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15 lipca 202415 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
[caption id="attachment_20965" align="alignnone" width="678"]Spanje Thuisshirt 2024 Voetbalshirts Spanje Thuisshirt 2024 Voetbalshirts[/caption]

De Europacup van 2024 luidde de eindstrijd in. In het Olympiastadion in Berlijn zal de strijd tussen Spanje en Engeland de uiteindelijke spanning in het kampioenschap onthullen. Dankzij de nauwkeurige moord van Oyarzabal versloeg Spanje uiteindelijk Engeland met 2-1, won alle zeven wedstrijden en won het kampioenschap, won de vierde Europa Cup-titel in de teamgeschiedenis en stond op de eerste plaats in de geschiedenis. Engeland slaagde er niet in om twee Europa Cup-finales op rij te winnen en miste 58 jaar lang het kampioenschap.

[caption id="attachment_20966" align="alignnone" width="472"]Spanje Euro 2024 thuistenue Spanje Euro 2024 thuistenue[/caption]

In de 47e minuut kwam Yamal tussenbeide en zorgde voor een assist. Nico Williams scoorde met een laag schot. De twee Spaanse kinderen maakten met succes verbinding en de twee zwaarden samen verrasten Engeland. Yamal zette zijn recordbrekende reis voort. Op 17-jarige leeftijd werd hij de jongste speler in de geschiedenis van internationale competities die assisteerde in de finale van deze Europa Cup van het Spaanse team bereikte de top van de assistslijst in deze Europa Cup.

Spanje is toegewijd aan de wederopbouw van een nieuw imperium, en de opkomst van dit imperium zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk afhankelijk zijn van de huidige Europa Cup. Ze hebben voldoende kapitaal nodig om meer onderscheidingen en prestaties te behalen. Gelukkig hebben ze een weg naar de top van de wereld gevonden. In de finale versloeg Spanje Engeland, versloeg vijf grote teams en won alle wedstrijden. Dergelijke prestaties zijn ongekend en ongekend. Spanje verlangt zeker naar de overwinning, en alleen het verslaan van de sterksten kan de overwinning echte betekenis geven. Daarom zullen ze in het volgende spel tegenover de machtigste tegenstander staan.

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Het leven is een wolk tegenover kracht. Spanje won zeven wedstrijden en won het kampioenschap, waardoor de geschiedenis van het evenement werd geschreven. Geen enkel team in de geschiedenis heeft dit ooit gedaan. Het doelpunt van Oyarzabal was het 15e doelpunt voor het Spaanse team in deze Europa Cup. De Matadors braken het scorerecord van Frankrijk in 1984 (14 doelpunten). Spanje won na twaalf jaar opnieuw de Europa Cup. Met vier Europa Cup-kampioenschappen overtrof het Duitsland drie keer en werd het het team met de meeste Europa Cup-kampioenschappen. Met name de drie opeenvolgende overwinningen van Spanje op Duitsland, Frankrijk en Engeland in de knock-outrondes op het eindniveau maakten het Spaanse kampioenschap goudrijk. Dit Spaanse team heeft scherpe vleugelaanvallen geïntegreerd in passerend voetbal, dat snel, behendig en dodelijk is. Yamal en Nico Williams zijn briljant tot bloei gekomen in dit toernooi, waarbij ze wederzijds succes boekten met het team en veel historische aanvallen uitvoerden. verdiend!

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01 lipca 202401 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
[caption id="attachment_20873" align="alignnone" width="619"]Engeland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues Engeland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues[/caption]

In de achtste finale van het Europees Kampioenschap versloeg Engeland Slowakije met 2-1 en plaatste zich succesvol bij de laatste acht. Kane scoorde in blessuretijd het winnende doelpunt, wat Engeland hielp om Slowakije te verslaan. Na afloop van de wedstrijd heeft ESPN de topscorerslijst van Engeland historisch opgesteld, waar Kane met 65 doelpunten op de eerste plaats staat, met een voorsprong van 12 doelpunten op de tweede plaats, Rooney.

[caption id="attachment_20874" align="alignnone" width="626"]Goedkope EK 2024 Engeland Voetbaltenues Goedkope EK 2024 Engeland Voetbaltenues[/caption]

"Football's coming home" is een term die zijn oorsprong vindt in 1992, toen Engeland, de bakermat van het moderne voetbal, de gastheer werd van het Europees kampioenschap. Vanaf dat moment begon het idee van "football's coming home" populair te worden op de Britse eilanden en werd het later ook het officiële motto van het Europees kampioenschap van 1996. Het nummer "Three Lions" omarmde deze gedachte en uitte de hoop van de fans dat het Engelse nationale team na 30 jaar opnieuw succes zou behalen op hun eigen grond, nu ze eindelijk weer een groot toernooi organiseerden. Helaas eindigde Engeland in 1996 zonder succes, en ook in latere toernooien was dit het geval, tot de prestaties van het team de afgelopen tien jaar verbeterden en de discussie over "football's coming home" weer oplaaide.

