the L, has since experienced difficulties at work, according to Lauer.

According to Lauer, his only wish is to escape and conceal himself.

He understood that it was unlawful, but he didn't view it as a significant violation. It was more comparable to getting a ticket for a traffic violation.

Let's hope he doesn't get upset if others bother him.

TagiTagi: cta red line jammer 
27 marca 202427 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Many used car dealers often install long-term GPS tracking systems, the purpose is self-evident. Therefore, signal jammers and signal detectors become popular equipment.

GPS signal jammer are small, high-power radio frequency (RF) transmitters that interfere with legitimate communication devices (cell phones, GPS, Wi-Fi networks, and toll readers).

It emits radio frequency signals at the same frequency as GPS signals, causing interference and preventing GPS devices from receiving accurate signals. This interference can cause GPS devices to lose their connection to GPS satellites, making it impossible to track their position or receive accurate location information. gps jammer are illegal in many countries, including the United States, because they can disrupt the operation of emergency services and other vital systems that rely on GPS signals. Using GPS jammers can also be dangerous and can lead to accidents, especially in industries such as aviation and navigation.

GPS receivers rely on low-power microwave signals broadcast by GPS satellites. GPS signal jammers work by overwhelming these satellite signals with radio signals of higher power but shorter range, creating "noise" that causes the GPS receiver to be unable to accurately calculate its position.

GPS jammers are small, portable and easy to operate. Anyone who wants to disrupt the operation of GPS devices or systems can buy them online and use them.

What does a GPS jammer look like?

Because the devices that can block GPS come from a number of manufacturers, they vary widely in shape, size and dimensions, making them difficult to spot inside a driver's vehicle. Most commonly, GPS interceptors operate over short distances and are small enough to plug into a power source such as a cigarette lighter or iPhone and intercept signals from GPS trackers installed in the cockpit of a vehicle.

Some GPS jammers look like small black boxes or cylindrical devices with antennas, while others are designed to look like everyday items like cell phone chargers or USB drives.

Handheld GPS jammers are usually small and easy to carry. They usually have a small built-in battery that is used to interfere with GPS signals from nearby devices. Larger GPS jammers are typically used on vehicles, boats, or buildings and are designed to cover a larger area or distance.

Cigarette lighter GPS jammer structure

Making a DIY GPS jammer for your car tracker is not an easy task, as it requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals. However, if you are determined to build one, you can disassemble a simple GPS jammer as a reference.

The weakness of GPS signals makes it easy for low-cost jammers to jam them. These jammers do not attempt to mimic GPS satellites, but transmit loud enough noise to drown out the real signal. As a result, legitimate satellite signals become undetectable. When the jammer is activated, the effect on the already weak signal is obvious, as the mode of the device broadcast completely overrides the signal

Now, the only thing to do is to examine its internal components and understand its functionality. Given the low price, it's still amazing to see how something so cheap can cause such significant damage.

diy jammer gps

On one side of the PCB, we can only identify two key components, the 78M05 regulator that reduces the vehicle's 12-volt power supply to 5 volts, and the infamous NE555 timer known to hackers. Unfortunately, it took the removal of illegal jammers to finally discover one of the most iconic integrated circuits in the history of electronics, but that's the reality.

Radio frequency in vessel

There is no doubt that the component labeled 13BA A041 is the main attraction. So, what is it? Although I was unable to find a datasheet for that particular model, it has been identified as a microwave voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The metal top we see is actually a shielding material, and with some effort we can examine the surprising array of components crammed into the tiny space of 9mm x 7mm.

gpsjammer diy



The basic working principle of the device is that the control pin of the VCO (identified as VC on the screen) is linked to the output of the 555 timer on the other side of the board. The signal of the 555 timer modulates the output of the VCO, which causes us to observe noise centered on the 1,575 MHz GPS frequency.

By connecting the oscilloscope to the VC pin, we can see the 133 KHz sawtooth signal produced by the 555 timer. Adjusting this signal could change the frequency range in which the jammer operates, but the extent of this possibility is unclear without a VCO data sheet. Since these components are likely to be the cheapest, it is reasonable to assume that the limitations may not be too great.

In addition, it is necessary to study the small four-pin device designated Q6 at the top of the board. When the high frequency signal is passed from the VCO to the center pin of the antenna connector, it is placed directly in the path of the high frequency signal, so it makes sense to use it as an amplifier. However, it can also be used as a diode to protect electronics from anything that might be picked up from the antenna.



What are the frequencies of all GPS signals?

GPS signal frequency band:

GPS L1:1570-1580MHz

GPS L2:1227.60 MHz

GPS L3:1381.05MHz

GPS L4:1379.913 MHz

GPS L5:1176.45MHz

Usually, the civilian frequency band only needs to block GPS L1 L2. Most devices only use GPS L1.


TagiTagi: diy gps jammer 
27 marca 202427 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Many used car dealers often install long-term GPS tracking systems, the purpose is self-evident. Therefore, signal jammers and signal detectors become popular equipment.

GPS signal jammer are small, high-power radio frequency (RF) transmitters that interfere with legitimate communication devices (cell phones, GPS, Wi-Fi networks, and toll readers).

It emits radio frequency signals at the same frequency as GPS signals, causing interference and preventing GPS devices from receiving accurate signals. This interference can cause GPS devices to lose their connection to GPS satellites, making it impossible to track their position or receive accurate location information. gps jammer are illegal in many countries, including the United States, because they can disrupt the operation of emergency services and other vital systems that rely on GPS signals. Using GPS jammers can also be dangerous and can lead to accidents, especially in industries such as aviation and navigation.

GPS receivers rely on low-power microwave signals broadcast by GPS satellites. GPS signal jammers work by overwhelming these satellite signals with radio signals of higher power but shorter range, creating "noise" that causes the GPS receiver to be unable to accurately calculate its position.

GPS jammers are small, portable and easy to operate. Anyone who wants to disrupt the operation of GPS devices or systems can buy them online and use them.

What does a GPS jammer look like?

Because the devices that can block GPS come from a number of manufacturers, they vary widely in shape, size and dimensions, making them difficult to spot inside a driver's vehicle. Most commonly, GPS interceptors operate over short distances and are small enough to plug into a power source such as a cigarette lighter or iPhone and intercept signals from GPS trackers installed in the cockpit of a vehicle.

Some GPS jammers look like small black boxes or cylindrical devices with antennas, while others are designed to look like everyday items like cell phone chargers or USB drives.

Handheld GPS jammers are usually small and easy to carry. They usually have a small built-in battery that is used to interfere with GPS signals from nearby devices. Larger GPS jammers are typically used on vehicles, boats, or buildings and are designed to cover a larger area or distance.

Cigarette lighter GPS jammer structure

Making a DIY GPS jammer for your car tracker is not an easy task, as it requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals. However, if you are determined to build one, you can disassemble a simple GPS jammer as a reference.

The weakness of GPS signals makes it easy for low-cost jammers to jam them. These jammers do not attempt to mimic GPS satellites, but transmit loud enough noise to drown out the real signal. As a result, legitimate satellite signals become undetectable. When the jammer is activated, the effect on the already weak signal is obvious, as the mode of the device broadcast completely overrides the signal

Now, the only thing to do is to examine its internal components and understand its functionality. Given the low price, it's still amazing to see how something so cheap can cause such significant damage.

diy jammer gps

On one side of the PCB, we can only identify two key components, the 78M05 regulator that reduces the vehicle's 12-volt power supply to 5 volts, and the infamous NE555 timer known to hackers. Unfortunately, it took the removal of illegal jammers to finally discover one of the most iconic integrated circuits in the history of electronics, but that's the reality.

Radio frequency in vessel

There is no doubt that the component labeled 13BA A041 is the main attraction. So, what is it? Although I was unable to find a datasheet for that particular model, it has been identified as a microwave voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The metal top we see is actually a shielding material, and with some effort we can examine the surprising array of components crammed into the tiny space of 9mm x 7mm.

gpsjammer diy



The basic working principle of the device is that the control pin of the VCO (identified as VC on the screen) is linked to the output of the 555 timer on the other side of the board. The signal of the 555 timer modulates the output of the VCO, which causes us to observe noise centered on the 1,575 MHz GPS frequency.

By connecting the oscilloscope to the VC pin, we can see the 133 KHz sawtooth signal produced by the 555 timer. Adjusting this signal could change the frequency range in which the jammer operates, but the extent of this possibility is unclear without a VCO data sheet. Since these components are likely to be the cheapest, it is reasonable to assume that the limitations may not be too great.

In addition, it is necessary to study the small four-pin device designated Q6 at the top of the board. When the high frequency signal is passed from the VCO to the center pin of the antenna connector, it is placed directly in the path of the high frequency signal, so it makes sense to use it as an amplifier. However, it can also be used as a diode to protect electronics from anything that might be picked up from the antenna.



What are the frequencies of all GPS signals?

GPS signal frequency band:

GPS L1:1570-1580MHz

GPS L2:1227.60 MHz

GPS L3:1381.05MHz

GPS L4:1379.913 MHz

GPS L5:1176.45MHz

Usually, the civilian frequency band only needs to block GPS L1 L2. Most devices only use GPS L1.


TagiTagi: diy gps jammer 
26 marca 202426 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Presently, we are in the process of renting a home. The neighborhood tends to get noisy in the late evening, extending past midnight, as our neighbors enjoy playing loud music.

The act of reaching out to the police proves futile in resolving the situation. Despite my numerous attempts to seek their aid, their promises to dispatch help go unfulfilled. Consequently, I initiated a quest to investigate signal blockers, focusing solely on wifi signals rather than cellular ones. Fortunately, I came across a device that seems to be a suitable solution.

At first, I was doubtful about how they handle payments. Nevertheless, I soon discovered that their product was exactly what I had been searching for.

I settled the payment and waited calmly. The standard shipping specifies a delivery window of 7 to 15 days.

Following the completion of 15 days, we obtained the tracking information. At that point, it cleared the port and was handed over to DHL for transportation. Within a mere 2 days, the package successfully reached its intended location.

Upon unpacking, I affixed the antennas and established the connection with the charger. It was then that I realized the battery had reached its maximum capacity.

The most popular 8 band jammers

We patiently endured a few days until the incessant music disrupted our peace. Taking matters into my own hands, I retrieved the device from the nightstand and activated it. It is important to note that these neighbors reside a few houses away from us. To my surprise, the music abruptly stopped after a few seconds. Subsequently, I overheard people discussing the cause of the disturbance. In order to investigate further, I left it playing for a solid 20 minutes. Eventually, I switched it off and retired to bed.

The initial charging of the jammer device resulted in a loud bang and smoke emerging from it, causing irreparable damage. Following communication with the company, I was issued an RMA return number and advised to send the device to China for repair or replacement. The return shipping required an extra $25 fee, on top of the original cost of more than $350. It took a considerable amount of time to receive the restored radio signal jammer.

Certainly, the cell phone signal jammer is a valid establishment, as per your question. It appears that certain reviews are unreliable. I can substantiate this with evidence.


TagiTagi: signal jammer website legit 
25 marca 202425 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

You might be familiar with cell phone jammers, which have the ability to block incoming and outgoing calls, text messages, and data transfers.

This blog will answer various questions about signal jammers

Are cell phone jammers legal?

The sale, advertisement, distribution, or operation of mobile jammers is against the law in the United States and numerous other nations.

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), any form of radio communications jamming device that intentionally interferes with "authorized radio communications" is considered to be a grave hazard to critical public safety communications. This interference may hinder your ability, as well as others', to make emergency calls such as 9-1-1, and it can also disrupt the communication channels of law enforcement agencies.

Radio frequencies are not only protected by the Communications Act of 1934 to ensure public safety but also to prohibit any interference with authorized radio broadcasts.

How do cell phone jammers work?

Devices known as cell phone signal jammers, cell phone blockers, signal disruptors, GPS jammers, or text blockers are designed to block cellular connectivity in a targeted location.

By transmitting signals on the same radio frequencies as cell phones, interfering devices effectively block the functioning of mobile devices. This malicious act, referred to as a "denial of service attack," renders mobile devices useless when they come within the range of these interfering devices.

Jammers with limited sophistication aim to obstruct phone signals by jamming a singular frequency. This method often deceives mobile devices into perceiving a lack of signal, leading to their inability to function.

Why use a cell phone signal jammer?

Advocates for such technology assert that signal jammer devices are indispensable in environments where people find it challenging to comply with established cell phone etiquette norms. This includes places like schools, theaters, vehicles, or tranquil train rides, where activities such as talking, texting, streaming, and so on, could be seen as disruptive or even perilous.

It is crucial to keep in mind that signal blocker device have the capability to obstruct not just phone calls and text messages, but also GPS, WiFi, and potentially the functioning of police radar. This is precisely why the sale, promotion, and utilization of cell phone jammers are strictly prohibited by the federal government in the United States, as stated earlier.

Will a cell phone signal jammer block a cell phone signal booster?

Sadly, the interference caused by signal jammers can indeed affect the performance of your signal booster.

The primary function of signal boosters is to amplify existing signals. Nonetheless, if a jammer blocks the signal, the booster will be unable to fulfill its purpose.

TagiTagi: signal jammers questions 
23 marca 202423 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A cosmetology school located near Dallas has found a use for a 5W adjustable cell phone blocker - creating a peaceful environment in the classrooms. The decision to install this jamming device, along with three others waiting to be set up, was just one step in a series of actions that unfolded last week., a London-based company, has been under the FCC's observation for quite some time. In 2008, the agency issued a citation to Phonejammer (PDF) for their involvement in marketing radio frequency devices intended to intentionally interfere with cellular and PCS frequencies in the United States.

The company denied marketing these products in the US, where they are illegal, but FCC staff observed that the signal blocker were priced in US currency, the default shipping location was set to the United States, and the site featured testimonials from US citizens who had purchased phone jammers from Phonejammer. Additionally, the jammers on the site were designed to target US cellular and PCS frequencies.

It is possible to have concerns about the federal government's involvement in your business operations, which may prompt you to consider making changes. However, this does not apply to Phonejammer. On November 9, 2009, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received a complaint, presumably from AT&T, regarding cellular interference in the 800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands. The FCC's Texas field office staff investigated the issue and traced it back to the Cosmetology Career Center in Carrollton, Texas. They discovered a 5W jammer on the premises (PDF).

Phonejammer's legal representative informed the FCC earlier this year that the company has not sent out or distributed any units to the United States.

The 5W jammer offered by the Cosmetology Career Center is currently priced at $395. Equipped with two antennas, it boasts a jamming radius of 2-25m and effectively blocks PCS, GSM, and CDMA signals ranging from 850MHz to 2100MHz. According to the website, its "operating location" is specified as South America and Africa.

It is interesting to note that in Texas and Florida, individuals are allowed to openly carry firearms into a Starbucks, while the same does not apply to phone jammers. Therefore, when a cell phone disrupts the peace at a nearby table and the owner loudly answers the call, the only recourse is to either ignore the disturbance or resort to using a firearm. This situation raises concerns about the effectiveness of current public policy regulations.




TagiTagi: adjustable phone jammer 
22 marca 202422 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Modern life essentially requires us to give up data and privacy for everyday activities, from social media use to airport travel (i.e. biometric-based services like Clear and TSA Precheck). These practices extend to our vehicles and, in some cases, our private conversations. As the risk of hacks and data breaches continues, many people are looking for ways to not only reduce data breaches, but also protect themselves from harmful exposures.

Some of the most tempting and easiest ways to go off the grid include GPS jammers and audio or voice protection systems, sometimes called voice cell phone jammer. When you consider these different counter-surveillance devices, it is important to recognize their differences, especially when it comes to legality. gps jammer are illegal devices, while audio jammers are legal and ethical, but their names are inaccurate because they serve completely different functions than their highly illegal counterparts.

GPS Jammer:

GPS jammers were originally designed for government use to hide the location of combat vehicles during high-risk missions. Essentially, a GPS jammer is a small device used to hide your whereabouts from GPS tracking devices that are monitoring your location and activities. GPS jammers emit radio signals on the same frequency as the GPS device, and due to the interference, the GPS tracker cannot determine the location of your vehicle.

They're cheap, easy to conceal, and offer instant protection - GPS jammers seem like a no-brainer. However, their use is prohibited by law, and they can actually be dangerous.

Audio Jammer:

Audio jammers serve a similar purpose to GPS jammers, but in a different way. They are small devices that produce a unique sound to protect confidential conversations from external listening devices. Randomly masking sounds desensitizes microphones in that area, essentially rendering them useless. This extends to many types of microphones and eavesdropping devices, including voice recorders, radio frequency transmitters, hardwired microphones and shotgun microphones. The main goal is to ensure that private conversations remain private, even if the eavesdropper is only a few feet away.

TagiTagi: voice jammer 
21 marca 202421 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A number of online retailers and drone technology companies are advertising RF jammers as tools to deter drones or protect privacy, sidestepping federal laws that forbid the sale of such devices in the United States.

Rf signal jamming device are devices that interfere with communication systems, usually by sending competing radio signals to confuse nearby electronics. It's a decades-old technology that federal regulators have been trying to crack down on, but interest in jammers persists because people can use them to avoid unwanted drones, disable security cameras or block Wi-Fi networks.

Many consumers are uninterested primarily because of the cost involved. Large corporations and state government agencies are closely following the escalation of drone warfare in Ukraine and Israel, and are making preparations for potential domestic drone terrorism.

Could this happen in your backyard? That's a real concern for a lot of people

A significant number of individuals are eager to adopt this technology, although there are also those who are apprehensive about its use due to the possibility of disrupting controlled airspace.

The applications of jamming devices are diverse, ranging from causing confusion among unwanted drones to disrupting Wi-Fi networks and deactivating doorbell cameras. Within a Reddit community dedicated to Ring doorbell cameras, some members raised issues about the misuse of jammers to interfere with the cameras during theft activities for avoiding detection. One Reddit user highlighted the paradoxical situation where Amazon seems to profit from both ends: Ring falls under Amazon's umbrella, and Amazon serves as a marketplace for acquiring devices that could potentially disable Ring's cameras.

Amazon remained silent on inquiries regarding their impact on Ring devices.

Jammers, also known as RF "blocking," are a commonly discussed subject on online forums that cater to individuals who hold the belief that they are being specifically targeted for extensive surveillance by the government or other entities. This belief or phenomenon is occasionally referred to as "gang stalking."


The concept of jammers, or RF "blocking," is frequently debated on online forums that cater to individuals who hold the belief that they are being singled out for in-depth surveillance by the government or other entities. This belief or phenomenon is sometimes referred to as "gang stalking."

Potential markets for anti-drone blocker, such as RF jammers, consist of large companies and organizations that have concerns about drone terrorism but are prohibited by law from using jammers. In a letter addressed to congressional leaders last year, four major sports leagues, including the National Football League, requested Congress to authorize state and local law enforcement to utilize anti-drone capabilities.

In several states, prison officials have voiced their need for legal authorization to utilize jammers as a means to obstruct inmates from utilizing cell phones.

Nevertheless, the current legal framework restricts the acquisition and utilization of RF jammers to a select few government entities, namely the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Departments of Energy and Defense.

Corporations that specialize in drone countermeasures primarily cater to overseas clients.



On its website, IXI Electronic Warfare, a company specializing in drone defense, highlights the potential dangers that drones can present to stadiums, prisons, and airports. They claim to possess the capability to swiftly eliminate these threats, utilizing radio-frequency jammers known as Dronekillers. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that stadium operators, prison authorities, and airport officials in the United States are not legally permitted to purchase such products.



In an email, the California-based company emphasized that their primary focus lies in overseas operations, citing the comparatively lenient regulations in those regions. They further clarified that their sales services are available solely to authorized federal agencies within the United States.

The spread of such devices in the United States has caused worry among certain experts in counter-drone countermeasures.


TagiTagi: your backyard 
20 marca 202420 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In the modern market, WiFi jammers have experienced a surge in popularity over the past few years. These devices serve as an effective means to enhance security measures and minimize the vulnerabilities associated with potential intrusions into personal data. A wifi jammer can be a convenient tool for home use, although it is essential to consider the presence of universal obstacles. Nonetheless, with proper configuration, this equipment can be utilized on a daily basis to protect sensitive information from tampering and prevent the theft of valuable data.

When an obstacle arises, it provides an advantageous occasion to minimize the exposure of personal data to external entities. Blockers emit distinct signals at the desired frequency, resembling WiFi devices. Consequently, it effectively hinders any motion within a specific range.

These barriers are employed to render tracking devices utterly ineffective in operation. Typically, companies and large corporations utilize such obstructive equipment to prevent the disclosure of their confidential information to competitors. WiFi signal jammers are trustworthy and well-tested devices that provide security and reliability, making them beneficial for anyone who values these attributes.

What does an internet jammer do?

The 2.4 GHz frequency band is utilized by WiFi technology. This frequency is commonly employed by various modern devices, as it offers cost advantages. However, this frequency range also exposes the system to increased vulnerability from external hazards. Advanced jammers with stylish designs can operate on multiple frequency ranges, effectively blocking multiple signals at the same time.

The purpose of a WiFi-blocking device is to intercept signals within a specified range. These devices effectively disrupt wireless signals within their operational distance. In civilian applications, these devices can effectively block signals up to a distance of twenty meters. However, modern military-grade models are far more sophisticated, capable of blocking calls several hundred meters away, ensuring the protection of sensitive data from potential compromise.

Can a jammer block WiFi?

Modern jammers are often used to block WiFi signals. Among the main features of the equipment, you should pay attention to the following:

Personal data is shielded and privacy is maintained on a wireless network through the use of signal blockers.

With the ability of multiple WiFi devices to trace your whereabouts, the utilization of a blocker can swiftly minimize the likelihood of your detection.

Furthermore, through the use of diverse tracking devices, monitoring your online status can be conveniently achieved. Security can be heightened by utilizing a wireless jammer to effectively decrease risks.

The safety of their operations and employees is a paramount concern for many major enterprises. Consequently, it is prudent to address potential network vulnerabilities by employing dedicated equipment. For instance, compact and portable devices can be selected, which occupy minimal space yet possess a sufficiently broad range of influence to ensure seamless equipment functionality.

Additionally, the device can be employed in a home setting. Suppose your children tend to prioritize playing games or watching cartoons over their academic responsibilities. In that case, you have the ability to block wireless signals, allowing them to focus on their learning. It is important to prioritize the acquisition of high-quality equipment for your home while being mindful of your expenditure.

The acquisition of a jammer provides the ultimate defense mechanism against hacker attacks and intrusions. Everyday life witnesses the utilization of diverse devices, including portable and stationary variants. While these devices may vary in size and performance, they operate on a similar principle of processing incoming information, thereby ensuring enhanced accessibility and functionality for all users.

Are WiFi blockers a thing?

Modern-day WiFi jammers offer a multitude of applications. These cutting-edge devices play a crucial role in bolstering security measures and ensuring the utmost confidentiality of data. Moreover, there are multifunctional tools that can effectively block multiple signal types simultaneously, thereby enhancing the performance and efficiency of the equipment.

TagiTagi: use wifijammer 
19 marca 202419 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As technology becomes more and more advanced, the use of the Internet is becoming more and more popular for the modern generation. In particular, with the invention of 5G and smartphones, the Internet has ushered in a "golden age." Wi-Fi life has now become everyone's life. It changed the world. The topic about the advantages and disadvantages of WIFI has been very hot. Some people think WIFI makes the world a better and more convenient place; We should use WIFI extensively in our life. While some people think that WIFI and smart phones are not appropriate for some special occasions.

To prevent interference, you know you need a signal jammer to improve your quality of life. While many countries make it illegal to use a cell phone blocker for personal use, be sure to check your local laws before you buy one from a professional blocker online store, and if the laws in your country allow it, you will be entitled to a useful jammer device.

Whether in a class, conference room, presentation, or religious service, calling at the wrong time can be a huge distraction. Cell jammers can stop these calls from coming in the first place. This is what we call preventing interference and unwanted calls or blocking phone noise by using cell phone signal jammers; You will have the power to stop them.

Have you ever been in a situation like this? The phone rang for a long time and no one cared about the interruption. You say loudly, "Please cover your phone." The result is that no one answers you. The unfortunate reality for any large group is that telling people to mute their devices just doesn't work. There will always be a small percentage of people who will leave their devices on for whatever reason.

How to use cell phone blocker to restrict students from using cell phone?

The use of mobile phone signal blockers is worthy of recognition, whether it is to reduce the interference of mobile phones on students' learning, improve the quality of students' learning, or to facilitate school management. You know the truth is that many schools and colleges have installed several different types of cell phone signal blockers so that parents and teachers can let students and children play with their phones. Some students expressed support. Because the use of mobile phones will make mobile phone noise immediately disappear, creating a quiet environment.

18 marca 202418 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The NFL and federal law enforcement are on high alert for unauthorized drones after one caused a play stoppage at a playoff game two weeks ago.

Super Bowl LVIII will feature a tough defensive scheme that has nothing to do with a football. This one is about stopping drones.

The NFL and federal law enforcement officials are taking a hard line Sunday to keep players and fans safe from unauthorized drones at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas where the Kansas City Chiefs will play the San Francisco 49ers.

Unapproved drone flights have become a persistent problem for the NFL, as well as for other sports leagues and large public gatherings. The NFL said there were about 2,500 drone incursions near stadiums during the 2022-2023 season, an increase of about 90% from a year earlier.

The flights have sometimes encroached on televised broadcasts, including two weeks ago at the AFC championship game in Baltimore when an unapproved drone violated the restricted airspace. Federal prosecutors later charged a Pennsylvania drone pilot who said, according to the FBI, that he wasn't aware of the flight restrictions.

Possible criminal charges and civil penalties await anyone trying something similar Sunday, officials said.

"So please leave your drone at home," Cathy Lanier, the NFL's chief security officer, said at a news conference Wednesday.

Most of the drones are operated by hobbyists seeking aerial video, according to experts, but especially at a high-profile event such as the Super Bowl, authorities said they're also looking out for people with more nefarious intentions.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the incident two weeks ago was a warning.

"It does not require much imagination to understand the significant threat such an incident could pose," he said at the news conference Wednesday. Although no one was hurt in that incident, he said, "what happened in Baltimore underscores the vital importance of the mission."

Mayorkas added that there were no known credible specific threats to the Super Bowl or Las Vegas.

Federal law enforcement designates the Super Bowl as a top-tier security event, on roughly the same level as a presidential inauguration ceremony or a visit by the pope. Allegiant Stadium, where the teams will play, has a capacity of about 65,000 people.

Any stadium's defense against drones has multiple layers, said Mary-Lou Smulders, chief marketing officer for Dedrone, a Virginia-based company. Its drone countermeasure technology is in use by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which covers Las Vegas and its major stadiums.

"Like any security issue, the more layers you add, the safer you are," she said. "The same applies to airspace security."

The first layers, she said, are all designed to detect and track drones using at least three types of technology: radio-frequency sensors, cameras and radar. They have different strengths, she added: Radio-frequency sensors can distinguish between drones and other objects better than radar, while radar has a longer range and a camera can help determine if a drone is carrying a payload.

With a camera, Smulders said, "the most interesting thing to ask is: Is it carrying a payload, yes or no?" If it were, that "would dramatically affect your security posture."

A second set of layers is designed to interfere with a drone's flight, she said: "cell phone jammer jamming" or cutting off the radio communication between a drone and its pilot; hacking into a drone to take over control; and locating the pilot on the ground and arresting the person.

drone jammer Jamming and hacking are not usually available as security tools for an NFL game. Federal law restricts who can interfere with a drone's flight, and in the United States, only a few government agencies including the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have the authority to do so. Congress is considering legislation to change that but, for now, the federal government provides agents for high-profile events like the Super Bowl but not for a game on any given Sunday.

At a regular season game in Baltimore in November, play was delayed twice because of drone activity.

The NFL game stoppages are helping raise the profile of drone countermeasures, a growing industry that experts say will become more important as drone technology improves and becomes cheaper.

Allegiant Stadium has one advantage over Baltimore's: It's a domed stadium, with a roof to shield the game from anything overhead. But it's not completely enclosed, Smulders noted: The stadium has 80-foot walls that are retractable if weather allows. The doors have usually been closed during games.

Still, the NFL is on higher alert for drones than it used to be. In 2017, a California man used a modified drone to drop leaflets on the 49ers stadium, authorities said. He then drove to nearby Oakland and did the same at a Raiders game. He later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.

For Sunday, the Federal Aviation Administration has banned drones within a radius of 30 nautical miles (about 35 miles) of the stadium beginning one hour before kickoff. There have also been restrictions in place for additional events in Las Vegas the past few days.

Lanier has previously told NBC News that the NFL had a close call at the Super Bowl in Atlanta in February 2019, when an FBI team spotted a drone just before six Air Force F-16s were set to conduct a flyover before the game. The F-16s flew at a higher altitude to avoid a possible collision, she said.






TagiTagi: super bowl 
15 marca 202415 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Illegal GPS signal jamming can disrupt local GPS devices and cell phone towers, according to UK reports.

Findings from the Sentinel study presented at the GNSS Vulnerability 2012 conference at England's National Physical Laboratory on February 22 revealed a rise in jamming incidents, as reported by TechWeek Europe. Over a span of six months, roadside monitoring stations documented a total of 60 violations.

Sean Gallegher, writing in Ars Technica, reported on the dangers of interrupting GPS signals. Cell phone systems and even electrical grids rely on GPS signals for time-keeping. Jammers built for auto use to obscure location can affect other devices from 100 yards away and more. Powerful jammers can disrupt signals as far away as 32 kilometers. Yes, jammers have caused problems at airports already. They are illegal to use, but legal to own, in the UK.




I had no idea little GPS jammers could cause so much havoc though.

clackerd on

why would you want to jam the GPS signals? If you're not doing anything wrong then yu have no reason to worry.

Angel Investors on



First hand

I know a guy who bought that exact jammer in the picture. I think it was a little over $100 shipped from China. It works. It kills my AT&T iPhone dead. It kills his Sprint phone. It killed everything except one device he's ever tried to test with.

Dilbert on

The more sophisticated jammers don't cause "noise", but rather they record and replay the pseudorandom generated digits they receive from the various frequencies and time drift them.

zbowling on

Jammers for car usage like this one are used by people to protect their privacy and not to harm vital infrastructures of the city.

Alex White on

in 2009 the Newark airport had a daily GPS failure that was finally traced to a trucker using a jammer, presumably to defeat a tracker enforcing safe driving rules.

NelsonMinar on



Authorities and warnings

But... in the end... it mostly just made me want to buy a GPS jammer.

primordius on

The more we allow our public movements to be tracked, and the more control and oversight we grant the government and corporations, the harder it will become for the public at large if there should ever come a time when they want some of that power back.

Crane on

How vulnerable are Google's self-driving cars to GPS jamming?

GiraffeNecktie on

TagiTagi: getting powerful gps jammer 
14 marca 202414 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A word of caution has been issued by the Los Angeles Police Department to the residents regarding the utilization of WiFi jammers by criminals. These jammers are being employed to easily deactivate "connected" security cameras and sirens. It is important to be aware that these jammers can be purchased at low prices from platforms like Amazon.


Los Angeles news station KTLA5 has highlighted a concerning trend where tech-savvy thieves are utilizing WiFi jammers. These small devices have the ability to confuse wireless devices and inundate them with excessive traffic. By doing so, these criminals can gain access to homes without triggering any alarms. This raises questions about the vulnerability of affordable housing to security devices like Ring and Eufy.

According to a recent report by Tom's Hardware, instances of criminals employing WiFi jammers have been documented for quite some time. These jammers can be conveniently purchased online for a modest price of $40.

From a legal perspective in the United States, their use is considered illegal...



In a 2020 FCC alert, it was stated that the deliberate use of phone jammers, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices to block or interfere with authorized radio communications is considered a violation of federal law.

Despite the warnings, it appears that they were disregarded. Recently, law enforcement in Minnesota uncovered that nine robberies within a six-month period were linked to the use of wifi jammers. Luckily, the thieves are still opting for non-violent methods and focusing on empty houses.

In light of the current circumstances, the Los Angeles Police Department is suggesting that homeowners opt for hardwired alarm systems instead of relying solely on WiFi. Furthermore, they are urging residents to ensure their homes are well illuminated during the night.

The LAPD further suggests that you take precautions to keep your departure from your residence for an extended period of time confidential.

Cell phones serve as two-way radios that communicate via cell towers. cell phone jammer operate by emitting a strong signal on the same frequencies utilized by mobile devices, effectively blocking communication between the device and the cell tower. As a result, the mobile device loses connectivity and shows "No Network" on the display.

Cell phone jammers prevent and disable any mobile phone communications from entering specific areas of a building or open space to



  1. Take proactive steps to counter industrial espionage by implementing stringent measures to deter the use of mobile devices as eavesdropping tools or for unauthorized photography purposes.

  2. The endeavor to combat terrorist threats encompasses the mitigation of actions such as remotely triggering explosive devices in areas of heightened vulnerability.

  3. The eradication of public nuisances in establishments such as movie theaters, restaurants, and churches is essential.



This item is available in a range of sizes and shapes. You can find pocket-sized versions as well as larger ones. Moreover, some models are cleverly disguised as regular cell phones or briefcases.

Things to consider before buying a cell phone jammer:

  • What is the effective interference range (more than 10-50 meters)

  • Which cellular systems can it block (cdma in north america, gsm in europe and asia, tdma, 4G, 3G, pcs, dcs or all?)

  • How many cellular systems (cdma etc..) it can block simultaneously (low-end models can only block 1 type at a time, while more complex models will block multiple systems at a time)

  • Appearance: Regular device or one disguised as another type of device?

  • Dimensions and weight


TagiTagi: close security camera 
13 marca 202413 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phone calls are more and more being blocked by technology initially created to assist security personnel in preventing unauthorized listening and stopping phone-activated explosive devices.

The reporters were the first to notice the issue. While they were busy covering the weddings of prominent individuals, they found themselves unable to contact their editors. Curious about the lack of cell phone signal at Sacred Heart, they inquired with the priest. His response pointed to Israeli counterintelligence as the reason behind the connectivity problem.

Israeli-manufactured cell phone blocker, resembling paperbacks in size, have discreetly been placed among religious artworks depicting the Madonna and statues of saints in four churches in Monterrey.

The disruptive multicolored noise of ringing mobile phones is being more and more effectively blocked in various places, such as religious sanctuaries, India's parliament, Tokyo theaters, and commuter trains, thanks to devices initially created to assist security forces in preventing eavesdropping and stopping phone-activated bombings.

The installation of signal blocker in the Indian parliament came after repeated requests for politicians to switch off their cell phones were disregarded, leading to frequent interruptions during legislative sessions.

Italian universities have implemented the use of blockers as a response to the issue of tech-savvy teenagers cheating on exams by sending text messages or capturing images of test materials.


The four Roman Catholic Churches in this northern city have recently adopted the devices provided by Netline Communications Technologies Ltd., a Tel Aviv-based company. These devices were imported by an insurance salesman as a personal favor for a priest.



The Rev. Juan Jose Martinez, a spokesperson for the archdiocese, expressed that there are still numerous individuals who fail to comprehend that attending Mass entails participating in a sacred moment with God. Regrettably, the utilization of these small devices became an unavoidable necessity.

These devices, which were acquired at a cost of approximately $2,000 each, have the capability to be activated remotely and emit radio frequencies at a low level. Their purpose is to disrupt cell phone signals within a radius of 100 feet.

Cell phone users often encounter a message stating "no service" or "signal not available" on their devices.

Wedding bells

The Sacred Heart church in Monterrey, a baroque temple popular among Mexico's upper class for weddings, had their blockers purchased by church officials two years ago.

Bulmaro Carranza, a parish clerk, mentioned that during weddings, cell phones would ring every five minutes. This posed a significant issue, as there were instances when even the groom would neglect to silence his cell phone.



The devices remained unnoticed for several months until journalists, who were covering the weddings, started expressing their dissatisfaction with the constant malfunctioning of their cell phones.

Carranza mentioned that ever since news about the signal blocker spread, priests from various parts of Mexico have been reaching out to inquire about acquiring them.

Prior to each Mass at Sacred Heart, a device positioned at the church entrance and another near the altar are activated. Nevertheless, the clergy consistently emphasize the importance of switching off mobile phones before the commencement of the services, with the aspiration that proper cell phone etiquette will gradually become more widespread.

Martinez mentioned that wealthier parishioners also frequent The Rosario, San Juan Bosco, and Our Lady Queen of the Angels, among other Monterrey churches with the devices.

Martinez emphasized that many people consider the cell phone a necessity, yet this should not excuse them from practicing good manners and showing respect for sacred locations.

Margarita Escobedo, a devout Catholic who attends church services at least twice a week and actively volunteers at the San Genaro church, expresses her willingness to embrace the use of jammers within her parish. She believes that the increasing presence of cell phones has become a bothersome distraction, and thus, welcomes any measures that can alleviate this nuisance.

Escobedo stated that individuals who bring cell phones to church are lacking in commitment to God. He emphasized that the sounds of birds chirping or techno music can be highly disruptive during prayer.



12 marca 202412 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The individuals are being accused of engaging in computer criminal activity for reportedly interfering with the network at the behest of their acquaintances.

Two teenagers, aged 14, have been accused of disrupting their school's Wi-Fi system in order to avoid taking exams, as reported by authorities on Monday. reported that high school freshmen in New Jersey are facing charges related to computer criminal activity and conspiracy to commit such acts. Authorities were alerted by school officials last Thursday following a series of Wi-Fi network crashes over the course of a week.


Capt. Dennis Miller, as reported by, stated that school authorities at Secaucus High School contacted the Secaucus Police Department to inform them about two students who were involved in a "plot to intentionally disrupt the school's WiFi service whenever requested."

The identities of the individuals have not been disclosed due to their status as minors. They have been reunited with their parents and are anticipated to attend a hearing at the juvenile family court in Jersey City, the specific date of which remains undisclosed.



On Monday, Schools Superintendent Jennifer Montesano announced that the Wi-Fi has been restored and is functioning properly. Although she did not provide specific information, she did mention that an investigation identified two students who potentially played a role in the disruption of our system.

How did they do it?

Several students informed that they suspect the boys utilized a Wi-Fi interrupter program or application to overwhelm the school's routers with traffic in a denial of service (DoS) attack. This attack resulted in the network failing when students attempted to access it for classwork or online exams.

The news outlet interviewed a student at Secaucus High School who mentioned that she became aware of the Wi-Fi issue after a friend informed her that one of the suspects had been asked to disrupt the signal during an exam.

It was done for both the exam-adverse and for fun, she said:



One of the boys engaged in this behavior as a means to evade tests and similar obligations. Additionally, he did it on behalf of his friend, so that she could avoid taking a test during the class. Undoubtedly, it was a substantial prank.

Jamming phones, Wi-Fi and GPS is illegal

Some students were disgruntled - why should the whole class be disrupted because a few kids didn't feel like squeezing out some brain juice that day? Others were impressed by the boys' alleged technical acumen and sported more of a "Meh! Nobody got hurt" reaction, like this 10th grader:

I found it astonishing that a child of our age, or near our age, could accomplish such a task.

The manipulation of individuals' education is occurring, yet it is not causing harm to anyone.

Concerning the initial point, it is advisable for those students not to be overly influenced by their peers' supposed technological expertise. Despite the fact that gsm jammer are prohibited from being marketed, sold, or utilized in the United States - with the exception of authorized, official use by the federal government - they can easily be purchased online for a few hundred dollars.

With regards to nobody getting hurt when Wi-Fi crashes, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) begs to differ. When you use a signal jammer, you're jamming critical communications, the FCC points out in its jammers FAQ:

Jammers present a significant threat beyond mere annoyance; they endanger public safety by obstructing the transmission of vital emergency communications. cell phone jammer fail to differentiate between casual conversations and urgent calls for help to loved ones or emergency services. Likewise, GPS and wifi jammer intentionally disrupt essential communication services, both routine and critical.

Several years ago, an incident occurred where a man was charged with a felony for deliberately disrupting the phone signals of his fellow commuters. This action was driven by his annoyance towards their conversations.

It is possible that no one was injured as a result of the school Wi-Fi jamming, however, it is crucial that children do not develop the belief that this is a harmless joke. The consequences are not trivial, and they can be quite serious.




TagiTagi: jamming school 
11 marca 202411 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Utilizing technology, thieves have successfully eluded surveillance cameras in a number of home break-ins, as per CMPD's findings reported by WBTV.

The act of cell-jamming takes place when someone employs a gadget to obstruct radio or wireless signals.

As per the Federal Communications Commission, it is against federal law to purposefully employ a phone jammer, GPS blockers, or any other signal jamming device to disrupt authorized radio communications. It is crucial to understand that this prohibition applies universally and does not provide any exemptions for usage within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.

Cell-jamming might take place from a device about 30 feet away from the intended target, or home surveillance cameras.

Surveillance footage from a south Charlotte community reveals a suspect discreetly moving through a yard at night. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that not all incidents have been documented on camera.

According to John Shocknesse, VP of Customer Operations for CPI Security, the presence of wireless devices opens up opportunities for interference, making it crucial to take preventive measures.

Within a matter of seconds, a person could be captured on camera, but the use of cell-jamming technology allows for their immediate disappearance with just a single action like flipping a switch or pressing a button.

CMPD has acknowledged that this matter has arisen during a number of home break-ins in south Charlotte.

The absence of such activity has been noted by Shocknesse, who emphasized the importance of being aware of it and having access to cutting-edge technology.

WBTV questioned him regarding the devices that exhibit higher susceptibility to cell-jamming.

According to Shocknesse, the significance arises when dealing with older wireless devices that do not possess encryption.

According to him, modern security and surveillance systems come equipped with superior technology, including encryption, resulting in increased security measures.

Stressing the importance of cameras and onboard recording, Shocknesse highlighted the value of having memory devices to capture and preserve footage in case of any incidents.

Furthermore, he suggested that the optimal approach to thwart cell-jamming is to utilize state-of-the-art technology that includes encryption, as well as utilizing a wired device rather than relying on Wi-Fi.

To reduce the risk of home invasions, it is advisable to adhere to basic precautions such as keeping the surroundings well-lit, using alarm systems, and maintaining bushes at a height of no more than three feet.


09 marca 202409 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

According to authorities, a gang of thieves has been outmaneuvering sophisticated devices in various locations across Los Angeles.

On March 4, the Los Angeles Police Department released a statement alerting the public to a group in Wilshire employing Wi-Fi jamming technology to neutralize surveillance cameras and alarm systems that are Wi-Fi-enabled.

The current wave of tech-savvy robberies in California is indicative of a larger-scale "smart" crime wave that is sweeping the nation. Similar alerts were issued by the police in Minnesota and Connecticut last year, warning residents about groups of thieves proficient in Wi-Fi jamming techniques. These incidents serve as just a glimpse into the multitude of similar cases.

signal jamming

According to KARE11, criminals can readily purchase Wi-Fi signal jammers jamming devices at a low cost, despite the Federal Communications Commission's ban on them. These devices do not directly disable other devices but rather overload the network they are connected to.

According to cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman, these devices are designed to disrupt radio transmitters, causing traffic jams that prevent legitimate communication.


According to his advice, if you intend to employ a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, it might be worth considering the use of a hardline camera inside your home. Wired cameras that are connected via Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and are immune to disruptions caused by a wifi jammer.

The Los Angeles police highly advises the use of hard wired burglary alarm systems.

According to Tom's Hardware, smart technology may play a role in both the problem and the solution. Officials suggest the use of timers or smart home devices to give the appearance of someone being at home while you are away. Additionally, some smart home technology can alert users of any interruptions in the signal or connection.

Tom's Hardware suggests connecting surveillance devices to your device for storing camera footage, rather than solely relying on a cloud storage system. By doing so, you can ensure that even during a Wi-Fi disruption, the footage will be saved and accessible.

Individuals are urged by the LAPD to stay cautious by locking their doors, asking neighbors to keep an eye on their surroundings while they are away, and informing law enforcement about any suspicious activity, particularly concerning vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.

Wilshire Park is located in Central Los Angeles.


TagiTagi: thieves wifi jammers break 
08 marca 202408 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In today's society, mobile phones have become an indispensable tool for communication in people's daily routines. However, there are specific situations where mobile phone signal jammers play a crucial role. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of mobile phone signal jammers, covering their technical principles and application scenarios. By delving into these aspects, readers can develop a deeper comprehension of the technology and the valuable applications associated with it.

How mobile phone signal jammer works

The primary operational principle of the mobile phone signal jammer is to transmit signals at the same frequency as mobile phone communication, but at a higher power level to disrupt the original signal. This disruptive signal will overpower or drown out the signal normally received by the mobile phone, preventing the mobile phone from communicating with the base station as intended, ultimately achieving the goal of signal blocking.

Jammers emit signals that disrupt specific frequency bands, commonly targeting GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, and even the newest 5G network bands.

cell phone jammer have different coverage ranges depending on their power levels, with increased power leading to wider coverage.

Types of cell phone signal jammers

Designed to be easily carried, this portable jammer is perfect for personal or small-scale use, including conference rooms and small offices.

Tailored for use in schools, examination rooms, prisons, and similar settings, this high-power jammer offers a wide range of coverage.

Personalized jammers are crafted to suit the specific demands of different environments, such as military bases, government facilities, and other secure areas.

The principle and application of GPS signal jammer

GPS signal blockers emit electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies that disrupt signals transmitted by GPS satellites, causing GPS receivers to struggle in interpreting satellite signals. This approach mirrors that of conventional electronic jamming devices, albeit with a focus on the GPS frequency band.

GPS signal jammers usually work in the 1575.42 MHz frequency band, which is the main frequency of GPS satellite signals. Their operating range can vary depending on design and purpose, from a few meters to hundreds of meters.

Typically, portable gps jammer serve the purpose of ensuring personal privacy, whereas fixed jammers are predominantly utilized in professional sectors such as the military and government, offering substantial power and an extensive coverage area.

The utilization of GPS signal jammers by the military enables them to disrupt enemy navigation systems, effectively hindering their ability to accurately determine positioning and navigate.

There are those who may opt to employ GPS signal disruptors in order to block location tracking and ensure the protection of their personal privacy.


TagiTagi: mobile phone 
07 marca 202407 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The commotion surrounding the AIIMS entrance exam may have caught many off guard, however, the city university has implemented precautionary steps to prevent such occurrences. While certain universities have opted for jammers at entrances, others have chosen metal detectors or security guards. Nevertheless, only a few have implemented all of these measures. Jammers are effective in detecting mobile signals and deterring students from engaging in unfair practices cell phone jammer.


Ms. Kang, the director of Punjab College of Technical Education (PCTE), mentioned that two years ago, they implemented jammers in the examination hall during a period when approximately 900 students were sitting for their exams. She further emphasized that the utilization of a disruptor could effectively address the concerns of all individuals by disabling their cellular network coverage.

HS Singha, the director of Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Technology (GNIMT), mentioned that the installation of two jammers on the campus three years ago effectively reduced cheating incidents. Additionally, regular physical verifications are conducted to prevent students from carrying phones with them wifi jammer.

MS Saini, the principal of Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC), expressed concern over the fact that some students resort to unfair practices in order to achieve higher grades. He highlighted the challenge of conducting physical verification due to the enhanced capabilities of students, leading to the installation of 11 jammers on campus. Furthermore, the college has implemented the use of three metal detectors and enhanced security measures at the entrance gates.

Pawan Kumar Gupta, the head of Ludhiana College of Engineering and Technology, mentioned that they had implemented five jammers and two metal detectors on the premises approximately three years ago. He emphasized that the widespread adoption of such devices in educational institutions could significantly reduce the chances of cheating through technological methods signal jammer.

Can mobile jammers in colleges stop cyber crime?

The proposed ban on mobile phones at universities in the city has left students feeling apprehensive. The Maharashtra government's higher and technical education department is considering this measure to address the issue of cybercrime within university campuses.

Nevertheless, students expressed their dismay over what they perceived as a violation of their freedoms. Lala Atole, a student at ILS Law School, argues that the suggested prohibition lacks logic gsm jammer.

"School authorities can impose stricter rules on the use of mobile phones in classrooms, but installing jammers will directly impact students' freedom," he said. Some students believe that installing jammers will not affect most students as they are addicted to gaming during classes. "If cell phones are banned and we can't even answer important calls, students might think of skipping lectures. How does that help students?"

Vedang Bhagwat, a student from Garware College, inquired about the situation. Despite students voicing their discontent with the decision, there is a lack of consensus among university officials regarding the proposal. The authorities are considering the installation of jammers in classrooms, but are hesitant to implement them campus-wide.

Hrishikesh Suman, principal, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, opined, "Jammers will definitely help prevent distractions during classes. However, outside the classroom, this may affect the internal academic communication with the teacher." Only by getting the power to control jammers, The authorities will welcome this move. "Signal jamming affects our security systems and hampers emergency communications. Also, students are not used to restrictions and this may do more harm than good," said Dilip Sheth, Principal, SP College. Teachers believe it would be more helpful for students to voluntarily refrain. "Students should voluntarily refrain from using mobile phones without our close attention," added MMCC principal MD Lawrence. Some even favor the use of cell phones on campus.

Girija Shankar, the vice-chancellor of Neswadia Business School, mentioned that disruptors are not a viable solution due to the high number of out-of-town students in Pune whose guardians often need to get in touch with them.




06 marca 202406 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Authorities with the Los Angeles Police Department are warning residents in Los Angeles' Wilshire-area neighborhoods of a series of burglaries involving wifi jamming technology that can disarm surveillance cameras and alarms using a wireless signal.

According to police, the burglaries typically involve three to four suspects who enter homes through a second story balcony.

Once inside, the thieves target primary bedrooms in search of high-end jewelry, purses, U.S. currency and other valuables.

Man found dead in pond of Southern California apartment complex


"On many occasions, these suspects will have a getaway vehicle and driver to act as a look out," authorities said in a community alert.

To deter these types of burglaries, authorities provided the following tips:

  • Ensure your electrical circuit boxes are secured with a padlock to make it harder for thieves to tamper with alarm systems

  • Never tell Uber, Lyft or taxi drivers or post on social media that you will be on vacation or away from home

  • Stay alert for suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates, as well as rental vehicles

  • Share your cellphone number with trusted neighbors and ask them to clear your mail and keep an eye on your residence if you plan to be away

  • Place cameras around the home and ensure that the alarm DVR is secure and cannot be tampered with

  • Consider moving to an alarm system that is hard wired rather than running on a wireless signal

  • Provide extra security such as a pole to sliding glass doors to eliminate easy opening

  • Place tracking devices, such as Apple AirTags, on valuable items like jewelry boxes, purses or vehicles

  • See what shrubbery or trees can be trimmed or cut to keep your residence highly visible

  • Install proper lighting and security signage and always leave light on in your home, especially while away

Anyone with information on any of these crimes is encouraged to contact LAPD's Wilshire Burglary Detectives at Those wishing to remain anonymous can contact L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477 or online at L.A. Crime Stoppers.

TagiTagi: disarm cameras alarms 
05 marca 202405 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz1 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A recent caution has been issued for those who rely on wireless security cameras like "Ring" for safeguarding their residence.

In Detroit, a woman reported that her Ring camera failed to record the theft of her car from the front of her residence. An expert in the area suggests that this occurrence signifies the growing technological expertise of criminals.

The woman stated that her car was stolen from her driveway earlier this month. Upon reviewing the footage from her Ring camera, she noticed that there were missing hours.

The statement made by Chris Burns, the proprietor of Techie Gurus, highlights that security cameras relying on WiFi for recording purposes are primarily focused on convenience rather than security. This is attributed to the vulnerability of WiFi signals to interference, potentially leading to the camera's inability to effectively surveil the surroundings of your home, a concern that criminals are exploiting.

According to Burns, using wireless for security measures is a flawed approach. He pointed out that wireless signals can be easily interfered with or obstructed.

These individuals can employ this as a wifi jamming device, or a deauther, that could potentially be as compact as an Apple Watch.

By standing within close range, a deauther can overpower a WiFi system, compelling the WiFi camera to cease its recording operations. This accessory is available at a relatively affordable price, typically ranging from $10 to $50. On the other hand, a jammer comes at a significantly higher cost, with prices ranging from $150 to $1,000.

Due to their illegal nature, singal jammer are not easily accessible. Nevertheless, a strong camera jammer can effectively stop an entire street from being captured on WiFi security cameras by a mere push of a button.

In a statement, a representative from Ring highlighted the potential impact of WiFi signal interference on Ring device performance, similar to other wifi-enabled devices. Customers encountering connectivity issues are urged to seek help from Ring Customer Support.

How can customers protect themselves?

According to Burns, true security can only be achieved by utilizing hard-wired connections like ethernet.

The spokesperson representing Ring stated that they are mindful of the situation, highlighting its infrequency.

According to Burns, as technology becomes more affordable, the demand for jammers is expected to rise. Hence, it is imperative to ensure that people are adequately educated on this subject.


04 marca 202404 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Feb. 16 started like any typical Friday night. My husband and I decided to stay home, grill chicken and make a salad for dinner. At about 6:45 p.m., we heard some loud rumbling overhead.

We walked onto the back patio, and two police helicopters were overhead - shining lights all over our property, and a recording echoed, "Police. You are under arrest. Stay right there and I won't shoot you."

As I looked across the fence, a swarm of armed members of the Phoenix SWAT Team with a few dogs were circling our property. One of the guys said, "Yeah, there's a signal jammer right here." He picked it up. I leaned over the patio and asked, "What's going on?"

The police told me to go inside

A SWAT member said, "Ma'am, A South American gang is targeting homes to steal from. The cell phone jammer says you might have been next. Do we have permission to enter your property?" I said, "Yes!" and then he asked something like, "If we find anyone, will you pursue charges so we can arrest them?" I replied, "Of course!"

I opened the driveway gates to our property and the guest house while Barry tossed the police keys to open the security gates. It turns out that when the gang saw we were home, they likely diverted their attention to the house next door. A house four doors down from us wasn't so lucky.

The homeowner left at 5 p.m. to have dinner and got a notification his security cameras were offline at 5:05 pm. He thought the internet went down. The gang broke in and took $25,000 in cash and valuables worth $100,000. They were in and out in less than 10 minutes.

How are they getting away with this?

The gang places cellular and wifi jammer around the homes they're targeting. This way, security cameras and phones are useless. A Phoenix police officer told me the gang probably noticed nothing was down in our house.

Our home's security cameras and internet are hard-wired. Even when the thieves tried to jam the Wi-Fi signals, the security camera's red lights showed they were recording everything. We also still have a landline.

But how frightening is that? Your phone doesn't work. Your cameras aren't recording anything. On the upside, the gang doesn't carry guns. If they get caught, they'll spend about six months in jail before being extradited to Chile.

If you'd like to watch the action captured by my security cameras, I showed them during a Kim Komando Today video stream. I am so thankful for our police force.

Nothing is random

The gang thoroughly scopes out homes beforehand. They drive the neighborhood and look up homes on real estate sites to get an idea of where the primary bedroom is located. They look for dogs, too.

It's not only a problem in Phoenix. This is happening all over the country. A friend was robbed by a similar gang in a guard-gated community in California. Kudos to Phoenix Police - they arrested three members of the gang who were in my neighborhood that night.


TagiTagi: using cellular jammers 
01 marca 202401 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

How to stop wifi jammer attacks on home security systems

The internet was abuzz with a viral news story from Queens, New York, which showcased a burglar effortlessly sliding across the floor while holding an enigmatic device. According to reports, this device was suspected to be a wifi jammer, strategically employed by the intruder to disable the home's wifi network and render the alarm system inoperable, allowing him to carry out his activities undetected.

Is this even possible? Yes, yes it is.

Hidden Camera Detectors

So what is a wifi jammer?

In essence, these jamming devices generate a frequency that disrupts the functioning of 3G, 4G, 5G, cordless, and wifi networks. Essentially, they affect all of these networks.

The presence of excessive noise disrupts the functioning of devices that rely on those frequencies for their normal operation. This interference extends to emergency networks used by first responders, which is the reason why the use of such devices is deemed illegal. However, these unauthorized devices are produced and traded on the black market, and individuals can potentially create their own. It is strongly recommended not to search for instructions online, as it may lead to being monitored by authorities.

Through the generation of disruptive noise, a signal blocker device disrupts the frequencies utilized by our devices, preventing their proper functioning. This interference extends beyond the intended targets, affecting a significant number of devices.

With this new information in mind, do you foresee any issues with your phones, alarm sensors, alarm base station, smart locks, and wifi cameras? It is a potential risk.

You might be wondering about this: "Andy, my alarm system has a cellular backup for when the wifi goes down. Will it still be functional?" Sadly, the answer is no. The sensors will be unable to establish communication with the base station due to the interference caused by these jammers. It is crucial to keep in mind that these jammers not only disrupt wifi signals but also block mobile spectrums, rendering your base station incapable of making calls over wifi or a cellular network.

How To Stop Wifi Jammer and Deauth Attacks

With knowledge about the nature and outcomes of these attacks, what steps should we take to defend against them? Have you remembered my caution about refraining from showcasing the alarm company branded sign in your yard?

This serves as an explanation as to why it is crucial to keep your home security methods confidential to avoid being targeted by criminals who could exploit your defenses. It is quite simple to identify companies that utilize the 2.4 GHz band.

When selecting new smart home products, ensure they are dual-band or compatible with the 5 gigahertz frequency. I've read about the potential benefits of WPA3 security in preventing these attacks, but as a novice, I cannot confirm its effectiveness. Regrettably, wireless alarm systems are still at risk of jammer attacks.

Select the old-fashioned route by installing a fully wired home alarm system that is connected to a landline. If there are no wireless components, then you should have no issues.

Local storage is a key feature in cameras provided by companies like Ring. This feature allows the cameras to continue recording clips even if there is a wifi outage or cloud storage is not accessible. While you may not receive notifications during such circumstances, you can still access the footage by simply checking the SD card inserted in the camera itself.

To ensure the reliability of your home security, it is recommended to consider adding a cost-effective local storage camera to your existing wifi camera system. By doing so, you can mitigate the risk of losing all footage in the event of a jammer or deauth attack. However, it is crucial to note that if the attackers identify the camera, they may try to vandalize it and take it along.


TagiTagi: thief really jam alarm system 
29 lutego 202429 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The police have reason to believe that this technology has been employed in a sequence of nine robberies in Edina.

It has come to the attention of authorities in Edina, Minnesota that a serial burglar has been employing a Wi-Fi jammer to disrupt the functioning of connected security cameras. This strategic move enables the burglar to carry out thefts and abscond with the valuable possessions of their victims.Minnesota is generally not recognized for its technological innovations, so it is understandable that incidents involving Wi-Fi jammers being used to facilitate burglaries in the U.S. have been documented for several years. This serves as a reminder that technology is being leveraged by criminals, and an increasing number are becoming adept at utilizing it -- thus, homeowners should take steps to protect themselves.

The Edina police force suspects that a total of nine burglaries that transpired in the past half-year may have involved the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers to prevent the retrieval of incriminating video footage by investigators. It is believed that the individuals behind these crimes have a specific modus operandi:

  • Houses are found in affluent localities.

  • The homes are closely observed by burglars.

  • The robbers evade direct conflict, seeming to prefer waiting for houses to be deserted.

  • Capitalizing on the vacancy of a house, the criminals will activate Wi-Fi jammers.

  • Safes, jewelry, and other premium designer items are frequently the objects of theft.

In an interview with KARE11, a security expert provided insights into the operation of signal jammer. The expert clarified that these devices do not block signals but rather cause wireless devices to become disoriented. By overwhelming wireless traffic, wifi jammer effectively impede the passage of genuine traffic, as explained to the source publication.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

Jamming wireless security devices is a growing trend

A thorough examination of news reports reveals a substantial body of evidence suggesting the involvement of Wi-Fi jammers in various burglary cases. As early as January 2020, a post shared on the Ring community platform recounted an incident where a wireless doorbell successfully deterred a porch thief through a Wi-Fi deauthentication attack. Additionally, an increasing number of reports from 2021 to 2023 highlight instances of burglars utilizing Wi-Fi jamming technology, with the frequency of these occurrences steadily rising over time.

Ring is acknowledged for being one of the companies that popularized video doorbells to address multiple home security concerns, however, other wireless smart home security devices from Blink (Amazon) and Nest (Google) may also be at risk of wireless signal interference.

Before wrapping up, we would like to offer a few recommendations to those who may have concerns regarding the effectiveness of their wireless home security systems. Firstly, consider establishing physical connections for certain devices that support wired connections and enable local storage of recorded footage. Secondly, make use of smart home technology that can create the illusion of someone being present at home. Additionally, your device may have the capability to send alerts in the event of signal or connection interruptions, so it might be worth exploring and adjusting these settings.


TagiTagi: wi-fi jamming 
28 lutego 202428 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I read a few of the news articles and it sounds like the thieves are jamming WiFi and the sensors. This prevents the system from even triggering. The thieves are walking around the homes without the glass break, door, and motion sensors going off it seems.

Not commonplace, but getting some exposure in the news recently - gangs of organized thieves in metro Detroit area are targeting upper scale homes for burglaries. They are purportedly using wifi jammer to circumvent alarms (like Ring).

What can millions of Ring (and customers from other wifi-dependent alarm companies) do about this? IS there a viable counter to these signal jammer? Maybe it's time to explore legacy, analog wired alarm solutions as backup instead of the reverse?

They're using a wifi jammer, according to this article. No obvious way to prevent this, so hardwired systems would be the only resistant option.

Most Wi-Fi jammers use disassociation flooding to kick the devices off the network. This attack is prevented with WPA3 which can use protected management frames. Unfortunately Ring still hasn't got around to adding WPA3 support to its devices. It was requested via their feature request process a long time ago, so I'm not overly hopeful they'll add it.

There are trade offs and risks with each security system. There's also different types of burglars from opportune amateurs to seasoned pros.

If you're concerned about this threat, there's a raft of solutions out there with high definition footage without any reliance on Wi-Fi or internet.

Whatever they're using for jamming must go beyond the WiFi frequencies to affect z-wave and whatever frequency Honeywell et al uses for their RF communications.

This makes sense because most alarm systems these days (even ADT/Brinx/etc) rely mostly on wireless sensors.

This is a huge vulnerability because it's pretty rare to find a security system that's been installed to use all hardwired sensors. To go hardwired you probably had to have it built-in as the house was built or did it while doing some major remodeling.

Cellular jammers are readily available. DSL, cable, or fiber are not jammable, but all devices need to be hardwired.

Zwave can be jammed just as easily as wifi. Cellular is great but if the door/window sensors are blocked and unable to report to the base station, the alarm won't think anything is wrong.

What I found when doing some simple research over the last couple of days is that different manufacturers use different frequencies for their devices so it might be a guessing game for the burglar, although my guess is that the professional burglars carry jammers for most of the common frequencies used by the big name brands like Ring, Simplisafe, Nest(ADT), etc.

To me it makes sense to have devices from different brands. Ring doorbell, ADT alarm, Wyze cameras, etc...

What's scary is that there are a bunch of videos on youtube demonstrating how easy it is to bypass these alarms AND with instructions telling you exactly how to do it and how to get the jammers.

Is this pervasive? If you watch the news, it's pretty evident thieves aren't concerned with cameras. They mask up and hood up and go. Be on alert, they have no fear.

Burglars can use wide-band jammers to jam all frequency bands : GSM, LTE, Wifi and Z-Wave. Some alarm systems are robust to such attacks (like Ajax Alarm System --

In short, the alarm hub must be hardwired with Ethernet to your router; And hub, router and modem on a battery backup. Then, only communications between sensors and hub can be jammed.

Then, alarm hub communicates frequently with sensors. If communication fails, it signals a jamming attack, notifying the user via hardwired Internet. With a working speaker on the hub, it can sound a siren and send a voice alert to the intruders.

SimpliSafe system is another system that offers some jamming protection, but lacks the Ethernet hardwired connection, so it must rely on a GSM/LTE link, which is still better than Wifi alone.




TagiTagi: jamming wifi sensors 
27 lutego 202427 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has released a warning regarding the unauthorized use of cellular signal jammers, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices by individuals, stating that it is prohibited unless officially authorized by the government.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) recently released a memorandum on July 1, addressing the public's interest. In this memorandum, it was explicitly stated that the government-approved jammers can only be procured and utilized by states, union territories, defense forces, and central police organizations.

Desktop  Jammers

The advisory indicated that private sector entities and individuals in the private sector are prohibited from purchasing or utilizing jammers in India.

Examination conducting bodies under the union/state government or union territories can utilize jammers procured from authorized vendors and approved models, following the necessary approval from the competent authority.

Additionally, the Department of Telecommunications has declared that promoting, selling, delivering, importing, or otherwise promoting jammers in India is illegal, unless authorized by government regulations.

The Department of Transportation (DoT) has declared the utilization of mobile signal repeaters and boosters by individuals as illegal, not limited to jammers. According to a memo, the unauthorized use of repeaters can have a negative impact on public telecommunication services by compromising their quality and coverage, leading to interference and disruption.

In January, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) issued a strong caution to e-commerce entities such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Alibaba, Aliexpress, Ebay, and others regarding their involvement in enabling the trade of wireless jammer.

26 lutego 202426 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The oilfield company is required to challenge a $126,000 fine imposed by the Federal Communications Commission before the May deadline. This fine was levied against the company for interfering with cellphone calls.

On April 9, the FCC issued a notice of apparent liability against Taylor Oilfield Manufacturing Inc. of Broussard for allegedly deploying four cellular phone jammers to restrict cellphone usage among employees.

The company representatives informed the FCC that the cell jammers, which interfere with cellphone signals, were implemented to deter employees from using their cellphones during work hours.

Taylor was granted a 30-day period starting from April 9 to either settle the penalty or provide a written response to the FCC explaining why the fine should be waived or decreased.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

Taylor officials failed to reply to phone calls requesting a statement.

The case commenced subsequent to the FCC receiving a tip and dispatching an agent to the company's premises in Broussard in May 2012. As per the FCC notice, company representatives acknowledged the utilization of four cell jammer and the possession of a fifth cell jammer, which was not operational at that time.

The United States strictly prohibits the use of cell jammers, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has imposed a ban on importing these devices from foreign countries. According to the FCC, the Broussard company admitted to purchasing its cell jammers from overseas.

The company was notified by the FCC that the illegal use of signal blockers presented a significant risk to public safety as it could potentially disrupt authorized communications, including emergency calls to 911 and law enforcement communications. Additionally, the use of cell jammers can have a negative impact on global positioning system signals.

Taylor's officials informed the FCC that they made an attempt to restrict employee cellphone usage following a close call that the company attributed in part to an employee using a cellphone, as per FCC records.

TagiTagi: cellphone jamming fine 
24 lutego 202424 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

All cellphone jammers have been discreetly eliminated from prisons by Corrections.

The technology implemented in 2008-09 to deter inmates from using smuggled mobile phones has incurred expenses exceeding $17 million.

However, the utilization of jammers ceased in June due to their interference with newly implemented safety systems for prison guards.

Upon unveiling this initiative, Corrections Minister Phil Goff emphasized that the implementation of cellphone blocking in New Zealand prisons marks a significant advancement in preventing inmates from engaging in further criminal activities during their incarceration.

The Official Information Act was used to acquire recent information regarding the quantity of cellphones confiscated from the 18 prisons managed by Corrections in the last three years.

The Corrections staff discovered 626 cellphones and over 750 cellphone-related items, including batteries, chargers, SIM cards, and more, between January 2020 and November of the current year.

The removal of the cellphone jammer in June was the reason why inmates were found smuggling cellphones, according to Neil Beales, the Corrections chief custodial officer.

He stated that the jammers were discovered to disrupt recently implemented safety systems, including alarms designed for the safety of corrections officers.

Progress in mobile technology has led to jammers becoming more and more outdated.

According to Beales, the mentioned tool was just one among several others employed to prevent the use of cellphones in prisons. He further stated that there are still several more effective tools in use.

Cellsense devices are equipped with advanced technology to identify various metals commonly found in cellphones. Additionally, these devices possess screening and x-ray capabilities, along with the ability to detect metals using specially trained dogs.

Beale mentioned that certain individuals incarcerated resort to extreme and intricate measures to smuggle contraband into prisons, and we are consistently striving to outsmart the latest tactics employed for smuggling contraband into our correctional facilities.

Corrections has been exploring new and emerging technology to enhance existing systems, according to the statement. They have begun implementing full body imaging technology at various locations to identify hidden contraband on or inside individuals.

In 2018, the Corrections department acknowledged that cellphone jamming technology had caused a communication blackout near Rimutaka Prison, resulting in the inability to track residents of a child sex offender unit located outside the prison walls.

Inmates may utilize cellphones to exert influence on individuals beyond the prison walls, as well as to organize illicit activities such as drug transactions. Recently, nine prison employees at Rimutaka were suspended in May for suspected misconduct, which involved the smuggling of cellphones into the facility.

It comes as no surprise that Corrections has decided to abandon the use of signal blockers, as stated by Roger Brooking, a drug and alcohol counsellor and criminologist who has consistently voiced his concerns about the expenditure on this technology.

He stated that their functionality is nonexistent, and it has always been that way.

In my conversations with prisoners, they have mentioned that there are certain spots within the prison where the jamming devices do not work effectively. This has allowed inmates to make unauthorized phone calls for various purposes such as drug trafficking or communicating with their families.


22 lutego 202422 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phone jammers are devices designed to block the reception or transmission of cell phone signals by producing interference within the frequency ranges used by cell phones. This interference causes a lack of signal or a notable reduction in signal strength. While cell phone jammers can be employed in various settings, they are predominantly utilized in locations where quietness is essential.

Techopedia offers insights into cell phone jammers.

A cell phone jammer is composed of:

  • Antenna

  • Voltage-controlled oscillator

  • Tuning circuit

  • Noise generator

  • Power supply

  • RF amplification

The activation of a cell phone jammer results in the absence of network signal on most cell phones, while deactivating the jammer restores their connectivity. Cell phones employ specific frequencies for transmitting and receiving information. By blocking one or both of these frequencies, cell phone jammers indirectly impede communication on both ends, effectively preventing any form of interaction.The operation of cell phone jammers is based on the same principles as those of jammers employed to hinder radio communication. These devices disrupt either the frequencies from the cell phone to the base station or from the base station to the cell phone.

Law enforcement agencies and the military make use of cell phone jammers to restrict and disrupt communication in various situations. Certain organizations employ these jammers to safeguard against corporate espionage by blocking communication within sensitive areas. Moreover, some individuals opt for portable cell phone jammers to prevent others from using their phones in immediate vicinity.

With the exception of military and law enforcement applications, the use of cell phone jammers is illegal in many countries, including the United States. The United States has enacted some of the most stringent laws globally, prohibiting the sale and purchase of cell phone jammers and imposing strict regulations on their usage. However, in countries like Mexico, the use of cell phone jammers is permitted in certain public areas such as hospitals. It is crucial to recognize that laws governing the use of cell phone jammers differ from country to country.

There are three key reasons why cell phone jammers are considered illegal

The use of cell phone jammers can hinder your ability, as well as that of others, to contact 911 and other emergency services. Additionally, they present serious risks to public safety communications and disrupt regular forms of communication.

The following article delves into the mechanics of signal jammers, the legal implications of using them in the United States, protocols to follow in case of interference with authorized communication, and the services offered by Cellbusters for inquiries related to cell phone jammers.

Actions to Consider When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

Have you considered the possibility of a signal jammer causing the interference? There are several factors, including signal jammers, that can result in unreliable network connections:

  1. faulty equipment

  2. physical obstructions that block the signal

  3. lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies

It is recommended to troubleshoot equipment and connectivity problems based on the manufacturer and service provider recommendations before lodging an interference complaint via the FCC Consumer Complaint Center. Along with reviewing the owner's manual and seeking assistance from the company's technical support, utilizing online resources to search for your device/model and the specific issue may aid in identifying or excluding potential causes.



TagiTagi: what does cellphone jammer 
21 lutego 202421 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The purpose of a cell phone jammer is to hinder the reception or transmission of cell phone signals by creating interference within the operating frequency ranges of mobile phones. By emitting signals on the same radio frequencies as cell phones, the jammer disrupts the communication between the phone and the cell phone base station, rendering the phones within its vicinity unable to receive signals.

When deciding on a cell phone jammer, various aspects can be considered:

  • How large of an area should the cell phone jammer be able to cover?

  • Are you looking for a pocket-sized cell phone jammer that ensures complete discretion?

Utilizing cell phone jammers can bring about several benefits, whether you aim to minimize disturbances caused by people nearby in public settings or to silence the usage of mobile phones within your organization or educational facility. Nevertheless, it is essential to conduct adequate research beforehand to ensure the acquisition of a signal jammer that precisely caters to your intended purpose.

When searching for cell phone jammers for sale, you should take the following into consideration...

  1. For how many years has the vendor been conducting business?

  2. Does the vendor stock a diverse selection of products, or do they specialize exclusively in signal jammers?

  3. How large of an area should the cell phone jammer be able to cover?

  4. Do you require a discreet (compact) handheld device that can block cell phone signals?

  5. Are you searching for a cell phone jammer suitable for your application, whether it be portable, fixed, or vehicle-based?

  6. Are you looking for a novelty gadget or a genuine cell phone jamming device?
TagiTagi: buy cell phone jammer 
20 lutego 202420 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Cellphone Jamming Reform Act of 2022, reintroduced by Congressman David Kustoff (TN-08), aims to address the issue of contraband cell phone use in federal and state prison facilities. This legislation would grant state and federal prisons the authority to implement cell phone jamming systems for the safety of inmates, guards, and the community.

Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) presented the companion bill in the U.S. Senate. Additionally, Representatives William Timmons (SC-04), Tom Rice (SC-07), Ralph Norman (SC-05), and Jeff Duncan (SC-03) have joined as co-sponsors of this legislation.

It was mentioned by Congressman Kustoff that in correctional facilities all over the United States, prisoners are using contraband cell phones for illegal purposes, such as managing drug operations, aiding in sex trafficking, and organizing escape attempts.The prevalence of contraband cell phones necessitates immediate action from Congress to prevent dangerous criminals from carrying out illegal activities while in custody, thus safeguarding the public.I am thrilled to work alongside Senators Cotton and Graham in reintroducing this important bill that will contribute to the safety of our communities in West Tennessee and the United States.

Prisoners have used contraband cell phones to direct unlawful activities outside prison walls, which involve orchestrating hits on rivals, engaging in sex trafficking, managing drug operations, and conducting business transactions.The Federal Communications Act currently prohibits facilities from using cellphone signal jamming devices to prevent this, despite their effectiveness. My proposed bill aims to address this issue, ensuring that criminals can serve their time without endangering the public.

This legislation is championed by the Correctional Leaders Association, the Council of Prison Locals, the American Correctional Association, the National Sheriff's Association, and the Major County Sheriffs of America.

The use of contraband cell phones is rampant within both federal and state prison facilities. Inmates have utilized these unauthorized devices to carry out illegal activities, including ordering hits on individuals outside the prison walls, running illegal drug operations, conducting illicit business deals, facilitating sex trafficking, and organizing escapes that endanger correctional employees, fellow inmates, and the general public.

The South Carolina Prison Incident was sparked by the combination of cell phones and contraband. A violent gang fight, centered around territorial disputes, erupted within the confines of the Lee Correctional Institution near Bishopville, South Carolina. The utilization of cell phones to facilitate the illegal exchange of contraband played a significant role in escalating the conflict. Sadly, this altercation led to the loss of seven inmates' lives and caused injuries to 20 others.

The murder of Lt. Osvaldo Albarati in 2013 was a result of his intervention in an unlawful contraband cell phone operation. The inmate behind the killing used a contraband cell phone to communicate with the hired assailant, leading to the fatal outcome, as indicated in the official records.

According to a 2018 report, an inmate at FCI Fort Dix in New Jersey coordinated a murder and assault using a smuggled phone while incarcerated. Another prisoner at the same facility was alleged to have possessed and distributed child pornography through a contraband phone. Furthermore, six other inmates admitted their guilt in separate incidents.


The impact of contraband cell phones extends beyond aiding violent criminals in their nefarious pursuits. According to The Wall Street Journal, Martin Shkreli, the disgraced pharmaceutical executive who was sentenced to seven years for securities fraud, continued to exert influence over decision-making processes at Phoenixus AG through the use of an illicit cell phone.



TagiTagi: cellphone jamming reform act 
19 lutego 202419 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The convenience of being able to reach out to individuals at any hour is truly remarkable. However, the use of cell phones in restaurants, theaters, concert halls, malls, and religious institutions has become a concern due to certain users' inability to discern when to conclude their conversations.Have you ever found yourself irritated by listening to a discussion about a highly personal situation, where the speaker reveals intimate details to their friend and those around them?

While the majority of us simply complain and carry on, there are individuals who go to great lengths to retaliate. Cell phones, essentially serving as handheld two-way radios, can experience signal disruption or jamming, similar to any other radio device.

By transmitting a signal on the same frequency and with a sufficiently high power, jamming devices can overpower cell phones, resulting in the collision and cancellation of the two signals. To counteract any minor disruptions, cell phones are designed to amplify their power, hence the signal jammer must be able to detect and replicate the power increase from the phone.

Cell phones function as full-duplex devices, employing two separate frequencies for simultaneous talking and listening. Some jammers interfere with only one of the frequencies utilized by cell phones, leading to the blocking of both frequencies. This deceives the phone into assuming there is no service since it can only detect one frequency.

Devices with lower complexity are designed to block only one set of frequencies, whereas more sophisticated jammers have the capability to block multiple network types simultaneously. This prevents dual-mode or tri-mode phones from automatically switching between different network types to search for an open signal. Some high-end devices have the ability to block all frequencies at once, while others can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

Blocking a cell phone signal simply requires a device that can transmit on the correct frequencies. While various cellular systems may process signals differently, they all rely on radio signals that are vulnerable to interference.The 900-MHz and 1800-MHz bands are utilized by GSM in Europe and Asia for digital cellular and PCS-based systems, whereas in the United States it operates within the 1900-MHz (sometimes referred to as 1.9-GHz) band.The versatility of gps jammer allows them to operate on any frequency, making them highly effective against AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, PCS, DCS, iDEN, and Nextel systems. Whether it is traditional analog cell phones or contemporary digital devices, both types are equally susceptible to disruption caused by jamming.

The actual range of the gsm jammer depends on its power and the local environment, which may include hills or walls of a building that block the jamming signal. Low-powered wifi jammer block calls in a range of about 30 feet (9 m). Higher-powered units create a cell-free zone as large as a football field. Units used by law enforcement can shut down service up to 1 mile (1.6 km) from the device.

I'll give you a serious answer since many others won't. I know from experience that, yes, your neighbor COULD have such a device. They're rather inexpensive. $150 can get someone a cell phone jammer conveniently delivered to their door.

Is it likely though? Anything is possible. You never really know who your neighbors are. I move around a lot & after all the awful neighbors I have had, I put nothing past anyone.

FCC probably won't take your claim seriously without proof. Just repeat the performance a few times & record the results. However, if the guy has a jammer it would probably be best not to talk about your test out loud.

Reason being, when someone has a jammer, they usually also have a listening device. No, I am not joking. Every person in this would be paranoid if they knew the number of people who buy listening devices so they can spy on their neighbors for shits & giggles....or worse more malicious reasons.They're easy to acquire & work wonderfully. Don't talk about your plan to test him so you can record it. If he has a jammer, chances are that he's the type to have such a device to listen to you in your home.


TagiTagi: cell phone 
17 lutego 202417 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Ukraine war has witnessed an unprecedented use of drones, distinguishing it from previous conflicts. These drones vary from tiny quadcopters armed with cameras and grenades, which hover over front-line trenches, to flying bombs transporting warheads weighing dozens of kilogrammes (pounds) into Kyiv and Moscow.

In the last few months, Kyiv and other significant urban areas have experienced multiple incursions by Russian troops. These invasions have involved the utilization of Iranian-made Shahed "kamikaze" drones. Simultaneously, Ukraine has retaliated by launching unmanned attacks in Crimea and the Russian border region of Belgorod.

Accusing Ukraine, the Russian government claimed that Moscow had been targeted by such devices on Tuesday.

The present depiction stands in stark contrast to the exaggerated enthusiasm that once surrounded the Turkish-produced Bayraktar TB2 drones in the early stages of the war.

The aircraft gained widespread media coverage and were commended through songs for their instrumental role in destroying Moscow's armored columns and the Moskva, the flagship of the Black Sea fleet.

Nevertheless, the protracted conflict has diminished the significance of these models, commonly known as MALE (Medium Altitude, Long Endurance).

An undisclosed source from the European defense industry informed AFP that the front line has achieved stability and impenetrability, thanks to the deployment of Russian defense systems to safeguard against aerial assaults.

The conflict in the drone war has shifted towards a focus on numbers.

Air defenses are responsible for neutralizing the majority of suicide drones, as stated by a senior French military source. These defenses are strategically utilized to prompt the defenders into firing their missiles and depleting their reserves.

"You also create terror and uncertainty at all times. Over the long term, that has value," the source added.

According to a recent report by analysts Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds from the British defense think-tank RUSI, Russia's ability to cheaply erode enemy air defense is of utmost importance. This is due to Russia's production capacity of long-range missiles being restricted to around 40 per month.

It has been reported that Moscow's air force employs a considerable fleet of aircraft to enhance the range of potential threats and pinpoint weaknesses in the Ukrainian air defense. The objective is to identify gaps in the defense system where traditional missiles could potentially breach.

The European industrial source revealed that Kyiv employs commercially available Chinese propeller-powered drones or old Soviet jet-powered reconnaissance drones for incursions well inside Russian territory.

- Front lines -

The majority of drones are smaller versions utilized for reconnaissance and offensive missions at the forefront.

Ukrainian military personnel have posted several videos on social networking sites showcasing adapted commercially sold drones releasing bombs on Russian soldiers' positions.

According to RUSI's Watling and Reynolds, there are usually 25 to 50 UAVs from both sides present on a 10-kilometre front line.

The Ukrainian Furia and Russian Eleron-3 drones are tailor-made for their intended uses, capable of reaching distances of up to 50 kilometers. On the other hand, modified commercial quadcopters, which are frequently acquired through crowdfunding, are only able to travel fewer than 10 kilometers.

In response to the swarms, both factions have resorted to deploying electronic defenses, thereby reducing the expenses associated with neutralizing low-cost devices that do not warrant the use of costly missiles.

RUSI reports that the Russian forces have adopted a strategy of deploying approximately one major electronic warfare system for every 10 kilometers of frontage. Additionally, there are more specialized electronic warfare capabilities that are employed at higher levels of the chain of command.

According to the senior French officer, the Russians have elevated their electronic warfare strategies, marking a substantial alteration in their methods.

According to RUSI, even individual Russian platoons have been supplied with anti-drone weapons, such as directional jammers and arrays used for taking control of UAVs drone jammer.

Anti-drone "rifles" that emit jamming signals are "the absolute basics of defence, what really works are non-portable jammers deployed close to the front line", the European industry source said signal jammer.

Nevertheless, these "giant orbs supported by tripods with generators" are easily recognizable and are not expected to last long, as per their comments.

- High attrition -

According to the French officer, drone and anti-drone warfare represent a fresh approach to combined arms combat.

In the same manner that we possess infantry, cavalry, and artillery, we also possess drones, electronic warfare, and connectivity.

According to the officer, the considerable amount of resources dedicated to neutralizing them results in small drones having a limited lifespan of only four to six flights before being targeted and shot down.

According to Ukraine, they are facing a considerable challenge of losing approximately 10,000 drones per month across their diverse array of devices. The accuracy of this claim cannot be substantiated, and it is possible that this assertion is made with the intention of obtaining increased assistance from Western countries.

Should there be breakthroughs and counter-offensives resulting in the resurgence of rapidly shifting front lines, drones will stay important.

Drones could be utilized by Ukraine to dismantle Russian defensive barriers in its highly anticipated summer offensive, with the possibility of dropping explosives into a minefield to create a pathway, as proposed by Vikram Mittal, a professor at the US military academy West Point, in a piece for Forbes.

When rapid-moving troops are surrounded, drones may present a viable option for delivering crucial supplies such as ammunition to enable them to sustain their activities.

TagiTagi: drone warfare 
11 lutego 202411 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Effective measures should be taken to eliminate potential safety hazards and jammer gps buy ensure the safety of gas stations.On the one hand, the customer does not know the safety management regulations of the gas station, and believes that it is unnecessary for the gas station employees to let them use their mobile phones in the gas station, which is prone to rebellious psychology.

One of the more difficult to manage is the prohibition of customers using mobile phone calls in gas stations mobile signal jammer.The exercise of any right is limited and must not prejudice the rights of others or the public interest.The freedom of communication and speech that citizens enjoy in accordance with the Constitution and the law shall not exceed their due scope.As we all know, gas stations dealing with flammable and explosive materials are high-risk industries, and "safety first" is the most basic requirement for gas stations.Common safety measures at gas stations mainly include turning off motorcycles to refuel, gas station employees must wear anti-static clothing to work, prohibiting open flames and using mobile phone calls in gas stations, and not refueling in plastic buckets, etc.

Because refueling and gas stations are now generally controlled by computers, high-intensity mobile phone signals will cause induction with computer equipment, and the instantaneous electronic friction between the two may ignite fuel vapor and cause an explosion.Therefore, it is recommended to connect the power of the shield to the battery of the car as much as possible to ensure that the device can work continuously.In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile phones, it is not uncommon for students to use mobile phones to affect their life and learning.It is still one or two o'clock, so in order to prevent students from playing mobile phones in the middle of the night and give themselves a better rest, many schools have to choose to install wifi jammer in their dormitories.

The most popular 8 band jammers

On the other hand, the customer knew that he could not use the mobile phone in the gas station, but he was lucky, and one-sidedly believed that the accident would not happen when he was using the mobile phone, so he did not listen to the persuasion of the gas station staff and went his own way.Strictly speaking, vehicle anti-monitoring and anti-tracking is a comprehensive professional discipline.It integrates communication engineering, radio technology, electromagnetic research, information science, network security, psychology and other disciplines.If the car turns off halfway, the jammer gps will definitely be powered off, then the location information of the car will be exposed again.

As long as the RF spark lasts for more than one microsecond and the energy is greater than 6 milliwatts, it will ignite the methane-air mixture.So is it enough to put a high-power mobile signal jammer? Is every room in the school dormitory like a school exam room? Actually, how to select and install it is explained below.The cell phone signal jammer gps in the school dormitory are mainly used at noon and evening when students are resting.The wifi jammer gps can be big or small, and there are many channels in any frequency band of mobile communication.Obviously, the school's behavior is mild and does not affect students' freedom of communication and expression.

Some students often use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in bed, and some even use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in the middle of the night.At the same time, in order to make the communication signal clearer, the frequency of mobile phone use is very high, and the transmission power is relatively strong.Since gasoline is a volatile substance, in the combustible danger area formed by the leakage of oil and gas tanks and natural gas pipelines, the radio frequency sparks generated by mobile phones can easily cause explosions and lead to disasters.When RF current circulates between metal conductors, RF sparks will be generated in case of corrosion or poor contact.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

This type of jammer gps can basically be powered by the cigarette lighter, so after being installed in the car, it must be ensured that the jammer GSM is always in working state.At present, the main way for gas stations to prohibit customers from using mobile phone calls at gas stations is to persuade, but sometimes the effect of persuasion is not ideal.The current required to ignite the fuel gas is very small, and the static current generated by the mobile phone in the working state can completely reach this limit.Although it meets the national standard, it still poses a serious threat to refueling and gas stations.

That is to say, there is no need to shield the mobile phone signal 24 hours a day, so the shielding device of the ordinary power supply such as the external adapter is also optional.As a radio communication tool, the mobile phone emits radio waves, which can induce radio frequency currents in the antenna that receives the radio.Why can't you make phone calls in the gas station? Some people think that it is alarmist that a mobile phone can cause an explosion at a gas station, and they have never heard of an explosion caused by a mobile phone.First of all, people have misunderstandings about the safety hazards caused by using mobile phones in gas stations.


TagiTagi: anti-jamming 
05 lutego 202405 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Teacher suspended for blocking students' cellphones

LAND O' LAKES, Fla. --The suspension of a science teacher in Florida has been enforced due to his utilization of a signal jammers to impede his students from utilizing their cellphones during class.

Dean Liptak, as reported by CBS Tampa affiliate WTSP-TV, aimed to divert students' attention from their phones and encourage them to concentrate on their lessons.

The decision to impose a five-day, unpaid suspension on Liptak was approved by the school board members in Pasco County on Tuesday. Liptak, without contesting, accepted the decision.

The activation of the mobile signal jammer in his Fivay High School classroom by Liptak has been confirmed by officials, spanning from March 31 to April 2.

In his statement to the school district investigator, he clarified that he had no intention of causing any trouble. He believed that the jammers were permissible as long as they were not intended for any harmful purposes.

Verizon's decision not to press charges against him has been acknowledged by the district, as reported by WTSP.

In a formal reprimand letter, Superintendent Kurt Browning highlighted the potential violation of federal law by Liptak and the possible interference caused by signal jamming, which could have hindered emergency calls to 911.

"Verizon had come to the school saying someone had a jamming device, because the cell phone service was being interrupted in the area," WTSP quotew Pasco County School District spokesperson Linda Cobbe as saying.

According to Cobbe, Liptak's jamming device successfully impeded communication to the cell tower located on the Fivay High campus.

The installation of cellphone signal jammers in steering wheels is long overdue.

Using a mobile phone while driving is against the law in California and several other states, with at least twelve states enforcing this regulation. However, despite its illegality, individuals continue to engage in this behavior.

It is a common occurrence to witness individuals who lack consideration and entitlement, jeopardizing their own safety and that of others by engaging in conversations or texting while driving on a daily basis.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a total of 37,133 individuals lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents last year, with over 3,000 of these fatalities attributed to distracted drivers. Furthermore, each year, numerous individuals suffer injuries due to drivers diverting their attention away from the road.

I contacted the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an industry association, to gain insight into the stance of car manufacturers. According to Bryan Goodman, a representative of the organization, automakers consider this issue with utmost seriousness.

"We can all agree that hands on the wheel and eyes on the road continue to be critical to safe driving," he said, adding that cellphones "were never designed to be used while driving."

It is evident that distracted driving poses a significant threat to public safety, as the number of annual fatalities surpasses those caused by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

TagiTagi: doing nothing option 
02 lutego 202402 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Protecting your phone from unauthorized tracking or hacking is of utmost importance. However, by utilizing a Faraday pouch, you can effectively vanish from the digital landscape, shielding your device from any potential threats signal jammer device.

ALBERT EINSTEIN KEPT a portrait of the 19th-century scientist Michael Faraday on his wall, alongside a picture of Isaac Newton. Genius recognizes genius: Faraday's many discoveries led to electric motors, to electricity being put to practical use in technology, and to the concept of electromagnetic fields in physics. Faraday also figured out that an enclosure made of a mesh of conductive metal can absorb and redistribute electromagnetic interference. It is this work that's honored every time someone slips a cell phone into a pouch coated with metal, made for the specific purpose of preventing signals from getting in or out. The low-tech hack shields phones from digital buttinskies by blocking cellular signals, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, RFID, and Bluetooth. Privacy-craving citizens can put their phone into a Faraday pouch like this, where a metal lining renders the device inside invisible to snoops. "The biggest threat is a law enforcement agency using the signals on your phone to prove you were at a protest or demonstration that they decide later is illegal, and using that information to arrest you," says Cooper Quintin, a security researcher with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit digital rights group. He doesn't believe a Faraday cage would protect a phone any better than turning it off or putting it into airplane mode, but says the cage's advantage is that it's harder to forget or screw up. If you know you're the forgetful type, though, or just don't trust airplane mode on your phone, a Faraday cage means your vanishing act is in the bag mobile signal jammer.

→ With its three layers of nickel- and copper-coated fabric, the Faraday cage provides superior protection when compared to a single-layered design.

→ The efficacy of the metal fabric in suppressing signals would be compromised due to the damage caused by regular use; nevertheless, the inclusion of a soft liner shields it from abrasion.

→ To shield the phone from jolts and falls, a thin cotton padding layer is incorporated within the leather or nylon outer shell.

→ Should you prefer the convenience of a pre-made pouch, you can find them readily available on Amazon.

01 lutego 202401 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Despite the presence of cellphone jammers within the nation's correctional facilities, incarcerated criminals continue to find ways to communicate with individuals outside the prison walls.

This is the view of senior prison officials who tell the Sunday Express that even though the signal blockers (which they say are operational) are used to block signals from cellphones within the prisons, other interception technologies are needed for the system to be effective.

Cellular signal blockers are currently employed, although their effectiveness is enhanced when combined with other technologies such as Wi-Fi jammers. This phenomenon has been observed in various jurisdictions, yet its full potential remains untapped in our own.


Prisoners will possess cellphones and tablets, yet they will be unable to make direct calls. However, they can utilize the device's data or, if they have access to a hot-spot device or a Wi-Fi box, they can make calls through social media applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Consequently, the matter of communicating with the outside world remains unresolved. Communication continues to persist.

military jamming

"In other jurisdictions, you will see the cellphone jammers being used with other interception devices to determine the frequencies used by these devices, and then target those specific frequencies. If this is not done, then it's almost like spinning top in mud," a senior source in the Prison Service explained yesterday.

Additionally, the Sunday Express has informed us that the jammers, which are utilized and controlled within the premises of the Prison Service, are actually overseen by a third party.

Acting Prisons Commissioner Deopersad Ramoutar refrained from providing a direct response to the inquiries posed to him regarding the effectiveness of the cellphone jammers. He stated that such information is privileged and falls outside the scope of the Prison Service's responsibilities.

The Sunday Express was informed by other senior officials that they continue to be operational.

At the Maximum Security Prison in Arouca, authorities discovered and confiscated a number of prohibited items, including a Wi-Fi box.

The officers were given information that guided them to the cells situated in the B Division of the prison.

During the investigation, thorough searches were carried out, leading the police to discover and confiscate a bag in a specific cell adjacent to the toilet area. This bag contained 53 grammes of marijuana, along with cellphones and the Wi-Fi box.

In an alternate compartment, law enforcement discovered and confiscated a pouch containing 104 packs of cigarettes and marijuana, with a combined weight of 241 grams.

The items seized were claimed by two prisoners.

Prison officers raised apprehensions on Friday regarding the utilization of drones above correctional facilities. A senior officer emphasized that this matter is a pressing concern that must be promptly dealt with.

The presence of a single undetected drone, capable of delivering knives or firearms, could lead to an extremely grave scenario. Up until now, the items we have confiscated have been illicit goods such as cigarettes, marijuana, mobile phones, and chargers. However, the failure to intercept even one drone could pose a significant threat to both the prison and the nation.

Ramoutar highlighted that the Prison Service has acknowledged a surge in the usage of drones near penitentiaries, particularly in the past year, prompting them to take appropriate measures.

Using the assistance of different branches within the National Security portfolio, he stated that the majority of the objects that were thrown over prison walls were confiscated before they could be obtained by the inmates.



TagiTagi: jammers enough block calls 
31 stycznia 202431 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, prohibits the operation, manufacture, importation, marketing, and sale of equipment designed to jam or otherwise interfere with authorized radio communications, such as radar, global positioning system (GPS), and cell phone communications. These jamming device pose significant risks to public safety and potentially compromise other radio communications services.

  • Section 301 of the Act requires a valid FCC authorization or license for the operation of radio transmitting equipment. Unlike other radio transmitting equipment, jamming equipment cannot be authorized by the FCC because the main purpose of jamming equipment is to interfere with radio communications.

  • Section 302(b) of the Act prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale, offer for sale, or operation of devices that do not comply with the equipment authorization rules. Jammers do not comply with the rules because they are designed to jam or disrupt authorized communications.

  • Section 333 of the Act prohibits willful or malicious interference with any radio communications of any station licensed by or authorized under the Act, or operated by the United States Government.

  • Consequently, the operation of jamming equipment violates Sections 301 and 333 of the Act. The manufacture, importation, sale, or offer for sale of jamming equipment violates Section 302(b) of the Act.

  • As a result of past enforcement efforts, jammers are rarely marketed by domestic entities and now are almost exclusively marketed online by foreign retailers. When the retailer is located outside of U.S. territory, The Hague Convention on Service Abroad may apply and require that Commission documents only be served in a manner prescribed by authorities in the retailer's country of residence.

  • The Enforcement Bureau has released Enforcement Advisories specifically designed to inform retailers, importers, consumers, and state and local government agencies that jammers are illegal and may not be operated, marketed or imported into the United States. The Advisories warn that violators risk substantial civil and criminal penalties.

    • Warning: Jammer Use By the Public and Local Law Enforcement Is Illegal

    • CONSUMER ALERT: Using or Importing Jammers is Illegal

    • FCC ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY, Cell Jammers, GPS jammers, and Other Jamming Devices

  • See the Jammer Enforcement webpage for more information.
30 stycznia 202430 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The rise of the Internet of Things has led to an increasing demand for location services. According to certain institutions, it is predicted that 60% of Internet of Things devices will rely on geographical location data. Outdoor positioning, in particular, is expected to be a significant market that should not be overlooked.

The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a highly esteemed international club comprising of merely four members, which garners the interest of global leaders and the scrutiny of numerous esteemed scientists and engineers. These four members include the GPS of the United States, GALILEO Galileo of Europe, GLONASS of Russia, and Beidou COMPASS of China.

There are four prominent satellite navigation systems worldwide, including China's Beidou satellite navigation system, the United States Global Positioning System (GPS), the European Union's Galileo satellite system (GALILEO), and Russia's GLONASS satellite system (GLONASS). These four systems are acknowledged as suppliers by the United Nations Satellite Navigation Committee.

China Beidou is a recent addition, yet it stands out as the most dynamic member in terms of development. What exactly is Beidou and how does it influence our daily lives? This intriguing subject has garnered significant attention. Numerous scholarly publications delve into the intricacies of Beidou; however, these professional articles often employ jargon that may deter the interest of the general public.

jammer phone

Small GPS signal blockers great use

Utilized extensively worldwide, the GPS satellite positioning system is the most prevalent satellite positioning system. It facilitates vehicle tracking, route navigation, information inquiry, traffic command, emergency assistance, and other essential functions. Although the GPS satellite positioning system has greatly enhanced convenience in our daily lives, it has also introduced certain issues that can jeopardize individual safety.

To illustrate, in the case of a mortgage car company, they temporarily assume control of the car by providing financial assistance to the original owner. In order to prevent any covert retrieval of the vehicle by the original owner, these companies invest in GPS shields. These shields are installed both in the vehicle's parking lot and on the car itself, effectively preventing the original owner from locating the vehicle and thus ensuring the safety of the property.

As the GPS locator market expands, there is a growing interest in GPS signal blockers among those who wish to evade GPS signal tracking. However, it is crucial to ascertain whether the GPS signal blockers currently available in the market are capable of effectively shielding signal tracking.

Most GPS locators can be effectively shielded by gps blocker. The use of blockers disrupts the normal functioning of the GPS locator, preventing complete data transmission to the locator monitoring platform. Similar to mobile phones, GPS locators require the insertion of a mobile phone card or an Internet of Things card to retrieve data. Therefore, as long as the GPS signal blocker can obstruct the signal transmission of the mobile phone card, it can also block the GPS locator.

TagiTagi: block gps signal 
29 stycznia 202429 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

What to Do if Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

Do you suspect that a signal jammers may be causing interference? Bad network connections can be caused by a variety of factors including:

  • faulty equipment

  • physical obstructions that block the signal

    1. significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

    2. seizure of the unlawful equipment

    3. criminal sanctions including imprisonment

  • Before filing an interference complaint via the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, you should troubleshoot equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with manufacturer and service provider recommendations. In addition to consulting your owner's manual and the company's tech support, searching the Internet for your device/model and specific issue may help to either identify or rule out possible causes.

    8 Bands Jammer

    Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

    Like many countries, the United States prohibits the employment of mobile signal jammer in practically every use case.

    According to the Federal Communications Commission, "Federal law prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of any type of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS)."

    It is also illegal to sell, distribute, advertise, import, or market jamming devices to consumers in the United States. The use or marketing of a jammer in the U.S. may subject a person to:

    There are no exemptions for use within a residence, business, vehicle, or classroom. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent authority to use jamming equipment. Jamming equipment employment by federal law enforcement agencies is authorized in accordance with applicable statutes only in certain limited exceptions.

    Though signal jamming is prohibited, cell phone detectors are legal in the United States.

    Cell Phone Jammers - 3 Reasons Why They're Illegal

    Cell phone jammers can prevent you and other persons from making 911 and other emergency calls. They can also create dangerous risks to public safety communications in addition to interfering with other forms of daily communication.



TagiTagi: violation u.s. federal law 
26 stycznia 202426 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Once more, state prosecutors from different parts of the country are calling on Congress to pass a law that permits state prisons to block cellphone signals used by incarcerated individuals. These prosecutors argue that these devices enable prisoners to orchestrate violent acts and engage in criminal behavior.


In a letter addressed to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a group of 22 Republican prosecutors, headed by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, expressed their plea for Congress to pass legislation. This legislation would empower states to implement a cell phone jamming system, aiming to protect inmates, guards, and the wider public.

Wilson's office has announced their intention to engage with Democratic state prosecutors, asserting that the issue is not a partisan matter.



A letter, provided to The Associated Press, has been brought forward by the attorneys. This letter outlines a number of criminal incidents that the attorneys claim were coordinated by prisoners using contraband cellphones. These incidents include a drug conspiracy in Tennessee and a double homicide that was reportedly ordered by an inmate from Indiana.



Furthermore, they made mention of a siege in 2018 that was connected to gang activity and took place at a prison in South Carolina. This violent incident persisted for more than seven hours and claimed the lives of seven inmates. A harrowing description provided by one prisoner depicted the grim sight of bodies literally stacked on top of each other, resembling a morbid pile of wood. The authorities responsible for corrections attributed the orchestrated violence, which stands as the most severe prison riot in the past 25 years in the United States, partially to the use of illegal cellphones.

According to the prosecutors, the prohibition of contraband cell phones among inmates would act as a deterrent against the escalation of drug trafficking, violent riots, and other criminal offenses.



In order to render the phones worthless, which are often smuggled into state prisons through various means like hiding them inside hollowed-out footballs, corrupt employees facilitating their entry, and even dropping them using drones, prosecutors are urging for a revision in a federal communications law that has been in place for almost a century. This revision would allow state prisons to utilize jamming signal technology to neutralize illegal cell signals.

For years, there has been a continuous drive to combat the presence of illicit cellphones in state prisons. South Carolina Corrections Director Bryan Stirling has emerged as a prominent figure in this effort, rallying corrections directors nationwide to advocate for enhanced technological measures to effectively tackle the issue of contraband phones.



A notable accomplishment was attained in 2021, as the Federal Communications Commission adopted a ruling permitting state prison systems to request licenses to identify and deactivate illegal cell signals, one at a time, in collaboration with cellphone providers. South Carolina took the lead by submitting an application to utilize this technology, but according to Stirling's statement to AP on Tuesday, no action has been taken on the state's application.

According to Stirling, federal prisons have the legal authority to interfere with cell signals within their premises, but as of now, they have opted not to employ this practice.



The wireless industry group known as CTIA opposes the implementation of jamming technology, as it believes it could hinder legal phone calls. However, in a 2020 document from the FCC, CTIA informed the commission that it has been collaborating effectively with its member companies to cease service to illegal devices as directed by court orders they have obtained.

Calling combating contraband phones "a serious issue," CTIA officials said in a statement to the AP that the "wireless industry remains committed to working with corrections officials and policymakers at all levels of government to implement effective solutions that combat contraband phones while protecting lawful communications."

A prompt seeking comment on the renewed push for jamming has been sent via email, but the FCC officials have not yet issued a response.



Previously, Congress has deliberated on the subject of jamming legislation, yet no bills have been approved or even given the opportunity for a hearing. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, representing Arkansas and belonging to the Republican party, reintroduced a similar measure in August during the previous Congress.

"We're not going to stop advocating," Wilson told AP on Tuesday. "I can only hope that at some point, Congress is going to take note."




TagiTagi: jam cellphones 
25 stycznia 202425 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As the exam date approaches, the prevalence of 5G signal jammers has significantly increased. These jammers are being actively endorsed and utilized, especially in prominent educational institutions where exam mobile phone jammer are visibly present in examination halls. The growing installation of this equipment in schools raises the inquiry: what motivates this trend?

Desktop  Jammers

Mariam Aly, a faculty member at Columbia University, has exhaustively explored different approaches to discourage academic dishonesty among her students. In her cognitive neuroscience class, she allows her students a full week to complete an open-book examination. Moreover, as a component of this examination, the nearly 180 students in the class are required to affix their signatures to an honor code.

Nevertheless, cheating continues to occur. Dealing with student misconduct, she asserts that it is the most arduous aspect of her job. Aly emphasizes, "It creates an uncomfortable and distressing situation for everyone involved." She goes on to say, "It is truly challenging to hold them solely accountable. One cannot help but experience a sense of disappointment and frustration."

She acknowledges that her students are currently dealing with unprecedented levels of stress and uncertainty. She understands their plight, having never encountered a pandemic during her own school years.

The rise in popularity of something is directly proportional to the demand it garners. This correlation can be attributed to the escalating issue of cheating, which has become increasingly common in recent years, accompanied by the frequent emergence of daunting cheating methods.

In order to tackle the problem effectively, a particular kind of shielding equipment is employed within the examination room to combat cheating resulting from electronic signals. The utilization of this equipment proves highly advantageous for numerous examinations, resulting in a growing preference among individuals to employ it as a preventive measure against cheating.

The exam signal blocker in question is designed to effectively impede the communication signals of 5G mobile phones, while also proficiently obstructing 2.4G and 5.8G WIFI signals. As a result, individuals using mobile phones or certain electronic products will find themselves unable to send or receive signals within the range covered by this shielding mechanism.

No matter the product, only this guarantee can ensure fairness for individuals facing difficulties in their exams, and this exam signal jammer operates silently and without any noise. This shielding method poses no harm to the human body, enabling candidates to take the exam with a peaceful state of mind.


24 stycznia 202424 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The utilization of cellular phone jammers is commonly regarded as illegal by the FCC, primarily because it hampers the communication capabilities of emergency personnel who heavily depend on the same frequency as cell phones for their crucial communications, as well as their own use of mobile phones.Nonetheless, the promotion of signal jammers by correctional facilities, schools, and local governments has gained momentum. The objective behind this initiative is to combat cheating in classrooms, enhance the focus of taxi drivers and limousine chauffeurs while driving, and prevent prisoners from accessing contraband cell phones.

Wave Bubble Cell Phone Jammers


The use of cell phone jammers is against the law, leaving individuals with two options: obtaining them illegally from overseas or constructing them unlawfully at home. This requires a considerable level of expertise in working with chips and antennae. One noteworthy example is the Wave Bubble Jammer, which has the ability to interfere with radio frequencies beyond those used by cell phones.To ensure power supply, it is necessary to install a lithium-ion battery, which can deliver a jamming duration of up to two to four hours, depending on the frequencies present nearby. Recharging can be done through a USB connector or a common 4 mm DC jack. Alternatively, AAA batteries can be employed.



Within a twenty to twenty-five foot radius, the microchips in the jammer have two antennae that capture various frequencies.The successful installation of the designated chips, crucial for the functionality of this device, demands a substantial amount of intricate SMT soldering. This includes multiple TSSOP and SOT chips, 0603 RC's, as well as obscure parts. Additionally, the proper construction and debugging of the device require specific equipment.Due to the device's illegality within the United States, the specific sources for these are not obtainable.

Cell Phones Modified to Jammers



A number of cell phone jammer have been adapted from obsolete cell phones to function on the same frequency as the targeted cell phone, emitting a tone that renders any phone conversation unfeasible. It is important to emphasize that these jammers are illegal and pose a challenge to construct without adequate knowledge and skill in soldering microchips and manipulating radio frequencies.The operation of police CB radios mirrors that of cell phone jammers, as both devices are capable of detecting and picking up all frequencies within their proximity, facilitating communication over the CB. Nevertheless, cell phone jammers take it a step further by blocking transmissions.

The prevalence of a significant quantity of malicious wireless devices, which have the sole purpose of intentionally interfering with wireless networks, is a matter of great concern. Although their procurement is clearly against the law, these devices can now be conveniently purchased online at a moderate price.

The functionality of these jammers is based on the following principle: they emit a robust wireless signal that interferes with the physical layer of the wireless communication protocol employed. As a result, they possess the ability to disrupt protocols operating at different frequency bands. Their primary influence is exerted on the medium, which constitutes the first layer of the OSI stack.As a result, any higher-level communication protocols will suffer the consequences. This includes Wifi, bluetooth, 3G, 4G, GSM, GPS, and various other forms of communication. It can be compared to an erratic individual who suddenly starts shouting in the midst of a conversation. Whether the speakers are conversing in English or Russian, they will no longer be able to effectively communicate with each other.



TagiTagi: ignal jammer homemade 
23 stycznia 202423 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

After the new wipe that made its way into Escape from tarkov on 28th December, players have been trying to grind in the game and have been completing quests given by traders to reap rewards, experience points, and reputation. Broadcast - Part 1 Quest is the starting point for a series of quests under trader Sergey Arsenyevich Samoylov, known by his alias "Mechanic." Once you finish this quest, you will have the opportunity to finish the other Broadcast quests and also do other ones offered by Mechanic. This particular quest happens on Lighthouse, the eighth location that was added to the game.

8 Bands Jammer


When you take up this quest from the Mechanic, he says that he does not really understand anything in life and that he heard something about a live broadcast in the city somewhere. He adds, "They say that someone is performing surgeries and filming it on their camera. I'd understand if it was an actually good willed doctor helping people. I would even understand if there was an organ trade, although that in itself is disgusting. But tell me, why stream this? Is this a kink for some perverted oligarchs? I honestly don't have an answer. But I do know that this broadcast must be shut down. Can you put a cell phone blocker near them?"

The Broadcast - Part 1 quest objectives are:

  • Locate the hidden recording studio on Lighthouse

  • Place a Signal Jammer inside the studio

For this task, you will need the Operating Room key. This can be found in the pockets and bags of Scavs as well as in jackets. However, that being said, it is a rare key. It can sometimes also be bought from the flea market.

Firstly, you will have to go to the Water Treatment Plant on Lighthouse for this quest and enter Building 1. Your PMC will start just outside Building 1 and as you enter it, you will have to hug the right-side wall and walk all the way straight till you find a door. This door leads you to the Operating Room where you will use the key.

Once you enter the room, you will immediately be prompted to plant the signal jammers anywhere in the room. It is a 10-second timer and if you happen to die while planting, you will have to start from scratch. However, the good news is, if you successfully plant the jammer, the Broadcast - Part 1 quest will get auto completed and you will not have to survive an extract from the raid.




TagiTagi: signal jammer tarkov 
22 stycznia 202422 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Wi-Fi jammers: The tool of choice for criminals

The use of Wi-Fi jammers in burglaries is on the rise, indicating a growing trend among burglars. To counteract this, the police have taken proactive measures by securing arrest warrants to thoroughly investigate and apprehend those involved.Exploiting vulnerabilities present in wireless networks, thieves and criminal organizations are capitalizing on these weaknesses, while law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing these criminals by means of arrest warrants. By employing signal jammers, these perpetrators can effectively disable security systems and surveillance cameras, enabling them to clandestinely infiltrate homes without raising any red flags for the police.

military jamming


Exploit wireless network vulnerabilities

Due to the extensive adoption of wireless networks in residential settings, perpetrators and criminal syndicates have discovered an alternative method to perpetrate illegal actions without legal permission. Exploiting the dependence of numerous home security systems and cameras on Wi-Fi connections for communication and surveillance, thieves take advantage of this vulnerability.This legal loophole was cleverly employed by the crew to evade the requirement of a search warrant. By utilizing Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively disrupt these connections, rendering security measures useless without proper authorization.

Disable security systems and cameras



The presence of Wi-Fi interference raises apprehension as it allows thieves to tamper with the signals that security systems and cameras heavily depend on. By disabling these devices, criminals can carry out their illicit actions without the worry of being recorded or triggering any alarms.

By employing this technique, they gain a significant upper hand as they can enter the residence without alerting anyone or leaving any incriminating evidence, even in the absence of a search warrant. Moreover, it affords them a greater window of opportunity to act before authorities or homeowners become aware of the intrusion, without requiring a warrant.

The mechanism of Wi-Fi interference

Jamming wireless signal

Wi-Fi interference serves as a tactic employed by criminals to hinder or obstruct wireless signals, effectively preventing communication between devices connected to a Wi-Fi network. The radio frequencies emitted by these jammers can disrupt the seamless operation of the Wi-Fi network, resulting in its unreliability or complete inability to function.

Radio frequency interference

The functioning of jammers involves the transmission of radio signals on the same frequency band utilized by Wi-Fi networks. This interference hampers the smooth transmission and reception of data packets, thereby rendering it impossible for legitimate users to gain access to the network. Consequently, individuals attempting to connect to the targeted network will encounter severe connectivity problems or may find it completely unattainable.

Wi-Fi networks can be subjected to specific frequency bands through the use of different types of jammers. For instance, certain jammers are designed to operate on the 2.4 GHz band, which is commonly utilized by older Wi-Fi standards like 802.11b/g/n. On the other hand, there are jammers that can specifically target the 5 GHz band used by newer standards such as 802.11ac/ax.

By concentrating on specific frequency bands, criminals possess the ability to selectively disrupt devices or networks with certain capabilities and vulnerabilities. This strategic approach empowers them to exploit security system weaknesses, ultimately gaining unauthorized access to homes or businesses.

The invasion of organized crews and high-end homes

The tactics employed by organized crime syndicates to gain unauthorized access to homes are growing more sophisticated, with the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers for upscale break-ins. These criminal networks specifically set their sights on high-end residences boasting advanced security systems, deeming them as optimal targets to engage in illicit pursuits.



Through the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively evade alarm systems and surveillance cameras that would typically obstruct or capture their actions. This technology enables them to operate covertly, providing them with a substantial advantage over homeowners who depend on these security measures to ensure their safety.

These well-organized operatives employ a methodical approach when selecting their targets, often investing considerable time in conducting thorough research and surveillance beforehand. Their primary objective is to identify residences with valuable assets, such as precious jewelry or valuable artwork, to ensure that the potential rewards outweigh the inherent risks. Once a target has been chosen, they meticulously plan every detail to ensure a successful break-in.

There are situations where these wrongdoers may go to the extent of impersonating service personnel or delivery personnel to gain entry into a property. By mingling with authentic professionals, they can seamlessly penetrate a heavily guarded residence without raising any red flags.



It is imperative for homeowners to acknowledge this growing menace and take appropriate actions to ensure their safety and protect their property. Going beyond traditional alert systems, investing in additional layers of security can act as a deterrent to these organized criminals. For instance, the installation of motion sensor lights around the house or the use of smart locks that require biometric authentication can provide an extra level of protection against these resourceful wrongdoers.



Homeowners must prioritize staying well-informed about the latest techniques employed by criminals and maintaining a vigilant mindset to ensure the safety of their homes. By staying ahead of the game and implementing comprehensive security measures, homeowners can greatly diminish the likelihood of falling prey to these organized wrongdoers.



19 stycznia 202419 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We extend our help to parents and guardians who seek to ensure additional online safety for children using internet-enabled devices. Our service efficiently blocks inappropriate digital content and enables tracking of the child's online activities.

Dad Uses Signal Jammer to Stop His Kids from Going Online

Inadvertently, a resident from the town of Messanges in southwestern France may be sentenced to six months in jail for unknowingly causing disruption to telephony and mobile internet services in his neighborhood by using a signal jammers.

Unexpectedly, his actions were not driven by ill will. His sole purpose was to hinder his teenage kids from going online on their mobile devices after their designated bedtime.

In a recent development, the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR) highlighted an unusual grievance lodged by a local mobile phone operator. According to the complaint, the residents of Messanges faced a disruption in their cellular and mobile internet services every week, precisely from before midnight until 3 AM.

A peculiar complaint was lodged by a local mobile phone operator, as revealed by the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR). The complaint highlighted the inconvenience faced by the residents of Messanges, who were unable to utilize their cellular and mobile internet services from midnight until 3 AM every day of the week.

After a thorough investigation, the ANFR has determined that radio frequencies in the area were being disrupted by a mobile phone jammer, a device that is prohibited in numerous European countries, including France.

At approximately 1:30 am, a skilled technician managed to pinpoint the exact location of the signal to a residence situated in the coastal town. Subsequently, the investigators, in the company of police personnel, proceeded to knock on the door of the individual. Without delay, the man openly acknowledged his use of a multi-band jammer.

The ANFR provided an explanation stating that the father of the family had installed a jammer in order to stop his teenagers from using their smartphones to access the internet instead of going to bed. The primary reason for this action was the children's addiction to social networks and various applications. After conducting research on online forums, the father concluded that a jamming wifi
would be the most suitable method to put an end to his kids' excessive screen time.

Version 2: In addition to instructing the owner to disable the jammer and discontinue its usage, the ANFR agent highlighted the significance of complying with the regulatory framework, as mentioned by the agency.


TagiTagi: manage child screen time 
18 stycznia 202418 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

According to experts, teenagers should strive to keep their screen time under two hours per day. The excessive use of phones can have adverse impacts on their physical and mental health. Additionally, excessive screen time has been linked to the development and progression of myopia, as well as conditions such as dry eye syndrome, digital eyestrain, and discomfort resulting from poor head and neck postures cell phone blocker.

The curiosity surrounding the activities of teenagers on their smartphones led Harvard researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James to embark on a study. Their findings revealed a complexity that often eludes adults. By surveying a vast sample of over 3,500 teenagers across the United States, they gained insights into the motivations behind sexting and the strategies employed by teens to navigate online friendship dilemmas.Their research has made a profound impact on me. It is astonishing to realize that as adults, we frequently offer unhelpful advice and simply dismiss teen phone use as a mere addiction. As a result, parents are failing to seize genuine opportunities to aid teenagers, as stated by their study wifi blocker.

Again and again from teens that they don't want to feel dysregulated when it comes to their technology use, and that they actually have pretty impressive, even amazing awareness of what tech habits they have that are serving them and the tech habits that they wish they could change. We had so many quotes from teens about just this feeling of, I don't know why, but this app, TikTok is running my life, or I keep falling asleep on social media and I wish I didn't. And what we found that's actually so powerful about that recognition is that adults often get really stuck in this position of being like a referee when it comes to teens technology use, where we're just blowing the whistle when kids do something wrong or calling teens out when they misstep. We get stuck in this position.

Want to Keep Your Teens (or Employees) from Texting Behind the Wheel?

I have reason to believe that there is a rising trend of individuals tampering with GPS applications while driving, leading to potential distracted driving dangers that are contingent upon the particular app and the location of the device.

I like the texting-blocking angle myself, but I'm leery of the general data-blocking one. What about apps that use differential GPS? (Satellite plus base station data-path corrections, for greater precision.) What about streaming audio apps, like Audible or Spotify? (I use both on extended drives, and I'd hate to tell either a teen or employee she couldn't, just to block texting). What if the driver wants to hand her smartphone off to someone else in the car to use for some data-related function, say looking up a restaurant or fiddling with the GPS or just checking email or text messages on behalf of the driver? (My wife did this for me for over a year whenever I drove, until she got her own smartphone.)


TagiTagi: cell phone 
17 stycznia 202417 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks signal transmission between a cell phone and a cell tower. By using the same frequencies as cell phones, signal jammers can cause strong interference with communications between callers and receivers. Can effectively block signal transmission from networks such as UMTS, 3G, CDMA, GSM and PHS.

DIY Cell Phone Jammer - Components Required

Resistor R1Emitter Loading
Resistor R2Base Biasing
Capacitor C1Frequency Generation
Capacitor C2Feedback
Capacitor C3Feedback
Capacitor C4Noise Reduction
Capacitor C5Coupling
Capacitor C6Coupling
Capacitor C7Decoupling
Transistor Q1Amplification
Inductor L1Frequency Generation

For any jammer circuit, there must be three important sub-circuits:

  • RF amplifier

  • Voltage Controlled Oscillator

  • Tuning circuit

These 3 circuits combine to form an efficient cell phone jammer circuit.

Cell phone signal jammer working


  1. Within the RF amplifier circuit, there is transistor Q1, as well as capacitors C4 and C5, and resistor R1. This particular circuit serves the purpose of amplifying the signal that is generated by the tuned circuit. Once amplified, the signal is then sent to the antenna through capacitor C6. By doing so, capacitor C6 prevents the transmission of any DC current, allowing only the AC component of the signal to pass through.

  2. The turning on of transistor Q1 triggers the activation of the tuned circuit located at the collector. Comprised of capacitor C1 and inductor L1, this circuit operates as a zero resistance oscillator, producing exceptionally high frequencies with minimal damping.

  3. As time progresses, the magnetic charge passing through the inductor decreases, resulting in the capacitor being charged in the opposite or reverse polarity. This sequence is repeated, and eventually, the inductor charges the capacitor until it reaches a neutral state.

  4. The cessation of oscillation occurs when internal resistance is established, signifying the continuation of this process. Before reaching the collector terminal, the RF amplifier feed is directed through capacitor C5, followed by C6. Capacitors C2 and C3 generate random pulses (noise) at the frequency generated by the tuned circuit.

  5. The frequencies generated by tuned circuits are amplified using RF amplifiers. These amplifiers combine and amplify the frequency produced by the tuned circuit with the noise signal generated by capacitors C2 and C3 before transmitting it.


TagiTagi: signal jammer diy 
16 stycznia 202416 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The fact that parents often consider purchasing cell phones for their children and teenagers is quite understandable. The primary reason behind this is to maintain a constant connection with their children. With a phone at hand, children have the convenience of reaching out to their parents whenever required, whether it is to coordinate a pick-up from school or to seek immediate assistance during an emergency.

It is crucial to take into consideration certain matters that accompany the purchase of a cell phone for your child. These matters hold considerable importance and should be acknowledged by many parents, as they encompass not only the risks associated with cell phone usage but also behavioral issues. Before providing your child with a mobile phone, it is essential to closely monitor their behavior.

Addiction is problematic

The technological advancements found in cell phones have a strong appeal to children and teenagers, making them susceptible to addiction. Engrossed in texting, browsing social media, and constantly communicating with friends, they find it difficult to detach from their phones. Regrettably, the prevalence of cell phone addiction is escalating, adding to the gravity of the situation.

The inclination towards excessive cell phone usage can result in a lack of concentration on academic pursuits and other essential matters. This phenomenon arises as students persistently utilize their phones to browse social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, engaging in chats instead of dedicating time to studying and fulfilling course-related obligations.


The worst part about cell phones for kids is that many of them can engage in extremely inappropriate and potentially dangerous behaviors. Questions about bullying and how easily it spreads online have persisted for years. With mobile devices, people can easily be bullied. Children and teenagers can send each other angry messages non-stop. They may even make it harder for other children to enjoy their lives, or they may even ruin their own lives.

Additionally, children may send inappropriate images and text to others. They may send or receive dirty and possibly sexually explicit messages. They may not know how inappropriate these things are.

The pictures children take of themselves can also be quite disturbing. Children may take photos of themselves without clothes and send them to others. This can be harmful because children expose their bodies to others who want to see them. This is a serious threat and not many children realize what they may sometimes encounter.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

How teens and parents can deal with screen time and device distractions

54% of U.S. teens say they spend too much time on their phones, and two-thirds of parents are concerned about their children's screen time.

Parents are also concerned about the impact of screen time on their children, a separate survey showed. About two-thirds of parents said they were concerned about their children spending too much time in front of screens, and 57% reported setting screen time limits for their children in some way.

Meanwhile, some parents of teens admit they too struggle with the lure of screens: 36% say they themselves spend too much time on their phones. 51% of teens said they often or sometimes find their phones distracting them when trying to talk to their parents or caregivers.

With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the popularization of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets, students' use of smartphones has reached the level of one for every student. In the past two years, due to the epidemic, students' use of smartphones has also increased. Come more and more. It is impossible to learn school class knowledge through online classes on mobile phones. Although the school has repeatedly banned students from bringing mobile phones to campus, some students still bring mobile phones to campus. Schools face many challenges in managing smartphones:

  • Students use mobile phones to play games and chat online, and even adolescent children browse unhealthy content online, which seriously affects physical and mental health;

  • Students do not sleep at night after school, cannot concentrate in class the next day, and easily fall asleep in class, etc., resulting in serious deterioration in academic performance;

  • Use mobile phones and other devices to cheat in exams, etc.

Based on the current situation, what we can do is:

Parents should increase the time for interaction and communication with their children, pay more attention to their children's life and study, and take their children for outdoor sports. This will reduce the time children spend playing at home when they have nothing to do, and will also help cultivate parent-child relationships.

  1. Guide children to play some educational games or learning software to make education interesting and emphasize that the Internet is a learning tool, not a toy.

  2. Control the time children play games: Use a cell phone jammer to properly control the Wi-Fi network signal of the mobile phone so that students' mobile phones cannot play online games within a certain period of time. Reduce conflicts between children and parents during the communication process.

  3. Jamming mobile phones can be installed in school classrooms. Mobile phone wifi jammer can be turned on during class to block mobile phone signals in the classroom, and mobile phone signals can be restored during breaks.

  4. The dormitory can be equipped with a mobile phone signal jammer. After turning off the lights at night, turn on the mobile phone signal jammer to restore the mobile phone signal late at night. Use cell phone signal jammer wisely.


TagiTagi: buying mobile phones 
15 stycznia 202415 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The preservation of our privacy and the responsible management of our data, as well as the individuals authorized to access it, should always be a matter of utmost importance. This is a grave matter that should not be taken lightly.

The level of concern escalates when your insurance company is the party responsible for collecting your data.One significant drawback of this situation is that, irrespective of whether you are eligible for a discount through a GPS tracker or app installed in your vehicle, if you are involved in an accident, your insurance company will utilize the gathered data to determine your responsibility and subsequently increase your insurance premium.

Among the extensive data gathered by these trackers, it encompasses factors like your acceleration rate, speed, braking speed, mileage, destinations, and location history. If this data were to fall into the wrong hands, it could have significant implications. Therefore, opting for a gps jammer would not be an apocalyptic scenario.


A multitude of fascinating facts pertaining to GPS jamming are not widely known among the populace. It is our obligation to expound upon this subject in order to prevent the dissemination of misinformation.

You Only Need To Block GPS Signal To Jam a Tracker

The claim being made is completely baseless. There is a widespread belief among many individuals that GPS trackers solely rely on GPS signals for tracking. However, it is crucial to understand that the reality is quite different. The majority of NavSat systems and GPS tracking devices are equipped with Sim cards, which serve two purposes. Firstly, they allow for cell phone triangulation in situations where GPS signals are not accessible. Secondly, they facilitate the transmission of the collected information to a monitoring station.

At least three satellite signals are necessary for modern tracking devices to establish the position accurately. Once activated, these trackers are always ready to pinpoint the location, as long as they are situated in an open area.

If we desire to acquire the real-time coordinates of the tracker, it is imperative to have a SIM card that is connected to a network operator within the tracker. By utilizing cellular networks, the tracker can send its location either through SMS text messages to a cell phone or by transmitting the location data to a server. Consequently, you can employ an application, a fleet management system, or a web-based tracking platform to broadcast the live location on a map.

Therefore, it is essential to comprehend the requirement for a portable cell phone jammers to interfere with GPS L1 signal, as well as GSM, 3G, and 4G signals.

It is a well-known fact that GPS blockers are readily accessible and inexpensive on the internet. It is unsurprising that criminals opt for these devices to obfuscate their identity and conceal their whereabouts while engaging in thefts.

GPS jammers of relatively low power can be purchased online, and their disruptive effects extend far beyond your vehicle. These signal blocker
have the ability to interfere with more than just satellite navigation systems.

As criminal syndicates expand their operations across long distances, they have also adopted the use of these devices. Consequently, drug cartels or gangs may employ them strategically to disrupt navigation while transporting illicit substances, thereby evading detection by their adversaries.

These devices are even being employed by criminal gangs to facilitate the theft of high-end automobiles and valuable cargo carried by trucks. As a result, if a GPS jammer were to be utilized, the built-in tracker of an armored van or truck equipped with an anti-theft GPS system would be unable to relay its stolen or hijacked position.

Employees Use a GPS Jammer To Avoid Being Tracked Via Fleet Management Systems

The predominant concern surrounding GPS tracking devices revolves around the perceived violation of privacy by most individuals. Within the realm of commercial driving, employees are resolute in safeguarding their personal privacy and are unwilling to sacrifice it to meet their employers' need for monitoring and control.

By utilizing vehicle tracking systems, fleet managers can efficiently monitor their employees' performance, ensuring adherence to safety protocols and legal constraints, facilitating efficient route planning, and promoting a reasonable work schedule. However, it is imperative to maintain a delicate equilibrium between safeguarding organizational interests and respecting employees' privacy.

GPS jamming devices are utilized by some truck drivers to obscure their movements, and certain employees exploit company-owned vehicles for personal tasks. Unbeknownst to them, attempting to disrupt a GPS tracker using a scrambler does not result in the vehicle disappearing; instead, it remains visible on the live map as an incomplete trip.

Additionally, when the jammer is plugged into a cigarette lighter socket during a trip, a discernible timeline will become apparent, signifying the onset of the jamming operation, akin to an interrupted journey. As a result, this may capture the attention of those who are tracking your movements, leading to heightened surveillance.




TagiTagi: gps jammer interesting facts 
13 stycznia 202413 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Can someone block my security camera?

As a general rule, it is legally acceptable to obstruct a neighbor's security camera provided that you make adjustments exclusively on your own property without causing any damage to others' property. This can be accomplished by planting trees or erecting a sufficiently tall fence to impede the camera's field of vision. Another option is to install a security system to ensure the protection of your own property.

Why you should cover your camera?

These camera jammer can be exploited by cybercriminals, who can exploit their strategic positioning in your living room, kitchen, or office to violate your privacy and intercept sensitive discussions. Therefore, it is advisable to cover your webcam when it is not in use or adopt other precautionary measures to bolster your internet security.

Do you really have to cover your laptop camera?

It is a reasonable assertion that in order to ensure privacy and avoid unauthorized monitoring, particularly when unaware of it, the only viable solution to safeguard oneself from technological intrusion is to physically obstruct the hidden camera detector when it is not required. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that this preventive measure poses no harm, as it merely entails using a piece of tape.

Can someone spy on you through your phone camera?

Few individuals stumble upon the fact, as it is deeply concealed within the license agreement. Through an extensive examination of over one million Android apps, the Pew Research Center uncovered that a significant number of these apps possess the capability to activate both the front and rear-facing signal blocker, enabling them to stream video from any location of their choosing.

Is there a device that disrupts cameras?

The use of camera jammers, also known as HERF Generators or Directional EMPs, allows for the disabling of security cameras. These handheld units emit microwave pulses that interfere with the characteristic signals employed in the microcircuitry of the cameras.

Is camera jamming illegal?

Under federal law, it is illegal to engage in the operation, marketing, or sale of any jamming equipment that causes interference with authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).


TagiTagi: camera 
12 stycznia 202412 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Numerous drivers wish to establish a cellphone-free space around their cars. Nevertheless, the actions of an individual in Florida, who purportedly achieved this on a daily basis during his commute, did not necessarily enhance the safety of the highway.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission revealed that Jason R. Humphreys, a resident of Seffner, Florida, had been operating a cellphone jammer in his Toyota Highlander sport-utility vehicle for a period of two years. It was during his daily commute that he engaged in this activity, but eventually, both the FCC and the local sheriff managed to locate him.

The FCC was informed by Humphreys that he utilized the jammer to discourage individuals from engaging in cellphone conversations while driving. It is worth noting that in Florida, talking on a cellphone while driving is permitted, even without a hands-free kit, although texting while driving is strictly prohibited.

Not only do signal blocker prevent consumers from making emergency calls, but they can disrupt critical communications by safety agencies, the FCC said. Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies confirmed that firsthand when they pulled Humphreys over. They said their two-way portable radios lost contact with the dispatcher as they got close to the SUV.

Notifying the FCC, it was Metro PCS, the regional mobile operator now under the ownership of T-Mobile USA, that raised concerns regarding a possible problem along a specific stretch of Interstate 4 connecting Seffner and downtown Tampa, spanning a distance of approximately 12 miles. On April 29, 2013, Metro PCS reported that their cell towers along this route were encountering interference during the morning and evening commutes. Acting upon this information, the FCC conducted an investigation utilizing direction-finding techniques, ultimately identifying strong wideband emissions emanating from a blue Highlander.

Following a traffic stop, FCC agents and sheriff's deputies engaged with Humphreys and proceeded to conduct a comprehensive search of the SUV. The search yielded the discovery of the vehicle cell phone jammer, which was cleverly concealed behind a seat cover on the backseat, as confirmed by the FCC. Humphreys allegedly confessed to utilizing the jammer during his daily commute for a period ranging from 16 to 24 months. Further examination determined that the device possessed the ability to interfere with cell signals across three distinct bands.

The charges against Humphreys include unauthorized operation of a jammer, use of an illegal device, and deliberate interference.

TagiTagi: jammer blocked 
11 stycznia 202411 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Signal Jammer bars are meaningless

The signal bars on your cell phone are not a reliable indicator of the strength of the cell phone jammer interfering with your phone's reception.Although signal bars can give you an idea of your reception quality, it is crucial to understand that there is no standardized measure equating a specific number of bars to the strength of a signal jammer. Each cell phone manufacturer utilizes their own calculation approach.When positioned in close proximity, two dissimilar phone brands operating on the same cellular network may exhibit dissimilar quantities of signal bars.

It is commonly believed that the signal jammer is an excellent device. Nevertheless, is this perception accurate? Here, we present various approaches to gauge the potency of a cell phone Signal Jammer.

military jamming


What's considered "good" cell Signal Jammer?

RSRP (Reference Signal Jammer Received Power) is the metric used to gauge the strength of 4G and 5G cellular 5g jammer. Signal jammer strength is classified as excellent on the RSRP scale when it surpasses approximately -85 dBm, whereas anything below about -115 dBm indicates poor signal jammer strength.

Difficulties may arise in making phone calls, sending or receiving text messages, or utilizing internet data if the RSRP signal strength is less than -120 dBm.

Additionally, it is crucial to bear in mind the quality of your cellular connection, which pertains to the amount of usable signal you are able to receive in contrast to the interference or noise that may hinder the signal.

There are ways to measure cellular wifi jammer quality-see our Knowledge Base article for more about that-but the important thing to know is that you can have strong cellular Signal Jammer and still have slow data and dropped calls because your Signal Jammer quality is poor.

Your cell Signal Jammer will fluctuate

The main factor contributing to this phenomenon is the heavy user load on the cell tower. In order to accommodate all the connected devices, the tower antenna must distribute its power evenly. Consequently, the downlink transmit power is continuously adjusted. During peak usage times like rush hour or lunch hour, users may notice a decrease in power availability.The main factor contributing to this situation is the heavy user load on the cell tower. To ensure that all connected devices receive sufficient power, the tower antenna continuously adapts its downlink transmit power. Consequently, during peak usage times like rush hour or lunch hour, users may observe a significant reduction in power.

Should your cell gsm jammer exhibit a signal strength of -110 dBm RSRP, it is probable that you can place a call without experiencing any difficulties. However, if the signal strength of your -110 dBm Signal Jammer drops to -120 dBm RSRP due to tower congestion, there is a chance that your call may be disconnected momentarily. Nonetheless, you should be able to quickly redial and reconnect within a few seconds.

Physical barriers block cellular transmissions

Even if you are near a cell tower, it is possible to encounter a weak cell signal due to the presence of certain building materials. Materials like concrete, metal, low-e glass, wood, and plaster have the ability to reflect or absorb cellular frequencies, thereby impeding their transmission into the building and affecting the signal strength on your phone.The effectiveness of Cellular Signal Jammers can be compromised by different elements, including stucco with wire mesh, metal roofs, logs, and vapor barriers in attics. Moreover, if there is a substantial concrete building obstructing the path between you and the cell tower, it can also hinder the signal.

When you find yourself in outdoor settings, it is important to note that cell signal jammers can be impeded or obstructed by thick forests and hilly terrains. Moreover, signal problems may also arise in low-lying regions near lakes, rivers, and gullies, even if the jammer is positioned well above your current position.

The challenges faced in densely populated urban areas with skyscrapers are distinct. In certain instances, the uppermost floors of these buildings, reaching heights of forty or fifty stories, experience difficulties in accessing a stable cell signal due to the cell tower antennas being primarily directed towards lower elevations.

In these situations, a cell phone Signal Jammer booster for home, office, or vehicle can solve your reception problems.



TagiTagi: cell signal jammer strength 
10 stycznia 202410 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Unbeknownst to many, GPS signals are an integral aspect of our daily routines. We rely on them ceaselessly to navigate and explore the vast expanse of our world.The applications of GPS in our daily lives are manifold and significant, encompassing the use of map apps on our smartphones, tracking our running distance with sports watches, and facilitating safe global travel. Although many willingly share their location for the sake of convenience and advantages, not everyone is equally enthusiastic about utilizing GPS.

What is a GPS Jammer?

To put it simply, a GPS jamming device is designed to interfere with GPS signals. These compact yet powerful transmitters work by emitting disruptive "noise" that conceals one's location and disrupts the functioning of a GPS device.

While GPS has become an integral part of our day-to-day activities, it is essential to delve into its functioning, especially when discussing jammers. The global positioning system, commonly referred to as GPS, relies on the reception of signals from satellite transmitters orbiting the Earth by trackers located on the planet's surface.When the GPS track receives signals from a minimum of four orbiting satellites, it utilizes a set of calculations to ascertain its position. Subsequently, the device transmits its location via a cellular network to a monitoring center, enabling the configuration of your real-time location.

GPS jammers operate by transmitting radio signals that share the identical frequency as a GPS device. This interference distorts the GPS satellite signals, overwhelming the GPS device and preventing it from accurately determining its position.

When in operation, GPS jammers interfere with a wide range of communication devices, including cell phones, internet networks, toll readers, and more. These jammers possess remarkable power, compactness, swift usability, low power requirements, and can be conveniently connected to a car's cigarette lighter. Additionally, they can be readily acquired through online sources.

What GPS Jammers Are Used For

Besides simply hiding one's location, jamming devices are used for many reasons, including:

Eluding police detection in order to evade fines or tickets.

The act of blocking Wi-Fi connections.

Ensuring the secrecy of a vehicle or device's location is crucial in deterring theft and safeguarding against unauthorized access.

Restricting the capability of mobile phones and other devices to send or receive messages, calls, emails, and other notifications.

Taking steps to prevent the identification of devices.

Ensuring privacy of one's location from an employer while driving a vehicle provided by the company.

Initially created by the government for military and law enforcement use, GPS jammers have found controversial applications in various domains, raising doubts about their original purpose.

Ensuring the secrecy of vehicle and device locations is paramount in military operations, as it greatly influences the effectiveness of missions and the security of personnel. The utilization of GPS blockers in high-risk scenarios provides invaluable privacy and safety measures.

In non-military settings, the use of signal blockers and signal jammers is strictly prohibited in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. Despite the fact that GPS blockers are illegal, a significant number of individuals easily acquire them through online platforms and proceed to install them in their vehicles. However, it is important to be aware that those who employ such devices may be subjected to severe consequences, such as substantial fines, equipment seizure, and even imprisonment.



TagiTagi: drivers using gps jammer 
09 stycznia 202409 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The proliferation of FPV drones has brought a flood of cheap wireless video tech. After flying and crashing a cheap FPV drone for a bit, [GreatScott] decided to try his hand at building his own video transmitter, which turned out to be a lot harder than expected.

jammer wifi


While digital technology has caught up to the FPV world, a lot of systems still use analog video, especially for drone racing. The video quality isn't great, but it has the advantage of very low latency. The technology is very similar to the old analog TV broadcasts, but mainly uses the 5.8 GHz license-free bands. It is essentially analog video signal, frequency modulated onto a 5.8 GHz carrier signal transmitted through an appropriately sized antenna.

After a brief failed experiment with a simple circuit built from discrete components, [GreatScott] turned his attention to voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO). He bought a couple of 5.8 GHz VCOs from Aliexpress, and created and used a simple opamp circuit to boost the FPV camera video signal to the required input level for the VCO. This failed to produce any identifiable image on his video receiver goggles. In an attempt to confirm that the VCOs produced the desired frequency, he ordered a similar 2.4 GHz VCOs and built a short range (20 cm) WiFi signal jammers. With a signal generator to create a simple input signal, and confirmed that it interfered with his laptop's WiFi connection.

After more experimentation with other VCOs, the closest [GreatScott] came to success was a barely identifiable image transmitted using a Maxim 2.4 GHz VCO.

Building RF circuits that interfere with the legitimate signal around you, or broadcasting out of band, is generally not a great idea, and could earn you an unpleasant visit from the authorities.

One thing that has always peeved me off is when people are driving around staring at their phones. And then they get mad at me for smashing my horn when they almost hit me or someone else. Then they go right back to staring at their phone again... so i smash my horn again.

But the thought has crossed my mind more than once of being able to smash a button and silently disconnect their phones rather than having my life and property put in peril. Makes me smile, but I would get in more legal trouble than they would for smashing into someone with their vehicle "on accident" when in fact their neglect and inability to focus on operating a machine is the real fault. In my experience, i have been in several accidents due to neglectful drivers and others not following proper use of the road, they get no legal penalty and I end up having to pay the cost due to the fact that insurance is a scam that never pays out without a more expensive lawyer. But then again for those people who are responsible, jamming would likely have them pick up their phone to look at it when their hands free call or podcast or music stops, potentially causing more havock than a single irresponsible driver.

Only tangentially related, but makes me think about every time someone wrecked my car or almost wrecked my car anytime i read about frequency interuption/jamming.




TagiTagi: wifi 
08 stycznia 202408 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

An updated warning has been issued for those who employ wireless security cameras, such as "Ring," as a means of home protection.

Despite owning a Ring camera, a woman from Detroit was unable to capture the theft of her car from the front of her house. An expert in the area suggests that this is indicative of the growing technological expertise among criminals.

In a recent incident, the woman claimed that her car was stolen from her driveway. Upon examining the footage from her Ring camera, she noticed a notable absence of recorded hours.

In the opinion of Chris Burns, the owner of Techie Gurus, security cameras that utilize WiFi for recording are more focused on providing convenience rather than ensuring robust security. This is because WiFi signals can be easily disrupted, thereby preventing the camera from effectively capturing footage of individuals near your residence. Unfortunately, criminals have become aware of this vulnerability.

jammer phone

According to Burns, it is a misconception to view wireless as a reliable security measure. He highlighted the fact that wireless signals can be easily wifi jammer or blocked.

This gadget can be utilized by the wrongdoers as a WiFi jamming device or a deauther, with a compact design resembling that of an Apple Watch.

By standing in close proximity, a deauther can overpower a WiFi system, compelling the WiFi camera to cease its recording. This accessory is available at a relatively affordable price, typically ranging from $10 to $50. On the other hand, a jammer comes at a significantly higher cost, with prices ranging from $150 to $1,000.

The use of signal jammer, which are also highly illegal, presents a greater difficulty in locating them. However, a jammer with significant power can effortlessly disable WiFi security cameras on an entire street with a single button press.

In a statement, a spokesperson from Ring acknowledged that the performance of Ring devices can be impacted by WiFi signal interference, similar to other wifi-enabled devices. To resolve any connectivity issues, customers are urged to get in touch with Ring Customer Support.

How can customers protect themselves?

To achieve utmost security, Burns stressed the importance of a hard-wired connection, preferably through an ethernet cable or a similar medium.

The problem, although known to Ring, is considered to be infrequent, as stated by their spokesperson.

Burns pointed out that with the decreasing cost of technology, the demand for jammers is likely to grow, emphasizing the significance of keeping people fully aware and informed.


05 stycznia 202405 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Various techniques are employed to ensure the protection of GLONASS, LoJack, and GPS signals, thereby limiting the ability to fully monitor your location. Specifically designed GPS tracker signal jammers are utilized to prevent devices from tracking movements.Various possibilities exist for disrupting satellite signals that transmit data about your present location, depending on different characteristics, features, and parameters. Portable GPS jammers are state-of-the-art systems that offer extended operational capabilities at a minimal cost to users. Additionally, these advanced devices provide optimal battery life when powered by either a mains cable or battery.

How equipment for obstructing GPS signals operates.

multifunctional wireless signal blockers

To ensure the best possible presentation of the user's location and coordinates, specific frequencies ranging from 1575 MHz to 1602 MHz are employed for GPS and GLONASS, respectively. By utilizing a mobile phone jammer, the functionality of the associated equipment can be greatly optimized at these frequencies, effectively safeguarding it against potential third-party attacks.As the number of signals increases, the probability of encountering standard blocking and tracking of these occurrences also rises. As a result, the silencer emits signals that enable swift and efficient securing. The range of blocking varies depending on the specific equipment, typically spanning several meters. However, some devices can effectively operate at distances of up to a hundred meters or even greater.

Scramblers, by nature, do not segregate signals, resulting in the interference of all frequencies within a given range. This understanding is crucial when planning to employ GPS-blocking systems. Moreover, since various types of equipment also rely on the GSM communication channel, the practicality of such equipment is only occasional. However, in certain cases, separate procedures utilizing specialized equipment are utilized to achieve the required performance while minimizing costs.

You should also pay attention to your smartphones. They are also equipped with special GPS chips for spot searches. Regulation forces can use this element to access your infromation. Your movements can be easily tracked. That is why you can use the sign blocker to safeguard your data from outsiders and ensure maximum confidentiality.

The development of hindrances to GPS and GSM signals.

Additionally, it is crucial to take into account the presence of extra contemporary progressive systems. Cutting-edge devices are constantly progressing and refining their features. For instance, certain types of specialized GSM/GPS jammers can help you avoid the complexities of mixed signal searches.


TagiTagi: prevent being tracked 
04 stycznia 202404 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The year 2023 witnessed a dichotomy of interests among our visitors. While stories about Russia's disruption of Ukraine's satellite operations and the worldwide struggles of 5G technology captured attention, readers also displayed a strong desire to explore the cutting-edge developments in the field. They were particularly intrigued by the remarkable data rate records being shattered and the emergence of novel approaches to safeguard identities and authentications.

Satellite interference has reached an all-time low.

military jamming


Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine has, over its nearly two-year course, has revealed a lot about the current state of electronic warfare. In early 2023, it became clear that one new branch of electronic warfare was the jamming of low Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites. These satellites-typically CubeSats, and orbiting 2,000 kilometers or lower-have brought new challenges to satellite jamming signal compared to their bus-sized geostationary brethren.

The frequent handover of signals to the next satellite is a significant aspect of LEO satellite constellations. This handover process takes place approximately every 7 to 10 minutes, providing an opening for jammers to interfere with the signal. Moreover, LEO satellites generally have limited resources in terms of space, computing power, and security measures compared to larger satellites. Additionally, these satellites often utilize off-the-shelf components, which can introduce additional vulnerabilities.



TagiTagi: networks jammer 
03 stycznia 202403 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

During the Christmas season, Western infrastructure experienced yet another unexplained failure. Regardless of the identity of the usual suspects, it is crucial for democracies to expeditiously absorb the lessons learned from this incident.

Across Europe, Christmas Day brought a momentary respite from the chaos, filling the air with serenity and happiness. However, this tranquility was abruptly disrupted on the following day when an enigmatic glitch affected the widely utilized GPS satellite positioning system in the Baltic Sea region.

military jamming


The true perpetrators may forever remain a mystery, although the most plausible explanation points towards Russian involvement. During the autumn of 2023, when three data and energy connections on the Baltic seabed were attacked, both Russian and Chinese vessels happened to be situated directly above the targeted locations. Subsequently, it was discovered that a Chinese ship had accidentally severed a gas pipeline by dragging an anchor across it. Finnish sources held Russia accountable for another assault.

Notwithstanding the situation, the Boxing Day traffic congestion serves as a reminder that aggression has the potential to emerge unexpectedly, at any time, and with the aid of any instrument.

The widespread disruption of GPS signals in Southern Sweden, Northeastern Germany, and substantial portions of Poland on December 26 was evident to pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and individuals utilizing websites like

During an ordinary day, the GPS jam map of Europe west of Russia is primarily adorned with green hues, symbolizing minimal GPS interference of 0% to 2%. On rare occasions, a few yellow dots emerge, indicating a slightly elevated interference level ranging from 2% to 10%.Nevertheless, the 26th of December witnessed a substantial expanse of land and water, stretching from Växjö in the north to Stralsund and Neubrandenburg in the west, Łódź in the south, and Białystok in the east, displaying a red hue. This color indicated a GPS interference level surpassing 10%. While GPS phone jamming had affected northern Europe before (specifically northern Norway and Finland), this particular incident stood out as the most severe occurrence thus far.

GPS wifi jamming poses a considerable obstacle for users of Google Maps, Apple Maps, and other location services, making it increasingly difficult to navigate with confidence as the accuracy of directions cannot be guaranteed.

The disruption caused by GPS signal jamming is not limited to inconveniencing ordinary citizens; it also poses a considerable challenge for pilots who heavily rely on GPS for navigation and landing. Nevertheless, pilots are well-trained to manually land their planes in the presence of GPS interference, eliminating any concerns about them mistakenly landing on a non-existent runway.



TagiTagi: gps disaster 
02 stycznia 202402 stycznia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If we perceive covert filming and counter-positioning tracking as a warfare between aggression and protection, as guardians of privacy, it is essential to accurately assess the situation on the battlefield.

Developed countries and regions worldwide are grappling with the persistent issue of location tracking. Additionally, the realm of candid photography has unveiled disconcerting patterns, characterized by an escalation in the frequency and reach of captured scenes.

South Korea stands out as a striking example of the surge in numbers. According to statistics provided by relevant Korean authorities, the incidents of location tracking and secret photography have experienced a significant upswing, escalating from 1,100 cases in 2010 to more than 6,000 cases last year.

According to the Hankyoreh Daily, an online survey was conducted in May by the Seoul City and the Tree Women's Human Rights Consulting Office. The survey targeted 1,500 Seoul citizens aged 19 to 59, and the results revealed that a significant majority of 70% of respondents expressed discomfort with instances of stalking violations in their daily lives.Moreover, 80% of female respondents feel uneasy about this, and 57% of male respondents feel uneasy about it, indicating that women are more panicked about stalking than men.

The detection and reporting of obvious illegal activities such as theft and fraud are more likely to occur in a timely manner due to their overt nature. Conversely, stalking cases pose a distinct challenge as they are typically concealed, making it uncommon for victims to identify and promptly notify the police.In the present year, over 20 instances of stalking have been exposed. It can even be argued that the victims were fortunate to uncover the tracking devices. Regrettably, a significant number of individuals are being subjected to stalking without their knowledge.

gps blocker device


The "strongest weapon" is yourself

Tracking poses as an intangible bomb, existing objectively and refusing to vanish swiftly. It is a menace that can befall anyone, irrespective of their preparedness. Should one be caught off guard or lack the ability to fend off such stalking, the aftermath will be both unimaginable and irreversible.

Enhanced supervision and punishment may be implemented, but candid photography cannot be eradicated completely. External safeguards can only offer limited effectiveness, both preceding and subsequent to the incident.Should the ongoing violation of candid filming "during the incident" go unnoticed, all external safeguards will prove to be mere illusions. Irrespective of the severity of the consequences, if the concealed location tracker remains undiscovered in the darkness, what steps can be taken to report the incident to the police?

Thus, rather than depending solely on strict laws, market supervision, or hotel management to eliminate all instances of illegal candid photography overnight, it is preferable for individuals to personally acquire practical and effective anti-tracking techniques and take necessary privacy protection actions "during the incident." Taking the initiative and assuming personal responsibility instead of relying on others is the most direct, efficient, and reassuring approach to safeguarding privacy.

The acquisition of privacy and security can be an arduous task, even with a greater expenditure. However, by personally mastering practical anti-location tracking skills, individuals can effectively safeguard their privacy irrespective of their location.

The anti-positioning and tracking signal jammer operates by emitting radio interference waves, effectively rendering the GPS locator useless within the designated electromagnetic band. This creates an electromagnetic environment similar to that of signal-blocking equipment, allowing you to effectively block tracking signals gps jammer and safeguard your privacy once and for all.



30 grudnia 202330 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

With the advancement of the Internet of Things, the requirement for location services is on the rise. Numerous organizations predict that a significant 60% of IoT devices will depend on geographical location data. Particularly, the market for extensive outdoor positioning is set to become an unignorable sector.

In the realm of navigation technology, a highly esteemed club known as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has emerged. Despite its small membership of only four, this club has managed to captivate the interest of heads of state and garnered extensive research from top scientists and engineers. The esteemed members of this club include the American GPS, European GPS (Galileo GALILEO), Russia's GLONASS, and China's Beidou COMPASS.

China's Beidou system has recently joined the ranks, establishing itself as the most rapidly advancing member. What is the current progress of Beidou? How does it influence our lives? This captivating topic has piqued considerable interest. Although academic journals feature numerous articles on Beidou, the excessive use of technical jargon alienates and discourages the average reader.

Block GPS signal

The expanding GPS locator market has led to a notable increase in the number of individuals who desire to evade GPS signal tracking. Consequently, these individuals are actively searching for products known as GPS signal jammers, which can effectively block the tracking of GPS signals.

The gps jammer is capable of effectively obstructing the GPS locator. When a jammer is employed, it disrupts the regular operation of the GPS locator, resulting in incomplete transmission of data to the locator monitoring platform. Similar to a mobile phone, the GPS locator requires the insertion of a mobile phone card or IoT card to transmit data. Hence, as long as the GPS signal jammer can impede the signal transmission of the mobile phone card, it can effectively block the GPS locator.

The anti-location jammer disrupts the GPS locator by emitting radio interference waves within a specific electromagnetic band. This generates an electromagnetic environment that mirrors the signal-blocking device, effectively blocking GPS satellite signals. As a result, data transmission to the platform is prevented, rendering the device offline and unusable.This device is designed to efficiently block positioning signals, including GPS, Beidou, and base stations. It operates at a transmission power of 5W and offers an adjustable effective shielding distance of 1 to 15 meters (pre-set during manufacturing). By effectively blocking the GPS locator within the vehicle space, it ensures non-functionality without causing any harm to individuals.


Start with GPS

The space century for humanity commenced on October 4, 1957, with the Soviet Union's successful launch of the world's first artificial earth satellite. This event captured the close attention of the United States. Within Hopkins's Applied Physics Laboratory, mathematician Bill Guy and physicist George Weifenbach made a discovery of great significance. They observed a phenomenon where the frequency of this satellite had undergone a shift, later identified as the Doppler shift effect resulting from relative motion.

When deciding on the most suitable orbit for the satellite, three options are available: low, medium, or high. Opting for a low orbit would result in lower launch costs and improved accuracy. However, it is important to consider that achieving global coverage would require the deployment of 200 satellites.

Theoretically, global coverage can be achieved by deploying three satellites in a high orbit. Nevertheless, the launch of high-orbit satellites presents considerable difficulties, and the primary issue lies in the reduced accuracy of positioning. This can be attributed to two key factors: the excessive altitude of the orbit, resulting in significant errors, and the minimal relative speed between the geostationary orbit and ground objects, which hampers the practical implementation of the Doppler frequency shift solution method.

A medium orbit serves as a viable compromise, demanding a mere 24-36 satellites to achieve global coverage. The significant relative speed between the satellite and stationary ground objects enables the effective utilization of the Doppler frequency shift method.

Drawing upon the extensive deliberations mentioned above, the United States made the strategic choice of deploying a constellation of 24 satellites in a medium orbit. The inaugural satellite was successfully launched in 1978, and the complete system was put into operation in 1995. At present, there are 30 satellites, categorized into two distinct positioning modes: military and civilian. This approach embraces a global perspective.

Beidou generation criticized

After the loss of MH370, a lot of popular science appeared, making the public familiar with the term Doppler effect. Is the Doppler effect a good thing or a bad thing for satellites? It depends on what kind of satellite it is. This is a good thing for navigation and positioning satellites, because the greater the relative speed of the satellite relative to the measured object on the ground, the more obvious the Doppler effect, and the positioning will be more accurate. This is even the core principle basis for positioning navigation satellites.

However, the Doppler effect is a bad thing for communication satellites, because the frequency offset will cause communication failure and must be corrected. For example, the Asia-Pacific International Communications Satellite located over the Indian Ocean is fixed relative to the ground. The seven search signals sent by the missing MH370 in the final stage were measured by this satellite and found a frequency offset. This was originally data that was to be corrected, but it was not Thinking of this, it became the only evidence to speculate on the aircraft's trajectory. To sum it up in one sentence: Using communication satellites to position satellites has turned the Doppler effect, which was originally a bad thing, into a good thing.

The scale of Beidou II is similar to that of GPS, and the applied orbit and frequency are relatively consistent with those of European Galileo. This inevitably encounters the problem of competition for satellite orbits and frequencies. Satellite orbits and space frequencies are resources shared by mankind, so how should they be distributed? International rules do not divide them by country or population, but whoever takes advantage first will get it.

In 2005, the first satellite of the Galileo project was launched, but it was not activated. It only occupied the orbit but not the frequency. Why was it not activated? The reason was that there was no money, and activation required money, and Europe was a little tight on money. The first star of China's Beidou II generation also went up to the sky, and it was opened as soon as it went up. Now the orbit and frequency are occupied.

Galileo in Europe was tinkering slowly, while Beidou in China kept launching satellites one after another, and later even built a double satellite. Some frequencies of the Galileo project and Beidou II overlap, and both sides are in the field of international telecommunications. The alliance has been registered, and whoever gets it first will get it. China's fast pace has made Europe anxious, and it has put pressure on China through the United States, asking China to slow down and wait for the European people.


TagiTagi: block beidou gps signal 
29 grudnia 202329 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The classroom is an ideal setting where the implementation of cell phone jammer is strongly recommended. Over the past few years, the proliferation of cell phone usage in educational institutions has posed a major challenge, leading to concerns among educators and administrators regarding the potential distractions and disturbances it may cause to the learning environment.The act of using cell phones in the classroom enables students to cheat by either searching for information or sharing answers through text messages.

military jamming


Why do classrooms need cell phone jammers?

  1. Mobile phones have become a prevalent source of distraction for students in the classroom, causing them to inadvertently overlook significant information that is being taught by their teachers.

  2. To safeguard the authenticity of vital examinations, it is crucial to establish measures that discourage students from sharing answers or, more seriously, resorting to purchasing exam solutions. By doing so, we can mitigate the occurrence of erroneous and unjust test outcomes.

  3. In order to prevent the unauthorized sharing of vital information, teachers in certain significant classes take measures to ensure that students do not directly transmit it to third parties, thereby mitigating the risk of information leakage.

What kind of disruptors are needed in the classroom?

Save time on antenna installation and removal as the device comes equipped with a built-in antenna. Its user-friendly nature and excellent concealment make it effortlessly usable.

Equipped with a remote control, you hold the power to oversee the functioning of the jammer at any given moment. For instance, you can activate the blocking feature towards the end of an exam, when certain students may resort to cheating. Subsequently, you can swiftly disable wifi jammer using the remote control after the test concludes.

How to use jammers safely in the classroom?

  • It is essential to apply in advance to the school safety director and promptly report to the FCC government. Upon receiving authorization, you may legally utilize it within the designated area and during the specified time period.

  • Opt for low-power jammers to prevent the disruption caused by excessive power on signals outside the classroom environment. Although it may only partially hinder the mobile phone signal, it is imperative to prioritize safety, acknowledging that no solution can provide absolute accuracy.

  • Opting for a signal jammer with a relatively inconspicuous shape instead of an external antenna can effortlessly captivate students' attention. In numerous movies and TV series, the jammers portrayed often come equipped with multiple external antennas, which can effortlessly pique the interest of students.




TagiTagi: classroom cell phone blocker 
28 grudnia 202328 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

How can one prevent children from accessing the internet on their mobile phones and control the duration of their usage?

Blocking children's mobile phone signals is a necessary step to protect their well-being. Since birth, children are constantly surrounded by electronic gadgets, which can negatively impact their growth and development. Hence, it is essential for us to take prompt action in order to safeguard children from the harmful effects of mobile phones.

In light of the new coronavirus pandemic, a considerable number of children have developed a habit of spending excessive time on mobile phones and playing online games on computers. Employing a signal jammer can aid children in gradually overcoming their internet addiction and gaining better control over their online activities. Additionally, adults can reduce their own mobile phone usage, allowing for increased engagement with their children and fostering a more harmonious family environment. Ultimately, this contributes to an improved family happiness index.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Method/Step 1: Restrict children's mobile phone access to the Internet in the router

By utilizing the security settings, all modern routers possess the capability to filter the MAC address of mobile phones, effectively preventing children's mobile devices from connecting to the Internet.By leveraging the router's capabilities, individuals with greater flexibility can effectively control children's internet usage by setting limitations on both access time and internet speed. This feature is commonly available in contemporary routers. Through the restriction of internet speed, children will only be able to utilize their mobile phones for informational purposes, while being unable to indulge in gaming activities.

Method/Step 2: Use a signal jammer

The advent of wireless networks has undeniably simplified Internet accessibility for individuals, yet the associated issues cannot be overlooked. It is not solely a question of network accessibility, but also a matter of ensuring network security.Signal jammers are employed in various locations to uphold a favorable network environment by deterring excessive network usage. This equipment has found extensive utilization across different countries and regions globally. Schools, prisons, libraries, reading rooms, and gas stations exemplify the typical settings where it is commonly deployed.

Under what circumstances does a mobile phone signal jammer have poor shielding effect?

1. In which situations does a cell phone jammer exhibit subpar shielding capabilities? In what specific environment can a mobile phone signal jammer be deployed to ensure optimal signal disruption?The efficacy of mobile phone signal jammers utilized in specific locations can be influenced by various factors such as the surrounding environment, installation position, distance, and the quantity of jammers employed.

Insufficient attention was given to data analysis, plane survey, shielding coverage plan, and other essential tasks during the early stage. Consequently, blind installation resulted in no impact and poor shielding effect. To avoid such issues, it is highly recommended to contact professional shielding customer service before installing the shielding device. They can offer expert advice and guidance. Furthermore, it is advisable to seek professional installation advice before purchasing a shield suitable for locations that require shielding.

WiFi is transmitted in many segments. Without testing or checking the professional frequency band technical parameters given by the manufacturer, it cannot be completely shielded. WiFi is divided into three segments (2.4G+5.2G+5.8G) with a bandwidth of several hundred megabits. This is why many customers say There is a WiFi signal shield, but when used on-site, you can still connect to WiFi and watch videos online normally.

2. The specified requirements for installation height are not met, and the installation position is deemed improper due to the presence of obstructions. Additionally, the use of partition walls leads to signal blockage.

3. The effectiveness of wifi jammer installed in specific locations may be compromised due to environmental factors. In particular, the presence of intelligent base stations within a distance of 200-500 meters can result in shielding failure. It is worth noting that these base stations typically operate at power levels exceeding 200 watts.When the base station encounters interference, it will automatically increase the transmission power, switch to a channel with a weaker interference signal, and have the ability to freely switch between channels. Mobile phone signal amplifiers are often found on the ceiling of locations where customers install mobile phone signal jammers.When the jammer and amplifier are employed concurrently, the effectiveness of the jammer's signal cancellation is compromised.

4. The incorrect selection of jammers can lead to their ineffectiveness. It is recommended to choose jammers based on the specific locations they will be used in. For example, prisons and detention centers should consider the completeness of channel shielding and the ability to operate continuously throughout the year. Medium-power mobile phone signal jammers are employed in prison buildings.Supplementary shielding and high-power directional shielding are achieved through the use of jammers in playgrounds and the release square, respectively, to ensure complete blocking of the prison signal. However, when prisons extensively rely on mobile phone signal jammers, it becomes arduous to manage and maintain them, resulting in escalated costs. To address this, the adoption of remote control software is being considered for efficient batch management.School examination rooms and conference rooms are generally open for a short period of several hours. They do not have high requirements on machine performance, but high requirements on shielding effect. For large areas, low power is recommended, or the power is insufficient and shielding cannot be performed. Directional shielding is required and external shielding is used. Problems such as insufficient full coverage lead to poor shielding effect and intermittent shielding effect when installing a mobile phone signal jammer. Choosing a low-power jammer in a large area or too high a power in a small area will result in improper purchase and poor shielding effect.


TagiTagi: block cell phone signal 
27 grudnia 202327 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

How much does a small signal jammer cost?

Signal jammers come in different power capacities and usage ranges, resulting in a wide price range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. In general, a small signal jammer can be obtained for around a few hundred dollars in the market.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G


Designed for domestic use, this compact signal jammer effectively curbs children's addiction to mobile phones. Moreover, it finds utility in small dormitories and classrooms by disrupting mobile phone network signals, effectively preventing phone communications and restricting Internet access.Additionally, the application of a high-power signal cellphone jammer within a residential environment will have an adverse impact on the surrounding communication networks, thereby hindering the proper functioning of mobile phones for nearby residents and potentially resulting in complaints. Consequently, it is prudent to opt for smaller signal jammers in domestic settings, dormitories, and small-scale classrooms.

Within a radius of 10 meters, it is capable of effectively blocking (interfering with) all mobile phone signals (CDMA, GSM, DCS, PHS, 3G, 4G, 5G) along with WIFI (WLAN), Bluetooth/2.4G communications, and wireless networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

1. Why do some mobile phones still have signal indications when the signal jammer is working?

This is merely a deceptive perception, as the mobile phone is presently incapable of transmitting any communication. Upon pressing the designated button, you will observe the complete absence of any signal indication on the device's signal indicator.

2. Will the wireless signal jammer interfere with the normal operation of other electronic devices?

The wireless gsm signal jammer does not interfere with other electronic devices due to its electromagnetic signal falling completely within the country's specified working frequency band. Its impact is limited to blocking wireless signals solely within the shielded location, and this signal remains relatively constant and static.

3. Is the mobile phone signal jammer harmful to the human body and mobile phones when it is working?

You can be confident that the electromagnetic signal emitted by the mobile phone signal jammer is exceptionally weak and fully complies with environmental standards. Rigorous testing has confirmed that this signal strength is far from posing any danger to the human body. Additionally, the mobile phone signal jammer solely disrupts the forward signal of the mobile phone, preventing it from connecting to the base station, thus guaranteeing no harm is caused to the mobile phone itself.

4. Is there any difference in the operating distance of wireless signal jammers when used indoors and outdoors?

A disparity can be observed between the signal strength encountered outdoors and indoors, with outdoor environments typically exhibiting stronger signals. As a result, the efficacy of shielding against these signals outdoors is relatively inadequate. From a technical standpoint, the effective range of a wireless signal jammer, regardless of its indoor or outdoor usage, is contingent upon the electromagnetic environment of the shielding location and its immediate surroundings. This encompasses variables such as the distance between wireless signal transmitting equipment situated outside the premises and wireless communication devices positioned within the premises, as well as their respective placements.

5. Does the mobile phone signal jammer have the same effect on mobile phones and 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment?

The distance between the transmitting equipment and the receiving equipment determines the efficacy of wireless communication signal transmission.National standards impose limitations on the transmission distance of 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment, rendering it considerably smaller than the transmission distance of base station communication signals. Nevertheless, when the transmitting and receiving equipment are positioned at the same distance, the shielding range of 2.4GHz wireless communication equipment surpasses that of mobile phones by a small margin.In the event that the base station is not distant from the shielding place, the opposite outcome will occur when the signal is weak.

6. After the mobile phone signal jammer has been working for a period of time, the heat sink of the device will heat up. Will working for a long time damage the machine?

It is a regular phenomenon for the heat sink in the mobile phone signal jammer to experience heating. Our design incorporates high-performance aluminum alloy heat sinks that possess superior thermal conductivity. This allows for efficient dissipation of the heat generated during the equipment's operation, thereby guaranteeing the machine's long-term stability without any harm caused by the heat emitted from the heat sink.



TagiTagi: signal jammer question 
26 grudnia 202326 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Delve into a comprehensive handbook that provides step-by-step instructions on discovering all 50 signal jammer positions in GTA Online, leading to the unlocking of Avi Schwartzman as a playable character.

The responsibility falls on the players to locate and eradicate these signal jammer that are scattered throughout Los Santos and its neighboring areas.

military jamming

Signal Jammer #1

The first jammer awaits atop a radio tower situated at Los Santos International Airport.

Signal Jammer #2

A lucrative payout of $50,000 awaits, accompanied by the exclusive opportunity to enlist Avi Schwartzman, a proficient hacker, for the Casino Heist.

Signal Jammer #3

Situated on the Miriam Turner Overpass bridge, this cell phone jammer is located at the port of Los Santos, in close proximity to Elysian Island.

Signal Jammer #4

Discover the jammer atop the entrance of Maze Bank Arena in La Puerta, Los Santos.

Signal Jammer #5

The jammer is situated on top of one of the factories within the Cypress Flats industrial estate.

Signal Jammer #6

Located within El Burro Heights, the jammer is positioned on one of the water tanks.

Signal Jammer #7

Located at La Mesa, on top of a building's vents beside Elysian Fields Freeway, you will find the jammer.

Signal Jammer #8

The billboard on Supply St, La Mesa serves as a platform for the advertisement of Jammer.

Signal Jammer #9

Located on the highest point of the Central Los Santos hospital in Strawberry, the jammer can be found.

Signal Jammer #10

Positioned on the rooftop of the Hookah Palace in Pillbox Hill, the jammer can be found directly on the sign that bears the name 'Hookah Palace'.

Signal Jammer #11

It can be found on the topmost floor of the Arcadius office in Pillbox Hill.

Signal jammer #12

The jammer is situated at Vespucci Helipad, which can be found on Shank Street in La Puerta.

Signal Jammer #13

Located at Del Perro Piers, the jammer can be spotted on one of the two Ferris Wheels.

Signal Jammer #14

Positioned on top of the Clock Tower Building, which is situated on San Andreas Avenue in Del Perro, Los Santos, you can find this jammer.

Signal Jammer #15

Positioned on the top of a building in Del Perro, the vent will be attached securely.

Signal Jammer #16

One of the domes on the rooftops of GWC and Golfing Society will serve as the location for the jammer.

Signal Jammer #17

You can find the jammer on a crane located in West Vinewood. It will be on the operator section.

Signal Jammer #18

Placed on a building in Burton, this jammer is housed within a dome structure, ensuring optimal functionality.

Signal Jammer #19

Located on top of the Oriental Theater, the jammer can be found towards the left side of the building instead of being centrally placed.

Signal Jammer #20

Hawick is home to a building with a distinctively sharp pillar positioned at its summit.

Signal Jammer #21

Situated beneath the Vinewood Sign, the jammer is strategically placed atop the Vinewood Bowl amphitheater, which is located in Vinewood Hills within Los Santos.

Signal Jammer #22

Positioned on the wall of Land Act Damn, near the Los Santos River, the jammer is strategically placed between the long windows. Its location ensures optimal signal disruption capabilities.

Signal Jammer #23

The jammer can be found on the wall of the NOOSE headquarters, located deep inside the Palomino Highlands to the east of San Andreas.

Signal Jammer #24

Nestled within the Tataviam Mountains of Los Santos County, the front entrance sign of Bishop's Chicken at Tataviam Truckstop prominently displays the jammer.

Signal Jammer #25

To locate the jammer, make your way to the Palmer-Taylor Power Station in Los Santos County along Senora Way, and look for it on the higher chimney, just east of the Ron Alternates Wind Farm.

Signal Jammer #26

One of the stationary wind turbines at Ron Alternates Wind Farm houses the jammer on its side.

Signal jammer #27

Dominating the skyline of the Grand Senora Desert, this factory tower is a symbol of industrial prowess.

Signal Jammer #28

Positioned on a signal tower near Galileo Park, the jammer is located.

Signal Jammer #29

Located directly in front of the Galileo Observatory, the jammer is positioned on a monument.

Signal Jammer #30

The jammer is placed on the rooftop of the Kortz Center, which is situated on Kortz Drive in Pacific Bluffs, to the northwest of Los Santos.

TagiTagi: signal jammer locations 
25 grudnia 202325 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In our modern era, the prevalence of GPS technology is undeniable. Its introduction into the aviation field in 1994, after receiving approval for IFR use, marked a significant turning point. Since then, it has become deeply ingrained in our day-to-day operations, playing a vital role in navigation, communication, surveillance, ADS-B, and even TAWS. The reliance on this technology is paramount as it ensures our safety.

This presents a significant problem. Its operation heavily relies on radio signals received from satellites, which can be intentionally tampered with. If you are involved in activities between Europe and Asia, you may already be familiar with this issue. What is truly worrisome is the escalating occurrence of such disruptions. EUROCONTROL's latest report reveals a substantial rise in cases of GPS outages over the past five years.


The Hot Spots

Areas of political tension often witness widespread GPS outages, and this trend is particularly evident in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, and Caucasus regions. These regions consistently report the highest number of disruptions, with a staggering 3,500 outages recorded just last year.On a daily basis, there are around ten occurrences reported. It is important to note that this figure only includes incidents brought to attention by individuals. The LCCC/Nicosia FIR, which encompasses the airspace over Cyprus and extends to LLBG/Tel Aviv, experiences a particularly high number of incidents. Reports of these occurrences have been documented as far north as Italy, as well as in Turkey and Egypt.

This particular part of the world is characterized by a palpable tension, as it experiences the repercussions of the Syrian War, the ongoing conflict in Libya, and the current Azerbaijani conflict. Unfortunately, it also serves as a vital air route for flights connecting Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Consequently, it becomes almost inevitable to bypass this region.

Nevertheless, its influence extends beyond that specific area. Incidents of GPS sabotage have been documented across the globe, with circles of interference, also known as 'crop circles', being attributed to China, North Korea, and even the United States.



So why tamper with GPS?

It is unfortunate that electromagnetic warfare is a reality that cannot be ignored. The primary aim of military entities is to impede the opposing side as much as possible, which includes disrupting communication networks and navigation systems. Moreover, GPS signal jammer
is utilized as a defensive measure against both explosive drones that capture media attention and those employed for surveillance purposes. In certain instances, jamming is employed to safeguard individuals' privacy, but it is regrettable that it can also be exploited for criminal purposes.



Jamming or Spoofing?

The power of GPS signals is relatively weak, rendering receivers vulnerable to malfunction or, more worryingly, the generation of inaccurate data when confronted with feeble sources of interference. Employing jammers, devices that mask the signal with noise, is a common technique to achieve this. While the use of such gps jammer is illegal in the United States, they are permitted in other countries and can be easily obtained.

Within the realm of formidable military applications, a single device possesses the capability to exert influence over a vast 300nm radius, making their identification an arduous task. These devices can be discreetly positioned at military bases, securely affixed to vehicles, or seamlessly integrated onto naval vessels.



So why is this a problem for aviation?

The situation is deteriorating, and the interruptions in service are sporadic and unpredictable. Around seventy-five percent of GPS outages worldwide are taking place during cruise activities, and in ten percent of these scenarios, the loss of signal persists for more than thirty minutes. Furthermore, there have been instances where GPS receivers never recovered a signal.ICAO's guidelines dictate that recurrent power outages should be reported through the issuance of NOTAMs. Regrettably, only a handful of nations are actively complying with this directive. Moreover, the current decrease in flight activity during the pandemic has made it difficult to gauge the severity of this situation.

In the event of a GPS failure, the crew of an aircraft must resort to alternative navigation techniques to traverse through airspace that heavily relies on accurate positioning to maintain safe distances from other aircraft. This predicament can also result in false alerts and even trigger GPWS warnings, adding to the complexity of the situation. The requirement for pilots to overlook these warnings establishes a concerning precedent.

The plot thickens, enter 5G.

The remarkable technology that allows for the rapid downloading of your beloved episode of 'The Bachelor' is something we are all familiar with.Troubling information has recently come to light in the US, revealing that the federal government has authorized a new network provider to utilize a portion of the radio spectrum typically reserved for GPS signals. The objective behind this move is to enable the deployment of a vast 5G network across the entire country.The frequencies exhibit considerable strength, and there is no certainty that they will not impede GPS signals.

When conducting a GPS-based approach, it is essential to consider the possibility of a blank screen and be ready with a plan of action. Recent occurrences have highlighted the vulnerability of this reliable technology, emphasizing the need for preparedness in unexpected situations.



TagiTagi: gps jamming 
22 grudnia 202322 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

There is a diverse array of jammers, each varying in style and strength. However, they all possess a fundamental characteristic in common. These devices are specifically engineered to interfere with specific radio frequencies, effectively "jamming" them. In simpler terms, a high-quality cell phone jammer has the ability to obstruct electronic communications from one or more sources. Consequently, this can result in the disruption of cell phone communications, drone usage, and various other radio frequency devices.

military jamming

There is a diverse selection of jammers, each varying in style and strength. However, they all possess a fundamental characteristic. These devices are specifically engineered to interfere with a particular radio frequency. Essentially, a high-quality wifi jammer has the ability to impede electronic communications originating from one or more sources. As a result, this can cause disruptions in cell phone connectivity, drone usage, and other radio frequency devices.

A special forces soldier came under scrutiny not too long ago for allegedly committing the unlawful killing of an Afghan civilian.Upon noticing the civilian holding a cell phone, the trooper carefully assessed the situation. Drawing from their extensive experience and knowledge, the trooper identified certain factors and signs that pointed towards the civilian potentially using the cell phone as a means to activate an IED.By incorporating a signal jammer into the process, the reliance on this frequently employed method of detonating an IED can be greatly diminished. The soldier's acquittal in a formal hearing and trial underscores the advantages of utilizing such a device, as it can effectively circumvent numerous challenges and time-consuming procedures.

In today's tactical environment, radio frequency jamming emerges as a critical electronic countermeasure. Its significance surpasses military usage and finds application in the professional security domain as well. By utilizing proficient gsm jammer, the exploitation of line of sight can be effectively averted. But how does this process unfold?There are several aspects to take into account. Firstly, let's focus on cell phones, which are frequently encountered and can cause congestion. It is crucial to understand that interfering with public cell phone usage may be deemed illegal in certain areas for non-governmental entities.Please ensure that you are familiar with the laws applicable in your locality. The level of tolerance towards interfering with cell phone frequencies on private property may differ based on the jurisdiction. It is highly recommended to double-check the regulations specific to your area. Regarding this subject, it is worth noting that the detection of RF interference is seldom observed and is often dismissed when in an area with poor reception.

In overseas, military, and contracting endeavors, the utilization of jammers proves to be considerably less restrictive and emerges as the ultimate solution to counter the use of radio frequencies in launching IED attacks. By employing a reliable gps jammer, the detonation of long-range IEDs can be effectively prevented, thereby eliminating the anonymity that adversaries often rely on for their protection.Moreover, jammers are equally efficient in countering drone attacks as well as preventing the collection of imagery and intelligence. Ranging from small, portable drone jammer that disrupt annoying cell phone usage to large, vehicle-mounted devices that obstruct a broad range of radio frequency and satellite communications, the only proven method for delivering this crucial protection is through effective radio frequency interference.

The prevalence of mobile phones has significantly curbed the potential misuse of visual media, making them the go-to devices for capturing images in society. With high-quality cameras integrated into these devices, individuals can effortlessly record both still and moving visuals. Employing proficient jammers can effectively hinder unauthorized transmission of cell phone images, thereby thwarting the unrestricted sharing of real-time intelligence.The utilization of drones for intelligence gathering has witnessed a surge in popularity. In the environments I have worked in, criminals have made endeavors to employ drones for capturing images that obstruct sightlines. Prior to the introduction of jammers, we had limited effective measures to counter such activities, with ballistic disruption being impractical and unfeasible. At present, employing a reliable jammer is considered the most effective counter-drone method.When it comes to maintaining the security and privacy of a restricted environment, there is no better solution than employing high-frequency, powerful jammers. These jammers outperform any other mechanism or strategy in preventing the transmission or recording of images through drones. By utilizing a vehicle-mounted jammer, the communication via satellite can be effectively blocked, leaving no room for its usage.Moreover, this presents the added advantage of potentially disrupting the functionality of satellite GPS and further hindering enemy activities aimed at determining location via GPS. Furthermore, it is of utmost importance in terms of administrative security, as it ensures that a single source cannot share real-time mobile information with nearby parties who may not be visible but are eagerly anticipating location details.

In the realm of law enforcement, jammers have become the exclusive solution to counter the use of radio frequency (RF) in anti-law enforcement (LE) operations. Criminals are now actively employing drones to monitor police activities, including SWAT operations and authorized search and seizure actions. Through the use of drones, criminals can observe the movements of law enforcement personnel as they approach a location, establish a perimeter, and prepare for a raid on a house or building.The most effective solution to prevent such occurrences is by utilizing a robust jamming device. Jammers do not differentiate between criminals' frequencies and those of ordinary citizens, resulting in potential civil rights implications. Nevertheless, courts have generally been understanding in permitting short-term techniques and actions that prioritize the safety of law enforcement personnel.The application of this interference domain is still in its nascent phase and may continue to be subject to legal scrutiny. Encouragingly, in numerous scenarios, the obstruction of cell phone or drone frequencies for law enforcement can be swiftly achieved, resulting in minimal inconvenience to the general public while effectively thwarting criminals from misusing the technology to impede or jeopardize police operations.Premium jammers are also advantageous in situations where law enforcement needs to obstruct cell phone use among detainees or prisoners who may be illicitly transporting the phones.




TagiTagi: jammers needed 
21 grudnia 202321 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Upon the resumption of in-person schooling during the pandemic, educators swiftly discerned a change in students' cellphone habits. Their dependence on these gadgets during class became more evident than ever, as they engaged in activities such as posting on social media, browsing YouTube, and texting friends.

So this year, schools in Ohio, Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and others banned the devices in class to curb student obsession, learning disruption, disciplinary incidents and mental health worries.

Superintendent Elizabeth Lolli of Dayton Public Schools conveyed a strong message, stating, "We unequivocally stated that this practice needs to be halted. The academic issues we are encountering cannot be rectified if our students continue to be engrossed in their phones."

handheld wifi signal Jammers


Cell Phone Signal Jammer For Schools

Within school premises, cell phone signal jammers are at times deployed to prevent students from accessing their mobile phones during class time. The utilization of cell phones in educational settings can serve as a major distraction, detrimentally impacting students' focus and impeding their learning progress.

Instead of using cell phone signal blocking device, many schools have implemented policies that restrict or prohibit the use of cell phones during class time. Some schools require students to keep their cell phones turned off and stored in their backpacks during class, while others provide cell phone storage lockers or charging stations.

In addition, several schools have embraced technological solutions to impose limitations or exercise control over the utilization of mobile phones in specific areas of the school. As an illustration, certain schools have implemented Wi-Fi networks that possess the ability to block access to social media platforms and other websites that may serve as distractions.

Overall, despite the potential effectiveness of cell phone jamming in preventing cell phone use in schools, it is crucial to approach this matter with legality and responsibility. Educational institutions should explore the implementation of policies and technologies that can restrict or control cell phone usage, without resorting to illegal and potentially unsafe methods such as cell phone signal jammers.



The Bad

Students tend to be highly susceptible to the kinds of distractions smartphones provide. My colleague caught a student watching Grey's Anatomy during her class. Other students tweet, text, and listen to music when they should be on task. According to Jeffrey Kuznekoff, who conducted a study on phone use by college students, "You're putting yourself at a disadvantage when you are actively engaged with your mobile device in class and not engaged in what's going on." Saraswathi Bellur, a researcher at the University of Connecticut, found that multitasking in class "is likely to harm academic performance."

In the aftermath of the covid-19 years, the stakes have been raised significantly, as many districts find themselves falling academically behind by a year or more. These districts are making every possible endeavor to assist students in bridging the gap. Interestingly, social media platforms accessed via students' phones are now being identified as a major contributor to poor mental health. As a result, a string of school systems has taken legal action against these platforms.

The issue has created a rift among parents, with a substantial number of critics emphasizing the necessity of their children having mobile phones in case of emergencies.

"We're not trying to infringe on anybody's freedom, but we need to have full attention in the classroom," said Nancy J. Hines, superintendent in the Penn Hills School District, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh.

After transitioning back to in-person classes post-pandemic, Hines observed an exacerbation of cellphone issues within their diverse 3,000-student system. In an attempt to shift the focus from excessive screen time to active learning, the district introduced a ban in its middle school. As part of this measure, homeroom teachers collected the students' cellphones each morning and securely stored them in zippered cases. The students were able to reclaim their phones before leaving for home.




TagiTagi: students phones 
20 grudnia 202320 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A WiFi and bluetooth jammer Can Prevent Data Theft

It is important to understand that WiFi is available in 2 frequencies, 2.4GHz and 5GHz. While 2.4GHz is by far the most commonly used, some newer routers do include 5GHz.

Bluetooth is within the 2.4GHz band, so any WiFi jammer that covers 2.4GHz is also going to block Bluetooth.

military jamming

The next important consideration is the size of the coverage area needed for your application. We offer units such as which covers both 2.4GHz and 5GHz to approximately 15 meters, the popular spy camera jammer which covers 2.4GHz WiFi only to approximately 20 meters, or the extremely powerful which covers both, up to 250 meters.

There are some variations in the coverage area depending upon local signal strength, physical environment, etc. Where the signal is weaker, the coverage is greater, and vice versa.

How Far Should WiFi Reach?

Variations in the WiFi signal range can occur due to factors like the frequency range, signal strength, and the number of walls or obstacles that obstruct the signal between your jamming device and the router.


For your devices, the 2.4 GHz frequency band ensures broader coverage, albeit at a slower speed. In contrast, the 5 GHz frequency band offers faster speeds but has a narrower range, enabling your network to perform at its best.

Typically, a typical WiFi router has a coverage range of around 100 feet indoors and up to 300 feet outdoors in open spaces. However, the presence of other devices or materials can cause interference, resulting in a significant decrease in this range.

Signal Disturbances and Interference

The WiFi signal serves as the bridge connecting your devices to the internet, utilizing a frequency range (2.4GHz or 5GHz) that propagates through the air. Opting for newer equipment that supports the 5 GHz frequency band is advantageous due to the shorter range of signals in this band, reducing the likelihood of interference from other networks compared to older equipment operating on the 2.4 GHz band.


The material that poses the most significant obstacle to your WiFi signal is metal. With its exceptional electrical conductivity, metal can reflect WiFi signals, leading to buffering problems during streaming or videoconferencing, delays in gaming, and frustratingly slow loading times.

Walls (Concrete & Brick)

The capacity of walls to hinder WiFi signals is determined by multiple factors, including the composition and thickness of the wall material.

When it comes to WiFi signal penetration, concrete and brick walls present a challenge. However, concrete walls are more proficient at blocking WiFi signals than brick walls due to their higher density and thicker mass.

Windows, Glass & Mirrors

It's generally not recommended to place your router next to a window or a mirror, either. WiFi signals can't pass through windows, glass, and mirrors because these materials contain a thin layer of metal that reflects the radio waves back instead of allowing them to pass through.



TagiTagi: wifi signals 
19 grudnia 202319 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In general, the use of signal jammers in schools is illegal. Additionally, it raises concerns about how the school was able to procure them in the first place. Unless the school is situated within a correctional facility, the purchase of signal jammers should not have been permitted. It is important to understand that signal cellphone jammer are subject to rigorous regulations, and the penalties for their usage are significant if one is apprehended.

military jamming

It is probable that your school has imposed limitations on the wifi network, making it inaccessible for non-school devices. In our district, we have established multiple wifi networks. The Mobile Data Network is specifically designated for chromebooks used on campus, while the Staff Network is exclusively reserved for staff members. Furthermore, we have the BYOD network for guests, which can be deactivated by the school administration whenever necessary. Notably, network usage experiences a substantial increase during lunch breaks and passing periods.

It is generally illegal in most states to operate a radio transmitter without a license, unless it falls under the category of low-power type-approved devices within specific frequency bands. Examples of such devices include garage door openers, baby monitors, CB radios in certain countries, and WiFi. Cellular radio bills typically include an annual license fee, which must be paid. Obtaining approval to operate a device designed to cause interference is highly unlikely, as licenses for other devices often contain a clause stating that interference must not be caused. Therefore, if you choose to use a GPS jammers, you would likely be found guilty of operating an unapproved transmitter without a license, and potentially other offenses as well.

It is highly likely that operating a transmitter will result in your location being discovered by someone using a receiver, unless you have a low-power device in close proximity to a GPS receiver that cannot be detected from a distance greater than a few meters.

Some time ago, a Special Forces soldier faced accusations of unlawfully causing the death of an Afghan civilian. The soldier in question had observed the civilian carrying a cell phone and, considering the specific circumstances and environment, as well as other indicators that only experienced soldiers and law enforcement officers can recognize, concluded that the civilian was likely utilizing the cell phone to activate an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). This method of detonating IEDs is commonly employed. Despite the soldier's eventual acquittal during the formal hearings and trials, the unit could have avoided a great deal of time and trouble if they had employed a jammer.

Jammers are available in diverse styles and strengths, yet they share a common crucial feature. Their purpose is to disrupt a specific radio frequency. In essence, an effective jammer can block electronic communications from one or multiple sources, resulting in the prevention of cell phone usage, drone operations, and a wide array of other radio frequency devices.

When it comes to overseas, military, and contracting activities, the use of jammers is far less restrictive and stands as the most optimal means of preventing IED attacks that are triggered using radio frequency. A reliable jammer will successfully impede remote IED detonation, thereby depriving enemies of the anonymity they heavily rely on for their protection. Additionally, jammers will equally prove highly effective in preventing drone attacks or impeding the collection of visual and intelligence information.


18 grudnia 202318 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The attorney general of Oklahoma, who has recently assumed office, is joining forces with other prominent prosecutors across the country to implore Congress to legalize the jamming signal of cellphone signals within state prisons.

military jamming

Attorney General Gentner Drummond pointed out that criminal enterprises can effectively function within prison walls. He stressed the crucial role of equipping law enforcement with the necessary tools to combat this issue, urging Congress to promptly address the problem.

Drummond joined 21 other attorneys general last week in a letter urging Congress to pass ''meaningful" legislation allowing states to jam cellphones at prisons.


In a briefing to congressional leaders on Wednesday, the prosecutors disclosed that inmates are employing contraband cell phones to organize murders, riots, drug transactions, fraud, and a wide range of other illicit activities. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective method to block these cell phones, thereby presenting an ongoing threat to public safety.

Cellphones used to direct drug rings from inside prisons, DOJ says



The U.S. Department of Justice's recent publication of statistics has spurred a renewed push for a change in the law, underscoring the gravity of the situation in Oklahoma.



The U.S. attorney from Oklahoma City, in a news release on Friday, emphasized that state inmates belonging to four distinct criminal organizations managed to obtain contraband cell phones despite being imprisoned. This allowed them to persistently direct their drug trafficking and violent networks by communicating with their associates outside the prison walls.

"Now, 275 dangerous criminals have been held accountable, more than a half-ton of poisonous drugs and 393 firearms have been removed from the streets, and $1.3 million in cash has been taken away from drug traffickers," U.S. Attorney Bob Troester said about the results of the drug prosecutions.

According to the news release, thirty offenders were imprisoned after being caught red-handed in their involvement with drug rings. It is worth mentioning that these individuals were simultaneously overseeing the operations, which were known for their frequent acts of violence, using smuggled cellphones.

Sentenced in December was Eduardo Rosales, a leader of a ring operated by the Southside Locos gang that distributed methamphetamine from Mexico across the state in 2019. Rosales, 37, of Oklahoma City, was already in state prison at the time for drug offenses.



Chance Alan "Wolfhead" Wilson, a resident of Purcell, was sentenced in December for the murder of his sister. While serving his time in state prison, Wilson was found to be running a drug ring. Federal prosecutors have labeled him as a prominent member of the Universal Aryan Brotherhood, a prison gang.

A federal prison sentence of 30 years was imposed on both offenders.

Thousands of cellphones seized from Oklahoma facilities

In a recent announcement, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections disclosed that a staggering 5,247 cellphones were confiscated in state and privately operated correctional facilities throughout the previous year.

"Despite the presence of cellphone-detecting K-9 units and nonstop intelligence-gathering efforts, some phones still manage to get through. That is a reality faced at all levels, from county jails to federal prisons," said Josh Ward, chief of communications.

Court records reveal that guards have engaged in the illegal act of smuggling cellphones into Oklahoma prisons. Moreover, these devices have been illicitly introduced by either being thrown over prison fences or dropped using drones.

Oklahoma authorities have requested novel methods to counter the use of illegal cellphones.



Governor Kevin Stitt, in 2019, expressed the imperative of resolving the technology-related problem through a technological solution. This statement was prompted by a succession of gang-related altercations in six prisons, leading to the enforcement of lockdowns.

The governor's office has revealed that the facilitation of the "premeditated acts of violence" was achieved through illicit communication between inmates utilizing contraband cellphones.

In that very year, Senator James Lankford of the United States advocated for the implementation of jamming technology by states.

"Why don't we change that law?" Lankford asked on the Senate floor. "Great question. A question that should have been answered by this body a long time ago, but communications companies and cellphone company lobbyists overwhelmed this body and pushed back and say, ‘Let's study the issue.'"

He said he repeatedly met with leaders at the Federal Communications Commission in an effort to resolve the issue. "Each year ... they say, 'We're studying it.'"

FCC opposes cellphone jamming, citing safety concerns

The FCC has persistently objected to the utilization of jamming wifi
technology within state prisons, a position it has held for quite some time.

As per the FCC's statement, it leads to a higher number of problems compared to the solutions it offers. Furthermore, it can interfere with mobile 911 calls and public safety communication.

As an active cosponsor, Lankford contributed to the Cellphone Jamming Reform Act in August; however, the bill failed to garner a vote and ultimately perished.

Lankford took to Twitter last week, stating the pressing need for states to be granted jamming authority.



In 2021, the FCC formulated a process wherein prison officials with designated authority can formally ask wireless providers to disable cell signals individually, without the need for a court order.



TagiTagi: violence prisons 
16 grudnia 202316 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

By employing cell phone jammers, one can effectively obstruct the ability of both you and others to establish vital connections with emergency services like 911. Additionally, these devices pose a hazardous risk to public safety communications and can disrupt various other forms of essential daily communication.

Delving into the subject matter, this article elucidates the intricate workings of signal jammers, the legal prohibition surrounding their utilization in the United States, the recommended course of action to tackle interference in authorized communication, and the avenues through which Cellbusters can address any queries or inquiries pertaining to cell phone jammers.

jammer cell phone perfect

How Cell Phone Jammers Work

By emitting a Radio Frequency (RF) signal stronger than the power emitted by the nearest cell phone base station or tower, cell phone jammers effectively disrupt cellular communication. The frequency of this RF signal closely resembles that used by cellular phone carriers, leading to the destabilization of the phone. The jamming primarily affects the downlink signal, causing the signal bars on your phone to disappear when it is being jammed.

By blocking cellular signals, cell phone jammer not only impede regular communication, but also pose a grave threat by overpowering all frequencies, making it impossible to make a 911 emergency call. This is a major concern as it not only inhibits the reception of public safety messages, but also endangers individuals who urgently require mobile communication.

Many countries have outlawed the use of cell phone jammers for several reasons. In the United States, individuals who choose to utilize such devices are knowingly breaking federal law.

Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

The United States, like many other nations, has imposed a ban on the utilization of cell phone jammers in almost every conceivable situation.

The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that federal law strictly forbids the operation, marketing, or sale of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications. This prohibition encompasses cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

The sale, distribution, advertisement, importation, or marketing of wifi jamming device to consumers is illegal in the United States. If someone uses or promotes a jammer within the country, they may be subject to legal penalties.

  • significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

  • seizure of the unlawful equipment

  • criminal sanctions including imprisonment

Usage of jamming equipment is not permitted in residences, businesses, vehicles, or classrooms, without any exemptions. Local law enforcement agencies do not have the authority to independently use jamming equipment. However, federal law enforcement agencies are authorized to employ jamming equipment in certain limited exceptions, as specified by applicable statutes.

While signal jamming is against the law, the use of cell phone detectors is perfectly legal in the United States.

How to Respond When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

Have you been encountering difficulties with your network connection? It is worth considering the possibility of a signal jammer causing interference. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors that can result in poor network connections, and signal jammers are one of them.

  • faulty equipment

  • physical obstructions that block the signal

  • lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies

Prior to initiating an interference complaint through the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, it is advisable to troubleshoot any equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer and service provider. In addition to consulting your owner's manual and reaching out to the company's tech support, conducting an online search for your device/model and the specific issue can prove helpful in identifying or excluding possible causes.




TagiTagi: jammers why illegal 
15 grudnia 202315 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We ought to commend the teacher who deliberately interrupted phone signals within his classroom, recognizing that it is a singular environment where this intervention is warranted.

multifunctional wireless signal blockers

The incident involving teacher Dean Liptak, who is also a former pro-wrestler, facing backlash for his decision to block cell phone signals in his classroom at Fivay High School, was an inappropriate response from both the administrators and, quite frankly, the government.

Without a doubt, his actions were unquestionably illegal. As per the Federal Communications Commission, the deliberate utilization of 'cell jammers' or comparable devices intended to intentionally obstruct, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (such as signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers) is a direct violation of federal law. Moreover, it is important to note that the sale of jammers within the United States is strictly prohibited, although they can still be readily obtained from international sources, provided that the seller remains uncaught. It is crucial to highlight that only government employees are legally permitted to procure such equipment.

Liptak's punishment seems lenient, as he only received a five-day suspension without pay. In contrast, a Florida man who had a jammer in his car for several months was fined a staggering $48,000. It is worth noting that there have been instances where a priest resorted to using a jammer during sermons and even a funeral, allegedly with permission from the police.

Admittedly, the driver, the priest, and the teacher may have exercised questionable judgment when utilizing the jammers, as they inadvertently disrupted more than just their intended locations. However, their actions were driven by good intentions, and it could be contended that Liptak had the most compelling rationale of all: to compel the little troublemakers we affectionately call our future to finally pay heed.

In the days of yore, distractions within the classroom were limited to occurrences such as catching a glimpse of something outside the window (SQUIRREL!), passing folded notes, or perhaps sneaking in a comic book. However, in the present day, a student can partake in all of those activities and a thousand more on a single screen. How can a teacher, regardless of their proficiency, effectively compete with the allure of YouTube, Snapchat, Trivia Crack, or even PornHub? Merely implementing a filter on the local school Wi-Fi network holds no significance for a student who possesses unlimited data from their parents' family plan.

Instead of condemning Liptak, it is imperative for society to seek ways to empower teachers in need of assistance. The FCC and Congress should establish exceptions to the Communications Act of 1934, which serves as the basis for many restrictions on cell jammers. Enterprises should be permitted to explore new avenues for developing easily manageable jamming device.

It is an indisputable fact that there are various scenarios where the careful deployment of jammers with limited and precisely calibrated range would be an excellent decision.


I've been on the wrong end of a couple of cell phone calls at movie theaters in the last few years. Namely, in the middle of a movie, people's phones not only went off, but the idiot in question answered, then proceeded to have a conversation, at normal volume, as if that's perfectly okay, and not grounds for justifiable homicide. (At one of those films-the execrable Land of the Lost, so perhaps I should have been grateful for the distraction-I actually stood up and said to the offender, "Are you kidding me?" I like to think the rest of the audience applauded, but I couldn't hear anything over the hate-blood pounding in my ears.)

Those who attend concerts, have a deep appreciation for Broadway productions, are avid film enthusiasts, and various others would be spared from such impoliteness if theaters made use of jammers that activated as soon as the lights dimmed. Granted, there may be occasional emergencies, doctors on call, or parents who need to ensure the babysitter can contact them, etc. Nevertheless, these individuals should explore alternative options for their night out.


The sign should display: No shorts, No shoes, No phone usage, No service. Customers who fail to place an order with a server because they are engrossed in a phone call should be subject to a 35 percent tip automatically added to their bill. Alternatively, the bistro's signal blocker should disconnect these supposed customers-if their call is truly that significant, they can go outside.

The Workplace

It is widely acknowledged that email and the Internet have become indispensable tools in most office settings. However, the significance of cell phones in the workplace is subject to debate. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, only 24 percent of adults with full- or part-time jobs consider a cell or smartphone as "very important" for accomplishing their work tasks. Moreover, research indicates that 50 percent of employers perceive cell phones as detrimental to workplace productivity.

It is worth noting that there are plenty of locations where using a cell phone can be actively perilous. However, it is highly likely that cell phones are regularly brought onto warehouse or assembly line floors without detection. If employers had the ability to block signals while still permitting emergency calls, it would ensure the absence of any harm or wrongdoing.

At Home

No matter how much parents rely on parental control and monitoring software, it becomes an arduous task to encourage a child (or even the spouse or grandparents) to engage in conversation during family dinner once they have access to a smartphone with a data plan.

Just like how parents have the capability and authority to disable the Wi-Fi connection at home, they should also have the choice to disable the cellular signal if they wish to do so. Attempting to take phones from individuals' hands and putting them in airplane mode is unlikely to be effective, and transforming the entire house into a Faraday cage is an extreme measure that should only be considered by those who are overly paranoid. However, having an in-home cell jammer should be a viable option whenever it is desired or necessary. (Remember to keep that landline, everyone.)

All these illustrations rely on the availability of alternative communication lines during emergencies, or at least on individuals having enough mobility to move outside the range of the signal jammer. Unfortunately, at present, even those with the best intentions cannot utilize the limited technology available without significantly disrupting services beyond the boundaries of their classrooms, theaters, offices, or homes. If you suspect the use of an illegal jammer in your vicinity, please access the FCC online complaint portal or dial 1-888-CALL-FCC (or 1-888-225-5322).

Prior to taking any action, it is important to consider whether you have genuinely encountered any adverse effects, or if perhaps, that hour without cell signal was the most enjoyable hour of your day. Additionally, if your signal is disrupted, it is unlikely that you will be able to place the call anyway.


TagiTagi: need jammer 
14 grudnia 202314 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Have you ever questioned whether there might be undisclosed surveillance cameras in hotels, vacation rentals, or other premises you have visited?

Picturing yourself using your finances to embark on a tranquil vacation, only to later realize that you were being closely monitored every step of the way, is a rather distressing notion.

Unfortunately, this has become a real-life situation for numerous travelers, despite its resemblance to the plot of a newly released horror movie.

The discovery of Hidden Camera Detectors in their Airbnb accommodations has been reported by more than 10% of guests, offering a unique perspective.

Additionally, hidden cameras have been found by people not only in public restrooms, but also in hotel rooms, dressing rooms, and various other settings.

Although hidden cameras are sometimes utilized outdoors to enhance home security, it is essential to be aware that certain individuals may exploit them for malevolent motives, such as prying into your personal life and infringing upon your privacy.

Within the realm of social media, one can observe a plethora of advertisements endorsing gadgets that claim to detect concealed cameras and bugs, which may pose a threat to your privacy in your home, hotel room, or Airbnb. However, their actual usefulness is a subject of inquiry.

Hidden Camera Detectors

The continuous miniaturization and affordability of cameras and listening devices have raised concerns about their potential misuse for intrusive surveillance. These concerns have been amplified by widely publicized news stories, creating a market for anti-spy devices to address this growing fear.

The usual areas where one may come across covertly positioned cameras.

Having knowledge of these customary areas enables a speedier detection of them.

Here are the typical areas where covert cameras are frequently positioned.

Hidden Camera

Electronic Devices

The strategic placement of hidden cameras within telephones, power outlets, and other electronic devices is advantageous due to their constant power requirements. This perpetual power supply allows the hidden camera to function continuously, 24/7.

The retail market for "spy cameras" often features devices equipped with USB ports for convenient charging. This has led to the widespread use of USB-powered items such as memory sticks and phone chargers as common disguises.

Smoke Detectors and Alarms

Concealing a camera within alarm devices, including smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, or similar devices, is a possibility worth considering. It is worth noting that these devices can effectively utilize the alarm's battery as a dependable power supply.

The ceiling's wide lens grants a comprehensive view of the entire room, while its height adds a touch of inaccessibility.


The detection of hidden cameras concealed within mirrors can be achieved by shining light on them from various angles, coupled with the meticulous observation of the mirror's surface when all lights are turned off.

Acting as hidden windows, two-way mirrors effectively obscure any view from one side to the other. By placing a camera lens against the transparent surface, its presence becomes inconspicuous, especially when observed from a distance.

Toilets and Bathrooms

Hidden cameras are strategically deployed for a variety of reasons, such as spying, extortion, and intelligence gathering. Bathrooms, in particular, have become a popular choice for these surreptitious devices, driven by the desire for voyeuristic activities.

The possibility of concealing waterproof cameras inside toilets exists, with the edge of the seat serving as a clever camouflage to obscure the device from an overhead perspective, or by discreetly drilling it into the porcelain material.

Surveillance in bathrooms, whether they are public or private, is illegal under the law. It is essential to report any presence of CCTV cameras, even if they are not hidden within toilets or cubicles, without delay.

Do hidden camera detector apps work?

Hidden camera detector apps serve as a swift method to detect hidden devices, although their accuracy is inferior to that of dedicated radio frequency detectors. Nevertheless, they can be of assistance in identifying infrared lights.

If you possess a night vision camera such as AlfredCam, you can effortlessly assess the app's performance by testing its ability to detect the infrared lights emitted by the device when night vision mode is activated.

Should I call the police if I find a hidden camera?

If you happen to stumble upon a hidden camera or microphone, it is of utmost importance to promptly reach out to the police. In case you are away from your home, it is advisable to notify the hotel administration and/or the booking service you have utilized.

The hidden camera should not be touched as the police will obtain fingerprints upon their arrival. If it is not possible to leave the vicinity immediately, it is recommended to utilize a towel or blanket to cover the device.


TagiTagi: hidden camera 
13 grudnia 202313 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The inclusion of GPS tracking systems has become a standard feature in nearly all newly manufactured cars. This advanced technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of your vehicle, allowing you to track its location in real-time. Statistical forecasts suggest that within the next five years, an overwhelming 98% of vehicles in the United States will be fitted with a GPS tracking system.

Are you considering the purchase of your child's first car and contemplating safety features such as GPS tracking? The endeavor of car shopping becomes even more challenging when it involves buying your teenager's initial vehicle. After all, you are entrusting the safety of your beloved child on the road.

In my personal opinion, GPS tracking is an indispensable characteristic for any car. When assisting my brother in the selection of my niece's first vehicle, I ensured that he opted for one equipped with an integrated GPS tracking system. This allows him to effortlessly monitor his cherished daughter.

jammer phone


GPS Tracking In Cars

We are all well-acquainted with the concept of GPS tracking, be it in the context of our mobile devices or our cars. GPS has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.

What Exactly Is GPS Tracking?

The Global Positioning System, abbreviated as GPS, facilitates the remote monitoring of an object's location. With the aid of GPS technology, one can precisely track the longitude, latitude, course of direction, and ground speed of a target.

Discover comprehensive insights into GPS Tracking by exploring WhatIs, an authoritative reference and self-education website focused on Information Technology (IT).

How Do GPS Tracking Devices Work?

Recognizing the mechanics behind GPS is as essential as understanding its concept. According to National Geographic, GPS operates by means of a constellation consisting of 24 satellites that meticulously encircle the Earth in a specific orbit.

GPS receivers, such as those found in phones or cars, are programmed to receive signals from satellites continuously. Through the measurement of signal travel time from a minimum of three satellites, the GPS receiver is able to accurately establish its own location. This process is commonly referred to as trilateration.

Do All New Cars Have GPS Tracking Devices?

The Zebra, an insurance company, has revealed that there are around 78 million cars in the United States that possess a built-in GPS tracking system. It is projected that within the next five years, an estimated 98% of cars in the country will be equipped with GPS trackers. However, it is important to note that the installation of GPS trackers in vehicles is not currently enforced by law in the United States.

The logistics software company, Transfinder, has officially stated that GPS navigation for personal vehicles was introduced in 2001. Consequently, it can be inferred that vehicles manufactured prior to this year may not come equipped with built-in GPS navigation. Noteworthy car brands such as Nissan, Hyundai, and Ford provide factory-installed GPS navigation systems.

What Is The Best Place To Hide GPS In Your Car?

If the car you're getting for your child doesn't have a GPS built-in and you're opting you get one for them, then you need to know the best place to install the GPS device. Here are the best places to hide a GPS device in your teen's car:

  • When it comes to hiding a GPS tracking device, the undercarriage of a car proves to be an excellent choice. This is primarily due to the magnetic mount feature present in most GPS devices, allowing for a secure and worry-free attachment to the metallic part of the vehicle. I have personally assisted a friend in the installation of a GPS using this method.

  • For installing a GPS device in your teenager's car, consider the front or rear bumper as a prime location, with The Bumper being a notable option. While it is possible to remove the bumper for installation, in the majority of cases, securely affixing the GPS to the car's bumper using velcro is a reliable alternative.

  • Installing a GPS device inside the dashboard, below the steering wheel, offers a discreet solution. While the installation process may pose some difficulties, this hidden placement ensures that it remains inconspicuous, making it less vulnerable to removal by thieves or curious teenagers, like my niece.

How To Find Hidden GPS Device On Your Car?

Although GPS navigation is beneficial in ensuring the safety of you, your teenager, and your vehicle, it can also be misused by criminals to track your or your teenager's car. To understand the laws in your state regarding the installation of a tracker on your vehicle, you can consult the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Generally, though, it's illegal in the U.S. for someone to install a tracker on someone else's vehicle without their consent. If you have suspicions about someone tracking your vehicle, here's how to find a hidden GPS device in your car:

  • A comprehensive examination of both the interior and exterior of your vehicle is crucial when searching for a GPS device. Thoroughly inspecting areas like the undercarriage, dashboard, inside the bumpers, and even under the hood is highly recommended. It is worth mentioning that these very same areas are often utilized by criminals to conceal GPS devices.

  • To avoid the inconvenience of conducting a physical inspection, employing a GPS detector is a prudent choice. A valuable article by GPS Tracker Shop delves into the intricacies of a GPS scanner and its operational mechanisms. This efficient tool can swiftly detect GPS devices, even if they were missed during a physical inspection.

  • If you desire a thorough examination, it is prudent to consult a skilled mechanic who can assist in identifying any concealed GPS devices within your vehicle.

Can Remove Or Block GPS Tracking On A New Car?

If you happen to find a hidden GPS tracker in your car or your teenager's car, it can be removed. However, if your car is equipped with a built-in GPS system, removing it won't be an option. Nonetheless, you can effectively block GPS signals by using a GPS blocker. Take a look at the selection of GPS jammers available at the signal jammers Store.

If you wish to disable the GPS device, another option is to extract its battery. In case this method proves unsuccessful, it is recommended to consult a qualified mechanic who can perform the removal for you.



TagiTagi: cars 
12 grudnia 202312 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The FCC has reported that the store owner proposed selling the signal jammers to the agent. Despite this, the agent politely declined the offer and proceeded to issue a Notice of Unlicensed Radio Operation, clearly stating the illegal nature of signal jammer operation.

Despite their illegality, a Dallas store owner took the unconventional route of utilizing cellular signal jammers. The underlying purpose behind this decision was to discourage her employees from wasting valuable time on their phones.

The recent FCC report underscores the intricate landscape of deliberate cellular interference, revealing the widespread use of commonly accessible cellphone jammers.

phone jammer illegally blocked

The FCC's report reveals that a complaint was filed by an AT&T employee with the commission, raising concerns about the potential use of a phone jammer near Ravi's Import Warehouse in Dallas. The website of this vast store emphasizes its wide array of affordable goods.

The complaint prompted the FCC, the US government agency responsible for allocating and managing the nation's airwaves, to launch an investigation.


As per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), after reaching the company's premises, their agent had a conversation with Anita Bhatia, who claimed ownership of Ravi's. The FCC's official statement indicates that Bhatia admitted to the agent that Ravi's employed a signal jammer as a means of prohibiting its employees from using mobile phones during their work hours.



In 2019, Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, pursued the passage of a bill that would have enabled state and federal penitentiaries to employ jamming devices. Unfortunately, his efforts did not succeed.



As per a recent report by ABC, the primary trade association of the US wireless industry continues to oppose the utilization of cellular signal jammers in prisons. CTIA, the association responsible, highlights the necessity for a multi-faceted and collaborative strategy to address the challenge of contraband phones. CTIA recognizes the seriousness of the issue and actively advocates for the implementation of solutions such as Managed Access Systems, which intercept calls originating from unauthorized phones while safeguarding lawful communications. The industry has made substantial commitments in terms of resources and funding to assist corrections officials in combating this problem and maintains ongoing cooperation with policymakers at all levels of government to ensure the adoption of effective solutions.

The subject of signal jammers is a matter of worldwide concern, and it should be noted that not all jammers are intended for malicious purposes. A case in point is a recent incident highlighted by ZDNet, where a father in France employed a signal jammer to restrict his children's access to social media during nighttime. However, this well-intentioned action unintentionally resulted in the disruption of internet connectivity for the entire town.




TagiTagi: illegally blocked 
11 grudnia 202311 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) is currently developing an innovative approach to detect unauthorized cell phones within its prison system in Columbia, S.C. (WIS).

military jamming

On Thursday, an announcement was made regarding a pioneering cellphone tracking trial, which followed the arrest and charging of two SCDC officers involved in a substantial contraband seizure at the Broad River Correctional Institution on July 1st.

Alexis Simone Tucker, a 27-year-old individual residing in Columbia, has been formally charged with multiple serious offenses. These include trafficking methamphetamines weighing 400 grams or more, trafficking cocaine exceeding 200 grams, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, providing contraband to prisoners, misconduct in office, and involvement in a drug conspiracy.

The prison authorities discovered that Tucker had managed to bring in various illicit packages by concealing them within a work bag clearly marked with the SCDC label.

Jorge L. Romero Navarro, a 46-year-old resident of Columbia, is facing charges of misconduct in office and drug conspiracy.

Navarro was arrested in connection with Tucker because it was alleged that he purposefully averted his gaze when Tucker brought illegal goods into the prison.

In its statement, the SCDC disclosed that the total contraband seized encompassed 3,249 grams of marijuana, 1,485 grams of tobacco, 982 cigar wraps, 605 grams of methamphetamine, 217 grams of cocaine, 27 cellphones, chargers, game controllers, air pods, and various other prohibited items.

SCDC Director Bryan Stirling emphasized the extensive surveillance system in place, with an abundance of cameras scattered throughout various locations. This vast network enables us to closely monitor and comprehend ongoing activities.

WIS was informed by Stirling about his disappointment regarding the engagement of his staff in criminal activities. However, the interception on Saturday served as a powerful reminder of the vital role cell phone jammer play within state prisons.

Stirling highlights that signal jamming wifi has been a matter of extensive discourse at the national level for almost two decades. This strategy primarily aims to disrupt cellphone coverage within prisons, thereby preventing inmates from engaging in illegal activities facilitated by contraband phones.

Despite extensive talks spanning two decades, the United States maintains its prohibition on the use of technology that blocks mobile calls.

However, during this interim period, we successfully negotiated with the industry to enable the deactivation of these phones. It is important to emphasize that this is not signal jamming and it will not immediately shut down the phone. Instead, its purpose is to assist us in identifying the phones, as highlighted by Stirling.

This summer, SCDC is poised to revolutionize the correctional system by being the first to adopt an innovative method for locating cell phones used by inmates.

Stirling informed WIS that the test will utilize mobile device identification to trace illegal calls made from within the prison premises.

The interception of mobile IDs will grant SCDC the authority to remotely shut down the device by initiating communication with the service provider.

Once our testing is finalized, we will proceed to the FCC and present our operational product, urging them to grant us the necessary permissions. With the allocated funds, we will then endeavor to implement this solution across all correctional facilities. If our efforts prove fruitful, we will approach the legislature to emphasize the need for widespread adoption.

As of now, the information available indicates that cell phones are fetching a price of roughly $6,000 within the confines of a prison.

Stirling's strategy involves shutting down a significant number of phones in order to artificially inflate the price to unrealistic levels.

Stirling's final remarks emphasized the potential decrease in criminal incidents if cell phones were turned off. This measure would have a substantial impact on curbing various crimes, both within prisons and in the surrounding areas. Drug dealing, violence, and other related activities would witness a significant slowdown. It is worth noting that events occurring within prison boundaries often have far-reaching consequences.

The SCDC is not at liberty to disclose the specific timeframe for the test's initiation or conclusion.

Officials have reported that Tucker and Navarro were held at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, but they have now been released.

In case you come across any spelling or grammar errors in this article, please report them by clicking or tapping here, and don't forget to mention the headline.

TagiTagi: state prison system 
08 grudnia 202308 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

To ascertain the capability of a mobile phone signal jammer to offer complete wall-to-wall shielding, it is imperative to examine different circumstances.

Take a moment to examine the mobile phone signal shielding device itself. This device emits a radio frequency signal that is specifically targeted at mobile phone signals. As this signal encounters obstacles in its transmission path, it undergoes attenuation. The degree of attenuation varies depending on the nature of the obstacles it encounters. For example, when faced with an entire steel-concrete wall or a brick-concrete wall, as well as a reinforced concrete wall followed by two consecutive brick-concrete walls, the signal is capable of effectively blocking small and medium-power mobile phone signals. The radio frequency signal emitted by the device is attenuated, thereby preventing the shielded mobile phone signal from penetrating through the wall. It is important to note that the shielded mobile phone signal, being a wireless signal, lacks the ability to pass through obstacles and reflect.

Mobile phone signals can be blocked to different extents depending on the type of wall material used. For instance, walls made of light steel keel gypsum board or glass, as well as wooden doors, offer lower levels of attenuation. Additionally, even when the mobile phone signal is blocked, it can still affect the space behind the wall through open doors and windows or by reflecting and refracting off the wall, creating a false perception of the signal-blocking device having the ability to penetrate.

A signal jammer with a protective metal casing.

Does the utilization of a metal casing enhance the performance of this signal jammer?

Initially, let's delve into the advantages offered by this specific signal jammer.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

With its simple yet effective structure, the aluminum profile excels in dissipating heat. Widely recognized as the preferred material for heat dissipation, it boasts remarkable performance in this aspect. Additionally, the heat dissipation teeth of the profile can be customized into diverse shapes, enabling seamless integration as the protective shell of a signal jammers. This not only adds to the product's visual appeal but also highlights the meticulous craftsmanship involved.

The affordability of aluminum profiles stems from their high production volume and extensive usability. This, in turn, significantly diminishes the material expenses involved in manufacturing signal jammers. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity for a dedicated housing, thereby reducing costs even further.

Next, we shall discuss the negative aspects of signal jammers that come with metal casings.

The product's unappealing appearance stems from its metal casing and the direct screwing of external antennas onto its body. To ensure comprehensive signal blocking for 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and WIFI, a mobile phone jammer requires a minimum of 10-12 frequency bands, which translates to the need for 10-12 antennas. Consequently, the device takes on the resemblance of a hedgehog, devoid of any aesthetic charm.

The metal casing, functioning as a radiator, is designed to dissipate a substantial amount of heat generated by the signal shield during extended operation. Consequently, the temperature of the casing rises rapidly, and at times, the surface temperature can even reach 60-70 degrees. It is crucial to refrain from direct contact with your hands to prevent the possibility of burns.

Using a mobile phone signal jammer through walls is not recommended, whether it is a high-power or small-to-medium-power device. The main reason behind this is the lack of guaranteed shielding effect. Therefore, it is advisable to install the mobile phone signal blocking device in a location where the need to block mobile phone signals arises, rather than relying on its usage through walls.



TagiTagi: wall block 
07 grudnia 202307 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In connection with the recent scandal in South Korea, two men have been taken into custody while another pair is being probed. A significant number of concealed cameras were unearthed inside digital TV boxes, wall sockets, and hairdryer holders.

Hidden cameras were allegedly found by a tourist staying at an Airbnb in Miami.

Hidden Camera Detectors

Upon his arrival at the two-bedroom apartment he had rented, Max Vest stumbled upon two inconspicuous devices discreetly plugged into electrical outlets. One of these devices was cunningly concealed beneath a large mirror, while the other remained hidden beneath an air freshener. It was later confirmed by the police that these devices were, in fact, covert cameras.

Law enforcement authorities have apprehended an Airbnb host who was found guilty of surreptitiously filming over 2,000 tourists.

In November 2021, Jay Allee was first taken into custody when the authorities were notified by a guest at his San Antonio rental regarding a power adapter that was camouflaged as a camera. The local police later confirmed the device to be a camera.

A man has been formally charged with the offense of secretly installing a covert camera within the confines of a restroom at a Starbucks coffee shop.

Do you find this familiar?

Visualize this scene: You've just entered your assigned hotel room, with the belief that it offers complete seclusion, only to be confronted with the unsettling presence of a covert camera clandestinely observing you from an inconspicuous location.

Picture a scenario where you unintentionally book an Airbnb rental that is equipped with covert cameras, silently documenting your every movement without your knowledge. Alternatively, consider the unsettling possibility of your most intimate moments being surreptitiously recorded through hidden cameras in locker rooms or public restrooms, leaving you exposed and susceptible.

Within our contemporary society, there is an ever-present concern regarding unauthorized surveillance, harassment, or coercion. Nevertheless, you now have the means to remain a step ahead!

Learn techniques to alleviate feelings of vulnerability.

In the event that you have ever felt anxious about the possibility of being surreptitiously monitored by concealed cameras, resulting in a compromised sense of security, you can now find comfort in the fact that you can let out a sigh of relief.

With the ultimate hidden camera detector, you can bid farewell to the troubles and uncertainties of detecting concealed cameras, allowing you to regain a sense of safety.

Just press, search, and enjoy a moment of relaxation!

Exercise vigilance! They have the ability to appear in various places.

Spy cameras, also known as hidden cameras, can be discreetly installed in various surroundings. Some of these devices are so tiny that they remain invisible to the naked eye. By surreptitiously infiltrating your personal space, they expose your private moments without your awareness, thereby subjecting you to the risks of blackmail, fraud, or even more severe repercussions.

With 8th Street Hidden Camera Detectors, you can experience unparalleled security, shielding your personal space and providing you with unparalleled peace of mind.

Refrain from being the next casualty.

Out of the 2,000 Airbnb guests who participated in a survey, a noteworthy 1,400 respondents voiced their worries about the potential existence of hidden cameras within their rented lodgings.

The prevalence of hidden cameras is far greater than most people realize. Esteemed publications like The New York Times, Washington Post, and BBC have extensively covered this issue, bringing it to public attention. It is disconcerting to think that any hotel, Airbnb, or restroom could potentially house a covertly installed spy camera without your knowledge.


TagiTagi: while staying 
06 grudnia 202306 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Individuals who have undergone extensive examinations are well-acquainted with this phenomenon, as it is frequently mentioned prior to the exam that mobile phone signal jammers might be deployed within the examination venue. In certain instances, the examination rooms themselves explicitly notify candidates through the integrated speakers, ensuring that they are aware of the presence of mobile phone signal jammers within the examination premises.

The primary purpose of a mobile phone signal jammer is to disrupt or block the transmission of signals between mobile devices and cellular towers.

Mobile phone signal jammers are employed to disrupt mobile phone calls and network transmission within a specific vicinity. Typically, these devices find application at college entrance examination venues to deter certain students from surreptitiously carrying advanced electronic gadgets into the examination room for cheating purposes. However, it should be noted that the primary objective of a cell phone signal jammer extends beyond this particular scenario.

To guarantee the security of crucial locations and positions, numerous confidential establishments will deploy mobile phone signal jammers in select sensitive areas, adhering to pertinent management regulations and requirements. These jammers effectively disrupt the transmission and reception of mobile phone signals, including 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and other signals, within a specific range. Consequently, communication connections and data transmission become unattainable, effectively enforcing a mandatory ban.

Mobile phone signal jammers possess the capability to obstruct mobile phone signals. These devices are commonly employed in examination rooms to deter candidates from engaging in cheating activities. Due to their remarkable shielding effectiveness, mobile phone signal jammers have raised concerns among individuals regarding their potential impact on base station signals within the vicinity or surrounding communities.

A mobile phone signal blocker operates by emitting targeted signals to disrupt, obstruct, or impede the connection between a mobile phone and the base station. As a result, the mobile phone is unable to receive any signal or access network services. Additionally, the text messages transmitted and received by the mobile phone will be distorted, rendering the original content unrecognizable.

An installation plan for the outdoor signal jammer is being devised.

In order to install the signal jammer outdoors, it is crucial to implement waterproofing and lightning protection measures. It is generally advised to opt for a dedicated installation box designed specifically for signal jammers. This installation box is constructed using flame-retardant plastic and can be extended with additional meters on both sides. It features a window-type ventilation position to enhance heat dissipation. The antenna of the mobile phone jammer protrudes from the top of the box through a sealed hole using hot melt glue. At the bottom of the box, there are power input holes and diversion holes to prevent water accumulation.

8 Bands Jammer

The signal jammer's host is positioned at the top of the box, while the antenna protrudes from it. It is crucial for the antenna to extend out of the box to maintain the optimal shielding effect. As for the power adapter, it should be placed in the lower and middle section of the box.

It is imperative to implement lightning protection measures when installing the signal jammer (along with the installation box) outdoors, for instance, on the exterior wall of a building. This precaution becomes even more crucial in areas prone to thunderstorms. Extra attention should be given to ensure safety in such circumstances.

The installation of a lightning rod on the shield is the actual measure taken for lightning protection. In case a ready-made lightning rod is not available for purchase, one can create their own lightning rod using the following method.

You have the option to select 3-4 steel bars ranging from 5-10mm in diameter and 50cm in length. One end of each bar is sharpened to resemble a needle, while the other end is welded together to create a "Y" shape. The welded end is then connected to a steel bar with a diameter of 2-3mm. The ground, where the iron wire is protected by PVC pipes, is connected to one end of the iron wire. This iron wire is further connected to an iron strip. Typically, the iron strip measures around 50-100cm in length and 2-5cm in width, and is driven deep into the ground. In case iron strips are not readily available, you can substitute them with 10mm steel bars.

It is imperative to install the lightning rod at a height of 30-50cm above the antenna of the mobile phone signal jammer. To avoid any interference, it is crucial that the lightning rod, including the grounded steel wire, does not come into contact with either the mobile phone jammer or the installation box. The appropriate distance between them should be maintained.


TagiTagi: base station signal 
05 grudnia 202305 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In our contemporary interconnected world, the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has become an inseparable component of our daily existence. From the navigation systems installed in vehicles to the location-based services accessible on our smartphones, GPS plays a pivotal role in furnishing accurate positioning information. However, there might be instances where individuals or organizations endeavor to hinder GPS signals for various purposes. This article will explore five techniques to obstruct GPS signals in 2023, which include the deployment of GPS jammers.

multifunctional wireless signal blockers

GPS jammers refer to electronic devices specifically designed to disrupt or hinder GPS signals by transmitting radio frequency signals on the same frequency band utilized by GPS satellites. By emitting a powerful signal, these signal jammers overpower the weaker GPS signals, thereby impeding GPS receivers from accurately locking onto the satellite signals. The compact and portable nature of GPS jammers makes them a popular choice for individuals seeking to temporarily block GPS signals within a localized area.

It should be emphasized that the use of GPS jammers is illegal in most countries, including the United States, due to the potential risks involved. GPS jammers have the ability to interfere with critical systems such as aviation navigation, emergency services, and the proper functioning of authorized GPS users. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to employ GPS jammers except in authorized and controlled environments, such as military or law enforcement operations.

Faraday cages are metallic enclosures that are designed to block external electromagnetic fields. These cages create a shield of conductive material, such as copper or aluminum, which prevents electromagnetic signals, including GPS signals, from entering or leaving the enclosed space. While Faraday cages are commonly used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from interference, they can also be used to effectively block GPS signals when they are designed properly.

If you want to block GPS signals, you can create a Faraday cage by enclosing the desired area with conductive material. It is crucial to make sure that there are no gaps or openings that would allow signals to penetrate. However, constructing a Faraday cage for everyday use is usually not feasible due to the significant planning and construction efforts required.

Unlike blocking GPS signals, signal spoofing involves the creation of counterfeit GPS signals to deceive GPS receivers. This method entails transmitting fabricated GPS signals that contain incorrect positioning information, causing receivers to compute inaccurate location data.

Specialized software-defined radios (SDRs) can be utilized to carry out signal spoofing, generating deceptive GPS signals. However, it is important to note that signal spoofing, similar to GPS jammers, is considered illegal in most jurisdictions. This is primarily due to the potential risks it poses to safety-critical systems and the significant disruptions it can cause.

Within controlled environments such as secure facilities or military installations, geofencing techniques can be implemented to control or prevent GPS signals from functioning within defined areas. Geofencing involves the creation of a virtual boundary using GPS coordinates, which in turn triggers specific responses when a GPS receiver enters or exits the designated zone. By integrating geofencing technologies with GPS receivers, it becomes possible to effectively limit or filter out GPS signals within specific zones.

Although geofencing and signal filtering techniques may prove effective in specific scenarios, they are not practical solutions for general use cases that necessitate GPS signals for navigation or location-based services.

The best and most responsible approach to addressing GPS signal concerns is through legal regulations and enforcement. Governments and regulatory bodies have a vital role to play in safeguarding the integrity of GPS systems and ensuring the safety and functionality of critical applications.

By rigorously enforcing the existing laws governing the utilization of GPS jammers and signal spoofing devices, as well as conducting public awareness campaigns to educate individuals about the hazards associated with interfering with GPS signals, we can effectively discourage unauthorized and irresponsible usage. Moreover, ongoing research and development endeavors can play a pivotal role in enhancing GPS security, bolstering its resilience against signal disruptions.

While the notion of obstructing GPS signals may capture the interest of a few, it is crucial to realize the potential dangers and legal implications associated with such actions. GPS technology has revolutionized numerous fields and significantly enhanced our daily routines. It is essential to give priority to responsible usage and explore alternative solutions for addressing concerns, such as legal guidelines, technological advancements, and public education, to ensure the continued reliability and functionality of GPS systems.


TagiTagi: block gps signals 
04 grudnia 202304 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Russian vehicles have been equipped with homemade drone-jammer, as reported. In a retaliatory move, the Ukrainians have been employing drones to destroy these jammers.

Ukrainian drones have instilled a sense of fear among Russian marines, and rightfully so. Russian troops are employing various tactics to bring down, neutralize and deflect these dangerous drones.

handheld wifi bluetooth signal blockers device

While improvisation can yield positive results, it is not a foolproof method. It has become increasingly evident that Russian military personnel are equipping their tanks and combat vehicles with small RP-377 radio-jammers, which are designed to impede the signals that trigger radio-controlled roadside bombs, with the aim of obstructing the signals that govern high-speed first-person-view drones.

It is becoming more and more evident that RP-377 is not effective against FPV drones. Social media is filled with darkly-ironic videos that depict Ukrainian drones destroying Russian vehicles that have do-it-yourself drone-jammers installed.

Thematically, the videos exhibit similarities to those illustrating Ukrainian forces obliterating Russian GPS-jammers by means of GPS-guided bombs, as you might have surmised.

A Russian naval infantry brigade, either the 155th or 40th Brigade, faces a challenge with drones, as evidenced by an ungraceful T-80BVM tank. The tank has been outfitted with do-it-yourself cage armor that could hinder the turret's rotation, but it may also provide some safeguard against explosive drones.

Adding to the tank's peculiarity is the RP-377 radio-jammer, which is securely mounted on its rearmost cage armor. Crafted by the Kremlin, this portable jammer
was designed to interfere with enemy communications and provide protection to infantry and vehicles against improvised explosive devices.

The utilization of IEDs presents a major obstacle in Russia's irregular warfare endeavors, particularly in conflict zones like Syria. Conversely, in Ukraine, where the majority of the fighting involves regular forces, the prominence of IEDs is considerably lower.

On the Ukraine front line, more and more Russian vehicles are being equipped with RP-377s attached to their hulls. The purpose of these jammers is unlikely to be the prevention of IEDs. It appears that the Russians are banking on the RP-377s to take down drones.

Radio-jamming poses an equal threat to both remote IEDs and drones in principle. The Russian troops deployed in the Eastern Military District conducted tests in 2020 and reported that their RP-377s played a crucial role in suppressing unmanned aerial vehicles.

It is worth noting that a significant number of drones are equipped with frequency-hopping controls or autopilots, which effectively neutralize the adverse effects of radio-jamming. As a result, there have been numerous instances where drone strikes have successfully targeted vehicles that were equipped with add-on RP-377s.

An ironic incident occurred a few weeks ago when a Ukrainian FPV drone collided with a Russian BMP fighting vehicle that had an RP-377 installed on it.


TagiTagi: vehicles 
02 grudnia 202302 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In response to the grave danger posed by pursuing explosive drones, Russia seems to be implementing jamming technology on its tanks as a defensive measure.

On August 2, 2022, DJI Matrice 300 reconnaissance drones were observed conducting test flights in the vicinity of Kyiv. These drones were being prepared for deployment to the front line. The test flights were captured in a photograph taken by SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP and depict the advanced capabilities of these drones.

handheld wifi bluetooth signal blockers device

SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images captured the test flights of DJI Matrice 300 reconnaissance drones near Kyiv on August 2, 2022, before they were sent to the front line for deployment.

The visual evidence suggests that Russia is outfitting its tanks and vehicles with jammers designed to disrupt the operation of Ukraine's drones.

The signal jammers are showcased in a video advertisement, while Russian Telegram channels rally together to raise funds for procuring more of these devices for the Russian troops.

Both parties engaged in the Ukrainian war are making concerted efforts to address the challenge presented by drone technology.

Russia seems to be taking measures against the persistent risk of drones exploding by installing cell phone jammer
on its tanks and vehicles.

This maneuver serves as the most recent illustration of electronic warfare tactics employed on the battlefield. Both sides are now escalating their defensive strategies to shield their troops from the ever-increasing threat posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These UAVs pose a significant danger as they relentlessly track and attack main battle tanks, armored vehicles, supply trucks, infantry squads, and even individual soldiers.

This week, a camouflaged tank equipped with a GPS jammers on its roof screen was featured in a photo shared on a Russian Telegram channel. The tank also had a cage designed to shield against first-person view (FPV) drone attacks.

The cone-shaped system has been identified by observers as a Volnorez C-UAS EW jammer. This particular channel had previously posted several pictures showcasing the unboxing and installation of the same drone jammer system on different vehicles, including tanks and pickup trucks.

In addition, a video was shared to promote the system, shedding light on its production process and demonstrating its ability to effectively neutralize Ukrainian drones. It has been reported that Russian Telegram channels have initiated crowdfunding efforts to procure more jammers for utilization by Russian units.

The decision of Russia to equip vehicles with jammers highlights their growing apprehension about the threat of FPV drone attacks. However, the effectiveness of these systems and the number of jammers in use remain uncertain. In the past, tank and armored crews have been seen welding cages onto their vehicles as a crude defense.

Nevertheless, while armed forces strive to implement electronic warfare defenses, both adversaries in the conflict have been actively pursuing the development of jamming-resistant drones. Such cutting-edge technologies may compel apprehensive vehicle crews to explore alternative resolutions.

TagiTagi: jamming 
01 grudnia 202301 grudnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The field of drone technology is rapidly advancing and presents numerous possibilities across various sectors, such as military operations, public safety initiatives, logistics, and home services. The key attribute of drone technology lies in its ability to operate independently and execute assigned tasks without manual intervention. Additionally, drones offer significant benefits in terms of adaptability and intelligence, as they can automatically adjust to different environments, evade obstacles, and accomplish tasks with flexibility. 

By combining uav jammer and counter-gun technology, the UAV counter-gun system follows a technical principle that enables remote control and counter-gun attacks. This innovative technology allows for customization based on mission objectives, facilitating precise countermeasure gun shooting against specific targets. Furthermore, the UAV countermeasure gun utilizes the UAV's flexibility and intelligence to automatically adapt to different environmental conditions, ensuring precise targeting and effective crime prevention.

Drone countermeasure gun technology holds immense potential across various sectors, particularly in public safety and military arenas. Within the realm of public security, drones can be utilized to conduct thorough investigations of crime scenes, monitor law enforcement operations, swiftly identify criminal suspects, enhance police efficiency, prevent crimes, and curtail their proliferation. In the military sphere, the integration of UAV counter-gun technology can greatly enhance combat effectiveness by facilitating timely detection of enemy forces and accurate implementation of counter-gun shooting, thereby reducing the toll of war.

The emergence of UAV countermeasure gun technology has opened up a vast array of possibilities. Its potential to effectively combat crime, reduce gun-related incidents, and enhance public safety is undeniable. Furthermore, in military operations, the utilization of UAV countermeasure guns can greatly improve combat efficiency, effectiveness, and bolster anti-terrorism endeavors. As technology progresses, drone countermeasure gun technology will undoubtedly make significant strides, offering society and the military even more substantial benefits.

An electromagnetic interference device that resembles a gun is known as a drone countermeasure gun

An event site was unexpectedly invaded by an enigmatic drone, resulting in a substantial disruption to the game's progress. Shortly thereafter, my gaze fell upon a newly introduced apparatus - a silver-gray drone countermeasure gun, measuring around one meter in length, designed to swiftly incapacitate the adversary with a single shot.

The drone remained intact as it gently touched down on the ground. The fundamental principle behind this weapon lies in emitting electromagnetic interference waves spanning from 2.4GHz to 5.8GHz, which effectively disrupts the communication link between the remote control jamming device and the drone. This approach proves highly effective since the majority of drone remote controls operate within this frequency range.

With a range of 1,000 meters, the activated UAV countermeasure gun can effectively manipulate long-distance low-altitude UAVs within the specified "control area". It can compel these UAVs to either descend, return to the operator, or smoothly descend in a short span of time, ensuring efficient control over their flight.

TagiTagi: drone 
30 listopada 202330 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell-jamming technology is being employed by the suspects involved in the break-in to effectively elude surveillance cameras and prevent their activities from being recorded.

Devices are utilized in cell-jamming to impede the transmission of radio or wireless signals

CMPD has reported that burglars have managed to outsmart surveillance cameras during certain instances of home break-ins by utilizing advanced technology.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

Cell-jamming, also known as signal interference, occurs when an individual utilizes a device to disrupt radio or wireless transmissions.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, the deliberate use of a phone-jammer, GPS blocker, or any other signal jamming device to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is considered a violation of federal law. It is important to note that there are no exceptions for using such devices within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.

The act of Cell-jamming could be carried out by a device positioned at a distance of approximately 30 feet from the intended target, or by utilizing home cameras.

In a south Charlotte neighborhood, a video has surfaced showing a suspect stealthily navigating through a yard after dark. It is worth mentioning, though, that not all incidents have been documented on camera.

Prompt: Paraphrase the given text

As per John Shocknesse, VP of Customer Operations for CPI Security, wireless devices are prone to interference, and people will always attempt to disrupt their communication, regardless of the network they are on.

In a matter of seconds, a person can be caught on camera, but with the aid of cell-jamming, all it takes is one swift action, such as flipping a switch or pressing a button, to make them disappear or leave no trace behind.

CMPD has highlighted that this matter has arisen in a number of home break-ins in the southern area of Charlotte.

Shocknesse confirmed that they have not come across any instances of the mentioned activity. They are fully cognizant of this matter and are ensuring that they possess the finest and most up-to-date technology, which they believe to be of utmost significance.

WBTV sought his opinion on which electronic devices are more susceptible to cell-jamming.

Shocknesse believes that the issue of encryption arises in wireless devices that are significantly older.

As per his statement, the more recent security and surveillance systems have embraced improved technology, such as encryption, leading to increased levels of security.

Shocknesse stressed the crucial role of cameras and onboard recording, stating that it is imperative to have them. The cameras are installed with memory devices, which guarantees that even if there are any problems, the footage of the incident is still being recorded and can be submitted to the police department.

Additionally, he stressed that the most efficient way to prevent cell-jamming is to use up-to-date technology with encryption and to opt for a wired device instead of Wi-Fi, as an addition to his previous recommendation.

When it comes to thwarting home break-ins, it is important to remember that simple precautions can go a long way. This includes maintaining sufficient lighting, activating alarm systems, and ensuring that bushes are trimmed to a maximum height of three feet.



TagiTagi: cell jamming technology 
29 listopada 202329 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In today's society, mobile phones have become an indispensable tool for individuals. However, their usage within conference rooms often poses serious challenges, such as interrupting the meeting's flow and distracting other participants. Hence, the implementation of a mobile phone signal jammer serves as an effective solution to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted meeting.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

The implementation of cell phone signal jammers within the conference room proves to be highly effective in obstructing cell phone signals. This, in turn, ensures that mobile phones do not disrupt the smooth flow of meetings. By prohibiting the use of mobile phones, participants are able to fully engage in the meeting without any distractions. Moreover, this measure also serves as a protective measure, safeguarding the personal privacy of attendees and preventing any unauthorized access to sensitive meeting information.

Moreover, the mobile phone jammer exhibits a remarkable ability to shield signals and provide extensive coverage. Its range extends to cover the entirety of the conference room, ensuring that the meeting remains unaffected by external factors. Furthermore, its advanced technology ensures an outstanding signal shielding performance, guaranteeing that mobile phones do not interfere with the proceedings.

Moreover, cell phone gsm jammer boast a user-friendly nature. Their operation is simple and easily understandable, making them accessible to all users regardless of technical knowledge. By effortlessly installing the device in the conference room, it becomes instantly operational. Hence, the presence of specialized technicians is unnecessary for its operation.

The utilization of mobile phone signal jammers within conference rooms is limited to a particular range.

The mobile phone signal jammer, despite its moniker, does not impede the signal as a typical jammer would. Instead, it functions akin to a signal jammer.

The signal tower serves as the intermediary for the transmission between mobile phones, following the path of mobile phone-signal tower-mobile phone. However, when a signal jammer disrupts the connection path between the mobile phone and the signal tower, the transmission is impeded. It is important to note that the signal tower remains unaffected by this interference. As mobile phones are shared within a particular area, it is common to encounter situations where the normal usage of mobile phone signals is hindered, even outside of conference rooms.

It is important to understand that conference room cell phone signal jammers do not offer a complete solution.

Presently, cell phone signal jammers in the market can limit cell phone signals from a distance of 1640ft 5in meters from the transmitting station and a radius greater than 65ft 7in. The shielding radius is adaptable. It only obstructs mobile phone signals and does not influence other electronic devices. Hence, if you are encountering weak mobile phone signal even when you are not near the examination room, do not hold the signal jammer responsible. It might also be a problem with your own mobile phone.

Conference rooms are subject to regulations regarding the frequency bands that can be impacted by mobile phone signal jammers.

Electromagnetic waves cover a broad frequency band, ranging from a few Hz to tens of hundreds of GHz. While every segment can be utilized, certain segments are more frequently used than others.

  1. The GSM receiving frequency band is 885~960MHz;

  2. The receiving frequency band of CDMA is 869-894MHz;

  3. The receiving frequency band of DCS is 1805-1880MHz.

TagiTagi: conference rooms 
28 listopada 202328 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

According to arrest warrants obtained on Friday, a group of tech-savvy burglars who have been targeting homes in Connecticut and Massachusetts broke into a local residence. The burglars were able to gain access to the residence by obtaining detailed information on the security system from the homeowner's co-worker.

Arrested on allegations of conspiracy to commit first-degree burglary and conspiracy to commit second-degree larceny is Matthew Colon, aged 31, residing in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Similarly, Enrique Santiago, a 37-year-old individual from Springfield, Massachusetts, is confronted with charges that include first-degree burglary, possession of burglary tools, theft of a firearm, and conspiracy.

Desktop  Jammers

The warrant for Colon reveals that the police are likely to detain a third man involved in the case. This investigation is intertwined with a series of other burglaries, which were executed using advanced surveillance techniques and insider knowledge about homeowners' absence.

On May 20, 2022, a Long Island resident of Green Manor Terrace contacted the police, reporting that two men were seen walking through his backyard on a security camera. The officers who intervened in the burglary discovered a broken rear sliding glass door and a series of abandoned evidence near the property, such as a WiFi jammer, a two-way portable radio, a glass punch tool, a pry bar, and bolt cutters, as stated in the warrant.

As mentioned in the arrest warrant affidavit penned by Windsor Locks Detective Sgt. Jeff Lampson, the thieves were able to breach a chain link fence and disable surveillance cameras through both manual means and the use of a WiFi jammer. However, one camera located near the pool was not affected by the jammer device and remained operational, recording the incident. The homeowner reported the disappearance of US$4,200 in cash, along with men's watches, jewelry, and his wife's 9 mm pistol, according to the warrant.

The police have reported that on May 26, a pillowcase was uncovered by a resident living two houses away. Upon inspection, the pillowcase was found to contain watches, a handgun, and other items that were confirmed by the victims as their own. Following the break-in, the burglars fled in separate directions, as evidenced by the locations of the stolen bag of items and the backpack containing a wifi jammer.

According to Lampson's statement on Friday, the use or operation of gsm jammer devices is not allowed by federal law and federal investigators are looking into the matter. Furthermore, he pointed out that the local police have witnessed a surge in the use of these devices in residential burglaries.

However, in this case, the police were able to conclusively prove the undoing of the thieves through DNA evidence. While conducting a thorough search of the Green Manor Terrace area during daylight hours on May 23, a homeowner came across a pair of gloves that she had not previously seen and immediately turned them over to the investigators. The police then submitted swabs taken from the gloves, along with other potential evidence believed to have been touched by the thieves, to the state forensic laboratory for analysis.

Lampson's warrant stated that on August 16, the lab reported a DNA match on the gloves to Santiago, indicating the involvement of an offender. The police disclosed that the same DNA was linked to two prior burglary cases, one of which was a car break-in in Middletown from 2010, and the other was a burglary in South Hadley, Massachusetts in 2012, where firearms were stolen. Santiago was arrested in both instances, according to the warrant.

According to the warrant, Santiago relayed to the investigators from Windsor Locks, through his attorney, that the burglary at Green Manor Terrace was coordinated by a man driving a black sedan, whose father happened to own a remodeling company. Lampson, in the same warrant, documented that when he asked the homeowner if he was acquainted with an individual fitting that description, the homeowner promptly identified Colon, who worked alongside him at a home health care business in East Longmeadow, Mass.

According to the warrant, the homeowner expressed that he regarded Colon as a friend and had disclosed information about his visit to Long Island in May. The victim also mentioned that Colon and his father had aided him in remodeling his house. The warrant indicated that the homeowner stated that Matthew Colon had frequented his residence on numerous occasions and was fully aware of the surveillance camera system.

After being confronted with the victim's statements and the evidence pertaining to the burglary, Colon admitted to the police that he had been manipulated into becoming involved in the scheme by the third suspect. The warrant indicates that the authorities anticipate the imminent arrest of the third suspect.

The suspect's girlfriend was employed at the same home health care business as Colon and the victim from Windsor Locks. Lampson's warrant stated that other employees of the company had their homes in Massachusetts burglarized. One woman claimed that Colon had been at her residence to fix a gazebo before the break-in.

The warrant stated that cellphone records provided evidence of phone calls between Colon, Santiago, and the unidentified suspect both prior to and following the Windsor Locks burglary. The police have described the third suspect as a convicted felon with a significant criminal background, which includes armed robbery and a series of burglaries.

Santiago's extensive criminal record, as mentioned in the warrant, includes convictions for burglary and larceny in Connecticut. The Massachusetts investigators suspect his involvement in a criminal organization that specializes in targeted burglaries. Santiago has posted a bond of US$150,000 and is expected to make an appearance in the state Superior Court in Hartford on May 31. Similarly, Colon has posted a bond of US$100,000 and is scheduled to appear in court on May 2.


TagiTagi: thieves 
27 listopada 202327 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

ASSERTION: A colossal, glowing skeleton was erected above passersby in an open square near the Burj Khalifa using drones as part of a Halloween exhibit.

The claim that the video is authentic is false. According to experts, there are clear indications that the "drone show" is a fake, such as its speed, which exceeds the current capabilities of drone technology. Furthermore, the audience below the skeleton does not respond to the massive spectacle above them signal jamming.

It has been widely circulated on social media since Halloween that a video showed a nighttime display that almost reached the height of the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.

Within the brief 8-second video, a formation of illuminated drones creates the appearance of a skeleton. This drone skeleton gracefully moves forward, suspended directly above the pedestrians who are leisurely strolling around an open-air plaza adjacent to Dubai Mall, a renowned shopping destination. Notably, the skeleton's height almost mirrors the towering skyscraper, measuring an impressive 2,716 feet and 6 inches (828 meters) drone jammer.

drone gun

One TikTok post that shared the video stated, "Dubai's #Halloween drone show takes a chilling twist as a haunting skeleton appears in the sky." As of Friday, the video had garnered around 8.5 million views.

Other individuals added a political twist to the alarming demonstration, such as a message on X, previously known as Twitter, that declares: "During Halloween, the UAE organizes a remarkable drone simulation featuring a colossal skeleton at Burj Khalifa in Dubai. This choice has provoked anger among numerous Muslim nations, who perceive Halloween as a 'satanic holiday' coinciding with the tragic occurrences in Gaza."

However, various specialists have informed The Associated Press that the video does not truly portray a structure constructed from drones.

Preston Ward, the chief pilot and general counsel for Sky Elements Drone Shows in Fort Worth, Texas, confidently stated that the display was completely fabricated. He not only exposed the falsehood on social media but also emphasized its fraudulent nature.

Ward highlighted several indications in the video suggesting that the skeleton is not as it appears. Firstly, it exhibits an excessive speed that surpasses the capabilities of current drone technology. Additionally, the estimated 2,000 drones involved in the display emit an unexpectedly low level of noise. Lastly, there is an improbable flawlessness in the overall presentation.

He expressed, "The appearance seems excessively flawless, as well. There will always be some room for error. In a live performance, there will always be some element of unpredictability. Moreover, all their hues appear identical, and the illuminations possess an identical radiance."

Furthermore, Ryan Sigmon, co-founder of Firefly Drone Shows in Detroit, concurs that operating drones above pedestrians in a densely populated vicinity, as depicted in the video, poses a significant safety risk. He also acknowledges that the skeleton portrayed in the footage lacks authenticity.

Apart from the technological and logistical considerations, there seems to be a lack of reaction from anyone in the video towards the massive structure hovering above them. It is quite unusual that this is the only video available online from the supposed show, especially considering the prevalence of smartphones in today's age. Furthermore, there have been no announcements or advertisements regarding any such show taking place in Dubai.

The origin of the video remains unknown, but it was shared on TikTok by Geoscan Group, a drone show production company, on Tuesday and garnered millions of views. Despite being contacted for comment, Geoscan has not responded, and the video has since been removed from their TikTok account as of Friday.


As part of its endeavor to combat the dissemination of false information, AP is actively collaborating with external entities to provide accurate context to deceptive content that is being circulated on the internet. To gain further insights into AP's fact-checking initiatives, please explore additional information on fact-checking at AP.

According to an official statement, a US Reaper drone was downed by Houthi rebels backed by Iran in the vicinity of Yemen.

According to a defense official, Houthi forces have successfully shot down an unmanned US military drone near the Yemeni coast. This incident was reported by CNN.

According to the official, the MQ-9 Reaper drone was operating in international airspace and over international waters at the time it was shot down. The incident is currently being investigated by US Central Command.

The shootdown, for which the Iran-backed Houthi militants assumed responsibility on Wednesday, took place a few weeks after the USS Carney, a US Navy warship, intercepted a series of missiles and drones fired by the Houthis as they were moving northward along the Red Sea. As reported by CNN, the ship successfully neutralized four cruise missiles and 15 drones within a nine-hour timeframe. The clear trajectory of these weapons left little room for speculation regarding their destination, which was evidently Israel.

In the wake of Hamas' assault on Israel, Iranian proxy factions have intensified their assaults on US forces and properties in the Middle East. Over the past few weeks, there have been approximately 40 attacks on US and coalition bases in Iraq and Syria, resulting in minor injuries including traumatic brain injuries among several US servicemembers, as confirmed by officials.

The attacks on US forces in the region have been attributed to Iran by a senior defense official who referred to the country as "the center of gravity". The official also stated that the evidence points to Iranian involvement in the attacks.

On October 26, the United States responded to the actions of certain groups by conducting airstrikes in Syria. The airstrikes specifically targeted the infrastructure that was being utilized by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its associated groups. To carry out these strikes, an F-15 fighter jet and a pair of F-16 fighter jets were deployed, employing precision-guided munitions. The primary objective was to neutralize a weapons and ammunition storage facility located in Abu Kamal, which is situated near the border separating Syria and Iraq.

CNN has informed that Iran is aiming to take advantage of the negative response towards the US backing of Israel. Although Tehran may not be directly instructing the groups' assaults, it does seem to be promoting them.

After the retaliatory strikes in Syria last month, the US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin delivered a stern caution to Tehran.

The statement released by Austin suggests that Iran may be involved in the recent attacks against our forces. However, we believe in maintaining open channels of communication with all nations and will continue to engage in dialogue with Iran to address any concerns. We remain committed to protecting our forces and will take necessary measures to ensure their safety.


24 listopada 202324 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Referred to as a bombing drone, this unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is specifically engineered to execute drone strikes. It is categorized under combat drones, which encompass a range of functions including target acquisition, surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence gathering.

Even though bomber drones lack human presence, they are not entirely automated. Rather, they are usually controlled by humans in real-time from a distant location.

Clearly, there is a substantial decrease in weight when compared to regular aircraft, as the presence of a human pilot and their associated needs are completely irrelevant in this scenario.

Here is a succinct examination of stealth bombers and the intricacies involved in neutralizing these military aircraft.

Debunking the Myth of Detecting Stealth Bomber Drones.

In an ideal scenario, bomber drones would exemplify the true essence of stealth. As one can envision, this implies evading detection from targets completely. Any potential compromise could lead to an unsuccessful conclusion of an ongoing mission.

The US Air Force's RQ-170 is a notable example of a compromise. In December 2011, an RQ-170 crashed on the Iran-Afghanistan border, and the Iranians promptly retrieved the debris to start developing their own version of the technology.

The RQ-180's creation is attributed not just to the capacity to duplicate but also to the aptitude to refine the initial blueprint. These unmanned aerial vehicles are meant to be covert surveillance drones, but what does the concept of "stealth" entail in this scenario?

When it comes to drone stealth, many individuals primarily consider its capability to elude radar detection. Although satellites possess comprehensive visibility, their inflexible operational nature restricts adaptability, thereby contributing to the integration of detection avoidance mechanisms in specific designs.

Radar technology operates in a straightforward manner. It sends out a signal that reflects off an aircraft, revealing its position and allowing for tracking capabilities.

drone gun

Nonetheless, the complexity escalates when it comes to drones that have a reduced size, thus giving rise to the notion of their ability to remain undetected.

The problem with this misconception is that it overlooks the significance of radio frequencies. Undeniably, achieving autonomous control requires a certain level of communication based on frequencies. However, it is important to note that these frequencies can be disrupted using the appropriate technology.

Nonetheless, pursuing this method does pose a greater challenge as opposed to solely utilizing radar identification to detect drones.

In order to render a bombing drone inoperable, what items would be necessary?

Under the classification of equipment here, there are two distinct categories: drone detection and drone disruption. The former is concerned with the identification of drones, while the latter concentrates on disabling the detected drones.

The Leading Four Technologies for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems.

Drones have the potential to jeopardize human health and safety, as well as security. Furthermore, they are frequently utilized for spying and obtaining delicate information from protected areas, such as military bases, and can cause harm by transporting explosives.

The counter-drone technology sector has been making great strides, especially in the military arena. To discover the four most sought-after counter UAS technologies, keep reading.


To apprehend drones, militaries often rely on this drone detection solution. When the net successfully captures a drone, it immediately immobilizes it, causing it to descend to the ground. This efficient method not only prevents the drone from returning to its sender but also safeguards against the risk of sensitive information being compromised or, even worse, the potential for physical damage resulting from any explosives it may be carrying.

The use of nets to capture drones has several benefits, such as a reduced likelihood of harm to the sender or innocent bystanders from explosions. Furthermore, the sender can be located and held accountable with the help of nets. The accuracy of ground-based net launchers is also noteworthy.

A disadvantage of using drone deployed nets is the considerable amount of time it takes to reload them. Consequently, if there are multiple drones or if the initial attempt fails to capture the target, the threat persists.


The utilization of radio energy enables radar to effectively locate objects. Thanks to radars, the precise direction and position of a drone can be measured. Most radars emit a radio signal and then analyze the resulting echo. However, they have limited capability in detecting small targets. Initially, radars were designed to track larger objects such as passenger aircraft. Nevertheless, military organizations also employ radars to locate smaller drones that may potentially be in the vicinity.

Benefits: Radars offer extensive coverage of large terrains and deliver accurate positioning data, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple targets. In order to maintain a stringent defense posture regardless of adverse weather conditions, radars prove to be an optimal solution, even in scenarios characterized by poor visibility such as fog, nighttime, and others.

Disadvantage: Small drones and small flying animals like bats or birds are indistinguishable to most radars. This makes radars less efficient for military use, as they may fail to detect small drones.

High Power Microwave (HPM)

Drones are vulnerable to the disruptive effects of High Power Microwave devices. The HPM's electromagnetic waves can interfere with the radio signals that control a drone's movements, making it difficult or impossible to steer. Additionally, the high voltage and currents of the HPM can cause damage to the drone's electronic components, rendering it inoperable. This makes the HPM a valuable tool for neutralizing drones in situations where they pose a threat.

Benefits: Capable of effectively ceasing drones that are situated within the HPM coverage area.

While this technology offers protection to military bases and highly secured areas, it carries the risk of unintentionally damaging and even destroying other electronic devices. Furthermore, HPM can disrupt communication signals as well.

GPS Spoofer

This technology enables the transmission of a signal to the detected suspicious drone, effectively misleading it about its current location. Through the dynamic alerting of GPS coordinates, the spoofer gains control over the drone, facilitating its removal to a designated "safe zone." As a result, the presence of the drone is mitigated, reducing the associated risks.

Benefits: One of the major advantages of GPS spoofers is their affordability, making them accessible for armies to procure in larger quantities and utilize in multiple locations.

Disadvantage: Sadly, there is a downside of potentially disrupting other radio communication signals.

By analyzing the potential risks, the system operator concludes that electronic methods, particularly soft-kill tactics like frequency drone jamming, can effectively neutralize the UAV threat.

gps jamming refers to the targeted emission of concentrated RF power towards the frequency channels employed by the Drone for telemetric, control, and navigation functions. The effective range of the jamming signal, which is influenced by factors like line of sight and power output, can extend to around 5Km or even greater distances when utilizing high power output (>50W).


TagiTagi: stop drone 
23 listopada 202323 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

By Minyvonne Burke, Tom Winter and Jonathan Dienst

According to authorities, a devastating explosion took place at the Canadian border, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of two individuals. The incident occurred when a car, while airborne, crashed into a checkpoint at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, New York, on Wednesday.

Numerous aspects of the incident at the Rainbow Bridge remained shrouded in uncertainty, causing apprehension on both sides of the border as the United States neared the Thanksgiving holiday. Subsequently, President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were expeditiously provided with comprehensive briefings. Trudeau, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, temporarily excused himself from the Question Period in the House of Commons to obtain further details, emphasizing the exceptional level of seriousness with which officials were addressing the matter.

As of now, there are no visible indications of terrorism, according to the statement made by Governor Kathy Hochul of New York to the press.

The speaker emphasized that there is currently no sign of a terrorist attack. It is crucial to restate that, at this moment, there is no indication of a terrorist-involved incident taking place at the Rainbow Bridge in Western New York.

The car accident claimed the lives of two individuals, with one of them identified as a resident of western New York.

Officials have stated that the car, which was traveling at a high speed, crashed, caught fire, and exploded on the U.S. side of the border. This contradicts earlier claims that it had originated from Canada.

According to Hochul, she has viewed a video capturing the car, which was moving at an "exceedingly high speed" before it took flight in an "incredibly surreal" scenario.

Desktop  Jammers

The sight of the "airborne" vehicle left Rickie Wilson, a Gray Line Tours staff member, in utter shock. He recounted that the car had seemingly hit a cement median before soaring into the air.

Wilson informed NBC affiliate WHEC of Rochester that initially, he mistook it for an airplane, as it appeared to be moving in slow motion. He exclaimed, "My goodness, it's a car! It's a vehicle! And it's soaring through the sky!"

His estimation indicated that the car was elevated approximately 10 to 15 feet above the ground.

Wilson informed the reporters about the perplexing situation, questioning the means by which the object had ascended to such heights. Expressing his astonishment, he emphasized that the object had been suspended in the air, clarifying that it was not merely a few feet above the ground, but significantly elevated.

As per a law enforcement official, a Customs and Border Protection employee experienced minor injuries and was subsequently provided medical care at a hospital. Hochul emphasized that the employee was stationed in the booth, which acted as a literal shield, ensuring the individual's safety.

According to Hochul, the vehicle has been completely incinerated, with only the engine remaining. The fragments of the vehicle are now spread out across approximately 13 to 14 booths.

Explosion near Niagara Falls

The authorities have reported that a preliminary search did not reveal the presence of any secondary explosive or device. It is important to keep in mind that this information is subject to change.

The authorities are currently conducting an investigation to determine if the crash was deliberate.

Hochul conveyed in a news briefing that the event was a "dreadful mishap" that resulted in heightened anxiety across western New York, Albany, and Washington.

This event unfolded on a day known for its high travel volume in the United States, as countless individuals embarked on their Thanksgiving holiday trips, making it one of the busiest days of the year.

In the aftermath of the crash, the Erie County executive promptly declared the shutdown of all bridge crossings into the United States from western New York. Hochul later provided an update, stating that all bridges have since been reopened.

Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City, has stated that the city is on heightened alert and security has been bolstered in preparation for the upcoming holiday.

According to an official, the White House is closely monitoring the situation. The Canada Border Services Agency has informed that they are in contact with their U.S. counterparts regarding this matter.

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has confirmed that there is no evidence of a threat linked to the incident. He has been in touch with Hochul and Canadian authorities regarding the matter.

Systemwide security measures are set to be strengthened by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, according to their recent statement.

According to the latest announcement by the airport authorities, travelers using Buffalo Niagara International Airport should be prepared for supplementary screenings, and security checks will be carried out on all vehicles entering the airport.

On X, the agency announced that the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Airports are currently functioning without any disruptions. To ensure a smooth travel experience during the holiday season, travelers are strongly recommended to factor in extra time for these precautionary measures.

In response to an incident, Amtrak declared on Wednesday that the Maple Leaf Train, originally scheduled to travel from New York City to Toronto, will now have its final stop at Niagara Falls.

Devices called bomb signal jammers are capable of broadcasting a signal on certain radio frequencies, which causes interference with other radio transmissions on those frequencies. The main objective of bomb jammers is to thwart the detonation of radio-activated bombs, also known as radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs).

Terrorists have long used cellular phones to trigger improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in their attacks throughout the world. Although the time lapse between the activation of the cell-phone trigger and the explosion detonation has been only seconds in some bombings, one London terrorist bomb took nearly an hour to detonate after the initial attacks. This extended time lapse between triggering and detonation indicates that cell-phone signal jamming equipment could be used to prevent cell-phone detonation of explosives. A jamming device blocks the cellular downlink frequencies, preventing a cell phone's ability to receive an incoming call (uplink capabilities still function); however, it cannot prevent a cell phone's alarm function from detonating a bomb. One expert estimates that jamming equipment can obstruct half of all cell-phone bombs, along with remotely controlled bombs that use other remote instruments, such as garage door openers or toys. Separate equipment exists that can prevent bombs that use the cell-phone alarm function. U.S. Federal law currently allows only Federal law enforcement agents to use such jamming equipment. Because of delayed Federal response to bomb discoveries at the local level, many local police agencies favor being allowed to purchase and use jamming equipment. The Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association is currently working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to develop a protocol that will retain Federal authority for determining when and how jamming equipment will be used, while allowing for a Federal directive that allows a specific use of jamming equipment by local police.

Bomb Jammers

The interruption of enemy communications to bombs and RCIEDs is effectively achieved through the use of bomb phone jammer, which transmit radio signals on the most commonly utilized frequencies by such devices. This strategic approach holds immense importance in various tactical scenarios, especially in thwarting the remote detonation of roadside bombs. Bomb gsm jammer are extensively deployed in public areas, SWAT scenarios, and vehicles to provide mobile convoy protection.

Bomb Jamming

Bomb jamming assumes a pivotal role in multiple situations, serving as a fundamental tool for law enforcement, military operations, VIP protection, and counter-terrorism applications.


TagiTagi: bomb jamming 
22 listopada 202322 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A new drone has been introduced by Ukraine, claiming its ability to conduct missions in enemy-controlled areas with remarkable efficiency. Notably, this drone has been specifically engineered to counteract Russian attempts to disrupt its communication signals.

Ukraine claims that the Backfire is equipped with a GPS antenna for navigation purposes and has a range of 20 miles.

The dominance of UAVs in modern warfare has spurred Ukraine and Russia to make notable progress in their drone technology.

drone gun


The latest drone introduced by Ukraine has the remarkable ability to traverse extensive distances beyond enemy borders while effectively countering ongoing Russian attempts to disrupt its operations.

Constant technological advancements and the omnipresence of drones on the battlefield and in the airspace have fueled the ongoing drone war between Russia and Ukraine, marking the latest development in this conflict.

The Backfire unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was introduced by Mykhailo Fedorov, the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Innovation, Education, Science, and Technology, on Monday. Fedorov referred to it as a "formidable drone" that can fly up to 20 miles and cause "tremendous losses" to the enemy's rear positions.

Ukrainska Pravda reported that Federov mentioned the drone's ability to aid Ukrainian forces in striking Russian artillery, logistics hubs, enemy storage points, and command posts.

According to Fedorov's statement on X, the social networking site formerly referred to as Twitter, the Backfire's key characteristic is its "highly effective GPS antenna, resilient against Russian interference" and electronic warfare. Ukrainska Pravda conveyed that Fedorov also emphasized that this antenna is "nearly impervious to disruption," and thanks to the drone's "complete autonomy, the Russians cannot trace its coordinates and ground crew."

Ukraine's Backfire drone is on the verge of being mass produced and will soon join the country's array of UAVs in combat. Fedorov revealed that it has already completed more than 50 successful missions in the recent months.

Ukraine's latest contribution to the ongoing drone warfare is the Backfire, a development that has kept both sides on high alert due to the constant need for innovation driven by technological advancements. In combat scenarios, troops have increasingly relied on drones, with one Ukrainian service member disclosing in September that his unit had barely used rifles in the past six months, instead heavily relying on drones for their fighting capabilities.

Amidst the ongoing conflict, cost-effective UAVs have proven to be highly efficient in eliminating tanks and armored vehicles, which are primarily asymmetrical targets, as well as any mobile entity encountered on the battlefield. Regularly documented videos from the war exhibit first-person view (FPV) drones engaging in collisions with tanks, penetrating open hatches in armored vehicles, discreetly approaching troops in trenches, and causing explosions upon impact.

The continuous hum from above acts as a constant warning of the lurking danger, signifying that an unassuming target may fall victim to a sudden attack by an exploding UAV. Both Ukraine and Russia are actively involved in a race to acquire superior drone capabilities, driving them to pursue innovative technologies in order to gain an advantage over their adversary.

The significance of operators cannot be overlooked in the progress of Ukraine and Russia's specific flight and control abilities, in addition to the advancements in autonomous drones. Nevertheless, their importance also exposes them to enemy threats, leading to operators engaging in drone-based conflicts.

Efforts to counter the growing impact of drones have intensified over time. The front lines are now equipped with advanced jamming signal technology that disrupts the navigation controls of drones. While drones controlled by operators are usually less susceptible to such interference and are more affordable if lost or destroyed in battle, gps jamming still poses a significant obstacle. This underscores the vital importance of Ukraine's new Backfire system in blocking Russian interference, granting Ukraine the upper hand to maneuver along and behind enemy lines.



TagiTagi: latest drone 
21 listopada 202321 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

By Brendan KirbyPublished: Jun. 13, 2023 at 7:01 AM GMT+8|Updated: Jun. 16, 2023 at 8:08 AM GMT+8

The defendant, Trenton Lisak, from Mobile, has pleaded not guilty to charges of obstructing public safety communication and drug possession on June 15, 2023.

According to the allegations made by prosecutors, he employed expensive and extremely advanced equipment from an apartment situated at the Tower on Ryan Park. Mobile County 911 officials assert that this action essentially halted communications in downtown Mobile on June 6 and caused disruptions for the following week.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

The judge has set Lisak's preliminary hearing to take place on July 19th.


Expensive and advanced black market jamming device caused disruptions in police and emergency services transmissions for a considerable amount of time last week, as per law enforcement authorities.

On Saturday, Trenton Edward Lisak was taken into custody by law enforcement for impeding public safety communication, a serious offense that falls under Class C felony and can result in imprisonment for up to ten years. Furthermore, he is facing a drug charge. Prosecutors have revealed that the FBI is also looking into the case.

On Monday, Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood remarked that the charge in question is out of the ordinary. He stressed the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the crucial need for law enforcement and first responders to have seamless communication abilities, regardless of their location, not just limited to downtown areas.

How out of the ordinary!

According to Blackwood, this was an entirely new experience for him. He couldn't remember encountering a similar situation before, especially not to this degree. The substantial quantity of equipment involved made it an exceptionally remarkable occurrence.

Lisak's arrest record discloses multiple charges, such as theft, breaking into cars, possession of a forged instrument, and engaging in criminal mischief.

Mobile County District Judge Jennifer Wright has established a bail amount of $15,000, which aligns with the highest recommended bail for this particular offense. Furthermore, she has mandated that 10 percent of the bail be paid in cash. Additionally, Judge Wright has imposed an extra $5,000 bail specifically for the drug charge.

Moreover, the judge established a curfew spanning from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. and mandated that Lisak, who is 31 years old, refrain from approaching the Tower at Ryan Park situated in downtown. This particular apartment complex is where authorities uncovered the equipment responsible for interfering with the communication networks of all 57 law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical agencies associated with the Mobile County Communications District.

Lisak's booking information indicates that the aforementioned address is his place of residence. Nevertheless, the prosecutor informed the judge that investigators have reservations about whether he was truly residing there.

Robert Jackson, a district administrator, characterized it as "an exceptionally advanced apparatus arranged within the apartment, specifically engineered to disrupt our signal."

Jackson added, "In order to locate it, we had to make adjustments to our instruments."

FOX10 News was informed by Charlie McNichol, the director of the 911 system, that the interference caused a complete halt in communications for a full day last week.

Last week, on Tuesday, it brought about notable complications in the downtown region," he remarked. "Specifically, our tower site located at Government Plaza was the origin of the alarm signals. As a result, the first responders encountered significant challenges in their communication endeavors."

It remains unclear what the motive may have been, officials said. Blackwood said he does not know what the defendant was planning, or where he got the equipment.

McNichol said he does not know if Lisak just enjoys watching chaos or if he had something more sinister planned and attempted to jam communications as part of that.

"This individual had some gps jamming equipment that you buy on the black market," he said. "It's illegal to even possess it. And that's what was causing the problems."

Copyright 2023 WALA. All rights reserved.

TagiTagi: mobile jamming device 
20 listopada 202320 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Across various domains of application, the United States is witnessing a rapid increase in the daily deployment of drones. These unmanned aerial vehicles are being utilized for tasks ranging from inspecting infrastructure to delivering packages. While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates the airspace, it is imperative for cities to familiarize themselves with the burgeoning industry that will ultimately operate within their communities. This understanding will enable them to effectively capitalize on the benefits for their residents while also safeguarding against any potential challenges that may arise.

The Significance of Cities in America's Expanding Drone Industry

The potential benefits of drones for American cities are becoming increasingly evident, with their large-scale deployment expected to have a positive impact on society, from the environment to the economy. Many cities are already experiencing a rise in drone usage for a variety of applications, such as public safety, medical deliveries, retail package delivery, and infrastructure inspection. By expediting the implementation and advancement of drone jammer infrastructure, cities can modernize more quickly while also complementing and easing the burden on conventional infrastructure as this emerging technology takes to the skies.

The report by NLC sheds light on the significance of cities in the development of drones. It suggests that city governments can still exercise some control over drones despite the FAA's final rule. Rather than imposing a blanket ban, officials should explore ways to leverage this technology for the benefit of residents and city services.

drone gun


Through partnerships with federal, state, and local governments, drone signal jammers operators, and industry leaders, Airspace Link has created a framework for cities to engage in the drone economy, with a focus on resident safety and security and community value.

Delving into the Extended Value, Through Statistical Analysis.

The ambitious vision of drones contributing to economic, environmental, and societal progress can only be fully achieved when operations are scaled up comprehensively. In order to facilitate the widespread use of drones, it is crucial for all stakeholders, including cities, to demonstrate their commitment towards establishing the required infrastructure and regulations.

Shield Your Personal Space from Drone Intrusion and Surveillance.

Drones have the potential to infringe upon people's privacy by invading their personal space and collecting personal data without their consent, which can inadvertently expose their privacy. Furthermore, the continuous recording of video footage during flight can lead to the collection of information about random citizens without any legitimate purpose, which can be a violation of their privacy.



TagiTagi: drones 
18 listopada 202318 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Brazil seizing Flipper Zero shipments to prevent use in crime

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency is seizing incoming Flipper Zero purchases due to its alleged use in criminal activity, with purchasers stating that the government agency has rejected all attempts to certify the equipment.

Flipper Zero is a portable multi-function cybersecurity tool that allows pentesters and hacking enthusiasts to tinker with a wide range of hardware by supporting RFID emulation, digital access key cloning, radio communications, NFC, infrared, Bluetooth, and more.

Since it was released, security researchers have demonstrated Flipper Zero's features on social media, showing how it can trigger doorbells, perform replay attacks to open garage doors and unlock cars, and be used as a digital key.

Flipper Zero serves as a multi-tool device for hackers, providing wifi jammers to prevent unauthorized access.With its signal jammers feature, ensuring protection against unauthorized access.

The cyberpunk we don't deserve




The Flipper Zero is the ultimate multi-tool for pentesters, geeks, ethical hackers and hardware hobbyists alike. One pocket-sized device combines multiple tools: RFID, RF, Infrared, HID emulation, GPIO, Hardware debugging, 1-Wire, Bluetooth, Wifi and more.

Inspired by great open-source projects: Proxmark, HydraNFC, Rubber Ducky, pwnagotchi - the Flipper Zero manages to pack serious functionality into a tiny, professionally manufactured device - and stays true to its Open Source roots.

Entirely independent, the Flipper Zero requires no external computer or hardware to function - everything is driven by the its 5-way navigation button and LCD screen. When connected to a computer or the included Android / iOS apps, the Flipper can be extended, modified, upgraded and reflashed according to your needs.

With over two years of meticulous design, prototyping and iteration, the Flipper Zero is a mature platform, ready to use out of the box, meeting the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike.


The Flipper Zero contains a fully-controllable RF platform, based on the TI CC1101 chip, allowing for RF Signal capture, analysis and transmission.

The Flipper Zero has a built-in library of common remote control algorithms for capturing, decoding and analysing and replaying signals.

Users have full access to the radio sub-system, allowing custom RF modules to be easily built.






The Flipper Zero allows for Reading, Writing and Emulation of both High-Frequency (13.56MHz) and Low-Frequency (125KHz) RFID tags.

Low Frequency tags can be easily read, saved, cloned to a new card, or exported for analysis.

Multiple High Frequency protocols are supported, and the Flipper Zero can even sniff authentification nonces to extract unknown MIFARE keys.




TagiTagi: flipper zero 
17 listopada 202317 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Anti-regime factions are employing unmanned aerial vehicles on a larger scale to launch attacks against military personnel.

According to reports from rebel groups and drone operation groups, resistance fighters in Myanmar have started to heavily depend on drones for launching attacks against the country's military forces. This change in tactics has become possible after successfully bypassing the junta's anti-drone jammers, enabling them to exploit this advanced technology in their struggle against oppression.

According to Ko Nyein, who heads the rebel drone unit Cloud Wings in Kayin state, eastern Myanmar, the drones' performance has undergone a significant improvement.

According to his statement, their drones have been enhanced to carry heavier payloads, operate at higher altitudes and cover longer distances, while successfully bypassing the interference caused by the junta's signal jammers. Additionally, he highlighted the expanded utilization of their drones across multiple military units in Myanmar.

According to reports from three drone forces operating in Kayin and Kayah states, as well as Sagaing and Magway regions, rebel forces executed around 642 drone attacks on junta soldiers in 2022.

According to militia groups affiliated with the National Unity Government, there has been a rise in the utilization of drones this year. Unfortunately, due to security concerns and the sensitivity surrounding their military operations, they were unable to disclose any specific information.

The groups have not provided any data on the number of drone attacks that have occurred this year, as of yet.

drone gun


According to drone operators, the People's Defense Forces (PDFs) and ethnic militias have resorted to contemporary warfare technology in their fight against the military forces that took control after the 2021 coup. These groups, consisting of ordinary citizens, have encountered junta soldiers equipped with machine guns and anti-drone defense systems at crucial military installations. As a result, the PDFs and ethnic militias have turned to the use of drones to counter these challenges.

In the beginning, the rebel fighters placed their trust in makeshift weaponry, encompassing tumees, hunting rifles, launchers, and bombs, as their means of resistance against the armed forces of the nation.

PDF personnel have reported an escalation in the deployment of attack drones equipped with bomb-dropping capabilities, following the successful neutralization of the junta's anti-drone defense system.

The National Unity Government's shadow administration, consisting of ex-civilian leaders and anti-junta activists, has reportedly supplied more than 400 attack drones to loosely regulated militia factions, as per Maung Maung Swe, the deputy secretary of the Ministry of Defense.

Our understanding of the junta's drones' capabilities and limitations is comprehensive, and we can now disable them with ease, as per the statement given to RFA. Our ability to penetrate their wifi jammers across the nation has been significantly enhanced by our knowledge of their frequency.

Cost of bombs

Over 100 anti-junta drone operations have been executed by the Cloud Wings drone force, which was established in Kayin state in March, as stated by Ko Nyein.

According to Ko Nyein, the considerable price tag of the diverse bombs installed on the drones has presented a formidable challenge.

The cost of the bombs, he mentioned, stands as the central obstacle we confront.

Over the course of September 1 and 2, the Cloud Wings drone unit carried out two attacks on the police station and municipal hall in Kyainseigyi city. These targeted strikes involved the deployment of 107-mm bombs.

On the subsequent day, the police station situated in Myawaddy city of Kayin region fell victim to an assault orchestrated by the Federal Wings, an alternative resistance group utilizing drones to strike against the junta's military forces and infrastructure. Tragically, this attack claimed the lives of five individuals, including the district administrator of Myawaddy and the acting commander of the junta's Light Infantry Regiment No. 175. Furthermore, an unspecified number of people suffered injuries as a result of this incident.

The junta is facing a significant threat from these drone attacks, as highlighted by Capt. Kaung Thu Win, a participant in the nationwide Civil Disobedience Movement.

According to the speaker, military forces used to be afraid of landmine attacks during their deployments in the past. But now, the most dreaded weapons for them are drones, which can be employed for defensive as well as surprise attacks, regardless of the time of day.

In addition, he mentioned that the military troops suffered significant damage from the bombs deployed by our drones, but it is important to note that these bombs are unable to completely eradicate an entire enemy unit.

Attack from a distance

Kaung Thu Win has stated that the Drone Guard, the anti-drone equipment utilized by the junta, has limitations and a significant number of soldiers stationed at bases lack the necessary skills to operate it.

On Sept. 11, junta troops stationed near Nat Yay Kan village in Chaung-U township, Sagaing region, faced an assault from fixed-wing drones operated by the Civilian Defense and Security Organization of Myaung. Remarkably, these drones were able to overcome the military jammers, which are intended to block radio signals and impede drone control.



TagiTagi: drone 
16 listopada 202316 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

To combat the escalating risk of drone strikes from extremist factions such as Hamas and Hezbollah, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have taken proactive steps. Recent updates suggest that the IDF has significantly augmented the deployment of GPS jamming technology across the region.

Drones, also referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have emerged as a preferred choice of weaponry for militant groups operating in the Middle East. Their exceptional maneuverability and precise targeting capabilities have made them a significant threat. To counter this, the IDF has made a strategic decision to increase the use of gps jamming. This measure aims to disrupt the guidance systems of these drones, rendering them ineffective.

GPS jamming refers to the transmission of radio signals that interfere with the GPS reception of drones, leading to the impairment of their navigational capabilities. By disrupting the GPS signals of these drones, the IDF aims to counter their threat and mitigate the risk of potential attacks on Israeli soil.

Utilizing drones for surveillance and offensive operations against Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah, both recognized as terrorist organizations by multiple countries, have become a significant concern. In response to the threat posed by these drone attacks, the IDF has taken measures to enhance its countermeasures.

drone gun


The IDF's utilization of GPS jamming technology highlights the escalating arms race between militants and national defense forces. With the rapid advancements in drone technology, military organizations worldwide are proactively investing in countermeasures to combat this emerging threat and mitigate potential risks.

It should be highlighted that GPS jamming serves as a defensive measure employed by the IDF to ensure the safety of both civilians and national security. While this action may temporarily disrupt the functioning of legitimate civilian GPS jamming device nearby, it is necessary to counter the potential risks associated with drone blocker attacks.

The IDF's heightened attention to GPS jamming is a clear indication of the ever-changing landscape of 21st-century warfare. As extremist groups continue to leverage technological advancements, defense forces must remain vigilant and adapt their strategies to ensure national security.



TagiTagi: drone 
15 listopada 202315 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The prospect of fashioning a DIY drone jammer may seem formidable, much like the endeavor of constructing a DIY drone. Nevertheless, the truth is that fabricating a DIY drone jammer is significantly less complex than assembling a DIY drone. Within this comprehensive guide, we will outline the entire process of producing a drone jammer and resolving any troubleshooting concerns.

Could you provide a definition for a drone jammer?

The purpose of drone jammers is to ensure the safety of users and their operational zones by countering drone jamming. This involves utilizing a range of telecommunications hardware that possesses the capability to detect, receive, and interfere with drone signals. By integrating supplementary drone receivers and transmitters, customers have the ability to expand the system to an unlimited number of drones concurrently.

The capability of a drone jammer relies on its ability to disrupt signals within the drone jamming frequency range and the strength of its jamming power. Signal jammers, including cell phone jammer, WiFi jammers, GPS jammers, GSM/3G jammers, and drone jammers, are tailored to interfere with specific frequency bands.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer


A comprehensive tutorial on constructing a drone jammer with step-by-step instructions

To effectively block drone signals, it is essential to be aware of the radio bands utilized by potential drone threats. The commonly used drone radio frequencies encompass 433Mhz, 900Mhz, 2.4Ghz, 5.2Ghz, and 5.8Ghz. Determine the signal transmitter that aligns with the drone jamming band you deem most important.

The process of building a drone jammer requires the procurement of specific materials such as an RF generator, signal amplifier, power supply components, connection components, and a solid shell protection box.

To produce drone jammers, one must possess adequate hands-on proficiency and assembly skills, as well as a thorough understanding of signal jamming devices.

Once the drone jammer has been assembled, it becomes essential to evaluate its effectiveness in interfering with drones and determine the range of its interference. However, it is important to refrain from conducting these tests in densely populated urban areas to prevent any disruption to the surrounding communication systems.

The responsible application of drone jammers is a crucial aspect to consider:

Responsible utilization of drone jammer is paramount in order to prevent any potential harm to individuals or property. Here are a set of recommendations to bear in mind when using these devices:

The use of drone jammers should be reserved for critical circumstances, such as preventing drones from flying over restricted zones or engaging in illicit surveillance activities.

One must be mindful of the potential aftermaths that may arise from the usage of drone jammers. Tampering with radio waves can lead to harm to people and possessions, and disrupt significant radio signals, such as those employed by emergency services.

Prioritize understanding the laws and regulations governing the utilization of drone jammers in your region. Unauthorized use of drone jammers is prohibited in many countries. By employing drone jammers responsibly, you can effectively mitigate the potential risks associated with drone usage without causing harm to others.

Should you have a preference for off-the-shelf drone jammers over DIY alternatives, we suggest considering the Skyfend AFA100 Drone Jammer as a viable option.


TagiTagi: drone 
14 listopada 202314 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

DOD looking to buy a batch of counter-drone weapons for international partners

U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command is conducting market research ahead of an anticipated purchase of up to 100 handheld drone jammers.

US Army Looking for Anti-Drone Signal Jammers Solution

drone gun


The U.S. Army's Aviation and Missile Command is seeking potential sources of portable drone anti-tracking jammer that can interfere with control, video and navigation signals within a range of at least 5 km.

DefenseScoop has revealed that the Department of Defense is supplying air defense technology to Ukraine and Israel, while the AMC's Integrated Fires Rapid Capabilities Office-International plans to deliver a maximum of 100 handheld SkyWiper EDM4S devices to undisclosed U.S. allies.

To meet the requirements stated in the information request, the equipment must weigh less than 16 lb and possess the ability to activate electronic warfare capabilities through the trigger. Additionally, the device must have a minimum of six radio frequency modules, which should include 2.4GHz, 2xGNSS 1.5GHz and 1.2GHz, and 5.8GHz, as well as two custom frequency modules that cannot be altered by users. The Army has also mandated the use of high-gain directional antennas for accuracy and efficiency, along with a sturdy frame.

NT Service UAB of Lithuania is presently manufacturing the EDM4S Skywiper systems, which are marketed as an efficient anti-drone solution that can be operated by a single individual with ease.

The move is a direct response to the escalating use of unmanned aerial systems in various battlefields around the world, posing a threat to both U.S. military forces and their international partners.



TagiTagi: drone 
13 listopada 202313 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The utilization of satellite signals extends beyond the mere provision of information to your vehicle's navigation system. GPS has evolved into an imperceptible yet indispensable resource that we depend on. Mobile phone jammer companies rely on GPS time signals to synchronize communication between your phone and their towers. Energy providers utilize GPS for harmonizing electricity grids during interconnections. Additionally, banks and stock exchanges employ satellite-based time-stamps to safeguard against fraudulent activities.

In the meantime, a neglected navigation system that has the potential to surpass GPS.

8 Bands Jammer Device


The security of Satnav, which controls a wide range of systems from power grids to air traffic control, is highly vulnerable. However, there is a more affordable and often ignored alternative that is ready to take its place.

Logan Scott believed it was 28 September 2022 and he was present at a conference centre in Portland, Oregon. However, the majority of smartphones in his vicinity were indicating a location in Europe, causing confusion. Some devices were even displaying January 2023 and declining to send messages or emails.

The conference centered around global navigation, and the issues arose when Scott was delivering a presentation on the vulnerability of GPS receivers to deception. To investigate, he borrowed a detector and successfully traced the origin of the problem. It was discovered that the GPS signal generator, intended for testing purposes, had not been adequately secured with terminal caps.

The error was swiftly rectified, however, a deliberate assault could potentially cause significantly greater damage. Originally designed by the US military jammer for defense purposes, GPS is now utilized in a wide range of applications, including power grids, financial trading, ambulances, and air traffic control. In order to mitigate the risks associated with relying solely on gps blocker, the European Union is constructing its own satellite navigation system, Galileo, which has become a contentious issue in the UK's negotiations to exit the union. Nevertheless, relying on additional satellites to support existing ones may not be the most optimal solution. Instead, a more practical technology, rooted in the second world war, could be reintroduced for our defense purposes.

The convenience of satnav has become ingrained in our daily lives. With just a simple pull out of your phone, you can instantly obtain your precise position within seconds.



TagiTagi: gps 
10 listopada 202310 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Players of GTA Online should keep an eye out for government signal jammers scattered throughout Los Santos. Destroying each one will result in a reward, including the assistance of an expert hacker for the Diamond Casino Heist. While it may take some effort to locate all 50 signal jammers, the payout in GTA$ and RP is well worth it. Refer to the comprehensive guide below for assistance in finding and destroying all of the signal jammers.

It's quite easy to overlook the Signal Jammers in GTA Online since they are usually placed high up on buildings and billboards. Let's be honest, how often do you actually look up while playing the game?

GTA-5 signal jammers


There are a total of 50 Signal Jammers scattered throughout the game.

When you get close to one, you'll hear a faint beeping sound indicating its proximity. Unfortunately, the map won't provide any markers to help you locate the Signal Jammer. So, you'll have to rely on your observation skills.

Once you find and destroy the first signal cellphone jammer, you'll receive a text message from Lester Crest. The message will read, "Did you just disable a SecuroServ transmitter? My old friend, Avi Schwartzman, has been complaining about the government blocking his radio transmissions for years... He's a valuable ally. If you can destroy the rest of the signal jammers like the first one, he'll reward you generously."

Every time you destroy another Signal Jammer, you'll earn additional GTA$ and RP bonuses. You'll also receive an on-screen notification that keeps you updated on the number of Signal Jammers you've destroyed so far.

Should you require guidance in finding the gps signal jammer locations, rest assured that we have prepared a map specifically for this purpose. The map below exhibits the precise positions of all 50 Signal Jammers that you must visit in order to successfully collect them. As is the case with most collectibles in the game, they are widely dispersed, necessitating extensive travel to locate them all. Our suggestion is to utilize The Oppressor MK2 for swift transportation and employ its missiles to swiftly eliminate the Signal Jammers.




TagiTagi: gta-5 
09 listopada 202309 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Rockstar Games has made an exciting announcement, confirming that the highly anticipated next installment of the Grand Theft Auto franchise will finally be unveiled next month. Speculated to be titled GTA VI, this new game is set to introduce the series' first-ever female protagonist, drawing inspiration from the iconic duo Bonnie and Clyde. Furthermore, reports suggest that GTA VI will be based in a fictionalized version of Miami, reminiscent of the beloved GTA: Vice City released in 2002.

Following recent reports of an imminent GTA VI reveal, Rockstar Games has chosen X (formerly Twitter) as the platform to officially disclose that a trailer showcasing "the next Grand Theft Auto" will be released in early December.

GTA fans have been eagerly awaiting this moment for quite some time. A decade has passed since the release of Grand Theft Auto V in 2013, and since then, the game has made its way to various hardware platforms, including the PS5 and Xbox Series X / S. The online mode of the game has proven to be a profitable addition for the developer.

The existence of a new Grand Theft Auto game has been known for a while now. In February 2022, Rockstar officially confirmed that they were working on the next installment of the franchise. Furthermore, leaked footage from the game surfaced last year, which Rockstar eventually acknowledged. Recently, a London jury discovered that a teenage member of the Lapsus$ hacking group was responsible for the leaked GTA VI footage.

Grand Theft Auto V, which celebrated its 10th anniversary recently, has achieved a remarkable milestone by surpassing a staggering 185 million copies sold since its initial release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2013.

Locate and Eliminate All GTA Online Signal Jammers

In the vast expanse of Los Santos and its surroundings, numerous GTA Online signal jammers are strategically hidden, waiting to be discovered and neutralized. However, these jammers are not conventional collectibles that can be simply picked up. Instead, you must meticulously shoot each of the 50 jammers after identifying their presence through the conspicuous flashing boxes perched atop buildings and various structures scattered throughout GTA Online.

Upon successfully eliminating these signal cellphone jammer, you will be rewarded with the customary offering of cash and RP. Nevertheless, the ultimate objective lies in unlocking the invaluable services of Avi Schwartzman, a highly skilled hacker who can significantly enhance your earnings from the Diamond Casino Heist. To gain access to Avi, it is imperative that you disable all 50 of these minuscule transmitters. Therefore, allow me to guide you through the process of locating and obliterating each and every one of the GTA Online signal jammers.

Discovering the Locations of GTA Online Signal Jammers

To locate the gps signal blocker in GTA Online, you'll typically find them perched high atop billboards or buildings. Once you've arrived in the correct vicinity, you'll need to look skyward to spot them. Consider bringing a sniper rifle or flying vehicle equipped with weapons to effectively disable the jammer. Utilize the map below to pinpoint the precise location of each device.

GTA Online Signal Jammers Locations: Discover the Locations of All 50 Signal Jammers

In the comprehensive map provided above, we have meticulously pinpointed the precise locations of all 50 signal jammers in GTA Online. For a more detailed view, simply click on the image to enlarge it to its full size. It is crucial to bear in mind the valuable advice we previously shared. In the event that you find yourself in one of these areas and are unable to visually or audibly detect the gsm signal jammer, it is highly likely that it is affixed to a towering structure above you. Therefore, it is imperative to thoroughly scan the vicinity and, if necessary, return during the cover of darkness to ascertain the presence of that elusive, glimmering light.

After deactivating all the signal jammers in GTA Online, you can recruit the skilled hacker Avi Schwartzman to assist your Diamond Casino Heist team. With their expertise in hacking, they can aid you in bypassing security systems and keeping your identity concealed during the heist. Don't forget to prepare by stocking up on ammunition and selecting your preferred vehicle before embarking on your mission to locate the signal jammer units.

Hidden Camera Detectors

TagiTagi: gta-5 
08 listopada 202308 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Grand Theft Auto 5's vast open world is filled with many collectibles and points of interest for players to discover. Among them are 50 signal jammers that can be found scattered across the city of Los Santos and Blaine County. Destroying these devices can grant players special rewards, but locating them can be tricky. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about hunting down signal jammers in GTA Online.

What Are Signal Jammers in GTA 5 Online?

Signal jammers in GTA Online are small electronic devices that can disrupt phone signals and block internet access. They appear as small black boxes with blinking green lights, usually found attached to the side of buildings or on rooftops.

When nearby a signal jammer, players will be unable to use their in-game cell phone to access contacts, emails, web browser and other features. The phone signal strength indicator in the top right corner will show zero bars and display "NO SIGNAL."

Destroying signal jammers is beneficial because they negatively impact the GTA Online game world. With the gps blocker active, players cannot rely on their phones for communication and access to information. Shutting the jammers down restores full phone functionality and internet connectivity across Los Santos.

Locations of All 50 Signal Jammers

The 50 signal jammers are spread far and wide across the massive map of GTA 5, from downtown Los Santos all the way to rural Blaine County. Their exact positions are fixed but accessing them can require some climbing, flying or other creative approaches.

Some useful spots to check for jammers include rooftops of skyscrapers, sides of office buildings, atop construction cranes, water towers, radio masts, cell phone towers, and remote high spots in the countryside. Referring to interactive maps available online can make locating the jammers much easier.

Hidden Camera Detectors


TagiTagi: gta-5 
07 listopada 202307 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Have you ever been defeated by a hidden gps tracker defense?

Just like your important personal information has been stolen by some criminals, you will face damage to your reputation and at the same time, you will also face the loss of wealth. Some Chicken Soup for the Soul will teach us to calm down Facing all kinds of failures.

When a car uses GPS or GNSS for positioning, it needs to receive multiple satellite signals at the same time to ensure accurate positioning. Therefore, we can see that when the car drives into a tunnel, etc., there is obstruction

In the environment, the GPS or GNSS positioning accuracy will be reduced to varying degrees or even completely lost.

Hidden Camera Detectors

Dead Reckoning DR is often used to compensate for GPS or GNSS positioning difficulties. When satellite positioning accuracy is reduced, Dead Reckoning calculates the position of the car by using information from various sensors (gyro sensors, accelerometers, speed pulses, etc.) Current location to maintain the car's positioning accuracy.

Precise positioning without online dead reckoning Dead reckoning most commonly uses an IMU to calculate the vehicle's real-time heading. Using this information, plus the distance traveled, the navigation system can correctly determine the vehicle's position. Dead reckoning ADR in high-end cars combines GNSS data with position information collected from relevant sensors installed on the body and wheels, and then performs positioning estimation. This most accurate positioning requires the vehicle's own data network integration to be sufficiently high.

In this modern society, with the rapid development of science and technology, we will face various problems. Maybe some small details can ruin your career. There is no doubt that protecting your privacy is important. Society teaches us to face failure in the right way, and also teaches us to avoid unnecessary failure in the right way. That's why we need GPS signal jammers, it's a great tool to protect our privacy.

TagiTagi: gps 
06 listopada 202306 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Best jamming signal Hidden Camera Detectors of 2023

Use our expert picks of the best hidden camera detectors to locate spy cameras and vulnerabilities and make sure you're not being spied on

Hidden Camera Detectors


The best hidden camera detectors will put anyone worried about their personal security at ease. If there's a covert camera watching you, they'll let you know. Many will also locate nearby bugging devices and GPS trackers too. Our expert tips will help you identify the best for your needs and budget.

These days, spy cameras are easily available to the general public, and so whether you're staying in a hotel room or an unfamiliar AirBnB, hidden cameras can be a legitimate concern. Plus, just looking around the room isn't always good enough , because some cameras are now so tiny they can be hidden in places like smoke detectors and light bulbs.

A quick sweep with a Hidden Camera Detectors, though, is all you need to put your mind at rest and works using the same principles as professional counter-surveillance officers.



TagiTagi: bug 
04 listopada 202304 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Nowadays, almost every examination room will install an examination room signal jammer. However, this machine will become hot after being used for a period of time. The heat may affect the normal use of the machine. However, this is not certain. It's just that the heat dissipation capabilities vary depending on the brand. So, how does the signal jammer in the examination room dissipate heat? The old-fashioned signal jammer in the examination room could only rely on natural temperature to slowly cool down. But now, most examination room signal jammers are equipped with fans. Not only are these fans silent, but they also dissipate heat very well. It can help the instrument lower the temperature in time.

In addition, now schools are generally equipped with air conditioners. When the weather is too hot, the school will turn on the air conditioner or fan to ensure the safety of candidates. At this time, the temperature of the gsm signal jammer in the examination room will also drop. In fact, this thing is just like a mobile phone. In the summer, it will get hot as long as it is turned on. But it won't damage the machine. Especially for machines with better quality, you don't have to worry.

Power Adjustable Jammer

In real life, mobile phones have become an indispensable device in people's lives. However, using mobile phones in conference rooms often leads to serious problems, such as interfering with the progress of the meeting and affecting the attention of others. Therefore, using a mobile phone signal jammer is an effective solution to ensure that the meeting goes smoothly.

What should you pay attention to when using mobile phone signal jammer in a conference room?

Cell phone signal jammers can effectively block cell phone signals in the conference room to prevent cell phones from interfering with meetings. During the meeting, participants will not be able to use their mobile phones so that they can fully focus on the meeting. At the same time, this also helps protect the personal privacy of participants and prevent others from improperly obtaining meeting information.

Although the mobile phone signal jammer is called a jammer, it does not actually block the signal. Instead, it acts like a signal cellphone jammer.

Generally speaking, the connection between mobile phones will go through the signal tower, that is, the path of mobile phone-signal tower-mobile phone. The signal jammer will interfere with the connection path between the mobile phone and the signal tower, resulting in normal transmission. However, The signal tower is used by mobile phones within a certain range, so there are often situations where the mobile phone signal cannot be used normally even if you are not in the conference room.

Conference room cell phone signal jammers are not a panacea

Mobile phone signal jammers currently on the market can limit mobile phone signals that are 500M meters away from the transmitting station and have a radius of >20 meters. The shielding radius is adjustable. It only blocks mobile phone signals and does not affect other electronic devices. So if your mobile phone signal is not good recently when you are not near the examination room, don't blame the signal jammers. It may also be a problem with your own mobile phone.


TagiTagi: cellphone 
03 listopada 202303 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The so-called signal shielding means that the receiving device cannot obtain a signal with a signal-to-noise ratio that meets the signal identification requirements. Signal to noise ratio (Signal Noise Ratio, SNR) is the most important content.

We can refer to the formula:

SNR = \frac{P_{Signal}}{P_{Noise}}

Desktop  Jammers


Therefore, there are two ideas for reducing the signal-to-noise ratio:

  1. Reduce signal strength

  2. Increase noise intensity

Based on the above ideas, we can use signal jammers to interfere/shield wireless signals.

The function of a signal jammer is to shield signals and is used in many situations. Nowadays, information spreads very fast. With a mobile device, all kinds of information can be spread to every corner in an instant. For some occasions where information cannot be spread, mobile phone signal cellphone jammer are very necessary.

Within a certain frequency range, mobile phones and base stations are connected through radio waves to complete data and sound transmission at a certain baud rate and modulation method;

Based on the above communication principle, the Dazhan jammer scans from the small-end frequency of the forward channel to the big-end at a certain speed during the working process. This scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the message signals received by the mobile phone. The mobile phone cannot detect normal data sent from the base station, making it impossible for the mobile phone to establish a connection with the base station. Communication equipment exhibits phenomena such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system.

Basic principles of 5G shielding:

Mobile phone signal jammers (jammers) achieve interference and shielding of wireless communication signals by emitting co-channel interference signals. The transmit power of the wifi signal jammer directly affects the strength of the interference signal, thereby indirectly affecting the shielding effect of the signal jammer. There is a positive correlation between these three. In other words, the stronger the transmission power, the stronger the interference signal, and the better the theoretical shielding effect in the same environment.

What factors affect the shielding effect? In the actual use environment, the interference signal emitted by the mobile phone signal jammer is affected by various factors, the most important of which are the following:

  • The indoor jammer is recommended to be placed at a height of about 180cm-220cm above the ground, preferably at a forward angle.

  • Is there any obstruction (such as walls, metal products, human body, etc.) between the gsm signal jammer and the wireless communication device (mobile phone, etc.). The interference signal emitted by the jammer will attenuate to varying degrees after passing through the obstruction, so please try to avoid it.

  • The original wireless communication signal strength in the application environment of the jammer. The weaker the wireless communication signal strength in the use environment, the stronger the theoretical shielding effect of the jammer.

  • The distance between the application environment of the jammer and the communication base station. The farther the application environment of the jammer is from the base station, the stronger the theoretical shielding effect of the jammer.



TagiTagi: wifi 
02 listopada 202302 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Mobile phone signal jammers are used in many places, but they cannot be used immediately after installation. We still need to go through certain testing and acceptance to determine its effectiveness and ensure its effectiveness.

It is very important to ensure whether the mobile phone signal jammers can truly effectively block mobile phone signals. When purchasing a mobile phone signal jammer, testing is a very important step.

  1. Test the blocking distance of the mobile phone signal jammer. Don't just try it with one or two network mobile phones. The mobile phone networks used are different, especially the 4G mobile phone network. The 4G network uses a broadband high-speed transmission method. If the mobile phone If the signal cellphone jammer is not powerful enough, it may not be able to block 4G;

  2. It is necessary to find all the mobile phones in the current network of mobile communication providers before testing. Make sure that each mobile phone network can meet the needs of at least one classroom to be considered successful. After turning on the phone to test the shielding effect, be sure to ensure that there is no signal on the mobile phone within half an hour and no time appears. sometimes not;

  3. Another important point is that if it is a mobile phone wireless signal jammer with a metal shell, touch the front and rear sides of the fuselage with your hands after 1 hour after turning it on. If the temperature is moderate and not hot, there will be no problem. If it is very hot, it will not pass, because the machine continues to heat up. It will cause the power of the mask to attenuate, make it unable to work stably, and easily cause burns.

8 Bands Jammer


The main functions of the four major signal frequency bands used by drones

  • 1. 2.4GHz frequency band

  • The 2.4GHz frequency band is one of the more common frequency bands used in drones. It is a type of radio frequency band used by drones and is mainly used for WiFi and Bluetooth communications. This frequency band has a wider coverage and a faster transmission rate, so it is widely used in remote control and image transmission of drones.

  • 2. 5.8GHz frequency band

  • The 5.8GHz frequency band is one of the most common frequency bands in drones. It is also used in WiFi and Bluetooth communications, and is also widely used in drone image transmission systems. Compared with the 2.4GHz band, the transmission rate of 5.8GHz is faster, but the coverage range is relatively small.

  • 3. GPS satellite signal frequency band-1.5G frequency band

  • The GPS satellite signal frequency band is a type of frequency band used for drone positioning. It can accurately locate the position of the drone, thereby enabling flight path planning and tracking. GPS satellite signals are also one of the keys for UAVs to achieve autonomous flight and formation control.

  • 4. Remote control signal frequency band-900 frequency band

  • The remote control signal frequency band is a type of radio frequency band used for remote control of drones. It connects the drone flight controller to the remote controller to achieve remote control of the drone within a certain range. This frequency band has a smaller application range, but it plays an important role in remote control of drones.



TagiTagi: cellphone 
01 listopada 202301 listopada 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In all types of examinations, it has long been a common practice to install wireless signal jammers in each examination room. However, almost 90% of examination centers choose low-power shielding equipment when selecting equipment. Why did you choose this? There are often high-performance shielding devices on the market, but why are they so common in exam rooms? What if you don't know how to use a high-performance signal jammer?

The answer to this question can be analyzed from two perspectives: one is the product performance and application scenarios of the powerful wireless signal jammer itself, and the other is the design of the examination room.

8 Bands Jammer Device

First, let's talk about the high-power wireless signal jammer. Its biggest feature is its high transmitting power and wide coverage. However, there are clear reminders in its instructions for use that high-power wireless signal cellphone jammer are mainly used in outdoor open environments. Environments like examination rooms are obviously indoor environments, and they are numerous and densely distributed. , each examination room is also separated by walls. This kind of wall barrier will shield the signal with great error, and it is easy to cause the shielded signal to only cover a local area or floor.

Considering these factors, high-power wireless signal jammers are strictly required not to be installed in buildings, but must be installed at an appropriate distance around a building. Moreover, for a building, at least 2-4 sets of high-power shielding equipment are usually required to basically meet the signal shielding needs.

The high-power wireless signal jammer itself also has the characteristics of large size, heavy weight, high heat dissipation and ventilation requirements, and high purchase cost. These characteristics also determine that high-power models are not suitable for the examination room.

Since high-power wireless gsm signal jammer are larger in appearance and heavier in weight, installation and construction are relatively complex, time-consuming and labor-intensive. Since the purchase cost of high-power wireless signal jammers is much higher than that of low-power shielding equipment, the price ratio between the two can reach 50:1 or even 100:1. We also take a building as an example. Suppose this building There are 50 examination rooms and classrooms in the building. If low-power wireless signal jammers are used, even if one is configured for each classroom, the total number will be 50. However, if you replace it with a high-power wireless signal shielding device, you may need at least 2-4 units. According to the aforementioned price ratio, you can conclude that if you use high-power shielding equipment, the construction investment cost may be Improved by 2-4 times.


TagiTagi: examination room 
31 października 202331 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Counter-UAS Non-Kinetic Soft-Kill Technologies

Non-kinetic counter-drones collect data by interfering with or intercepting transmission signals. These approaches typically result in the drone plummeting to the ground at high speeds, making it an unappealing countermeasure to deploy above crowds. While it may not be suitable for usage over crowds, it may be beneficial in other situations. When contemplating drone countermeasures, always consult your country's regulations; drone jammer and drone spoofers are not authorized in the United States.

What exactly is a drone jammer?

Jammers operate by emitting electromagnetic noise at the radio frequencies used by drones to operate and transmit data. They effectively drown out a drone's and its operator's talk. This is commonly 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz, which are unlicensed, public frequencies. This prohibits jammers from interfering with piloted airplanes, mobile phones, public broadcasting, or other radio frequencies that are not in use.

Jammers can be permanent, mounted devices or extremely mobile, gun-like devices that allow someone to safely land a drone on the ground.

What happens when a drone becomes jammed?

  • The drone will either land or

  • The drone will return to its starting point.


What are the drawbacks of drone jamming?

  1. Drone jammers are less effective against pre-programmed drones that fly a certain course, because drones may fly without GPS.

  2. Drone jammer prevent the C-UAS from gaining positive control over its targets.

  3. UAV jammers do not detect the pilot or the flight route.


drone gun

Is it legal to use drone jammers?

According to FCC regulations, drone jammers are not authorized in the United States.

"The use of "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (signal blockers, gps blocker, or text stoppers, for example) is illegal under federal law." These devices endanger crucial public safety communications and can prohibit you and others from dialing 9-1-1 or other emergency numbers. Law enforcement communications can also be disrupted buy jammers.

Governing Law

"The 1934 Communications Act"

  • Section 301 - requires radio transmitter operators and users to be licensed or approved under the Commission's rules (47 U.S.C. 301).

  • Section 333 - forbids deliberate or malicious interference with radio transmissions of any station licensed or permitted by the Act or operated by the United States Government (47 U.S.C. 333)"



What exactly is a GPS drone spoofer?

Spoofers send phony GPS signals that imitate authentic ones, whereas jammers function by blocking RF frequencies. Spoofers take over a drone's communication link by sending out a fake signal that the device interprets as authentic because it is a replica of the original signal.

The spoofer operates by sending out a stronger counterfeit signal. The spoofer can generate a slight delay between the drone and the controller before emitting the louder bogus signal. The spoofer now has complete control of the gadget and can fly the drone. The GPS receiver is duped by the spoofer.

If your UAS device uses GPS for flying, GPS spoofing is difficult to defend against. GPS is a signal transmitted by satellites. GPS satellite transmissions cannot be protected using traditional security methods such as encryption and certifications.



TagiTagi: drone 
30 października 202330 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
with radio or wireless signals


Deliveries of banned materials to prison inmates via drone are becoming increasingly ambitious and bold around the world, but an aerial smuggling ring busted by police in western France stands out for its quasi-startup organization and efficiency.

This summer, four gang members were arrested after Nantes police launched an investigation into the movement of contraband phones and drugs found during cell phone blocker searches. What they discovered was not only a well-organized and frequently used system for delivering prey using a DJI Mini, but also a Snapchat-based method of acknowledging commands from within Clink.

The perpetrators even gave their illegal company a name: Air Colis

Police became aware of the plan when guards first spotted a drone jammer hovering outside the window of a prison in Nantes. The next morning, authorities discovered 36 smartphones and 1.6 kilograms of drugs hidden by inmates. A month later, staff at another regional correctional facility spotted a drone making similar nighttime deliveries - an activity that was repeated at two other regional prisons around the same time.

Drone deliveries were often made to all four prisons on the same night, prompting local military police to cautiously begin investigations. They gradually discovered an operation (albeit illegal) that could teach the beleaguered Amazon Prime Air a lot.

This is how it functioned

Inmates monitoring contraband sales in their respective prisons placed orders with an outside partner, who in turn contacted four Air Colis organizers. The weight of each drone's payload (whether drugs, iPhones or tobacco) is limited to 500 grams, and transport costs a flat rate of 400 euros ($422). The contraband flown in was exchanged at a not-so-remote clandestine meeting point (a McDonald's parking lot in Nantes), where it was weighed and photographed so that the prisoners could confirm that the content on the Snapchat was what they intended. What's needed - a crime hedge against unsatisfied customers returning goods.

Nantes police, who busted the aerial quartet, said the drone-dropped shipments would be delivered directly to recipients waiting at the prison windows, and light jamming signal would be used to guide the ships to their location. The flights were flown in the middle of the night to four different prisons in western France, with each mission divided into five to ten missions, meaning multiple missions to the same prison were sometimes carried out in quick succession.

It is estimated that Air Colis made at least 50 shipments before police tracked down the gang in late September and revealed details of the operation.

The raid, which halted an illegal prison airlift, uncovered nine DJI Minis (including at least one original Mavic, according to police photos), several spare batteries, 500 grams of cocaine, a kilogram of marijuana and 900 euros ($950). Cash and thermal binoculars control the drone to identify the correct unit window at night.

"It's like an Uber delivering directly to the window," Nantes prosecutor Renaud Gaudeul said when announcing the arrest. "This is definitely not a trivial operation. As far as I know, France has never Things like this happen ... and it's good for criminals to see investigators doing their best as well."

If things continue this way, French police will need to further refine their counter-drone efforts. This summer alone, Air Colis is estimated to have transported more than 50 drones, bringing the number of confirmed drones entering French prisons in 2022 to 68, according to corrections officials. The number was more than 37 the year before. At this rate, the occupants of the car will be discovered the next time police conduct a search using a special app.


TagiTagi: drone 
27 października 202327 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Latest News: A media article about multiple signal jammers disrupting French airport operations. Once the authorities discovered one, they discovered another, and then another!

with radio or wireless signals


Why It's Important:

  1. GPS interference at airports can cause flight delays.

  2. Many airlines will not let the plane leave the gate without a good GPS lock.

  3. We have already seen cases of outages affecting landing systems. See: Events in Denver-Newark

  4. In the worst-case scenario, an outage, even an unexpected one, can result in loss of life. Check out the thrills of Sun Valley.

What Else to Know:

  • The EU STRIKE3 project has identified many cases of interference in or near airports.

  • News reports like this about flight delays happen from time to time.

  • In the United States, the FCC is the regulatory agency responsible for preventing such incidents and enforcing the rules.

  • uUnfortunately, over the past two decades, the FCC has significantly reduced the number of personnel and equipment suitable for the job..

ANFR Fighting against phone jammer

Candice Clark 18 July 2023

In France, the National Spectrum Administration (ANFR) is responsible for enforcing rules banning radio jammers, including those that interfere with GNSS services. The availability of GNSS data is critical for many critical applications, so disruptions to GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and Beidou are as serious as cyber attacks.

ANFR's sworn representatives have the authority to investigate violations of national spectrum use regulations. They are often used to locate active gps jammer, either on a vehicle or in a fixed location. Catherine Gabay, ANFR Deputy Director for Frequency Monitoring and Enforcement, reported on some recent cases during the 2023 International Symposium on Navigation and Timing Technologies (ITSNT) in Toulouse.

In March 2023, an instance happened near Merville airport. The Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) notified ANFR of interference on the L1 frequency, which was disrupting flights and air ambulance helicopters. ANFR agents quickly reviewed in-flight information and discovered a GNSS jammer aboard a commercial vehicle. The police were brought in to assist with the seizure of the equipment, and the driver was arrested.



TagiTagi: french 
26 października 202326 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cellular interference involves the use of equipment that interferes with radio or wireless signals

with radio or wireless signals


Cell destruction can be done with a device placed about 30 feet away from the intended target or via a home camera.

CMPD says thieves have figured out how to bypass security cameras and use technology in some burglaries.

This is called "cell interference" and occurs when a person uses a device to interfere with a radio or wireless signal.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, "It is a violation of federal law to use a phone jammer, GPS blocker, or other signal jamming device designed to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or disrupt authorized radio communications." A business, classroom, residence or vehicle. "

Cell destruction can be done with a device placed about 30 feet away from the intended target or via a home camera.

Video from a south Charlotte neighborhood shows a suspect sneaking through yards at night, but not all of the incident was caught on camera.

"Anytime you have wireless devices, whether it's Wi-Fi or whatever, you know people are going to find a way - how to jam them, how to try to prevent something from communicating," CPI Security Customer Operations said.

Within a few moments, someone is visible on camera, but as cells burst, with the push of a button or button, the person disappears or is not recorded.

CMPD says this problem has been seen in some break-ins in south Charlotte

"We haven't seen any activity like this, so we're aware of that and the most important thing is making sure we have the best technology and the latest technology," Shocknesse said.

WBTV asked him which devices are more susceptible to cellular interference

"I think it will work on some older wireless devices that don't have encryption," Shocknesse said.

Newer security systems and surveillance systems have better encryption and are more secure, he said.

"I really don't think we can emphasize enough the importance of having cameras and some onboard video," Shockness said. "The cameras we put in there are equipped with storage so if something goes wrong, you can still record what happened and report it to the police."

To complement this advice, he said the best solution to prevent cell phone interference is to use current encryption technology and wired devices rather than WiFi.

To prevent break-ins, simple tricks such as maintaining good lighting, turning on alarm systems and trimming shrubs to a height of no more than one meter can be effective.


TagiTagi: cameras 
25 października 202325 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Drones are increasingly being used for phone a variety of purposes, from surveillance to package delivery to destroying equipment on the battlefield. The need to control and eliminate these devices is becoming increasingly urgent. Against this background, the "Drone Off" anti-drone rifle emerged and is currently on display at the Partner 2023 exhibition in Serbia. The device can phone interfere with communication signals between drones and their operators, providing an effective solution to potential drone threats.

cell phone jammer for drone


Serbia showcased Drone Off, a new anti-drone rifle developed by the company Iritel Beograd. The ability to neutralize drones is phone vital to militaries, and many are trying to find solutions to counter drone dominance. This is a new addition to those efforts.

The rifle operates in phone multiple frequency ranges, specifically 1164-1610 MHz for GPS L1/L2 and Glonass and 2400-2500 MHz and 5700-5850 MHz for remote control and video transmission. The transmitting power is 78W, which can interfere with UAV signals within a radius of 2.5 kilometers. The rifle weighs 3 kg and the included backpack weighs 10 kg. It uses sweep/multiple sweep type jamming signal and is equipped with a helical antenna with a gain of 12 dBic and an angle of 42°. The rifle operates in a temperature range of -25°C to +50°C, is battery powered, and features a battery status indicator light.

There are a variety of counter-drone technologies on the market, from frequency phone jammer to lasers to birds trained to intercept drones. For example, LMADIS (Lightweight Mobile Air Defense Integrated System) is a portable drone jammer that entered service in July 2019 and successfully shot down an Iranian drone. Drone Off features portability and high transmit power, making it a viable option for a variety of scenarios.

The importance of such technology is phone particularly evident in conflict zones such as Ukraine. Drones are often used for reconnaissance, surveillance, and sometimes even to drop munitions. The ability to neutralize these drones can provide significant tactical advantages. Other devices, such as the EDM4S SkyWiper used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, have also proven themselves in this regard.

With its impressive technical specifications and range, it provides a viable solution for suppressing drones in phone a variety of situations, including conflict zones such as Ukraine. The development and adoption of such technologies is critical to address the challenges posed by the increasing use of drones, not only on the battlefield but also in areas such as security.



TagiTagi: drone 
24 października 202324 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

PENTAGON: The United States Army is straining to phone fund the increasingly important electronic warfare wifi capabilities it has developed since the gps fall of the Soviet Union. The Army possesses over 32,000 short-range defensive jammer device to block roadside explosives, but an offensive handheld jammer will not be available until 2023, according to current plans.

"Can that be sped up?" "Yes," replied Col. Jeffrey Church, the Army's Pentagon staff's chief of electronic warfare. "Technology exists today that does a lot of things that we would like MFEW [the Multi-Function Electronic Warfare system] to do," he said, adding that some of it might even phone be purchased commercially by the Army.

However, with the Army decreasing faster than any other service and sequestration looming, "there's no money tree," Church told me in an interview. "So if you're going to grow a robust electronic warfare program, who's going to pay for that?"

8 Bands Jammer

where is the Army's electronic warfare today?

"I have a theory. I've got folks. "I have facilities," Church explained. "What we lack is equipment."

"If you go to a unit gps today in the Army and phone you say, let me see your 'electronic warfare equipment,' and you go to the EWO (Electronic Warfare Officer) and he opens up his wall locker, it's empty," Church went on to explain. "Right now, the Army relies on borrowing assets from other people," such as the Growler aircraft from the Navy.

"Our senior army leaders have known and continue to know that electronic warfare is something the Army must have," said Church, the Army's senior electronic warfare specialist. (The fact that the highest senior EWO is a colonel rather than a general demonstrates how nascent the field is). "It's a matter of resource prioritization and wifi where do you fall in those priorities."

What category does electronic warfare fit under? The Pentagon's fiscal 2016 budget contains $2.5 million for something called the Electronic Warfare Planning & Management Tool, which is a rounding error for a significant weapons program. EWPMT, which went into service in September 2016, is much-needed software that will allow electronic warfare forces to gather data from sensors such as Navy Growlers and the Army's DCGS-A intelligence network.

"EWPMT is what allows them to see the phone battlefield in the electromagnetic environment," Church explained, "so you can tell your commander, 'this is where we have interference.'" This is the situation. This is where the adversary is. I'm not sure what it is, but gps I'm getting some sort of signal."

Desktop  Jammers

EWPMT, on the other hand, is now a command-and-control system with nothing to command and control. The 32,000 CREWS gps blocker that defend wifi Army vehicles from roadside explosives are strong at short range, but they aren't connected to any type of network, so EWPMT can't utilize them as a data source, much alone manage them. For the particular circumstances of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army possesses just a few longer-range systems purchased using emergency funding and/or quick equipping authorities.

"We got good technology into wifi the field to save soldiers' lives," he remarked. "We didn't get any programs of record, so we phone don't have budgets, we don't have base dollars."

The Multi-Function Electronic Warfare system is designed to address this issue. MFEW will be a network of sensors and wifi blocker deployed on various sized drones, ground vehicles ranging from Humvees to heavy trucks, stationary locations, troops' backpacks, and maybe helicopters.

Church underlined that, unlike Cold War electronic warfare units, MFEW will not require a specialized vehicle to carry it: "The Army can't afford it," he stated, and current miniaturized electronics don't require it. Instead, MFEW will ride on ground vehicles while they go about their regular tasks, giving data to and receiving commands from Army electronic warfare experts at the gps command post. MFEW will be another plug-and-play module on drones, to be used or not depending on the task, as many specialized sensors already are.

How near is this vision to becoming a reality? "Right now, MFEW is not a program," Church explained, limiting the Army's capacity to support it. MFEW is now a "concept" in the arduous process of becoming a formal Army requirement. "We're on about the fifth rewrite of the MFEW CDD (Capabilities Development Document)," Church stated in a statement. MFEW can become a program of record and receive base budget money after thephone CDD is completed and authorized.

The MFEW is expected to start service in 2023 and achieve full operational capability (FOC) in 2027. We're still playing catch-up till then.

"Guys like the Russians, guys like the Chinese, their surrogates, they've spent the last 20 years continuing the development and acquisition of an electronic warfare capability, whereas... the Army got out of the business," he stated. When the battlefield was brought back to life, he stated, "Army electronic warfare started from nothing, and it started from nothing in a combat environment where a lot of US soldiers were being killed or wounded due to the radio-controlled IED."

Church stated, "Now we have to take this to the phone next level, and MFEW is the next level."

Of course, all of this is taking place as the Pentagon's senior leadership assesses its electronic warfare portfolio. The newly formed Electronic Warfare Programs Council is the place to be; it is led by Frank Kendall, the undersecretary for acquisition, technology, and logistics, and Adm. James Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


TagiTagi: jamming 
23 października 202323 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Electronic Jamming Tactics

Jamming has increased in sophistication as electronic warfare gps has developed and phone includes an array of tactics. Barrage jamming is performed against two or more frequencies phone. This can be useful when the aggressor does not know exactly which radio or radar frequencies their adversary is using. Nonetheless, they may know with reasonable gps certainty which phone waveband of frequencies they may be using. Spot jamming is performed against specific frequencies known to gps be in use.

The advent of solid-state electronics in the 1960s revolutionized jamming technology. It facilitates the development of complex phone digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) systems. These are particularly useful for jamming radar equipment. DRFM detects incoming radar signals, samples the signal, and then cleverly sounds an alert before retransmitting it to phone the radar. This new false signal could confuse radar by showing two or gps more targets where there used to be only one. The target may move faster or slower than its actual speed. This strategy is called deception gps jamming.

Likewise, DRFM can collect and send false signals to trick the radar into believing there is a more prominent or attractive target in its field of view than the one initially detected. This strategy is called temptation interference. In the long term, the emergence of artificial intelligence will make interference tactics and techniques increasingly sophisticated.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Jamming is the basis of the electronic attack mission. Electronic attack is a subset of the broader discipline of gps electronic warfare (EW), which is discussed in more detail elsewhere. Jamming was first used during World War II to attack radar and radio phone equipment. Both latter systems transmit phone radio signals. Radar does this to detect and track objects, radio does this to send and receive voice and data traffic.

In the simplest case, the purpose of cell phone jamming is to impair a radar or radio's ability to perform its mission, or even prevent them from completing it entirely. The jamming process also uses radio signals, but in a way that attacks these systems. Simply put, jamming is gps an attack using artificially generated radio interference. An example of how interference works can be seen when a car drives under power lines with the radio on. The sound of the radio was suddenly drowned out by interference. This is caused by electromagnetic radiation from power lines.

Interfering signals, called waveforms, are sent to the radar or radio's antenna. The antenna should detect the gps signal. To ensure this, the signal is sent at a frequency that the antenna can gps detect and that matches the phone frequency of the interfering target signal: If the radar sends a signal at a frequency of 3.6 GHz/GHz, the signal must be the same in the event of a malfunction.

However, successful radar or radio jamming depends on more than just the frequency of phone the interfering signal. Signal amplitude is also important. Let's consider a radio that receives amplitude traffic at a specific wattage. If the interfering signal is weaker than the signal received by the radio, these signals will remain uninterrupted. Interference signals were also detected, but were too weak to have a noticeable effect.

If the interfering signal is stronger than the traffic received by the gps radio, the former will be "washed away." In electronic warfare, jamming is effective when a radio or radar device is receiving rather than transmitting. This is because the incoming radio signal is already relatively weak. This reduces the power required for the signal jammers to be effective. To explain how improvisation works, imagine a violin soloist and a heavy rock band on the same stage. The solo violinist begins to play, but their music immediately becomes inaudible as the rock band begins. This does not mean that the phone violinist's music has stopped, just that the volume of the orchestra drowns out the soloist's voice.

TagiTagi: jamming 
21 października 202321 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

There are three ways to determine the location of your Tracki GPS tracker using geolocation data.

1. Global Positioning System (GPS) functionality, which uses satellite signal jammers to determine location very accurately.

2. Connect to WiFi by tracking the router's MAC ID. If Tracki GPS Tracker cannot find a GPS signal, it listens to all nearby WiFi routers and reports their MAC ID to our servers, which have access to a map of wifi blocker routers and their locations around the world. Accuracy is approximately 100-300 feet.

3. A less precise method is often called "cell tower triangulation," which refers to how cell towers calculate a tracker's geophysical location.

What is Cell Tower Triangulation?

In a perfect world, the GPS tracker's signal would be picked up by three or more cell towers, allowing triangulation to function. If you know the distance to a place from each of three unique points, you may compute the approximate position of that location in respect to the three reference points. We know the locations of the cell towers that receive our jammer GSM signal at Tracki because we have access to mapping of all cellular tower locations worldwide, and we can estimate the distance of the GPS tracker from each of those antenna towers based on the lag time between when the tower sends a ping to Tracki GPS tracker and receives the answering ping back.

spireon gps

In rare situations, a GPS tracker's signal may be received by more than three cell towers, providing for even greater precision. Because there are frequently many cell towers with overlapping signal coverage regions in big metropolitan urban areas, GPS tracker pinpointing accuracy is pretty good. When the GPS tracker is not exposed to the open sky, such as when it is within a building or underground, and there are no Wi-Fi networks nearby, cell tower triangulation may be the only means to determine location if GPS signal is not accessible.

However, there are numerous areas with fewer cell towers available, such as on the outskirts of towns and in rural areas. When there are less than three cell towers accessible, locating a anti-tracking jammer device becomes significantly less precise. To have good coverage in cities with a lot more vertical structures that might be obstacles to GPS tracker transmitting and receiving, there must be a lot more cell towers spread. There are fewer cell towers in the countryside, and a GPS tracker's signal may be picked up by only one tower at a considerably longer distance.


gps tracker detector

Those places where the GPS tracker is only picked up by a single tower, and if it just has a single omnidirectional antenna, the accuracy is considerably worse.



Tracking accuracy in rural locations might range from 0.25 mile to several miles, depending on how many obstructions may be obstructing the tower's signal.

How does a GPS tracker work?

GPS, or global positioning system, uses 24 to 32 solar-powered satellites and ground stations to relay data to GPS-enabled devices.

The primary goal of GPS systems is to identify the exact location of an object or person in real time. The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) network is used by GPS tracking systems. Each satellite in orbit transmits microwave signals to a receiver. The GPS tracker's receiver then utilizes these signals to compute your precise location from at least four GPS satellites. Finally, your location is calculated when the system triangulates your actual position on the earth based on these distances to the closest meters.

The method is based on a basic mathematical idea known as trilateration. GPS receivers use the exact location of at least four satellites and the distance between them to estimate four values: earth latitude, earth longitude, elevation, and time. The position of the receiver is determined by the position and distances to a certain satellite. The precise position of a satellite is regularly sent to all receivers within line of sight, which normally necessitates an unobstructed sky. The precise moment the satellite broadcast arrives at the receiver determines the distance to a satellite. The time created by each satellite's atomic clock is relayed at predetermined intervals by the satellite.


how gps works

What a GPS Tracking Device Is and How It Works

GPS tracking devices operate on the same concept, but instead of displaying information on the device, the gadget's CPU calculates its location and transmits the resulting data to a server over the Internet via the international GSM cellular network. That server offers a platform from which end users may monitor the device's present and historical path, speed, and alarms. All of this data is then delivered over the internet and shown on a desktop software or a smart phone jammer utilizing an iPhone or Android app.

Anyone may profit from a GPS tracking device. It may be used by company owners to monitor fleets, staff conduct, and by households to keep track of elderly, children, or pets. To prevent their luggage from being lost or stolen, travelers embed a GPS tracker in it.

Active trackers, on the other hand, use a SIM and a GSM transceiver to process and send data in real time. Dispatchers receive real-time information via the GSM cellular network, allowing them to keep a close eye on their assets or valuables. Cellular network services are paid for with monthly fees.

In the event that the GPS satellites signal is obstructed due to being indoors or by a structure, and there is no sky, the device looks for cell tower signals and attempts to determine rough position using cell tower signal strength triangulation.

The GPS tracker determine where the device is located and roughly estimate the distance between the cellphone towers by interpolating signals between adjacent towers. A precision of down to 300 feet may be obtained in urban areas where density of cellphone towers is very high. Rural and county side areas which has less towers per square mile may see many miles between base stations and therefore inaccurately determine locations often showing a location miles away from the device real location.

For conclusion, when GPS satellite signal is available that is preferable to use. But in those cases when a GPS tracking device is blocked from open sky by structures, tall buildings, trees or even heavy clouds, cell tower approximation can mean the difference between knowing a general area whereabouts of GPS tracker or being in a complete dark.



TagiTagi: gps 
20 października 202320 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As a professional photographer and drone pilot, I've seen firsthand how drone technology has become mainstream (pun intended) in recent years.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and as our skies become increasingly filled with these high-tech devices, the need for regulatory and control measures becomes increasingly clear.

Enter the world of drone jammers.

In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of drone jammers, from basic functionality to legality. We will also discuss some practical applications of this technology.

Whether you're a drone enthusiast interested in the technology, a security professional looking to learn about drone defenses, or someone just concerned about privacy, this guide is for you and her.

Desktop  Jammers

Introduction to drone defense technology

Okay, guys, let's get down to business. What exactly is a drone jammer? Why should we care?


What is a drone jammer?

Imagine you are flying your drone and taking stunning aerial shots, and suddenly your drone starts to react. It doesn't respond to your controls and seems to have a mind of its own. My friend, you may have just encountered a drone jammer.

Simply put, a drone jammer is a device designed to interrupt the control signal of a drone.

It acts like a drone party killer, ruining the party by emitting electromagnetic noise on certain radio frequencies.

These frequencies cover the same radio and GPS signals the drone uses to operate, effectively grounding it.



The development of drone technology

Now you might be asking yourself, "Why would anyone want to stop drones?" Well, like any technology, drones can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they've revolutionized industries from film production to agriculture, providing a bird's-eye view that was previously only possible via expensive helicopter flights.

On the other hand, they also found a whole lot of mess when it came to privacy and security issues. Imagine a drone hovering outside your window, or worse yet, a drone being used for illegal activity. Not that funny, right?



The need for drone jammers

This is where drone jammers come into play. They're essentially a way to keep drones away from places they're not supposed to go. Think of them as the gatekeepers of the sky, preventing unwanted drones from entering restricted airspace.

But it's not just a matter of privacy and security. Drone jammers also play a vital role in ensuring safety. Because the last thing you want is for a drone to collide with a passenger plane.



How drone jammers work

Picture this: you are attending a rock concert and trying to have a conversation with your friend. But the music is too loud and you can't hear each other. This is essentially how a jammer works.

Drone jammers emit electromagnetic noise at certain radio frequencies, similar to loud music at a concert. This noise drowns out the radio and jammer GPS signals the drones use to operate, effectively drowning them out.

The impact of drone jammers on drones

So what happens when a drone is hit by a jammer signal? Well, it's a bit like getting lost in a strange city without a map.

Most drones respond to jamming signal by returning to their starting point. This is their way of saying: "I'm lost and I'm going home." In some cases, a drone jammer can land a drone at a scene for forensic investigation.



How to jam drone signals

Now, before you get any ideas, I want to make one thing clear: jamming drone signals should not be attempted at home. This is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of radio frequencies and drone technology. Plus, it's illegal in a lot of places (but we'll get to that later).

That being said, it's still interesting to understand how the process works. A drone jammer's frequency is generally assigned at 2.4Ghz or 5.8Ghz, which are public frequencies not assigned to manned aircraft, public broadcasts, or cell phone signals.

The jammer projects its signal in the shape of a cone, and when a drone gets hit with the signal, it typically returns back to its point of origin or lands on the spot.



TagiTagi: drone 
19 października 202319 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

According to a report in Israel-based newspaper Haaretz, the Israeli Defense Forces intensified GPS jamming in the region to prevent drone assaults by Hamas and Hezbollah.

According to the IDF, Israel is interrupting satellite navigation systems "proactively for various operational needs." "Citizens should be aware that the disruption can cause various and temporary effects on location-based applications," the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told Haaretz.

According to the analysis, this will have two effects on GPS services. For starters, GPS signal reception can be fully disabled. Second, it may be faked, which means it can send bogus location data to the device.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

GPS receivers may be found in mobile phones jammer phone, aircraft, ships, and vehicles. They receive signals from many satellites at the same time and utilize them to compute their own precise location and altitude.

These identical receivers may also be found on cruise missiles and drones, where they are used to direct them to their destination. Any army organization interested in thwarting such an attack may emit forcefully on the required frequency band, preventing the GPS blocker device from receiving any satellite signal and completely disabling its operation.

Spoofing is a technique in which the signal mimics the genuine satellite signal and hijacks the GPS receiver. Once the receiver has locked on to the bogus signal, the disrupter will supply it with fake data, forcing it to compute and show an inaccurate position and altitude. This can result in the receiver reporting its genuine position dozens, if not hundreds, of kilometers away.

According to Haaretz, Israelis had GPS troubles last week because the IDF was apparently attempting to prevent Hezbollah's GPS-guided drones from entering far into Israel.

The publication said that Israelis are being impacted, citing an example in which a person from Haifa said his phone incorrectly indicated his position as being in the northern border area while being in Haifa. Residents in the West Bank said that their phones notified them that they were close to the Gaza border.

However, this may cause problems with the IDF HomeFront Command app, which provides information based on the user's phone location. According to the publication, blocking the app or the GPS transmitter on people's phones might result in a false signal.


TagiTagi: drone 
18 października 202318 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
5G 4G Phone Jammer

Starlink and other low-Earth orbit constellations face new security risks

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 really threw Ukrainian communications into a tailspin: Shortly before the invasion, Russian hackers disabled Viasat satellite ground receivers across Europe. Then entrepreneur Elon Musk stepped in and offered access to Starlink, SpaceX's growing network of low-Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites. Musk soon reported that Starlink was suffering from cell phone jamming attacks and software countermeasures.

In March, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) concluded that Russia was still trying to block Starlink, according to leaked documents from U.S. National Guard pilot Ryan Teixeira seen by The Washington Post. According to the "Defense One" website, the Ukrainian military also blamed the Starlink problem on Russian gps jamming. If Russia blocks low-Earth orbit constellations, this will be a new height in the silent war between space and earth communications.

"There's really not a lot of information about it," said Brian Weeden, program director at the Secure World Foundation, an NGO focused on space governance. However, Weeden added, "My sense is that Starlink is harder to jam or interfere with [than GPS satellites]."

LEO satellites face new security risks

Regardless of their altitude or size, communications satellites transmit more power and therefore require more energy to jam than navigation satellites. However, low-Earth-orbiting satellites orbiting the Earth at altitudes of 2,000 kilometers or less switch frequently, which "results in delays and creates more interference" than large geostationary satellites, said Mark, professor of data protection and data protection. Mark Manulis said. Applied cryptography at the Cyber ​​Defense Institute (CODE) of the Bundeswehr University Munich.

Security and communications researchers have mostly studied defenses and countermeasures behind closed doors, but several publications and open-source research have revealed how unprepared many low-Earth orbit satellites are for a direct attack, and what defenses may be needed for future low-Earth orbit satellites.

For years, private companies and government agencies have been planning low-Earth orbit constellations, each with thousands of satellites. For example, the Department of Defense has been designing its own network of low-Earth orbit satellites to complement its more traditional geostationary constellation for more than a decade and has begun awarding contracts to build it. University research groups also launch miniature standardized CubeSats (CubeSats) into low Earth orbit for research and demonstration purposes. This proliferation of satellite constellations coincides with the emergence of off-the-shelf components and software-defined radio-both of which make the satellites more affordable, but perhaps less secure.

Russian defense authorities have commissioned a system called "Tobol" to counter jammers that could interfere with Russian satellites, journalist and author Bart Hendricks reports. This means that either Russia can deliver jamming signals to satellites, or it suspects that its adversaries can.

Many agencies and organizations launching the latest generation of low-cost satellites have yet to address the biggest safety issues they face, researchers write in the 2022 Low Earth Orbit Safety Report. This may be because one of the lures of low-Earth orbit is the relatively cheap ability of new hardware to handle smaller tasks.

"Satellites are getting smaller and smaller. Their purpose is very clear," said Ijaz Ahmad, a telecommunications security researcher at the VTT Technology Research Center in Espoo, Finland. "Less resources are devoted to computing power, processing, and storage." Lower computing power means less encryption capabilities and a lower ability to detect and respond to outages or other proactive outages.

The rise of software-defined radio (SDR) is also making it easier to deploy hardware for new missions, including the ability of small satellites to cover multiple frequency bands. "When you make it programmable, you provide some kind of remote connection to that hardware so that you can program it. But if you ignore the security aspect, there are serious consequences," Ahmed said.


TagiTagi: gps 
17 października 202317 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Bloody ground attacks by Hamas armed militants shocked Israel, but there were also surprises overhead, says a Brock University professor.


This seems to be the first conflict where Hamas has successfully used armed drones. Some are quadcopters that operators fly via remote control. They can precisely drop explosives onto small targets - like an Iron Dome system. Videos online show them attacking people, a watchtower and a tank.

Ukraine has effectively used similar quadcopters against Russian military targets. They sometimes drop explosives right down an armoured vehicle's open hatch.

However, technology is developing rapidly, in many cases, faster than the defence industry or NATO can react. For example, many ‘traditional' countermeasures against small UAS rely on electronic jamming of the Command and Control (C2) link between the ‘drone' and its remote control. Many current COTS products are, however, able to navigate autonomously to a given coordinate or can be controlled via a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network from the operator's mobile phone. These features make jamming either completely useless, since the C2 link is no longer required to navigate, or unavailable, because of peacetime restrictions that prohibit the signal jamming of frequencies that are in use by the public.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

The Space Domain

SATCOM is an essential part of BLOS UAS operations. But COTS UAS also utilize PNT signals provided by respective satellite constellations. Within the limits of the ‘Outer Space Treaty', countermeasures against space-based communications and PNT may be a legitimate option to defend against an entire fleet of adversary UAS. This does not necessarily require kinetic engagements by anti-satellite weapons. Indeed, ground or space-based jamming capabilities could be effective without risking the creation of large amounts of debris which could render entire orbits unusable for mankind.

Power Adjustable Jammer

Depending on the country and its domestic laws, which are applicable during peacetime, circumstances may prohibit certain types of countermeasures and limit the options for defending against UAS. These possibly prohibited countermeasures include kinetic engagement of airborne UA, cell phone jamming of publicly used frequencies such as GSM or wireless networks, or interference with the commercial PNT signals.

Additionally, non-kinetic measures such as jamming radio frequencies or PNT signals may affect public and commercial communications infrastructure and therefore, may be restricted or completely off-limits. Especially in peacetime, countermeasures have to be balanced against potential adverse impacts on critical communication systems and possible economic losses

Drug Cartels. In Mexico, drones have been extensively used for drug trafficking purposes in the region of the Mexico-US border as their use significantly lowers the risk of being caught. The route of the drone is pre-programmed and due to its autonomous capability, it cannot be blocked by electronic jammers at the border. The cartels in Mexico also use so-called potato bombs - hand grenadesized IEDs - in attacks on each other.

Both categories, commercially available drones as well as military UAS, should be considered ‘autonomous' in the way that they probably no longer require a permanent command and control link to fulfil their mission. This eliminates many of the current countermeasures which rely on gps jamming their radio transmissions.

Most UAS use a dedicated PNT data link to determine its precise location, and this link must be maintained to ensure mission success. The PNT signal strength measured at the surface of the Earth is roughly equivalent to viewing a 25-Watt light bulb from a distance of 10,000 miles. This weak signal can easily be jammed by a stronger power transmission in a similar frequency.

Any radio navigation system is generally vulnerable to interference. A typical patch antenna used to receive PNT signals must be able to receive them from virtually the entire sky. The advantage of this omnidirectional design is that even signals from satellites, which are just above the local horizon, can be received. However, this design is susceptible to a broad range of interference and drone jamming.


TagiTagi: drone 
16 października 202316 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Top prosecutors across the country are again calling on Congress to pass legislation that would allow state prisons to interfere with cellphone signals smuggled to inmates. According to lawyers, the devices allow people to plan

violence and commit crimes.

"We simply need Congress to pass legislation giving states the authority to implement cell phone jamming systems to protect prisoners,

guards and the public at large," 22 prosecutors wrote in a statement. Wednesday's letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Wilson's office said it plans to contact Democratic prosecutors and does not believe the matter is partisan.

The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, cites several crimes that lawyers say were orchestrated by inmates using contraband cellphones, including a drug conspiracy in Tennessee and a double murder ordered by an inmate in


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

They also led a gang siege at a South Carolina prison in 2018 that lasted more than seven hours and left seven inmates dead. One prisoner described the bodies as "literally stacked on top of each other, like a horrible pile of wood."

Corrections officials blamed illegal cellphones for the unfolding violence, the worst prison riot in the United States in 25 years.

"By preventing prisoners from using prohibited cell phones, we can prevent serious drug trafficking, deadly riots and other crimes," prosecutors wrote.

To render the phones - which are smuggled into hollow footballs, implanted by corrupt employees and sometimes dropped by drones - worthless, prosecutors are asking for changes to a nearly century-old law A historic federal

communications law that currently prohibits state prisons from using signal jamming technology to suppress illegal cellphone signals.

Efforts to crack down on illicit cellphones in state prisons have been going on for years, and South Carolina Corrections Director Bryan Stirling is leading an effort by correctional directors across the country to demand more

technology to combat their use of smuggled phones. the behavior of.

In a progressive victory in 2021, the FCC passed a decision allowing state prison systems to work with cellphone providers to sequentially apply for permission to identify and shut down illegal cellphone signals. South Carolina

was the first state to request use of the technology, but Sterling told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the state has not yet taken any action on the request.

Sterling said federal prisons can jam cellphone signals behind bars, but that is not currently the case.

CTIA, the wireless industry trade association, opposes interference, saying it could impede legitimate calls. However, CTIA told the commission that it has "successfully worked with its member companies" to "cease service for

prohibited devices pursuant to court orders received," according to a 2020 FCC filing.

CTIA and FCC officials did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment on the new wave of subversion.

Congress has previously considered blocking the legislation, but has yet to sign any bill or even hold hearings. U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., reintroduced the measure in the last Congress in August.

"We're not going to stop advocating for this," Wilson told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I can only hope that at some point Congress will take notice."


TagiTagi: cellphone 
13 października 202313 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Drone signals can be jammed by using jamming signals to disrupt communications between the drone pilot and the drone. If you want to know more about whether you can jam a drone signal, read my complete guide - click here to go to the article.

Jammers work by emitting a much stronger signal than a remote control. They may interfere with radio signals and flight data as well as any video connections. The purpose of interference is to distort the signal to the point where the receiver simply cannot recognize it or to cause system failure. This is one way to legally stop drones and hijack communications.

Unless the government gives you permission, you're unlikely to buy a particularly large drone jammer.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

There are a number of laws and regulations that may overlap with drone jamming technology, as well as a number of communications laws that govern the disruption of public communications frequencies:

US code

"No person shall intentionally or maliciously interfere with or disrupt radio communications of any station licensed or authorized by or under this chapter or operated by the United States Government."

- 47 US Code § 333 - Willful or malicious interference

The code means that personnel operating jammers must be licensed and authorized by the federal government.

If a drone jammer is used on a drone, there is a risk that the drone will fall from the sky, causing property damage and personal injury. This level of disruption could lead to the possibility of people suing you based on the damage caused by using a drone jammer.

You can jam drone signals by purchasing a drone remote control and using a signal booster to confuse any nearby drones. However, this may not work unless the drone is closer to you than the pilot.

TagiTagi: drone 
12 października 202312 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) have introduced the Cellphone Jamming Reform Act, a bill aimed at addressing the issue of contraband cellphone use in federal and state prison facilities. The purpose of this legislation is to allow prisons to utilize cellphone jamming systems in order to protect inmates, guards, and the wider public from potential harm.

According to Congressman Kustoff, putting an end to the illicit use of contraband cellphones within correctional facilities will have an immediate impact on reducing crime rates, enhancing public safety, and relieving the burden on our overwhelmed correctional systems. He stresses that this act represents a crucial initial step towards tackling the current crime crisis faced by America. Congressman Kustoff expresses his pride in collaborating with Senator Cotton to introduce such pivotal legislation and urges fellow members of Congress to offer their support.

Senator Cotton highlights how prisoners have been exploiting contraband cellphones for engaging in illegal activities outside prison walls, including orchestrating attacks on rivals, promoting sex trafficking operations, facilitating drug trade, and conducting business transactions. The use of cellphone gps jamming devices can effectively halt these criminal endeavors; however, current regulations under the Federal Communications Act prevent correctional facilities from employing this technology. This bill seeks to rectify this issue so that criminals serve their sentences without posing any risk whatsoever to society at large.

The Cellphone Jamming Reform Act has received endorsements from multiple state attorneys general, including Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor. The Act is also supported by the Major County Sheriffs of America, National Sheriffs' Association and the Council of Prison Locals.

According to Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti

"The only way to stop the illegal use of cell phones in prisons is through jamming signal. When individuals are incarcerated, they should not be allowed to maintain contact with criminal organizations on the outside. I commend Congressman Kustoff for his unwavering commitment to protecting our nation from organized crime."

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin stated

"Congress needs to pass the Cell Phone Jamming Reform Act without delay. Prisoners are using contraband phones to carry out criminal activities from behind bars. We have the technology to enhance security and put an end to this illicit behavior; it's time we utilize it. I haven't heard any valid reasons why we should facilitate criminals and enable convicted felons to continue their criminal enterprises while in custody."

Power Adjustable Jammer


  • The use of contraband cellphones is a pervasive issue within both federal and state prison facilities. Inmates exploit these devices to engage in a wide range of illicit activities, such as orchestrating hits on individuals outside the confines of the prison walls, operating illegal drug enterprises, facilitating unlawful business transactions, promoting sex trafficking, and coordinating escape attempts that put correctional staff, fellow inmates, and the public at risk. Incidents involving contraband cellphones have been reported nationwide.

  • Over the past five years in South Carolina alone, there have been four significant cases of drug trafficking where operations were conducted clandestinely within prison walls using contraband cellphones. Notably, the most recent operation was directly linked to a Mexican drug cartel. Furthermore, in 2018, inmates affiliated with gangs orchestrated a merciless assault resulting in the deaths of seven inmates and numerous injuries through their unauthorized use of cellphones in a maximum-security facility.

  • In Oklahoma, 69 defendants were found guilty of participating in a "drug trafficking operation that was primarily directed and controlled by incarcerated gang members using unauthorized cellphones from their state prison cells."

  • In Tennessee, an inmate utilized an illegal cellphone to orchestrate drug conspiracy deals by sending a package filled with methamphetamine to his significant other.

  • In Georgia, prisoners employed illicit cellphones to carry out fraudulent calls, demanding payment and even sending photos of injured inmates to their relatives while requesting money.

  • As indicated by the Indiana Department of Corrections, during the previous year (2022), a gang enforcer incarcerated within Indiana Department of Corrections ordered a double homicide through the use of an unauthorized cellphone within prison walls.

  • According to The Wall Street Journal's report, Martin Shkreli, the disgraced pharmaceutical executive who was sentenced to seven years for securities fraud, continued making decisions at Phoenixus AG with the assistance of an illegal cellphone.

TagiTagi: cellphone 
11 października 202311 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

F.C.C. spokesman Clyde Enslin declined to comment on the issue or the Maryland case.

Wireless carriers pay tens of billions of dollars to lease spectrum from governments as long as others don't interfere with their signals. And there are additional fees. Verizon Wireless, for example, spends $6.5 billion a year building and maintaining its network.

"It is counterintuitive that this type of device has found a market at a time when wireless consumers' demand for improved cell phone coverage is clear and strong," said Jeffrey Nelson, a Verizon spokesman. These carriers also raise public safety concerns: criminals could use gsm blocker to prevent people from communicating in an emergency.

The CTIA, a major cellphone industry association, asked the F.C.C. on Friday to maintain the illegality of the interference and continue to pursue violators. The company said the move was in response to requests from the two companies to allow jammers to be used in certain situations, such as prisons.

The individuals who used the jammers expressed guilt about their vandalism, but some clearly had a mischievous side, and others gloated over the phones. "It was worth it just to watch those stupid teens in the mall get their phone hung up." Can you hear me? Noooo! Nice, "the jammer's buyer wrote last month in a review on a website called DealExtreme.

Gary, a therapist in Ohio, also declined to give his last name, citing the illegal use of the devices. Interruptions are necessary to get the job done effectively, he says. He runs group therapy sessions for people with eating disorders. During one meeting, a woman's confession was rudely interrupted.

"She was talking about sexual abuse," Gary said. "Someone's phone was turned off and they kept talking."

8 Bands Jammer

"There's no etiquette," he said. "It's an epidemic."

Gary said that despite the no-phone policy, calls always interrupt therapy. Four months ago, he bought a jammer for $200 and secretly placed it on the side of the room. He tells patients that if they are waiting for an emergency call, they should give the phone number of the front desk. He didn't tell them about the jammer.

Gary bought the jammer from a website in London called Victor McCormack, the site's operator, said he ships about 400 jammers a month to the United States, up from 300 a year ago. He says more than 2,000 holiday gifts have been ordered.

Kumaar Thakkar, who lives in Mumbai, India, and sells jammers online, said he exports 20 jammers a month to the United States, twice as many as a year ago. Clients include cafe and hair salon owners and Dan, a New York school bus driver, he said.

"The kids thought they were secretly hiding in their seats and using their phones," Dan wrote in an email to Mr. Tarka, thanking him for selling jammers. "Now kids don't understand why their phones don't work, but can't ask either because they'll get in trouble!" It's fun to watch them try to get the signal."

Andrew, an architect in the San Francisco area, said using jammers started out as fun and became a practical way to keep quiet on the train. Now he uses it more wisely.

"At this point, just knowing that I have the power to cut someone off is satisfying enough," he said.

Desktop  Jammers

One afternoon in early September, an architect boarded a local train and became a mobile vigilante. He sat next to a woman in her 20s who he said was "chatting" on her phone.

"She kept using the word 'like.' She sounded like a valley girl," said architect Andrew, who declined to give his last name because what he did next was illegal.

Andrew reached into his shirt pocket and pressed a button on a black device the size of a cigarette pack. It emits a powerful radio signal that interferes with the chatterer's cellphone transmissions as well as those of others within a 30-foot radius.

"She spoke into the phone for about 30 seconds before she realized no one was listening on the other end of the phone," he said. What was his reaction when he first discovered he could wield such power? "Oh my gosh! Liberation."

As cellphone use soars, making it difficult not to hear half of a conversation in many public spaces, a small but growing group of rebels are turning to a blunt countermeasure: cellphone jammers, devices that interfere with nearby mobile devices invalid.

The technology is not new, but foreign exporters of jammers say demand is increasing and they are sending hundreds of jammers to the United States each month, prompting scrutiny from federal regulators and the wireless industry last week. new worries. Buyers include cafe and hair salon owners, hoteliers, speakers, theater operators, bus drivers and, increasingly, public transport commuters.

The development is sparking a battle for control of the airspace over the ears. This damage is collateral damage. Insensitive talkers inflict mischief on the defenseless, while jammer device punish not only the perpetrators but also the more cautious chatterboxes.

"If there's one thing that defines the 21st century, it's our inability to back down for the benefit of others," said James Katz, director of the Mobile Communications Research Center at Rutgers University. "The caller thought he was rights outweigh those of those around them, and the disruptor believes his rights are more important."

Jamming technology emits radio signals so strong that they overload cell phones and prevent them from communicating with cell towers. Ranges range from a few feet to several meters, and equipment costs between $50 and a few hundred dollars. Larger models can be reserved to create no-call zones.

It is illegal to use gps blocker in the United States. Radio frequencies used by mobile phone providers are protected in the same way as those used by television and radio stations.

The Federal Communications Commission says first-time users of cell phone jammers could be fined up to $11,000. His law enforcement agencies have prosecuted several U.S. companies for distributing the devices and are also prosecuting their users.

F.C.C. investigators said Verizon Wireless visited an upscale restaurant in Maryland last year. The store owner, who asked not to be named, said he spent $1,000 on a high-powered jammer because he was tired of employees focusing on their phones instead of customers.

"I tell them, put your phone away, put your phone away, put your phone away," he said. They ignored him.

The store owner said F.C.C. investigators spent a week there, using special equipment designed to detect jammers. But the owner has turned it off.

Verizon investigators were also unsuccessful. "He went to everyone in town and gave them his phone number and said if they had any questions to call him immediately," the store owner said. He said he had stopped using the wifi blocker.

Of course, detecting the use of smaller, battery-powered jammers, such as those used by disgruntled commuters, would be more difficult.


TagiTagi: cell phone 
10 października 202310 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In today's fast-paced world, high-speed Internet and mobile services have become necessities rather than luxuries. But as data services continue to evolve and mature, requiring higher Internet speeds, and as operating systems need protection, hackers and adversaries continue to interfere. For some, this involves hacking into wireless connections in homes and offices for the purpose of extracting personal or business data.

But whether they're targeting government agencies, private companies, or individual users, these attackers typically use high-power signal jamming devices - wireless portable devices that block communication between devices. Such jammers are also a means of defense for users seeking to escape these attacks.

Power Adjustable Jammer

With this dichotomy in mind, former Khoury doctoral student Hai Nguyen and his advisor Guevara Noubir, both members of the Institute for Cybersecurity and Privacy at Khoury College, have pioneered a novel approach that can essentially eliminate these high-performance cellphone jammer in the event that traditional techniques fail. This failure occurs because traditional technologies are designed for non-malicious interference, require mechanical moving parts that are slow to respond to interference, or require additional radio frequency bands to achieve resilience. Their technique, known as JaX, can circumvent these scenarios.

"When you use wireless communication, you want to make it as robust and reliable as possible. As researchers, we like to solve difficult problems, and this problem has always been there, "Nubier said. "We want to approach this problem from a unique perspective, which is to develop secure communication technologies for GPS and Wi-Fi."

Nguyen and Noubir started working on this machine learning-driven idea about a year ago, when signal jamming played a major role in the Russia-Ukraine war. As they built up large amounts of synthetic data and collected experimental materials, their goal was to build a kind of black box that could be placed in front of the network and seamlessly protect users. The solution does not require complex machinery, thus simplifying the process of eliminating high-power signal gps jammer.

"For data collection, we set up a test bench, and for transmitters, we used software radios, and for jammers and receivers, we used other radios," explains Nubier. "We sent a legitimate signal, and then we also sent interference. We receive them through two antennas that store data, so we know what we are sending and what is interfering.

"The cool thing about our work," he added, "is that we can get an adversary's jammer to emit a more powerful signal than a legitimate one, and we can eliminate the interference as if it never existed!"

Nubier believes the paper's findings could be useful for a wide range of individual and organizational users who want to avoid malicious attacks on their data.

"The fact that we were able to achieve a very low bit error rate shows that we can outperform an adversary that can transmit a hundred times faster than a legitimate signal," he said. "There can be an extremely noisy signal in the environment, but because we have JaX, we can estimate what the gsm jammer is really transmitting, subtract it, and just leave the legitimate signal."

While this process sounds promising, the benefits only matter if the technology is logically sound and affordable - two barriers that often prevent innovative technologies from becoming ubiquitous. But Noubier believes he and Nguyen have cleared that hurdle, too.

"Our machine learning model is compact, so if you're designing any new system, you can easily incorporate it," he says. "Again, if the Department of Defense wanted to integrate JaX, the cost would be negligible compared to other models, and the model would be much more efficient."

Noubir and Nguyen, who recently defended their dissertation and joined Meta as a research scientist, acknowledge that new approaches to old problems always need tweaking and fixing. Still, they expect JaX to solve long-standing network problems and want to bring it to market.

TagiTagi: jamming 
09 października 202309 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

WINDSOR LOCKS: Tech-savvy burglars targeted homes in Connecticut and Massachusetts and broke into a home there after receiving details about the security systems from fellow homeowners, according to arrest warrants issued Friday.

Matthew Colon, 31, of West Springfield, Massachusetts, was arrested for conspiracy to commit first-degree burglary and conspiracy to commit second-degree burglary. Enrique Santiago, 37, of Springfield, Mass., was charged with first-degree burglary, possession of burglary tools, theft of a firearm and conspiracy.

Police said they expected to arrest a third man in the case, which was linked to other burglaries involving heightened surveillance and information about when the homeowner left, according to Colon's arrest warrant.

Early on May 20, 2022, a Green Manor Terrace resident called Long Island police to report that surveillance cameras showed two men walking through his backyard. The arrest warrant states that officers who stopped the burglary found a broken rear sliding glass door and a collection of discarded evidence near the home, including a Wi-Fi jammers, a portable radio, a glass punching tool, A crowbar and bolt cutters.

Power Adjustable Jammer

Burglars broke through the chain link fence and disabled security cameras with manual and Wi-Fi gps blockers, but the poolside cameras were beyond the phone jammer, Windsor Locks Detective Chief Jeff Lampson wrote in Windsor Locks range and continue recording. Affidavit Warrant. The homeowner reported $4,200 in cash missing, along with a man's watch, jewelry and his wife's 9 mm handgun, the search warrant said.

On May 26, a resident two doors down found a pillowcase containing a watch, a gun and other items the victims identified as belonging to them, police said. Police said the location of the bag of stolen goods and a backpack containing a WiFi jammer showed the thieves fled in different directions after the break-in.

Lampson said Friday that federal law prohibits the use or operation of jamming devices and that federal investigators are interested in the case. He said police in the area have noticed the devices are increasingly being used in burglaries.

In this case, however, police say it was DNA that led to the thief's demise. During a search of the Green Manor Terrace property on May 23, a homeowner told police she found a pair of gloves she had never seen before and handed them over to investigators. Police submitted swabs from the gloves and other evidence they suspected the thieves had come into contact with to the state forensic laboratory.

Lampson wrote in the arrest warrant that on Aug. 16, the San Diego lab reported "criminal conduct" with DNA on the gloves. Police said the same DNA was linked to two previous burglary investigations, including a 2010 car break-in in Middletown and a 2012 break-in in South Hadley, Mass., where a gun was stolen. Santiago was arrested in both cases, according to arrest warrants.

Santiago, through his attorney, told Windsor Lock investigators that a man who drove a black sedan and whose father owned a tuning company coordinated the break-in at Green Manor Terrace, the warrant said. When Lampson asked the homeowner if he knew anyone matching that description, the man immediately identified Colon, a co-worker at a home health care company in East Longmeadow, Mass., Lampson wrote in the arrest warrant.

The homeowner said he considered Colon a friend and told him about a trip to Long Island last May, the warrant said. The victim also said Colon and his father helped him remodel the home, the warrant said. He said Matthew Colon had been to his home multiple times and was aware of the security camera system, the warrant states.

When faced with the victim's statements and evidence of the burglary, Colon told police he was "tricked" into the burglary plan by a third suspect in the case.

The suspect's girlfriend also worked in home health care with the Colon and Windsor Locks victims. Lampson wrote in the arrest warrant that other workers at the company reported break-ins at their homes in Massachusetts, including one woman who said Colon had come to her home to help repair a gazebo before the break-in.

Cellphone records showed calls between Colon, Santiago and the unidentified suspect in the Windsor Locks burglary before and after the break-in, the warrant stated. Police said the third suspect is a felon with a long criminal record that includes armed robbery and numerous burglaries.

Santiago also has a long rap sheet, including convictions in Connecticut for burglary and larceny, the warrant stated. Massachusetts investigators said they believe he is part of a criminal organisation involved in targeted burglaries, according to the warrant. He posted US$150,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Hartford on May 31. Colon posted bond of US$100,000 and is to appear in court on May 2.


TagiTagi: wifi 
06 października 202306 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Ensuring the safety and security of both staff and inmates within correctional facilities is of utmost importance. Implementing stringent security measures is crucial to maintain control and prevent dangerous situations from arising. Sadly, the presence of cellphones in prisons poses a significant threat to this goal.


One of the main challenges that correctional facilities face is preventing contraband items from entering the prison. Traditional security measures such as body scanners, metal detectors, and thorough searches often prove ineffective in detecting smaller items like cellphones. Inmates and their accomplices have become increasingly creative in concealing these devices, exploiting vulnerabilities in the system.


Once cellphones find their way into prisons, they become powerful tools for organizing criminal activities within and beyond the facility's walls. Gang leaders, drug dealers, and other inmates can use cellphones to coordinate illicit operations, intimidate others, and even continue conducting their illegal businesses from behind bars.


In response to the Greenville Veteran's Suicide Incident, correctional facilities are under immense pressure to strengthen security measures and address the issue of cellphone access within prisons. The incident demonstrated the urgent need for innovative solutions and strategies to combat this growing problem.


This article was published in partnership with The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Subscribe to the newsletter or follow The Marshall Project on Facebook or Twitter.


Shortly before noon on Sept. 11, 2018, a former Army soldier named Jared Johns lay in bed, turned on his iPhone camera, and said goodbye to his family.


Near the end of the two-minute video, Johns' eyes widened as a text message read on the screen: "She's calling the police and you're going to jail," it read.


Johns, who had served in Afghanistan, took a deep breath, placed a 9mm pistol under his chin, and pulled the trigger.


The 24-year-old veteran is one of hundreds of former and current service members who have fallen victim to a "sextortion" conspiracy. The scheme that led to his suicide involved scammers posing as underage girls on dating sites. Prosecutors said they sought to extort men who responded to their solicitations.


But the most startling aspect of the plot in Johns' case was that it was allegedly carried out by inmates at Lee Correctional Institution, a maximum security prison in South Carolina about 150 miles east of Greenville. And the inmates did it using smartphones - banned devices that should have been blocked by the prison's $1.7 million "managed access system."


Now prison officials and some federal agencies have proposed purchasing an even more complex and potentially more expensive technology to stop illicit cellular and Wi-Fi messaging from contraband phones in prison: a jammer that will block all calls within its range.


"Inmates are incarcerated physically, but they're still free, digitally," said Bryan P. Stirling, the director of the South Carolina Department of Corrections, who has been on a mission to get signal jammers in prisons since 2009.


But some experts warn that jamming technology, which the federal Bureau of Prisons recently tested in a South Carolina prison, could put the public at risk by interfering with 911 calls and other cellphone service nearby. For rural prisons, the concern focuses on drivers on local roads and highways. Plus, they say, the technology probably won't work.


"They're taking an internal problem and impacting people who are not involved," said Richard Mirgon, a former executive at the Association for Public-Safety Communications Officials. "It's tantamount to saying, ‘Why not jam up the freeway to keep people from speeding in the side streets?' It's just so extreme."



Problems with the best solution

The best solution, according to telecommunications companies and advocates for prisoners' rights, would be to stop the influx of cellphones into prisons. But that has proven difficult,

especially at a prison like Lee, which has a long history of serious phone-related incidents. Inmates there have used contraband cellphones, for example, to order a hit on a corrections officer who was shot almost to death in 2010 and to publicize prison riots twice in the past four years.


Sex, drugs and cellphones:Relationships between guards, inmates unravel SC prisons


Prison officials at Lee say they have tried to stem the tide. In 2017, the corrections department felled large trees that loomed over the prison to stop drones from dropping off packages of cellphones. That same year, the department spent $8.3 million to install 50-foot netting at the perimeter of its prisons, including Lee, in hopes of stopping couriers from throwing backpacks of cellphones over fences.


Corrections officials say these solutions reduced the number of cellphones in state prisons. In fiscal year 2017, prison guards confiscated 7,482 phones, batteries or chargers in the state's facilities, which house more than 21,000 people. In the fiscal year that ended in June, officials collected 3,900. Chrysti Shain, a spokeswoman for the corrections department, said that inmates now must spend thousands of dollars to acquire a phone.


Yet, the department acknowledges phones still get inside. Experts point to low-paid guards and prison workers who can augment their low pay by selling inmates contraband.

But even if cellphones get in, there should be no calls getting out. That's because of the nearly $2 million in technology that Lee officials purchased to block calls from unauthorized phones.



Challenges with cellphone signal blocking

In 2017, after clearing the treeline and setting up the nets, the corrections department hired Tecore Networks, a communications company, to install the system that is supposed to detect and block all calls made from contraband phones. The technology is supposed to work like this: If someone makes a call, the system compares the cell number to a predetermined list of prison staff phone numbers - called a white list -and then either allows the call to go through, or blocks it.


The wireless telecommunications lobby group CTIA, which represents some of the country's largest carriers and equipment manufacturers, has recommended that prisons use the managed access systems, as they are called. But it's unclear how many facilities across the country actually do. Shawntech, another private company that sells managed access systems to correctional institutions, says it provides the multi-million dollar systems to close to 350 jails and prisons.


Even engineers who back the system as a solution warn that it's not a silver bullet to stop all illicit calls, which can circumvent the system because of a very basic rule of how a cell tower works: If you can't see it, it can't see you.


When someone inside makes a phone call, the closest cell tower will pick up that signal. In a prison with a managed access system in place, the tower is usually located within the perimeter. But, for example, if an inmate stood behind a wall with water pipes, the cell signal would find the closest tower it could see, which would be outside the prison.


Also, cell companies often change the strength of a signal if customers in an area have bad reception. It's like listening to two conversations happening at once in the same room; it's easier for you to hear the loudest speaker. Whenever cell companies boost a signal, cellphones inside the prison will be able to find it more readily. It's a problem that Tecore flagged in a 2018 press release.


That's what South Carolina's corrections officials say happened at Lee, and how the inmates contacted Johns in the first place.


Current and former prisoners at Lee said they could use cellphones easily, even with the managed access system in place. This year, inmates at Lee were caught live-streaming on Facebook.

"Walk into one room, and it's fine; walk into another and you won't be able to," said a current inmate in the prison, who said he has used a prepaid Boost Mobile cellphone to make calls. His identity is not being revealed out of concern for his safety.


Tecore, which manages the prison's system, did not respond to multiple emails or calls over several weeks seeking comment.



Jamming all calls, even to 911

These problems explain why corrections officials and federal agencies have proposed using technology long opposed by the communications industry: cellphone jammers to stop all calls, even from phones owned by staff or emergency workers.


Unlike managed access systems, which allow people to make calls if their numbers are on an approved list, a jammer is indiscriminate in its reach and power to block all frequencies, including data and Wi-Fi. That's a problem for the nation's 911 phone system, which operates on a frequency close to the one commercial carriers use.


Only federal authorities can legally use jammers, and only in limited circumstances involving national security. But with the blessing of the FCC's Chairman Ajit Pai-appointed by President Trump in 2017- and the U.S. Department of Justice, prison jammers could become a possibility.


In September, the department and state officials put out news releases saying that a test at South Carolina's Broad River Correctional Institution showed that a micro-jammer could block calls inside a cell block while allowing "legitimate calls" a foot outside its walls.


But a technical report on the same test by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration was squishier. It noted that the test involved only one of the 14 gsm jammer required to block calls in half the cellblock. And it found that jamming was detected at least 65 feet away, though it said it was unclear how significant that interference would be to regular cell-phone service.


The telecommunications agency would not comment on the study.


Precise jamming - limited to a specific distance and also only to cellphone frequencies- is prohibitively expensive, especially for larger correctional facilities, said Ben Levitan, a technical engineer who has worked with the South Carolina corrections department in the past and read the NTIA's report.


That kind of jamming is "cool in theory, but it's impractical," he said.


TagiTagi: cell phone 

05 października 202305 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

UPDATE: A mobile man accused of interfering with emergency communications pleaded not guilty on Thursday, June 15, 2023. Trenton Lisak was charged with interfering with public safety communications and drug possession.

Prosecutors allege he used expensive, sophisticated equipment from an apartment in Ryan Park Towers. Mobile County 911 officials said communications in downtown Mobile were nearly paralyzed on June 6 and were disrupted the rest of the week.

The judge set a preliminary hearing for Lisak on July 19.


Mobile, Alabama. (WALA) - Interference from expensive, "sophisticated" black market equipment disrupted police and emergency service transmissions for much of last week, according to law enforcement officials.

Police arrested Trenton Edward Lisak Saturday on a charge of interfering with public safety communications, a Class C felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison. He also faces drug charges. Prosecutors said the FBI is also investigating.

"This is an unusual charge," Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood said Monday. "This is certainly something very serious. We need our law enforcement and first responders to be able to communicate, not just downtown but everywhere."

8 Bands Jammer

How unusual?

"This is a first for me," Blackwood said. "I don't recall any other case where this has happened - certainly not to this extent. That's a lot of equipment."

Lisak was arrested for theft, burglary, possession of a forged instrument and criminal mischief.

Mobile County District Judge Jennifer Wright set bail at $15,000, the recommended limit for the crime, and ordered 10 percent to be paid in cash. She also posted an additional $5,000 bond on the drug charge.

Additionally, the judge imposed a curfew between 8 p.m. 8 a.m. and ordered Lisak, 31, to stay away from the tower in Ryan Park downtown. Authorities said they found jammer device at the apartment complex that interfered with communications for all 57 law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies in the Mobile County Communications District.

That's also the home address listed on Lisak's booking information, but prosecutors told the judge investigators don't believe he lives there.

County Executive Robert Jackson described it as "very sophisticated cell phone jamming device placed in homes specifically designed to interfere with our frequencies."

Jackson added, "We actually had to modify our instrument to accommodate this."

911 system chief Charlie McNichol told Fox 10 News last week's outage effectively knocked out communications for a day.

"Last Tuesday this caused serious problems for the city centre," he said. "We actually have a tower site in Government Square. That's where the alarm came from. The first people who came here had serious communication problems."

Officials said it was unclear what the motive was. Blackwood said he had no idea what the defendant planned to do or where he obtained the equipment.

McNicholl said he didn't know if Lisak was just watching the chaos for fun, or if he was planning something more sinister and trying to disrupt communications as part of it.

"This individual was in possession of gps blocker that was purchased on the black market," he said. "It's illegal to even possess it. That's what's causing the problem."

Reprint to WALA.

TagiTagi: jamming 
29 września 202329 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

How criminals use jammers device and defuses to compromise Wi-Fi security cameras

The new warning applies to anyone using wireless security cameras like Ring to protect their homes.

A Detroit woman says her Ring camera didn't capture the moment her car was stolen outside her home, and local experts say that's because criminals have become more tech-savvy.

wifi Jammer Device

Earlier this month, the woman said her car was stolen from her driveway and when she checked her Ring camera footage, she noticed the time was missing.

Chris Burns, owner of Techie Gurus, said security cameras that use Wi-Fi to record are more about convenience than safety. This is because Wi-Fi can easily be interfered with, preventing cameras from detecting people near your home, leaving criminals in trouble.

"Relying on wireless as a security aspect is a mistake," Burns said. "Wireless signals can easily be interfered with or blocked."

These scammers can use it like a WiFi jammer or deauther, which can be about the size of an Apple Watch.

If you stand close enough, the defuser will overload the WiFi system and force the WiFi camera to stop recording. Accessories only cost around $10 to $50. Jammers, on the other hand, cost between $150 and $1,000.

They are also extremely illegal, making jammers even harder to find. However, with the push of a button, powerful portable jammer can prevent WiFi security cameras from recording an entire street.

A Ring spokesperson issued a statement: "As with any Wi-Fi-enabled device, Wi-Fi signal interference can affect the performance of Ring devices. If customers are experiencing connectivity issues, we encourage them to contact Ring customer service."

How can customers protect themselves?

"For true security, it should always be hardwired, it should always be connected to Ethernet or something like that," Burns said.

A Ring spokesperson said that while the issue is well known, it is rare.

Burns said gps blocker are likely to become more popular as technology becomes cheaper, and it's important for people to be fully informed.


TagiTagi: wifi 
28 września 202328 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Federal Communications Commission says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.

The FCC has seen an increase in the sale of jammers devices that block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and jammer GPS systems and could be used to wreak havoc in public places.

The small, battery-operated devices can be used to create "dead zones" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and are used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to keep people away from their phones. But they also disrupt emergency calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to disrupt radio communications. FCC officials said they have noticed an increase in jammers banned under federal law entering the country. Many cheaper versions are imported from Asia and sell for as little as $95, according to the agency.

The sale, advertising, use or import of jammers is illegal under the Communications Act 1934, which prohibits the blocking of radio communications in public places.

8 Bands Jammer

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) cited eight individuals and companies for ad-jammer ads on Craigslist.

According to the FCC, the jammers were advertised on websites in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

"Merely advertising signal jammers on sites like violates federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," FCC Enforcement Director Michele Ellison said in a statement expressed in. "One person's moment of peace or privacy may well endanger the safety and well-being of others."

According to the citations, most sellers advertised the jammers for "an undisturbed nap" on the bus, keeping classrooms quiet, or keeping the area "free of nuisances," but there was no suggestion that the device might be used for more nefarious purposes .

"We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers who use jammers appear to be unaware of the potentially serious consequences of using jammers," one of them was quoted as saying. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believe that their illegal activities are for personal convenience or should otherwise be excused."

But the FCC said at least one seller appeared to know the jammers were contraband.

Keith Grabowski reportedly advertised a "cell phone jammer, Wi-Fi jammer" on Craigslist in Philadelphia for $299.99. He said in the ad, "with few details given due to the nature of the item," that the jammer "is not a toy" and "I just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

"The nature of his complaint indicates that Mr. Grabowski was aware of the sensitive and/or illegal nature of the equipment he was selling on Craigslist," his citation reads.

Those facing charges have 15 days to remove the ads from the site and provide the FCC with information about where the jammers were purchased and to whom they were sold. Merely advertising a jammer for sale could result in fines exceeding $98,000.

The FCC has established a jammer reporting hotline to notify the agency of people who may be selling or using jammers.

"We intend to take more aggressive enforcement action against violators," Ellison said. "If we find you selling or operating a jammer, you will pay a high price."

TagiTagi: phone 
27 września 202327 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Have you ever been annoyed by other people talking loudly on the phone and disrupting your morning commute?

It turns out there is a way to block these calls, but it's illegal and could cause serious security issues for others.

A controversial device simply and appropriately called a cell phone jammer can silence cell phones, CBS New York's Mary Calvi reports.

One commuter said: "There's a lot of noise, constant discussions, people telling each other what to have for dinner, what to do on the weekend and it makes it all tiring." This is where mobile signal jammer come into play.

He decided to put an end to the situation and used the device to cut off the phone signal. "You ask them nicely if they can turn it down a little bit, but they don't, and then we cut them off," he said.

He asked that his identity be kept secret because jammers are illegal.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Although the man said he wasn't afraid of getting caught, the Federal Communications Commission imposes stiff penalties on people who block other people's cellphones and GPS devices. These penalties can range up to $100,000, including jail time.

Although signal jammer device are illegal in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries, you can buy them online, and you can even watch them work on YouTube.

Criminologist Joseph Giacalone explains why cell phone jammers are problematic.

"They can jam emergency calls, they can jam police radios and traffic radios," he said.

However, these dangers don't seem to stop people from buying them.

"For example, many employers call looking for cell phone jammers so their employees don't have to be on the phone all the time," explains Yatri Trivedi of

Some devices knock out phones in shorter ranges of about 15-feet, while others can disrupt an entire cell tower, and there are apparently a number of people using them.

"I don't pay $400 a month just to hear people yapping on the phone for 20 minutes straight," the anonymous commuter said.

The FCC recently levied a $48,000 fine against a man in Florida who was caught driving with a high-powered gsm signal jammer in his car. Interestingly, the man said he used the device because he wanted to stop other drivers from talking while driving.


TagiTagi: phone 
26 września 202326 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phone jammers in the country's prisons are not enough to stop criminals inside from sending messages to others outside the prison.

That's the view of senior prison officials, and while network jammers (which they say can be used) are used to block cell phone signals in prisons, other interception techniques are needed for the system to be effective.

"Cellphone jammers are being used. However, to be truly effective they must be used in conjunction with other technologies such as WiFi jammers. We can see this happening in other jurisdictions. But it still needs to be used correctly here.

"So some prisoners have mobile phones and tablets but are unable to make calls. However, you can use your phone's data allowance or if you have access to a hotspot device or WiFi box, you can also make calls through social media apps. This includes WhatsApp , Facebook and Instagram etc. So the problem of communicating with the outside world remains. Communication is still a work in progress.

"In other jurisdictions, you'll see cell phone jammers used in conjunction with other interception devices to determine what frequencies those devices are using and then target those specific frequencies." If it doesn't, it's almost like a dreidel in the mud, "a senior prison Service source explained yesterday.

Acting Commissioner of Prisons Deopersad Ramoutar did not directly answer questions put to him recently about the function of mobile phone jammer, saying it was confidential information and not within the purview of the Prison Service.

8 Bands Jammer Device

On July 5, several contraband items were found and seized at Aruka Maximum Security Prison, including a Wi-Fi box.

The officer received the information and went to the cell block B of the prison.

Police conducted a search and found and seized a bag containing 53 grams of cannabis, mobile phones and Wi-Fi boxes in a cell near the toilet.

In another cell, police found and seized a bag containing 104 packs of cigarettes and marijuana weighing a total of 241 grams.

Two prisoners said they were in possession of the seized items.

On Friday, prison officials expressed concern about the use of drones over prisons, with one senior officer saying it was a "ticking time bomb" that needed to be addressed.

"All it takes is a drone, we can't catch it, it could drop knives or even guns and we could have a very serious situation." Everything we've seized so far has been contraband - cigarettes, marijuana, cell phones, chargers, etc. But if we miss even one, it could be a very dangerous situation for the prison and for the country."

Ramutar said the prison service had noticed an increase in the number of drones being used around prisons, especially in the last year, and had taken action.

He said that with the help of various branches of the state security services, most of the items dropped from the prison walls were confiscated before they reached the prisoners.

TagiTagi: wifi 
25 września 202325 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

What happens when you take steps to ensure a little privacy by blocking your company vehicle's GPS tracker to hide your location from your boss? A New Jersey man discovered after his gps jamming disrupted "pre-deployment testing of the Ground Augmentation System (GBAS) at Newark Liberty International Airport" was fired from engineering firm Tilcon and fined nearly $32,000 by the FCC Dollar.


According to the FCC, cell phone jamming device have "no lawful purpose" and can only be "sold to the U.S. federal government for authorized official use." GBAS is being tested at Newark Airport and is designed to "provide aircraft near the airport with improved navigation signals to enable precise arrival, departure procedures and terminal area operations." On August 3, the FAA complained of a malfunction during testing. On Aug. 4, a police officer used "direction finding technology" to determine that GPS interference was coming from a red Ford F-150 pickup truck.

FCC agents interviewed the driver, who identified himself as Gary Bojczak, and admitted that he possessed and operated a radio device that interfered with GPS transmissions. Mr. Bojczak alleges that he installed and operated jamming device on company-provided vehicles to interfere with the GPS-based vehicle tracking system his employer installed on the vehicles.

This is the first time the FCC has skipped the warning and instead imposed a hefty fine of $31,875. Officials worked quickly, given that John Merrill, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's position, timing and navigation program manager, told a GPS conference: "The FAA and FCC worked from March 2009 to April 2011 A single GPS jammer was developed "to locate a jammer operated by another truck driver on the New Jersey Turnpike."

CBS New York interviewed other company-tracked vehicle drivers who aren't opposed to such GPS tracking by employers. One driver said she had "nothing to hide" from her dispatcher, but there's a big market-even if it is illegal-for GPS jammers.


TagiTagi: gps 
23 września 202323 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Let's give credit to the teacher who destroyed the phone signal in the classroom. This is just a place that needs them.

The news that Fivay High School teacher (and former professional wrestler!) Dean Liptak is in trouble for blocking cell phone signals in his classroom is completely the wrong reaction from the school administration (and let's be honest, the government).

Of course, what he was doing was technically illegal. The FCC says: "The use of 'cell phone jammers' or similar devices (signal blockers, GPS jammers or text message blockers, etc.) designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or disrupt authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law." Oops, It's not even illegal to sell jammers in the United States, but they're easy to buy overseas (as long as the retailer doesn't get caught). The only legal purchasers of such equipment are government employees.


Liptak is getting off light (five-day suspension without pay); a Florida man with a jammer in his car for months got fined $48,000. At least one priest has used a jammer after calls happened during sermons and even a funeral-and he supposedly got the go-ahead from the police.

Sure, the driver, and the priest, and the teacher may have used some questionable judgment since the signal blocker blocked more than just their limited locations. But they all jammed with the best of intentions, and perhaps Liptak had the best reason of all: to get the little brats we call our future to pay attention for once.

Back in the days of yore, in-class distractions were limited to things like seeing something out the window (SQUIRREL!), passing folded notes, or maybe sneaking in a comic book. Now, a student can do all that and a 1,000 other things on one screen. How does a teacher of any quality compete with YouTube, Snapchat, Trivia Crack, or even PornHub? Putting a filter on the local school Wi-Fi network doesn't mean squat to a kid with unlimited data from mommy and daddy's family plan.

Rather than condemn Liptak, society should look into ways to empower teachers who need this assist. The FCC and Congress should be creating exceptions to the Communications Act of 1934 upon which many of the cellphone jammers limitations are based. Businesses should be allowed to find new ways to make easily controlled jamming devices.

Because, let's face it, there are multiple places where it would be an excellent idea for jammers with limited, fine-tuned range, to be used judiciously:

At Home

Parents can try parental control and monitoring software all they like, but once a kid (or even the spouse or grandparents) gets the freedom of the smartphone with data plan, good luck trying to get them to talk during family dinner.

Just as a parent has the ability and right to cut off the Wi-Fi at home, they should have the option to cut the cellular signal if desired. Grabbing phones from hands to put them in airplane mode probably won't work, and making the house into a Faraday cage is an extreme only the tin-foil hat crowd should try. But an in-home cell jammer should be an option whenever desired or necessary. (Just keep that landline, folks.)

All of these examples are predicated on other lines being available for emergencies, or at the least someone having the expectation of mobility enough to get outside the jammer's range. For now, there's no way that even those with the best intentions could utilize the limited tech available in a way that wouldn't disrupt services well beyond the scope of their classroom, theater, office, or home, unfortunately. If you think there's an illegal jammer in use around you, visit the FCC online complaint portal or call 1-888-CALL-FCC (or 1-888-225-5322).

But before you do, consider if you really were harmed, or if maybe, just maybe, that hour without the cell signal was the best hour of your day. Besides, if your signal is jammed, you probably can't make the call anyway.

The Workplace

There's no question that in most offices, email and the Internet are absolute necessities. But are cell phones? In a survey by Pew Research, only 24 percent of adults with full- or part-time jobs listed a cell or smartphone as "very important" to getting their work done. In other research, 50 percent of bosses think a cell phone is a negative to workplace productivity.

There are plenty of places where it's actively dangerous to be using a cell phone-but the devices are probably snuck on to warehouse or assembly line floors all the time. If employers could jam signals but allow for emergency calls, no harm, no foul.


The sign should read: No short, No shoes, Using Phone, NO Service. Customers who can't bother to place an order with a server because they're in the middle of a call should get a 35 percent tip forced on their bill. Better yet, the bistro's jammer should cut this so-called customer off-if the call is so damn important, they can go outside.


I've been on the wrong end of a couple of cell phone calls at movie theaters in the last few years. Namely, in the middle of a movie, people's phones not only went off, but the idiot in question answered, then proceeded to have a conversation, at normal volume, as if that's perfectly okay, and not grounds for justifiable homicide. (At one of those films-the execrable Land of the Lost, so perhaps I should have been grateful for the distraction-I actually stood up and said to the offender, "Are you kidding me?" I like to think the rest of the audience applauded, but I couldn't hear anything over the hate-blood pounding in my ears.)

Concert goers, Broadway aficionados, film buffs, and many more would not need to worry about such rudeness if theaters utilized jammers that kicked in the second the lights dim. Sure, there's always emergencies, or doctors on call, or parents who must be sure the baby-sitter can reach them, etc. But those people should find a different way to spend their night out.


TagiTagi: cell phone 
22 września 202322 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Any car equipped with electronic locks is at risk from signal jammers.

There has been an appeal for South Africans to help identify the person seen in the video about the signal jammer and how it works.

The video was shared widely on social media and quickly went viral.

It is unclear who this person is, but Crime in SA on Twitter plagiarized a post from the South African Police Service (SAPS) and appealed to South Africans to come forward with information about the person.


"Unidentified individuals are showing off signal jammers on social media. These devices are used by criminals to block tracking devices and cell phone signals. Let's help police identify this person of interest."

While some comments on the post claim possessing the device is not a crime, crimes in South Australia suggest otherwise.

"Some people are saying that this man cannot be arrested because he has such a device, let us put their doubts to rest. Failure to provide satisfactory service under section 82 of Act 129 of the Third Amendment Act 1993 reports of possession of equipment or items.

"Any person who is in possession of a device or article which is reasonably suspected to have been used or intended to be used to break into or unlawfully enter a motor vehicle, but who is unable to do so; any person who can satisfactorily prove that possession of such device or article , that is, committing a criminal offence," he tweeted.

How signal jammers work

Any vehicle with electronic locks carries the risk of signal interference.

Since signal cell phone blocker are widely available on the Internet, this gadget prevents telematics devices from transmitting their location to vehicle tracking service providers.

Criminals buy illegal GSM and gps jamming devices on the black market and then use them to hijack vehicles and trucks.

These devices can be small handheld devices or large industrial jamming devices the size of a briefcase.

Most jamming devices simply plug into a vehicle's cigarette lighter to block all tracking signals.

"This results in the control center losing contact with the vehicle. The vehicle tracking system only shows the vehicle's last position before the signal was lost.

"Many different types of devices are susceptible to signal interference, including smartphones, remote controls and tracking devices.

"The signals these jamming devices emit on the GSM or GPS frequencies prevent tracking devices in the vehicle from receiving and transmitting messages, thereby blocking the positioning signal.

"The tracking device may be disabled without the driver even being aware".

Four Ways to Prevent Long Range or Signal Interference

  1. Physically check that your vehicle is locked, even if you locked it with the remote control.

  2. Keep valuables out of sight and, if possible, in the trunk of your vehicle.

  3. Please put away your valuables before parking. Put them in the trunk before you start your journey rather than putting them in the suitcase when you arrive at your destination where someone may be watching.

  4. If you are unable to lock your vehicle for any reason, move to another location.

TagiTagi: car 
21 września 202321 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A signal jammer is a device that suppresses, interferes with or blocks radio frequencies, the use of which is generally illegal under the Communications Act 1934. This is primarily due to their ability to interfere with critical communications such as emergency communications, disrupt first responder communications, or interfere with maritime or aviation communications.

Under the law, it is unlawful for any person to "willfully or maliciously interfere with or disrupt the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under this chapter or operated by the United States Government." Additionally, the bill prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale, offer for sale, transportation, or use of equipment that does not comply with the provisions of the bill.

Therefore, it is often impossible to authenticate or use jamming device because their real purpose is to disrupt the communications of authorized devices. Therefore, these devices do not comply with FCC standards and are illegal for use in the United States with few exceptions.

In this case, the FFC received an outage complaint from a telecommunications provider. In response, the agency's law enforcement division launched an investigation into the possible use of wifi signal jammer at a warehouse in Texas. The business owner admitted using such devices to prevent employees from using mobile phones in the workplace.

The company's owners said a telecommunications provider had previously warned their son that such devices were illegal, the FCC reported. Additionally, the owner of the device claimed that he had disposed of the device and would not retrieve it for agents or determine where it went. However, the owner reportedly offered to sell the unit to a broker, who rejected the offer.

The FCC Bureau of Enforcement has since issued $22,000 in fines, including $10,000 for operating an unauthorized device, $7,000 for interfering with authorized communications, and $5,000 for misconduct. The storage company appealed the decision, and in response, the FCC has now upheld the fine.

A Seffner man fined $48,000 by FCC for using cell phone jammer during daily commute

The most popular 8 band jammers

A Seffner man faced a $48,000 fine from the Federal Communications Commission Wednesday for using a cell phone jamming device during his daily commute to and from Tampa.

The FCC alleges that Jason R. Humphreys unlawfully interfered with cellphone service and police communications along Interstate 4 for two years.

"This case highlights the threat to public safety posed by the use of a single signal jamming device that could disrupt all wireless and public communications in the area," FCC Enforcement Bureau Director Travis LeBlanc said in a statement. Communications." Secure Communications. "

In 2013, MetroPCS contacted the FCC saying its cell towers were experiencing interference between Seffna and Tampa in the morning and evening. Police monitored the route and determined Humphrey's sport utility vehicle was the source.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies stopped Humphries and discovered that as they approached Humphries' car, their communications with the police dispatch center were lost. They found a cell phone jammer behind his passenger seat cover.

Hillsborough County employee Humphreys told authorities he has been using it for nearly two years to stop people from talking on the phone while driving.

The FCC proposed a $48,000 fine and gave Humphreys 30 days to respond, including paying in full, requesting payment in installments, or requesting a reduction or cancellation. The FCC said on Monday it had not yet responded and would now "identify and implement" the penalties.

The use or sale of mini gps jammer is against federal law. Jammers block radio communications by preventing devices such as cell phones from establishing and maintaining connections. They can also impact communications for first responders, police and other law enforcement agencies, as well as Wi-Fi and GPS devices, according to the FCC.

TagiTagi: cell phone 
20 września 202320 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As drones rise, so does counter-drone technology. While a variety of potential counter-drone solutions exist, including surveillance equipment such as radars, radio frequency analyzers, or acoustic and optical sensors, as well as high-power microwave (HPM) equipment, drone networks, and lasers, there is another Solutions have been a hot topic for a recent problem in the drone industry: drone GPS interference.

Many drones rely on GPS (and other technologies like ships and cargo fleets, and even smartphones) for navigation and tracking. But some bad actors are trying to jam these GPS signals.

InfiniDome is an Israeli GPS security company founded in 2016 that makes a variety of products, but its focus area is building GPS signal protection systems. This summer, Infinidome published a white paper that clarified how drone gps jamming works and provided a very sobering demonstration of how GPS (GNSS) systems are vulnerable to jamming attacks.

Why does drone interference occur?

Why is it a problem?

There are many reasons why people would want to jam drone GPS signals, including defense applications, causing enemy drones to get lost or crash. While drones are used in systems such as aerial surveillance to catch drug traffickers, these drug cartel criminals are known to use drone jammers to prevent this from happening. In fact, Mexico reports that jammers were used in 85 percent of all recorded cargo truck thefts, according to the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, a science and education nonprofit in Virginia.

This isn't just big military or serious legal use cases. A drone light show over a shopping mall in Zhengzhou, China, went awry when a drone fell from the sky, endangering 5,000 onlookers, after a drone jammer was used.

In short, even if you don't necessarily think there's a clear enemy trying to take down your drone, it's crucial to be prepared for a GPS jammer attack on your drone. This happens with drone light shows too.

Drone interference may not be all bad

This is not to say that all drone interference is necessarily bad or evil. In fact, sometimes it may be considered the opposite. For example, the Federal Aviation Administration turned to counter-drone companies to help research drone jammers to ensure that unwanted drones are not flying near airports and posing a safety risk to flights full of passengers. The Department of Defense also uses drones to protect classified areas or other locations that require security.

How does drone GPS jamming actually work?

Drone GPS jammers utilize GNSS receivers, which use GPS signals (along with GLONASS, Galileo and other constellations, hence the name "GNSS" - Global Navigation Satellite System), but it is known that these receivers, whether through deliberate jamming Receivers are all very fragile and susceptible to interference - but often even unintentional interference (like you might experience while driving through a mountain tunnel or even sometimes when you lose cell service in certain parts of your home).

Obtaining jamming equipment is very easy and cheap. You don't need an entire mountain to block GPS signals-you can find GPS-jamming devices online for less than $100. As long as the signal jammers can emit a signal on the same frequency as yours but with a stronger signal, they will win and jam your drone.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Of course, it's not that simple. There are a variety of jamming attacks and signals, including continuous wavelengths, where a single frequency is jammed and anything transmitted on the same frequency will be blocked. With another method called narrowband, the power is spread out and diluted across different frequencies that make up a band (a range of about 2MHz). To carry out an attack, a cell phone jammer "attacks" the bad guys by creating a series of narrowband signals that are transmitted immediately after each other.

Drone interference solution

So while there are various ways to jam a drone GPS signal, there are also various ways to protect your GPS system. The challenge? These solutions can be expensive, heavy and bulky in order to process all those digital signals.


TagiTagi: drone 
19 września 202319 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As a professional photographer and drone pilot, I've seen firsthand how drone technology has become mainstream (pun intended) in recent years.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and as our skies become increasingly filled with these high-tech devices, the need for regulatory and control measures becomes increasingly clear.

Enter the world of drone jammers.

In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of drone jammer, from basic functionality to legality. We will also discuss some practical applications of this technology.

Whether you're a drone enthusiast interested in the technology, a security professional looking to learn about drone defenses, or just someone concerned about privacy, this guide is for you.

Introduction to drone defense technology

Okay, guys, let's get down to business. What exactly is a drone jammer? Why should we care?

What is a drone jammer?

  • Imagine you are flying your drone and taking stunning aerial shots, and suddenly your drone starts to react. It doesn't respond to your controls and seems to have a mind of its own. My friend, you may have just encountered a drone jammer.

  • Simply put, a drone jammer is a device designed to interrupt the control signal of a drone.

  • It acts like a drone party killer, ruining the party by emitting electromagnetic noise on certain radio frequencies.

  • These frequencies cover the same radio and GPS signals the drone uses to operate, effectively grounding it.

The development of drone technology

Now you might be asking yourself, "Why would anyone want to stop drones?" Well, like any technology, drones can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they've revolutionized industries from film production to agriculture, providing a bird's-eye view that was previously only possible via expensive helicopter flights.

On the other hand, they also found a whole lot of mess when it came to privacy and security issues. Imagine a drone hovering outside your window, or worse yet, a drone being used for illegal activity. Not that funny, right?

The need for drone jammers

This is where drone jammers come into play. They're essentially a way to keep drones away from places they're not supposed to go. Think of them as the gatekeepers of the sky, preventing unwanted drones from entering restricted airspace.

But it's not just a matter of privacy and security. Drone jammers also play a vital role in ensuring safety. Because the last thing you want is for a drone to collide with a passenger plane.

How drone jammers work

Picture this: you are attending a rock concert and trying to have a conversation with your friend. But the music is too loud and you can't hear each other. This is essentially how a gsm jammer works.

Drone jammers emit electromagnetic noise at certain radio frequencies, similar to loud music at a concert. This noise drowns out the radio and GPS signals the drones use to operate, effectively drowning them out.

The impact of drone jammers on drones

So what happens when a drone is hit by a jamming signal? Well, it's a bit like getting lost in a strange city without a map.

Most drones respond to jamming signals by returning to their starting point. This is their way of saying: "I'm lost and I'm going home." In some cases, a drone jammer can land a drone at a scene for forensic investigation.

How to jam drone signals

  1. Now, before you get any ideas, I want to make one thing clear: jamming drone signals should not be attempted at home. This is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of radio frequencies and drone technology. Plus, it's illegal in a lot of places (but we'll get to that later).

  2. However, it is still interesting to understand how this process works. The frequency of drone jammers is generally allocated at 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz. These are public frequencies and are not suitable for manned aircraft, public broadcasting or cell phone signals.

  3. The phone jammer projects a signal in the form of a cone, and when the drone is hit by the signal, it typically returns to its origin or lands in place.

Legality of using drone jammers

It's time to talk about the elephant in the room: the legality of drone jammers. As with any technology, there are rules and regulations that govern its use.

Let me tell you: the legal framework for gps blocker is as complicated as the flight path of a drone.

Legal restrictions on drone jammers

First things first, it's important to understand that the use of drone jammers is heavily regulated. In the United States, for instance, the use of a drone jammer is generally prohibited by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The reason? Well, it's because jammers interfere with authorized radio communications, which is a big no-no in the eyes of the FCC. Read more here.

But it's not just the U.S. Many other countries also have strict regulations on the use of drone jammers. So, if you're thinking of getting your hands on one, it's crucial to understand the laws in your country.

Consequences Of Illegal Use Of Drone Jammers

Now, you might be wondering, "What happens if I use a drone jammer illegally?" Well, let's just say it's not a path you want to go down.

In the U.S., for example, the penalties for illegal use of a jammer can be severe. We're talking hefty fines, and in some cases, even jail time. So, it's safe to say that using a drone jammer without proper authorization is a risky business.

When used legally and ethically, wifi blocker can play a crucial role in maintaining safety and privacy.

Drone Jamming Techniques

Understanding Drone Jamming And Spoofing

First things first, let's clear up some terminology. You've probably heard the terms "drone jamming" and "drone spoofing" used interchangeably. But they're actually two different techniques.

Drone jamming, as we've discussed, involves disrupting a drone's control signals, effectively grounding it.

Drone spoofing, on the other hand, is a bit more sneaky. It involves sending false information to a drone, tricking it into thinking it's somewhere it's not. It's like giving someone wrong directions to a party.

Techniques For Effective Drone Jamming

Drone jamming can be done in a few different ways, depending on the type of drone and the situation. Here are a few common techniques:

Signal Jamming: This is the most common technique, and it involves sending out a stronger signal to override the drone's control signals.

GPS Spoofing: This involves sending false GPS signals to the drone, tricking it into thinking it's in a different location.

RFID Tagging: This involves attaching a small device to the drone that emits a signal, allowing the drone to be tracked and jammed.

Remember, these techniques should only be used by authorized personnel and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Real-World Applications Of Drone Jammers

Use Of Drone Jammers In Military And Security Operations

First up, the big leagues: the military. In the world of defense and security, jammers are a crucial tool. They're used to protect sensitive areas from unwanted drone activity, whether it's a military base, a government building, or a critical infrastructure site.

For instance, during military operations, drone jammers can be used to prevent enemy drones from gathering intelligence. They can also be used to protect convoys from drone attacks. It's like having a high-tech shield that keeps the skies clear of unwanted drones.

Use Of Drone Jammers In High-Profile Events

But it's not just the military that uses jammers. They're also used to protect high-profile events, like the Super Bowl or the Olympics.

Imagine you're at the Super Bowl, enjoying the game, when suddenly a drone flies overhead. Not only is it a nuisance, but it could also be a security threat. That's where drone jammers come in. They can be used to create a "no-fly zone" over the event, ensuring that the only thing flying is the football.

So, whether it's a military operation or a high-profile event, drone jammers play a crucial role in maintaining safety and security.

Up next, we'll take a look at the future of drone jammers. Stay tuned!

The Future Of Drone Jammers

Alright, folks, we've reached the final leg of our journey: the future of drone jammers. As with any technology, drone jammers are constantly evolving. So, let's take a peek into the crystal ball and see what the future might hold.

Advancements In Drone Jamming Technology

First up, the technology itself. As drones become more advanced, so too do the techniques to jam them. We're seeing the development of more sophisticated jammers that can target specific drones, disrupt multiple frequencies at once, and even take control of rogue drones. It's like a high-tech game of cat and mouse, and it's fascinating to watch.

The Rise Of Anti-Drone Technology

But it's not just about jamming drones. We're also seeing the rise of anti-drone technology. This includes things like drone detection systems, drone shields, and even drone-hunting eagles (yes, you read that right!).

The goal of these technologies is not just to disrupt drones, but to detect and neutralize them before they become a threat. It's a proactive approach to drone security, and it's an exciting area of development.

The Legal Landscape Of Drone Jammers

Finally, there's the legal landscape. As drone technology evolves, so too do the laws and regulations that govern it. We're likely to see more clarity and guidance on the use of drone jammers in the coming years, which will be crucial for individuals and organizations looking to use this technology responsibly.

Conclusion: The Sky's The Limit

We've reached the end of our journey through the world of jammers. We've covered a lot of ground, from the basics of jammers to their legality, how to choose one, jamming techniques, real-world applications, and even a glimpse into the future.

Remember, drone jammers are powerful tools, but they should be used responsibly. Always respect the privacy and safety of others, and make sure you're familiar with the laws and regulations in your area before using a jammer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

As we wrap up our journey through the world of drone jammers, I thought it would be helpful to address some of the most common questions I've heard from folks like you. So, let's dive into the FAQs!

Are Drone Jammers Legal?

The legality of jammers varies from country to country, and even within different regions of the same country. In many places, the use of drone jammers is restricted to military, law enforcement, and other authorized entities. Always check your local laws and regulations before using a drone jammer.

Can I Build My Own Drone Jammer?

Technically, yes, you could build your own jammer. There are even tutorials online that show you how. However, I would strongly advise against it. Not only is it likely illegal, but it could also be dangerous. It's always best to leave this kind of thing to the professionals.

How Far Can A Jammer Reach?

The range of a drone jammer depends on the specific model and the environment in which it's used. Some jammers can reach drones up to several kilometers away, while others have a more limited range. Always check the specifications of the jammer before using it.

Can A Drone Jammer Take Down Any Drone?

Not necessarily. Different drones operate on different frequencies, and some drones have anti-jamming features. A jammer needs to be able to disrupt the specific frequencies used by the drone in order to be effective.


TagiTagi: drone 
18 września 202318 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The purpose of these homemade devices was to jam the signals from kamikaze drones, but the radio transmissions protecting the tanks could also reveal the tank's location.

Russia's Lancet kamikaze drones, designed to locate targets and then crash, have become a serious problem for the Ukrainian military.

Drones buzz over the battlefield, flown by pilots on the ground and guided by radio signals.

Jammers mounted on tanks or other vehicles can interfere with the signal and cause the drone to miss its target.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has intensified the drone arms race, with both sides using increasingly sophisticated drones for a variety of missions. The latest salvo is a repeating jammer that forms an invisible protective dome over the tank and jams the signals of any kamikaze drones trying to attack it.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Kamikaze Drone

The Lancet was made by Kalashnikov...yes, that Kalashnikov

One of the most dangerous types of drones on the Ukrainian battlefield is the kamikaze drone, which is designed for one-way flight and is launched over the battlefield. The pilot sits on the ground at the control station and must rely on the drone's camera to locate the target. When he does so, he flies a drone to attack the target and detonates explosives and sometimes anti-tank charges.

Russian "Lancet" drones pose a serious threat to Ukrainian troops searching for tank and artillery targets in the open air. The new signal jammers, first reported by Ukrainian defense blog Militarnyi, is a radio device operating in the 900 MHz band and transmitting 50 watts of power. When a kamikaze drone falls from the sky in a suicide attempt, the jammer interrupts the signal, causing the drone operator to lose control and miss.

The explosives carried by the Lancet drone can penetrate 200 millimeters of armor; this is enough to penetrate the thin upper armor of many tanks and even the turret. Most Ukrainian tanks have reactive armor tiles on their roofs designed to weaken the plasma jet of shaped charges, but Ukrainian artillery has no such protection. As a result, there are multiple videos on social media showing the Lancet targeting Ukrainian field artillery.


Jammer in Box

Without jammers, Ukrainian tanks can only hide under camouflage nets. Tree cover also prevents kamikaze drone operators from noticing tanks and other equipment

The cell phone jammer is mounted on top of the tank's turret, behind the commander's hatch at the highest point of the tank. The electronic equipment is encased in a waterproof casing and then enclosed in a sealed metal box to protect it from enemy fire. The antenna sticks out of the box and sends an interfering signal.

It's unclear whether the gps jammer runs on batteries or is connected to the tank itself, but the 50-watt power consumption and the fact that the box is just centimeters from the open tank hatch suggests that cables from the tank's electrical system are exiting. Although this requires the hatch to be open while the jammer is firing, the crew will mostly use it when the tank is stationary. Ukrainian tanks keep their hatches closed under their armor during combat, and moving tanks are generally harder to hit.

The 900 MHz band the jammer emits is a common band used by long-range civilian drones. It is also the same wavelength that the Lancet drone operates on. It is understood that the Russian military also uses civilian drones as reconnaissance systems and purchases them in large quantities on the global market.

Wireless jammers have some disadvantages. The 900 MHz band is also commonly used for voice communications, so all vehicle transmissions must use a different band or else be cut off by other devices. This can result in a loss of combat coordination between jammer-equipped vehicles. The signal can also interfere with friendly drones and reduce troops' situational awareness.

Another problem is that the drone jammer itself emits a 50-watt radio signal announcing the presence of the tank to anyone capable of listening. If an enemy force could detect and locate jammers, it could actually count the number of tanks and other combat vehicles deploying jammers and learn their locations.

Despite these disadvantages, using a disruptor is better than blasting from above with shaped charges. But the advent of radio-controlled drones means military commanders now have to know when to mask and reveal their electromagnetic signatures. Has the enemy turned on their own jammers? If so, they may not be using drones, but they may be moving and preparing to attack.



TagiTagi: drone 
15 września 202315 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

"The U.S. military has invested a lot of work over the past decade to improve the security of GPS," said James Lewis, a technology expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.

Lewis said Russia has deployed "powerful" jammers in Syria since 2015, disrupting much of the electromagnetic spectrum. These phone jammer are powerful enough to disrupt aircraft landing in Tel Aviv, Israel.

"The problem with these large, powerful jammers is that they are vulnerable," Lewis told Mission & Purpose. "It sends a strong signal, 'I'm here.' Target me." That's attractive when you don't have to worry about someone fighting back. I think that's one of the reasons it's used in Syria. "

Russia also has more advanced jammers that can jam certain frequencies, Lewis said, and they have invested time and effort in developing the ability to spoof GPS signals and throw navigation systems off course. To this end, the Chinese military, whose electronic warfare capabilities lag behind Russia's, is purchasing Russian-made jammer device.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The United States also helped Ukraine find and destroy Russian jammers, a "high priority" mission, according to a secret Pentagon document that was part of a secret document allegedly leaked by pilot Jack Teixeira .

"We will continue to advocate/recommend disrupting/destroying these jammers wherever possible," the document said.

Criminal gang uses GPS jammer to steal cars

Criminal gangs are importing GPS jammers from China to steal expensive cars or car transporters carrying valuable cargo. However, they believe that a terrible accident will soon happen to the gang.

Tracking devices have become an important part of vehicle safety, often using GPS. However, GPS systems are susceptible to a technique called "jamming," which blocks the signal between GPS satellites and their receivers.

Introducing a more advanced tracking device that combines GSM, GPS and VHF technology in one device. The result is a solution that is more resilient to criminals using jamming devices. All 52 police forces in the UK use a stolen vehicle tracking and recovery system, which tells police the original location of a stolen vehicle.

Many people don't realize how dependent our lives are on GPS. It's not just car owners who face growing risks of disruption. "With criminals increasingly importing jammers from China or manufacturing their own in the UK, air traffic control or other critical networks could be vulnerable to terrorist attacks if countermeasures are not taken."

People are overly reliant on GPS as a safety and recovery system, especially when used alone. As more and more U.S. motorists become vulnerable to jamming devices, we believe no one technology is strong enough.


TagiTagi: cell phone gps 
14 września 202314 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We are convinced that this was an act of pure, unadulterated charity, uninfluenced by self-interest. Cellphone jammer maker CellAntenna Corp. is calling on U.S. lawmakers to change federal law to allow law enforcement officers to use cellphone jammers more broadly. We bet you can guess why too - and yes, it's helpful in the fight against terrorism. Because as we all know, there are a lot of cell phone terrorists out there (in fact, for us, anyone we see with a cell phone is automatically suspect). CellAntenna said in a statement that adding cell phone jamming is "the first step in increasing profits to prevent IED attacks in the United States." How refreshing - a company with a social conscience.

The company is challenging FCC rules on cell phone jamming devices

A small Florida company is asking the Federal Communications Commission to change a rule that bans the sale of cell phone signal encryption equipment to local and state governments.

CellAntenna filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta on Nov. 22 challenging the Communications Act of 1934, which is enforced by the FCC. The 1934 Act and related FCC regulations prohibit the use of cellular and radio frequency jamming devices except by federal agencies. That means local and state officials are prohibited from using such devices, which could be used to prevent terrorist attacks.

CellAntenna contends that the Communications Act and the FCC's interpretation of the law's provisions are unconstitutional because they conflict with the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which Congress passed in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

It is well known in intelligence and law enforcement circles that cell phones can be used to remotely detonate certain types of bombs. The electrical properties of most batteries used in today's cell phones provide enough energy to produce the necessary spark or energy to ignite detonators or modified electric matches typically used for plastic explosives. In addition, even low-end mobile phones can use built-in alarm and timing mechanisms, and even the simplest and cheapest mobile devices can be used as bomb detonation tools.

Mobile phones are believed to have been used in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. Insurgents have used them effectively to trigger street bombings in Iraq in recent years. U.S. troops in Iraq are using devices made by companies like CellAntenna that jam or block cellphone signals to protect convoys traveling through known trouble spots.

But in the United States, only federal agencies are allowed to use phone encryption devices. The law prohibits local and state law enforcement agencies from obtaining such devices as first responders to domestic terrorist attacks.

"It simply doesn't make sense that the FBI can use these devices but local and state governments, which are considered an important part of counterterrorism under the Homeland Security Act, cannot," said Howard Melamed, CEO of CellAntenna. That makes sense." "We provide weapons and other equipment to local police to protect the public, but we can't trust them to have cell phone wifi jammers devices? It doesn't make sense."

This point is a key element of CellAntenna's case against the FCC

"Whereas the FCC prohibits the sale of radio frequency and cellular jammers to state and local police departments, the Homeland Security Act consistently and repeatedly directs the Department of Homeland Security to take whatever measures are necessary to empower local law enforcement agencies and first responders in the fight against global terrorism."


TagiTagi: cell phone 
13 września 202313 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The DroneGun interferes with robotic aircraft at a very safe distance

There are a number of systems that can be used to shoot down wayward or dangerous drones, but they tend to have one big problem: You need to be relatively close to the drone, which can be scary if the robotic plane is packing explosives. DroneGun, a jammer gps that disables drone signals (including GPS and GLONASS positioning) from up to 1.2 miles away. Like most of its competitors, it doesn't destroy the target drone - it simply forces the vehicle to land or return to its starting point. Counter-drone teams can not only eliminate threats from a safe distance, but also locate their pilots.

It's not the lightest machine, but it's portable enough for one person to use. You also don't need technical training, so it's easy for security personnel to use.

Whether you see DroneGun running or not is another matter. It's not yet FCC certified, so you can't legally operate it in the United States unless you work for the government. If approved, though, it could help shoot down drones at airports, protect soldiers from drone bombs and help in situations where they simply can't get close.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Drones can use anti-laser jammers to protect themselves

There have been many efforts to build lasers that destroy drones. But how to protect these drones? Adsys Controls thinks it can help. It's making Helios, a passive jammer that confuses laser weapons. If it detects an incoming laser beam, it detects the characteristics of that beam (such as its pulse and wavelength) and interferes with it to prevent the laser from locking on and baking the drone. The company did not specify how the jamming works, although it could be an anti-laser. The only certainty is that it's reliable - it's "permanent protection" against subsequent lock attempts, not just a brief interruption.

You may have to wait a while to see Helios in action, as there is currently no mention of a contract. Moreover, it is uncertain how effective it will be. Can a laser be aimed at part of a drone without being caught by a jammer? Is the system fast enough to stop the highest power laser from burning up the drone in seconds? Still, drones do not yet have true anti-laser defense capabilities. Any protection is bound to help, and if Adsys' solution lives up to its hype, it could be very effective.

Desktop Jammers

The FCC is pursuing cell phone jammer that could leave users in the lurch

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has put a bounty on the head of any vigilante who hates cell phones. These GPS and signal jammers are especially popular in theaters, quiet restaurants and many school systems that struggle with sexting in the classroom. The FCC is calling on people to stop using the devices and report them to neighbors because they pose a serious health and safety risk by interfering with 911 calls and other emergencies nearby. Therefore, if you recognize a so-called "jammer," don't hesitate to file a complaint with the FCC, information can be found in the source link below.



TagiTagi: drone 
12 września 202312 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Twenty years after the worst attack to ever occur on U.S. soil, it's not just large, populated passenger planes that keep officials and experts up at night, but also the threat of smaller, readily available unmanned aerial systems capable of carrying deadly payloads through the skies of an unsuspecting nation.

Drones are not tomorrow's weapons of mass destruction. They're here today, and the technology required to fashion such a device is only getting cheaper, smarter and more accessible.

One U.S. military official who requested anonymity paints a potential nightmare scenario involving small drones, referred to as unmanned aerial systems, unmanned aircraft systems, or simply, UAS.

"I kind of wonder what could you do if you had a couple of small UAS and you flew into a crowded stadium," the U.S. military official told Newsweek. "That could cause a lot of damage and it's a scenario that could potentially be in play."

While "no specific knowledge" of an active threat was discussed, the U.S. military official said that "there is concern given the proliferation of small, portable drones, that explosive drones could cause a mass casualty event."

It wouldn't be the first time the nation had been caught off guard by a possible danger looming right in front of authorities.

"It's just like I had no specific knowledge before 9/11 that people could hijack planes and crash into buildings, but Tom Clancy wrote a book about it," the U.S. military official said.

When the political thriller "Debt of Honor" was released in 1994 depicting a hijacked airliner targeting the U.S. Capitol, the concept of an aerial suicide raid had largely been confined in the national consciousness to the experience of Japanese kamikaze pilots in World War II. It wasn't until nearly 3,000 were killed on September 11, 2001 that what had been an eventuality became a reality.

But when it comes to UAS, the age of tactical drone warfare is already upon us. Shortly after 9/11, the United States became the first country to truly weaponize drones, fitting them with precision missiles that became a staple of the "War on Terror."

In the years since, drones have evolved from a high-end military technology to a commercial hobby flown by enthusiasts across the globe and sold by a multitude of companies on the civilian market. With the explosion of this seemingly innocent innovation has come a rise in nefarious usage that the U.S. military official with whom Newsweek spoke described as "an emergent threat" already demonstrated in several high-profile events.

One such event came just last weekend when three explosive-laden UAS, believed to be simple quadcopter models, targeted the residence of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in an assassination attempt. Kadhimi lived, but photos released of his home revealed the destructive capabilities of such devices.

Kadhimi was not the first world leader to be preyed upon by bomb-rigged UAS. In August 2018, two drones carrying explosives detonated in an apparent failed attempt to take out Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during a military parade in Caracas. He also escaped with his life.

Prior to these incidents, militants and militias had already managed to utilize such technology, giving non-state actors a sort of rudimentary yet deadly air force to take on better-equipped foes. In Iraq and Syria, U.S. troops have been targeted from above by both the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and Iran-aligned paramilitary forces.

Even more destructive platforms have seen action on the battlefield in the form of what's known as loitering munitions, or suicide drones. Last year, Azerbaijani forces demonstrated a deadly edge over Armenian rivals during a brief but bloody war over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory through their use.

"They're relatively small, inexpensive drones, but they kind of cross that boundary between a drone and guided missile," the U.S. military official said.

This point was echoed by a security official from Israel, a country that produced some of the loitering munitions employed by Azerbaijani forces with substantial effect and now prove a potential concern for Iran as tensions simmer between the neighbors.

"This tool today is so easy, and small drones, you just really order them in and you've got yourself like a guided precision missile," the Israeli security official told Newsweek.

The Israeli security official noted that even with their current destructive potential, the munitions attached to such UAS today are in their relative infancy, not yet on a scale that any one of them alone could replicate a 9/11-style attack.

But their potential is already rapidly growing

"They are becoming much more accurate in their capabilities of navigation," the Israeli security official said. "I think where we will be seeing things is that the amount of explosives will get bigger now."

Smaller commercial UAS have another unique advantage over traditional aircraft and missile platforms: They have no launch signature, making them far more difficult to detect. Used in greater numbers, known as a swarm, they're also harder to intercept.

"If you need to intercept a dozen, an F-16 payload, if it's only doing air-to-air would be about six different air-to-air missiles, or similar to an F-35," the Israeli security official said. "So that already means that you need a few airplanes, and you need the time if you're looking at interception."

Israel was among the first nations to refine wartime drone technology, and it continues to field various platforms for covert missions. But its rivals have also demonstrated an early prowess for such technology, as proven by the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Palestinian Hamas, and their supporter, Iran.

Iran has developed an extensive arsenal of drones, including suicide drones capable of flying beyond 2,000 kilometers, exceeding 1,240 miles. Israel and the U.S. have both accused Iran of directly supplying UAS technology to partnered militias across the region, an allegation denied by the Islamic Republic.

"I think Tehran has its own independent defense program based on its defense needs and can define its efforts to counter the threats by strengthening its defense capabilities," an Iranian official told Newsweek.

China has also excelled in UAS technology, and Russia has developed high-end systems of its own as well.

The Israeli security official noted another trend that could prove deeply problematic to the safety of the region and beyond, a trend linked to Israel's ally, the U.S., and the withdrawal from a 20-year war in Afghanistan, where ISIS has sought to stage a comeback in a country the U.S. first entered in response to 9/11.

"We see another rise of terror, and I'll say, being both humble and appreciative to the U.S., but after Afghanistan, we do see a rise in what potentially could come again with the terror activities and the kind of backing that some of the terror organizations feel stronger and maybe even more courageous," the Israeli security official said. "This tool of drones can definitely be something that we might be seeing more."

One man who has written and spoken extensively on the potential impact of drones in the wrong hands is Zachary Kallenborn.

Kallenborn is a policy fellow at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government and a research affiliate with the University of Maryland's Unconventional Weapons and Technology Division of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. He has also served as a national security consultant and contributed to the U.S. Army as part of its Mad Scientist Laboratory.

"Drones are definitely capable of causing mass casualties," Kallenborn told Newsweek.

Echoing the example put forth by the U.S. military official with whom Newsweek spoke, he imagines a crowded event as a potential target.

"Growing drone technology also increasingly allows drones to be flown autonomously or in collaborative swarms," Kallenborn said. "That increases the damage potential significantly. Imagine a terrorist air raid: a group of drones dropping bombs on a concert or stadium crowd."

Even more damaging, attackers could vastly multiply casualties by employing weapons of mass destruction, Kallenborn warned.

"Drones would be highly effective delivery systems for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons," he said. "Drones could, say, spray the agent right over a crowded area."

Kallenborn said he was "also quite concerned about drone attacks on airplanes, because aircraft engines and wings are not designed to survive drone strikes."

But he notes that "who the attacker is matters a lot," adding that "a big limiter" for the worst-case scenarios "is the ability of terrorists to acquire the chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agent, which they have historically struggled with."

He pointed out the difficulty of a militant group acquiring both the material and manpower to fly a larger swarm-sized fleet while avoiding detection.

"But that limitation is not an issue for state militaries," Kallenborn said. "Militaries have the resources and technology to make truly massive swarms that could rival the harm of traditional weapons of mass destruction, including small nuclear weapons."

"Not only is such a weapon massively powerful, it would be quite difficult to control," he added. "If you have 1,000 drones working together without human control, that's 1,000 opportunities for failure. And even more, because in a true drone swarm, the drones talk. As we've seen with COVID vaccine paranoia, misinformation can spread easily even among beings far smarter than an algorithm-guided drone."

As humans and machines are wont to err, so are defenses, and drones add a new level of difficulty in their ability to conduct random, difficult-to-detect operations. The U.S. military official with whom Newsweek spoke expressed a level of skepticism regarding existing defenses being acquired by the Department of Defense.

"The DOD is pouring a lot of money and effort into counter-UAS technology, but I think the DOD's PR exceeds the actual capability of these devices," the U.S. military official said.

One of the agencies keeping an eye out for UAS and drone activity on the domestic side is the Federal Aviation Authority. An FAA spokesperson told Newsweek that "the FAA is tasked with ensuring the safety of the National Airspace System (NAS) as well as people and property on the ground."

"When criminal activity is suspected, we work with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners by providing them assistance with their investigations and prosecutions," the spokesperson said.

One way in which the FAA is seeking to improve the ability for authorities to determine potential problems posed by UAS is by enforcing remote identification, through which drones would be required to provide key information such as identity, altitude and current location as well as the location of its operator and take-off point.

"Remote identification requirements for all UAS operators, when combined with our current registration requirement, will enable more effective detection and identification," the FAA spokesperson said. "This will also help law enforcement to connect an unauthorized drone with its operator. Remote identification will help law enforcement determine if a drone poses an actual threat that needs to be mitigated, or if it's an errant drone that got away from someone but means no harm."

The rise of the drone threat has given birth to a booming new industry of counter-drone technologies. Among the leading companies in this field is DroneShield, an Australian firm that has supplied cutting-edge tools to the likes of the NATO military alliance and the United Nations.

DroneShield CEO Oleg Vornik shared Kallenborn's concerns about WMD-strapped UAS in large numbers.

"Small UAS can be seen as a highly effective and cheap platform for surveillance and payload delivery," Vornik told Newsweek. "For payload delivery, a small UAS can easily carry up to a few pounds of weight - this is a lot of explosive or biological or chemical weapons."

"What's more," he added, "at $1,000-$2,000 per UAS, and swarming technologies available today (think of giant figures in the sky or fireworks, all generated by choreographed drones), this can be easily in 100s of drones, each carrying a dangerous substance."

These figures may seem high, but Vornik argued that the general lack of oversight would make it hard to track acquisition. And even if suggested controls were put in place, he said, the threat would only partially be addressed.

"UAS can be purchased today in a completely unrestricted way, being considered toys, essentially. Registration would solve some of the issue, but consider how many unregistered firearms get used for terrorism," Vornik said. "The pilot of the drone would also be invisible/difficult to catch in an attack, making it more appealing to use"

In addition to the kinetic threat, he warned of potential cyber attacks employing UAS

"Call it a conspiracy, but we received reports that the Ever Given container ship (yes, the one that blocked Suez Canal and stopped much of sea traffic) was due to a cyber hacking from a drone, when a request for ransom was denied," Vornik said. "We are now hearing of this commonly from ship customers, especially in areas close to the better-known rogue states."

Last week, DroneShield released the 6th edition of its C-UAS, or counter-UAS, factbook, which details the scope of potential threats posed by small drones.

The guide covers recent events in drone warfare, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the 2019 attacks on Saudi Aramco oil sites, claimed by Yemen's Ansar Allah, or Houthi, movement but blamed by Saudi Arabia and the U.S. on Iran. It also gives examples of the latest innovations by China and Russia, and identifies some of the most popular heavy-lifting UAS that could be used even more discretely than their larger cousins.

The report provides potential solutions as well, including a range of detection capabilities such as radio frequency, radar, acoustic, optics and multi-sensor systems. It also lists neutralizing assets including drone radio frequency jammer, GPS jammers, cyber tactics, directed energy attacks, counter-UAS drones and kinetic systems capable of blasting UAS out of the sky.

"Without dedicated C-UAS system (for detection and defeat of such UAS)," Vornik said, "there would be no warning and no time to react, until it is too late and the damage is done."

As to whether such tools and methods would be employed before the next attack, he has expressed a note of skepticism.

"We live in a reactive society," Vornik said. "Boulders across the pathways have only started to be placed after terrorists used vehicles to bulldoze through crowds, as an example."

He warned that governments and their law enforcement and security agencies must start setting up systems now to defend against UAS attacks.

"We need to be more proactive in setting up UAS detection and defeat systems across areas where large gatherings of people are likely, the high profile places, sort of areas which would be terror sweet spots," Vornik said. "Law enforcement and homeland security personnel need to be trained for this threat, much like more conventional attacks."


TagiTagi: drone 
11 września 202311 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As drones rise, so does counter-drone technology. While there are a variety of potential drone defense solutions, including surveillance equipment such as radars, radio frequency analyzers, or acoustic and optical sensors, as well as high-power microwave devices (HPMs), drone networks, and lasers, there is another Solution A hot topic in the drone industry recently: drones interfering with GPS.

Many drones (as well as other technologies such as transportation and freight fleets, and even smartphones) rely on GPS for navigation and tracking. But some criminals are trying to jam these GPS signals.

InfiniDome is an Israeli GPS security company founded in 2016 that produces a variety of products, but its main focus is on developing GPS signal protection systems. This summer, Infinidome published a white paper that clarified how drone gps jamming works and provided a very sobering demonstration of how vulnerable GPS systems (GNSS) are to jamming attacks.

You can download and read infiDome's full GPS interference white paper here. I use it to give a quick overview of the most important things you should know about drone GPS interference. Here are the reasons why people try to jam drone GPS signals, how to jam them, and what to do about them.

uav Interception Equipment Box Jammers

Why does drone interference occur and why is it a problem?

There are many reasons why people would want to jam a drone's GPS signal, including defense applications to prevent enemy drones from getting lost or crashing. While drones are used in systems such as aerial surveillance to catch drug traffickers, drug cartel criminals use drone jammers to prevent this from happening. In fact, Mexico reports that jamming was used in 85 percent of all recorded truck thefts, according to the Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, a science and education nonprofit based in Virginia. device. The foundation aims to protect critical infrastructure through technologies such as InfiniDome.

This isn't just about large military or serious legal use cases. A drone light show over a shopping mall in Zhengzhou, China, fell from the sky after someone used a drone jammer, putting 5,000 spectators at risk.

In short, even if you don't necessarily believe there is an obvious enemy trying to destroy your drone, it's crucial to be prepared for a drone GPS jammer attack. This also happens with drone light shows.

Jamming drone may not be all bad

This is not to say that all drone interference is necessarily bad or evil. In fact, it may sometimes be considered the opposite. The Federal Aviation Administration, for example, turned to counter-drone company Dedrone to help work on drone jammers to ensure unwanted drones aren't flying near airports and posing a safety risk to flights full of passengers. The Department of Defense also uses drones to protect secret areas or other locations that require security. InfiniDome created a video about drone interference (which also serves as an ad for their product), which you can watch here:

How does drone GPS jamming actually work?

So how does drone GPS jamming actually work?

The GNSS receiver used by the drone GPS jammer uses GPS signals (along with GLONASS, Galileo and other constellations - hence the name "GNSS" - Global Navigation Satellite System), but is known to be vulnerable to attack and easily jammed regardless of There is intentional interference - but often even unintentional interference occurs (like you may have experienced while driving through a tunnel in a mountain, or sometimes even in certain areas of your home where cell phone blocker reception is interrupted).

Purchasing jamming equipment is easy and cheap. You don't need an entire mountain to block GPS signals-you can find GPS jamming device online for less than $100. As long as the jammer is able to emit a stronger signal on the same frequency as yours, it will gain the upper hand and jam your drone.

Of course, it's not that simple. There are all sorts of jamming attacks and signals, including Continuous Wavelength, where a single frequency is jammed and anything transmitted in that same frequency will be blocked. And with another method called narrow band, power is spread and diluted throughout the different frequencies making up a band (a range of around 2MHz). To attack, jammers "barrage" the bad by creating a series of narrow-band signals that transmit shortly one after each other.


TagiTagi: drone 
09 września 202309 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

WashingtonCNN - Russia has been hindering US-created mobile rockets more frequently in Ukraine recently, using electronic jammers to overthrow its GPS-based targeting system, this causes rockets to misfire their targets, multiple people who were involved with the project told CNN.

Ukrainian military officials have had to invent multiple different solutions to the problem of their own equipment, with the American help, they have employed the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) as the most celebrated and feared piece of military hardware in Ukraine's conflict.

The medium-range rocket systems were touted as a significant game changer in the conflict, and have had a significant role in the past year since their arrival in Ukraine last summer, including in the offensive that led to the takeover of territory that was significant to Ukraine last year.

However, recent months have seen the systems become increasingly less effective as a result of the Russians' increasing blocking, five American, British and Ukrainian sources tell CNN that the HIMARS have been modified to counter the Russians' increasing jammer device.

It's a constant pursuit of a solution to the cell phone jamming, a Pentagon official said, only for the Russians to then reverse the solution. And it's not clear how long-term the game is sustainable.

With a large-scale Ukrainian offensive expected to begin soon, and the country's reliance on HIMARS, solutions are now more important to make sure Ukrainian soldiers can gain significant advantage.

It's still one thing to successfully oppose the Russians at their current location. Another goal for them is to drive out the Americans, the retired US Army Brig. said. Gen. Steven Anderson explained to CNN. They're sunk in, they've been there for a year.

Ukraine needs to keep HIMARS in the game

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

HIMARS has been of great importance, he said. They must have the capacity to preserve these HIMARS and utilize them to perform effective punches.

Ukraine has currently received 18 American HIMARS, and the U.S. has pledged to send 20 more. Other members of NATO have given 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems to the State Department, according to the Department of State.

The common proclamations from the Biden administration regarding hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid for Ukraine, including one on Wednesday, typically include HIMARS weapons, called GMLRs, as the most significant item. However, the exact number is not revealed.

The U.S. has also assisted the Ukrainians in locating the Russian jammers and destroying them, a "important priority" task, according to a concealed document in the Pentagon that was part of a volume allegedly leaked by Airman Jack Teixeira.

The document continues by advocating for the continued destruction of jammers as much as possible.

GPS jamming can adversely affect other "intelligent'' US weapons like the guided Excalibur artillery shells that are fired from Howitzers and the air-dropped bombs called JDAMs. The document with the leaked Pentagon described the JDAMS as being particularly vulnerable to the disruption.

A U.S. official acknowledged that the U.S. has advised the Ukrainians on how to recognize and destroy the Russian jammers, because there is only a limited number of ways to alter HIMARS and their rockets.

TagiTagi: gps 
08 września 202308 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Russian Navy has installed temporary GPS jammers on at least one of its warships ahead of a high-profile naval parade in St. Petersburg, according to experts.

An image published Wednesday by military and open source intelligence analyst H I Sutton shows a photo of a Russian Navy frigate taken in Russia's second largest city on July 14 that appears to show multiple sets of GPS network jammer installed on the ship's exterior.

Newsweek could not independently verify the date and location of the video. However, military expert David Hamblin said the presence of GPS jammers on the ship does indicate that the Kremlin fears that Kiev, Ukraine supporters or anti-Putin groups will plot drone attacks. Samuel Bentt of the Center for Naval Analysis said it was "entirely feasible" that Moscow chose to use cell phone jammer and had done so before the war in Ukraine. But he told Newsweek that the evidence is limited and it's hard to judge.

The drone threat: GPS jamming systems and available countermeasures

While GPS jamming may not be the first thing on the minds of many drone operators, government and civilian customers around the world are vulnerable to GPS jamming technology, which can cause expensive drones to drop from the sky when hackers attack GPS access with easily accessible tools. Because the satellite GPS signals that actually reach vehicles and drones are quite weak, using radio frequency transmitters that operate at the same frequency as GPS can have catastrophic effects, as seen in the attack on a light show in Zhengzhou, China, where hundreds of drones crashed to the ground.

Typically, denial-of-service attacks on GPS networks are launched by powerful radio frequency transmitters that can use a variety of methods to try to interfere with satellite connections between drones or vehicles and satellite networks above them. To solve this problem, anti-jamming devices can try to change the direction of the high-frequency beam (using beamforming or steering), or dampen the attack frequency and create "invalid zones," which are more effective but more difficult to roll out.

Other experts were skeptical about the extent to which the images revealed possible interfering features on board.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

It has been speculated that the potential jamming system could be part of the R-330Zh Zhitel(on-board system), or it could be part of the Pole-21E jamming system. Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry by email for comment.

Hamblin told Newsweek that Russia has an "extensive" track record of using GPS jamming - blocking GPS reception and "spoofing," showing the wrong location on trackers - to fend off drone attacks.

The first military parade was held in Russia's second largest city in 2017, TASS reported.

Drones and rapidly developing unmanned technology have played a major role in the war in Ukraine. Both sides want to use drone technology to inflict damage on critical infrastructure at low cost, and experts say the ongoing conflict has sparked drone innovation at "lightning speed."

But the Kremlin has said in recent months that beyond Ukraine's borders, Moscow itself has been repeatedly targeted by drone strikes.

On May 3, Russia said two drones had struck the Kremlin in what it called a "planned terrorist attack and assassination attempt against the president" ahead of annual Victory Day military celebrations. The Russian leader said in a statement that the drones were "intercepted on Kremlin territory, with debris scattered and without causing any casualties or damage".

"Russia reserves the right to take countermeasures at the time and place it deems appropriate," the Kremlin added.

Moscow has blamed Kiev for the attack, but Kiev has denied carrying out the drone strike

Later that month, the Russian military said eight Ukrainian drones had struck wealthy neighborhoods in Moscow, damaging several buildings. Three of the drones were neutralized by electronic warfare, the Russian Defense Ministry said at the time, adding that the remaining five were intercepted by the Pantsier-S air defense system.

On July 4, Moscow accused Ukraine of firing five drones at the Russian capital, saying four of them were destroyed by Russian air defense systems and the fifth was "neutralized by electronic warfare."

Russia's defence ministry said flights at Vnukovo airport, one of Moscow's main transport hubs, had been disrupted but there was no damage to infrastructure.

"Given the recent spate of drone strikes in Moscow, the main concern may be an aerial attack," Hamblin said of the Navy Day parade. But Russia has also accused Ukraine of using unmanned surface ships to carry out attacks on annexed territory in Crimea, attacking Russia's Black Sea naval base in Sevastopol and the Kerch Bridge, a key crossing point connecting Crimea to the Russian mainland.

Experts told Newsweek earlier this week that this type of attack, which typically uses improvised water drones, is one that Russia's defenses are inadequate for.

Hamblin said, however, that an attack on Russian forces in St. Petersburg on Navy Day seemed unlikely due to the distance between Ukrainian territory and the Baltic city.

TagiTagi: drone 
01 września 202301 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Don let phone notifications stress you out

With all those smartphone notifications, it's no wonder you lose focus on whatever you're trying to do.

Your phone doesn't even need to ping to distract you. It's well-documented that just the presence of your phone, silent or not, is enough to distract you.

what happens? More importantly, how can you refocus your attention without missing out on what's important?

Is it really such a big deal?

While estimates vary, the average person checks their phone about 85 times a day, about once every 15 minutes.

In other words, every 15 minutes or so, your attention may drift away from what you're doing. The problem is, it can take a few minutes to fully regain your focus after being interrupted by your phone.

If you're watching TV, getting distracted (and refocused) is no big deal. But if you're driving, trying to study, work, or spend time with loved ones, it can cause some pretty serious problems.

Cellphone Jammer, a DIY endeavor for the darker crowd. I'm pretty sure we've all considered having one at some point: whether the obnoxiously loud woman next to you is announcing private bedroom stories to a crowd on the subway, or your kids are grounded from using the phone (and consequently snagged a hidden prepaid phone), sometimes having a cell phone signal jammer comes in handy.

Desktop  Jammers

What do all these disruptions mean for cognition and well-being?

There is growing evidence that push notifications are associated with reduced productivity, poor concentration, and distraction at work and school.

But is there evidence that our brains are working harder to handle the frequent switches of attention?

A study of people's brainwaves found that those who described themselves as heavy smartphone users were more sensitive to push notifications than those who described themselves as light users.

Heavy users were significantly worse than light users at regaining focus on the task after hearing a push notification. Although push notifications interrupted the concentration of both groups, heavy users took longer to refocus.

Frequent interruptions from your phone can also make you feel stressed out by the need to respond. Frequent smartphone interruptions have also been linked to increased FOMO (fear of missing out).

If you get distracted by your phone after responding to a notification, any subsequent delays in getting back to the task can also make you feel guilty or frustrated.

There is certainly evidence that the longer you use your phone in an unproductive way, the lower your rating of your own happiness is.

Mr. Larson of the cellular industry group said that while the industry objected to imposed controls on cellphone ringing, it did not oppose measures left to the customers' discretion. ''They are certainly less odious than gps blocker,'' he said.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

How can I stop?

We know that turning your phone to silent won't magically solve the problem, especially if you're already checking it frequently.

What is needed is behavior change, but it is difficult. It may take several attempts to see lasting changes. If you've ever tried to quit smoking, lose weight, or start an exercise program, you know what I mean.

An company Perfectjammer, makes a detector called Wireless Signal Detector Prevents Monitoring, a hand-held device that is used to monitor and detect cellular communication activity in a given area. (It is offered at for $100-$380.) Other smaller detector models include the RF Signal Detector from TG-007B, about the size of a beeper, which costs less than $100. As with wifi jammers, the larger the detector, the greater its range.

Start by turning off all unnecessary notifications. If you want to check your phone less often, here are some things you can try:

In that moment, interrupt the urge to check and actively decide whether it will work in your favor. For example, when you turn to reach for your phone, stop and ask yourself if this action serves a purpose other than to distract.


TagiTagi: gsm 
31 sierpnia 202331 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

While federal law prohibits the use of radar signal jammers throughout the United States, laser jammers are legal in most states, but the following states have explicitly banned their use: California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, D.C.

Penalties vary by state. In Texas, for example, the maximum fine is $500, while in Utah violators can face up to 90 days in prison and a $750 fine.

Desktop  Jammers

Military Eliminates Iraqi GPS Jammers

WASHINGTON - The president spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday about the sale of sensitive military equipment to Iraq, but the discussion may have been moot as military officials said they had destroyed six GPS jammers.

Air Force Maj. Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr. told a news conference Tuesday at U.S. Central Command at Camp Sariyah, Qatar, that six GPS jammers "supplied by other countries" have been deactivated by U.S. forces.

We took out a GPS jammer with a GPS weapon

Renuarte did not specify that the cellphone jammers were part of a shipment of supplies from Russian companies to Iraq, but the U.S. has repeatedly expressed concern that Russia is allowing the supplies to slip through Iraq in violation of decade-long U.N. sanctions.

In a call to Putin on Monday morning, White House spokesman Ali Ali expressed concern over reports that Russians were actually on the ground in Iraq teaching Iraqi troops how to use prohibited hardware such as night-vision goggles, GPS jammers and anti-tank missiles. Fleischer said.

GPS jammers in particular slowed the bombing of Baghdad as the military took extra care not to hit civilian targets

Iraq may have acquired as many as 400 electronic "jammers" that could divert U.S. smart bombs from their intended course if the U.S. went to war.

The Pentagon has "genuine concern at the highest levels" that Baghdad may have purchased the wifi jammers from a Russian company.

The types of bombs that can be redirected by these jammers are called "J-Dams" -- "Joint Direct Attack Munitions" guided by global satellites. These are military GPS-guided bombs.They cost around $21,000 each and have a maximum range of 15 miles. The J-Dams debuted in Kosovo in 1999.

The Air Force is now trying to test similar jammers to see if those used by enemies work against American weapons

Federal officials say Iranian forces are actively using GPS jammers and impersonating U.S. or allied warships to lure merchant ships through Iranian waters and then seize them.

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration issued a warning that Iran was using "GPS jamming, bridge-to-bridge communications spoofing, and/or other communications jamming with little warning."

"In at least two of these incidents, the ships reported GPS jamming," the statement read. "The ships also reported spoofed bridge-to-bridge communications from unknown entities falsely claiming to be U.S. or coalition warships."


TagiTagi: gps 
30 sierpnia 202330 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A small surveillance drone flew over the Austin stadium, diligently following a series of GPS waypoints programmed into its flight computer. On the face of it, the mission was routine.

Suddenly, the drone veered sharply off course, deviating from its intended flight path and hurtling east. After a few minutes, when it was clear that something was seriously wrong, the drone made a sharp right turn and headed south. Then, as if some ghost had ordered the drone to self-destruct, it hurtled toward the ground. Just a few feet from some kind of disaster, a safety pilot with a radio control device saved the drone from crashing into the scene.

On the sidelines, there were smiles all around about the near-disaster. Professor Todd Humphreys and his team at the University of Texas at Austin's Radionavigation Laboratory have just completed a successful experiment: closing a hole in the government's plan to open U.S. airspace to thousands of drones.

The most popular 8 band jammers

They can be turned into weapons

Spoofing the GPS receiver on a drone is just another way to hijack a plane

In other words, with the right equipment, anyone can take control of a GPS-guided drone and make it do whatever they want.

Spoofing is a relatively new problem in GPS navigation. So far, the main problem has been GPS jammer device, which are easily available via the Internet and used by people to hide illegal use of GPS-tracked company vans, for example. Iran is also believed to have shot down a US spy drone in December by jamming drone its GPS, forcing it into automatic landing mode after losing direction.

"Tricking the GPS receiver on a drone is just another way to hijack a plane." Todd Humphreys, a researcher at the University of Texas Radio Navigation Laboratory

Cell phone jammer can cause problems by disrupting GPS signals, while spoofers are a huge leap forward in technology. They can actually manipulate navigation computers with false information that looks real. He used his device - what Humphreys says is the most advanced spoofer ever built (which costs just $1,000) - to infiltrate the drone's GPS system and send out a signal more powerful than those coming from satellites high in Earth's orbit. .

Initially, his signal matched that of the GPS, so the drone thought there was nothing wrong. That's when he strikes - sending his commands to an onboard computer to get the drone to follow his lead.

Mr Humphreys said the impact was severe. "Within one to three years, the airspace will have 20,000 drones," he told Fox News. "Every one of them could be a potential missile aimed at us."

Drones have been widely used in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen, but so far GPS-guided drones have been limited to battlefield or southern border patrols and have not been allowed to fly widely in U.S. airspace.

Under pressure from the Pentagon and drone manufacturers, Congress ordered the FAA to write rules allowing government and commercial use of drones on U.S. soil by 2015. The plan could eventually see police drones spying on U.S. cities, drones monitoring power company transmission lines, or GPS-guided freighter-sized drones delivering packages across the country without a driver. FedEx founder Fred Smith said he hopes to add drones to his fleet soon.

The new rules have raised privacy concerns about a "surveillance society" where drones tirelessly monitor our every move 24/7. But Humphreys' experiment puts a whole new spin on anxieties about drones.

"What if you could shoot down one of these drones delivering a FedEx package and use it as your missile?" It's the same mentality as the 9-11 attackers."

This is something the government is acutely aware of. In the deserted desert of the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, officials from the FAA and Department of Homeland Security watched Humphrey's team constantly take control of a drone from a remote mountaintop. The results were as dramatic as the test at UT Stadium a few days earlier.

The Department of Homeland Security is trying to identify and mitigate gps jamming with its new Patriot Watch and Patriot Shield programs, but the effort is poorly funded, still in its infancy, and mostly aimed at finding people using jammers rather than spoofers.

The potential consequences of GPS spoofing are simply chilling. Humphries warned that terrorist groups could match his technology and wreak havoc in crowded U.S. airspace.

"I'm afraid they're going to crash into other planes." "I'm worried they're going to crash into buildings. We could have a collision in the air and there could be casualties, so we want to prevent that from happening and fix it."

Unlike military drones, which use encrypted GPS systems, most drones flying over the United States will rely on civilian GPS, which is not encrypted and can be easily infiltrated. Humphreys warned that the government needed to address the loophole before allowing drones widespread access to U.S. airspace.

"It just shows the mindset that we had after 9-11, when we reinforced the cockpit doors to prevent people from hijacking airplanes - well, in terms of the navigation systems of these drones, we need to adopt that mindset."

TagiTagi: drone 
29 sierpnia 202329 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The EMP generator generates an electromagnetic pulse to disrupt electronics

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Wisconsin recently seized a slot jammer device while inspecting a shipment from Hong Kong.

CBP officers made the discovery at the Milwaukee port of entry on Feb. 4, CBP said in a press release.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices are banned by the Federal Communications Commission and are used to "interfere" with the inner workings of slot machines.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an EMP generator generates an electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt electronic devices at a range of about one meter. These devices typically send an electric current through a magnetic field via a magnetic copper wire.

Border Patrol agents in Arizona have shot dead Mexican migrants at the US border

CBP said the shipment was a car adapter from an electronics supplier in Hong Kong and was headed to a home in Mossini, about 175 miles northwest of Milwaukee.

"There are a variety of ways these tools can be used," LaFonda D. Sutton-Burke, Chicago's director of field operations, said in a statement. "Federal law prohibits such cellphone jammer because they can be used to interfere with radio communications, cellular phones, GPS and other communications devices."

CBP officers at the Port of Milwaukee Express Consignment Operations facility examined the shipment and sent it to the Mechanical Engineering Division at FBI Headquarters for further analysis.

TagiTagi: wifi 
07 sierpnia 202307 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We have become very dependent on global positioning. A power outage will cost us billions of dollars. And there is no backup yet.

The dire threat of GPS could cripple corporate America

A growing problem for GPS: There is no backup system in the United States. Most of our critical infrastructure, including power grids, banks, transportation systems, and telecommunications networks, relies on GPS. In addition to traffic maps and other positioning services, GPS is used for high-precision timing required for high-speed financial transactions, wireless network synchronization, and grid synchronization. But the rising risk of severe blackouts has gone largely unnoticed. "I don't think GPS vulnerabilities have gotten a lot of attention because, unlike cybersecurity, there haven't been any major disasters," said Marc Weiss, a fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

GPS and other timing systems will become even more important to modern life in the future. With the rise of connected sensors, devices and machines (i.e. the Internet of Things), timing signals need to be more precise. A government report last year concluded that a lack of high-precision timekeeping systems could hinder the development of new technologies, such as instantaneous collision avoidance systems in cars or communication links in smart grids.

The United States is at greater risk than countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, all of which have some form of ground backup. GPS outages happen from time to time because the signal is weak and highly susceptible to interference. "Terrorists can just use a GPS jammers to carry out an attack," Goldward said. Each jammer costs less than $50 and is extremely difficult to track and stop. Note that companies such as Spirent UK provide equipment to assist in the detection of GPS interference to help combat such interference.

The Global Positioning System provides navigation for our ships at sea. It is at the heart of the new next-generation air traffic control system. It can even time-stamp the millions of financial transactions that take place around the world every day.

GPS faces threats from terrorists, rogue states and $50 cell phone jammer

  • Criminals, terrorist groups and rogue states, even those with a basic GPS jammer you can buy for $50 on the Internet, face extreme challenges, said Todd Humphreys, a GPS expert at the University of Texas. big risk.

  • "If you were a rogue state, or a terrorist network, and you wanted to cause some massive damage - maybe not an explosion, but an economic attack on the United States - that's what you might do." As a weakness," he told Fox News.

  • Humphreys was the keynote speaker at the UK ICT Knowledge Transfer Network's World Experts Conference in London. His predictions about the prospects for this emerging threat are dire.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

In 2010, for example, British researchers aimed a low-altitude GPS signal jammers at a test ship in the English Channel. The results were shocking: the ship went off course without the knowledge of the crew. Passing false information about their location to other ships increases the likelihood of a collision. The communications system stopped working, meaning the crew could not contact the Coast Guard. The emergency services system used to guide rescuers is completely out of order.

  1. Then there's the disappearance of a U.S. drone over Iran. Humphreys believes Iranian authorities confuse the ultra-sophisticated RQ-170 spy drone into landing mode by using simple jamming techniques. The drone's Achilles' heel? It has a civilian GPS system, not a military-grade encrypted model. It doesn't take much to blind it and force it down.

  2. Another threat that is burgeoning is so-called "spoofing." Unlike gsm jammer, which block or scramble GPS signals, "spoofers" mimic information from satellites. It can fool an aircraft, ship, or other GPS-guided device into thinking it's somewhere, but it's not.

  3. Organized crime is already trying to exploit this possibility, Humphreys said. A criminal gang may hijack a container truck full of high-value cargo and trick the owner into thinking the truck is heading to a predetermined delivery point instead of the gang's warehouse.

  4. Hanvers: "Civilian GPS signals are completely open and vulnerable to spoofing attacks because they have no authentication and no encryption. It is almost trivial to imitate these signals and trick a GPS receiver to track your signal." Authentic ."

  5. Hijacking a container is one thing. Deceiving the global financial system is another matter. Another emerging GPS threat, Humphreys warned in a speech in London, is global stock and commodity trading networks.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

Every transaction is time-stamped using a GPS clock. Computer programs monitor these timestamps with millisecond precision. If something goes wrong, many projects will be taken off the market. Hackers could easily interfere with these timestamps, triggering trading procedures, causing sudden liquidity crises and potentially mini-market crashes, Humphreys said.

Manipulating time, then, pays high dividends. An unscrupulous trader or criminal organization can make millions of dollars by delaying time even by a fraction of a second.

"You're able to match prices between networks in a different way than anyone else in the world," Humphreys said. "Everyone else in the world might be off by 20 milliseconds, and you happen to know the actual time. So you can buy low in one market and sell high in another."

These devices are illegal in the US, but can be easily obtained on the Internet for as little as $50. People use them to avoid tolls, to hide from the prying eyes of their spouses, or to use company vehicles for unintended purposes. This sometimes has unintended consequences.

Devices that interfere with GPS may actually have a legitimate purpose: to protect individual privacy, he said.

"People have a right to privacy in their own lives," he said. "However, having a small dot-sized GPS tracking device to be able to secretly locate them at your friends - they would want to resort to some kind of jamming or deception to defend against this invasion of privacy."


TagiTagi: usdollars gps jammer 
04 sierpnia 202304 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Safety zealot hid a phone jammer in his SUV to stop other drivers taking calls

If you happen to notice a second-hand Toyota Highlander being offered for a quick sale in Seffner, Florida, you'll know exactly who it belongs to. A local man, Jason Humphreys, has been given 30 days to pay a $48,000 fine after being caught radio-handed with a high-powered phone jammer hidden under his SUV's front passenger seat. When he was pulled over by a squad of FCC agents and police officers, who had spent days tracking the source of the wideband interference emanating from his vehicle, he reportedly told them that he was "fed up with watching cell phone usage while people were driving." Unfortunately for Humphreys, the state of Florida deems it legal for motorists to engage in phone conversations while they're on the move, whereas it severely frowns on the use of unlicensed jamming equipment that can disrupt vital communications between emergency services. The only glimmer of hope for this grumpy vigilante is if he can write to the FCC and somehow stall the fine, but even then he'll likely still face a separate case raised by an even grumpier Sheriff's office.

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Drones can defend themselves with an anti-laser jammer

Helios prevents laser weapons from locking on.

There are plenty of efforts to make drone-destroying lasers. But what about protecting those drones? Adsys Controls thinks it can help. It's making Helios, a passive jammer that confuses laser weapons. If it detects an incoming laser beam, it detects the traits of that beam (such as its pulse and wavelength) and interferes with them to prevent the laser from locking on and toasting the drone. The company won't say exactly how this interference works, although it may be a counter laser. The one certainty is that it's reliable -- this is "permanent protection" against subsequent lock-on attempts, not just a momentary break.

You may have to wait a while to see Helios in action, since there's no mention of contracts at the moment. Also, it's not certain how well this works. Can a laser target a part of the drone without the jammer catching it? And is the system quick enough to stop higher-power lasers that can burn a drone within a few seconds at most? Still, drones don't really have anti-laser defenses right now. Any protection is bound to be helpful, and Adsys' solution could be highly effective if it lives up to the hype.


The most popular 8 band jammers


Break-in suspects using cell-jamming technology to avoid surveillance camerasCell-jamming uses devices to interfere with radio or wireless signals.According to CMPD, thefts have figured out how to evade surveillance cameras in some home break-ins, utilizing technology in the process.

It's called cell-jamming, and happens when a person uses a device to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, "the use of a phone-jammer, GPS blocker, or other signal jamming device designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law. There are no exemptions for use within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle."

Cell-jamming could happen from a device roughly 30 feet from the intended target, or home cameras.


03 sierpnia 202303 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Rogue toy drones - a hot Christmas gift this season and last year - are beginning to disrupt military operations at multiple bases across the country. Sales of consumer drones are expected to approach 700,000 this year, and military officials say they are bracing for the problem to get worse and fear a possible aviation disaster.

How to stop terrorist attacks using commercial drones

In June 2015, an Air Force KC-10 aerial tanker flying at an altitude of 3,800 feet over suburban Philadelphia was forced to take evasive action and narrowly avoided hitting a football-sized drone that passed within 10 feet of its right wing.

According to reports filed with the Armed Forces or the Federal Aviation Administration, there were at least 35 cases of small drones interfering with military aircraft or operating too close to military airports in 2015.

Previously, close encounters with rogue drones were almost unheard of. But rapid advances in technology and falling prices have led to a boom in sales - and a corresponding surge in reports of air traffic chaos.

According to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines, drone pilots flying for recreational purposes should keep their aircraft below 400 feet and at least five miles from airports. However, regulators have been largely unable to enforce these guidelines.

How does GPS/GNSS apply to drones?

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly being used for a wide range of applications, including reconnaissance, surveillance, mapping, space information acquisition, and geophysical exploration. Often, in these situations, GPS is the key to safely operating the drone.

Drones are commonly used for Earth observation measurements, utilizing cameras and radars installed for this purpose. In order to accurately refer to the collected data, it is important to know the exact position of the vehicle when taking measurements or taking photos. A drone gps blocker receiver can pinpoint the precise location of a drone, often to the centimeter. The same concept applies to the exact time when a photograph is taken or a measurement is taken. The precise time stamp provided by the drone's GPS is invaluable for gathering such information.





They are cheap, lightweight and can carry small bombs; For groups like Hezbollah, Daesh (also known as the Islamic State, Islamic State, and ISIS), or any other group that wants to wreak havoc on budgets, commercial drones are essentially a new tool of terror.

"This is the quadcopter you can buy on Groupon or go to Sam's Club for $400," Gen. Robert Neller, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, told a forum in Washington on the future of warfare.

Even before the Federal Aviation Administration unveiled proposed regulations for commercial drone flights in the United States last week, one company was already using drone jammer to collect data from unsuspecting citizens in Los Angeles.

AdNear, a Singapore-based location-based marketing company, uses a fleet of off-the-shelf consumer-grade drones to determine the location of a cell phone jammer and its movement by collecting signal strength and other wireless data from passers-by below. With this data, AdNear can offer highly targeted advertising and other promotions to potential customers as they pass through the storefront to incentivize customers to come into the store.

While collecting data from wireless transmissions via drones may be a new concept for marketers, Black Hat hackers have taken an interest in it, having demonstrated the ability to snoop on phones and Wi-Fi networks by using drones to impersonate cell towers, other transmission endpoints.

A string of recent drone-related incidents, including the crash of a drone on the White House lawn in 2015, may not have helped.

The drones, which have varying degrees of advanced weaponry, are currently being used in Syria's civil war and in parts of Lebanon and Syria bordering Israel, where Hezbollah holds a dominant position.

One solution is to use electronic signal jammers to prevent drone operators from flying within a specific area, an approach that has been studied by the U.S. military.

These drones are highly advanced platforms with technology and a price tag that puts them out of reach for all but the most advanced militaries.

Many cheaper, lighter models were more readily available to the guerrilla masses.

Their simplest use is to spy on American activities.

But what worries U.S. military tacticians is their potential for modified, more lethal uses.


TagiTagi: uav flight solution 
02 sierpnia 202302 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As British car thieves use GPS jammers to escape, it's only a matter of time before American scammers - and, ominously, terrorists - catch on.

Jammers emit low-power signals, creating signal noise and tricking GPS receivers into thinking the satellite is unavailable. They can be used to confuse police and avoid tolls, and some pranksters have also used them to annoy unsuspecting iPhone users.

But the real threat is unknown. Criminals can use them to hide their tracks from law enforcement, and some experts worry that terrorists could use high-powered jammers to disrupt GPS reception on planes or during military operations.

These devices pose a serious social risk, and their purchase and use in the United States is unquestionably illegal. The FCC is optimistic about going after anyone who buys a GPS jammer and will prosecute and jail anyone who uses one. Yet they are easy to buy online, and their supporters say they should stay that way. Fox News can purchase GPS jammers from numerous online sources for as little as $50.

"GPS is closely linked to the transport, manufacturing and economy of our society, so the stakes are high," said David Last, emeritus professor at Bangor University in the UK and a leading authority on the criminal use of GPS jammers.

"This is especially true in telecommunications: GPS is the ultimate source of timing for most of our phone systems, for the Internet, and for cellphones in the United States."


All of these systems are potential prey for signal jammers, which is the main reason they are illegal. But supporters of the devices say they can serve a purpose and that people should have the right to buy them. And, for now, they can., a Shenzhen-based company, sells cigarette lighter jammer for $99.99 for its satellite signal. offers shoppers free nationwide shipping through UPS, FedEx and other companies.

that GPS jammers can be stowed easily in a car or a bag and can help avoid spy detection -- say,  from a spouse who suspects infidelity and plants a GPS tracking device like the Zoombak in a car.

"Our new cigarette lighter jammer is designed to block all possible tracking systems as well as all civilian GPS systems, including GPS L1, GPS L2, and GPS L5. To run the GPS jammer, you simply turn on the switch at the top of the jammer."

But Bruce Romano, legal counsel for the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology, said that's not a good enough reason to use jammers. Anyone can hire detectives to scan cars or personal belongings for GPS receivers, he said.

"In addition to breaking the law, or [criminals] thinking they can use them because customs won't detect them, there are all sorts of critical devices that could be affected and could have unintended consequences that could cause problems, and you have no idea that you caused them," Romano said.



The Air Force, which deploys and maintains GPS satellites, acknowledges that GPS systems are vulnerable because they are widely used by the public.

Of course, GPS and cell phone jammer are not the most advanced. These devices, which cause signal confusion and disruption, are actually similar to illegal cell phone jammers.

This risk is low for aircraft, which use ground-based radar for guidance and have backup navigation systems that do not rely on satellites. Military personnel use a dedicated GPS network. But GPS interference can still cause cockpit chaos, as pilots have to switch to a backup navigation system. Shipping that relies on GPS coordinates to locate ports could also face problems.

Ronald Repasi, deputy director of the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology, said it is illegal to sell, import, possess or use GPS jammers in the United States, and he said the agency aggressively pursues those who use them. He said GPS jammers could pose a potential risk if used incorrectly.

"It depends on the capability of the jamming device," Repasi said. "High-power devices have a larger range and are more likely to cause interference over a wider area than low-power devices."



TagiTagi: gps jammers very easy buy 
01 sierpnia 202301 sierpnia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


Service station thieves use car key jammer

Police have warned that thieves are using radio signal jammers to steal from cars parked at motorway service stations.

Thames Valley Police said the transmitters could be used to "interrupt" the signal for the remote key, thereby preventing the vehicle from being locked properly.

Police said 14 truck, van and car thefts had been reported recently, but there were "no obvious signs of burglary."

It advised motorists to check their vehicles before leaving them unattended.

Burglaries were reported in the Chieveley, Reading and Membury service areas on the M4 in Berkshire in the last two weeks of November.


How does a radio jammer work?

The remote key has a unique signal that is transmitted from the remote key to the car via radio waves. Portable jammer suppress the signal from the owner's key and interfere with this communication.

These devices can be used on a large scale, theoretically allowing thieves to cover an entire parking lot.

Potential thieves rely on drivers to press the lock button on the keychain but forget to double-check that the vehicle is secure, thereby leaving it open for easy access.

More modern vehicles that use keyless entry may also be vulnerable.



Car key Jammer: What you need to know

With tech-savvy thieves reportedly using electronic devices (" key jammers ") to prevent car locks, what do you need to know about this growing crime?

The transmitters, which are easy to buy online, can be used to interrupt the keychain's signal, meaning careless motorists will think their car is safe when in fact it is not.

This gives thieves an easy way to steal your belongings or even the car itself.

A relatively low-power gps blocker has a range of about 75m, which means that a considerable area (such as an entire parking lot) could be affected at the same time.

But wifi blocker wielding scammers can strike anywhere, not just public parking lots.

Deputy Chief Constable Matt Jukes, of the National Police Chiefs' Council, said although he believed the problem was minor at the moment, it was "a growing feature of vehicle crime".

"The Vehicle Crime Intelligence Unit is working closely and extensively with a number of partners, including the Home Office and car manufacturers, to develop solutions to prevent this crime now and in the future."

Loran Dover contacted the BBC to say the incident had happened to her on a residential street in Leeds.

"When I got up to get ready for work, I went outside and found all the car doors closed.

"When I knew I'd locked the car, I was mortified to think I'd just left it behind - I was staying at my boyfriend's house and had to leave Christmas presents in the car. But when we actually looked inside, the whole car was ransacked and everything of value had been taken.

"The police initially said they would not take any action. No one was even sent to check for fingerprints, because there were no obvious signs of a break-in. But when I called the bank to cancel my card, the thieves kept using it." Non-contact type. That's when the police really got involved and took the matter more seriously.

"They are currently watching CCTV and hopefully they will catch them."



TagiTagi: use car key jammer 
19 czerwca 202319 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Are cell phone jammers legal in schools?

Are cell phone jammer legal in schools? Whether public and private schools are allowed to use them. Also, if you're worried about using jammers at school, don't worry. You can't use a jammer in school unless it's part of the school's wireless network.

Cell phone jammers are legal in public schools

  • Although there have been isolated cases of cell phone seizures in public schools, a high school science teacher has been suspended without pay for using a cell phone jammer in class. Cell phone jammers work by blocking a specific radio frequency to block all cell phone communication. It creates radio silence bubbles and is illegal. It's not clear if cell phone blockers are legal in public schools, but it's certainly illegal to sell or use them in public schools.

  • Teachers are increasingly using cell phone blockers in class because they're tired of students texting and talking in class. Teachers want to know how to prevent students from texting and not listening in class. In addition to distracting teachers, cell phones can also reduce students' ability to recall material. Cell phone jammers work by silencing signals from mobile devices. Easy to install at the touch of a button.

  • While most students use mobile phones in class, some teachers are reluctant to let students use their phones for social purposes. If students are texting or sending threatening messages, teachers do not allow them to text in class. If a student violates this rule, the higher authorities will intervene. These authorities may include the police. Depending on the severity of the violation, students may face legal consequences or be expelled.

8 Bands Jammer

They're illegal in private schools

In British Columbia, a high school principal bought a cell phone blocker from an online dealer. The aim is to prohibit students from using mobile phones during school hours. Although such devices violate federal law, there have been isolated incidents of such devices being used to damage learning environments. The principal may be tired of students abusing mobile phones on campus. In addition to being fed up with students abusing their phones, he may have been motivated by incidents of damage to the learning environment.

The technology on the back of the signal jammers blocks all signals within a certain range by sending out a high-frequency signal. Signals blocked by these devices include Bluetooth devices and wireless networks. In addition, if a student is using a laptop in class, it needs to be connected to the school's wireless network. Using cell phone jammers can interfere with these devices and make them unable to answer emergency calls.

Cell phone blockers are an effective way to eliminate classroom distractions. Portable jammers can be hidden in a teacher's desk drawer or cabinet and can block all calls and texts during class. Using mobile phones in the classroom is a serious distraction, and teachers should take responsibility for preventing students from being distracted. Instead of allowing distractions to interfere with learning, teachers should use technology to keep phones out of the classroom.

Disabling a cell phone jammer is a crime

Canadian law prohibits the use of cell phone jamming devices. While cell phone jammers are illegal, they are not always illegal. Some devices are battery operated. Some look like cell phones with dead batteries. Others are more powerful, requiring power from a standard outlet or even connecting to the vehicle's electrical system. Many of these devices were used in terrorist attacks around the world, including the bombings in Indonesia in August 2002 and in Bali in October 2002. In December 2003, the terrorist attack on Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was carried out via cell phone.

Using cell phone jammers is illegal in the United States, but not in Canada. Cell phone jammers are being sold on a handful of websites. James Mislan, a former communications electronic warfare officer, said they are an issue that affects personal safety and public safety. While they are illegal in most developed countries, they are not illegal in Canada. Therefore, you should not use them to keep yourself and others safe.

In the UK, police are considering using mobile phone jammers to protect their fleets. In other countries, hotels and other businesses allegedly use them to block cell phone use during hotel stays.


  1. While it's not illegal to use cell phone jammers in the workplace, it's best to check with your employer about the consequences. If you are caught using the FCC in the workplace, there are several ways to get in trouble with the FCC. Some companies use illegal devices such as signal blockers and text blockers, and the FCC has fined them for violating the law. The companies cannot sell the devices in the United States, but they can be purchased online.

  2. Cell phones are increasingly used in public places, and this is where cell phone blockers can be very useful. They block signals from nearby mobile devices, rendering them useless. Although the technology is not new, overseas exporters of jammers say demand is on the rise and they are bringing hundreds of cheap gps jammer into the United States each month. Some of the companies buying jammers are hair salon owners, cafe owners and hoteliers. Even bus drivers are buying them.

  3. As the threat landscape evolves, effective security measures must be put in place to stay one step ahead. Peace of mind and enhanced security for individuals, businesses and communities. By interrupting signals at 315MHz, 433MHz, and 868MHz frequencies, these devices are an important tool against potential threats posed by remotely controlled devices.

  4. In a world where technology is both a blessing and a curse, it's reassuring to know that innovative solutions like remote wifi blocker exist. With expertise and cutting-edge products, we can enhance security, protect our assets and reduce the risks associated with remotely controlled threats.

17 czerwca 202317 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Can you purchase a signal blocker for personal use?

  • If you want to block your cell phone signal, you've probably heard of cell phone signal blockers, but you might be wondering: Can you buy a signal jammer for personal use? Well, there are many reasons why you might want to buy a signal jammers, and here are some of them. It is perfectly legal to use signal jamming devices for personal use, and there are many legitimate applications. Also, you can use it in prison. This way, the jammer will only interfere with signals inside the prison and will not affect commercial signals.

  • You can only purchase a signal blocker for personal use if your intended use is legal. The technique is banned in France. In fact, a French father was convicted of personally using a signal jammer to keep his children away from social networking sites. After his children were confined to their rooms due to the Covid-19 epidemic, they became addicted to social networking sites. If you want peace on the train, you may want to discuss the risks.

  • The legality of cell phone blockers is a hotly debated topic. There are a lot of legal gray areas when it comes to this technology, but one thing is certain: you may want to use a technology for many different reasons. If you want to protect yourself from prank callers, signal blockers can block unwanted calls and unwanted text messages. In addition, they can be used as listening devices for personal use.

  • The first reason to buy a signal blocker is that you don't understand its legal implications. You may have experienced interference from other devices that made you feel scared. Therefore, you must use the signal blocker responsibly and ensure that it does not cause any harm to you or others. This is why you should always check the security seal of a device before buying it. There are several legal issues involved, but you must use signal blockers in a responsible manner.

Father's Day Sale Buy jammers now 10% off sitewide, free shipping until June 31, 2023, save up to 20% with promo code.

Father Day Phone Jammer


How do I know if the signal is being interfered with

The process of interference is simple. The source object does not have to send redundant signal PDUs over the network. This uses up valuable bandwidth. Jamming effects are generated by receiving radio objects. And because the radio object is the only one responsible for jamming effects, the source object does not have to send redundant signals over the network. What a waste. This also prevents the signal from reaching its destination.

Another method of detecting interference signals involves using a primary receiver and multiple sub-receivers to generate a composite signal. This process samples the input signal and compares it with the wideband threshold THWB, the narrowband threshold THNB, or the signal received at the narrowband threshold THNB. Once these signals are related to each other, a composite signal is created. This process is effective for minimizing the signal at the primary receiver.

A method for jamming a radio signal includes steps to optimize interference for P predefined regions and locations in a communication network. These methods also take into account the parameters of friendly transmission and receiving platforms to minimize internecine effects on receivers. The anti-jamming system combines signals from multiple sources and produces a narrow beam in the direction of the cell phone jammer.

If an enemy uses jamming techniques, the best defense is to use a different type of antenna. Antennas can interfere with each other, and an enemy station may interfere with signals sent by another station. In this case, it is necessary to change the polarization of all stations and use different antennas. It is also a good idea to use alternative communication routes such as radio relays, as they can be used as relays between radio stations.



Where is the signal jammer in Fortnite?

You're probably wondering where the signal jammers are in Fortnite. The signal Jammer mission can be found on a small island in the Far East map. It starts with a new NPC and you need to play a match to destroy all the signal jammers. If you die before you destroy all of this, your progress will reset. This task requires you to get close to the signal jammer.

The signal jammer is located on the northern part of the island, near Shifty Shafts. Follow the trails that wind around the ridge. You need to press the square button to collect it. After collecting the signal jammer, you can use it to open nearby boxes. This will give you 25K XP. If you have not yet unlocked this challenge, be sure to purchase a Battle Pass to unlock the new character.

You can find the signal jammer by climbing the hill. You'll find them near portaloo and a little south of Command Cave. You can collect signal GPS jammers in multiple games. Another way to collect them is to quit the game and return later. If you haven't already collected them, you should consider getting a Fortnite Battle Pass so you can access more levels. If you're not sure where to find a signal jammer, you can find a map guide on Fortnite's official website.



What is the Signal Jammer in GTA Online mode?

  1. These are hidden items that block player signals, and they can be spread throughout the map. They are usually small and flash red when nearby. They can be hard to spot, but a good gun can fight them. However, you should use weapons with the right range so that you can hit them with your vehicle.

  2. You'll find signal gsm jammer scattered all over the map, but they're easy to get in invitation-only sessions. You'll find them in Los Santo, Sandy Coast and Paletto Bay. These devices beep when they approach you, but you can destroy them from the ground using snipers. You can also fly into Sancudo Fort to find the signal jammer, but be careful, you will get a higher wanted level, and the police will attack with rockets.

  3. The Signal Jammer is a collectible in GTA Online mode. You can destroy them to earn valuable assets and cash. They can also help you with casino robberies. You can also track your progress by collecting them. But it's not easy to destroy them, especially if you're a beginner.


TagiTagi: buying signal jammers 
16 czerwca 202316 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Signaljammer - How can you keep your family and friends safe

A signal jammer is a device designed to interrupt communication between devices. They work by mimicking the same frequency range as the target device, disrupting their signal.

The technology has many uses, including in electronic warfare. The Russian military has reportedly been using signal jammers to jam drones flying over Syria. Some of the drones were forced to crash or veer off course. Russia has also been accused of using powerful signal jammers along its eastern border, disrupting phone systems and jamming GPS signals for aircraft flying in the region. In addition to military use, signal jammers are popular with Mexican drug cartels.

Signal jammers are banned in many areas due to the dangers associated with cell phones. They are useful for blocking unwanted calls, ensuring privacy and preventing distractions. Be sure to check your local laws before using any signal jammer device. It may also be illegal to sell or market signal jammers in your country. Before purchasing a signal jammer device, you must seek legal permission. However, the device should be used as directed to avoid any possible invasion of your privacy.

Handheld signal blockers are portable and used to block cell phone signals. However, they require batteries and can only cover a small area. Desktop jammers are larger and can interfere with specific signal frequencies. However, if you plan to limit cell phone service, a handheld jammer may be the right choice for you. It can also be used to restrict Internet access and prevent unwanted phone calls. It is not legal to use a signal blocker in the United States, but it is an effective solution.

What you need to know before buying a signal jammer device

  1. If you are going to buy a signal jammer device, you should first know what you need it for. These devices work by blocking all cellular signals. You can install one on your phone or buy a portable one. Depending on the model, you can jam up to six bands at a time. The best signal jammers are usually portable. They can also be used in cars. No matter where they are placed, they will help you avoid being tracked by spies and hackers.

  2. However, you should be aware of the potential legal implications of using such devices. They are not easy to use and they are expensive. If you get caught, you will most likely face a hefty fine and possible jail time. However, unlike cell phones, these devices do not affect your Internet connection or landline. If you are concerned about losing service, it is recommended to consult your wireless provider and device manufacturer.

  3. Signal jamming is often compared to a denial-of-service attack, in which large volumes of traffic overload a server. By broadcasting noise on specific radio frequencies, signal jammers block the use of those frequencies. Instead of cutting off reception to nearby devices, it disrupts the ability to send and receive calls. It's not a dangerous situation, but it's very inconvenient.

Father's Day Sale Buy jammers now 10% off sitewide, free shipping until June 31, 2023, save up to 20% with promo code.

Father Day Phone Jammer

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Choose the best signal jammer

When looking for the best signal jammer, you need to consider what features your device needs to have. It is best to choose a device that can control the signal of 2, 3 or 4 GHz devices. The most versatile and effective jammers are portable and flexible, so they can control signals from 2G, 3G, and 4G modes. If you are looking for something suitable for vacation or work, you can purchase a signal jammer that meets your needs and is easy to carry.

Signal strength is an important consideration as it affects interference range, overall performance and durability. High-end GPS jammers have multiple jamming channels, and they are usually more expensive than cheaper single-channel blockers. The cheapest models, on the other hand, can only interfere with specific signals and cannot cover large areas. You'll also want to look for a product with a high-quality cooling fan so it doesn't overheat.

Another place where signal blockers are used is in movie theaters. Often, people use their phones to disturb others, and some people livestream the entire movie on social media. This can have a negative impact on cinema revenue, so having a handheld signal blocker ensures that you won't be disturbed while watching a movie. It's a simple solution to a problem that affects so many people every day. Moreover, signal blockers are an essential part of modern life.

Whether you're looking for a jammer for your phone or other wireless device, the best way to block signals is to buy a product that blocks them all at once. Whether you're looking for a cell phone signal blocker to keep people in their lane while driving, or want to block out noisy offices, there's a jammer for you. So, how to choose the best signal blocker?

There are portable signal blockers and desktop signal blockers. Portable jammers are convenient and easy to hide. They work for a short time and usually cover a small area. Desktop jammers work over a larger area and interfere with specific signals. If you're looking for a long-term solution, the size of a cell phone jammer can be an issue. Choosing the best signal jammer depends on your specific needs and budget.

Before buying a signal blocker, be sure to know which frequencies it can block. Different cellular systems process signals differently, so you need to choose a device that can broadcast at the right frequency. For example, GSM uses the 900 MHz band in Europe, while CDMA and TDMA use the 1800 MHz band in Asia and the United States. But even analog phones can be jammed with signal jammers.


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15 czerwca 202315 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you've ever wondered if owning a signal jammers is illegal, you're not alone. Many people use them to block phone calls and text messages, Wi-Fi networks, GPS systems, and more. These devices not only disrupt the functionality of modern communication systems, but also pose a threat to public safety. The Federal Communications Commission has been noting an increase in jammers imported into the country. However, there are still a few things you need to know before buying a signal blocker.

Cell phone jammers are illegal in the United States, although they can still be found on some websites. According to Mislan, a former communications electronic warfare officer in the U.S. Army, cell phone jammers pose a special threat to law enforcement because they affect the safety of innocent people. As such, he said it is illegal to possess and sell them because the technology causes harm to law enforcement and the public.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Another danger of signal jammers is that they can be dangerous. In the United States and the United Kingdom, car thieves have been known to use them to avoid paying tolls by tricking GPS receivers. However, some pranksters have been found to use these devices to trick iPhone users and get away with crimes. Therefore, it is important to understand the legal implications of having a signal jammer.

Despite the legal risks of owning and operating signal jammers, some countries allow it. India, for example, allows people to use GPS jammers in mosques and schools, as long as they do not extend beyond the walls of buildings. Jammers were also briefly approved for use in concert venues. However, these devices are still illegal in many parts of the world. The law is complex and there is no clear legal advice on the use of jammers.

How does a signal jammer work?

Signal jammers operate by interfering with wireless signals and can disrupt signals from nearby receivers. They interfere with cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS signals. The range of signal jammers varies widely, from small handheld jammers that block signals to large military-grade jammers that can block signals for hundreds of miles over open terrain. If you are concerned about the safety of your family, consider purchasing a signal blocker.

While there is no one correct way to use a signal jammer, it is important to understand that different types of signal jammers are used to block different types of communication. Some jammers block only one frequency, while others can jam multiple frequencies at the same time. To block multiple frequencies, use scan jamming or barrage jamming. The latter method is more costly and has a larger interference radius than the former. Unlike scanning jammers, fixed signal jammers require a 230 V power supply and typically operate at a distance of up to 100 meters.

How do I test my phone jammer

Cell phone jammers can be an effective tool in a variety of situations. These devices are designed to cut off the cell phone signal and prevent the phone from contacting the person you are calling. Some examples include a museum that might want to prevent visitors from using mobile phones. Mobile phones reduce museum attendance, so it makes sense for museums to discourage their use. Similarly, movie theaters may want to prevent customers from texting during a movie.

Cell phone jammers come in a variety of sizes and styles. The smaller version blocks cell phone signals between 800 and 1900 MHz. They're blocking the signal within a 30-foot radius. Larger devices, on the other hand, block signals from both networks at the same time. Both types of jammers have their own advantages. Some are smaller and more convenient than personal phones. The smallest model can block cellular signals within a 30-foot radius.

To test the device, you need a digital oscilloscope with a bandwidth of 30MHz. You will also need a power supply to provide a regulated power supply during the test. The device also requires a multimeter to measure resistance, capacitance and current on the circuit board. Since the RF amplifier blocks the direct current, it completely blocks the cell phone signal, allowing only the AC electrical signal to pass through. However, it is important to remember that there are three subcircuits in the cell phone jammer circuit.

The main function of a cell phone signal blocker is to block or limit cellular activity. It can prevent illegal activities and unnecessary phone calls between prisoners. Educational institutions use signal jammers to block cellular signals on campus. In addition to preventing prank calls and other criminal activity, jammers can protect a place's sovereignty and make prison guards or security guards look like modern heroes.

How to use signal jammer

  • One way to protect yourself from pranksters and pranksters is to buy signal jammers. The device works by interfering with mobile signals from nearby phones. However, the device is very expensive and bulky and cannot be carried around in a pocket or purse. However, the smallest jammers are lightweight and small enough to fit in a backpack or pocket. You can also find jammers that block multiple frequency bands.

  • There are many different types of signal jammers. While some may block phone calls, others may disrupt other signals. Jammers have many different uses, blocking calls to ensure privacy, blocking interference, and even blocking unwanted calls. Before buying a jammer, be sure to check your local laws regarding cell phone use. It is illegal to use signal blockers in public places. However, in some cases you can legally use it.

  • To use a signal jammer, you must first determine the desired output power. Omnidirectional and directional jammers are available. Omnidirectional jammers give you 360 degree field of view suppression, while directional jammers only block 180 degree field of view. It is recommended to select jammers according to the range and specifications of jammers. However, keep in mind that each jammer has its own drawbacks.

TagiTagi: imported signal jammer 
14 czerwca 202314 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Many educators do not know how to use electronic devices in the classroom. Some people have been educating students about negative impacts and encouraging them to regulate their use. Others even emphasized the potential applications of mobile devices in the classroom. Although many people just try to ban everything. A principal in British Columbia raised his school's ban to a new level by setting up a cell phone jammer There is only one issue - the device is illegal in Canada. The principal had already ordered Chinese equipment online, but some angry students quickly discovered and told him that he had violated the law. So many ideas. Now, he looks terrible, and using a mobile phone in school now seems to be a civil rights issue for some students.

This seems to have nothing to do with the ban on mobile phones, more to maintain the authority of the school. In this regard... this is completely counterproductive. Many schools have effective mobile phone bans without resorting to technical barriers (I attended such a high school). Perhaps the principal should explain to students and teachers why mobile phones are a problem, develop reasonable usage guidelines, and address the reasonable consequences of violating policies. Compared to installing illegal equipment and being forced to return the same way, this may establish the authority of the principal and win the respect of students.

Power Adjustable Jammer

I just took a deep breath, someone. This may have violated American laws or regulations.

I know that the United States has the strictest laws on interfering with phone operations, so we also have strict regulations on the same topic. But should we?

The problem of interfering with signals stems from the methods used to interfere with the signals. You basically just send a stronger signal at the same frequency as the signal you want to interfere with. This violates the FCC's rules for dividing the spectrum. This is the same reason why pirated radio stations are illegal, despite the fact that many pirated radio stations provide much better signal quality than commercial radio stations.

Why does the owner have no right to prohibit the use of mobile phones on his property.

Electromagnetic spectrum is public property, not private property. The government only reserves some frequencies for public use and permits other frequencies. Breaking this system will ultimately cause electromagnetic damage, making it impossible for wireless signals to work reliably. Do you enjoy having phone features? If that's the case, you like the FCC's regulations on this matter because if their regulations on electromagnetic spectrum are not so strict, your phone may not be able to be used anywhere.

If you don't like it, don't go to concerts, churches, restaurants, funerals, or any other places. Why do we all have to listen to the honking of our phones and the shouting of fools during concerts, funerals, and moving theaters.

The problem is that music halls, churches, restaurants, etc.... Cannot interfere without disturbing nearby people. This is just a matter of interfering with how it works. What these companies can do is build buildings in a way that reduces signal reception. This is completely legal. They just don't allow very powerful signals to be broadcasted on frequencies reserved for public use - that's how 'signal jammers' work.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

The Benefits of School Phone Jammer

  • Modern education may be one of the most important things that humans ultimately invent, taking into account everything.

  • It creates a system in which children can be shaped into highly responsible and capable adults.

  • However, many problems often arise within schools. Our modernity and era have brought many astonishing improvements to the way of life of ordinary people.

  • Especially with the popularization of smartphones, people have become closer to each other and have gained more information.

The only problem is that some parents who are quite irresponsible in raising their children often purchase smartphones for their children and let them use these devices as they please. Now, generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with children using their phones. Problems only arise when they use them in school. Schools should really start investing in telephone GPS jammers so that children cannot use these devices to distract themselves. When they are in school, their attention should be focused on learning rather than on mobile devices.

If children's phones cannot receive any signal, they have no reason to look at their phones. This can also help them break the bad habit of using smartphones. Smartphone addiction is a very real thing. It is particularly common among children in our world. Give them a few hours during which they will be forced to leave their equipment and rest, which will only benefit them. Even if they don't study during this period, they can at least focus on things outside of social media.

TagiTagi: installed phone blocker 
13 czerwca 202313 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Due to the enforcement of various laws on hidden cameras in various states in the United States, their use may be somewhat ambiguous in law. Generally speaking, it is legal to install home video and recording devices in the property you own (such as those that may be owned by your information hungry spouse during divorce), but if other residents are not aware of these devices, it may violate privacy rights. Of course, before consulting your lawyer about the potential legality of recording devices at home, you must identify these vulnerabilities and hope to prevent them - fortunately, this process is simpler than complex state laws.

Hide camera interception

For objects like nanny cameras that disguise cameras or microphones, simply remove them from your home and store them intact in a safe place (if they are needed as evidence). Paste, plug, or caulk any drilled holes containing hidden eavesdropping devices. If you are lucky enough to find a hidden recording gadget's wired power supply, simply unplugging it is enough to prevent it from recording.

In a more technical aspect, white noise machines or white noise applications can help hide sensitive audio in your home, and even prevent active microphones from picking up available recordings. Similarly, Wi Fi network jammer - typically effective within a range of up to 130 feet - can disable surrounding Wi Fi connections. This means that you may need to work outside the coffee shop for a period of time, but it is a better choice than being eavesdropped.

If you are still not 100% certain that you have found and blocked any potential monitoring devices in your home, then seeking help from a professional is also an option. The professional anti surveillance Service pack detection equipment is far beyond the functions of consumer gadgets, and can suggest you to process or disable anything they detect.

Desktop  Jammers

Perform physical scanning

  • It may be 2019 now, but finding hidden microphones or cameras still requires some old-fashioned snooping. Check if there are any new or unsuitable objects in your home, even those that have moved slightly - remember that modern eavesdropping devices are usually miniature. Although hidden recorders disguised as other (usually functional) objects have various shapes and styles, some common examples include pens, USB flash drives, USB charging cables and wall chargers, wristbands and watches, Bluetooth speakers, alarm clocks, glasses, bulbs, books, Smoke detector, mobile phone charging stations, and even picture frames.

  • When you scan these suspicious objects, please scan the walls of your house for small holes, which are common hiding places for insects. When checking these small details, please pay attention to any wires that you do not know. Although many small listening devices rely on battery power, other devices still rely on AC power. Especially look for USB, mini USB, or USB-C power cables, similar to the charging cable you use to charge your phone jammer. Turning off the lights and performing a visual scan can also help identify any flashing power lights on the camera, while scanning corners and gaps with a flashlight may reveal hidden lens flashes.

Check your Wi Fi

Before you can block recording devices, you must locate them. Like everything from Alexa to Nintendo Switch, most modern eavesdropping gadgets are connected to Wi Fi, allowing them to remotely stream recordings to remote computers. Therefore, the first step in finding hidden recording devices at home is to check if there are any suspicious devices on your Wi Fi network.

To do this, you need to access the settings of the wireless router. Although this process may vary depending on the router, you can usually perform this operation by logging into your account page on the service provider website (or related application), which allows you to manage devices connected to the router or hotspot. If you see any devices you don't know connected to your Wi Fi network, please remove them from the list of registered devices to prevent them from streaming their recordings over the internet.

In some cases, more complex devices rely on their own hotspots or SIM cards to access the internet without having to jump to your home Wi Fi network. Use your computer or smartphone to check for new Wi Fi networks that do not belong to you or your neighbors - you may need to take additional measures (such as wifi jammers device) to block the worm's own network.

Similarly, consumer grade RF detectors can scan the transmitter while you move the detector in space and remind you of the radio frequency through beeps or visual graphics. In the latter case, special attention should be paid to signals within the range of 10 Mhz to 8 Mhz, which is a common frequency of commercial vulnerability use.

12 czerwca 202312 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The ability to fly cameras over areas to monitor is greatly praised by law enforcement but also hated by activists. Drones can be very fun and useful, but only if they don't fly overhead and invade your privacy. If you're looking for ways to jam and disrupt drone signals, then this article is for you.

How to jam a drone signal? The best way to jam a drone signal is to use a high-quality signal blocker. You can use this device to interrupt or block the frequency that drones use to connect to their GPS system, causing them to lose control and crash.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to jam drone signals if the need arises. For each method used to block drone signals, I'll explain how to effectively jam drone frequencies with a step-by-step guide.


How to Jam a Drone Signal (Four Ways)

One way to jam a drone's signal is to use an RF jammer. You can buy these jammers online or at retail stores. Radio frequency jammers emit radio waves that interfere with a drone's ability to communicate with its controller so it returns home or lands safely.



  1. Laser

    • While you can use jamming devices to block drone signals, you can also use lasers to block their cameras. This will prevent them from recording the footage, protecting your privacy and personal information.

    • For this, you'll need a laser pointer, available at most electronics stores and online retailers. Pointing the laser at the drone's camera causes it to malfunction and stop recording.



  3. GPS Signal Blockers

    • GPS is an essential part of a drone's navigation system. If you want to jam the GPS signal, you need to use a GPS jammer.

    • A gps blocker is a small device that emits radio waves similar to GPS satellites. They can interfere with the signal, making it impossible for your drone to pick up the signal, making it impossible to determine its location or how high it is in the sky. This could cause your drone to lose control of its flight path and fall out of the sky.



  5. Frequency jammer

    • This is a device used to intentionally block or interfere with radio frequency transmissions. It is not legal to use them without authorization, but you may be able to obtain a license under certain circumstances.

    • If you want to jam drone signals and make sure no one can control their drone, then you're going to need an FM transmitter. This is basically an FM radio that transmits on the same frequency as the drone controller.

    • If your drone gets close enough, it will pick up the transmission and think it's from its controller, which will cause it to fly away from you instead of in whatever direction you originally wanted it to go.



  7. Anti-Monitoring Jacket

    • One of the easiest ways to confuse a drone is to use an anti-surveillance jacket.

    • The jacket is made from a material that blocks radio frequencies, which can be used to stop drones from detecting you.

    • The jacket works by bouncing radio frequency signals from the drone back to the drone itself.

    • This confuses the drone's sensors so that it cannot see you.

8 Bands Jammer Device



What is a drone jammer?

A drone blocker is a device that uses radio waves to disrupt the communication between a drone and its controller. Radio waves can cause the drone to lose control, causing it to crash and/or fall from the sky.

A drone jammer is a device that uses radio waves to jam the signal between a drone and its controller. The jamming caused the drone to lose control, causing it to land.

Drone jammers are used by people who want to keep drones away from them or their property. For example, some homeowners use them to prevent neighbors from flying drones near their homes.

Some people also use drone jammers to protect themselves from being recorded or watched by drones. For example, they are used by police when they want to catch lawbreakers in public places without being recorded by drones.

Disadvantages of drone jamming

Drone jamming is an increasingly popular method of protecting sensitive areas from drone-related risks. However, there are some drawbacks that need to be carefully considered before adopting the technology.

Not Cheap

Drone jammers are expensive and require professional installation and maintenance. But even if you can afford them, they still take a lot of time and effort to keep the area around your property drone-free.

If you want to do it right, you'll need a high-quality drone jammer that can block a wide range of frequencies, and an antenna that can transmit over a wide range.

Interfere with other Devices

One of the main disadvantages of drone jamming is that it can interfere with other equipment, including those used for navigation and communications.

For example, if a drone jammer jams Global Positioning System (GPS) signals from satellites, it will prevent any device from receiving those signals.

How do drone jammers work?

Drone jammers are designed to interfere with a drone's ability to communicate with its remote control. This ranges from using radio waves to block communications (like the latest version of the drone jammer) to jamming the frequencies used by remote controls.

Drone jammers also interfere with the GPS signal that drones use to navigate. The most common type of interfering device is an RF signal generator, which generates static noise loud enough to drown out other signals within range of the device. This static noise is called "white noise" and it can be generated both digitally and analogously.

Drone jammers also come in two flavors: active and passive. Active jammers emit radio energy at frequencies that interfere with the frequencies used by drones or their remote controls, such as 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.

Passive jammers use electromagnetic interference (EMI) rather than radio waves to block communication between the drone and the controller; this form of drone jamming does not require a power source like active systems.

8 Bands Jammer



Drone signal jammers can be used to block the frequencies drones use to communicate between themselves and their operators. This would cause the drone to lose contact with the operator, making them unable to control it.

Unnecessary surveillance should not be tolerated. If you live in an area with drone activity, consider purchasing a drone jammer and take back your privacy.

Don't let companies violate your rights, invade your personal space. Drone jammers are legal, but if you use them to jam law enforcement or government signals, there can be serious consequences.

Always check your local laws before acquiring a drone jammer, or you could face criminal charges for using it for the wrong purpose.

Be sure to read the instructions on how to use it properly, as well as any warnings about environmental factors that may cause disruption to nearby electronic equipment.


09 czerwca 202309 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Is it illegal to use a signal jammer?

Even though they are legal, is it illegal to use signal jammers? That's the question on everyone's mind. The use of signal jammers in public places is a serious problem that can literally endanger people's lives. While some states do not allow the use of signal jammers in public places, there are some exceptions in the United States. France, for example, has legalized the use of signal jammers in concert halls and movie theaters, and is working on a technology that could let emergency calls through. Likewise, the Indian government has installed jammers in some prisons, and universities in Italy have adopted the technology to prevent cheating.

However, that doesn't mean your workplace cannot be protected from an FCC investigation. The FCC has field agents who can conduct on-the-spot investigations and impose hefty fines. To protect your business from such investigations, you should designate a senior employee to act as a liaison between the FCC agent and your organization. You may also need to hire outside legal counsel to guide you through the audit. Whether or not you use a signal jammer matters, as the fines for infringement are hefty.

However, some people do use cell phone jammers for different purposes. Some people use them to block unwanted calls, while others want to protect their privacy. If you're in doubt about the legality of signal jammers, check your state's laws before buying one. For example, in the United States, signal jammers are illegal if they interfere with cellular communications. In addition to blocking unwanted calls, signal jammers can disrupt important data transmissions elsewhere.

If you want to use a signal jammer in a public place, you need to obtain the appropriate license. Most people who own signal jammers don't need a license. If you're looking for a good signal jammer, make sure it has the proper license. Signal jammers can be used for a variety of purposes, including espionage or law enforcement.

How to Get a Portable Cell Phone Jammer

If you are one of those people who can't stand hearing those annoying conversations, then you should invest in a portable cell phone jammer. They work by blocking signals within a certain range and are essential everyday gadgets. But how do you get one? Read on to learn more about the different types and features. Here are some things to look out for when buying a portable cell phone jammer. And, most importantly, they are easy to use.

The first thing you need to consider is the frequency range that a portable cell phone jammer can block. The cellular telephone spectrum consists of many frequency bands. You'll find jammers that are compatible with your carrier's band. If you want to block a certain frequency range, then you're going to need a jammer that works in that frequency range. These jammers are great for blocking WiFi and cell phone signals.

8 Bands Jammer

A good portable cell phone jammer should be small enough to fit in a pocket or backpack. It should also be portable enough to work in a variety of places. It can interfere with cell phone, gps jammer and wifi jammer signals. It's perfect for offices, schools, hospitals, and conference rooms. It can also be used for various other purposes. The device is portable and has a rechargeable battery to keep it running continuously.

Benefits of Cell Phone Scrambler Jammer

Jammers can be used to prevent illegal activities, such as terrorists using cell phones. They also protect citizens from crime and maintain the UK's sovereign security. Using cell phone scrambler jammers in prisons can be an effective way to stop crime and help authorities become heroes in modern society. There are many other reasons why people should consider buying a cell phone scrambler jammer. In this article, we discuss some of these benefits.

Some are concerned about their health and safety. Some companies prohibit employees from using mobile phones. However, it's important to remember that such use is not only distracting, but dangerous. It can also interfere with the ability to focus on work. Cell phones are not allowed if you have children in the classroom. This just causes them to miss important information and hinders their ability to focus. Therefore, the FCC and Congress should create an exception for this issue. In addition, companies should be allowed to manufacture disruptive devices that can be controlled by employees. Additionally, movie theaters can use cell phone scrambler jammers to prevent kids from calling during movie screenings.

Top Reasons to Use a Cell Phone Blocker

There are many reasons to use a cell phone signal blocker. When low-power jammers became widely available for as little as $300 in the mid-2000s, civilians began using them. They can help you cope with stress, or with rude passengers. These devices can also be used at home or in the office. Here are some examples of how to use it. Some of the main reasons to use a cell phone signal blocker are listed below.

Signals from cell phones travel between towers like soccer balls. If you want to enjoy food or watch a movie, cell phone signal jammer is a good choice. These devices block cell phone signals and make sure no one can make a call while you sit quietly. Some even claim that cell phone blockers prevent emergency calls from getting through. However, this may not be true. The device can only block cell phone signals if they are within range of cell towers.

Cell phone blockers also block the transmission of certain radio frequencies, which are essential for cell phones. Less complex devices will only block one frequency at a time. More advanced jammers are designed to interfere with many types of networks, such as dual-mode phones and triple-mode devices. There are even devices that block all frequencies at the same time, and they can be tuned to specific frequencies to prevent them from working. However, this is not an effective way to block cell phone signals.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Select Phone Signal Blocker

  • When choosing a phone signal jammer, you should consider three things: the type of phone network to be blocked, the power level, and appearance. Depending on your needs, you can choose devices that only interfere with one type of phone network or block all signals. Some jammers can even block certain types of cell phones, including dual-mode and triple-mode devices. Some high-end devices block all frequencies, while others tune to specific frequency ranges.

  • One way to block cell phone signals is to buy a signal jammer. These devices emit radio frequencies higher than cell phone signals to counteract low-level interference. The higher the power of the signal, the more power the jammer blocks. There are two types of jammers, which interfere with one or both cell phone frequencies. Whether you're choosing a jammer for a single cell phone or two frequencies, it's important to find the one that's right for your situation.

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Cell Phone and WiFi Jammers

The range of cellular and wifi jammers may vary depending on their power and surroundings. It can block signals from many different types of networks at the same time. Low-powered devices can only jam signals up to 30 feet away, while high-powered jammers can make cell-free areas the size of football fields. Law enforcement jammers can shut down service for up to a mile. These devices can be placed in many places, depending on your needs.

One of the reasons people use cell phone and wifi jammer is to prevent people from using their smartphones and social media without their permission. However, some have reported that their neighbors use jammers to prevent their teenage children from accessing the Internet without their permission.

Cell phone and wifi jammers work by blocking radio and cell phone signals. It interferes with these signals and blocks their reception. These devices block signals from cell phone towers, cutting out all but the most important signals. So, cell phone jammer blocks calls and text messages. The phone will not display the signal bar. It will stop responding to calls and won't even register calls. Therefore, people who buy mobile phones and wifi jammers will be protected from harassment or even harm by others.


Jamming Cell Phone Signal

  1. Jamming cell phone signals is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many people have tried this approach with varying degrees of success. A jammer is a device that covers an area, denying service to everyone. Some have even suggested disrupting movie theaters, highways and school systems to prevent emergency services from reaching those areas. However, these methods are controversial because some countries do not regulate them.

  2. A Tampa Bay-area school used a cell phone jammer during a recent incident, but officials are cautious about the device's effectiveness. While it's illegal to use cellphones in schools, a Florida principal is using cell phone jammers in his classroom. After noticing students using cell phones in class, he decided to use a cell phone jammer in class.

  3. The South Carolina Department of Corrections is currently awaiting test results that will reveal whether the technology works. State prisons are common targets for cell phone jammers. They are also a potential source of revenue for the company, which sells its equipment to federal agencies. However, many industry spokespeople have warned that the technology could have a negative impact on the public. If the technology works well, it could be used as a crime-fighting tool in prisons.

  4. Cell phones are a convenient convenience, but a nuisance to other patrons. They keep the lines busy while others get distracted by their phones. Customers will appreciate it if the cell phone jammer is left on the counter and will be happy to be free from the constant hassle. Although there may be some select customers who don't like the idea of being interrupted while waiting for their food.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

How to Test a Cell Phone Jammer

Cell phone jammers interfere with GPS

If you're wondering if cell phone jammers can interfere with GPS, the answer is yes. GPS receiver signals from satellites 13,000 miles away are very weak. Small jammers can disrupt signals from miles away. gps jamming signals can be a crime because some people use them to smuggle drugs or steal cars. Others use jammers to gain extra time.

Jamming cell phones has a wide range of applications. Some people want to block unwanted calls, while others are just looking for a little peace and quiet. However, be sure to check local laws and regulations before you start jamming any frequencies. It's also important to remember that cell phones are analog devices, so they're just as susceptible to interfering devices. However, if you intend to interfere with your phone's GPS signal, it's best to purchase equipment specifically designed for this purpose.

Interfere with Wifi

WiFi cell phone jammers are an excellent way to block wireless signals. These devices have several advantages. They can be easily installed and have good cooling properties. They block signals from all cell phone bands and can be configured to accommodate a variety of power supplies, antennas, connectors, and operational needs. You can choose which frequency bands to jam. The devices have a two-hour battery life, enough to block signals up to 50 meters away.

Most can interfere with six frequencies: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1700 MHz, and 1800 MHz. High Power WiFi Cell Phone Jammer is capable of jamming two signals at the same time. Blocks up to 25 meters and is extremely portable. Jammers can be worn on a person's arm, which is useful for military and police use. The built-in battery is safe, portable and rechargeable.

Examples of Where Cellular Signal Blockers Can Be Used

Cellular signal blockers can be used in many different settings. They are useful for a number of reasons, such as blocking annoying calls in a noisy room. They can also keep rooms in schools or elderly homes quiet.

Another use for cellular signal blockers is in hospitals. Since cell phones are necessary for business, having someone on the phone can cause disruption. Many people use cell phone blockers to protect themselves from rude passengers. The technology sells for less than $200. Plus, it's easy to install. You can choose a jammer based on the area you plan to use. While it won't block all signals, you can choose a specific location for your device.



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Cell Phone GPS Jammer is a small, powerful and easy-to-use gadget that blocks cell phone signals and blocks GPS satellite positioning. It can be kept in a room or locker for privacy and confidentiality. Actual interference distance will depend on signal strength and location of use. A fully charged battery can interfere with up to four square kilometers of spectrum.

Here are some great tips to consider before buying a jammer:

First, consider its legality. Some countries make it illegal to use gps jammers, and the FCC has taken action against people who misuse them in the past. These devices can be easily purchased online, but laws in some regions prohibit their use. Best to check with the FCC before buying. However, if you live in an area where jammers are banned, you can legally buy them.

Another concern is the security of GPS-based navigation. While GPS has many advantages, it is also susceptible to interference. During a recent storm, Newark Liberty International Airport's GPS-based landing system was out of order. Controllers spent months investigating the problem. In New Jersey, a driver tried to avoid paying tolls by using a portable GPS jammer. The device is designed to broadcast noise on the same frequency as satellites.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Why do you need a phone signal jammer?

Using a signal jammer to block cellular signals is an easy way to protect your privacy. This device protects against calls up to 60 feet. Higher powered models can even create a dead zone the size of a football field. You can also use a phone signal jammers to "protect" your phone. These products can be found in many parts of the world.

If you want to block all cell phone signals while traveling and keep in touch with friends and family, you might consider using a phone signal jammer. These devices are designed to block signals from major mobile phone providers, WIFI and GPS. Plus, they are portable and can be easily taken anywhere. Additionally, they feature individual band switches that allow you to toggle the interference band on or off to prevent accidental interruptions.

Many cell phone towers are located in cities or densely populated areas, and the signal quality cannot meet the needs. As a result, the number of cell towers in a given area is relatively small. This is because there are too many people competing for the same bandwidth. However, the number of towers in the United States is increasing, and the number of devices is increasing rapidly. So, why is this type of signal jammer needed?

The basic equipment is very simple. It blocks only one set of frequencies. But some sophisticated devices are capable of blocking multiple networks at the same time. They can even interfere with dual-mode and triple-mode phones. Higher-end models block all frequencies simultaneously. Also, some can be tuned to specific frequencies. Depending on the type of signal, you may need to purchase a multifunction phone signal jammer. However, this may not be suitable for your needs, so you may have to settle for a device with a lower power rating.

Protect from unwanted calls and text messages

  • Using a 5G phone jammer is a great way to prevent eavesdropping as hackers can gain access to your personal information which can result in a lot of material damage. To make matters worse, there are plenty of scams and employees of competing companies that use bugging devices to spy on you. But, thanks to GSM Jammer, you can now protect your personal information and prevent eavesdropping.

  • 5G call jammer is a great way to protect yourself from unwanted calls and text messages. With these powerful gadgets, you can jam mobile signals from 3G to LTE. It can even interfere with WiFi and Bluetooth. 5G mobile phones have a specific frequency range, 3400-3800MHz in Europe, 758-790MHz in North America, and 1450-1500MHz in some countries. Interference radius depends on distance and signal strength. If you want to block surveillance of your loved ones, you can create your own. In order to create your own 5G cell phone jammer, you have to broadcast a stronger signal than the one you are trying to block. But before you start worrying, it's best to get some real engineering training. 5G uses the same frequency bands as 2G, 3G, and 4G.

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It's easy to get caught up in the hype about the Amazon Cell Disruptor, but what is it? Here's some information you need to know. First, they are illegal in the US and most of the rest of the world. This is because it poses a public safety risk. Additionally, you may not interfere with authorized radio broadcasts. But even if you don't intend to break the law, you may still have legal consequences.

Different jammers work in different ways. Older types can only block one frequency range, while more sophisticated devices can block multiple popular systems. Some jammers can even be tuned to specific frequencies, which can be helpful if you don't want to block a particular frequency. It is very important to choose the right jammer for your situation. Just make sure to check the compatibility of your device. Buying an illegal cell phone blocker from an Amazon reseller could land you in jail.

If you're unsure about the safety of cell phone jammers, it's worth reading up on the different types and models available. Many are simply knockoffs of legal jammers, but there are other options. For example, you can buy military-grade jammers that are compatible with GPS and 4G LTE. The only difference between a military jammer and a portable jammer is battery life.

Cell Phone Jammer Range Guide

You may be wondering what the range of a cell phone jammer is. It is important to know that the range of jammers may vary from city to city. The actual use of cell phone jammers varies from city to city. In addition, the blocking range of various mobile phones may not be the same. Cell phone jammers work by blocking radio signals, disrupting communications between a cell phone and its base station. Its use in the military and civil society is varied. They are used to ensure quiet areas, maintain employee discipline and create safe areas for VIP movement. Unlike other jammers, these devices require very little hardware or software. You should always check the range of a cell phone jammer before buying one.

Due to the ubiquity of mobile phones in our daily life, many people have become dependent on mobile phones. Even if they don't use their phones a lot, it's common on public transport. Many households use multiple devices per person, so it's important to make sure everyone has a cell phone jammer that works well in these situations. The range of a cell phone jammer is a great benefit to both you and other drivers on the road.

Many businesses install GPS locators on their vehicles to track their location in real time. However, GPS tracking can be annoying. The manager may be watching where the delivery vehicles are going, but he can't find them. The cell phone jammer will stop transmitting GPS signals to the recipient's cell phone. Jammers will also stop vehicles from tracking you with the help of gps jamming device. This technology will make navigation easier.

Desktop  Jammers

Cell Phone Blocker for sale

  1. If you are looking for cell phone blockers for sale, you are in the right place. Here you'll find information on the various jammer types available. Typically, cell phone blockers are devices that interfere with cell phone signals so they block calls. Cell phone signals are passed from tower to tower like footballs. Jammers are devices that can be placed in areas that allow wireless communication, such as schools or workplaces, and block the signal from passing through. The jammer itself is designed to block as much of this communication as possible in order to keep the user informed.

  2. Depending on the strength of the signal, a cell phone blocker can prevent calls from reaching your cell phone. Higher powered models can create a dead zone the size of a football field. These devices will block all calls within 60 feet. However, make sure the signal strength of the blocker is strong enough to prevent the phone from reaching your desired destination. If you're using your phone for work, you'll want to buy a high-performance model.

  3. While mobile phones are an important communication tool, some people use them in places where their use is prohibited. These people may not realize it, but they ignore any signs warning them to leave their phones at home. Besides the danger of leaks, cell phones can also be used to control the use of drones in sensitive areas. Jammers for sale are an effective solution to these problems.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Cell Phone signal blocker price

  • The range and durability of a cell phone jammer depends on the type of antenna you choose. Some jammers have directional antennas that provide 360-degree coverage, while others use omnidirectional antennas with narrower coverage. Another factor to consider when buying a cell phone jammer is the signal strength of the area it blocks. It won't be effective if the area you're trying to jam isn't high powered.

  • The price of a cell phone jammer depends on its type and scope. Portable jammers are smaller versions of desktop devices that require batteries and can only jam a few signals at a time. They have a limited range and cover a small area. However, the price difference is well worth it. So, do your homework before buying a jammer. All of these factors will help you make an informed decision.


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Benefits and Risks of Using Signal Blockers

There are a wide variety of signal blockers available on the market that can be used to block cell phone signals on various frequencies. The handheld version can be used to block all cell phone signals, even GPS, WiFi and Lojack signals. Its compact size and wide jamming range make it popular with users.

The problem with cell phone blocker is that they can interfere with GPS, WiFi, and even police radar. This technology poses significant risks to public safety and communications. The federal government has banned the use of signal jammers in public places and in the states. Therefore, if you want to be quiet, you should stick to earplugs. You should always seek professional advice before using a signal jammer. It's a good idea to check your state's safety regulations before using any type of signal blocker.

Signal jammers come in all sizes and styles. There are small handheld devices that work like cell phones, but only interfere with certain signals. They need to be charged and can only cover a limited area. If you need a larger signal blocker, you should opt for a desktop. This can be used to block specific signals and interfere with various other signals over a large area. You can also choose from different types of signal jammers.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Benefits of Signal Blockers

Many people use a signal blocker to prevent distracting phone calls. These devices are often used in schools and prisons to prevent inmates from using their phones. They can also be used as a security measure, as they block all communication from inside the prison to outside. If you're considering buying one of these devices, it's important to understand the benefits of using them. These products are easy to use and effective at blocking most types of signals.

The technology behind signal jammers is similar to cellular communications. In order to interfere with the signal of any cell phone, you must know how these devices communicate. The wireless devices communicate with the service network through base stations, or towers, which divide the city into cells. The towers communicate with each other via a series of radio frequencies. Signal jammers work by jamming that signal by jamming on the same frequency as your wireless device.

Invest in signal blocking equipment

In addition to blocking unwanted signals, signal jammers can also be used to control children's use of electronic devices. They block Internet signals and limit time spent surfing the Internet and playing video games. This way, they can avoid getting addicted to games and the internet. These devices are not legal products and can only be bought with the help of a licensed retailer. However, you must check your local laws before purchasing signal blocking equipment.

Depending on the power of the signal jammer device, its coverage may vary from a few square meters to hundreds of square meters. A high-power signal shielding device can cover thousands of square meters. Typically, it only takes a few hundred meters to block a 5G signal. This type of equipment can also be used in large conference rooms. If you want to make sure your conference room doesn't turn into an open space, you should invest in signal blocking equipment.

In addition to blocking cell phone signals, signal jammers can also be used to prevent unauthorized devices from tracking you. Some card room and card room owners have installed these devices in their premises. However, while they are not designed to block cell phone signals, they can be used to block wireless remotes. These devices can change the outcome of the game. In some cases, they are even used as a security measure to protect a place from espionage.

How to Find Signal Jammers for Sale

A signal jammer is a must-have accessory for any technology enthusiast. These devices can be used for a variety of purposes, from blocking cell phone signals to blocking wifi blocker, gps and internet signals. Those who are antisocial may worry about being tracked while using their cell phones. Use a signal jammer to protect you from unwanted guests. The frequency range of signal jammers varies by model. Generally, the higher the signal strength, the shorter the interference range. You should check the reception area near you to determine the maximum output power of the signal jammer. Using frequency blockers can help you avoid creating dead zones in your area as they work by blocking specific frequencies. Using a signal jammer sold at will ensure your safety and privacy.

Cell phones have become a popular form of communication, and it's important to keep in touch with your loved ones. Always keep in mind that mobile signal jammers can interfere with other devices' signals. Not only can it cut off WiFi, but it can also interfere with police radar.



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What can signal jammers do for us?

While signal jammers are not a new invention, they are still illegal in the United States. They are used in many areas including classrooms, theaters and vehicles. Jamming devices could even be installed on otherwise quiet trains to prevent people from talking on their phones. However, they can be dangerous because they can interfere with other forms of communication, including emergency calls. If you're interested in learning more about these devices, read on to find out more.

Signal jamming may have a rocky history, but it's useful in many situations. Although most governments do not allow personal use of signal jammers, they can still be used for important purposes. The project will highlight threats and develop practical solutions to neutralize the technology. If successful, it would legally and effectively prevent criminals from using these devices. So, what can the signal jammer do for us?

There are several different types of signal jammers, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Deliberate jamming is intended to interfere with radio and electronic communications and disrupt combat control. Random noise, pulses, and stair tones are common types of intentional communication interference. The range of these jammers is limited only by their required power and design. Intentional interference is also divided into subtle and obvious.

As an integral part of electronic warfare, signal jammers are used to block a range of communications, including satellite signals and cell phones. In Syria, for example, the Russian military has reportedly been using signal jammers to disrupt drones targeting Syrian citizens. Additionally, Russian signal jammers were reportedly used to disrupt Latvia's phone system. Additionally, their use may result in loss of GPS signals from aircraft in the area. In addition, Mexican drug cartels also use signal jammers to communicate with the outside world.

Dangers of Using Signal Jammers

  1. Depending on the model, a signal jammer may interrupt communication between two or more devices. It works by mimicking the same frequencies these devices use to communicate with each other. This prevents the signal from reaching the target device and prevents it from functioning properly. Many jammers are designed to block specific frequency ranges, so you can be sure your device won't be able to communicate with other devices. Having a signal cell phone jammer can make it difficult for people to make phone calls, browse the internet, or use navigation devices.

  2. The FCC Enforcement Bureau recently conducted a raid on a warehouse in Texas. Local AT&T representatives complained that the business put its customers at risk of interference. Warehouse owner Antoine Bouchard was arrested and told he used a signal jammer to keep his children off the internet. The owner later admitted that he used the distracting device to keep his children away from the internet and other apps. He also said that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, his children became addicted to social media after his confinement.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Protect yourself from the next generation of electronic jammers

In the early 2000s, the U.S. military sought a new generation of electronic jamming systems. These jammers can pinpoint and jam electronic emitters on the battlefield. Technologies that allow the deployment of such jammers are a promising solution to this problem. The next generation of jammers will be airborne, small and mobile.

There are two types of signal gps blocker. Portable devices are small enough to fit in a pocket, while desktop devices cover a larger area and can interfere with specific signals. Some jammers are more complex and require more complicated setups. Some models can be as big as a car, and some need tweaking to make sure they work as intended.

ECM jammers block phone and camera communication. It can also block certain targets, as it prevents alerted enemies from making or receiving calls. However, it does not affect guard pagers. While the ECM jammer won't prevent enemies from using his weapon, it will affect any enemy within range of the jammer.

The program was launched with the aim of increasing the survivability of aircraft on future battlefields. The Navy and Air Force estimate that jammers would increase their survivability by 44 percent. Whether it is reconnaissance equipment or spy drones, jammers are supposed to protect these systems. It must be able to prevent radar capture. It should also be able to disable any connection between the drone and its controller.

The same theory applies to the use of electronic jammers. The probability distribution of channel input and output satisfies the average power constraint. Therefore, electronic jammers with lower average power will effectively block communication waveforms. It can mimic the behavior of viruses invading the human body. The study was published in the journal Science. It shows that wifi blocker are very effective in minimizing throughput and reducing connectivity. It shows that electronic jammers can be used as a tool for both military and civilian purposes.

How to use a jammer device

  • To get the best results from jammer devices, you must choose your frequency band carefully. The jammer unit you choose should be able to jam up to 9 frequencies for better results. If you want to block all signals, you can select up to ten frequency bands of interest. Some jammers are suitable for different environments, such as classrooms, libraries, movie theaters, etc. Jammers available in the market come in different power levels and ranges.

  • Generally, jammers come unassembled and are easy to assemble. Some require assembly, others are simple. The barebone jammer plugs right into an outlet. More complex jammers will require tweaking and initialization. While their military origins are still evident, these devices are now widely used for a variety of non-military purposes. You'll find jammers used to block intruders' cell phone signals, hindering their ability to communicate.

  • The power level of passing chirps affects the carrier-to-noise ratio value of the GPS signal. This can be used to identify the lane the vehicle is traveling in and the exact time it passed the detection gantry. In addition, effective jamming devices can also jam the signal of oncoming vehicles. A properly placed chirp jammer can interfere with a variety of different signals.

  • Depending on the model of a gsm jammer, it can interfere with the signal of many different wireless devices. It can block GPS signal, WiFi and cell phone signal. But the problem is that it also interferes with other networks. If a jammer device is placed near a cell phone tower, it can interfere with the signal. If you are concerned about someone using a jammer device, you can download a jammer app to restore service.

  • Therefore, a jamming device can interfere with the signals of many different types of devices using the same frequency. This will result in poor or no cell signal, which means the jammer will struggle to work properly. Jammer devices can be deployed anywhere. Some people have had great success using jammer devices to disrupt cell phone usage. Its main purpose is to disrupt the communication between the base station and the mobile phone.

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Uses of mobile phone jammers

The popularity of mobile phones is increasing day by day, and many people now own multiple mobile phones for various purposes. Few people live without a cell phone, and cell phone use has become so common that a phone jammer is the perfect tool for blocking cell phone signals. Phone jammer work by jamming cell phone signals, blocking them within a 60-80 foot radius.

In restaurants and movie theaters, callers are an unwelcome distraction. They keep other people from concentrating on the meal they're eating or watching a movie. But with cell phone jammer, people can focus on the meeting. In addition to blocking cell phone signals, phone jammers allow people to focus on the meeting at hand, allowing everyone to fully participate in the meeting.

Cell phone jammers are available in a variety of styles. Some are personal cell phones, while others resemble routers with multiple antennas. Personal ones can create bubbles up to 30 feet, while stronger ones can block cell phone service for up to a mile. They are especially useful when police need to monitor a presidential motorcade, or when terrorists are plotting to detonate bombs at a distance.

Advantages and disadvantages of cell phone jammers

  • There are people who make and sell cell phone jammers. The federal government has even fined some companies for using illegal equipment in violation of federal law. While these companies were fined, they cooperated with the FCC and their fines were reduced. However, using a cell phone jammer is not without its drawbacks. First of all, if you buy a cell phone jammer, you will most likely interrupt someone's voice or text message.

  • The main disadvantage of cell phone jammers is that they are very difficult to detect. If you are caught using a cell phone jammer, your signal reception will be poor. The Federal Communications Commission, which regulates public telecommunications services, also makes it illegal to use them. Additionally, using a cell phone jammer may interfere with service and may even lead to theft. Cell phone jammers are illegal and considered a serious security risk.

  • First, you have to figure out the frequency bands in your area. Canada's primary frequency band is the 1900 MHz band, while the US uses the 850 MHz band. Most of Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia use the GSM 900 and 1800 frequency bands. Local operators in some countries have been licensed to use this frequency. The formula for making a cell phone jammer will depend on these frequencies. For example, if you are using the 850 MHz band in Canada, the corresponding circuits will vary from country to country.

  • The first advantage of a cell phone jammer is that it can completely disable the signals transmitted by nearby mobile devices. You can set Jammer to block outgoing calls while automatically restoring full service when you turn it off. Second, jammers based on man-made noise can interfere with cell phone signals, so are a good option for places where mobile usage is unpopular

8 Bands Jammer

Legal Consequences of Using Cell Phone Jammers

If you're unfamiliar with the legal ramifications of phone jammers, read this article. You might be surprised to learn that the FCC actually considers phone jammers a crime. These devices are illegal under the Radio Communications Act and breaking these laws could land you in jail. These laws prohibit the manufacture, import and possession of singal jammer. If you want to avoid any legal issues, buy jammers that are harmless to radio communications.

Cell phone jammers are very useful in various situations. Using a cell phone jammer in a small home or office can reduce noise so you can focus on your work or personal life. Employers can also use these devices to prevent employees from being distracted or communicating during work hours. These devices are portable and easy to set up. The devices can also be used in offices and other places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited.

Cell phones can be a distraction at school, as students use them to cheat on exams or have private conversations. Schools and other settings can use cell phone jammers to discourage cell phone use during school hours. Cell phone jammers can also be used in offices, museums, and other places where silence is required, such as churches. In addition, they can be used to prevent the use of mobile phones when visitors are present. You never know when it's going to be a real wifi jamming, so make sure you use it correctly.

Possible legal issues with cell phone jammers

  1. Phone jammer can help prevent unwanted calls or text messages from reaching your smartphone. While they are illegal in most developed countries, exceptions are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Israel. Even so, they are widely used in non-military settings. This article will explain some of the legal issues you may encounter with cell phone jammers and the types of devices available. The first thing you should know is what a cell phone jammer is for.

  2. Jammers interfere with cell phone signals by transmitting on the same frequency as the cell phone. The result is that all cell phone signals within a certain range are blocked. As a result, the cell phone signal can no longer reach any other devices within range, nor can it make calls. In some cases, gps jamming device can even block emergency services. In this case, the phone may not work properly. If you're not sure what you need, you can review instructions online.

  3. Also, signal jammers may be illegal in many countries. These devices can obstruct emergency calls, obstruct public safety messages and disrupt normal communications. Ultimately, this is a dangerous situation that could compromise your safety. Although they are illegal, the laws of some states and countries prohibit their use. If you are concerned that a jammer may be affecting your cell phone signal, call authorities immediately and ask for your device to be removed.

TagiTagi: jammer blocking 60-80 
01 czerwca 202301 czerwca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Why do you need to sell a cell phone jammer?

  • Cell phone jammers are essential gadgets in our daily life. They block cell phone signals and help people focus on what they're talking about. The proliferation of mobile phones has created a demand for sales of cell phone jammers. They block signals very effectively and are portable. These devices can be used in a variety of settings, including business meetings, concerts, movie theaters, and even temples and churches. While cell phones were originally used in the defense industry, they are now widely used in a variety of other fields. They work even when people forget to turn off their phones.

  • Cell phone jammers are essential in public places such as classrooms, churches, workplaces, and schools. With the advent of smartphones, almost every teenager now owns a mobile phone. Additionally, these devices can interfere with classes and exams. As a result, governments around the world are considering installing cell phone jammer in these sensitive areas. Here are some reasons why you need to install a cell phone jammer:

  • The problem with cell phones is that they are extremely distracting. When you're trying to watch a movie in peace, you notice your phone keeps ringing. If you want to focus on what you're watching, a cell phone jammer can help. In addition to interfering with the signal from the phone, a jammer can also stop the phone's remote functionality.

  • For those who feel threatened by a barrage of prank calls, cell phone jammers for sale are a great solution. You will be able to block unwanted calls and prevent your kids from chatting with their friends. They'd rather listen to you than talk to them. In addition to preventing unwanted calls and text messages, Cell Phone Jammer can protect your kids from cyberbullies, pranksters and even stalkers.

What is a mobile signal jammer?

A mobile signal jammer is an electronic device that interferes with cell phone signals. There are many types, and different frequencies affect different systems. A basic jammer will only block one frequency so that the phone thinks it only has that frequency. More sophisticated jammers are capable of blocking multiple frequencies simultaneously. Some are even able to tune to specific frequencies to block specific signals. These devices work equally well on mobile phones in both analog and digital modes.

The most common jammer is the 450MHz jammer, which requires a noise-shielding signal. Since cell phones use this frequency to tune in, the signal must be weak enough to be unintelligible to the receiver. However, other frequency ranges are likewise contemplated. Therefore, the circuit must have three basic subcircuits: inductor, capacitor, and amplifier. To determine which frequency range will be blocked by the gps jamming device, the first subcircuit is a tuning signal.

The most popular 8 band jammers

How to interfere with cell phone signal?

  1. There are various ways to interfere with cell phone signals. Some are easy to use, others are very complex. The first step to using a jammer is knowing which frequency bands your phone is using. Different countries use different frequencies. For example, in Canada, the primary frequency is 1900 MHz and the secondary frequency is 850 MHz. In the US, both the 1900 and 850 MHz bands are used. Europe and Asia use the GSM 900 and 1800 frequency bands. Some countries also have separate frequency bands for CDMA coverage, such as the 450 MHz frequency.

  2. When using a jammer, users should know which frequencies to use and how far the signal must travel to be effective. In some cases, false targets can be created by analyzing the strength of the signal received by the radar antenna. For this, you need a jammer with a unique code. It is better to buy jammers with a wider bandwidth than a single frequency jammer. When using a jammer on a single frequency, the RCS of the target and the radar ERP of the jammer need to be known.

  3. If you have a business, you may want to block your employees' cell phone signals. This can be beneficial for protecting sensitive information that may leak from your company. In some cases, you may even want to prevent your employees' phones from being used for terrorist attacks. In addition to blocking cell phone signals, jammers can make your phone appear unreachable. They are very effective at blocking calls in confined spaces, and can also be carried in a pocket or handbag.

Choose a Cell Phone Jammer

Cell phone jammers can help you block cell phone signals from other wireless devices. There are three dimensions for choosing a cell phone jammer: power size, signal type, and appearance. These factors relate to how well the device blocks cell phone signals from different locations, such as offices, movie theaters, concert halls, and other public places. While you may be able to find the best cell phone jammer for your needs, keep in mind that making the wrong choice can result in product damage, wasted time, and shipping costs.

Typically, these devices block signals from cell phones within 60 feet of their location. Higher powered versions will create a dead zone the size of a football field. Depending on signal strength, this device may not be effective at blocking all cell phone signals. However, if you are concerned that a cell phone jammer may be operating near you, you should leave the location immediately. Another option is to build a Faraday cage. This will help prevent leaks allowing interfering signals to escape. This will also prevent the signal from passing through the Faraday cage. Although it is illegal to use a mobile phone signal jammer to block the mobile phone signal, it can solve the problem of mobile phone signal very well. And the price is right, as signal shielding equipment is relatively inexpensive.

31 maja 202331 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Drone jammers are an inexpensive and effective way to prevent other drones from flying into your home. Depending on the type of drone you want to block, you can choose a device that interferes with any radio signals the drone uses to communicate. Many drones do this using GPS, WiFi, or a simple handheld controller. If your neighbor's quadcopter is annoying you and other neighbors, you can use a drone jammer to block the signal. These uav jammer can be easily built for less than $50 new and less than $50 old.

The Importance of Drone Signal Jammers

A drone signal jammer is a device that prevents a commercial drone from sending a signal to its controller. The device works by simultaneously blocking drone flight control signals and satellite positioning signals. Its powerful jamming capabilities can prevent drones from operating normally. If it detects the presence of a wifi blocker, it will either land, return to the launch site, or plummet to the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the impact of such equipment before purchasing.

Drone signal jammers can prevent crime or terrorism. However, many European countries have banned the sale of these jammers within their borders. Therefore, it is crucial to check local laws before buying. Additionally, you need to understand the risks associated with using drones in your area. These jammers can cause software bugs, which can be difficult to identify. Fortunately, there are legal ways to keep drones from invading your neighborhood.

Protect People and Areas with Drone Jammers

Drones are increasingly dangerous in our world and they need to be protected at all costs. Drones can carry explosives or be used to smuggle illegal goods. To protect people and areas, drone jammers are essential.

A drone jammer looks like a gun and emits electromagnetic noise that overlays the drone's radio signal. Once the drone hits the drone jammer, it will return to its original origin, so operators can track down the pilot and land the drone for forensic investigation. Portable jammer work well against drones, but are illegal in the US. But drone jamming is an increasingly popular solution to security concerns.

How effective are drone jammers for sale?

You've probably seen commercials that sell drone jammers, but how effective are they? Drones use radio waves to communicate. This communication can be via GPS, WiFi or a simple handheld controller. Someone could jam this communication with a drone jammer. These drones aren't the only ones being hit buy jammers. They can also be used by unauthorized devices to spy on people and their property.

When you use a drone jammer, it blocks the signal sent by the drone. A drone jammer will prevent drones from communicating with other drones. This will stop the drone from working and allow you to trace it back to its original location. Additionally, if you capture a drone in an interference zone, you can use the information gathered for forensic investigations. Police will then be able to capture the drone and its owner.

8 Bands Jammer Device

How Drone Jammers Work and Their Range

Drone jammers work by jamming radio and GPS signals up to 400 meters away. For cheaper, simpler drones, the gsm jammer has a much longer range, meaning it won't destroy it. More advanced drones, on the other hand, hover above the ground and crash to the ground if hit by a jammer. In this way, privacy is preserved as the drone does not lose the ability to operate.

The problem with jamming drones is the precision required to be effective. The signal must be focused on the target, which changes direction, angle and speed as it travels. Because the drone is so small, jamming its radio signal requires great precision. Also, jamming the drone's signal will negatively affect other radio signals, which is not what we want to do! However, if we're lucky, we'll have something that stops drones from flying over people.

How to make your own drone jammer

While drones are a growing problem, you can protect your home and family from them by building a drone jammer yourself. DIY drone jammers can be bought online for under $20

There are many variables to consider when making a drone jammer. One important thing to remember is that drones move so fast that it can be difficult to jam their signal with standard radio signal jammers. You also need to remember that you should not aim the drone jammer at other objects to prevent it from affecting your aim. Jammers that block RF signals can also cause other problems with your drone, so you should think carefully about this before making your own.

How to Build a Drone Jammer Kit

Buying a jammer kit is a good start, but you should keep in mind that using gps jammer is illegal in many countries. If you want to use your drone for commercial purposes, you must obtain permission from the relevant authorities before using it. Drone jammers can be found for as little as $50, so there's no reason not to buy one. Drone jammers also cost less than the cost of the drone itself.

While the use of drone jammer kits is illegal, it is gaining popularity among civilians. The kit consists of a transmitter and receiver. Launchers come in all sorts of shapes, and even look like guns. The drone itself will not be harmed. There are even kits sold without the radio signal. You can buy drone jammer kits online or at hobby stores.

Using a drone jammer is not a huge problem for the average drone pilot. However, if you plan on flying your drone near popular landmarks like the White House, it's best to avoid drone jammer kits. While drone jammers are illegal, they can interfere with other technologies. Additionally, they can violate several laws and harm drone pilots. Before using a drone jammer kit to protect your drone, you need to consult the relevant authorities.

8 Bands Jammer


TagiTagi: drone jammer kit 
30 maja 202330 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phones are an invaluable device for individuals and businesses, but their overuse has forced some innovative thinkers to create mobile jammers. These are devices that can be limited to places where silence is required, such as hospitals, examination halls, conference rooms, etc. These innovative gizmos are designed in such a way that they block devices from receiving signals from base stations. If you're looking at mobile jammers prices to own one, you must be wondering what factors to consider when making an informed choice.

Below, we discuss some crucial factors that can help you choose the correct signal blocker device for your purpose:

  • Cost The first thing that comes to mind - how much does the device cost? You should be happy to know that there are some suppliers that offer a high quality and technologically advanced range of spy mobile jammers that fit in all pocket sizes. This means that you can also buy affordable products according to your needs. But to cover larger spaces, you will need to increase your budget slightly. If you want to save even more, you even have the option to buy mobile jammers online - thanks to different offers and deals.

  • Memorial Day Deals

    This is important to us because it allows us time to celebrate and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.

    memorial day jammer
  • Size You'd be surprised how effective portable jammers are just as effective as non-portable jammers. Besides that, the jammer is also very conveniently sized and easy to hide. However, these devices require powerful batteries so that they can run beyond your expectations without any trouble. The most impressive thing about portable jammers is that they can be used anytime, anywhere. It works effectively no matter where the device is to be placed, as no external power source is required to operate such a portable device. However, you always have the option to buy wired or non-portable. Typically, government and other officials use this type of signal jammer to prevent unauthorized access and ensure national security.

  • Installation and Features This is another factor to consider when checking out mobile jammer prices. It does not make sense to buy a device whose features do not correspond to the cost and whose installation is complicated. A good device is one that is easy to install (mainly the on and off buttons) and has the most commonly used functions so that you can get the most out of it.

A portable signal jammer is a device that blocks radio and wireless signals. These devices can be used for a variety of legal applications, such as testing that a device is functioning properly without calling 911. Other applications include prisons, where the device will only work, preventing it from being used to intercept commercial signals. Additionally, they can help track people on the street by blocking GPS signals from cars.

GPS tracking devices can be disabled using metal containers. Using conductive metals such as copper or silver can reflect or absorb GPS signals. To hide a GPS tracker, you can use tin, copper or silver foil. Or you can use car gps jammer, which is a small stand-alone transmitter that emits a signal on the same wavelength as your GPS device. This method will help you cover your location while keeping the device in a safe place.

Blocks GPS signals within a 10m radius

Cellular phone jammers can interfere with GPS signals within a 10 meter radius. It's rechargeable, has batteries, and includes a car power adapter. This is a great way to keep spies from tracking your whereabouts. This jammer minimizes noise while blocking GPS signals. Jammers can also block signals from beacons that use GSM communication channels.

Blocks GSM signals within a 20m radius

Most people don't need a cell phone jammer that jams all signals within a 20 meter radius. Instead, they prefer more affordable devices that can effectively block signals within a 20-meter radius. There are many different models on the market with different specifications and price tags. The most important specification to consider when choosing a signal blocker is the frequencies it supports. It is crucial to ensure that the frequency range of the jammer matches that of your city.

Blocks GSM signals within a 10m radius

You can buy a 10-meter portable phone jammer for about $109. It will block GSM signals within a ten-meter radius, while also preventing interference from other nearby electronics and devices. In modern high-tech society, it is difficult to communicate without a mobile phone. Cell phone jammers work by creating a magnetic shield.

Using a portable signal jammer can also prevent the use of smart doorbells, home security cameras, and smart thermostats. The main purpose of a jammer is to block WiFi signals, and it may even prevent smart doorbells from being used. Since modern phones operate on multiple signals, this device can be used to block multiple wireless networks. When a jammer blocks a network, the device automatically switches to the next available signal.

The portable mobile phone signal jammer can block the signals of two-way radios, walkie-talkies and other devices with the same frequency as mobile phones. This is especially useful when traveling or going out in public. However, it should be noted that not all cell phone jammers are effective at blocking two-way radio signals or authorized radio broadcasts. Therefore, it is very important to research the product you are planning to buy before buying.


TagiTagi: buy jammer secret 
29 maja 202329 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Mobile jammer is one of the best innovations of today's technological age. This device is designed to block or interfere with available cell phone signals within the coverage area. We all know that there are many places that clearly say "do not use the phone or do not allow the use of the phone". But do we really care about such notices or requests? Nope. This is one of the reasons why a cell phone jammer in Jaipur Rajasthan is the perfect solution. You can use a gsm jammer to block unwanted access from your phone in areas where silence is highly desired.

Understanding the Purpose of Cell Phone Jammers are devices that can be used to block communications between mobile devices and network towers. When this happens, the device will be disabled and not display any network. As a result, keep silent. You don't have to ask people to keep their phones on silent or turn them off when a signal jammer is installed.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

If we talk about uses, mobile jammers can be used for the following purposes:

  • • You can place cell phone jammers in your office to block or disrupt unauthorized cell phone access or to protect your confidential information.

  • • To keep your staff focused throughout the meeting, you can purchase and install signal jammers in the area. It is recommended that you buy a low-range mobile jammer for such places, as the higher range may affect other places where it is not legal.

  • • Educational institutions and departments can purchase mobile phone jammers to prevent cheating in exams. These are very effective options for maintaining discipline during exams and helping honest students achieve good grades.

  • • Although it is illegal to use signal drone jammer without a license, you can get pocket jammers with low range (ie 5m coverage) to help your child focus on his studies.

Memorial Day Deals

This is important to us because it allows us time to celebrate and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.

memorial day jammer

The application of mobile phone jammers Initially, mobile phone jammers were specially used in the defense sector, and they were found in various areas such as hospitals, schools, religious places, and offices. You may also find cell phone jammers in movie theaters, restaurants, gyms and more. That's why we can say that cell phone jammers are a very versatile option.

Using a mobile phone is one of the favorite ways to pass the time today. After all, you can do just about anything with your phone-you can entertain yourself, click pictures and make videos, read your favorite book, play games, and more. The "good" stuff is endless. But what about the cons? We all love the benefits so much that we often overlook the accompanying cons. You will be surprised to know that excessive mobile phone use can have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. Since you can't stop people from using their cell phones, you can always use a cell phone jammer to reduce or completely stop usage.

When you search online for the best mobile network jammer manufacturers, you get endless options, and obviously - not all of them are trustworthy. But to find the right one, you can always keep the following points in mind:

• First, check the area where you will place the mobile jammer. Because if you choose the wrong range, it could affect other people's usage and lead you to major legal problems.

• Now that you know your range, start looking for the right equipment. When checking the range of the cell phone signal jammer, don't forget to check the battery level, range, and the network that can be blocked.

• Installation and Features This is another factor to consider when checking Delhi jammer cell phone prices. It does not make sense to buy a device whose features do not correspond to the cost and whose installation is complicated. A good device is one that is easy to install (mainly the on and off buttons) and has the most commonly used functions so that you can get the most out of it.

• Now you will have some options. Now is the time to do some background research on mobile network jammer manufacturers. Find availability, price, experience, team and market reputation.

• If you don't have any issues with your chosen vendor, check out the product and its reviews. For this, you can take advantage of social media platforms, forums, third-party review sites, etc.

TagiTagi: detect mobile jammer 
26 maja 202326 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Many people don't know that there are portable cell phone jammers on the market. Whether you want to watch a movie or dine in peace, a cell phone jammer is an essential tool. These devices block signals from 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G cell phones. While these devices may not provide the protection of a security system, they can definitely block signals from nearby phones.

If you want to protect yourself from rude commuters, you can get a portable cell phone blocker. They are useful for many different purposes, including blocking GPS tracking signals and blocking drivers' phones. These devices can also be used in vehicles, theaters, and even trains where using a mobile phone can be dangerous. The portable cell phone jammer can even be charged on the go. It can also be used in commercial settings to keep sales calls to a minimum and prevent dangerous people from following private vehicles.

WiFi portable cell phone signal jammer is an effective tool to block cell phone signal, but you must be careful when using it. The Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 prohibits intentional interference with radio communications, punishable by up to two years in prison. It also bans the manufacture, import and possession of jamming device equipment. Therefore, you should consult the manufacturer or technical support before using an interfering device. Police radar detectors use laser and lidar systems to determine a car's speed. Interfering with the signals of these radars can help drivers avoid speeding tickets. A police radar jammer works by generating a signal at the frequency of the police radar and switching it on and off with the desired Doppler shift. You can change the frequency of this signal by adjusting the frequency of the switch. The signal from your car is combined with the signal from the police radar, and the signal from the radar jammer blocks the signal from both.

Memorial Day Deals

This is important to us because it allows us time to celebrate and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.

memorial day jammer

  1. Bluetooth signal jammer works on any device with bluetooth connection. The device works with phones and speakers. By blocking bluetooth signals, it gives the owner control over who he wants to talk to and what they do. A bluetooth signal jammer is an easy way to ensure your privacy while protecting yourself from malicious callers. You can use it in any situation to protect yourself and others. However, this device should only be used if you understand the legal ramifications.

  2. Portable cell phone jammers are a great solution to the problem of constant phone noise in conference rooms. By blocking phone signals, attendees can focus on the important issues and challenges they face, rather than being distracted by the buzzing of their phones. Additionally, the jammer will block callers and show them an automated voice message advising their number is out of service area.

  3. Portable phone signal jammers are useful when traveling. It has the ability to interfere with wireless networks and compatible devices of various brands. These jammers can be configured according to local conditions. It works by blocking the signal between the phone and nearby base stations. It can also effectively prevent eavesdropping and illegal espionage. Using a portable phone signal jammer is an excellent way to block all kinds of signals, from cell phones to eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

  4. Handheld signal jammers can be used in many situations to deter eavesdropping and protect sensitive information. They are popular in movie theaters, classrooms, and libraries, and can be stashed in your pocket or purse. Portable signal jammers can also protect your privacy in other situations, such as at church or school. Jammers are easy to install and can be used anywhere where cell phones are not allowed.

Among the legitimate uses of cell phone jammers, technicians use them to test equipment before allowing others to call them. Another example is prisons, which can legally use prison mobile phone signal jammers. Because it only affects commercial signals, the Prison Cell Phone Jammer will not interfere with 911 calls. Therefore, it is a necessary tool to protect yourself. Regardless of its purpose, it's important to understand how the device works and what it can do for you.

Jammers can block various frequencies. These devices can block cellular signals from GSM, CDMA, 4G and Bluetooth. They also block satellite and Bluetooth signals, preventing eavesdropping. To make the portable signal jammer more effective, you can also choose the built-in one. However, this mobile signal jammer has some advantages over external signal jammers.

Portable signal jammers can be an invaluable tool for blocking cell phone signals. It is a device that interferes with signals emitted by the GSM, CDMA, and TD-SCDMA standards. This type of signal jammer can be used in many places, including workplaces, public areas, and even cars. This type of device can be powered by an on-board DC charger or an AC adapter.

TagiTagi: external signal jammers 
25 maja 202325 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

How to Use a WiFi Jammer

When considering purchasing a WiFi jammer, you may be wondering how to use it. There are many different types to choose from, so it's important to determine which one best suits your needs. In this article we will introduce 2.4GHz WiFi Jammers, Bluetooth Jammers and GPS Jammers. Read on to learn how to make the best wifi blocker for your needs. There's nothing more frustrating than waking up to find your wireless connection has been blocked.

2.4GHz WiFi Jammer

If you're looking for a jammer to block the signals sent by other wireless devices, you're in the right place. Jammers can cover a wide range of frequencies, including the popular 2.4GHz band used by WiFi devices and phones. This frequency band is used by computers, game consoles, televisions and mobile phones such as iPads, smartphones and netbooks. But what can you do if your wireless device is broadcasting a signal?

Wi-Fi shielding can also be used to prevent unwanted cell phone and internet usage. These shields can be placed in areas where people cannot easily monitor their activities. For example, a 2.4GHz blocker can stop unauthorized use of mobile devices and protect confidential information. Most spy cameras operate in the 2.4GHz frequency range. Available in a variety of designs, these shields can be used in private or public areas.

Bluetooth jammer

Purchasing a bluetooth jammer is an excellent way to protect your phone and your privacy. This handy device can interfere with signals from Bluetooth devices including Android phones, speakers, and more. While it might not block WiFi, Bluetooth signals are still dangerous and can be intercepted, so a Bluetooth jammer is a great way to prevent this. Read on to learn how to use a Bluetooth jammer to prevent unwanted calls.

GPS jammer

If you're wondering how to use a GPS jammer, you're not alone. Many civilians are looking for GPS jammer devices to maintain their privacy in a world where everyone is constantly tracking their every move. However, most people don't have the technical know-how to make their own jammers that go beyond simple radio jamming. To ensure your privacy, read on to learn how to use a gps blocker in your own home.

GPS jammers can be made of copper or silver, and they interfere with GPS signals. Most GPS jamming gadgets are sold online. You need to connect it to an adapter for it to work. Depending on which GPS signal you want to jam, the device will jam signals within a certain range. That means GPS tracking of company cars will be hampered. However, you should be aware of the potential dangers and consequences of doing so.

How to Stop WiFi Jammers

The illegal use of signal blocker can have many consequences, including serious hazards to public safety. In addition to disrupting traffic, cell phone use can interfere with GPS and WiFi signals, as well as police radar. This type of jammer can be incredibly damaging to a community, especially when it is used for personal gain. Whether you're looking for some peace and quiet, jamming your phone can have devastating consequences.

Stationary wifi jammers are more powerful

Stationary WiFi jammers interfere with multiple signals. It may interfere with WiFi and Bluetooth. Some jammers have built-in detectors to identify the signals they can jam. These types are more powerful and more expensive than single channel occluders. Cheaper models work by selectively transmitting specific messages. They only work for a short time and cover a small area. Also, these devices cannot jam all signals effectively.

broadcast radio signals on the same frequency

If you've been wondering how to stop wifi from interfering with your devices, it's not as difficult as you might think. A wireless jamming device is a device that broadcasts radio signals on the same frequency as a wireless network. While they are illegal in many countries, they can easily be replaced with your own WiFi router. The mobile jammers frequency range can be adjusted, so you can block or disable other networks.

Mylar Blanket Blocks Wi-Fi

Mylar blankets can block Wi-FI signals. Just make sure to place them with the aluminum side facing out. These blankets won't block the entire signal, but they will block most of it. Another great way to block the signal is to cover internet routers and other electronic devices. Aluminum foil also helps prevent signal eavesdropping.

Memorial Day Deals

This is important to us because it allows us time to celebrate and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.

memorial day jammer
TagiTagi: 2.4ghz wifi jammer 
24 maja 202324 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you're considering buying a cell phone jammer, we'll discuss how to legally buy one in the US, how it works, and how much it costs. You'll also learn about the legal uses of cell phone jammers and how to find the best deals.

You should also know that there are many jammers on the market. Some jammers are even smarter than cell phones, meaning they can boost power and hop to different radio channels. Notwithstanding these advantages, you must use these products for lawful purposes. In fact, most mobile jammers advertise a radius of 5-10 meters, but in reality, they can affect cellular signals up to 25 meters away.

Legality of cell phone jammers in the US

The manufacture, sale or use of cell phone jammers is illegal under the Communications Act 1934. The main purpose of jammers is to prevent authorized communications, which can endanger public safety. However, there are exceptions. Local law enforcement agencies and companies that sell the devices are exempt from these regulations. You can find more information on the legality of these devices by searching the internet.

8 Bands Jammer

Possible uses of cell phone jammers

If you're traveling, a cell phone jamming device can protect your privacy and identity. You don't need to be a security expert to know that hotels and other public places have their own phones. You can install a signal jamming device in the background, and it will effectively block cellular signals within a five-mile (8 km) range.

Some people want to become unavailable when calls come in, while others just want to stop answering calls. A signal jamming device blocks all incoming calls simultaneously, whether the phone is on or off. This can make it difficult to get in touch with your loved ones or colleagues. Some even wish they could not answer the phone at all. However, some people use signal jamming devices to block incoming calls while waiting for an important call.

The cost of cell phone jammers

There are some legal issues involved with buying fancy gadgets that interfere with cell phone signals. Although illegal, these devices are potentially dangerous. After a Philadelphia bus passenger got annoyed at talking to people on the bus on Monday, she Googled the devices. However, the cost of cell phone jammers varies widely, ranging from less than $40 to thousands of dollars. If you want to use such a device, you must understand the costs involved before purchasing.

A good way to determine the price of cell phone jammers is to look for websites that offer a wide selection and a long history. More popular suppliers may offer more than one product, so shopping around is crucial. Depending on the area you need to cover, a mini pocket phone jammer might be a good choice. Likewise, you may want to consider which features are important to you and how much you're willing to spend.

Uses of Wireless Jammers Applications of such devices, their cost, installation, and their impact on security cameras. Depending on where you plan to use it, you may find some of these apps particularly useful. You'll be glad you did! Now you can stop being bothered by annoying phone calls.

Wireless jammers are designed for a variety of applications. Depending on the application, jammers can be passive or active. The type of disturbance affects performance metrics. Some types of interference are persistent, deceptive or passive. Jamming schemes can be cooperative or aggressive, a combination of both. Below are some application examples for wireless jammer. Each of these types of jammers has specific benefits.

  • The cost of a wireless jammer depends on which frequency bands you need to block.

  • WiFi is usually 2.4GHz, but some newer routers also use 5GHz.

  • Bluetooth is also in the 2.4GHz spectrum, so a wifi blocker covering that band will block the Bluetooth signal.

  • Some wireless jammers block both bands, so you need to decide which frequency to jam.

      There are several benefits to installing a wireless jammer in your workplace. These devices can reduce productivity in your workplace by preventing employees from using mobile devices for personal use or social networking. Depending on the model, a jammer can also prevent your employees from texting and using social media while at work. If you have a company cell phone policy, wireless jammers can be an excellent option to keep your employees safe and productive.

      Impact on Security Cameras

      When a wireless jammer finds its way into a home or business, it can affect many different things, including security cameras. It interferes with the internet connection of security cameras, making them unusable. It can even blind the owner! Interfering with these devices is possible and you can use a number of methods. Read on to learn more about the effects of wireless jammers on security cameras. After all, your home or business security system is a valuable investment.

      Memorial Day Deals Buy jammers now Up to 30% off sitewide with free shipping May 30, 2023 Save up to 40% with promo code.

      This is important to us because it allows us time to celebrate and honor the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.

      memorial day Jammer

TagiTagi: mobile devices jammer 
23 maja 202323 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Their use can be a bit legally murky as states across the US enforce various laws regarding hidden cameras. In general, it is legal to install home video and recording equipment on property that you own (for example, it might be owned by your information-hungry spouse during a divorce), but it can be a violation if the other occupants do not know about it. privacy. Of course, before you can consult your attorney about the potential legality of recording equipment in your home, you'll have to find these loopholes and hopefully stop them-fortunately, the process is a bit simpler than complicated state laws.

Check your Wi-Fi

  • Before you can block recording devices, you have to find them. Like everything from Alexa to the Nintendo Switch, most modern listening gadgets connect to Wi-Fi, enabling them to remotely stream recordings to offsite computers. So the first step in finding a hidden recording device in your home is to check your Wi-Fi network for suspicious devices.

  • To do this, you need to access the settings of your wireless router. While the process may vary from router to router, you can usually do this by logging into your account page on your service provider's website (or related app), which enables you to manage devices connected to your router or hotspot. If you see any devices you don't recognize connecting to your Wi-Fi network, remove them from the list of registered devices to prevent them from streaming their recordings over the Internet.

  • In some cases, more sophisticated devices rely on their own hotspot or SIM card to access the internet without jumping to your home Wi-Fi network. Use your computer or smartphone to check for new Wi-Fi networks that don't belong to you or your neighbors -- you may need to take extra steps (such as a wifi blocker) to block the bugs' own network.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Likewise, consumer-grade RF detectors can scan for transmitters as you move the detector around the space and alert you to radio frequencies with a beep or visual graphic. In the latter case, pay special attention to signals in the 10 Mhz to 8 Mhz range, which is a common frequency used by commercial exploits.

The FCC considers mobile signal jammer illegal because they interfere with the communications of emergency responders who use the same frequencies as them for most of their communications, as well as using cell phones themselves. Yet prisons, schools and city governments have campaigned to allow the use of inhibitors to prevent people from cheating in class, to keep taxi drivers and limo drivers focused on the road, and to limit prisoners' use of prohibited mobile phones.

Since cell disruptors are illegal, they are either illegally ordered from abroad or built illegally at home. You need some real skills to work with microprocessors and antennas. Bubble jammers in particular can jam all types of radio frequencies except cell phones. A lithium-ion battery must be installed for power and can provide two to four hours of suppression, depending on the frequencies around you. The battery can be charged via the USB connector or a regular 4 mm (0.16 in) DC connector. You can also use AAA batteries.

Two antennas in the car gps blocker are controlled by a microprocessor and can pick up various frequencies within a 20 to 25 foot radius. A lot of SMT soldering was required to mount the specific chips to do the job, namely multiple TSSOP and SOT chips, and an RC 0603 with obscure parts and the equipment needed to properly build and debug the device. Since they are illegal in the United States, the origin of these specific contents cannot be obtained.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

Inhibidores paracelulars modificados

Some cell phone jammers are repurposed from old cell phones that can use the same frequency and emit a tone that makes conversation over the phone impossible. Again, these are illegal and hard to build yourself unless you have some knowledge and skill in soldering chips and manipulating radio frequencies. Police CB radios work the same way these cell phone jammers try to pick up all frequencies in the vicinity in order to hear them on CB. Cell disruptors go a step further by blocking transmission.

Although the basics behind how a blocker device works may seem pretty simple, it still involves some technical details that may be difficult for a layman to understand. For this reason, we'll start by looking at how phones establish communication with each other.

You must have seen giant cell phone towers in different areas around you. Essentially, every place is divided into zones, and phone signals generated by your device are picked up by cell towers in your area. This means that if you are moving, your phone signal will be picked up dynamically by the corresponding towers as you move through different areas.

So how do jamming devices avoid these complex phone towers? They do this by mimicking legitimate phone signals and transmitting on the same radio frequency as your cell phone. Thus, overwhelming the legitimate signal generated by your cell phone device and hindering wireless communication between your device and cell towers in your area.

Interfering with a cellular signal simply requires broadcasting the correct frequency (or frequencies), and while all devices process signals differently, all cellular devices use radio signals and protocols that can be interrupted, including GSM and CDMA. As a rule of thumb, cellular communications use the 900MHz to 1800MHz band in Asia and Europe, and the 1900MHz band in the US.

Signal jammers can also be classified according to their range, which depends on various factors such as surrounding environment and building density. Low-power jammers typically have a small range and can block wireless activity within 9 meters, while high-power jammers are also effective in areas as large as a football field. Likewise, cell phone jammers used by law enforcement for security purposes can block signals even a mile away.

Plus, signal jammers come in a variety of sizes, from small enough to look more like the phone itself to large enough to be mounted on cars and vehicles.

TagiTagi: old phones jammers 
22 maja 202322 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Travelers should be vigilant as South Korea's hidden camera epidemic spreads

When traveling abroad, it's always a good idea to be alert and aware of your surroundings.

TikTok creator Jazmyn Jennings or @jazmynjenningss recently made a public service announcement for those planning to visit South Korea.

In her video, she exposes the pervasive problem of hidden cameras in public bathrooms in popular tourist destinations.


She also advises travelers to consider buying a hidden camera detector and gps blocker so they can protect themselves while heading there.

Wet toilet paper is stuffed in the gaps of public toilets to prevent hidden cameras

Ms. Jennings explained that in South Korea, it is common to encounter public bathrooms with wet toilet paper stuffed in the crevices.

jammers jamming hidden cameras

This is to prevent any chance of a tiny spy camera hiding in these tight spaces.

The footage is often streamed online for people to watch, Jennings said.

This problem doesn't just happen in public bathrooms. It also happens in hotels and accommodations, such as Airbnb rooms and other private areas.

Travelers advised to buy hidden camera detectors

If you're planning a trip to South Korea anytime soon, Ms. Jennings recommends buying a hidden camera detector.

These are easily available from online platforms such as Amazon

Desktop  Jammers

These detectors allow you to check for hidden cameras so you can report or remove hidden cameras if you come across them.

TikToker says today's hidden cameras are "very well camouflaged" and can be hidden in fire alarms, clocks and other everyday blocker devices.

While Ms. Jennings noted that this could happen anywhere in the world, the problem is particularly prevalent in South Korea.

Hidden cameras and illegal filming are a big problem in South Korea

According to the BBC, between 2013 and 2018, South Korean police received more than 30,000 reports of use of hidden cameras.

In 2021, Human Rights Watch released a report detailing the spread and impact of these "digital sex crimes" in South Korea.

From 2008 to 2017, prosecutions for sex offenses involving unlawful filming increased 11-fold, from 585 to 6,615.

They also accounted for about 20 percent of sex crime prosecutions in 2017, up from 4 percent in 2008.

So if you are one of the many Singaporeans planning to visit South Korea soon, it might be a good idea to invest in a hidden camera detector and mobile signal jammer - better safe than sorry.



TagiTagi: hidden cameras 
20 maja 202320 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Subodh Yadav, 37, and his accomplice Vipin Kumar, 42, were arrested in the car robbery.

According to police officer Romil Baaniya, the two allegedly confessed to the crime and provided details of their actions.

  • New Delhi: An undercover operation has resulted in the arrest of two men for stealing luxury cars in and around the Delhi-NCR area.

  • During the arrest, police recovered a cell phone signal blocker and other sophisticated tools that could help read and duplicate the car's ignition and locking systems.

  • The defendants used bluetooth jammer to prevent people from calling or texting police from crime scenes to leak information.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Subodh Yadav, 37, and his accomplice Vipin Kumar, 42, were arrested in the car robbery. According to police officer Romil Baaniya, the two allegedly confessed to the crime and provided details of their actions.

Yadav and Kumar allegedly purchased the damaged cars from insurance companies and, through a vast network of engine and chassis number punchers, changed the numbers of the stolen cars to those of the damaged cars. They will then sell the car to a used car buyer. Kumar himself runs an automotive workshop in Chandigarh where he stamps engines and chassis numbers.

The accused, Subodh Kumar Yadav, has more than 20 previous convictions including murder and attempted murder.

The Anti-Auto Theft Squad was alerted to the problem after multiple motor vehicle thefts and began investigating the cases. After gathering intel on the potential automatic elevator behind the crime, they learn of the presence of Subodh Yadav and Vipin Kumar in Vasant Gaon. The informant allegedly told the police that the two would travel to Vasant Gaon to seal another deal for the stolen luxury car.

Based on this information, the team planted a trap near Valmiki Mandir there. Subodh Yadav and Vipin Kumar arrived by car and got off. Sensing something was wrong, the two tried to run away, but the team became alert and they caught both of them.

They discovered that the car they had come in, a Mahindra Rexton, had also been stolen.

In addition to the mobile jammers, police also recovered six stolen vehicles, including a Honda City and a Honda Amaze, as well as keys to 20 different cars and other tools they used to successfully steal the vehicles.

Power Adjustable Jammer

The Delhi High Court is hearing pleas against the prison authority

  1. Which has been accused of engaging in various illegal activities such as extorting money, supplying drugs, mobile phones and other prohibited items.

  2. Prison authorities informed the Delhi High Court on Tuesday that mobile signals, especially those of Jio 4G, cannot be blocked inside Tihar Jail using the technology they have, and have asked state-run C-DOT to develop a prototype car gps jammer to prevent inmates.

  3. The court is hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by a lifer inmate after receiving a letter from him accusing prison authorities of being involved in various illegal activities such as extorting money and supplying drugs, mobile phones and other prohibited items.

It further alleged that prisoners were "tortured like animals" by prison authorities. After receiving the letter in 2018, the court has asked a prison visiting judge to investigate the allegations and submit a report.

In his April 2019 report, the judge informed the court that the allegations that prohibited items were found inside the prison and that prison authorities extorted money from prisoners for the fundamental right of one hour a day of release were based on statements by various prisoners.

TagiTagi: evade police arrest 
19 maja 202319 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A few years ago, a Florida man was fined $48,000 by the FCC for using an illegal signal jammer during his commute to stop nearby drivers from using their phones.

I can understand. I bet you can too.

  1. In California and at least a dozen other states, it's illegal to drive with a cell phone in your hand. But that doesn't stop people from doing it.

  2. Every day comes across careless, self-righteous fools who endanger themselves and those around them by chatting or texting on the road.

  3. That's why I'm calling on the auto industry to install signal-jamming technology on steering wheels so drivers (not passengers) can't succumb to the temptation to play with their gadgets while driving 3,000 pounds of steel at 60 mph for an hour.

Admittedly, things are complicated.

  • "If parents have the option to get their kids off the ground and developing safe driving habits, there could be real safety benefits," said Rosemary Shahan, president of Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, a Sacramento-based advocacy group. .

  • "But if it's conceived as a way to change the behavior of all drivers, it seems unlikely that those who are the worst offenders when it comes to cell phone use will be inclined to buy the option," she told me.

  • If such technology is mandatory, Shahan observes, "in an emergency, what about calling 911 in an unsafe situation, or using your phone to navigate or get directions?"

These are big questions. But we face a big problem.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says 37,133 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes last year, with more than 3,000 of those deaths from distracted driving. Thousands of people are injured each year when drivers take their eyes off the road.

I reached out to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an industry group, to find out where the automakers stand. Brian Goodman, spokesman for the group, said the automaker takes the matter seriously.

"We can all agree that hands on the wheel and eyes on the road are still key to safe driving," he said, adding that phones "were never designed to be used while driving."

But Goodman insists there is only so much the industry can do. He emailed me a link to the FCC page that addresses the issue.

It said, "Federal law prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of jammer devices of any type, including cellular and personal communications services (PCS), police radar, global positioning systems (GPS), and wireless network services (Wi-Fi).

The FCC states clearly, "These devices pose a serious risk to critical public safety communications and may prevent you and others from making 911 and other emergency calls. Jammers also interfere with law enforcement communications."

"Jamming devices poses a serious security risk," P. Michele Ellison, director of the agency's enforcement bureau, said in a statement on the website. "Over the coming weeks and months, we will intensify our efforts by working with law enforcement to target those who continue to break the law. It's there.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

However, the FCC was wrong.

The agency lives in a world where low-power signal jammers might have a range of about 30 feet, while more advanced equipment can block all transmissions the size of a football field. These obviously raise public safety concerns.

But what if small-scale jamming technology could be mounted on the steering wheel with a range of just a few inches-not enough to affect surrounding vehicles, or even other occupants in the car, but enough to prevent drivers from being stupid?

What if the technology was flexible enough not to interfere with medical cell phone jamming device like pacemakers or insulin pumps? Or streaming music services?

What if the most important thing is that it doesn't interfere with law enforcement or emergency calls?

"It can be done," said Todd Humphreys, an associate professor of engineering at UT Austin. "Properly calibrated, the interference was strong enough to overwhelm a driver's cell phone near the steering wheel, but not enough to overwhelm a passenger's cell phone."

He said the gsm jammer could use an algorithm to adjust its output based on changes in cell signal strength as the vehicle moves, so the jamming field remains consistent.

However, the human element is always present.

Humphreys correctly points out that some knuckle-dragging drivers (my word, not his) will try to avoid the jamming field by keeping their phones at an arm's length or leaning back in their seats.

"This could lead to a situation that is more dangerous than what we are trying to prevent," he said.

T. Charles Clancy, executive director of Virginia Tech's Hume Center for National Security and Technology, thinks the same.

"If you're texting and driving right now, you're going to use whatever wingspan you have to get around jamming technology," he said.

The trick, says A. Lee Swindlehurst, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Irvine, is "finding the sweet spot where only the driver's device is disturbed," no matter where he or she puts the phone.

It's technically possible, he said, "but it would be a challenging design."

Maybe we don't want to go the interference route. Perhaps instead, we equip all phones with gps jamming device that don't allow texting if their sensors and cameras detect motion, or if they see the user quickly raising and lowering their eyes while driving.

It may also be feasible to develop jamming techniques that block incoming signals but not outgoing calls, which would solve the problem in emergencies, said Marwan Krunz, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Arizona.

The point is that there are possible solutions as long as federal authorities are willing to change.

No one at the FCC responded to my repeated requests for comment.

The Floridian who was fined $48,000 has apparently been jamming people's cell phones on the highway for several years. He was charged with "using an illegal device" and told to stop.

Be bold, though.

More people die each year from distracted driving than were killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks. This should indicate that we have a major public safety threat on hand.

Doing nothing should not be an option.

TagiTagi: phone jammer steering wheel 
18 maja 202318 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The mobile phone jammer can block various frequencies. The equipment is usually divided into low-end and high-end types. High-end jammers block all frequencies at once, while low-end jammers block only one frequency. Let's take a look at the three subcircuits of a cell phone jammer. If you're considering buying one, it's worth knowing the differences between the three devices.

Low-end jammers only block one frequency at a time

  • High-end cell phone jammers block multiple frequencies at once, while low-end models block only one frequency.

  • These low-end jammers are usually much smaller and can fit in the palm of your hand.

  • They only block one frequency at a time and are less expensive than their higher-end counterparts.

  • They also only cover a small area. They can significantly reduce cell phone calls compared to high-end jammers.

8 Bands Jammer

range of cell phone jammers

Cell phone jammers range from low-power personal jammers to large devices that create blind spots up to a mile long. The power of the jammer will also depend on its location. Hills and buildings block the signal, so low powered devices may only interfere with calls within 30 feet. But higher powered models were able to create a cell-free zone the size of a football field. Jammers are designed to interfere with digital and analog mobile phones.

To interfere with cell phone signals, it is important to use equipment that operates on the correct frequency. Different cellular systems use different frequencies and therefore have different ranges for interfering devices. GSM uses the 900 MHz frequency band in Europe and Asia and 1900 MHz in the US. But there are jammers that work on all frequencies and these devices are equally effective on GSM, PCS and Nextel systems. A jammer that blocks analog cell phone signals is just as susceptible to interference as its counterparts.

signal strength for gsm blocker

A cell phone signal blocker is a device that blocks cell phone signal reception. It can be used to deter or stop espionage by detecting its signature. Signal blockers are generally box-type, with a single output power of 15W. Such devices are segmented to only interfere with the downlink. Its soft start circuit design prevents sparking and provides good working stability.

transmission power of gsm interceptor

A gsm blocker is an electronic device that blocks signals from mobile phones. The device transmits at a lower power level than other mobile devices to protect the human body and reduce interference. This power level is regulated by local regulators. Depending on the type of equipment used, the power level can range from zero to a few dB or more. However, these factors can only be used to determine the effectiveness of the device.

distance between base station and gsm blocker

The distance between the base station and the phone is key to successfully jamming the signal. There are two main types of signals: SMS and ortungscodes. While SMS are an alternative to signaling channels, they are less efficient. The two types of signals have different amounts of information, and the distance between the base station and the phone is usually greater. To prevent interference, the phone should be placed 200 to 300 meters from the base station.

A cell phone jammer works similar to a home stereo. Signals are sent from cell phones to cell towers, which distribute the workload to specific areas. The jamming device is placed between the two towers and simulates cell phone signals by sending radio frequencies to the same frequencies as cell phones. Unlike a phone signal, this one is strong enough to block the signal.

High-end jammer blocks all frequencies at once

Cell phone jammers are powerful devices that interfere with wireless signal transmissions. These devices work by simulating legitimate phone signals on the same frequency as cell phones, preventing them from making or receiving calls. Jammers operate on different frequencies, and some of them block all jammers at once. They are a great solution for individuals who want to eliminate annoying prank calls and avoid being harassed.

High-end devices are capable of completely blocking multiple cellular networks at once. The best jammers are able to block several different frequencies at once, which makes them very effective against both the cell phone network and the caller. Some models can even be programmed to jam specific frequencies. High-end jammers will be able to block all frequencies at once and can also jam dual or triple mode phones.

TagiTagi: end jammer blocks 
17 maja 202317 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cell phones are wonderful communication tools, but sometimes people misuse them in inappropriate ways. They don't always put them away when they're out in public, or they ignore signs that say they shouldn't be used. A cell phone can even be used as an improvised explosive device, a device that can destroy buildings, cars and even other people. IED jammers can help prevent these attacks and save lives.

Here are some reasons to consider interfering with your phone in public:

It is not illegal to sell, use or modify mobile phone jammers. They are harder to catch. The only reason they are illegal is because most people are selfish and stupid. But that doesn't mean they're useless. Also, you might be surprised to learn that cell phone jammers can be used for both good and bad. These devices work in a variety of ways and can be used to protect you and your family from cellular communications.

Cell phone interference is banned in many countries, but it is allowed in some circumstances. India, for example, has approved the use of signal blocker in mosques, concert venues and schools. However, they must be used with special authorization. In addition, jammers should only be used where safety and security requirements are strict. That makes sense for the safety of law enforcement officers, but it may not make sense for people trying to block cell phone signals.

Desktop  Jammers

If you are traveling and receive frequent unwanted calls, you may want to consider using a signal blocker. These devices can block signals and prevent people trying to spy on you from contacting you. The downside to these devices is that they may interfere with your call reception. In addition, you may come into contact with keyloggers transmitted over public Wi-Fi signals. These devices are not for everyone.

They block cellular data

If you're on a crowded train or worried about cell phone users yelling at you, it might be time to try a cell phone blocker. These devices are useful in many situations, including movie theaters or schools. They also work well on vehicles and other quiet trains. Depending on the type of jammer you buy, they can shut down service up to a mile away.

They interfere with GPS

Having your phone in the background all the time, such as in a pocket or bag, can interfere with your GPS and render it unusable. If you want to avoid being followed while driving, it's best to avoid these situations. gps jamming is illegal in the UK, and if caught, you could be hit with a $16,000 fine. Using a phone jammer to interfere with GPS signals is dangerous and illegal in most countries.

They interfere with WiFi

Have you ever experienced interruptions or intermittent WiFi when using a wireless network? If so, you're not alone. Wi-Fi networks can be affected by adjacent power cables, improperly shielded cables, and external monitors. You can also use a free application called NetSpot to see the signal strength of your wireless network and determine if it is being interfered with. Depending on the cause of the interference, it could be your wireless card or an outdated driver.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

They can be used to deter corporate espionage

Companies should be more vigilant about corporate espionage than identity theft. These spies may steal confidential information about your company or request federal government documents to gain access to your files. It can also make your company vulnerable to freelance espionage. In addition, admitting that your company is threatened by espionage may undermine shareholder confidence and attract freelancers. Similarly, a corporate security breach may cause your stock price to drop.

The cost of cell phone jammers

Cell phone blocker is a device that blocks cell phone signals. The devices could be used in prisons, public places and educational institutions to deter cheaters and limit mobile phone use. These devices block cellular and CDMA phone signals. The cost of cell phone jammers varies depending on the spectrum used by the country/region. Some jammers work on one band, while others work on both.

There are many places to install a signal jammer. These include theaters, classrooms, vehicles, and other quiet trains. Cell phones can be extremely destructive and dangerous, so you may want to consider buying one. However, it is important to understand that the device is not cheap and is an investment. It is important to study the cost of jammers before making a final decision. Fortunately, there are many different types of jammers available for sale, and the cost of each will depend on the capabilities of your device.

TagiTagi: spectrum jamming 
16 maja 202316 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Do you still remember the good times when we didn't have smartphones? How do we communicate with each other? Okay, we always have face-to-face conversations or write letters. Now let's take a look at the phone screen. Various social apps are flooding our lives. We take photos every day, upload them to Facebook, or learn about what others are doing. Of course, it is common to use mobile phones in classrooms, as well as ringing tones in restaurants, theaters, and churches.

Undoubtedly, most offices require internet access, but what about mobile phones? After some research, we found that 50% of managers believe that using mobile phones in the workplace is not good. Using a mobile phone at work can distract your attention. This is why some manufacturers that prohibit the use of mobile phones have abnormally high productivity. Therefore, you should consider using a signal blocker to block signals in order to improve employee work efficiency. We need to take specific measures to make mobile phone usage healthier and more standardized. cell phone jammer have changed the way phones are used.

There are many reasons to purchase a wifi blocker. They not only protect your WiFi network, but also help you track the surrounding environment. With so many types to choose from, it may be difficult to find a type that effectively prevents everyone from entering.

Mobile GPS 5G WIFI signal blocker

The mobile GPS 5G WIFI signal blocker is an important device to prevent receiving wireless signals. Its high output power (up to 30 W per channel) will block the signal used by the phone. The jammer is very powerful and can block signals from any type of mobile phone within a radius of 30 meters. It also has an intelligent cooling system, with 11 cooling fans in the device, four of which are located at the top. The jammer can control the shielding range of the casing through its built-in power setting. Its uninterrupted operation will last for 7 days, and its high output power ensures that users are not affected by any interference from mobile phone signals.

In addition to blocking mobile phone signals, jammers can also block a wide range of other wireless signals. Some popular signal blocker models include Bluetooth, UHF VHF, and 3G/4G frequency bands. These devices are made using the latest technology and can block GPS signals, while being small enough to be hidden in pockets or bags. This multifunctional signal jammer is a portable device that helps you stay away from the dangers of wireless communication.

Here are some common answers to questions about mobile phone jammers.

  • 1. Why do I still receive a complete bar signal during the operation of the signal shield?

  • It takes approximately 30 seconds for the signal shield to completely shield it. Afterwards, your phone will not be able to be dialed or called. This is the question that our clients ask the most. They realized that their phone was displaying false signals.

  • 2. Will signal shields affect the operation of other devices?

  • The signal is relatively stationary and will not interfere with other electronic devices. Most mobile phone blockers not only block phone signals, but also have the function of simultaneously blocking WiFi, Bluetooth, or GPS. If not needed, you can simply remove the antennas to disable them.

  • 3. Are signal shields harmful to human health?

  • You can be certain. The electromagnetic signal strength of the jammer is very weak. The signal strength is harmless to the human body. At the same time, the mobile signal blocker can only block the input signal of the phone, and the phone cannot communicate with the base station, which will not damage the phone.

May 14-May 20, you can get 10% OFF


Is the distance between the internal and external WiFi blockers of the phone different?

Of course, the effective distance of GPS jammers phone signals usually refers to the internal distance. Whether indoors or outdoors, the interference range of the effective shielding distance depends on the environment, such as the distance to the base station and the installation location.

TagiTagi: jammer signal shielding 
15 maja 202315 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you are searching for mobile signal blockers online, you may want to know the legality, price, and how to purchase them in the United States.


Continue reading to discover more information about these products. Here are some benefits of online purchasing:

Legitimacy of Mobile Phone Jammer in the United States

A recent case involving the legality of mobile phone jammers in the United States resulted in a Dallas company being fined $22000. This device is designed to interfere with wireless communication, including 911 and maritime and aviation communication. Unable to authenticate the device and does not comply with FCC technical standards. Therefore, selling or manufacturing these devices is illegal. However, there are also some exceptions to these rules.

The recent case involving two companies accused of illegally manufacturing and selling jammers is a good example. In one case, an electronic product manufacturer named RNM was found using cell phone blocker in their workplace. The FCC imposed a fine of $17000 on the company, plus $5000 for "bad behavior". Ravi's Import Warehouse received a notice of violation and requested the FCC Bureau to reconsider the decision. The FCC's law enforcement department rejected the request for reconsideration based on the company's compliance history.

The cost of mobile phone jammers

If you are looking for a phone jammer, you can find many options online. Many jammers aim to block one or more channels. More expensive models can block multiple signals simultaneously. You can also purchase a cheaper single channel blocker for only one signal. The cheaper models use battery power and can only cover very small areas. They are not as powerful as high-end devices, but they can still help you get rid of phone calls.

Before purchasing a mobile signal blocker, be sure to conduct some investigation. Firstly, you need to check the manufacturer. Find someone who uses three watts of power. Ensure that the jammer is suitable for all major networks. This will ensure that you receive the best value for money product. If you are worried about attracting thieves, please consider investing in a device that can block signals.

May 14-May 20, you can get 10% OFF


Purchase mobile phone jammer

Buying a mobile phone jammer online is not difficult. This will cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars. Their working principle is to block all forms of cellular signals, including mobile phone signals, WiFi, GPS signals, and police radar. Buying and operating them is illegal, but some people still do so. In 2014, a Florida man was fined $48000 for using GPS jammers at work, and a truck driver was fined $32000 for using GPS jammers at the airport. Fortunately, these two situations are rare.

Before purchasing a mobile phone jammer, be sure to conduct research. Most jammers on the market are illegal, so it is important to carefully study them. It may backfire and disrupt your provider's network. Due to the fact that most mobile phone signals are weaker in rural areas than in urban areas, you need to carefully position your device. You can purchase portable devices, car gps jammer, or fixed jammers. Before purchasing a jammer, be sure to check the safety seal on the product.

Mobile network interceptor GSM CDMA 3G 4G GPS, VHF, UHF, WIFI signal jammer

The supplier of mobile signal blockers offers a variety of models, which are very suitable for use in conference rooms, meeting areas, offices, and other spaces. These products can block GSM, CDMA, GPS, VHF, and WiFi signals and can be easily hidden in rooms or vehicles. Each model has a separate frequency control switch that can identify up to 8 active IMSIs and prevent them from receiving signals.

Its high output power jammer has an interference range of 200-300 meters, strong interference ability, and is easy to carry. The jammer adopts an advanced cooling system that can work continuously for a long time and is equipped with a sturdy portable box. This type of jammer can also interfere with six different frequency bands, which allows it to effectively block various mobile phone signals.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

GPS signal blocker

The GPS signal blocker has a small size and exquisite workmanship. It aims to block all current GPS signals without interfering with the normal use of electronic devices. It can be applied to various types of locations. Dual channel shielding technology is more reliable and secure than single channel shielding. This GPS signal blocking device is designed to block signals from mobile phones and GPS devices. This product is easy to use and can be used for various settings.

GPS signal blockers can be used for different purposes, such as home or car safety. It can work independently and simultaneously, creating a shield radius of up to 40 meters. GPS signal blocking devices can block signals from cellular or WiFi networks. It can also protect cars from theft. GPS signal blocking devices are very useful for children, but installing one of them in a car is illegal.


TagiTagi: research cell phone jammers 
12 maja 202312 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Does the endless thump of your neighbor's music drive you nuts? We've been there. Sound can be the most frustrating thing that prevents people from getting a good night's sleep, as it's often difficult to control. For sensitive sleepers, noise can be one of the biggest obstacles to a good night's sleep-even when the noise comes from an understandable source.

Thoughtful family members and roommates will often refuse to watch TV if asked politely. But it's not easy to stop falling asleep to the noise of your neighbor's all-night party. I'm not suggesting that you give up trying to stop the noise at the source if you can. However, sometimes it is more productive to focus on reducing the amount of noise entering the brain when other people are controlling the source of the noise. It's always going to be tough, though, which is the main reason we recommend signal blocker.

One of the many sleep problems older adults experience throughout their lives. Long-term, chronic sleep disorders affect approximately 40 million Americans. Whether your loved one has Alzheimer's or depression, noise syndrome can be a disorder experienced by older adults that leaves them restless throughout the day. Symptoms of this condition usually occur in the late afternoon and evening. Not only can it cause your loved one to have trouble sleeping at night, but it can also lead to behavioral problems. Because of this condition, the home caregiver may experience sleep deprivation, so you may need the home caregiver to assist with care work, including monitoring the elderly at night.


And nothing looks more peaceful than a sleeping child. But even as they curl up in bed, their brains are hard at work with developmental activities like memory consolidation (the process of collating experiences, learning what's important and letting go of what's not).

"[Sleep] is critical for everyone, but especially for children who are developing both physically and mentally," says Dr. Sumit Bhargava, director of the Sleep Center for Healthy Children at Stanford. "We're learning more and more about the effects of sleep on regulating hormones. For example, in children, the period of strongest growth hormone release is shortly after the onset of deep sleep."

Noisy Environments May Also Cause Sleep Disturbances

Dr. Sumit Bhargava recommends keeping your child's room ZZZ-friendly by keeping lighting low and temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21.11 degrees Celsius. If noise is unavoidable, try a white noise or pink noise machine to block out some of the sound.

You may not be able to create a "noise-free" environment for your baby.

So how can you help your baby get a good night's sleep when things get a little rowdy?

A generally quiet bedroom is a sign of a good sleeping environment. Some toddlers are very sensitive to sound, and once you put her to sleep, you may find yourself walking around cautiously! One thing you can do is introduce positive white noise, such as a sound machine, box fan, or lullabies. These also block out general household noise, making it easier for your child to fall asleep.

Therefore, sleep is very important, especially for children. Sadly, just knowing your child needs a good night's sleep doesn't mean they'll get it

  • One of the most important parts of sleep hygiene is routine. When you think of routine, time and place come to mind, but sound should also be included. Sleeping should be the same every night, and white noise helps with the audio portion of this routine. It will create a unique sound environment for your child, soothe them and give them a good night's sleep.

  • If your child is having a hard time at night, it's important to figure out whether it's the noise or the nightmare.

  • If your child had nightmares or didn't sleep well the night before, you can ask them about it in the morning. If they can talk about a nightmare, you can help them come up with some alternate ending or some other imagery instead of focusing. Explain to them that nightmares are a product of their imagination and reassure them that they are safe. Sleepwalking and night terrors occur during slow-wave sleep. They occur in the first third of the sleep cycle, and the dreamer does not remember them.

This step is arguably the more dramatic one, and won't win you any friends: If your neighbors keep getting loud in disrespectful ways, you can call your local authority's noise pollution unit. This varies by country, but may be the only way to handle Sunday morning construction work or constant late night parties. Checking the laws where you live can help you prepare your case. Go online to find out when builders can use power tools, when signal phone jammer can be used, how late music can be played on the street.

Sleep problems tend to create a vicious cycle, and noise is no exception. The stress of being kept awake by the noise can itself become the worry that keeps you awake. This worry can become a reason for not being able to sleep. If the person or object making the sound gets your blood boiling and fills you with anger, that's not conducive to a good night's sleep, either. In short, it's hard to sleep when your head is full of angry thoughts. If you are a sensitive person prone to stress and anxiety, it may not be easy to let go. Try a new approach of forgiving (or at least tolerating) whoever or whatever is making the noise, and using the gps jamming device to fight back.

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TagiTagi: jammer immune noise 
11 maja 202311 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy is a top-rated store that offers signal jammers for sale. This store has become one of the most trusted sources to purchase signal jammers due to its excellent customer service, high-quality products, and affordable prices. Whether you want a jammer for your personal use or business needs, Perfectjammer is the perfect solution.

  One of the best things about shopping at is that they have a wide range of jamming signal available for sale. They offer cell phone jammers, GPS jammers, WiFi blockers, and many others. All their products are designed to provide users with maximum efficiency in blocking signals from unwanted devices. Moreover, they offer different models with varying ranges so customers can choose the best product according to their needs.

  It's important to note that all signal jammer device sold by are legal and certified by international standards.

Power Adjustable Jammer

  Signal jammers are electronic devices that block communication signals within a specific range. These devices have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of wireless communication technology. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including law enforcement operations, military operations, and personal privacy protection.

  One of the main reasons to use signal gps jamming is for security and safety reasons. Law enforcement agencies often use signal jammers during high-risk operations such as hostage situations or prison breaks to prevent suspects from communicating with each other or outside parties. Military personnel also rely on these devices in combat situations where enemy communications must be disrupted.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

  Additionally, signal jammers can be used by individuals seeking to protect their privacy. With the increasing number of wireless devices around us, it has become easier than ever for hackers and cybercriminals to intercept our personal information through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals.


  Signal jammers play an important role in ensuring privacy and security in various settings. From government agencies to private individuals, signal jammers are used to block unauthorized access to communication devices. A signal phone jammer is a device that emits radio waves at the same frequency as the targeted device, causing interference and rendering the device useless.



TagiTagi: cell phone signal blocker 
10 maja 202310 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

With the rapid development of the economy, mobile phones have become an important part of our daily life. Now, it is normal for people to use mobile phones wherever they go. However, the widespread use of mobile phones has also brought us many security risks. For example, if you use your mobile phone while driving, you may be too busy with your mobile phone to concentrate on driving and cause a traffic accident. Now, if there is a jamming signal nearby that can block cell phone signal reception in a certain area, all these problems will no longer exist!

  • The Internet keeps us updated; we follow the news on Twitter and Facebook; and TV shows are readily available via DVR and on-demand services.

  • While our access to information enhances our ability to live in a globally connected world, information is always available.

  • Unfortunately, this also means that people are often distracted by information. One of the biggest distractions of the 21st century is the cell phone.

  • In class, one random phone call or text could cause all students to lose focus - and their grades would drop; if you're traveling, phone conversations and other activities could slow or hinder your progress; Quiet is necessary for worship

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

Life would be easier without a cell phone. And it's not just because it's true: cell phone blocker are such a useful invention because these devices protect you from the noise of your neighbors, allowing you to make phone calls or play games in peace! Cell phone jammers make everyday Easier life: If you're sitting on a bus and want to listen to music through your headphones, you can use the gsm signal jammer to mute the loud music of the person in front of you. It works so well that you barely notice him -- not even his expression, not even his facial expression.

Nowadays, mobile phones have become digital products in daily life, and people can communicate through mobile phones at any time. With the development of society, mobile phones will become more and more popular in the future. From this point of view, mobile phone jammers will become more and more popular in the future.

There are many other possibilities for using a cell phone jammer:

for example, an employer may want to avoid conversations in (or around) the office; or you may want to lie on the beach with your family instead of talking over a loudspeaker.

So it's important to understand this. The mobile phone jammer can not only block calls from mobile phones, but also block calls from any other electronic products. Jammers are commonly used by police and military forces to control or interrupt communications in the event of hostage-taking and bomb threats.

Cell phone jammers for sale are very popular in many countries, but their effective range is limited by the coverage area of the network and the strength of the cell phone signal of nearby base stations. So what should I do when I want to take control of my privacy?

  1. The main reason people use gps signal jammer is to block the GPS signal, but there are other reasons as well.

  2. Some people want to protect their privacy by jamming the satellite navigation systems that monitor them and record their whereabouts.

  3. Others buy these devices to keep their phones from being tracked, which can be inconvenient or even dangerous (if you're being tracked, for example).

  4. A third reason might be that they don't want to be tracked -- for example, someone who works at an airport might want to prevent airlines from knowing where they go after get off work at night.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

As we all know, everyone's life is inseparable from mobile phones. When you are in class or in the office, someone is playing mobile games, making phone calls with others, and disturbing others. To solve this problem, we use a cell phone jammer.

Cell phone jammers have become a useful and important device in the daily life of many people. They can block cell phone traffic, thereby affecting radio calls by bystanders.

A signal blocker device is a device that blocks the transmission of cell phone signals. It is a small electronic device that blocks all signals from cell phones within a certain range. The device has different power levels as required. Once activated, the system will automatically block all signals in its vicinity. So you don't have to worry about the problem with your phone anymore.

Learned knowledge. If you want to get rid of annoying calls, or want to work in peace, I suggest you get a cell phone jammer now!

If you're thinking of buy jammers for your phone, always remember: there's no perfect solution! No matter which variant you choose - they all have drawbacks. Therefore, before you buy, you should consider whether it is really necessary and whether its advantages are worth paying for it.


09 maja 202309 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz1 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In today's world, isolation is very difficult. The internet keeps us updated; We follow news on Twitter and Facebook; It is easy to obtain TV programs through DVR and on-demand services. Although our access to information enhances our ability to live in a globally connected world, information is always available. Unfortunately, this also means that people are often distracted by information. One of the biggest disruptions in the 21st century is mobile phones. In class, a random phone call or text message may cause all students to lose concentration - their grades may also decrease; If you are traveling, phone conversations and other activities may slow down or hinder your progress; Silence is necessary for worship - but today, its jammer phone is a device that blocks the reception of phone signals, preventing the use of wireless devices such as smartphones and smartphones.

GPS jammer is a device that emits radio signals within the same frequency range as GPS satellites. These devices, known as jammers, may damage or damage the GPS receiver and create dangerous situations in your vehicle. You can use these devices to block GPS, but you should only use them in extreme situations as they may cause serious accidents. The most common use of jammers is to block signals from mobile phones or other electronic devices that track your location. If you want to prevent your employer or government agency from tracking your phone without your knowledge, you can use a gps jamming. When you try to avoid using toll roads or lanes while on vacation, the jammer will also come in handy.

Power Adjustable Jammer

The GPS jammer used for vehicles is usually a small independent frequency transmitter. The GPS jammer is usually a small independent frequency transmitter. This means that GPS jammers can be as small as your phone or larger devices installed in your car or truck.

Before starting to use a GPS jammer, please ensure that it is legal to do so in your country. If using GPS jammers is illegal, the consequences of violating this law are very serious.

In addition to knowing what is legal and what is not, there are other things you should know before using a GPS jammer.

  • How does it work? What is its transmission frequency?

  • How much power does it consume? When should I close or reopen it?

  • Who can hear my voice when I use a GPS jammer (phone jammer)? Can they use a mobile tracking application to track my location?

How long will GPS tracker jammers affect signal quality?

The GPS signal jammer interferes with the GPS signal, usually a small independent frequency transmitter. This device must be manually turned on and off, but it can be used to block GPS signals of specific frequencies.

They are usually used to prevent conversations from being overheard by others or to prevent phone calls from being made in disallowed places such as cinemas. In some countries/regions, there are laws prohibiting their use. In most cases, these blockers can block any type of GSM phone signal, including 2G, 3G, 4G LTE, etc., depending on the model you purchased.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

High power signal blocker is a unique device that can prevent mobile phones from receiving signals from base stations. They are usually used by the police and military to control communication during hostage taking and bomb threats.

But there are many other possibilities for using mobile phone jammers: for example, employers may want to avoid conversations in the office (or around); Or you may want to lie on the beach with your family instead of talking through a loudspeaker.

Therefore, it is important to understand this. Mobile phone gsm blocker can not only block calls from mobile phones, but also block calls from any other electronic product.


08 maja 202308 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Can signal blocker really block all signals?

Although the time for the college entrance examination has indeed been delayed due to the pandemic in recent times, corresponding measures have not been reduced in order to ensure the safety of the examination room details. Operators have actually released news one after another. During the exam, according to the needs of the Education Bureau, the cordless signal wifi blocker will definitely be turned on, which will inevitably affect the interaction quality of mobile phone users throughout the school. Communication will not return to normal until the end of the test. What are the characteristics of the signal blocking device for the entire process of the college entrance examination? The invigilator at the entrance of the examination room waved a metal detector. Is it really useful?

To understand the function of blocking mobile phone signals, let's first understand how mobile communication works.

As a mobile communication tool, mobile phones need to first establish a link with nearby base stations, and then connect to the core network to discover interactive destinations. In the above process, all information is carried and transmitted by electromagnetic waves. The frequency band of electromagnetic waves used in mobile phones is related to the requirements of the phone and the operator. But overall, the electromagnetic wave patterns used by the three major operators are distributed in the frequency range of 850-4900MHz. If the organizer of the college entrance examination wants to block the mobile phone signal inside the examination room, the 2G/3G/4G/5G base station near the evaluation room cannot be disabled, otherwise all communication devices in this area will not have the ability to connect normally. This is the only way to block mobile phone signals in the exam area.

The most popular 8 band jammers

High power mobile phone jammer, also known as mobile radio signal jammers, are types of devices used to disperse and interfere with almost all incoming signals from relevant network service providers, so only certain devices have resistance to this, most of which are unlikely to be encountered by you no matter what. A high-power mobile phone blocker is an electronic device that can block mobile phone signals within a specific radius range. A high-power mobile phone blocker is an electronic device that can block mobile phone signals within a specific radius range. It blocks high range signals. It is very simple to use to block movement signals. High power mobile phone blockers can block signals up to 40 meters long.

When it comes to blocking smartphone signals, the first thing that comes to mind is metal reinforcement, which means placing the phone in a closed steel box and using steel to block the spread of electromagnetic waves. However, it is clearly unwise to set all levels of the evaluation area to metal enclosed levels. So what should we do? It's very simple, just a small mobile signal gsm blocker is needed to block all smartphone signals in the exam room.

The smartphone signal blocker checks the RF frequency band of the forward channel (base station to mobile phone network) at a certain speed throughout the entire working process, causing interference during the process of obtaining messages through the smartphone signal, ensuring that the smartphone cannot detect signals from the base station. Typical data transmission makes it impossible to establish a link with the base station, and there is also a state of no signal or solution. For example, when a mobile phone interacts with a base station, the signal blocker acts like an instigator, deliberately making sounds around you. The sound signal is too loud, and the phone cannot hear what the base station is saying, nor can the base station hear what the phone is saying.

Desktop  Jammers

At present, the mobile signal blockers used in the evaluation area are in the regular frequency band, which can block all the 2G/3G/4G/5G frequency bands of operators, as well as all Wi Fi and Bluetooth signals. The above is the concept of a mobile phone signal gps blocker. However, the frequency range of electromagnetic waves ranges from a few Hz to hundreds of GHz, and each segment can be used as a signal for interaction. Will the evaluation room use some special regular frequency bands? This applies to various other radio communication tools, as well as radio interaction devices with fixed frequency bands that have emerged in this situation. The operating frequency band of these devices is selected outside the regular array covered by the mobile phone jammer,

For this special radio communication equipment, the assessment room is equipped with a monitoring vehicle equipped with a radio display for real-time monitoring of unknown radio wave signals. So how precise is the function of a radio detector?

  1. Due to the characteristic of electromagnetic waves being "large in the near and small in the far", by constantly moving the detection vehicle, tracking tools can locate the signal transmitter based on the distance and signal strength, and catch violators using these radio interaction tools on the spot.

  2. Nowadays, drones have truly appeared in the college entrance examination area, allowing for faster signal delivery.


TagiTagi: enabling wifi blockers 
05 maja 202305 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

There are actually several reasons why someone may want to use a signal jammer. For example, services can use them to prevent employees from accessing the internet or using their phones during working hours. The military and police can use them to prevent terrorists and even scammers from communicating during missions. People may use them to block excessive phone calls and even prevent drones from flying over their location.

Although signal jammers pose risks, they may be beneficial in certain situations. For example, they can be used to avoid drones flying over limited locations, such as military bases or personal property. They can also be easily used to avoid unnecessary phone calls or message messages from telemarketers and fraudsters.

A jamming device is actually a device used to interrupt or even block wireless communication signals, including Wi Fi, mobile phones, and GPS signals. Its working principle is to emit radio surges of the same frequency as the target signal, effectively suppressing it and making it meaningless. Although signal jammers can easily come into play in certain situations, they can also be illegal, unsafe, and even fully utilized.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The form of signal jammer equipment

There are actually many types of jammer devices on the market, each with its own characteristics and functions. The most popular type of signal jammer is actually handheld devices, which are very small and easy to move, and can also be used to interfere with signals in specific areas. Another type is computer jammer, which is actually developed to handle larger areas and can be used in buildings, classrooms, and even conference rooms. In fact, there are also in car jammers that can be used to block signals from moving cars, trucks, or vehicles. Get more information about the signal jammer devices that are most likely to access the network link.

Several of the most common interference devices include:

  1. Mobile phone jammer: best cell phone jammer is actually developed to interfere with mobile phone signals, making it impossible for the phone to make or even answer calls.

  2. GPS jammer: The mini gps jammer aims to block the actual GPS signal obtained from devices that support GPS. These devices are often used by bad people to prevent their location from being tracked by the police.

  3. Bluetooth jammer: Bluetooth jammer is developed to interfere with Bluetooth signals, preventing devices from connecting to each other through Bluetooth.

  4. Drone jammer: Drone jammer is developed to interfere with drone signals, making it impossible for drones to connect to each other through signals.

  5. Wi Fi jammer: Wi Fi jammer is actually used to interrupt Wi Fi signals, making it difficult for devices to connect to the network through Wi Fi.

One such website is Perfectjammer. The website sells a wide range of jamming devices, including GPS jammers, Wi Fi jammers, bluetooth jammer, and mobile phone jammers.

According to Perfectjammer, their interference devices are actually designed to be easy to use and efficient. They claim that their device can interfere with wireless interaction within a range of approximately 20 specifications, depending on the signal's endurance.

Signal jammers can be used for various legitimate and illegal purposes. Legitimate uses include using precision tools to prevent interference, protecting the privacy of personal conversations, and ensuring the security of high-risk areas. For example, signal jammers can be used behind prisons to prevent criminals from making unauthorized phone calls or accessing the internet.

On the contrary, signal jammers can be used for destructive purposes, such as disrupting social interaction systems, obstructing emergency solutions to accidents, or potentially shutting down interactive institutions under military pressure. This is why signal jammers are strictly controlled in many countries, and their use is usually limited to specific government agencies and authorized personnel. You can visit our website to obtain some high-quality radio signal jammers.


TagiTagi: phone jammer device 
04 maja 202304 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Signal jammers can be used for both legal and illegal purposes. Legitimate uses include blocking vulnerable devices, protecting personal privacy while chatting, and ensuring security in dangerous locations. For example, signal jammers can be used in prisons to prevent criminals from making unauthorized phone calls or even accessing the internet.

Alternatively, jamming signal can be used for malicious purposes, such as disrupting social interaction units, obstructing emergency solutions, or closing military interaction agencies. This is why signal jammers are strictly controlled in many countries, and their use is usually limited to specific government agencies and licensed personnel. You can visit our website to purchase some advanced wireless signal blockers.

8 Bands Jammer

Type of signal jammer equipment

There are many types of jammer devices on the market, each with its own unique functions and capabilities. The best typical form of signal jammers is actually handheld devices, which are compact and mobile, and can be easily used to interfere with signals in specific areas. Another type is a personal computer jammer, which is created to handle larger locations and can be easily used in homes, classrooms, and even conference rooms. In fact, there are also onboard jammers that can be used to block signals in moving vehicles or vehicles. For more detailed information about signal jammer devices, please visit the link.

Some of the most commonly used interference devices include:

  • 1. Mobile phone jammer: The development purpose of handheld jammer is to disrupt mobile signals, making it impossible for the phone to make or even answer calls.

  • 2.GPS jammer: gps jamming is used to prevent GPS signals from being received by devices that support GPS. These devices are often used by criminals to prevent their websites from being tracked by the police.

  • 3. Wi Fi jammer: wifi jamming are actually designed to interrupt Wi Fi signals, preventing devices from connecting to the network through Wi Fi.

  • 4.Bluetooth jammer: Bluetooth jammers are created to disrupt Bluetooth signals and prevent devices from connecting to each other through Bluetooth.

A signal jammer is actually a device used to interrupt or block wireless interactive signals (including Wi Fi, mobile, and GPS signals). Its working principle is to emit radio transmissions at exactly the same frequency as the target signal, effectively overturning it and rendering it unusable. Although signal jammers may be practical under specific conditions, they may actually be fully utilized in other illegal and potentially risky ways.

In fact, there may be multiple reasons why someone may intend to use signal jammers. For example, companies can use all of these to prevent employees from accessing the internet or using their phones during working hours. Armed forces and rule management agencies may use all of these to prevent revolutionaries or criminals from communicating in the program. People may use them to block unnecessary phone calls, and even prevent drones from flying over their mass.

Even if there are hazards associated with signal jammers, they may still be beneficial in certain situations. For example, they can be used to prevent drones from flying over restricted areas, such as military bases or personal property. They can also be used to prevent unwanted phone calls, even text messages from telemarketers and fraudsters.

Utilizes of Signal Jammers



TagiTagi: blocker interrupts phone 
03 maja 202303 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Signal jammers can be used for both legal and illegal purposes. Legitimate uses include using sensitive tools to avoid interference, protecting personal privacy during personal conversations, and ensuring surveillance in hazardous areas. For example, jammer device can actually be used in prisons to prevent prisoners from making unauthorized phone calls or even accessing the network.

At the same time, signal jammers can be used for malicious purposes, including disrupting social communication systems, disrupting unexpected emergency solutions, and even shutting down communication devices in the military. This is why signal jammers are highly controlled in many countries, and their use is usually limited to specific government agencies and licensed personnel. You can browse our website to obtain first-class radio signal jammers.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

One such website is Perfectjammer. This website provides a variety of jamming devices, including GPS jammers, Wi Fi jammers, bluetooth jammer, and mobile jammers. According to Perfectjammer, their interference devices are designed to be easy to use and very successful. They claim that their device may interrupt wireless communication within a distance of up to 20 meters, depending on the strength of the signal.

Some of the most typical interference devices include:

1. GPS jammer: Creating a gps signal jammer is to prevent GPS signal acquisition through devices that support GPS. These devices are usually used by bad people to avoid their location being actually tracked by the police.

2. Wi Fi jammer: Wi Fi jammer is used to interfere with Wi Fi signals, preventing devices from connecting to the internet through Wi Fi.

3. Bluetooth jammer: The development of a Bluetooth jammer is to interrupt Bluetooth signals, making it difficult for devices to connect to each other through Bluetooth.

4. Mobile phone jammer: The mobile phone jammer is actually designed to interrupt the phone signal, making it impossible for the phone to make or even answer calls.

A signal jammer is a device used to interfere or even block wireless communication signals such as Wi Fi, mobile phones, and GPS signals. Its function is to emit electromagnetic radiation with exactly the same frequency as the target signal, appropriately suppressing it and making it meaningless. Although signal jammers may be useful in specific situations, they can also easily become illegal and pose risks if used improperly.

In fact, there are many reasons why individuals may wish to use signal jammers. For example, services can use all of these to prevent employees from accessing the World Wide Web or even using their phones during working hours. The army and legislative management companies can use them to prevent terrorists or fraudsters from communicating during operations. People may use them to block unwanted phones or prevent drones from flying over their mass.

Although signal jammers pose a threat, they are easily applied in specific situations. For example, they can actually be used to prevent drones from flying over limited areas, including armed forces bases and even personal property. They can also be used to avoid unwelcome phone calls or text messages from telemarketers and fraudsters.

Various signal jammer devices

There are actually various forms of jammer devices on the market, each with its unique characteristics and functions. The most common type of signal jammer is portable devices, which are small in size and easy to carry, and can be used to interfere with signals at specific locations. Another type is a computer jammer, which is actually created to handle larger areas and can also be used in buildings, classrooms, or conference rooms. In fact, there are also onboard jammers that can be used to block signals in moving cars or vehicles. For more information about signal jammer devices, please visit the link.

Utilizes of Signal Jammers

17 marca 202317 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If civilians are bombed by the phone of the fraudster or need quiet time, the mobile phone jammer can prevent the phone from answering.The researchers also pointed out that North Korea seems to be testing its jammer, operating under various transmission power and frequency and jamming interval.Enhanced Roland improved the previous Roland system by using updated equipment, signals and operating procedures.This is because the Automatic Identification System (AIS) for collision avoidance and traffic management of large ships will transmit position data according to GPS output.In other countries, law enforcement agencies and government agencies are widely allowed to use signal shields.

The GPS jammers sends stronger signals to the cell phone tower, mimics and controls your phone, and cuts off communication between your mobile device and the cell phone tower.In some countries, as long as the safety rules are observed, some civil organizations and individuals are even allowed to use signal jammers under specific circumstances.Other quiet places, such as libraries and theaters, may use cell phone jammers to prevent visitors' phones from ringing.If the protective sleeve is useful, it should be stored in a dry and well ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt mist and harmless gases.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Emergency personnel, firefighters, police and all medical service pagers use different frequency bands to chat with ordinary mobile phones.For these reasons, many countries have banned signal jammers in most cases or they can prevent employees from using mobile phones to send and receive messages during working hours.This prevents devices such as microphones, GPS trackers, and cameras from transmitting data to malicious participants.If the civilians are bombed by the phone of the liar or need quiet time, the mobile phone jammer can prevent the phone from answering.The Korean government hopes to work closely with Russia and China in the near future to expand the coverage of eLoran in Northeast Asia.

In February, President Trump issued an executive order on the use of current positioning, navigation and time service.This will make your device invisible, protect you from tracking, unnecessary cold calls, and protect your information.This not only helps protect you and any passengers from unnecessary prying, but also ensures the safety of any cargo transported and prevents security loopholes.They use the same principles as the aforementioned devices to block signals and protect your devices from attack and tracking.In some countries, even some civil society organizations and individuals are allowed to use signal shields under certain circumstances as long as they comply with the safety guidelines.

The signal blocker can prevent mobile phones and other devices from communicating with the outside world.You can use signal jammer without interfering with communications with law enforcement and emergency personnel.If the protective sleeve is useful, it should be stored in a dry and well ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt mist and harmless gases.These devices usually do not attract attention, and their application can prevent you from being discovered in secret.Signals using blocking and jamming tracking technology can give you an advantage in tactical scenarios.Security is very important for all of us, which is more applicable in the technical sense than ever before.

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TagiTagi: run jammer 
16 marca 202316 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS satellite positioning system refers to the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) with the US military communication satellite as the carrier and the ground support device as the main body.GPS tracking technology devices are used to gather some information about who drives their cars, how often they don't drive society, and how long they drive themselves every day.Third, there are spoofed devices that hide your vehicle's real presence mainly by sending some false signals to the information of the device that tracks its location (for example, when someone tries to track it on Google Maps).With the wide variety of car tracking devices on the market today, it's no surprise that some people are concerned about how well their vehicles can be tracked.

GPS satellite signal series products can help you solve these problems because the GPS satellite positioning system has a very wide range of positioning functions, which can cover the whole earth and is an ideal location information service system.By blocking GPS tracking in your car, you effectively ensure that no one can gain access to this data without the prior permission of the car owner! Portable jammers use noise or repeater technology to transmit jammers and high-concentration signals to radar or receivers.You can't get around this by placing it somewhere you can't see it while driving (like under the bumper) - the law says that any device must be visible at all times while driving.

This powerful device can easily block the signal from GPS satellites by emitting a continuous high-power RF signal so that no one can get it just by the GPS receiver built into the phone or the receiver module mounted on drones and ships etc.In the US and Canada, for example, it is perfectly acceptable for anyone, even a thief, to use a GPS blocking device in their car if they have one.Positioning accuracy of 10 to 100 meters, can be used for vehicles, ships, aircraft and other mobile equipment.There are some items that need to be installed inside the vehicle, outside and, if appropriate to your needs, those with a wider reach.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

As we work with clients around the world, law enforcement administrations and the military, we can ask all of our student potential clients in a business to analyze their own research primarily on their geolocation information and make informed decisions before ordering and using them as well.You should also know that some people use their mobile phones or computers to spy on others and steal information from others.This will make your device invisible, protect you from tracking, unnecessarily cold calls, and protect your information.If you use your mobile phone as a tool, it can protect you from cyber criminals, thieves, and even stalkers! Tools are also great things like cooking and cleaning: they make these tasks easier and more interesting.

First, you can use these so-called "jammers"-devices that emit radio waves at frequencies very similar to those used and used by GPS trackers and other enterprise devices.In order to protect our private information, GPS satellite signal jammer emerge as the times require so that people‘s privacy can be better protected from being snooped on or eavesdropped on by uninvited guests.You can choose products for specific purposes, such as mobile phone jammers, or other products suitable for a variety of devices and GPS signals.This is why some areas ban or restrict the use of these products in public places, as they can cause serious interference with air navigation systems or emergency communication signals, such as police patrol cars and fire trucks that run on gasoline engines (so-called gasoline cars).

This information management could have implications for sale or sharing with third-party platforms without the driver's knowledge, which could expose you to different identity theft or fraud if thieves gain access control of this data.The GPS jammer sends a stronger signal to the cell tower, mimics and controls your phone, and cuts off communication between your mobile device and the cell tower.If you are looking for some convenient and portable belongings, GPS jammers and portable mobile phone jammer are the best for you.What is a GPS satellite signal jammer?First of all, we need to know what a GPS satellite positioning system is.

If you don't want others to know your location, prevent GPS tracking devices from accessing your vehicle's location data.Having the best GPS jammers can prevent the leakage of precious and expensive information, protect your location, privacy and so on.Our equipment can not only ensure personal safety, but also can be used to improve the efficiency of classrooms and other workplaces.Whenever we use the map feature to get anywhere or log on to a public wifi, we are immediately affected by data planting, tracking, etc.For example, if you want to protect yourself from cybercriminals and hackers, you can use this tool.

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TagiTagi: gps positioning system 
15 marca 202315 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Jammers are an essential part of any security system, and multifunctional jammers provide the most complete protection possible.The person who proposed this request should have confused the function of mobile phone spyware or Trojan with the function of mobile phone signal shielding.We provide replacement parts, such as new antennas, batteries, and chargers, so you can get your device back to work.However, the common spyware APP software or trojan programs should first show their concealment and deception, so that users can not find them quickly.Although our products are reliable and professionally manufactured, their use over time can lead to wear and tear of parts.

wifi jammer work by emitting a signal that interferes with the signal between a WiFi device and a WiFi router, thereby preventing the device from being able to connect to the internet.Safety and security are very important for all of us, and this is more applicable in a technical sense than ever before.The so-called mobile phone signal shielding means that the mobile phone can not complete normal communication with the base station at all.The mobile phone displays no signal, no network, unable to answer and make calls normally, unable to send and receive SMS messages, and unable to use data traffic.What's more, some people even hope to have such an APP software that can remotely block the mobile signal of specific mobile phone numbers.

8 Bands Jammer Device

cell phone jammer are ideal for people who want to block all communication, but they will also prevent emergency calls from getting through.Signal jammers have many practical uses, and anti-terrorism forces usually use these devices to destroy the telephone trigger of explosive devices.Therefore, such APP software will not significantly change the original working state and performance of the mobile phone when running, and the mobile phone itself can also communicate with the outside world normally.If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to your shielding needs, a multifunctional signal jammer is the way to go.

signal jammer are devices that emit powerful electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the proper functioning of electronic equipment.A multifunctional signal jammer is the clear choice for anyone who needs to shield against multiple frequencies.Multifunctional jammers also tend to have a better reputation among users, as they are often seen as more reliable and durable.They are more effective at blocking a wider range of frequencies, making them ideal for use in crowded areas or against more sophisticated opponents.Effectiveness and Reputation of Multifunctional Signal Jammers Compared to Single Function Ones When it comes to signal to jam, multifunctional units are the clear choice over single-function ones.

As a company that strives to provide people with the privacy they deserve, we want to ensure that we do not get hurt by buying our products.These types of signal jammers are often used in situations where it is necessary to block multiple types of communication, such as in prisons or schools.Multifunctional signal jammers are the clear choice for shielding against multiple types of electronic signals because they offer superior protection against all kinds of signals.WiFi signal jammers are great for preventing people from using your internet connection, but they won't stop cell phones from working.GPS jammers can be used to prevent tracking devices from working, but they may also interfere with other navigation devices like car GPS units.

In real life, no APP software can provide the function of shielding mobile phone signals for others' mobile phones.The modern-day digital world is a world full of resources that have embedded specific functions, or ranges within them.Therefore, space shielding equipment like signals cannot be too much shielded, which is why it may seem imperative to use a multifunctional signal jammer.Multifunctional signal jammers are an important part of any comprehensive security system, providing an extra layer of protection against unwanted communications.There are a variety of different types of jammers on the market, each designed to work against a specific type of signal.

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TagiTagi: full protection 
14 marca 202314 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best ways to block wifi signal jammer during the World Cup.You should also know that some people use their mobile phones or computers to spy on others and steal information from others.This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output.Ships in Russian waters are disguised as inland airports, ships in Chinese ports are reported to be inland and maneuvering inside government buildings, and ships in parts of the world broadcast their positioning circles thousands of miles away in Northern California.

The recent use of jammers to jam signals has been a topic of heated discussions.Additionally, signal jamming can disrupt an athlete's GPS tracking system, which could impact their performance if they rely on this technology.While the effects of signal jamming on athletes have not been extensively studied, it is possible that it could lead to a number of adverse effects.The use of jammers to jam signals has been on the rise in recent years, and with the 2022 World Cup set to be held in Qatar, it is likely that their use will increase.While the short-term effects of using a jammer are not fully known, long-term exposure could lead to more serious health problems.

The most popular 8 band jammers

In order to do so, Qatar is planning to install wifi jammer throughout the country to prevent any remotely detonated bombs from being set off.Therefore, you always have to consider that using a jammer will also cut off your cell phone traffic because the radio frequencies interfered with by the jammer make it possible to make calls from your cell phone.In order to protect our private information, GPS satellite signal jammers emerge as the times require so that people‘s privacy can be better protected from being snooped on or eavesdropped on by uninvited guests.

So while military signal jammers may be disruptive to some fans' experience, they could also save lives.Protection from GPS Jammers and Jammers In areas of particular safety relevance, the use of advanced technology can reduce the effects of GPS jammers.This technology is less practical for logistics and transportation, trade, construction, or service companies that use GPS tracking to track cars, trucks, or construction machinery in their fleets.If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases.Frequent use of jammers to jam signals on athletes At the World Cup, jammers will be used to block signals from devices like phones and GPS trackers.

To address this threat, Russia deployed a number of anti-drone systems around the stadiums and other areas where the tournament was taking place.The tracker supports so-called cell phone location (also known as GSM location or cell phone location) as an alternative.Because buying GPS jammers (cheap devices can be ordered online for less than $37 from most dubious suppliers) and using them can create jamming.While it remains to be seen how exactly this will affect the outcome of the tournament, one thing is for sure: it will be interesting to see how teams adapt to this new challenge.With so many teams and countries relying on technology to give them an edge, the playing field will be leveled out somewhat by the use of these devices.

This can make it difficult for them to coordinate strategies and can also lead to confusion in the heat of competition.The loss in performance of athletes during a game will be due to the loss of physical and mental agility.There are many types of signal jammers, but the most common are cell phone jammer, GPS jammers, and WiFi jammers.Cell phone jammers work by creating a signal that is stronger than the signal from the cell tower, which prevents the phone from connecting to the tower.GPS jammers work by creating a signal that is stronger than the signal from the GPS satellite, which prevents the GPS receiver from getting a signal.

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TagiTagi: increased use jammers 
13 marca 202313 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Some jammers act like a screamer, shouting in the ears of people trying to eavesdrop.You can hear them jumping on the wall when you walk across the room.The key to good communication with teenagers is to talk in a familiar and comfortable way.Regardless of the problems, UAVs will remain in the civilian field.However, UAVs can raise effective safety issues in public activities or safety facilities.Don't let communication tools take up too much of your time.UAV 4G signal jammer is a way for security professionals and law enforcement departments to prevent UAVs from harming our security and privacy.

It is reported that the Russians used this technology to interfere with the US low-altitude surveillance drones in the 2018 Syrian conflict; It is unclear whether this caused them to crash or deviate from orbit.Find the right way to communicate with family and friends.Buying a portable mobile phone signal blocker will be a good way for you.There are dozens of uav jammer available for public use.When carrying explosives or artillery payloads, they may cause injury.Or they use them to bump into buildings or act as remote "peepers".What can we do to reduce information loss? We advocate the correct use of smartphones in this modern society.

8 Bands Jammer Device

On a larger scale, many of our military and civilian infrastructures rely on wireless communications.This is the purpose of the jammer! In order to defeat hackers, a multi-function signal jammer will be a good tool.For these reasons, the jammers that hinder the remote control signals of UAVs are of great concern.The cell phone jammer can be used to prevent anyone from using the mobile phone within the effective blocking range.Think of it this way: If you bring a group of people into that big room, it will drown whispers and secret noises.Therefore, blocking the radio signal will make the UAV useless.

For complete details on these jammers, select the link listed with each description.This is why a portable mobile phone signal blocker is widely used in our daily life.However, the target customers are certainly law enforcement.They can capture images of you and your personal property.Especially for young people, we should say no to the waste of time.This is the mission of this portable mobile phone signal blocker.Most UAVs have high-resolution cameras, which may infringe on your privacy.Say no to the waste of time in the mobile phone world from now on.This is the signal jammer of our online store, which can help you.According to its programming, the UAV will land on the ground or land.Depending on the type of signal you want to block, the jammer will generate enough noise to scatter the remaining wavelengths.This new stranger, no matter where they are in the room, can hear all your secrets.

Recently, it was reported that hackers tried to obtain private sector data by any necessary means to prevent creative hackers.Sometimes people may think that any hotel's WiFi connection problem (whether it belongs to our hotel or not) is caused by hotel congestion.It was also reported that Russia used GPS jammers on its eastern border, which led to the interruption of Latvia's telephone system and the loss of GPS signals of aircraft in the region.Bruce Hoffmeister, the chief information officer of Marriott, communicated on the issue of WiFi shielding through a prefabricated press statement.They seem to go hand in hand with another technology used by cartels: aerial drones.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

In its least worrisome form, UAVs are a public hazard.The hotel's policy under our management prohibits shielding under any circumstances, and the shielding function in the network has been disabled.For this article, Marriott spokesman shared the following statement with great caution: as we stated, we will not block the Wi Fi signal of any hotel under our management for any reason wifi jammer.These uses are illegal, but as we know, motivated criminals are unlikely to reconsider the law and FCC regulations.Unfortunately, these signals are vulnerable to another type of wireless device: a signal jammer.The information transmitted during the radio communication session includes the SIGINT result, that is, the detected frequency, the rated power of the transmitter, the direction of the radio transmission source, and the type of data transmission.

Pilots on the ground remotely control unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).Small commercial UAVs have been used to monitor territory, especially at night with the help of thermal imagers.It is a WiFi alliance purported to solve the problem of WiFi congestion for the International Association of Site Managers and the American Gaming Association.They were also weaponized to throw explosives at their targets, a tactic previously used by the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations in the Middle East.To get to the point, jammers have become a viral tool among Mexican drug trafficking groups.Therefore, some people saw that cartel members wore portable signal gsm jammer, which would interfere with nearby UAV uplink and cellular and radio communications.

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TagiTagi: jammer technolog 
11 marca 202311 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The range of a personal cell phone jammer can be from 10 meters to 100 meters.This will cause interference and will block the Wi-Fi signal.GSM mobile jammer is a device that transmits signals to the same frequency.In many countries today, only the use of such jammers is illegal - it is possible to sell, buy and own them.As radio frequency (RF) interference becomes more and more common, systems need to be able to identify when they are interrupted and recover after the interruption occurs.These devices are regulated and can only be completed with complete information about the legal implications.Bluetooth is a way to share malware, so care must be taken in this regard.

On the one hand, it makes us more convenient, but using phones does harm to our health.There are many Bluetooth interference innovations, especially for military use.What is more worrying is that the main navigation system of the aircraft did not recover after the UAV encounter, eventually forcing the pilot to make a visual landing in Santiago.If the visibility is very low that day, it may be a dangerous event for pilots.But with the increasing use of jammers, will we see similar laws passed elsewhere? February: A shocking report submitted by a light aircraft pilot to NASA's aviation safety reporting system indicates that the US Department of Defense (DoD) UAV may have cheated.

They emit their own signal at the frequency that GPS tracking devices use, which confuses or blocks other GPS signals.This restricts others from doing their work and personal activities, which may include using Bluetooth for file sharing.This is useful in areas where phone use is limited and network security is critical.When the jammer is turned on and the cell phone signal area is disabled, the jamming is partially successful.The use of "personal privacy devices" (small GPS jammers plugged into car cigarette lighters) to assist in cargo theft is so widespread that the Mexican government has already begun to work in the country.

signal jammer include GSM JAMMER,3G JAMMER,4G JAMMER, and the newest 5G Jammer, it is easy for you to jam all cell phone signals.Jammers can be used to prevent interception of critical telephone conversations and prevent radio controlled bombs from exploding.Now, from smart phones to driverless cars, these services have become an indispensable part.The mobile phone jammer is an instrument used to protect the mobile phone from receiving signals.

The jammer sends interference signals to prevent local equipment from connecting.A high level of security and intelligence is critical to the success of any operation.The South China Morning Post reported that the purpose of the jammer is to stop the drones operated by criminal gangs, and its purpose is to throw the bags infected with swine fever to the cattle - forcing farmers to sell infected meat to them at a lower price.

Planned commanders use RF communications to control their forces and enemy communications.Mobile phones are simply like those two-way radio stations and likewise, it's probable to jam the signals approaching the mobile phone.A Mobile Phone Jammer is used by schools, meeting rooms, offices, cinemas, prisons, nightclubs, and casino owners to stop cell phone use in the building.On the other hand, this behavior influences our studies and daily life.A mobile phone jamming device is a common tool that is utilized to avoid the transmission of cell network signals to mobile phones, thereby jamming all phones.Larger cell phone jammers are more powerful and have a range that can be measured in miles.

This can be done by ensuring that the signal from the device is the same as the signal from another nearby device.wifi jamming devices broadcast the power of radio waves to disable communications amongst PC or mobile telephones as well as main stations devoid of breaking in with any connection.The jammer fits into a pack of cigarettes, so it is easy to hide.Those are places where the necessity of a mobile phone jamming device appears.This portable mobile phone jammer will teach you what you can do to stop the overuse of the cell phone, at the same time, this portable mobile phone and GPS jammer can not only block the mobile phone signal and also defeat the GPS tracking device.

There are some reservations about Bluetooth interference, because it provides control and power for individuals or enterprises.One jammer with two functions, you will benefit from the military jammer kit.This guarantees a total defense from communications led by transceiving devices, working a short distance.On the one hand, the overuse of mobile phones does harm to our health and eyesight.This portable mobile phone jammer will teach you what you can do to stop the overuse of the cell phone, at the same time, this portable mobile phone and GPS jammer can not only block the mobile phone signal and also defeat the GPS tracking device.

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TagiTagi: jammers sale 
10 marca 202310 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Try to protect your GPS receiver from interference source location and interference by placing your body, trees, hills, rocks or other obstacles between your devices.Real-world results will vary drastically, but you should be able to obtain a jamming radius of a few hundred feet even in heavily obstructed areas with the higher power (AH102) option and a simple antenna.The term is also known as GPS spoofing and the devices used can also be referred to as cell phones or signal blockers.While GPS jammers can cause minor disturbances, such as signal loss, they can also pose a large risk to public safety.That's why it's important to investigate each source of the signal.

While GPS jammers can cause minor interference, such as loss of signal, they can also pose a huge risk to public safety.Try to shield your GPS receiver from the interference source by placing your body, trees, hills, rocks, or other obstructions in between your position and the interference.The best placement is where the signal jammer antenna is line-of-sight with the antenna of the GPS receiver you're trying to jam.Then, it will let you know if the device is operating with a PAL / SECAM or NTSC signal.With an LCD screen, you can view and listen to exactly what the hidden camera sends to the operator.A GPS receiver close to the jammer will not be able to acquire a C/A-code lock and any operating GPS in the jammer's radiation pattern will lose the C/A-code lock.

If it suits your needs, there are a few items that can be installed inside the car, outside, and with wider reach.Blocking Wi-Fi-enabled devices from successfully connecting to the internet.Inhibiting mobile devices from being able to make or receive calls, text messages, or emails.It is possible for other devices in the area to be operating on the same frequencies.In fleet management tracking, GPS information can be connected to data such as fuel use, driving behavior, engine health, vehicle synchronization, and safety metrics.More advanced devices can help you distinguish cameras from other devices easily.GPS jammers were initially developed by the military to misguide the enemy about geographic locations and targets.

8 Bands Jammer Device

However, without proper technical knowledge or when placed into the wrong hands, GPS jammers can cause potentially damaging disruptions in communications.As more industries, such as law enforcement and transportation, rely on GPS-enabled devices, interference has the potential to disrupt critical business operations and data.Once the wifi blocker is operational, you can practice testing it by monitoring the signal on a common consumer GPS receiver or high-quality communications receiver.GPS jamming is the process of using a frequency-transmitting device to block or interfere with radio communications.You'll have to then rely on your ability to move around the room and detect when a flash of light indicates a camera.

As more industries -- like law enforcement and transportation -- rely on GPS-enabled devices, jamming has the potential to interfere with business-critical operations and data.More advanced methods include the use of directional or steerable phased array antennas on the GPS receiver (pointed skyward) to cancel any ground-based interference.You can even practice anti-jamming methods to protect yourself from hostile or accidental GPS interference.These deployments work on the same principle as the previously mentioned device blocking the signal and making your device invisible to attacks and tracking.Once the mobile signal jammer is running, you can practice testing it by monitoring the signal on a normal consumer GPS receiver or a high-quality communications receiver.

The devices were then adapted for consumers that wanted to ensure their privacy or prevent tracking.Having the best GPS jammer can stop valuable, expensive information from leaking, protect your location, privacy, and more.Mobile devices are prohibited from making or receiving calls, text messages or emails.Types of communications that may be disrupted include phone calls, text messages, GPS systems, and Wi-Fi networks.Safety and security are very important to all of us, and this applies more than ever to technology.For example, GPS jammers cannot distinguish between types of communications and may block incoming or outgoing calls from emergency responders.

GPS jamming devices can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Concealing the location of a device or vehicle.Used to stay under the radar, the application of these devices keeps you hidden from detection.GPS receivers close to the jammer will fail to acquire C/A code lock and the radiation pattern of any running GPS jammer will lose C/A code lock.In fleet management tracking, GPS information can be linked to data such as fuel usage, driving behavior, engine health, vehicle synchronization and safety metrics.Your bank details will be encrypted with additional SSL encryption via a secure server for payments.So drone jammer could corrupt all this information and cause a major outage.

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TagiTagi: heavily jammed 
09 marca 202309 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The use of jammers is uncommon, but in many practical applications jamming drone signals is a matter of life and death.This paper focuses on the design of mobile signal jammer to prevent the usage of mobile communication in restricted areas without interfering with the communication channels outside its range.The impact of interference attacks on the WiFi access performance of smart phones.The convenience and portability of mobile phones enable people to carry them everywhere.Experimental results show that the proposed application can detect interference attacks with low false alarm rate and missing detection rate.

But does that mean GPS trackers are pointless and useless? GPS systems have been with people for decades.The mobile phone jammer unit is intended for blocking all mobile phone types within designated indoor areas.When the mobile phone in the area where the mobile signal jammer is located is disabled, Interference succeeded.Mobile phone jammer is a "plug and play" device with fast installation speed and simple operation.The mobile Phone Jammer is a 'plug and play' unit, its installation is quick and its operation is easy.The mobile signal jammer device is used to block all mobile phone types in the designated indoor area.

8 Bands Jammer Device

If the Americans and Russians have their own navigation systems, it is only natural that the Chinese have also developed their technology.A real-time interference detection method based on the received signal strength index and the WiFi signal packet loss rate is proposed, which can be easily implemented on Android smart phones.It is a device that transmit signal on the same frequency at which the GSM system operates, the jamming success when the mobile phones in the area where the jammer GSM is located are disabled.Experiments were carried out to evaluate the proposed interference detection method, in which the general software radio peripherals were used as jammers to block WiFi signals between smart phones and wireless routers.

Initially, it was only intended for military use, but over time, anyone could use it.GPS jammerson GPS trackers have a similar effect - like bolt cutters on a bike lock.The company operates globally, but naturally achieves the greatest accuracy in the Asia-Pacific region.Its advantage is that when the mobile phone emits a continuous beep or ring tone, it will cause interference in some places.The continuous use of mobile phone can be attributed to that it can be used anywhere, so it has become one of the most widely used devices in mobile communication, which makes it so important in our life.When GPS is combined with the automotive industry, which has more applications, there are more opportunities.

The continuously use of mobile phone can be attributed to it can use in any places and thus have become one of the most widely used devices in mobile communication which makes it so important in our lives.If that's not enough, it could interfere with the drone's signal, which could result in the drone simply returning to its launch site.Among other things, Russia has its own technology, since it began work on the GLONASS system in 1976.This is to prevent you, for example, from locking your car to get in unnoticed.Drone signals can be jammed by interfering with the communication between the drone and the remote controller.It is worth noting that each of us currently carries a tracking device based on a satellite navigation system.

When this noise causes interference in areas such as libraries and study rooms that need to be muted or restricted or prohibited to use mobile phones, it will become annoying.Most drone laws and enforcement rely on drone pilots to do the right thing.That means knowing the latest drone regulations and rules of the country in which he flies, having the latest information on no-fly zones, and using that information to fly responsibly and legally.It is worth noting that some currently produced smartphones are equipped with hybrid receivers, which also allow using this system.As drones are deployed in more environments, some disagree with allowing drones to fly freely, citing better control over drone airports for privacy and security reasons.

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TagiTagi: jamming drone 
08 marca 202308 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

As the drone industry is taking off, some individuals and groups have started using drones for malicious purposes around the globe.The cell phone signal jammer gps in the school dormitory are mainly used at noon and evening when students are resting.More importantly, the mobile phone will spark during the dialing process, which can easily cause a fire and cause the gas station to explode.These mobile signal jammer are relatively cheap, disrupt communication on specific frequencies, and are mostly used for personal privacy and security reasons.The signal of the mobile phone will affect the normal operation of the equipment, resulting in inaccurate measurement.We've all seen news articles about drones being used for nefarious purposes and wondered if there was counter-drone technology to stop these actions.

Devices on a wireless network send and receive information using data packets at a specific frequency.When the cell phone battery starts, when the ringer rings, it can generate enough energy to cause a slight spark that can cause a fire.In a gas station, the driver used a mobile phone when refueling, which caused an explosion and caused a serious accident that caused many casualties.The gain of the project is that we are able to block communication coming into and going out from a GSM phone operating on the 890MHz to 960MHz frequency band.Obviously, the school's behavior is mild and does not affect students' freedom of communication and expression.Many anti-drone systems companies are following news stories about bad drones and flagging their products and/or services.Those who use GPS satellite signals for navigation in manned aircraft or cars, or those who use wireless frequencies such as Wi-Fi.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

In some cases,satellite interference or solar flares can temporarily interrupt the transmission of GPS signals. The freedom of communication and speech that citizens enjoy in accordance with the Constitution and the law shall not exceed their due scope. Some students often use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in bed, and some even use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in the middle of the night. At present, the mobile phone signal is almost everywhere, and all electrical equipment is surrounded by it. However, gps blocker differ in that they transmit radio signals or signal noise at the same frequency as GPS devices to clip or distort GPS satellite signals. The answer is that there is counter-drone technology, which has been in the military for years, but the question is how to legally use counter-drone technology outside of war zones without causing all kinds of confusion.

The receiver relies on these precise and specific satellite signals to determine its position in the world. In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile phones, it is not uncommon for students to use mobile phones to affect their life and learning. When using a mobile phone, there is data exchange between the mobile phone and the base station, and random mutation signals are generated, so that a dynamic electromagnetic field is formed around the electrical equipment.

The simulation result and practical result were studied and they were found to be approbatory equal. Once the tracker receives signals from four or more satellites, it determines its position through a series of time calculations and trilateration. A signal jammer can be a hand-held, portable device that prevents wireless communications within a 15-meter radius. The wifi blocker gps can be big or small, and there are many channels in any frequency band of mobile communication. The GPS tracking device then transmits this location and speed information to the monitoring site, usually over a cellular network. When the mobile phone signal amplifier is not used, the interference of the surrounded signal to other electrical equipment is minimal.

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TagiTagi: signal interference 
07 marca 202307 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Afghan militants began attacking U.S. troops with improvised explosive devices in the first days after the October 2001 invasion. According to lawmakers, GPS devices, black boxes and vehicle-to-vehicle devices are all collected and sold by automakers, which collect a lot of information. Profitability has also improved thanks to targeted advertising services and marketing. Ninety percent of car, safety and tracking device manufacturers share the information they collect. According to automotive technologists, the fact that drivers know exactly where they are has great potential.

Chuck Shurmer, the New York senator, has led calls for federal legislation to curb potential privacy violations. With it, an attacker could wait for his prey, set off the bomb at just the right moment - and never have to worry about getting caught. This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output. Ships in Russian waters are disguised as inland airports, ships in Chinese ports are reported to be inland and maneuvering inside government buildings, and ships in parts of the world broadcast their positioning circles thousands of miles away in Northern California. While GPS jamming and fraud are problems in many areas of transportation and critical infrastructure, they are often most pronounced in maritime transportation.

That equipment - a radio-frequency mobile signal jammer- was upgraded several times, and eventually robbed the Iraq insurgency of its most potent weapon, the remote-controlled bomb.For example, if you were eating in a nice restaurant and someone was talking loudly in a box behind you, how disgusting would that be.But will car companies share this information? For his reasons, Senator Schumer cited an investigation that would hold government departments accountable.For example, tracking where a car goes can also reveal a person's favorite place.Large signal circuit breakers are mainly used in churches, hospitals, schools and other places.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Mobile deterrent devices are widely used and have produced very positive results.But open a door off of one of those halls, and people start screaming.Tucked behind a Target and an Olive Garden knock-off, the flat, anonymous office building gives no hint of what's inside.They were finally able to retell the largely-hidden battles for the electromagnetic spectrum that raged, invisibly, as the insurgencies carried on. Company executives were ready to discuss the GPS jammers - its evolution, and its capabilities.In the early years of the Iraq war, the U.S. military developed a technology so secret that soldiers would refuse to acknowledge its existence, and reporters mentioning the gear were promptly escorted out of the country.

The invention of GPS is an essential step in security and tracking, but cars equipped with GPS can do more.If you tell him to end the call, you may have an uncomfortable night if you're lucky.What is a wifi jammer?According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale jammers and portable signal jammer.Avoid using chemical solvents and water, and avoid wiping surfaces and tools.Do you hate them? Some people like mobile phones, some people hate mobile phones.The workshop is part of an effort by the federal government and an essential part of educating the public about the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on GPA.

Manipulate personal information to obtain and sell personal information.By then, if there is a mobile phone jamming device, all signals within 40 meters will be blocked.It is a call-blocking device, which can avoid active call termination service.Their advice extends to giving drivers the option to opt out of collecting their personal information.The way cars work is very similar to today's smart phones, and it is not uncommon to access personal information.This call-blocking application can block all radio waves from mobile phones and smartphones.It records and records all your movements, letting you know where you relax, where you eat, and who visits you in your free time.

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06 marca 202306 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

These companies are known to collect your data through online actions that many consider an invasion of privacy and unethical behavior.It is necessary to bring the phone down to a certain level.This is the result of a concerted effort by financial institutions to avoid criminal harm such as money transfer fraud.Portable jammers are great if you want to take it with you and use it in different places.In addition to stopping a smartphone's GPS, GPS jammers can also be used to block the trajectory of autonomous drones.Buying a wireless signal smartphone jammer is the best option.

This is the result of financial institutions working together to avoid criminal harm such as money transfer fraud.The cell phone signal jammer must be placed in a dry and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight and heat sources, and it should not be exposed to moisture or corrosive substances.Most modern GPS-enabled devices do not rely entirely on satellite signals for location information.Probably one of the most groundbreaking inventions of communication was the discovery of radio signal transmission.Non-magnetic attenuators are also very important components that can interfere with our equipment.

Multiple financial institutions will merge at the corner of the ATM.In addition, if a strong magnetic field is applied to it for a long time, its continuous operation will be disturbed or even damaged.There are three types of noise interference: speckle, sweep, and barrage.If you get an email or notification from Google asking if you want to go to the store or asking for a review, you'll know what we signal jammer must be placed in a dry and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources, and not exposed to moisture or corrosive substances.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

If you want to protect yourself from surveillance and avoid being tracked while driving or walking around town, you should use a GPS jammer so others can't track your movements.Portable jammers use noiHowever, a small disadvantage is that this strategy is limited to jamming or repeater technology to transmit wifi jammer and high-concentration signals to a radar or receiver.I think more and more people are using GPS apps while driving.If you don't like your device telling big tech companies where you've been and what you're doing, a GPS jammer can stop your device from tracking your location.

Second, if you plan to use cell phone jammer at work, you should place it in a less crowded area, as it may affect other people's business.By emitting weak radio waves of the opposite frequency to the radio wave informing the message from the mobile base station, the communication is blocked, and subsequent status logout and polling become impossible, so the display of the mobile terminal becomes "out of service area" suppression.This makes it harder for people with generic GPS devices, such as smartphones, to find their exact location without turning on Active Precision (which requires turning on the phone's location services).
Different cell phone jammers can be used in different places.In addition to preventing messages from reaching the target country, interference by broadcasters was common at the time.From handwritten letters to emails to smoke signals and text messages, advances in technology have dramatically changed the way we exchange information.However, since "signal warfare" is unnecessary, signal jamming is classified as illegal in many countries, with the exception of government, military and defense applications.Buying a wireless signal smartphone jammer is the best option.

If you want to block cell phone signals in a room, a portable cell phone jammer will suffice.If the cell phone signal jammer is stored in an area where the temperature is lower than 0 degrees Celsius, it will affect its normal use and cause damage to its internal components; if the room temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it may also damage the product.If you're fully involved in tech, you've probably heard of the big legal battles against big tech companies like Facebook and Google.I'm not happy with passengers talking loudly on their cell phones.

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03 marca 202303 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The intelligent GPS tracking transmitter provides the possibility of continuously locating the vehicle in the case of GPS interference.Is this phone more important than your life, more important than the lives of the people on the street?Maybe not.This prohibits public security, law enforcement and other government agencies from using portable jamming technology.The range varies, but in most cases the person who needs to make a call can get out of the classroom and do so without disturbing others.Except Israel, technologies that interfere with GPS jammers or cell phone signals are banned in most countries.The Canadian government has launched a 90-day public comment period to license technology to prevent the inappropriate use of mobile phones in restaurants, theaters and concert halls.

In this way, the position of the stolen vehicle can be displayed with an accuracy of several hundred meters.For a simple jammer, you don't need an overly powerful jammer to disable students' cell phones in small classrooms.The small storage radius only covers your car, there is no other space you will feel safe and comfortable on the road.The Radio Canada Advisory Committee (RABC), an Ottawa-based trade group for equipment manufacturers and service providers, said using the technology would have "legal implications" for Industry Canada and manufacturers of cellphone silencers.According to the aforementioned GHSA study, 25% of car crashes (ranging from minor to fatal) are caused by smartphone use while driving, so having a GPS jammer in your car is important.

Finally, location determination also enables the assassin to locate the victim and carry out the planned attack.But texting while driving is even worse!When you talk with headphones, your hands look idle.South Department of Homeland Security official said at the GPS conference in Nashville, Tennessee.Department of Defense says that properly placed GPS jammers or sprinklers may interfere with signals in the United States.It may come from your parents, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or other important phone calls.So, if you want to reduce distracted driving, but don't want to answer the phone, you should install mobile signal jammer in your car.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Industry Canada wants to make cellphone silencers available to as many listeners as possible, and Industry Canada in Ottawa wants to help the public decide whether they should consider applying for a license for the devices.In this regard, there is always some residual risk that GPS positioning will be corrupted by criminal energy to disable anti-theft protection or use the vehicle for unintended purposes.However, GPS tracking has some disadvantages, even in less noticeable situations Interpol statistics also prove that locating a car or truck on board with a permanently installed GPS tracker is an effective method of finding stolen vehicles, even if they have been taken abroad.

Between emergencies or demonstrations, all signals are restored immediately as soon as the equipment is switched off.Therefore, you always have to consider that using wifi blocker will also cut off your cell phone traffic because the radio frequencies interfered with by the jammer make it possible to make calls from your cell phone.Positioning by triangulation within a mobile radio cell is not as precise as using satellite positioning, but the cell-based GSM positioning system provides surprisingly accurate results, especially in urban areas.This means that if you tell your wife that, for example, you are driving to work and you are actually meeting up with some friends for a beer, the wife can easily debunk the lie.

Many states have banned or planned to use cellphones while driving, but many ignore those bans and continue to create collisions and dangerous situations.Because if your smartphone is registered for location services, you can always determine your location.The field strength and the type of jamming wave are the important factors that affect the jamming effect.Because if the GPS jammer is activated, you will no longer be able to use the mobile network.A GPS jammer or signal jammer is a device used to jam or completely block Global Positioning System (GPS) signals operated by the United States.The tracker supports so-called cell phone location (also known as GSM location or cell phone location) as an alternative.

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TagiTagi: law enforcement agencies 
02 marca 202302 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The jammers may operate at the same or adjacent frequencies, and the field strength of the jammers and the type of interference waves are important.You can also get many other types of high-power office signal tips and newly designed mobile signal jammer.This means that the caller can not contact the owner of the phone.Its unique and powerful functions can meet the needs of a large number of users.If you want a cheap, high-power GPS jammer, consider price, quality, and other factors that match your needs to provide the ideal environment to get the best signal jammer.Law enforcement agencies also use them to prevent communication between offenders.

This technology is less practical for logistics and transportation, trade, construction or service companies that use GPS tracking to track cars, trucks or construction machinery in their fleets.Cell phone jammers have become an important tool in government offices, assembly points, hospitals, libraries, schools, and theaters where silence is also required.Some of the world's most advanced law enforcement agencies use cell phone jammers to make them reliable and convenient.Therefore, by designing a high-quality cooling system, Another reason I like the jammer is that it is not a message of "phone off" but a "service interruption".

To stop being a problem, the restaurant owner bought a jammer.Humans can use jammers as a security measure to prevent sensitive information from being leaked.Jamming occurs when an operator transmits on a busy frequency without first checking that it is busy or cannot hear the station using that frequency.GPS interference is generally identified as interference that may occur due to equipment defects or other unforeseen events.There is a lot of bad information on the internet, which is not conducive to the growth and study of students.Some students use their cell phones to text each other during exams, check their writing online, and put up shields to prevent students from cheating on their phones.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Therefore, you always have to take into account that using a jammer will also cut off your own cell phone traffic, because the radio frequencies interfered with by the jammer make it possible to make calls from your cell phone.Jammers ensure that conversations are uninterrupted and no technical devices within a two-meter radius attempt to conduct eavesdropping attacks or the recording does not work.Because the transmitting power of GPS satellites orbiting more than 20,000 kilometers above the earth's surface is relatively low.Fearful of eavesdropping or secretly recording, Holger B wanted to protect himself and bought a jammer.This means that it is no longer possible to GPS track the vehicle using a GPS tracker.

The signal emitted by the cell phone jammer has the same frequency as the cell phone signal.But even in less dramatic circumstances, GPS tracking has some drawbacks.Because while some complain about liquidity, it's the real reason others buy.The jammer can turn off the complete reception of GPS satellites (due to the jammer).Because if the GPS jammers is activated, you will no longer be able to use the mobile network.This technology has a side effect, which can see both positive and negative sides.An independent survey showed that many guests were disturbed by the constant ringing of their mobile phones.If you carry a so-called GPS jammer with you, the GPS signals will be jammed, making GPS positioning impossible.

They have been successfully used in many counter-terrorism operations to disrupt communications between explosives and mobile phones.In this regard, there is always some residual risk that GPS positioning will be corrupted by criminal energy to disable anti-theft protection or use the vehicle for unintended purposes.Because buying GPS jammers (cheap devices can be ordered online for less than $80 from most dubious suppliers) and using them can create jamming.Interpol statistics also prove that locating a car or truck on board with a permanently installed GPS tracker is an effective method of locating stolen vehicles, even if they have been taken abroad.

It is also used to send stop signals to prevent terrorist attacks.signal jammer or GPS jammer is a device used to interfere or completely block the signals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in the United States.Thanks to the jammer, the security and rescue required has now become a reality.Jamming a GPS signal requires very little jamming energy to temporarily or completely block the GPS signal.Secret exchanges of highly explosive information are not uncommon.Even small GPS jammers can jam signals within a radius of about 10 meters.Protection from GPS Jammers and Jammers In areas of particular safety relevance, the use of advanced technology can reduce the effects of GPS jammers.

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01 marca 202301 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Because students are still playing with their phones, which are loud, and trackers that track cell phone signals. A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of vehicles, people or other assets to which it is connected and periodically records the location of the assets. For those who want to use 3G jammer in the car, the car charger design of this mobile phone signal jammer is very convenient. People who need and use a jammer outdoors should definitely use a handheld jammer, and you'll learn the ins and outs of a handheld GPS phone that can help you get out of tracking.

In 2016 alone, corrective officers removed nearly 9,000 mobile phones, a record. For anti-GPS tracking of vehicles, it is recommended to use hand-held GPS jammers, as these jammers are easy to use, easy to use and easy to recover. Therefore, in order to avoid the threat of mobile phones, the introduction of jammers gps is absolutely necessary. You may need to purchase a comprehensive GPS signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites. GPS signal jammers are useful in blocking GPS signals to help ensure safety. In addition, the portable jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging. Hand-held GPS jammers are recommended for vehicle anti-GPS tracking because they are easy to use, easy to use, and easy to recover.

But there are also concerns about the threat posed by mobile phones. You may need to purchase a comprehensive signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites. Most designs can cut off the GPS signal, which is not enough for people. Then it is really necessary to get rid of the negative effects of GPS tracking devices. Should I buy a portable GPS jammer for my car? For some people, the answer is yes, because many people track GPS devices, which affects their lives and work. A Global Positioning System Tracker is a device that uses a Global Positioning System to pinpoint the location of a vehicle, person, or other asset and periodically records the location of the asset.

The most popular 8 band jammers

For"F" Is for Fugitive, our journey is dangerous, so we try to keep you safe, and car GPS jammers are the most direct way. It is a very popular mode of transportation when people drive on vacation and go out with family or friends.Although this car is very convenient for travelers, we know that it will be equipped with GPS satellite locators, which are very important for vehicle tracking and security against theft, but the problem can not be ignored, these GPS positioning systems have also been known. For those who want to use the 3g GPS jammers in the car, the car charger design for the cell phone jammer is convenient.

A Global Positioning System Jammer helps block Global Positioning System signals to help ensure safety. The technology limits interfere in prisoners without affecting households and businesses. In this booming technology era, users are more and more concerned about privacy and development of obsolete space.with the travel, communication between people becomes more accessible, and users use mobile phones to communicate. Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of mobile phones, the introduction of a jammer's GPS is absolutely necessary. With the development of society, People getting better life is and better. The car has become an invisible tool for many families, and the car has become one of the most important means of transportation for people to travel.

In addition, the portable jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging. They were taken to the prison kitchen, thrown into the fence, and smuggled in during visits, then smuggled in by unscrupulous prison guards and prison staff. Jails have jamming technology that blocks cell phone signals, but federal law doesn't allow it. High-power multi-purpose mobile signal jammer are popular worldwide because people are not only subject to interference from one device, but in many cases, that people feel they can identify the frequency band and the range of interference, everything is perfect. The head of Oklahoma Correctional Services said he had traveled to Washington several times to try to persuade lawyers to allow jammers to intervene in prisons.

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TagiTagi: portable jammer 
28 lutego 202328 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Products such as fleet tracking software include signal jamming detection. In addition, the mobile signal jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging. Handheld GPS jammers are recommended for vehicle anti-GPS tracking as they are easy to use, easy to use and easy to recover. You may want to purchase an integrated GPS signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites. Then it is really necessary to get rid of the negative effects of GPS tracking devices. Should I buy a portable GPS? My car jammer? For some people, the answer is yes, because many people track GPS devices, which affects their life and work.

With Amazon now planning to deploy a fleet of drones to deliver packages directly to our doorsteps, it's likely to see more jamming devices flying around soon. A GPS tracker is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to pinpoint the location of a vehicle, person, or other asset and periodically record the location of the asset. For those who want to use the 3g GPS jammer in the car, the phone jammer car charger design is convenient. Although this car is very convenient for travelers, we know that it will be equipped with a GPS satellite locator, which is very important for vehicle tracking and security and anti-theft, but the problem cannot be ignored, and these GPS positioning systems are already known.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Many drivers use GPS jammers because they don't want to be tracked during these private times. This is a very popular mode of transportation for people to drive with family or friends during the holidays. Therefore, in order to avoid dangerous mobile phones, it is absolutely necessary to introduce GPS jammers. In this age of booming technology, users are increasingly concerned about privacy and space. The technology limits disruption to prisons without disrupting homes and businesses. The head of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections said he made multiple trips to Washington to try to convince lawmakers to signal jammer to interfere with prisons.

Prisons have jamming technology that blocks cell phone signals, but federal law doesn't allow it. High-tech models of GPS tracking devices include signal jamming detection, you can also detect employees using GPS tracker jammer and live map tracking by looking at the driver's trip history. As we become more dependent on GPS, the prospect of GPS decline seems increasingly worrisome. About half a century ago, the U.S. Department of Defense embarked on an experimental project to launch a series of satellites into space in order to be able to pinpoint any location on Earth. The jamming effectively shuts down GPS navigation by sending radio signals on those frequencies or frequencies adjacent to those used by the technology.

Our journey is dangerous, so we try to keep you safe, and car GPS jammers are the most direct way. To this end, the U.S. Department of Transportation released an assessment report on "GPS Adjacent Frequency Bands" last year. Compatibility, analyzing the frequencies of adjacent GPS spectrum and whether they should be used for commercial purposes. Some drivers are authorized to use their work vehicles for personal use under certain circumstances. In other cases, a driver might spend an hour out to lunch, run errands and eat while using a company vehicle. In both cases and others, the driver is using the work vehicle for personal use and may not wish to be tracked.

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27 lutego 202327 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Communication types that may be interfered with include telephone, SMS, GPS system and Wi-Fi network. If you buy it back, the original owner will find it, sneak it away, and turn on the mini GPS jammers. In addition to the lack of knowledge of whether the original car has broken down or had a previous accident, the biggest concern is that the car is equipped with a tracker or locator. In this way, consumers who buy mortgage cars will be able to buy luxury cars at low prices. Mortgage institutions ultimately want money, not real things, so they all choose to sell cars. If the capital turnover still does not exceed the deadline, he will lose ownership of the car.

While GPS interference opportunities cause minor interference, such as signal loss, they also pose a significant risk to public safety. Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent on luxury cars such as Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW. The successful completion of the college entrance examination can not be separated from the high-quality anti-cheating tool mobile signal jammer. The answer is transmitted from the outside to the examination room to ensure the examination's fairness and justice in the shortest time. Once the surrounding geography is complex and it is difficult to find the signal source in a short time, the intelligent monitoring and early warning system can take various measures such as voice suppression, interference signal suppression, and background noise suppression for cheating signal sources so that candidates in the examination room can't hear the examination room.

Once the jammer starts working, you can practically test it by monitoring the signal on the average user's GPS receiver or on the high-quality communications receiver. In an earlier simulation of an American University examination radio cheating scene, joint security team technicians sent a mobile radio monitoring vehicle to monitor the examination room and the surrounding area, looking for the location of the cheaters' interference sources, and monitoring for suspicious signals. Some test rooms will be equipped with gsm jammer for the first time to ensure no communication signal in the test room. The Radio Emergency Command Network (RECN) and the new radio monitoring equipment will provide radio supervision of American university examinations throughout the process.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

You can even practice anti-jamming techniques to protect yourself from hostile or accidental GPS interference. In order to achieve fairness in the examination, most tests around the world are now using mobile phone signal jammers to block the signal of the examination room. Worried about buying an RV? Use the Gps signal jammer Wireless signal shielding instrument is becoming a popular instrument in the testing room There is a growing demand for cell phone jammers. Spectral analysis to determine interference duration and signal type can also be used to indicate whether the interference is accidental or intentional. Interference is likely to become more common as 5G systems enter the frequencies used by GPS.

Route navigation function: providing route planning is an important auxiliary function of the vehicle navigation systems, including automatic route planning and manual route design. At the same time, the monitoring center can inquire about the location of any target in the area through the monitoring console, and the vehicle information will be displayed on the electronic map of the control center in digital form. Vehicle tracking function; GPS and electronic maps can display the actual position of the vehicle in real time, and can be enlarged, reduced, restored and changed at will; It can move with the target and keep the target on the screen; Vehicles, multi-screen synchronous tracking.

The point is that wifi jammer are completely open, they're not encrypted, they're not authenticated, they're completely open, and they're completely immune to spoofing attacks. The main functions that GPS positioning system can realize in civil use are: Call the traffic command function, and the command center can monitor the operation of vehicles in the area, and reasonably dispatch and monitor vehicles. The command center can also communicate with the tracking target at any time to realize management. Automatic route planning means that the driver determines the starting point and destination, and the computer software automatically designs the optimal route according to the needs, it includes calculating the fastest route, the easiest route, and the least number of routes.

In order to strictly prevent students from using high-tech electronic devices such as mobile phones to cheat, it has been decided that criminals will no longer be allowed to use radio devices to cheat during university examinations in the United States. Real-world results will vary widely, but you should be able to get hundreds of feet of interference radius even in heavily obstructed areas with higher power (AH102) options and a simple antenna. Place your body, tree

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25 lutego 202325 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

If you use your mobile phone as a tool, it can protect you from cyber criminals, thieves, and even stalkers!Tools are also great things like cooking and cleaning: they make these tasks easier and more interesting.The hand-held portable GPS signal jammer is a portable multi-function jamming device.It works in the frequency range of 315MHz-390MHz and 400MHz-470MHz, and can effectively block GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS), QZSS L1/L2 signals to prevent tracking.At the same time, it also has a function that can block 2G 3G 4G mobile phones in the same time period.A handheld GPS signal jammer is a portable multifunctional jamming device that can be used for various purposes.

In order to protect our private information, GPS satellite signal jammers emerge as the times require so that people‘s privacy can be better protected from being snooped on or eavesdropped on by uninvited guests.In this article, we'll explain how a portable handheld GPS signal jammer works, the advantages it offers, and how to choose the best jammer for your needs.Handheld GPS signal jammers can be used to emit electromagnetic waves strong enough to interfere with the operation of various electronic devices.You need to make every effort to ensure that your mobile signal jammer is safely stored in a very clean and dry environment.

A portable multifunction jamming device can give you all the benefits of a jamming system, but with more flexibility and ease of use.For example, a good signal jammer can help you protect yourself from cybercriminals at a low cost.Global coverage, anytime, anywhere, day and night, and can be used anywhere in the world.GPS satellite positioning system refers to the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) with the US military communication satellite as the carrier and the ground support device as the main body.What is a GPS satellite signal jammer?First of all, we need to know what a GPS satellite positioning system is.It blocks signals from GSM/CDMA, Bluetooth, WiFi, and GPS frequencies such as 2G, 3G, 4G LTE networks, and more.

8 Bands Jammer Device

However, if you use it for a long time, you need to unplug it and store it in a safe place without fire.You can also use it to prevent the drone's signal from being monitored from the air by someone else.This powerful device can easily block the signal from GPS satellites by emitting a continuous high-power RF signal so that no one can get it just by the GPS receiver built into the phone or the receiver module mounted on drones and ships etc.These devices can be used in many situations: on the street, in an elevator, or even at home, when you don‘t want anyone to see what‘s on your screen or hear what people say about your personal data being hacked.

Do not place it near radio equipment so as not to affect the operation of the radio equipment.However, many manufacturers do not pay attention to product safety when developing these products.You should also know that some people use their mobile phones or computers to spy on others and steal information from others.For example, if you want to protect yourself from cybercriminals and hackers, you can use this tool.Positioning accuracy of 10 to 100 meters, can be used for vehicles, ships, aircraft and other mobile equipment.GPS Global Positioning Systems are service systems that use signals transmitted by GPS satellites to locate a location.

GPS satellite signal series products can help you solve these problems because the GPS satellite positioning system has a very wide range of positioning functions, which can cover the whole earth and is an ideal location information service system.This is a good option if you want to protect yourself from being tracked by others With the development of technology, mobile phones are becoming more and more intelligent.

This is why some areas ban or restrict the use of these products in public places, as they can cause serious interference with air navigation systems or emergency communication signals, such as police patrol cars and fire trucks that run on gasoline engines (so-called gasoline cars).The storage location of the mobile phone signal jammer must not be placed in the hands of minors, so as not to inadvertently cause harm to themselves.A handheld GPS jammers is a portable multi-function jamming device.You can also use this handheld GPS blocker to protect your privacy by blocking signals from GPS, GLONASS, and other satellite navigation systems.

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TagiTagi: portable jamming device 
24 lutego 202324 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

We're going to start limiting cell phone use to ATM corners.Instead, they track location data using a range of methods, including cell towers and Wi-Fi connections, rather than relying solely on satellite data.Most modern GPS-enabled devices do not rely entirely on satellite signals for location information.But if you want to use something bigger, you're going to need a tabletop jammer.If you want to block cell phone signals in a room, a portable cell phone jammer will suffice.A portable GPS jammers is a device that blocks or interferes with the transmission of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite signals from reaching receivers on the ground, making its location data inaccurate or unavailable.

I'm not happy with passengers talking loudly on their cell phones.If you want to protect yourself from surveillance and avoid being tracked while driving or walking around town, you should use a GPS jammer so others can't track your movements.Information collected by these drones is often stored and shared with other parties.These drones are used for various purposes such as monitoring people, tracking people, monitoring people, and more.In addition to stopping a smartphone's GPS, GPS jammers can also be used to block the trajectory of autonomous drones.Car jammers prevent any device from picking up these signals in the process.

The magnetic field will affect the normal working frequency of the machine.A portable GPS jammer for cars called a car jammer is designed not only to jam any GPS signal, but also to detect the car and record its location by sending electromagnetic waves.Buying a wireless signal smartphone jammer is the best option.It is necessary to bring the phone down to a certain level.Non-magnetic attenuators are also very important components that can interfere with our equipment.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Autonomous drones are computer-controlled drones that can be programmed to fly autonomously or be remotely controlled by a human.If the signal jammer is stored in an area where the temperature is lower than 0 degrees Celsius, it will affect its normal use and cause damage to its internal components; if the room temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it may also damage the product.I think it's perfect in places like movie theaters and libraries.Newly designed jammers are specifically designed to block the signal.In addition, if a strong magnetic field is applied to it for a long time, its continuous operation will be disturbed or even damaged.

Portable jammers are great if you want to take it with you and use it in different places.This is the result of a concerted effort by financial institutions to avoid criminal harm such as money transfer fraud.Multiple financial institutions will merge at the corner of the ATM.Second, if you want to use your cell phone jammer at work, you should put it in a place that is not too crowded, as it can affect other people's business.I think more and more people are using GPS apps while driving.It is important to keep the storage temperature within a certain range.The storage temperature should be kept between -40 and +75 degrees Celsius.

This makes it harder for people with generic GPS devices, such as smartphones, to find their exact location without turning on Active Precision (which requires turning on the phone's location services).By emitting weak radio waves of the opposite frequency to the radio wave informing the message from the mobile base station, the communication is blocked, and subsequent status logout and polling become impossible, so the display of the mobile terminal becomes "out of service area" suppression.The mobile signal jammer must be placed in a dry and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight and heat sources, and it should not be exposed to moisture or corrosive substances.

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TagiTagi: signals track 
23 lutego 202323 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In more detail, mobile signal jammer that suppresses communication with a mobile phone or the like emits interfering radio waves in a frequency band opposite to that used by the mobile phone or PHS and reduces the radio wave conditions received by the mobile phone.Each type can be made of different materials, even if they have opposite functions.If so, which type is right for you? In this case, I'd like to know where to get a high-quality signal.Old products can not meet the market demand of high-end places.GPS signal jammers have played an important role in various large examination rooms and prison conference centers.

The reason why cell phone jammers enter the market is that people have such needs.The development of mobile phones will inevitably lead to the development of mobile phone signal blocking.The future development of GPS signal jammers is used in many places.It can be used directly in the car, which is very convenient.If you want to use signal cloaking in your car, use an outlet charger designed for GPS jammers.If you have a signal breaker outdoors, there is no doubt that you should use a hand-held signal breaker.For many, there is a GPS jammer when you need to use your internal signal.You can use GPS jammers to stop devices from tracking them if you want a quiet and safe journey.

When the high-tech conference is stopped, the cell phone signal in the conference area can be kept free from eavesdropping.This is a goal that ordinary cell phone jammers cannot achieve.This product completely covers the mobile phone frequency band and is a public mobile phone jammer in special places such as prisons.This is a goal that ordinary cell phone jammers cannot achieve.This product completely covers the mobile phone frequency band and is a public mobile phone jammer in special places such as prisons.It can be said that it is specially installed equipment in special places such as camps or military centers.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

The modern computerization era is rapidly unfolding.In view of the large construction area and high requirements of the site, it is necessary to use high-power signal jammers.In order to achieve superstition control, a cell phone signal jammer is required.Prisons are an important part of management and maintenance.At this time, the use of high input signal interference devices is essential.The prison has developed a new radio frequency jammer to tighten controls.Through information management, scientific management of prisons is carried out.Work is changing in the direction of domination and management.The monitoring system is strengthening the management of business units.

This is a goal that ordinary cell phone jammers cannot achieve.Jammers are used to protect the external components of decelerated aging equipment from corrosive gases and liquids, dust, and moisture.When placed outdoors or in the wild, pay attention to the infestation of destructive plants such as mice and ants in the environment, and attach protective equipment.Consider using a directional antenna to control the secondary radiation area of ??the jamming signal.Are cell phone jammers in prisons low-power or high-power? I installed some WiFi jammers in the surveillance area.This is a way to check that out-of-range devices are functioning properly for interference effects.

If you want to get a 4G signal jammer, you just need to charge the rechargeable battery and continue the mission for about 60 minutes.These intelligent and humanized products make our life, study, and work more convenient.However, where electronics are not needed or rejected, I consider them anachronistic and cumbersome.All products are evaluated and certified by the National Security Technology Center.This smartphone jammer can meet your secrecy requirements.We ensure that secret areas can be maintained and administrative information invalidated.Can achieve the purpose of blocking mobile phone signals.GPS jammers can ensure the effectiveness of information management.

With the development of signal shielding technology, various jammer manufacturers have appeared in the market.Some people can choose the cutoff frequency range with this wifi signal jammer and selectively block only those frequencies.Can be used for normal tasks that circumvent GSM, CDMA, 3G/4G, and other popular mobile standards.Cell Phone Jammers provide a sophisticated introduction to basic information and useful features.As you can see, it can also be used for maintenance and maintenance information.Nowadays, with the popularization of communication technology, people can see electronic devices everywhere when they go out.

According to the function and form of mobile phone jammers, there are multi-function jammers such as car GPS jammers, mobile phone jammers, and wifi jammers.A jammer is a product that can block the radio signals of mobile phones, GPS, WIFI, and other electronic products.Bugs/SIM card bugs using mobile phone terminals (including smartphones and iPhones) are installed indoors or in cars, and communication will be blocked (out of service area/interference) to avoid eavesdropping.By sending high-power RF signals in the opposite range to the cell phone communication signals that need to be shielded, it is possible to cause interference in cell phone communications (specific areas).

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TagiTagi: phone signals 
22 lutego 202322 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

This time, not only can you confiscate your early cell phone, but you can also use a cell phone jammer.GPS Jammer - A separate device that only blocks GPS signals, typically used by drivers who want the police to track their journeys but don't want to monitor their vehicles in any other way. This means they are very large and bulky, making them difficult to hide or use in a moving vehicle. Interfering with satellite signals is not easy because it requires a lot of power. If a jammer is strong enough, it can block the signal from a location or even a moving vehicle.GPS jammers work by emitting radio waves on the same frequencies as satellite navigation systems.

However, other types of internet, such as wireless networks supported by WiFi and Bluetooth connections, are easily blocked. If you just want to take a break from technology and want to avoid being tracked by others, consider using a distraction device.GPS jammers are used to block satellite navigation systems such as those that help you find your way in a new city or help your smartphone pinpoint its location. If you're using electricity as your power source, you'll have an easier time turning on your GPS jammers. Fixed location jammers, mounted on the ceiling of construction projects, are used to block all cell phone signals in the building while working in the field.

This makes it easier for people to navigate and gets you where you need to go quickly. These devices can be used to block the signal during meetings, exams, or other situations where you want to prevent others from using your phone. This allows someone who wants to prevent you from using your device to put themselves within range of these conversations and listen to what you have to say via a Bluetooth device. Also, when you're using your phone where there's no signal, such as inside a building or in an underground subway, your phone may try to search for an alternative network by connecting directly to another phone nearby.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

For example, the noise created by using a cell phone to manage books can affect readers. When a user calls someone, their phone transmits their voice or data through cell towers. Jammers emit radio signals at the same frequency as cell phones and can interfere with the signal. The most advanced models are also capable of jamming multiple frequencies simultaneously, which enables them to handle any type of signal within an area, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and more. Jammers can be simple circuit boards with a few components, or more complex devices, including antennas and other circuits to provide more reliable results.

At the same time, in addition to playing less and not making calls, you also need to know some methods to prevent mobile phone use. Some specialized fields, such as military aviation, use advanced technology to reduce the effect of cell phone jammers on GPS navigation by using special antennas that only receive signals in certain directions. We know that all our mobile phones are equipped with GPS navigation and positioning systems. Radio waves are emitted, and this part of the frequency band coincides with the frequency band emitted by the signal jammer, making it ineffective.

If a jammer is nearby, it can disrupt communication between the mobile device and cell towers. However, using your phone regardless of the situation can have negative consequences. Using mobile phones in the classroom not only affects learning but also disrupts educational discipline. To stop this uncivilized and dangerous behavior, you need to use a cell phone jammer. Mobile phones have brought us comfort and convenience, but they have also brought us many problems. Many uav jammer will not only interfere with cell phone signals such as GSM 3G 4G but also GPS signal jammers, which can set the jamming frequency band to strong GPS WiFi UHF VHF signals.


The most popular 8 band jammers

To use the cell phone jammer, you need to connect your phone's power supply to the device. Americans rely heavily on airborne GPS and radar surveillance systems, and sadly, all GPS navigation bombs fall off their targets. A GPS jammer is a device that jams the GPS signal and can completely block the Global Positioning System. Someone recently asked if the GPS is being tracked when the phone is turned off and whether a portable mini GPS jammer can effectively block the location. Today, mobile phones are no longer the high-quality luxury goods that they once were, and people can buy them easily and cheaply. Using mobile phones for a long time can lead to myopia or even deep myopia, which can seriously damage the glasses.

Radio waves interfere with the signal, preventing the receiver from receiving the signal. A GPS jammer or blocker intentionally transmits on the same radio frequency as your phone to interfere with the communication between your phone and the cell tower, effectively keeping your phone within range of the GPS jammer. If you need to block internet connections around you, there is one thing you need to know. Use a cell phone jammer or signal wifi blocker to prevent the machine from receiving signals, achieve zero noise effect, and better rest and sleep at noon and at night. It was later confirmed that the Iraqis had used gsm jammer during the dust storm.

They're also used in cars that already have GPS systems built in, so others can't see where they're driving or how fast they're driving at certain points on the trip. There are many situations in our life where using a mobile phone is very inappropriate, such as exams and meetings. The Wi-Fi signal is blocked, there is no mobile phone signal, and the Internet cannot be accessed. The priest can successfully solve this problem by controlling the shielding of the mobile phone signal through the PC. Before using cell phones, please post a warning at the entrance, be careful not to use cell phones inside the church, and install cell phone jammers inside.

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TagiTagi: radio signals jammin 
21 lutego 202321 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Cars have become an indispensable tools for many families, and cars have also become one of the most important means of transportation for people to travel. For example, car thieves use portable jammers to prevent the car from locking, and GPS jammers block signals from anti-theft systems (after the car is stolen). If a signal amplifier is installed, the working distance of the jammer can reach about 120 meters. All you need is a simple $15 dongle that you can get on Amazon. Of course, our first thought is to come to a drone competition or exhibition, turn on the jammer, and send everyone the business card of the drone repair shop.

A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of vehicles, people or other assets to which it is connected and periodically records the location of the assets. The jammer is so harsh that it completely overwhelms the drone signal at 300 meters, even without a directional antenna. Note that the device isn't trying to mimic GPS satellites - it's just broadcasting spam, loud enough that the real satellites can't be heard. It's the fragility of this signal that makes it possible to make such a low-cost jammer. Given the distance and size of the antennas on most GPS devices, it's not surprising that the signal received from them is feeble.

For car anti-GPS tracking, hand-held GPS jammers are recommended because these jammers are easy to use, simple to use, and recover. Although the GPS satellite orbit altitude of 20,200 kilometers is not as high as that of the communication satellites in geosynchronous orbit, it is still far from us. Let's test this iron better from the regular "grey" area and see how it works. Hackers never have to be picky about the equipment they research and experiment with, so it's not worth buying. However, we won't focus too much on the potential malicious causes of such devices.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Maybe you're driving a tracked company vehicle and want to take a few hours of naps in the parking lot, or maybe you want to turn off the built-in GPS of a stolen car so you have enough time to get to the workshop. So I recently tested these little GPS jammers that plug directly into a car's cigarette lighter socket. You'd only want to interfere with the GPS signal around your device if you're trying to get away from something you shouldn't. You might be wondering what legal uses this gadget has. Shipping in the US is under $10, and in my opinion, this device is perfect for opening it up in the name of science.

Only very clever algorithms and a little magic can make your phone hear the whispers of the stars and turn them into something akin to helpful information. Most of the designs can cut off the GPS signal, which cannot meet people's needs at all. You may need to buy a comprehensive GPS signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites. On top of that, the portable jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging.GPS signal jammer are helpful in blocking GPS signals to help ensure safety. If you Google long enough to find interesting electronics to splurge on, you will be recommended all sorts of dubious electronics.

It turns out that interfering with WiFi, Bluetooth or Zigbee signals is not difficult at all. People who need and use a jammer outdoors should definitely use a handheld jammer, and you'll learn the ins and outs of a handheld GPS phone that can help you get out of tracking. For those who want to use a 3G GPS signal jammer in their car, the car charger design of this cell phone signal jammer is very convenient. For outlaws, our journey is dangerous; so we try to keep you safe while driving, and a car GPS jammer is the most direct way. For some people the answer is yes, because many people track GPS devices and it affects their life and work, then it is really necessary to get rid of the negative effects of GPS tracking devices, Now using jammer GPS can help people solve such problems.

Burglars use such mobile signal jammer to block cellular service during illegal entry into apartments. With the development of society, people's lives are getting better and better. It is prevalent mode of transportation when people drive on vacation and go out with family or friends. Although this car is very convenient for people who travel, we know that it will be equipped with GPS satellite locator, which is very important for car tracking and anti-theft security, but the problem that cannot be ignored is that these GPS positioning systems have also become known to people.

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TagiTagi: tracking gps devices 
20 lutego 202320 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Canadian government has launched a 90-day public comment period to license the technology to prevent the inappropriate use of mobile phones in restaurants, theaters and concert halls. With strong jamming technology, it can effectively protect national security. You can also get many other high-power office signal cues and newly designed cell phone blocker. Therefore, by designing a high-quality cooling system, Provide high-quality design for conference halls, museums, art galleries, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, conference rooms, training centers, factories, banks and many other fixed places.

This prohibits the use of portable jamming technology by public safety, law enforcement and other government agencies. These 8-antenna high-power signal jammers are not only designed with 8 antennas but also have the ability to cut off 2G, 3G, and 4G mobile phone signals and Bluetooth WiFi signals at the same time. Its unique functions are powerful and can meet the needs of a large number of users. Not only can shield the movement, but also powerful, it also shields multiple signals. Social pressure can eventually slow down cell phone use in inappropriate places. Quiet conditions are often required in public spaces, such as reading, listening to music, watching TV, away from phone noise, and teachers in classrooms, libraries, and other places.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Entrepreneurs must be able to do what they want on their premises. When Bacon flew over Iraq, the overwhelming focus was on just one mission: Interfering with Radio-Controlled Roadside Bombs (RCIEDS). Inside GNSS is a magazine about GPS and other satellite navigation systems operated by China, the European Union and Russia. On the one hand, it turns out that for the better part of 16 years, we haven't actually had that kind of aggressive electronic warfare. I didn't notice any interference unless their signal went into a common area. Department of Homeland Security officials said at a GPS conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

If you want a cheap, high-power GPS jammer, consider price, quality, and other factors that match your needs to provide the ideal environment to get the best signal jammer. The Radio Canada Advisory Committee (RABC), an Ottawa-based trade group for equipment manufacturers and service providers, said using the technology would have "legal implications" for Industry Canada and manufacturers of cellphone silencers. The RABC's Mobile and Personal Communications Committee said in part in a position paper published in November: "A denial of service (especially emergency services) can have legal implications for service providers.

You can take steps and choose the right signal, so it will be a quiet place. With the exception of Israel, technologies that interfere with GPS jammers or jam cell phone signals are banned in most countries. Industry Canada wants to make cellphone silencers available to as many listeners as possible, and Industry Canada in Ottawa wants to help the public decide whether they should consider applying for a device license. Canada will decide by the end of the year to change its current licensing policy. Public safety is our primary concern as many fire and police departments use the same frequencies as the public telephone system.

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17 lutego 202317 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Children don't sleep in the middle of the night, play games on mobile phones, delay rest and study, and don't listen to parents' discipline.If you want the cell phone jammer to cover a larger area, the simple and straightforward way is to use a more powerful jammer.Or is it too low to put it directly on the ground? This will cause too many obstacles in the signal transmission path, serious signal attenuation, and affect the shielding effect.If the antenna gain is only 1-2dB, then replace the antenna with a gain value of 3-5dB, and the shielding effect will be significantly improved.The answer is to look for it in two ways.

The main principle of the shielding instrument is to scramble a certain frequency band (most of the upstream frequency bands) and transmit useless signals.For example, whether the mobile phone jammer is a qualified product of a regular manufacturer, whether its working frequency band is completely correct, and whether it has a frequency bandwidth.However, if you are not connected to a WiFi network, leaving on wifi blocker can drain your battery.However, due to the influence of the communication base station near the usage scene or other factors, the shielding range may not achieve the expected effect.

More often than not, these models are able to block all sorts of signals including Cellular, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, and Radio Communication.After the mobile phone shielding device is turned on, the effective coverage of the shielded signal is usually tens of square meters to hundreds of square meters.However, there is currently no officially published test method to study the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of an assembled shield on a portable wireless device PCB.In a recent study, when traditional test methods were used to understand shielding requirements in battery-operated portable wireless designs, several shortcomings were identified.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

As long as the shielding range of the home signal jammer can shield the child's room, the area is basically within 20 square meters.This means that high-frequency components are now crammed into very tight spaces, which in turn reduces the size of the printed circuit board (PCB) required.Currently, to enhance PCB shielding, mobile phones use two main methods - soldered perforated cans and plated covers with EMI gaskets.Then, the most reasonable installation location is to select the installation location of the mobile phone signal jammer in the examination room.Therefore, because of these two points, this most ideal location is the first to be rejected.

However, some customers will always find that after the mobile phone signal blocker in the test room are turned on, the shielding effect is not ideal in the actual use process.Analysis from the signal transmission path: The mobile phone signals in the classroom of the examination room are all remote base station signals, and are transmitted to the classroom through doors and windows.If it can be installed on the ceiling in the middle, this can achieve the effect of complete coverage with a relatively small number of points, otherwise, the installation method of hanging on the walls on both sides is used.

For a conference room of about 100-300 square meters, usually 1-2 low-power cell phone signal jammers are installed, which can basically meet the shielding effect of the entire conference room.If you want to reduce the impact on the outside world, you can install it as a directional antenna.If the conference room is above the ceiling or has a movable ceiling, then the shield can be directly installed in the ceiling or ceiling.In addition, the installation location should be determined according to the on-site environment.


8 Bands Jammer Device

For a single space of more than 300 square meters, the installation point of the shield can be selected by the method of equidistant distribution according to the length and width of the site.The mobile phone signal shielding device in the examination room is generally installed according to the original design drawings.This method is absolutely not recommended, because hidden in the desk is not only unfavorable for the heat dissipation of the mobile phone signal shield in the examination room, but if the desk is made of metal, it is even more unfavorable for signal transmission, which directly affects the shielding effect.

The middle of the wall on the side of the base station, so that the shielding effect of the shielding device can be maximized.Therefore, when choosing a home mobile phonegps blocker, you can choose one with lower power, so that the price of the jammer gps will be lower.In the construction process of most standardized test rooms, the project of installing mobile phone signal blockers in the test room is included.If you exclude the factors of poor shielding equipment selection and working performance, how to install the shielding equipment and how to choose the installation location of the shielding equipment will become the main factors affecting the shielding effect.

Most of the test methods available today were developed to identify the materials that make up the EMI enclosure.For example, the shielded signal frequency bands are all band shielded, which means that 2/3/4/5G mobile phone signals and WiFi signals can be shielded; The difference lies in the shielding range.The shielding range of the signal jammer in the examination room is generally about 100 square meters, covering the entire classroom examination room.If the shielding area is too large, it may affect the normal use of mobile phones by neighbors, and it is easy to be complained.

At this time, people always want to use some methods to expand the coverage of the shielded signal, so that the shielding effect of the mobile phone jammer can be greatly improved.Cost - So, first things first, how much would it cost you? You can get the cheapest jammers (those which can only block a very specific type of signal - mobile signal, for example) for around $30 to $60.On the other hand, they tend to work on batteries, only for a short amount of time, and cover small area alone (around the size of a person's body).There is no difference between the home mobile phone signal blocker and the test room mobile phone signal blocker in many places.

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TagiTagi: addicted internet 
16 lutego 202316 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Today's children play mobile phones and surf the Internet from a young age, and are especially interested in games. This requires the opening and closing of the jammer to be easily controlled. Or the shield can be installed in the position facing the child's door, which has little effect on the shielding effect and can also prevent the child from damaging the wifi blocker. If the jammer cannot be used through the wall, it must be installed in the child's room. The second is the interference signal, because it is to prevent children from playing on mobile phones at home, it is necessary to be able to block WiFi signals and mobile network signals at the same time, which can effectively prevent children from connecting to WiFi or using mobile phone traffic to surf the Internet.

In this case, it can meet the interference range requirements of a large number of people. It is suitable to shield the signal in the child's room without affecting the surrounding neighbors. The first is the jammer's power, which directly affects the shielding distance of the shield. It is understandable to hope to purchase a home mobile phone signal jammer to interfere or cut off the mobile phone signal, thereby preventing children from surfing the Internet. Still, there are some points to pay attention to when using the mobile phone signal jammer. Generally, parents communicate with their children well, so that children can learn self-discipline.

The introduction of 4G is encouraged not only in developed countries but also in many markets. In this state, the phone can browse web pages, videos and play games online without Internet access. The signal jammer can be turned on after booting, which can not only block the WiFi signal but also complete the synchronization effect of blocking the mobile phone signal."Human-machine communication" gradually replaced "interpersonal communication" leading to neglect of family affection. Its function has changed from answering calls and texting to reading Weibo, playing games and even shopping. From the initial calls, sending and receiving text messages, to later music, video playback and recording, and Internet access, it has greatly affected people's lives.

The most popular 8 band jammers

People living in society have group needs, and isolation and lack of information are non-social characteristics. The functions of mobile phones are getting richer and richer. Newspapers, radio and television media report a large number of current affairs news every day, so that people can understand what is happening in the world and eliminate the uncertainty of people's information."Use and Satisfaction" studies view audience members as individuals with specific "needs" and their media engagement activities as the process of "using" media based on the motivation of specific needs so that those needs are "satisfied".

It is necessary to correctly understand the various functions of the mobile phone and play its positive role. From a single call function in the past, to today's integration of calls, text messages, photos, Internet access, listening to songs, and e-books, mobile phones not only greatly meet people's communication needs, but also meet people's entertainment needs. While promoting communication also shortens people's life distance, unintentionally widens their emotional distance, unifies facial expressions, and dulls spoken language. Mobile phone information carriers are more convenient, direct and fast than newspapers, radio and television information carriers.

However, some parents reflect the actual difficulties, and the children are sometimes not so obedient. The market for low-cost products in emerging countries is the main battlefield. With the popularization of smartphones, communications will develop rapidly. If you always hear the prompt "The user you dialed is temporarily out of service area" when calling your friend's mobile phone, don't think that he must be in the remote signal blind area. Maybe he just turned on jammer gps that blocked the signal and turned the phone off. With the development of science and technology, smartphones have gradually replaced traditional PCs and penetrated into all aspects of people's entertainment life.

If it interferes with the neighbor's signal, it will be troublesome. Faced with this kind of problem, I believe that many parents are aware of the seriousness of the matter, and it is urgent to control their children's Internet access, but directly confiscating their children's mobile phones will cause their children to be unhappy, and they end up crying to end the "battle".In this modern society, with the rapid development of communication systems, cell phones have been widely used all over the world, but the continued use of cell phones has tormented many people. cell phone jammer are very important devices in modern electronic products.

It can only be turned on after the child plays with the mobile phone beyond the allowable time, and the jammer is turned off after the child sleeps, which can also prevent too much influence on the surrounding neighbors. Maybe as a parent, as long as you love to play, your kids will love to play too. But if the child is addicted to playing, it is difficult for you to control it.In some respects, playing games can cultivate children's intelligence, but it is more harmful, because children's curiosity is very important , and self-control is poor, which will lead to children becoming addicted to mobile phones and indulging in the online world, which does not only does not enhance the child's intelligence but also affects the child's physical and mental health.

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TagiTagi: control internet access 
15 lutego 202315 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The United States used the "Predator" drone to launch anti-tank missiles for the first time in actual combat, creating a precedent for drones to strike the ground. However, they believe jammers can be a useful tool in protecting citizens from all kinds of crime and ensuring the safety of British sovereignty. They worry that these devices will reduce the transparency of government activities and the questionable behavior of political officials, in which mobile communications can be a useful source of evidence in the fight against political crimes. However, British youth and human rights advocates have raised concerns about the proposed widespread use of mobile signal jammer.

These drones have a cruise function, which can not only perform reconnaissance missions but also "change" missile attacks after discovering targets, so they are also called cruise missiles. Savage and pointing out that they were held at the same time as the G8 summit probably had a purpose. Nearly an hour later, a double-decker bus in Upper Woburn Square, near Tavistock Square, was also hit; the bus's roof was knocked off in the blast. British authorities are aware that terrorists have been known to use mobile phones as improvised remote controls to cause explosions.

The UK has made the fight against swarming drones a top priority, exploring ways to use radio frequency suppressors to disrupt the links of swarming drones. As British troops fought alongside coalition forces against Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, they knew what it was like to bomb the militants. There are phone jammers, which are designed to stop a cell phone's remote functionality from causing a terrorist's improvised explosive device (IED) to detonate. Due to the increasing number of mobile phone users, there are also growing concerns such as breaches of privacy and cheating in school exams.

The most popular 8 band jammers

If two drones are used, the drone used for reconnaissance will most likely also carry electronic jamming equipment. A cell phone jammer is basically defined as a device that stops any communication process within a cell phone. The phone signal jammer has been immersed in water or near a fire source. Do not use the jammer in places with high humidity, overheating, high voltage or high radiation. In normal use, the antenna should be perpendicular to the ground to obtain the maximum shielding range. What should be paid attention to when using jammers? All antennas must be tightened before starting work.

The youth and human rights advocate added that cutting off mobile phone communications could take away their freedom of expression because of the huge number of mobile phone users in the UK. Since then, the application of military drones has become more and more extensive, and it has developed towards the integration of inspection and attack, and the integration of attack and defense. To counter these security threats, surveillance drones (MDrs) need to be deployed for surveillance, hunting, and wifi jamming devices from amateur drones (ADr). In addition, in many regional conflicts in recent years, small and medium-sized suicide drones have been put into battle in large numbers.

The attack came as world leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, were meeting at a Group of Eight summits near Scotland. In another incident in October 2016, two Kurdish soldiers were killed and two Frenchmen were injured when an IS drone exploded after attacking troops. Anti-drone measures in northern Iraq diversify against drones on the battlefield. In recent years, various countries have launched countermeasures. The Russian army regards drone defense operations as an important task and has practiced anti-drone combat technology on the Syrian battlefield. In general, the current main anti-UAV means include electronic jamming interception, artillery missile hard kill, high-energy laser weapons and high-power microwave weapon interception.

However, such functional characteristics are completely different from those of mobile phone signal shielding. Therefore, when this kind of APP software is running, it will not significantly change the original working status and performance of the mobile phone, and the mobile phone itself can communicate with the outside world normally. The mobile phone shows no signal, no network, cannot receive and make calls normally, cannot send and receive text messages and use data traffic, etc. And the usual spy APP software or Trojan horse program, it must first show concealment and deception, so that users cannot quickly find out.

What's more, some people even hope that there is such an APP software that can remotely block the mobile phone signal of a specific mobile phone number. We do not deny that some malicious APP software has the characteristics of spyware, which can steal user information privately and even allow mobile phones to perform basic functions or programs without the user's knowledge. The so-called mobile phone signal shielding means that the mobile phone cannot complete normal communication with the base station at all. That is, the phone is in a state of being completely disconnected from the network.

GPS jammers are also used to disrupt the communications of outlaws and insurgents, which impedes their illegal and violent actions. However, this would increase the likelihood of a collision with a commercial flight, as in April 2016 when British Airways Flight 727 was reported to the Metropolitan Police by what he believed to be a drone that struck his plane. More commonly, the group consists of both reconnaissance and uplink devices. In real life, there is no APP software that can provide the function of shielding mobile phone signals for other people's mobile phones. People making such requests should confuse the functionality of cell phone spyware or Trojan horse programs with cell phone signal-blocking capabilities.

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TagiTagi: official behavior 
14 lutego 202314 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS signal jammers come in a variety of designs, each suited for slightly different uses.GPS, Galileo, Chinese, Japanese and Russian satellite navigation systems and their enhancements all use essentially the same technology and the same frequency bands.Even more serious than jammers are civilian GPS spoofers, which have been shown recently.Spoofing is sending fake GPS signals; the receiver locks on to them, and the spoofer takes control of the receiver.Vehicles will also be able to avoid a purely GNSS-based road user pricing system.But there are already low-cost GPS generators with programmable scenarios that can use Google Earth to input trajectories.

The models intended for cars, for instance, only work while the car and thus the GPS signal jammer is powered on.They use them to disrupt tracking systems, thereby stealing vehicles and their valuable content.Jammer: A low-power radio transmitter that can overwhelm GPS reception at a range of tens of meters.It blocks the data channel of any tracking system and disables mobile devices that can be used to call for assistance or track themselves using cell site analysis.Nearby jammers can easily deafen a vehicle's sat navigator because it's hard for them to hear these tiny signals.

Today, it's almost ridiculously easy to gain access to such a transmitter.Many people produce fake GPS locations to prevent applications from precisely tracking their movements.In a GPS spoofing attack, a terrestrial radio transmitter mimics GPS signals at a greater signal strength than the actual system can muster, effectively replacing real GPS signals with a fake signal.Spoofing GPS is no longer something that requires the resources of a nation-state.One of the reasons that GPS is easy to spoof is that the signal is unencrypted.Since no form of authentication or verification is required for GPS transmissions, just about anyone can use the publicly available specifications and falsify a location.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

It might be a bit mystifying to some as to why someone might want to jam a GPS signal.Improve its technology to detect jammers and try to legally ban their sale and use.GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) circle the earth in medium earth orbit, which is around 12,550 miles above the ground - the equivalent of almost five trips from San Francisco to New York.Since those satellite signals are transmitted across such a great distance, they are pretty weak by the time they actually reach your device.This used to be complicated, expensive electronics that only militaries could do.

GPS jammers can also disrupt many communication systems, including the Tetra Airwave system used by emergency services.And you can still be tracked by your mobile phone's own signals if you don't take precautions.However, just because you have a GPS signal jammer doesn't mean you still can't be tracked.Of course, terrorists fighting on the ground in Afghanistan and other countries also make use of GPS signal jammers, some Russian-made.Not enough to disrupt signals from other cars, but enough to keep you in a cone of gps jamming silence.

This jammer would beat GPS-based road user pricing systems, and jammers ten times more powerful than those on the market today.The first, and most popular model to hit the mainstream market was one that plugs into the cigarette lighter of a car, effectively disrupting the signal for a 15-foot radius.There are a number of types of noise signals it can send; some call for a narrowband Gaussian signal, others for a simple continuous wave.The GPS signal jammer works by sending out its own signal on the same frequency as the GPS unit, a noisy signal that prevents it from receiving or transmitting any useful information.

Fraudsters will allow criminals to hijack and divert the vehicle, while the tracking system shows it's still following its planned route, so no alarms will sound.Now, chances are, any GPS you will have contact with uses the radio frequency set aside for civilian use.The basic purpose of cell phone jammer is to prevent GPS loggers from either receiving satellite signals or sending signals back to their base station.However, there are those with a particular need for privacy, be it to massage their paranoia, keep law enforcement from engaging in warrantless car tracking, take an unauthorized lunch break with a GPS-enabled company car, or a teenager not want their parents to track their GPS phone.

But these two are harder to jam than GPS and don't draw people's attention.Some rare can only be found in certain parts of the world - if you can't travel to get them, placing your phone there virtually is the next best thing.Spoofing your device's GPS receiver so it displays another place is also a popular way to obtain access to country-specific features of games and other applications.Some do it to maintain control over their personal data by telling location services that are overtly or covertly tracking users that they're in Kazakhstan.GPS spoofing technology is virtually free, widely available, and very popular.

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13 lutego 202313 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Today's children play mobile phones and surf the Internet from a young age, and are especially interested in games.It can only be turned on after the child plays with the mobile phone beyond the allowable time, and the jammer is turned off after the child sleeps, which can also prevent too much influence on the surrounding neighbors.If the gps jammer cannot be used through the wall, it must be installed in the child's room.In this state, the phone can browse web pages, and videos and play games online without Internet access.People are becoming more and more dependent on their mobile phones.

In some respects, playing games can cultivate children's intelligence, but it is more harmful, because children's curiosity is very important, and self-control is poor, which will lead to children becoming addicted to mobile phones and indulging in the online world, which not only does not enhance the child's intelligence but also affects the child's physical and mental health.Maybe as a parent, as long as you love to play, your kids will love to play too.Its function has changed from answering calls and texting to reading Weibo, playing games and even shopping.

Faced with this kind of problem, I believe that many parents are aware of the seriousness of the matter, and it is urgent to control their children's Internet access, but directly confiscating their children's mobile phones will cause their children to be unhappy, and they end up crying to end the "battle".This requires the opening and closing of the jammer to be easily controlled.Mobile phones have become an extremely important part of people's lives.Mobile phone information carriers are more convenient, direct and fast than newspapers, radio and television information carriers.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The market for low-cost products in emerging countries is the main battlefield.What should I do if my child is addicted to chatting on mobile phones, and what if the child does not rest well and plays mobile games in the middle of the night? Generally, parents communicate with their children well, so that children can learn self-discipline.From the initial calls, sending and receiving text messages, to later music, video playback and recording, and Internet access, it has greatly affected people's lives.The functions of mobile phones are getting richer and richer.

It is necessary to correctly understand the various functions of the mobile phone and play its positive role.From a single call function in the past to today's integration of calls, text messages, photos, Internet access, listening to songs, and e-books, mobile phones not only greatly meet people's communication needs, but also meet people's entertainment needs."Use and Satisfaction" studies view audience members as individuals with specific "needs" and their media engagement activities as the process of "using" media based on the motivation of specific needs, so that those needs are "satisfied".

However, some parents reflect the actual difficulties, and the children are sometimes not so obedient.In this case, it can meet the interference range requirements of a large number of people.If it interferes with the neighbor's signal, it will be troublesome.The first is the jammer's power, which directly affects the shielding distance of the shield.Maybe he just turned on a jammer that blocked the signal and turned the phone off.The signal jammer can be turned on after booting, which can block the WiFi signal and complete the synchronization effect of blocking the mobile phone signal.


The most popular 8 band jammers

Can you buy a blocker for a few hundred dollars to prevent children from being addicted to mobile phones? It is understandable to hope to purchase a home mobile phone signal jammer to interfere or cut off the mobile phone signal, thereby preventing children from surfing the Internet. Still, there are some points to pay attention to when using the mobile phone signal jammer.While promoting communication also shortens people's life distance, unintentionally widens their emotional distance, unifies facial expressions, and dulls spoken language.

It is suitable to shield the signal in the child's room without affecting the surrounding neighbors.In this modern society, with the rapid development of communication systems, cell phones have been widely used all over the world, but the continued use of cell phones has tormented many people.With the development of science and technology, smartphones have gradually replaced traditional PCs and penetrated all aspects of people's entertainment life.Newspapers, radio and television media report a large number of current affairs news every day, so that people can understand what is happening in the world and eliminate the uncertainty of people's information.

The second is the interference signal, because it is to prevent children from playing mobile phones at home, it is necessary to be able to block WiFi signals and mobile network signals at the same time, which can effectively prevent children from connecting to WiFi or using mobile phone traffic to surf the Internet.If you always hear the prompt "The user you dialed is temporarily out of service area" when calling your friend's mobile phone, don't think he must be in the remote signal blind area.People living in society have group needs, isolation and lack of information are non-social characteristics.

Or the shield can be installed in the position facing the child's door, which has little effect on the shielding effect and can also prevent the child from damaging the jammer.But if the child is addicted to playing, it is difficult for you to control it.Is there any way to indirectly control children's Internet access? GPS jammers can solve this problem.cell phone jammer are very important devices in modern electronic products.With the popularization of smartphones, communications will develop rapidly.The introduction of 4G is encouraged not only in developed countries but also in many markets.

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TagiTagi: jamming equipment device 
11 lutego 202311 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS finds major use in most equipment and systems to provide location information instantly both in civilian and military applications. While GPS jammers have been created (specifically by the government, military organizations and spy or privacy gadget companies), most civilians do not have the technical capabilities to create their own home made devices. Most GPS Jammers are built for military uses, for instance, to confuse the enemy on where their exact location is or where the enemies GPS guided missiles or bombs will fall. It should be noted that most GPS jammers are illegal to build or use in many countries or localities due to the potential for misuse.

The availability of UAVs or drones with GPS capability also provides the capability for terrorists to have surveillance of potential target sites for reconnaissance. Jammers constitute an enemy force, and as the Chinese General Sun Tzu stated in the Art of War more than 2,000 years ago, battles will be won by knowing your enemy. Because GPS is nothing more than radio waves, these waves can be jammed, though technical devices and expertise are needed for that purpose. For instance, mobile signal jammer can confuse aircraft and other vehicle instruments, possibly causing mishaps.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The type of GPS jammer is Area Protection System against Satellite Navigated Hostile Threats which is a system designed to protect specific locations against missiles guided by GPS. Nevertheless, a certain number of jammers are in the hands of individuals around the world and they continue to be available from manufacturers and suppliers in certain countries. This information will also help in developing countermeasures that could be incorporated into GPS receivers to limit the impact of wifi jammer. It is much more difficult than just blocking a radio signal with basic radio interference.

Can provide cover for military signals from 10km to 150km and for civilian signals it varies between 30km to 350km. A team of researchers from Cornell University and the University of Texas at Austin reports on their analyses of the signal properties of 18 commercially available GPS jammers. In 2009, outages of a Federal Aviation Administration reference receiver at Newark Liberty International Airport close to the New Jersey Turnpike were traced to a $33, 200 milliwatt GPS jammer in a truck that passed the airport each day. However, there are a few civilian uses for jamming GPS signals including the ability to conceal oneself or one's vehicle in the case that it is being tracked by a GPS receiver.

Using triangulation, GPS can deliver the location to the receiver within centimeters of its exact spot. The use of GPS Systems helps terrorists to navigate on land in mountains, jungles or desert terrain thereby providing them with a high degree of mobility and action capability. These devices use the signal received from a minimum of three GPS navigational satellites or more to calculate the location information. Some GPS jammers state that they are only for civilian GPS jamming only; however, some military equipment must first sign onto the civilian GPS radio frequency in order to gain access to the military GPS frequency.

So, GPS jamming is a continuing threat both at home and abroad and a detailed understanding of how the available signal jammer work is necessary to judge their effectiveness and limitations. There is extensive use of GPS in military equipment and systems both on man-pack and vehicular basis enabling forces to move accurately during operations both during day and night. This provides them the capability to cause the death of both civilians and security forces as well as the destruction of property and infrastructure giving them high visibility for their cause.

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A detailed understanding of how the available jammers work is necessary to judge their effectiveness and limitations. also prides in the intimate maintenance support provided by it during the warranty and the entire equipment life cycle for the complete satisfaction of its esteemed customers. The range depends on the power amplifier and Antennas used and the total number of bands simultaneously active at a time. Can provide cover for military signals from 10km to 150km and for civilian signals it varies between 30km to 350km. For instance, a GPS jammer can confuse aircraft and other vehicle instruments, possibly causing mishaps.

So, gps jamming is a continuing threat both at home and abroad and a detailed understanding of how the available jammers work is necessary to judge their effectiveness and limitations. It will effectively protect a well-defined area from ground and sky threats while it will not, in any way, affect the normal operation of navigation services outside this area. The type of GPS jammer is Area Protection System against Satellite Navigated Hostile Threats which is a system designed to protect specific locations against missiles guided by GPS.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Using triangulation, GPS can deliver the location to the receiver within centimeters of its exact spot. This provides them the capability to cause the death of both civilians and security forces as well as the destruction of property and infrastructure giving them high visibility for their cause. The availability of UAVs or drones with GPS capability also provides the capability for terrorists to have surveillance of potential target sites for reconnaissance. These devices use the signal received from a minimum of three GPS navigational satellites or more to calculate the location information.

Most GPS Jammers are built for military uses, for instance, to confuse the enemy on where their exact location is or where the enemy's guided missiles or bombs will fall.GPS finds major use in most equipment and systems to provide location information instantly both in civilian and military applications. Some jamming signal state that they are only for civilian GPS jamming only; however, some military equipment must first sign onto the civilian GPS radio frequency in order to gain access to the military GPS frequency.

The use of GPS Systems helps terrorists to navigate both on land in mountains, jungles or desert terrain thereby providing them with a high degree of mobility and action capability. While gsm signal jammer have been created (specifically by the government, military organizations and spy or privacy gadget companies), most civilians do not have the technical capabilities to create their own homemade devices. However, there are a few civilian uses for jamming GPS signals including the ability to conceal oneself or one's vehicle in the case that it is being tracked by a GPS receiver.


8 Bands Jammer Device

There is extensive use of GPS in military equipment and systems both on man-pack and vehicular basis enabling forces to move accurately during operations both during day and night. Jammers constitute an enemy force, and as the Chinese General Sun Tzu stated in the Art of War more than 2,000 years ago, battles will be won by knowing your enemy. Because GPS is nothing more than radio waves, these waves can be jammed, though technical devices and expertise are needed for that purpose. It is much more difficult than just blocking a radio signal with basic radio interference.

This is very useful to protect important locations like power generation facilities, national government or military headquarters or other critical sites from attack using GPS guided weapons like missiles or bombs. Nevertheless, a certain number of wifi jammer are in the hands of individuals around the world and they continue to be available from manufacturers and suppliers in certain countries. This information will also help in developing countermeasures that could be incorporated into GPS receivers to limit the impact of jammers. It should be noted that most GPS jammers are illegal to build or use in many countries or localities due to the potential for misuse.

The type of signal cellphone jammer and their utilization can be customized depending on customer requirements and the deployment envisaged. A team of researchers from Cornell University and the University of Texas at Austin reports on their analyses of the signal properties of 18 commercially available GPS jammers. In 2009, outages of a Federal Aviation Administration reference receiver at Newark Liberty International Airport close to the New Jersey Turnpike were traced to a $33, 200 milliwatt GPS jammer in a truck that passed the airport each day.

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TagiTagi: area protection system 
09 lutego 202309 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In recent years, various types of signal jammer have emerged in an endless stream, and we are dazzled and dizzy, but in fact, not all products are suitable for us to apply to ourselves.It's not hard to see why so many people want to use jamming devices.Some organizations, such as schools, use jammers to prevent cheating, companies use jammers to prevent the use of mobile phones, and some factories use it to protect the confidentiality of information.Now, jammers are being used for more and more urban purposes. Even if no response is required by law, the school seems to allow you to use it by default.

Using high-scatter aluminum alloy shell, the working temperature is low, and the shielding effect is more stable.Police can use jammers to prevent criminals' communications and prevent terrorist attacks, such as jamming some signal-controlled bombs.The original purpose of the cell phone jammer was mainly for police and military applications.We've heard or known about cell phone jammers for a long time.Schools can use gps jammer to prevent cheating in exams, but they can't completely solve the situation where students are in class.Although there are many differences in the behavior of using cell phone jammers on the Internet, it does not stop the behavior of going to the school.

Therefore, the gas station that belongs to the fire prevention area is not only strictly forbidden to use mobile phones in the station, but also it is best not to use mobile phones within two or three meters around the gas station.In addition, gsm jammer can also let your children grow up in a good environment.When the cell phone battery starts, when the ringer rings, it can generate enough energy to cause a slight spark that can cause a fire.This dynamic electromagnetic field signal will induce mutation interference signals.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to use a mobile phone Gps jammer in the gas station.a relatively stable electromagnetic field surrounds signal, electrical equipment, that is, a static electromagnetic field, the interference of this static electromagnetic field to electrical equipment is almost zero.This is because there is no data exchange between the mobile phone and the base station when the mobile phone is not used, and it is impossible to form a sudden change.

When using a mobile phone, there is data exchange between the mobile phone and the base station, and random mutation signals are generated, so that a dynamic electromagnetic field is formed around the electrical equipment.In a gas station, the driver used a mobile phone when refueling, which caused an explosion and caused a serious accident that caused many casualties.At present, the mobile phone signal is almost everywhere, and all electrical equipment is surrounded by it.When the mobile phone signal amplifier is not used, the interference of the surrounded signal to other electrical equipment is minimal.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

With the development of smart phones, more and more problems are brought to people's life, exposing more safety and social problems.More importantly, the mobile phone will spark during the dialing process, which can easily cause a fire and cause the gas station to explode.At the same time, gas stations should set up obvious signs prohibiting cell phone calls, and widely publicize safety knowledge, so that people understand that using wifi jammer in gas stations is undoubtedly walking with tigers.There have been many fires caused by the use of mobile phones across the country.

In the military, interceptors are used to block enemy communications.12V/24V DC power supply work, convenient for vehicle mobile work.The external design of the antenna and the unified interface at one end make the appearance more beautiful and decent.And it has an anti-loosening design, and the antenna and the host have a marked working frequency band for one-to-one correspondence.Relevant departments such as petroleum, chemical industry, and security have expressly stipulated that the use of mobile phones in gas stations is prohibited. The mobile phone's signal will affect the equipment's normal operation, resulting in inaccurate measurement.

Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, a simple and effective method is to use cell phone jammer.In such an environment, we can always block all signals easily, but if we use a public blocker, it may appear that the shielding effect is unstable.The cell phone jammer is mainly used in the examination room, and is not limited to the examination room.It can also be used in prisons, gas stations, mobile phone bomb prevention, oil depots, liquefied gas stations, detention centers, interrogation rooms, courts, labor camps, conference rooms, theaters, churches, etc.

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08 lutego 202308 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Effective measures should be taken to eliminate potential safety hazards and jammer gps buy ensure the safety of gas stations.On the one hand, the customer does not know the safety management regulations of the gas station, and believes that it is unnecessary for the gas station employees to let them use their mobile phones in the gas station, which is prone to rebellious psychology.

One of the more difficult to manage is the prohibition of customers using mobile phone calls in gas stations mobile signal jammer.The exercise of any right is limited and must not prejudice the rights of others or the public interest.The freedom of communication and speech that citizens enjoy in accordance with the Constitution and the law shall not exceed their due scope.As we all know, gas stations dealing with flammable and explosive materials are high-risk industries, and "safety first" is the most basic requirement for gas stations.Common safety measures at gas stations mainly include turning off motorcycles to refuel, gas station employees must wear anti-static clothing to work, prohibiting open flames and using mobile phone calls in gas stations, and not refueling in plastic buckets, etc.

Because refueling and gas stations are now generally controlled by computers, high-intensity mobile phone signals will cause induction with computer equipment, and the instantaneous electronic friction between the two may ignite fuel vapor and cause an explosion.Therefore, it is recommended to connect the power of the shield to the battery of the car as much as possible to ensure that the device can work continuously.In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile phones, it is not uncommon for students to use mobile phones to affect their life and learning.It is still one or two o'clock, so in order to prevent students from playing mobile phones in the middle of the night and give themselves a better rest, many schools have to choose to install wifi jammer in their dormitories.

The most popular 8 band jammers

On the other hand, the customer knew that he could not use the mobile phone in the gas station, but he was lucky, and one-sidedly believed that the accident would not happen when he was using the mobile phone, so he did not listen to the persuasion of the gas station staff and went his own way.Strictly speaking, vehicle anti-monitoring and anti-tracking is a comprehensive professional discipline.It integrates communication engineering, radio technology, electromagnetic research, information science, network security, psychology and other disciplines.If the car turns off halfway, the jammer gps will definitely be powered off, then the location information of the car will be exposed again.

As long as the RF spark lasts for more than one microsecond and the energy is greater than 6 milliwatts, it will ignite the methane-air mixture.So is it enough to put a high-power mobile signal jammer? Is every room in the school dormitory like a school exam room? Actually, how to select and install it is explained below.The cell phone signal jammer gps in the school dormitory are mainly used at noon and evening when students are resting.The wifi jammer gps can be big or small, and there are many channels in any frequency band of mobile communication.Obviously, the school's behavior is mild and does not affect students' freedom of communication and expression.

Some students often use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in bed, and some even use their mobile phones to surf the Internet in the middle of the night.At the same time, in order to make the communication signal clearer, the frequency of mobile phone use is very high, and the transmission power is relatively strong.Since gasoline is a volatile substance, in the combustible danger area formed by the leakage of oil and gas tanks and natural gas pipelines, the radio frequency sparks generated by mobile phones can easily cause explosions and lead to disasters.When RF current circulates between metal conductors, RF sparks will be generated in case of corrosion or poor contact.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

This type of jammer gps can basically be powered by the cigarette lighter, so after being installed in the car, it must be ensured that the jammer GSM is always in working state.At present, the main way for gas stations to prohibit customers from using mobile phone calls at gas stations is to persuade, but sometimes the effect of persuasion is not ideal.The current required to ignite the fuel gas is very small, and the static current generated by the mobile phone in the working state can completely reach this limit.Although it meets the national standard, it still poses a serious threat to refueling and gas stations.

That is to say, there is no need to shield the mobile phone signal 24 hours a day, so the shielding device of the ordinary power supply such as the external adapter is also optional.As a radio communication tool, the mobile phone emits radio waves, which can induce radio frequency currents in the antenna that receives the radio.Why can't you make phone calls in the gas station? Some people think that it is alarmist that a mobile phone can cause an explosion at a gas station, and they have never heard of an explosion caused by a mobile phone.First of all, people have misunderstandings about the safety hazards caused by using mobile phones in gas stations.

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07 lutego 202307 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

When shopping for a cell telephone signal jammer, you can refer to the above technical indicators to shop for.Due to the high density of city communique base stations and the short distance between base stations, the transmission signals of the city verbal exchange base stations are frequently more potent than the ones within the suburbs.The interference effect of cell telephones used in the suburbs is higher than that within the town.We must make modifications and control the gap between the mobile cellphone and the cell cellphone whilst necessary.All of these motives might also motivate the mobile smartphone to have a sign after the usage of the signal blocker.

Generally, cell telephones with robust anti-interference and high sensitivity can have any such thing.You can't blindly select reasonably-priced merchandise, and you can't think that high priced products are suitable.After using the cell phone blocker, in case you need to realize how the use effect is, it especially depends on whether the mobile smartphone has a display signal.However, it's far more important to make certain that the shielded location has no blind spots and leaks.If the mobile telephone is connected to the phone generally, it was that the defensive region has now not carried out powerful protective, and there may be leakage.Where the sign is strong, the protecting distance of the sign blocker could be shortened, and the vulnerable sign will shield the gap farther.What can be the cause for that? The cellular smartphone can't be linked, indicating that the mobile phone is in an essential kingdom.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Of course, every now and then it's also stricken by the local signal, which may also have an effect on the protective effect.If the authentic fault-loose provider life is 1 12 months, and the real use is much less than half of a yr, disasters regularly occur.Although it's far an unfastened warranty, the threat caused is immeasurable, and personnel resources also are wasted, and the corresponding cost of overall performance is decreased.If outside interference isn't always considered, it's miles incredibly clean to really guard, as long as the shielding strength is improved.This calls for the protective layout must be absolutely considered and managed technically to reap correct and green defense with out outside interference.

The gps jammer has to be wiped clean in time during preservation, select a suitable cleaning agent, and do not use water, otherwise, it'll reason a quick circuit.In the region of a few prisons, there may be transmitting base stations with robust cell cellphone indicators.In order to reap a very good shielding effect, it takes numerous materials and electricity, and the fee will boom for that reason.In exercise, the protective requirements of the jail vicinity are usually better, and there are slight leaks and blind spots.The offenders may also seize this loophole, so that the mobile cellphone may be used within at the start stipulated protecting the region, and the unique goal of defensive the cellular phone cannot be completed.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Use suitable cleaning gear; Dust and dust particles may be eliminated by wiping the signal blocker with a dry microfiber fabric.It refers to the withstand voltage among entry and output, input and energy delivery, and output and electricity supply.The larger the cost, the higher the resist voltage capability, the more potent the isolation functionality, and the better the filtering performance.This face up to voltage test is determined through the resist voltage check of the cell phone signal jammer.If the original fault-free provider lifestyle is 1 12 months, in actual use, the fault-loose carrier existence reaches 3 years, and the fee overall performance is tripled.

The so-referred to as protective efficiency refers to whether there are blind spots or leaks in the shielding impact.Be sure to show off the transfer when now not in use, in any other case many indicators could be mistakenly shielded.Some chemical cleansing merchandise has the capacity to corrode and damage the protective layer on the panel and must also be selected cautiously.You can also dampen a microfiber fabric with an answer of water and vinegar, nonetheless tightening the cloth to ensure no liquid drips from the cloth, then lightly wipe away the stain.For stubborn spots, additionally, recollect spraying a small quantity of an ammonia- and alcohol-loose cleansing product on a microfiber material and wiping down the signal blocker.

Isolation power: also called isolation capability, compressive strength or take a look at face up to voltage.If you find that stains are still left, it is endorsed to moisten the fabric with water and wring it out until it's far almost dry, then with a little strain, work from the top to the bottom of the wifi blocker to wipe the stains.It can robotically pick out the frequency of the sign at some point of use, and play the function of defending the sign.When using the check sign jammer day by day, how need we nicely preserve the cell smartphone jammer? The signal jammer plays a certain function in protecting the sign from interference.

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TagiTagi: anti-jamming device 
06 lutego 202306 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In February, President Trump issued an executive order on the use of current positioning, navigation and timing. For example, tracking where a car goes can also reveal a person's favorite place. It records and records all your movements, letting you know where you relax, where you eat, and who visits you in your free time. In turn, car tracking knows people's favorite vacation destinations. But will car companies share this information? For his reasons, Senator Schumer cited an investigation that would hold government departments accountable. In this case, it is advisable to use a typical 10-band cell phone blocker. Profitability has also improved thanks to targeted advertising services and marketing.

Complaints about vehicle surveillance and intelligence gathering are real. The workshop is part of an effort by the federal government and an essential part of educating the public about the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on GPA. Ships in Russian waters are disguised as inland airports, ships in Chinese ports are reported to be inland and maneuvering inside government buildings, and ships in parts of the world broadcast their positioning circles thousands of miles away in Northern California. It has extensive coverage and supports all mobile phone radio bands. You can carry small portable and large fixed gps blocker. By then, if there is a mobile phone jamming device, all signals within 40 meters will be blocked.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

Ninety percent of car, safety and tracking device manufacturers share the information they collect. It is a call-blocking device, which can avoid active call termination service. This is a call-blocking application that can block all radio waves from mobile phones and smartphones. Mobile deterrent devices are widely used and have produced very positive results. These transmissions are received by coastal networks and satellite systems. This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output. While GPS jamming and fraud are problems in many transportation and critical infrastructure areas, they are often most pronounced in maritime transport.

Their advice extends to giving drivers the option to opt out of the process of collecting their personal information. The US Department of Transportation will host a workshop on GPS harassment and fraud in the marine environment on the afternoon of December 3. If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases. You can take it with you and use the wifi blocker. Large signal circuit breakers are mainly used in churches, hospitals, schools and other places. According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale signal jammers and portable gsm jammer.


The most popular 8 band jammers

The way cars work is very similar to today's smartphones, and it is not uncommon to access personal information. Little did people know that cars would one day become the subject of many privacy disputes. The automobile is the status symbol, the automobile's function is the driver's life foundation. It has not only developed into one of the most reliable means of transportation but also has become man's best friend. But when the automobile was invented at the turn of the century, no one knew the growth potential of the drive. The invention of the wheel was a step in the right direction. Cell phone jammer blocks unwanted phones around you while blocking your own cell phone. Cell phone jamming devices are now used in places like cinemas.

Avoid using chemical solvents and water, and avoid wiping surfaces and tools. It's sleek and smart, and many people think it's safer and more pleasing. According to automotive technologists, the fact that drivers know exactly where they are has great potential. Do you hate them? Some people like mobile phones, some people hate mobile phones. In America, I recommend something to people who don't like mobile phones. For example, if you were eating in a nice restaurant and someone was talking loudly in a box behind you, how disgusting would that be? If you tell him to end the call, you may have an uncomfortable night if you're lucky. If You Say Nothing, you will be destroyed anyway. Here are some tips before you buy military jammer. However, such convenient jamming devices are rare.

AIS data is usually charged or easily accessible to the public. That is why there are more and more cronies to curb this growth trend. Chuck Schumer, the New York senator, has led calls for federal legislation to curb potential privacy violations. According to lawmakers, GPS devices, black boxes and vehicle-to-vehicle devices are all collected and sold by automakers, which collect a lot of information. He called on agencies, the Health Technology Administration (HTA) and the Federal Trade Commission to develop clear guidelines on the types of data the devices can collect. The invention of GPS is an important step in security and tracking, but cars equipped with GPS can do more.

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03 lutego 202303 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz1 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Within a certain frequency range, the mobile phone and the base station are connected by radio waves, and the transmission of data and sound is completed with a certain baud rate and modulation method. According to the above communication principle, the wifi jammers scans from the low-end frequency to the high-end of the forward channel at a certain speed during the working process. This scanning speed can form garbled code interference in the message signal received by the mobile phone, and the mobile phone cannot detect the normal data sent from the base station, so that the mobile phone cannot establish a connection with the base station. The mobile phone shows phenomena such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system. In the end, the mobile phone has no signal and cannot receive text messages or calls.

We can compare a mobile phone to a radio for the time being. The radio often appears to be buzzing or the channel is simply confused and cannot be heard. This means that the signal is interfered. Since the radio can be interfered, so can the mobile phone. of and by some device interference.

8 Bands Jammer Device

There are many different names for mobile phone signal jammer, jammers, mobile phone jammers, signal jammers, mobile phone signal jammers, mobile phone signal blockers, mobile phone isolators, mobile phone blockers, mobile communication signal jammers, mobile phone signals Degree shielding instrument, mobile phone jammer, signal jammer, mobile phone blocker, signal blocker, mobile phone signal isolator, signal isolator, mobile phone signal interceptor, radio signal jammer. The military jammer scans from the low-end frequency to the high-end of the forward channel at a certain speed during operation. This scanning speed can form garbled code interference in the message signal received by the mobile phone, and the mobile phone cannot detect the normal data sent from the base station, so that the mobile phone cannot establish a connection with the base station. The mobile phone shows phenomena such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system.

For the uplink and downlink channels of the mobile phone system, it uses frequency doubling, frequency division, frequency hopping filtering and other technologies to analyze the required shielding frequency; customize a spherical shielding space according to the power of the jammer, and automatically form a shielding magnetic field within the specified range , making mobile phones in this space invalid. When the jammer is in the working state, it can disable the signal receiving and sending functions of mobile phones within the specified range, making it impossible to dial out and dial in, so as to achieve the purpose of mandatory disabling.

The global positioning system (GPS), the space network that helps planes, ships and explorers orient themselves, could be disabled by gps jamming using cheap shop-bought equipment and information gleaned from the Internet, New Scientist magazine said.

The weekly said the U.S. Air Force formed a task force dubbed "Space Invaders" to look for weaknesses in the satellite communications and navigation system. The system is so popular now that even RVs and GPS watches use it for positioning.

Simulating a potential enemy, two novice technicians successfully assembled a satellite jammer GSM, relying on information downloaded from the Internet and materials purchased from general stores.

They assembled an ultra-high frequency (UHF) signal amplifier and noise generator for just $7,500. The device used copper pipes as antennas, plus some jumble of wooden blocks and plastic pipes, and was powered by an oil-fired generator.

They put the homemade device on an open pickup truck and turned it into a "signal cellphone jammer" that effectively blocked satellite dishes and the military's UHF receivers from getting the ultra-high frequency signals of the "Global Positioning System".

"Using a different component could interfere with GPS signals on other frequencies."

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02 lutego 202302 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

When jamming communications, the emphasis is on the portable jammer signal strength at the victim receiver's location, when in reality equal emphasis should be placed on the space or "link distance" between the transmitter and receiver.At the data link layer, it can interfere with the receiver by destroying legitimate packets by violating the protocol, or it can interfere with the sender by capturing the carrier with continuous transmission (another form of protocol violation) to prevent the sender from sending.This can be achieved by a jammer through attacks at the physical layer or the data link layer.

In this paper, the term "parity distance" describes the maximum distance between a transmitter and a victim receiver and is equal to the signal strength from the jammer.A gps blocker is defined as an "entity that purposely attempts to interfere with the physical transmission and reception of wireless communications".It has been passively listening to the network and at chosen times attacking it in a way that follows its protocol as if it were part of it.Jammer also knows the communication protocol of the target network.It's not as effective (constant or deceptive) as the jammer it mimics, but more energy efficient than it.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Using a higher-gain directional antenna helps increase the effective radiated power and improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver (antenna reciprocity).It's very effective, but just as energy inefficient as a persistent jammer.A deceptive jammer understands the protocol of the target network and jams the network by continuously transmitting legitimate packets at a high rate for a period of time in order to keep the vector captured.Constant wifi blocker is unaware of the existing protocol of the network (bit rate, packet size, etc.), and thus continuously transmits bits over a period of time without following any protocol.

When the communication signal strength is greater than the interference signal strength, the transmitted signal can "burn through" the interference signal; making the interference invalid.Conversely, when the transmitter and receiver are close to each other, interfering signals have less impact on the link.Any distance less than the parity distance means the transmitter signal is closer and its signal is stronger than the jamming signal, making the jamming signal less efficient or useless.From an electromagnetic attack standpoint, this situation creates false positives; thinking the victim receiver is jammed and reporting the effect to the tactical commander.

signal jammers function like persistent jammers or deceptive jammers, but at random.Improvements in communication and interference are primarily a result of improved antenna performance.As the signal travels farther and farther from the transmitter, it gets weaker.For a receiver to detect a signal, it must be as sensitive as the strength of the arriving signal.The weaker the signal, the more sensitive the receiver must be.The greater the distance between the transmitter and receiver, the more effective the jamming signal will be.

At the physical layer, a jammer can only interfere with a receiver by transmitting at high power on the network frequency and reducing the signal-to-noise ratio below the receiver's threshold; however, it cannot prevent the transmitter from transmitting, so it cannot interfere with the transmitter.The link distance between the victim receiver and the transmitter (or transceiver) is critical because either the receiver or the transmitter can move close enough to the other and "burn through" the interference.The term "burn-through" refers to the effect of the transmitted signal strength at the victim receiver being greater than or equal to the signal strength from the drone jammer.

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01 lutego 202301 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

GPS was touted as the next smartest thing when it absolutely was invented by the United States armed service Section way back again in 1973. But as outlined earlier, it is best to check your neighborhood regulations, as you would not want to possess a rough time with the legislation enforcement individuals Once you have the GPS jammers delivered to your home. If you want to get a GPS jammer on your own, then it is rather straightforward and inexpensive. So in case, you are intending to buy a GPS jammer, It will be superior to check Using the neighborhood regulations first, to stop jogging into issues afterward.

These days corporations are utilizing GPS products to monitor their motor vehicle fleets that are despatched out for the supply of goods to the customers together with other field pursuits. This is due to these receivers employed by The federal government really starting to involve receiving the C/A sign (civilian) before they are GPS jammers able to commence to have the armed service apply the P(Y) sign.10 meters is over sufficient to include a human or perhaps a substantial motor vehicle, so portable signal jammers are helpful plenty of and allow both you and your car or truck to move without getting into your GPS monitoring.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Should you have been in this kind of position of continual surveillance, you would probably understand properly how awkward it feels. Properly, the civilian GPS sign jammers do have diverse radio frequencies compared to the armed service employed kinds, but there remain several nations around the world who're not particularly comfy with the concept of popular use of mobile signal jammer through civilians. The US military services have raised considerations, Regardless that the army and business GPS capabilities at various radio frequencies when to put next on civilian use. These GPS equipment keep a tab on the whereabouts of the vehicle and the motive force too.

Because GPS has normally been generally used by the military services to Find the position and motion of enemy planes and also to detect any unauthorized entry of planes and so forth into home territory, utilization of GPS jammers continues to be limited for the general public. So a GPS sign jammer is definitely a boon to people who find themselves remaining pestered by the continuous surveillance of their jealous fans, nosey spouses, or snooping bosses. The moveable wifi blocker results in a safe spot of all-around 10 meters across the unit, and this particular area is safe within the probing GPS alerts.

Just purchase a good a person from considered one of the various on-line suppliers. But currently, Quite a bit of individuals seem to disagree with this reality. Why else would GPS jammers turn out to be so well-known or else? As the identity suggests itself, GPS sign jammers are units used to jam or block the GPS process from obtaining the location. Even supposing GPS has umpteen apps for civil, armed forces and commercial use, Lots of people manage to resent The truth that it may get absent from their correct to privateness. Transportable gsm jammer can come to your rescue in these cases.

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31 stycznia 202331 stycznia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

Some students use their cell phones to text each other during exams, check their writing online, and put up shields to prevent students from cheating on their phones. It is also used to send stop signals to prevent terrorist attacks. This means that the caller can not contact the owner of the phone. Its unique and powerful functions can meet the needs of a large number of users. Improvement of High Power Signal from Remote Jammer. If you want a cheap, high-power gps jammer, consider price, quality, and other factors that match your needs to provide the ideal environment to get the best signal jammers.

This may be a complicated process for many people, but it is straightforward. Law enforcement agencies also use them to prevent communication between offenders. Cell phone jammers have become an important tool in government offices, assembly points, hospitals, libraries, schools, and theaters where silence is also required. They have been successfully used in many counter-terrorism operations to disrupt communications between explosives and mobile phones. Some of the world's most advanced law enforcement agencies use cell phone jammers to make them reliable and convenient.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

However, cell phone jammers can block all incoming calls at the same time. These jammers are vital to the continued development of the United States. Therefore, by designing a high-quality cooling system, Another reason I like the jammer GSM is that it is not a message of "phone off" but a "service interruption".Humans can use jammers as a security measure to prevent sensitive information from being leaked. Strong jamming technology can effectively protect national security. You can take steps to pick the right signals, so it will be a quiet place. Many students lie in bed when they are late for class or study.

Advanced jammers provide exposure and training for the US military. Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of modern life. There are several ways to handle these unwanted calls. But so far, that's where cell phone jammers work. One of the most common methods is to keep your phone on silent or vibrate. The signal emitted by the cell phone jammer has the same frequency as the cell phone signal. Equipment susceptible to interference is subject to various regulations. Jammers also prevent your phone from sending outbound messages.

You can also get many other high-power office signal tips and newly designed cell phone jammer. People choose portable jammers for several reasons. There is a lot of bad information on the internet, which is not conducive to the growth and study of students. The jammer then sends this signal to the world.GPS interference is generally identified as interference that may occur due to equipment defects or other unforeseen events. Jamming occurs when an operator transmits on a busy frequency without first checking that it is busy or cannot hear the station using that frequency.

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TagiTagi: communication jammer 
30 stycznia 202330 stycznia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

The Radio Canada Advisory Committee (RABC), an Ottawa-based trade group for equipment manufacturers and service providers, said using the technology would have "legal implications" for Industry Canada and manufacturers of cellphone silencers. Many states have banned or planned to use cell phones while driving, but many ignore those bans and continue to create collisions and dangerous situations. Over time, society will determine what behavior is acceptable. So, if you want to reduce distracted driving, but don't want to answer the phone, you should install cell phone jammer in your car. The small storage radius only covers your car, there is no other space you will feel safe and comfortable on the road.

This prohibits public security, law enforcement and other government agencies from using portable jamming technology. The Canadian government has launched a 90-day public comment period to license the technology to prevent the inappropriate use of mobile phones in restaurants, theaters, and concert halls. Between emergencies or demonstrations, all signals are restored immediately after the equipment is switched off. In a small space, you can use the cell phone jammer just like an ordinary cell phone. Except for Israel, technologies that interfere with GPS wifi blocker or cell phone signals are banned in most countries.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Prompting the Governors Highway Safety Association to investigate nearly 350 scientific articles to measure driver distraction. With your phone or smartphone, you can release it with one hand while looking directly at it. All kinds of things distracted the driver and caused a rest. This is called a global navigation satellite system. Talking while driving is a well-known problem that can develop over time. I didn't notice any interference unless their signal went into the common area. The range varies, but in most cases, the person who needs to make a call can get out of the classroom and do so without disturbing others.

It may come from your parents, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or other important phone calls. According to the aforementioned GHSA study, 25% of car crashes (ranging from minor to fatal) are caused by smartphone use while driving, so having GPS jammer in your car is important. Industry Canada wants to make cellphone silencers available to as many listeners as possible, and Industry Canada in Ottawa wants to help the public decide whether they should consider applying for a license for the devices. For signal jammer, you don't need an overly powerful jammer to disable students' cell phones in small classrooms.

But you were texting while driving is even worse! When you talk with headphones, your hands look idle. We may be distracted by things like eating and drinking (of course not), talking to passengers, face painting, music, and more, but cell phones and smartphones are the worst-known distractions. Inside GNSS is a magazine about Chinese-, and Russian-run Global Positioning System systems (GPS) and other satellite navigation systems. Look at your smartphone when texting, not the street. Department of Defense says that properly placed GPS jammers or sprinklers may interfere with signals in the United States.

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TagiTagi: mobile phones 
29 stycznia 202329 stycznia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


A Global Positioning System Jammer helps block Global Positioning System signals to help ensure safety.Oklahoma has seized dozens of boxes containing nearly 80,000 phones from inmates since 2010, United States Department of Commerce officials told the media.In 2016 alone, correctional officers removed nearly 9,000 mobile phones, a record.Jails have jamming technology that blocks cell phone signals, but federal law doesn't allow it.By contrast, the FCC has studied it again and again.High-power multi-purpose cell phone jammer is popular worldwide because people are not only subject to interference from one device, but in many cases, people feel that if they can identify the frequency band and the range of interference, everything is perfect.

With the development of society, People's life is getting better and better.For those who want to use the 3g GPS jammers in the car, the car charger design for the cell phone jammer is convenient.Although this car is very convenient for travelers, we know that it will be equipped with GPS satellite locators, which are very important for vehicle tracking and security against theft, but the problem can not be ignored, these GPS positioning systems have also been known.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Do you know what kind of mobile phone jammer is suitable for car use? Or if they can use it while driving, what features should they have? Those who need and use jammers outdoors should definitely use hand-held jammers, and you will learn about the context of hand-held GPS phones, which can help you get rid of tracking.The car has become an indispensable tool for many families, and the car has become one of the most important means of transportation for people to travel.It is a very popular mode of transportation when people drive on vacation and go out with family or friends.

Now using jamming GPS can help people solve such problems.The head of Oklahoma Correctional Services said he had traveled to Washington several times to try to persuade lawmakers to allow jammers to intervene in prisons.In this booming technology era, users are more and more concerned about privacy and space.with the development of mobile travel, communication between people becomes more accessible, and users use mobile phones to communicate.But there are also concerns about the threat posed by mobile phones.Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of mobile phones, the introduction of jammer's GPS is absolutely necessary.


8 Bands Jammer Device

They were taken to the prison kitchen, thrown into the fence, and smuggled in during visits, then smuggled in by unscrupulous prison guards and prison staff.In addition, the portable jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging.Hand-held GPS jammers are recommended for vehicle anti-GPS tracking because they are easy to use, easy to use, and easy to recover.You may need to purchase comprehensive GPS signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites.Most designs can cut off the GPS signal, which is not enough for people.There are many GPS signal jammers on the market.

The technology limits interference in prisons without affecting households and businesses.Then it is really necessary to get rid of the negative effects of GPS tracking devices.For some people, the answer is yes, because many people track GPS devices, which affects their lives and work.For"F" Is for Fugitive, our journey is dangerous, so we try to keep you safe, and car GPS jammers are the most direct way.A Global Positioning System Tracker is a device that uses a Global Positioning System to pinpoint the location of a vehicle, person, or other asset and periodically records the location of the asset.

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TagiTagi: cell phone signals 
26 października 202226 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


Like any tool, jammer can be used in many ways, both efficiently and inefficiently.Ships in Russian waters are disguised as inland airports, ships in Chinese ports are reported to be inland and maneuvering inside government buildings, and ships in parts of the world broadcast their positioning circles thousands of miles away in Northern California.

If they have become a problem in the workplace, employers can install GPS jammers to prevent them from causing problems.Mobile deterrent devices are widely used and have produced very positive results.Unfortunately, telling people to mute their devices is not going to work.Whatever the circumstances, a signal jammer can jam up the frequencies cells need to receive calls, preventing phones from ringing out (since the call won't come through, to begin with).

If employees cannot stop posting on social media sites or texting, this may be a good choice, rather than simply firing offending employees.It is a call-blocking device, which can avoid active call termination service.We can debate whether this speaks to some larger social problem, but it's still true anyway.By carefully selecting the location of signal jammers, it is even possible to block communications in critical areas of the facility rather than elsewhere.


8 Bands Jammer Device

While GPS jamming and fraud are problems in many areas of transportation and critical infrastructure, they are often most pronounced in maritime transportation.And then there are prisons, where unauthorized communication lines may help individuals promote crime while locked in.Most of the time, you'll find them in one place, and a phone call can be very disruptive because silence is an expectation.

The RF signal has a frequency similar to that used by the cellular carrier.The workshop is part of an effort by the federal government and an important part of educating the public about the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on GPA.Even funerals are not immune to the odd phone call that breaks the silence or prayers.This is more true for those working in various governments and prisons, but
signal jammer can block communications as this can be a severe security issue.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Cell phone jammers can prevent these calls from coming in the first place.While it is important to review local laws on this issue, there have been cases where individuals have installed jammers (usually cell phone jammers) to prevent interference.

The cell phone jammer will not only block the signal, but you can't make any phone calls, including 911 emergency calls.In February, President Trump issued an executive order on the use of current positioning, navigation and timing.Not to mention that they should never have had a cell phone in the first place.This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output.

According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale jammers and portable drone jammer.There are always quite a few people who open their devices for some reason.If you are a government worker or contractor, don't forget to check our deals, which are designed to help you complete important work within your budget without sacrificing quality.

Large signal circuit breakers are mainly used in churches, hospitals, schools and other places.The United States Coast Guard lists GPS signal interference as an "Urgent problem" for the IMO.For example, some military facilities do not allow communication without prior approval.If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases.

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25 października 202225 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


Signal jammers can prevent cell phones and other devices from communicating with the outside world.In other countries, law enforcement and government agencies are widely allowed to use signal jammers.

As you can see, the signal jammer is versatile and can work on many different devices.This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output.Can you use GPS jammers without blocking emergency communications?


8 Bands Jammer Device

They can use them during meetings to prevent employees from being distracted.In some countries, as long as the safety guidelines are followed, even some civil organizations and individuals are allowed to use signal jammers under certain circumstances.Emergency medical personnel, fire responders, police officers and all medical service pagers use a different frequency band than normal cell phone chat.The US Department of Transportation will host a workshop on GPS harassment and fraud in the marine environment on the afternoon of December 3.

Other places that rely on quiet, such as libraries and theaters, may use cell phone jammers to keep visitors' phones from ringing.In February, President Trump issued an executive order on the use of current positioning, navigation and timing.Civilians worried about privacy see signal jammers as a defensive tactic.Sometimes, you may receive a very weak signal, but a"Emergency only call" notification is a signal that you can still call for help regardless of your network connection.


The most popular 8 band jammers

Sometimes, you may even notice that your phone can do this on its own.If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases.Or, they can prevent employees from using their mobile phones to send and receive messages during working hours.You can use the signal jammer without obstructing the communication with law enforcement and emergency personnel.

For these reasons, many countries have already outlawed signal jammers in most cases.This can prevent devices such as microphones, GPS trackers and cameras from transmitting data to malicious participants.These transmissions are received by coastal networks and satellite systems.If a civilian is bombarded by a scammer's phone or needs quiet time, a cellphone jammer can prevent the phone from answering.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Avoid using chemical solvents and water, and avoid wiping surfaces and tools.What is a jammer?According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale jammers and portable jammers.It is a call-blocking device, which can avoid active call termination service.This ensures that emergency communication can take place without risk of loss of connection due to excessive use of frequency or weak signals.

Mobile deterrent devices are widely used and have produced very positive results.The United States Coast Guard lists GPS signal interference as an "Urgent problem" for the IMO.This is a call-blocking application that can block all radio waves from mobile phones and smartphones.Just be sure to check the law at your location before purchasing and operating the drone jammer.The workshop is part of an effort by the federal government and an important part of educating the public about the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on GPA.

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Cell phone jammers need systematic management

Wifi blocker interferes with the safety of the device




24 października 202224 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

In the early years of the Iraq war, the U.S. military developed a technology so secret that soldiers would refuse to acknowledge its existence, and reporters mentioning the gear were promptly escorted out of the country. That equipment - a radio-frequency jammer - was upgraded several times, and eventually robbed the Iraq insurgency of its most potent weapon, the remote-controlled bomb. But the dark veil surrounding the signal jammer remained largely intact, even after the Pentagon bought more than 50,000 units at a cost of over $17 billion.

Phone Blocker

Who handheld radio frequency jammer for sale

The defense contractor which made the vast majority of those 50,000 jammers. Company executives were ready to discuss the gps jammer- its evolution, and its capabilities. They were finally able to retell the largely-hidden battles for the electromagnetic spectrum that raged, invisibly, as the insurgencies carried on. They were prepared to bring me into the R&D facility where company technicians were developing what could amount to the ultimate weapon of this electromagnetic war: a tool that offers the promise of not only jamming bombs, but finding them, interrupting GPS signals, eavesdropping on enemy communications, and disrupting drones, too. The first of the these machines begins field-testing next month.

Tucked behind a Target and an Olive Garden knock-off, the flat, anonymous office building gives no hint of what's inside. Nor do the blank, fluorescent-lit halls. But open a door off of one of those halls, and people start screaming.


Mini Blocker Device

"Screens off!" barks a man with a fullback's build. "Turn off the test equipment!" On the ceiling, a yellow alarm light flashes and spins - the sign that someone without a security clearance is in a classified facility.

Afghan militants began attacking U.S. troops with drone jammer explosive devices in the first days after the October 2001 invasion. By early '02, al-Qaida bomb-makers were cramming radio frequency receivers and simple digital signal decoders into the bases of fluorescent lamps. Then they'd connect the two-and-a-half inch wide lamp bases to firing circuits, and to Soviet-era munitions. The result was a crude, radio-controlled weapon dubbed the "Spider" by the Americans. With it, an attacker could wait for his prey, set off the bomb at just the right moment - and never have to worry about getting caught. When the explosion happened, he'd be hundreds of yards away.

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22 października 202222 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


Speakers included Diana Fuchtlot, Maersk Line Captain, Assistant Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology; and representatives from the National Safety Council, the Maritime Administration and the U.This is because automatic identification systems (AIS) used for collision avoidance and traffic management on large ships transmit position data based on GPS output.If the protective case is useful, it should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid GPS interference and to prevent temporary exposure to salt spray and harmless gases.

You can take it with you and use the GPS jammers.Ships in Russian waters are disguised as inland airports, ships in Chinese ports are reported to be inland and maneuvering inside government buildings, and ships in parts of the world broadcast their positioning circles thousands of miles away in Northern California.While GPS jamming and fraud are problems in many areas of transportation and critical infrastructure, they are often most pronounced in maritime transportation.According to lawmakers, GPS devices, black boxes and vehicle-to-vehicle devices are all collected and sold by automakers, which collect a lot of information .


Mini Blocker Device

The US Department of Transportation will host a workshop on GPS harassment and fraud in the marine environment on the afternoon of December 3.In turn, car tracking knows people's favorite vacation destinations.Complaints about vehicle surveillance and intelligence gathering are real.AIS data is usually charged or easily accessible to the public.Profitability has also improved thanks to targeted advertising services and marketing.That is why there are more and more cronies to curb this growth trend.It's sleek and smart, and many people think it's safer and more pleasing.Mobile deterrent devices are widely used and have produced very positive results.Ninety percent of car, safety and tracking device manufacturers share the information they collect.According to automotive technologists, the fact that drivers know exactly where they are has great potential.It has extensive coverage and supports all mobile phone radio bands.Chuck Shurmer, the New York senator, has led calls for federal legislation to curb potential privacy violations.In America, I recommend something to people who don't like mobile phones drone jammer.

For example, if you were eating in a nice restaurant and someone was talking loudly in a box behind you, how disgusting would that be.The United States Coast Guard lists GPS signal interference as an "Urgent problem" for the IMO.But will car companies share this information? For his reasons, Senator Schumer cited an investigation that would hold government departments accountable.These transmissions are received by coastal networks and satellite systems.The invention of GPS is an important step in security and tracking, but cars equipped with GPS can do more.For example, tracking where a car goes can also reveal a person's favorite place.Large signal circuit breakers are mainly used in churches, hospitals, schools and other places.By then, if there is a mobile phone jamming device, all signals within 40 meters will be blocked.


Phone Blocker

It is a call-blocking device, which can avoid active call termination service.Their advice extends to giving drivers the option to opt out of the process of collecting their personal information.The way cars work is very similar to today's smart phones, and it is not uncommon to access personal information.This is a call-blocking application that can block all radio waves from mobile phones and smartphones.It records and records all your movements, letting you know where you relax, where you eat, and who visits you in your free time.Someone can make a lot of money by selling personal information.The workshop is part of an effort by the federal government and an important part of educating the public about the pitfalls associated with over-reliance on GPA.Do you hate them? Some people like mobile phones, some people hate mobile phones.Manipulate personal information to obtain and sell personal information.Avoid using chemical solvents and water, and avoid wiping surfaces and tools.What is signal jammer?According to the product model, can be divided into large-scale jammers and portable jammers.If you tell him to end the call, you may have an uncomfortable night if you're lucky.

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22 września 202222 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Wireless technology has provided us with many conveniences, such as being able to use the Internet and telephone without being tethered to wires. Some companies are trying to take advantage of the technology by releasing products that allow you to "cradle" your phone into a unit while still giving you access to the internet. This is known as the benefit of wifi jammer. If you own a Motorola phone, you've seen commercials for this product on TV and the Internet. This is a great project for parents looking to keep their kids safe when they're out and about, or for any business that might want to promote cell phone hubs from a distance, such as from a plane. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of wifi signal jammer.

Many people don't know how this wifi jammer device works. This essentially means that you can use your phone or PDA device to connect to the hotspot just like any other wireless device. However, if you don't have a wireless signal or your PDA has only a weak signal, the device won't be able to connect to the network. The device uses a WiFi protection system module that sits between the phone and the router or modem.

There are some advantages to using this type of wifi frequency jammer. You can keep your kids safe, your laptop safe, or your PDA from being stolen. You can also prevent the interruption of internet service. For businesses, it can help improve reception and increase internet speed.

There are also some disadvantages. It takes longer for the device to detect the network because it has to scan all radio channels. Nor does it protect your data from intrusion or corruption. This is something to consider if you want to use this device for work or your phone.

When you install Hamster on your desktop or laptop, you can turn off the internet to the rest of the machine so it's not vulnerable. You can also use other types of jammers by turning off wifi in specific areas. But the main advantage of this product is the range. The five-mile range is about as far as other devices can reach.


This type of jammer is not difficult to set up. It's also easy to uninstall. Most companies offer free trials so you can try them out before buying. This product can also be used in a home wireless network. This means you can have your own wireless network without paying extra for an internet connection.
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21 września 202221 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
wifi jammer is one of the easiest ways to get rid of the wireless signal in your home or office. With cheap wifi jammers for sale from China, you can buy a WiFi blocker that will make the most of it at the factory price. Below are the main advantages of wifi jammers.

Hidden antenna

WiFi signal jammers can be great tools for a variety of purposes, from crime scenes to law enforcement operations. These jammers effectively block signals in homes and offices, reducing the risk of information leakage. In addition to these applications, jammers are also helpful to law enforcement officers, as they can be used to track cell phone usage in public places, as well as monitor phone and internet usage.

Unlike ordinary wifi jammer device, mini power banks can be used as portable jammers. These mini wifi/Bluetooth signal jammers feature a compact design with hidden antennas on the top and sides. They block all major cell phones, GPS, and Wi-Fi signals. Hidden antennas on the mini power banks allow them to be used while charging. Unlike ordinary power banks, mini wifi jammers can block multiple frequency bands at the same time.

Wifi blocker cost

Wifi frequency jammers are a very cheap way to block wireless signals. They block signals on multiple channels and can be used in a variety of ways. A wifi blocker can cost anywhere from $20 to $600. You can get them at a low cost by looking them up online. If you don't have a lot of cash, try a mylar blanket. Just make sure the aluminum side is facing out. If you're looking for something more efficient, you can use aluminum foil. While laser jammers are illegal in some states, they are not.

While wifi jammer kit can be expensive, the technology behind them is very reliable. A 16-band 5g jammer can jam two signals at a time. It can shield areas up to 25 meters away. Also, it is portable and can be used for many occasions. Also, it will prevent your kids from getting addicted to the WIFI network. You can even find mini portable wifi jammers that include an antenna.

where to buy

If you're wondering where to buy a cheap wifi jammer, you've come to the right place. China is the hometown of wifi jammers, you can buy them cheaply from their factory or from their website. This online site offers a variety of payment methods including cash on delivery, vouchers and Gcash.
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20 września 202220 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
It seems like every public place you can visit has free Wi-Fi as one of the perks of access. Shopping centers, cafes, and even some urban areas and libraries offer free Wi-Fi to help you stay connected.

A powerful tool like the Internet requires limitations. It's a great outlet for work and play, and with just a few clicks, you can access just about anything you can imagine. On the other hand, it also poses a huge risk to your privacy, security, and authority at work and at home.

WiFi can be abused, and often it is. Getting and using a wifi jammer can solve all your problems. Whether you need to regain control of your life, workplace or kids, blocking WiFi can give you peace of mind.

With open access like this, it's only a matter of time before someone does something nefarious to make things difficult. Wi-Fi blocker. According to the FCC, a jammer is an "unlawful radio frequency transmitter designed to block, interfere with, or otherwise interfere with authorized radio communications. Wifi jamming techniques generally do not distinguish between desirable and undesirable communications. A jammer can block All radio communications operating on radio frequencies within its range (i.e., within a specific radius of a jammer) by emitting radio frequency waves that prevent the target device from establishing or maintaining a connection.

For example, jammers can prevent your phone from making or receiving calls, text messages, and emails; prevent your Wi-Fi device from connecting to the Internet; prevent your GPS unit from receiving the correct positioning signal, and prevent first responders from finding you.


That said, it is illegal to own and use wifi jammer device in the United States. Federal law prohibits the marketing, sale, or use of transmitters (eg, jammers) designed to block, interfere with, or interfere with wireless communications.

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19 września 202219 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Children are naturally curious creatures. When it comes to a rapidly changing world and the internet, it seems impossible to keep them safe online.

Even the best parents or guardians can find themselves indecisive about their children. Is the site safe? Did you know they don't reveal confidential information?

These days, it's hard for kids to know when they're doing it right.How do you keep your kids safe when you just want to protect them?
Children's online safety can be a difficult hurdle to address. Here's how to do it with online safety tips for kids.

Install a wifi jammer

Do you have a child who is still trying to test your boundaries? If your kids insist on doing things on the computer that you don't allow, a wifi signal jammer may be the best option.

These wifi signal jammers will block your child from accessing the internet.

Disruptors can be turned on and off depending on when you want to block access to the internet. Their easy-to-use on/off switch lets you know when the signal interrupter is in place. That way, you can turn it off when you don't have to worry about your kids.

The benefits of wifi blockers include knowing when your child is accessing the internet. It also allows you to eliminate any negative behavior that is trying to sneak into places you tell them not to go. Or block internet access when you ask them not to.

Signal jammers instill in your kids that the rules you make are for their safety.

Your child's online safety comes first
Talking to your kids about what's on the internet is a good start to getting them online. You have their best interests in mind when it comes to safety and protection.

Online risks and safety for children can be a difficult thing to police. By taking all precautions, you can take safety measures to protect your child.


If you have any questions, we are happy to help you maintain and protect your child's online safety. Contact us today!

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17 września 202217 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
If the hum of an overhead drone still freaks you out, get used to it! The use of drones has expanded into all walks of life (entertainment, science, agriculture, journalism, medicine, military, logistics, etc.) and inevitably to the darker side as well. Criminal and terrorist groups have discovered the versatility of drones, and they now routinely deploy them as a sort of small air force for surveillance, delivery of illicit cargo, or full-scale attacks. Rogue drones, individually or in groups, pose a threat that every law enforcement, security advisor and defense agency must consider. One of the first countermeasures developed against drones was the drone jammer, which targeted the communication channel between the drone and its operator. Fixed area solutions as well as mobile handheld transmitters are readily available to protect valuable assets from drone threats that can cause all kinds of damage. While this is a relatively low-cost solution, its simplicity may limit its usefulness.

Limitations of Interference
A drone is small, a small point in the vast airspace surrounding any target, be it a person or facility, stationary or mobile. For example, in order to protect an airport from drone threats by interfering with its radio frequency communications, it is necessary to detect the presence of drones, identify the communication frequency and jam it within a certain distance to eliminate the threat. These variables enable targeted Jamming becomes an unreliable solution because it takes some time to lock and analyze the signal, and frequency switching is common. On the other hand, broad defenses such as total jamming can lead to many unforeseen situations, since RF signals have a very wide range of civilian uses (the most important of which is air traffic control).

Additionally, since RF signals are susceptible to random interference, the drone industry is evolving to address this vulnerability by securing communication channels (necessary for securing even the most casual day-to-day operations, such as delivering packages to the correct address) . While alternative guidance methods, such as GPS positioning, can create a "dark" drone that can accomplish its mission independently of any further instruction/communication with the operator.

While drone signal jammers are undoubtedly the most common method of jamming and defending against rogue drones, it is clear that as drones become more widely used and their technology more sophisticated, countermeasures against them Will need to keep up.


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16 września 202216 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Drones can pose risks to human health and safety. They are also frequently used to monitor and obtain vulnerable information from protected areas, such as military bases, and cause casualties through explosives. Therefore, the field of drone jammer is developing rapidly, especially in the military field.

The military often uses this drone detection solution to capture drones. When the net hits the drone, it stops it and makes it fall to the ground. Thanks to this, it is easy to prevent the drone from returning to the sender and prevent vulnerable information from leaving the military station, or worse, prevent physical damage from explosives carried by the drone.
Pros: When the drone is physically captured, there is very little risk of returning to the sender or causing casualties in the event of an explosion. Additionally, using the web can help find and prosecute senders. Ground-launched net cannons are highly accurate.
Disadvantages: The reloading time of the drone network is long, so if there is more than one drone, or if it is not caught at the first time, the threat still exists.

Radar uses radio energy to locate objects. With the help of radar, the orientation and position of the drone can be measured. Most radars send radio signals and "listen" for the echoes. However, they rarely choose small goals. Radar is designed to track larger objects such as airliners. However, the military also uses radar to locate small drones that may be in the area.

Four Major Anti-UAV Technologies - Radar Advantages: Radar helps to cover wide terrain. They provide accurate positions and can locate multiple targets simultaneously. Because the defense has to be as strict as possible

Radar is a great solution regardless of the weather, even in poor visibility conditions like fog, night, etc.

Cons: Most radars cannot distinguish between small drones and small flying animals like bats or birds. Therefore, radars may not be efficient enough for the military, as they may miss small drones.

High Power Microwave (HPM)
High-power microwave equipment can damage other electronic equipment, such as drones. HPM may interfere with the radio link for manipulating the drone. Due to the high voltage and current of the HPM, the HPM usually destroys the drone. Thanks to this, dangerous situations can be avoided, for example, when a suspicious drone enters a nearby area.

Pros: Effectively deter drones within HPM range.

Cons: While this technology can protect military bases and high-security areas, it can compromise other electronic devices and even destroy them accidentally and unintentionally. In addition, HPM can interfere with communication signals

GPS Spoofer
Thanks to this technology, a signal is sent to the suspiciously detected drone and misleads its whereabouts. Since GPS coordinates are dynamically alerted, a spoofer can take control of the drone. In this way, equipment can be moved from the area to a "safe zone", reducing the risk posed by the presence of drones.

Pros: GPS spoofers are one of the most affordable technologies. As an effect, they can be purchased in bulk by the military and used in various places.
Cons: Unfortunately, there is a risk of interfering with other radio communication signals.
The drone jammer can detect the presence of drones at a distance of about 3 kilometers and MUAVs at a distance of 20 kilometers, depending on the environmental conditions and the flying altitude of the drone. This provides accurate situational awareness and time to react to threats.

- Passive RF sensors scan the area for electromagnetic signals that can be identified as drone communications. When a threat is identified as a drone, the direction of arrival is clearly shown to the system operator to take action. By installing several RF sensors, the detection range can be extended, and through triangulation, the location of the drone can be precisely determined.

15 września 202215 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Recently, criminals and urban guerrilla terrorists have become more frequent by using drones to support their illegal activities. They are using drones because of availability, pricing and simplicity.
Another reason to use drones is that they use high-definition cameras to efficiently gain insight and information about people and places.
Today, most drones have HD or 4K cameras so that criminals can collect high-quality reconnaissance information and store it in the cloud.
Drones are used for many illegal activities, such as air smuggling of drugs or weapons inside prisons, or even dropping bombs on any target, civilian or military.
These illegal payloads can be easily attached to the drone and dropped at the touch of a button. The guards or guards protecting the area don't know.
This approach would wreak havoc on the prison. Using drone jammer can protect prisons from the supply of hazardous items or illegal weapons.

What is an anti-drone jammer?
A drone jammer is a device that can take drones from up to 4 kilometers away and destroy them safely and effectively.
Excellent drone jamming devices use wavelengths similar to cell phone jamming methods. It works by detecting which model is approaching the facility and then giving you the most ideal course of action to disable it. This technique could shield prison security systems from the eagle-eyed vision that felons get with this technique.

How can anti-drone detection systems benefit prisons?
Drone technology is getting cheaper every day, making it easily accessible to both consumers and criminals.
As mentioned above, it can be used by criminal groups to plan illegal activities with prison members of the same affiliation. They can even spy on guards or other prison officials, giving prisoners confidential information.
What is an anti drone gun jammer?
Anti-drone guns are the perfect replacement for drone jammers. It is manually operated and can safely disable drones up to 1.2 km away.
These are designed for prisons with staff monitoring the sky for any potential threats.

The Jammer mart anti-drone gun emits directional radio frequency signals, which can send multi-band frequencies at the same time to interfere with the operation of the drone and interfere with the GPS and Wi-Fi communication of the drone.
It is designed to effectively and safely neutralize drones while maintaining absolute control over the situation.
The anti-drone gun includes an LCD screen to help you set up the system for optimal use. It also has a temperature sensor and pressure gauge. It can disable the drone for up to 10 minutes on a full charge of 60 minutes.

Since drones are often used in criminal activities, incorporating counter-drone technology systems into any prison security system to enhance security measures in prisons and detention facilities from all dimensions and levels is the most important financial investment.

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14 września 202214 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Consumer drones have become a growing threat to global military power, and drone jammer has received a lot of attention in recent years. In 2019, the Pentagon announced that the U.S. military now has the full legal right to shoot down commercial or private drones it sees as a threat.

Since then, many local communities have been told that any UAS (unmanned aircraft system) entering military airspace could be destroyed or seized.

How do terrorists use drones?
ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria have repeatedly used drones modified with grenades to provide makeshift booby traps or destroy armored vehicles from above.

Even unarmed, the surveillance capabilities of most commercial drones can pose a significant threat to military personnel or facilities.

It allows opponents to gain footage in hopes of planning future attacks. More worryingly, the technology is rapidly miniaturizing, meaning drones are getting smaller and more agile.

Let's talk more about how to safely locate and disable drones within your facility.

Locate the drone
Various technologies are used to identify drones entering restricted areas, and these devices come in various configurations. Blocking and disabling drones is done through similar techniques used in cellular GSM jamming.

Once the drone is located, the military can take action to safely disable the device to prevent harm to civilians. By knowing where the drone system is, the team can disperse the drone or shut it down.

Disable drones
Some weapons fire a net that traps and adds weight to the drone, then shoots it down with a parachute.

While the range is short, the benefit of this approach is that the aircraft can be seized for forensic testing in hopes of finding vital intelligence.

Assets and military installations are not always isolated, which can pose a threat to the public. In most cases, there is a significant risk of destroying drones when someone is nearby, especially if these drones are loaded with hazardous materials or explosives.

Drone jammers work by jamming the controller's RF directional signals and allowing military personnel to gain access to the drone system. Such technologies are often used to protect stadiums in the event of a major incident where terrorists could pose a potential threat.

Directed energy is also an option, but still experimental. It has its limitations and disadvantages, including limiting how far the lens can travel. "That's probably only going to be used in military vehicles for the next five to eight years," said Col. John Hayscock, director of the U.S. Army Fire Laboratory.

Jammer mart drone gun jammer can block all drone communication frequencies, including GPS and WIFI. It interferes with GPS communication systems such as UAV WIFI and GPS-L1 by transmitting radio frequency signals. The drone anti-gun with a high-definition telescope can help you quickly lock on the target.


When these signals are blocked, the unauthorized drone is neutralized and begins to descend to the ground, where it can be retrieved. The unit can jam all frequencies together for at least 6 operations of 10 minutes each.

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13 września 202213 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
In theory, you could classify the devices here into the drone detection and drone disruption categories. The former is concerned with identification, while the latter is more concerned with deactivating detected drones.

UAV monitoring equipment
There is a lot in the surveillance equipment category. First, there are RF analyzers that use antennas and processors to receive and analyze radio waves using the spectrum. In most cases, this provides the brand and model identification. More advanced RF analyzers can even provide drone and controller triangulation.

Microphone arrays can also be used to detect drone sounds and provide direction calculations. Of course, the effect starts to drop in noisier environments.

Optical sensors come down to cameras and can use infrared or thermal imaging. Of course, while they can help identify drones and their payloads, false-positive detections and poor performance in low-visibility conditions are to be expected.

Radar cannot be ignored here, it is used to detect the position and orientation of the drone by sending out a signal and listening for reflections. As mentioned, these are almost exclusively used to track larger objects.

Drone jammer,this is a countermeasure that sends uncontrollable frequency-based energy behind the drone, preventing the controller signal from reaching the device. When this happens, the drone may land, return home, fall to the ground, or take off in a random direction.
The effect depends on the manufacturer. Note that this is a short-range countermeasure and cannot accurately measure the impact this technology will have on drones.

Anti-drone gun
The anti-drone gun is exactly what it sounds like. These are for shooting drones. In this case, the lenses could be physically destructive, or they could provide a burst of radio frequency signaling technology.
Jammer mart sells a wide range of drone jammers, a variety of power and different types of drone counter guns for you to choose from. Our drone jammers come with a high-definition telescope configuration to help you aim quickly. Welcome to consult and understand.


12 września 202212 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


  According to the survey, only 24% of employees consider smartphones or mobile phones necessary for their day-to-day work.

  True, this information comes from employees rather than employers, but there is little reason to suspect that it is remote. Most jobs don't require a cell phone.

  A telephone is a tool. Like any tool, it can be used in many ways, both efficiently and inefficiently. If they have become a problem in the workplace, employers can install a signal jammer to prevent them from causing problems.

  If employees cannot stop posting on social media sites or texting, this may be a good choice, rather than simply firing offending employees. They cannot use what they cannot access.

  While it is important to review local laws on this issue, there have been cases where individuals have installed jammers (usually cell phone jammers) to prevent interference.

  Whether it's a class, a speech or a religious ceremony, if the phone calls at the wrong time, it will cause great interference. Cell phone jammers can prevent these calls from coming in the first place.

  Unfortunately, telling people to mute their devices is not going to work. There are always quite a few people who open their devices for some reason.

  We can debate whether this speaks to some larger social problem, but it's still true anyway. Even funerals are not immune to the odd phone call that breaks the silence or prayers.

  Whatever the circumstances, a signal jammer can jam up the frequencies cells need to receive calls, preventing phones from ringing out (since the call won't come through, to begin with).

  This is more true for those working in various governments and prisons, but gps blocker can block communications as this can be a severe security issue.

  For some obvious reasons, some facilities need to be safe. For example, some military facilities do not allow communication without prior approval.

  And then there are prisons, where unauthorized communication lines may help individuals promote crime while locked in. Not to mention that they should never have had a cell phone in the first place.

  By carefully selecting the location of signal jammers, it is even possible to block communications in critical areas of the facility rather than elsewhere. That way, there's still a place to make calls or use WiFi.

  If you are a government worker or contractor, don't forget to check our deals, which are designed to help you complete important work within your budget without sacrificing quality.

  Cell phone jammers work by sending radio frequency or RF signals. This is stronger than a nearby cell tower or base station.

  Cell phone jammers can be used almost anywhere. Most of the time, you'll find them in one place, and a phone call can be very disruptive because silence is an expectation. One example is entertainment venues.

  In many jurisdictions, signal jammers are illegal and require a license.

  The RF signal has a frequency similar to that used by the cellular carrier. It makes the phone unusable.

  The cell phone jammer has a downlink frequency that interferes with the signal. When used, your phone does not display any bars.

  The cell phone jammer will not only block the signal, but you can't make any phone calls, including 911 emergency calls. Cell phone jammer overcomes the frequency. Therefore, don't look down on cell phone jammer, but be very careful.

  We know you've had a lot to worry about lately. You Want to Know You're a secure hacker.


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12 września 202212 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
wifi jammer can be a useful device when used in the right context. Whether it's preventing unauthorized communications or helping reduce interference, jammers can do many things.
Today we're going to cover just a few of the ways cell phone jammers, GPS jammers, and wi-fi jammers can help you!
Prevent unnecessary distractions

According to a Pew Research Center poll, only 24 percent of employees believe their smartphone or cell phone is necessary for their daily work.
Granted, this information comes from employees rather than employers, but there's little reason to suspect it's far off. Cell phones are not required for most jobs.

Phones are tools, and like any tool, they can be used in productive and inefficient ways. If they become a problem in the workplace, employers can install wifi signal jammers to prevent them from causing problems.
If employees can't stop using social media sites or texting, this can be a good option rather than just start firing employees who break the rules. They can't use what they don't have access to.
forced quiet time
Some parents have started using wifi jammers to force their children to be quiet for a while. Jammers can be turned on, and WiFi, cell service, or both can be blocked.
While parents have to be careful about the strength of their wifi blockers (or they might get complaints from their neighbors), this can be a great way to make sure the rules are followed at homework or bedtime.
If this sounds extreme, remember that you can turn the wifi signal jammer off and on as needed. You can turn it off whenever the child in question is focusing on other things that don't really matter.
If this is going to become a habit, remember that you will also need to have a landline installed in case you need to take an important call or make an emergency call while the wifi jammer device is turned on.


Prevent interruption

While it's important to check local laws on the matter, there have also been cases of individuals installing jammers (most commonly wifi cell phone jammers) to prevent interference.
Whether it's a class, a lecture, or a religious service, calling the wrong time can be a huge distraction. Cell phone jammers can block these incoming calls in the first place.
The unfortunate reality of any large group is that telling people to mute their devices won't work. There are always a fair number of people who have their devices turned on for some reason.

We can debate whether this says something larger about society, but it's still true anyway. Even funerals aren't immune to strange calls to break silence or pray.
In any case, the signal jammer interferes with the frequency that the cell needs to receive calls, preventing the phone from ringing (because the phone doesn't get through in the first place).

Block unauthorized communications

This applies more to people who work in various government and correctional facilities, but signal jammers can block communications that could become a serious security problem.

Certain facilities require security for obvious reasons. For example, some military installations do not allow any communication without pre-approval to pass through.

Then there are prisons, where unauthorized lines of communication may help individuals facilitate crime even while behind bars. Not to mention they shouldn't have cell phones in the first place.

With careful selection of signal jammer locations, it is possible to block communication even in important areas of the facility, but not in other areas. That way, it's still possible to make calls or use WiFi in some places.

If you're a government worker or contractor, don't forget to check out our deals designed to help you get important work done on budget without sacrificing quality.

Block danger or crime signals
While somewhat related to the above point, it's worth noting that signal jammers are often used by law enforcement to create dead spots where phones, etc. may pose a threat.

The most straightforward approach in the past has been to block signals that could be used to detonate bombs remotely. These bombs require a wireless signal (usually a phone) that can be jammed like any other signal.
Less obvious is the jammer's ability to prevent criminals from calling in outside forces. This is useful in many situations, such as in raids or hostage situations. It helps prevent criminals from coordinating.

To be clear, these are tactics law enforcement and military personnel can use, but they are one of the most important uses of this technology. Done right, it can save lives.
Signal jammers can play a variety of roles, depending on the model purchased, where they are installed, and what people want out of them. They are used by everyone from military personnel to parents.
If your needs are more specific or are on a budget, explore our store Jammer mart! We're sure to have a model that's right for you.

09 września 202209 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

  As you can see, the signal jammer is versatile and can work on many different devices. Are you worried about your privacy, need your venue to be undisturbed, or don't want to receive so many phone calls again? A mobile phone jammer is very suitable for you.

  Just be sure to check the law at your location before purchasing and operating the signal jammer.

  Cell Phone Jammer Uses

  When it comes to governments and the military, signal jammers are very powerful. They are used in a variety of counter-terrorism strategies, from blocking radio communications to dismantling explosives. Preventing criminals from communicating with offensive forces is key to thwarting their plans and capabilities.

  When it comes to civilians, signal jammers are also useful.

  Civilians worried about privacy see signal jammers as a defensive tactic. Signal jammers can prevent cell phones and other devices from communicating with the outside world. This can prevent devices such as microphones, GPS trackers, and cameras from transmitting data to malicious participants.

  In school, mobile phones are the main pastime. Often, students use them to cheat on exams or to engage in private conversations to distract attention from their studies. Schools can use cell phone jammers to stop students from using their phones during class hours.

  If a civilian is bombarded by a scammer's phone or needs quiet time, a cell phone jammer can prevent the phone from answering. It can bring peace and allow you to focus on your life instead of the constant phone calls.

  Employers can use mobile phone jammers in small and large areas. They can use them during meetings to prevent employees from being distracted. Or, they can prevent employees from using their mobile phones to send and receive messages during working hours.

  Other places that rely on quiet, such as libraries and theaters, may use cell phone jammers to keep visitors' phones from ringing. It also prevents people from using their phones during the visit.

  Can you use a signal jammer without blocking emergency communications?

  Yeah! You can use the signal jammer without obstructing communication with law enforcement and emergency personnel. The best mobile phone jammer can send out signals that block most communications, but it can't block the frequency band used by emergency personnel.

  Sometimes, you may even notice that your phone can do this on its own. Sometimes, you may receive a fragile signal, but an "Emergency only call" notification is a signal that you can still call for help regardless of your network connection.


  Emergency medical personnel, fire responders, police officers, and all medical service pagers use a different frequency band than normal cell phone chat. This ensures that emergency communication can take place without risk of loss of connection due to excessive use of frequency or weak signals.

  For these reasons, many countries have already outlawed signal jammers in most cases. Only in rare cases can law enforcement use signal jammers.

  In other countries, law enforcement and government agencies are widely allowed to use jammer gps. In some countries, as long as the safety guidelines are followed, even some civil organizations and individuals are allowed to use signal jammers under certain circumstances.


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09 września 202209 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz1 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
wifi jammer might sound like something out of a movie, but someone might be near you right now! Here's what it's about and why you might need it too.
If you're someone who values ​​privacy, we live in dire times. You no longer know who is viewing what you search for and who they are selling that information to.

With the advent of cell phones and drones, it's hard to even get out of the house without the potential presence of being filmed or watched.

Thankfully, you're not alone in craving security through privacy. Technologies such as wifi jammer device, drone jammers, and cell phone jammers have entered the market in recent years. A wifi blocker is a signal-blocking device that transmits synchronized radio waves on the same frequency as a device such as a cell phone or drone to obscure its signal.

Jammers are primarily used to disable these devices and are increasingly used by companies and individuals.
What is a Wifi Jammer?

While a wifi disruptor might sound like something out of a spy movie, it's an increasingly popular device. Essentially, the technology is used to protect your privacy from hackers who use your phone to compromise your wifi.
These are favored by companies that handle sensitive information to prevent leaks. The 5GHz wifi scrambler has an effective range of up to 40 meters and will block WiFi and phone signals in a fixed space.

For something more mobile, the WiFi Mini Signal Blocker is much smaller and cheaper than 5GHz. This WiFi jammer is designed to be carried anywhere and provides 10 meters of protection no matter where you are.

This jammer is very effective if you're dealing with sensitive data away from your workplace or home (like a hotel or other more public place). With up to two hours of battery life on a full charge, it's also ideal for those who feel more comfortable with a little bit of a barrier between themselves and someone else's device.

You can think of wifi jammers as signal blocking devices. It transmits radio waves into the air at the same frequency as a cell phone. In this way, they can be seen as cell phone jammers. Therefore, anyone trying to use the phone within a certain number of feet will be blocked.

This helps keep any sensitive personal or business information safe when you access it. If you want to learn more about wifi frequency jammers, be sure to check out our guide here.

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08 września 202208 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
In recent years, there have been more and more application scenarios of wifi jammer. The most commonly used scenarios include: various examination rooms, examination rooms, various confidential institutions, various detention centers, prisons, drug rehabilitation centers and other detention and supervision places, etc. In general, the use of wifi jammer device in these units or places is legal, but there are also some places that are not suitable for use. So, what application scenarios should be avoided when using wireless wifi signal jammer?

From the demand consultation we received, some of the demands are obviously impure motives or illegal. For example, if you want to install a wireless wifi signal blocker on a transport vehicle, and turn on the device when being weighed by the weighbridge, so you want to block or interfere with the weighing data of the weighbridge. Another example: I want to install a wifi jammer in the power distribution room, or install it near the remote meter reading terminal equipment of the electric meter, to interfere and prevent the upload of the meter data. Another example: I want to use a wifi blocker on some engineering vehicles, especially to interfere with GPS positioning data, so that the superior cannot monitor the vehicle's running trajectory in real time.


Through the examples of various cases mentioned above, we can know that there are indeed a small number of people who want to use the working characteristics of the wireless wifi bluetooth jammer to consciously and targetedly avoid some supervision, or temporarily obtain a small number of people. benefit. These people have bad motives and even risk violating national laws and regulations. As a professional manufacturer of wireless wifi signal jammers, we must operate in accordance with the law and resolutely suppress these abominable acts similar to the above. So when we need to have such a demand, we will directly refuse.

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06 września 202206 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy


Now, with the development of the Internet, wifi has become an indispensable part of our lives, so do you know how to block wifi?
Many people have wireless routers at home to meet the needs of devices to access the Internet, which has also spawned a lot of people who surf the Internet. Isn't your home wireless network being used by others? Has your wireless broadband been "rubbed" by others? How to block wifi from others?

First enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router AP, find the basic settings menu to modify the SSID name, select Disable SSID broadcast, then modify the default IP address of the wireless router AP, turn off the DHCP function, and adjust the wireless transmit power to control the wireless network coverage.

Enter in the IE address bar, and then see the password and user name, both are admin. This will allow you to see the currently connected project. If there are redundant devices, they will be cleared. If it is a wireless router, it is best to turn off the wireless broadcast.
Step 1: Turn off SSID (network name) broadcast
After turning off the SSID broadcast of the wireless router AP, it is difficult to find this wireless network when searching for wireless. The setup method is very simple. Enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router AP, find the "Basic Settings" menu, modify the SSID name in it, and then select "Disable SSID Broadcast".

Step 2: Turn off the DHCP function

After turning off the SSID broadcast, we also need to turn off the DHCP function, which means that the wireless router/AP cannot automatically assign IP addresses to wireless clients. In order to further prevent being "robbed", we'd better modify the default IP address of the wireless router/AP. For example, the default IP address is:, we can modify it to Enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router/AP, find the "LAN Settings" menu, then modify the default IP address, and select "Disable DHCP Server" to confirm.

Step 3: Reduce the transmit power and upgrade the firmware

If some wireless routers/APs currently have the function of adjusting the wireless transmission power, the coverage of the wireless network can be controlled by adjusting the wireless transmission power, making it difficult to search for wireless signals. Upgrading the firmware of the wireless router/AP is also important, because it not only fixes some security holes, but may also add additional protection features for better security.

Generally speaking, you have to log into the router background to hide the wifi signal. You can hide the wifi signal by logging into the router management background and selecting wifi settings to turn off the ssid broadcast.
If you feel that the above steps are too many and too complicated, you can also consider buying a wifi signal jammer, which can easily help you solve the problem of being hacked on your network.

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05 września 202205 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Yakima Training Center, Washington - Soldiers of the 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team learned about the dangers of enemy jamming technology during a degraded environment course at the Yakima Training Center, Washington, Nov. 5-7.

The course focuses on GPS interference identification and reporting, while emphasizing the importance of not relying on electronic technology for navigation.

"A lot of people don't realize the capabilities of our adversary in terms of jamming," said Lisa Prue, a training exercise instructor for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Strategic Command. "We try to introduce them to these concepts, and Train them how to mitigate this when they find themselves in a GPS jamming environment."

Training is important because soldiers in the future are likely to fight in GPS-degraded environments, Sgt. 1st Class Juan Jaramillo, an EW sergeant with a 1-2 SBCT. Minimizing this training will help mitigate many of the risks they will face in the future.

"We also teach some basic techniques in the classroom, such as body masking, digging holes in the ground, using terrain or metal objects to block jamming signals in order to re-acquire GPS signals," Prue said. "Old school techniques are also important, being map savvy. And compass skills are important."

According to Prue, one of the most important things a soldier can do is report a distraction.

"We won't be able to find or target the jammer until a report is made," she added. "The jammers are easiest to find by field personnel on a mission. When the information reaches the appropriate channels, we can find the military signal jammer and process them."

Anyone can use a GPS jammer - making it even more important for soldiers to report the source of the jam, Prue said.


"Anyone in the world can go online and buy a GPS jammer," she said. "If you google it, you'll get over a million hits for GPS jammers. This can be purchased commercially. Our potential adversaries will have more advanced capabilities.

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02 września 202202 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
According to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland - More than a month after revelations that a flaw in the U.S. military's electronic warfare toolkit caused him to lose sleep, Undersecretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo said the service provides powerful military signal jammer.

This week, the Army demonstrated its multifunctional electronic warfare aerial large pod in Aberdeen, Maryland. After decades of focusing on counterterrorism, the service is rebuilding its electronic warfare arsenal to counter less technologically savvy troops. U.S. officials say attacks on communications and other networks are seen daily in the war in Ukraine, adding to the sense of urgency.

Electronic warfare is a fight for control of the electromagnetic spectrum, which the military uses for situational awareness, communications and weapons guidance. The race becomes increasingly important as more advanced technologies are deployed on the battlefield and troops try to minimize signatures to avoid detection.

"My constant concern is that over time we have to keep up with the threat," Camarillo told reporters on Aug. 23 after a morning briefing. "I'm very impressed with the MFEW program the Army has, the different configurations and the direction it's going."

Officials said Tuesday that MFEW-AL is an option as long as power and Ethernet ports are available.


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"We want to be platform-agnostic. For other platforms, we can offer a smaller form factor if needed," said William Utroska, head of the Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors Program Executive Office. "We're working with the Future Vertical Lift cross-functional team because they have electronic warfare requirements and they know we've got a lot of work ahead of schedule."

Camarillo said he saw one of the prototypes on site, courtesy of PEO IEW&S, and liked its open approach.

"I think this is an area where the Army is heading in the right direction," Camarillo said. "It allows us to not only see sensor payloads and EW payloads, but also how they fit into certain components, how we can plug and play over time, giving us the opportunity to do technology plug-ins and stay ahead of the curve. Threats may be, and also have the latest generation capabilities."

The Army is also pushing electronic warfare in other areas.
The service signed a $58.8 million contract with Lockheed in July to provide prototypes for the Ground Layer Systems Brigade Combat Team program. In August, it submitted deals to Lockheed and General Dynamics Mission Systems, respectively, for the ground-level system - the brigade upper echelon concept and demonstration.

Once implemented, these two systems will provide soldiers with electronic warfare, cyber and signals intelligence capabilities.

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28 maja 202228 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
As the college entrance examination season is approaching, many schools are facing the problem of preparing for the college entrance examination room, such as the purchase of materials and equipment, which are necessary to maintain the order of the examination room. However, what more schools are now facing is how to prevent the increasingly rampant cheating phenomenon, because some people choose to use "black technology" to use communication equipment to cheat in the examination room. In response to this phenomenon, the examination The mobile cell phone jammer also came into being. This kind of equipment can prevent the occurrence of electronic signal cheating in the examination room in an orderly manner.

Portable jammer

Recently, many students reported that they have seen a new batch of new machines installed in the classrooms of the school, which made many people wonder what it is. In fact, it has been vigorously promoted and installed in the classrooms of the examination room. The equipment of the signal jammer is now used in the major examinations in the school, and when the college entrance examination is approaching recently, basically every examination room has been installed with this kind of equipment. This is to prevent more and more problems in recent years. The more serious the phenomenon of cheating occurs, the candidates can take exams with peace of mind in a stable and orderly examination room.

Signal jammers generally do not disturb candidates

The frequency bands of general 4G signals and WIFI signals are between 800MH and 26000MH, and the test WiFi signal blocker is a device that can effectively block all communication signals in this frequency range, so whether it is a 4G signal or a WIFI signal, It's all out of the question. And now facing the arrival of the college entrance examination, some candidates who do not focus on their studies and want to cheat by illegal means, the wifi jammer is undoubtedly a powerful tool to break their intentions, which can maintain the normal order of the examination room and allow the examination room The test takers can take the test with peace of mind, and there is no noise during the use of this equipment, which can ensure that the test process will not be disturbed by the test takers.

Many people are also very curious about how the test 4G jammer counteracts the occurrence of these cheating phenomena. In fact, based on the method of cheating by using communication equipment, no matter what method is used, it is necessary to send and receive signals in the test room. However, in the test The signal jammer cannot receive any signal in the effective shielding range, because it has the function of isolating communication signals and WIFI signals. This range is generally about 0 to 50 meters in radius, and a low-power device can just cover it. We live in one classroom, so all we can see is that each classroom has a computer installed. In fact, for schools, when buying test signal jammers, you must choose high-performance ones, because in this way, a strong shielding effect can be guaranteed and every part of the test room can be covered.

TagiTagi: cell phone jammer 
04 sierpnia 202004 sierpnia 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Jammers have many advantages. As a customer, it is necessary to fully consider the stability of equipment performance. With the improvement of the shielding effect, it can be considered to be fully suitable for various application fields. As the level of shielding technology increases, the interference effect will also increase. You need to consider how to purchase this High Powered Jammers. You need to pay attention to quality issues. The degree of signal blocking depends on the performance stability of the jammer. We are making full use of online platforms. It can fully meet your business needs.

The currently widely used mobile phone standard is our gsm global mobile communication system. GSM standard equipment occupies more than 80% of the current global mobile phone mobile communication equipment market. Very well used, but probably the most familiar use of mobile phones. Yes, phone and SMS rely on gsm to provide stable network data types. But the gsm network is far more than we know. Powerful mobile signal jammer are one of the guidelines that most electronics manufacturers are familiar with and carefully researched. Although the gsm module has been used in many areas of life, it is still suitable for general access control security systems and GSM network car security systems and robots.

Currently, there are 4G network signals on the market. In the innovative world, new technologies are needed. A few years ago, I heard about 3G mobile phones. Today, 4G signals are becoming more and more popular. Interfering devices such as deterrent devices have been developed. It is possible due to continuous improvement of technology. When doing important work, it is best to use a 4G phone bluetooth jammers to prevent unnecessary calls. Some products have a handheld design. You can take it with you. Especially the latest models are designed for the latest smartphones. Take advantage of new interference techniques. It has excellent performance. It has the appearance of hard aluminum. Such a 3G jammer is very convenient. Safe and useful in daily life and work. Can block other signals. Can meet various needs. Its working conditions are very good. Purchase this device. For you, this is indeed an ideal decision.

There are many types of telephone jammers. It can block signals such as 3g and 4g. It applies to countries and regions in the world. Communications around the world are developing. Study the 5g signal. Currently, this signal is not popular. I believe it will occupy most of the market share. Therefore, 5g signal interference occurs. We pursue a healthy lifestyle. For people's work and life, mobile phones are a great tool for invention. Signal jammers provide safety. With the development of science and technology, the positioning, tracking and monitoring of mobile phones has become an important means and means of reconnaissance. Possession of a mobile phone in a secret place may cause serious injury. Mobile phone jammers can interfere with mobile phone communications. It will not interfere with other electronic equipment. The jammer strictly abides by the quality system. An ideal and reliable wifi jammer can ensure safe production and environmental protection.

In order to buy a jammer, in addition to the gsm network, you also need to shield the signal type, such as whether you need to shield the 3G and 4G network frequency bands. In this way, you can buy a cell phone blocker that blocks all cell phone signals. In addition, since you have purchased electronic interference equipment, you need to consider where to use it. Portable jammers are convenient for indoor and outdoor use, and desktop jammers use multiple antenna designs. As the name suggests, it will be widely used not only in individuals, but also in prisons, courts and other large venues. It has a wider interference range and more types of signal shielding.

TagiTagi: jammer 
30 maja 202030 maja 2020 Dodaj komentarz1 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
GPS jammer is an electronic device used to resist GPS signals. When turned on, it may emit a strong signal at the same frequency to cover a single GPS, so all GPS devices within the working distance will not work properly. This will only affect the GPS signal and will not cause any damage to the GPS device or other electronic devices. The jammer portable GPS can be shipped and used anywhere, they protect us in a practical and simple way. It is easy to use and control. It brings security to our lives in a dangerous world. When we need to keep it secret, we just need to open the GPS blocker and it will start to stop the GPS signal. If closed, it will immediately stop working. It can be installed in cars, rooms, and even carry a wallet to protect yourself. This is why GPS jammers are so popular in our modern life. With the GPS jammer, we are no longer "naked" and have a protective shell. We don't have to worry about someone watching us. With the GPS jammer installed, we can drive safely anywhere.

Now it's time to learn more about the phone blocking program. Do you need more information on this topic? Let's first take a look at this major achievement: GSM 3G WiFi LTE 4G jammer. Take a look at this gadget equipped with 6 amazing antennas. Its main body is just like an old phone. You need to spend a lot of time to learn more about this jammer phone. These 6 high-power antennas can be combined for a variety of purposes, such as conference rooms, museums, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, buses and other 3G mobile phones and LTE 4G 2600 jammers have been sold worldwide. For some special purpose places, such as hospitals, gas stations, the phone is very dangerous. It can be used directly on the car together with the car charger, and once the button is pressed, it can work for a long time without downtime.

Mobile phone jammers include GSM jammer, 3G jammer, and 4G jammer. We have models that carry GSM, 3G, 4G, and WiFi together. You can easily interfere with all mobile phone signals. Mobile phone jammers may be useful in many situations: mobile phone jammers are particularly useful in schools or universities. By blocking cell phone signals, students are not distracted by cell phones. Moreover, they cannot cheat by sending text messages to each other during the exam.

Some GPS jammers may be more suitable for covering large areas, such as buildings, while other GPS jammers may target more specific points. The antenna can radiate many different field patterns, and the radius or working range must meet your needs without invading other adjacent areas. Also determine if you need compatible accessories such as adapters, chargers and power supplies. Finally, don't forget to specify the operating frequency of the device. Therefore, please pay attention to this in case you receive an incorrect GPS signal blocker.

Today, most mobile phones using 4G technology make it easy to conduct social Internet activities in classrooms, workshops, meetings, and homes. Using our 4G mobile phone jammer can block 4G signals, maintain GSM mobile phone communication, avoid students not attending classes in the classroom, employees waste time to people, and make children unhappy to line up with mobile phones (iphone, sunsang, etc.) all night. For important meetings, our mobile phone jammer phone can protect your conversation from being monitored by other competitors; for churches and movie theaters, use our jammer to keep it in a quiet place, for private spaces, please use our Jammer to ensure safety.

If you think your life is troubled, or that you are being followed, then you should know that this is true. In order to get rid of the tracking of GPS devices, the best solution is called GPS jammer, which can block GPS signals. They are designed to interfere with GPS navigation, tracking and data recording systems. GPS jammers can be used in cars, trucks, vehicles, homes or anywhere you think they are being tracked. Before buying and using a GPS jammer, we need to understand some important knowledge. First, you must use it legally. There is so much information on the Internet that you can easily find out whether GPS jammers are allowed in your state.

TagiTagi: jammer 


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Perfectjammer Is A Professional Jammers Store, Main Business Is Various Types Of Jammers Wholesale And Retail, We Will Strive To Provide Your With Quality Product And The Cheapest Price.


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79 jammer (79)
30 cell (30)
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1 demand (1)
1 increasing (1)
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