[caption id="attachment_20875" align="alignnone" width="633"]Engeland EK 2024 Engeland EK 2024[/caption]

Vorig Europees Kampioenschap bereikte Engeland de finale voor eigen publiek in Wembley, maar verloor uiteindelijk van Italië na strafschoppen, waardoor het voetbal niet naar huis kwam maar naar Rome ging. Dit Europees Kampioenschap zijn de Three Lions de duurste en meest favoriete ploeg, dus de Engelsen hopen natuurlijk dat het voetbal echt naar huis kan komen. Ze hebben zelfs deze hoop in het ontwerp van hun shirts verwerkt.

Het thuisshirt van Engeland behoudt een traditioneel witte basis, met een blauw-rode gradiëntkleur aan de mouwboorden en een toevoeging van paars als decoratie, geïnspireerd door de trainingsuitrusting van het Engelse team dat in 1966 kampioen werd. De achterkant van de kraag bevat ook dezelfde kleurencombinatie van de St. George's Cross.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]Engeland Thuisshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts Engeland Thuisshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts[/caption]

Het uitshirt van Engeland kiest voor een paarse kleur, die staat voor mysterie en adel, als basis. Het ontwerp doorbreekt conventies en toont jeugdige energie. Zijpanelen zijn samengesteld uit zeven verschillende kleuren, als eerbetoon aan de vooruitstrevende stijl van Engeland, met de St. George's Cross op de kraag als opvallend kenmerk. Deze Engelse tenues ademen zeker een retrogevoel uit en dragen veel hoop met zich mee, aangezien de Engelsen al lange tijd hopen op de Europese kampioenstitel. Gezien de gunstige loting van de Three Lions dit jaar, lijkt het dit keer echt mogelijk.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]Engeland Uitshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts Engeland Uitshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts[/caption]

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
01 lipca 202401 lipca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
[caption id="attachment_20873" align="alignnone" width="619"]Engeland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues Engeland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues[/caption]

Afgelopen nacht was het Europees kampioenschap ongetwijfeld intens. Aan de ene kant wist Engeland zich na een gelukkige gel

ijkmaker om te draaien en door te gaan, terwijl aan de andere kant Spanje schitterend en spectaculair voetbal liet zien. Natuurlijk, als het gaat om het creëren van gesprekken, heeft Engeland geen concurrentie, gezien de 'goddelijke interventie' van de omhaal van hun uitverkorene en de winnende goal van Harry Kane, wat echt opwindend was. Dus, het aloude onderwerp komt weer ter sprake: kan Engeland het voetbal naar huis brengen?

[caption id="attachment_20874" align="alignnone" width="626"]Goedkope EK 2024 Engeland Voetbaltenues Goedkope EK 2024 Engeland Voetbaltenues[/caption]

"Football's coming home" is een term die zijn oorsprong vindt in 1992, toen Engeland, de bakermat van het moderne voetbal, de gastheer werd van het Europees kampioenschap. Vanaf dat moment begon het idee van "football's coming home" populair te worden op de Britse eilanden en werd het later ook het officiële motto van het Europees kampioenschap van 1996. Het nummer "Three Lions" omarmde deze gedachte en uitte de hoop van de fans dat het Engelse nationale team na 30 jaar opnieuw succes zou behalen op hun eigen grond, nu ze eindelijk weer een groot toernooi organiseerden. Helaas eindigde Engeland in 1996 zonder succes, en ook in latere toernooien was dit het geval, tot de prestaties van het team de afgelopen tien jaar verbeterden en de discussie over "football's coming home" weer oplaaide.

[caption id="attachment_20875" align="alignnone" width="633"]Engeland EK 2024 Engeland EK 2024[/caption]

Vorig Europees Kampioenschap bereikte Engeland de finale voor eigen publiek in Wembley, maar verloor uiteindelijk van Italië na strafschoppen, waardoor het voetbal niet naar huis kwam maar naar Rome ging. Dit Europees Kampioenschap zijn de Three Lions de duurste en meest favoriete ploeg, dus de Engelsen hopen natuurlijk dat het voetbal echt naar huis kan komen. Ze hebben zelfs deze hoop in het ontwerp van hun shirts verwerkt.

Het thuisshirt van Engeland behoudt een traditioneel witte basis, met een blauw-rode gradiëntkleur aan de mouwboorden en een toevoeging van paars als decoratie, geïnspireerd door de trainingsuitrusting van het Engelse team dat in 1966 kampioen werd. De achterkant van de kraag bevat ook dezelfde kleurencombinatie van de St. George's Cross.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]Engeland Thuisshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts Engeland Thuisshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts[/caption]

Het uitshirt van Engeland kiest voor een paarse kleur, die staat voor mysterie en adel, als basis. Het ontwerp doorbreekt conventies en toont jeugdige energie. Zijpanelen zijn samengesteld uit zeven verschillende kleuren, als eerbetoon aan de vooruitstrevende stijl van Engeland, met de St. George's Cross op de kraag als opvallend kenmerk. Deze Engelse tenues ademen zeker een retrogevoel uit en dragen veel hoop met zich mee, aangezien de Engelsen al lange tijd hopen op de Europese kampioenstitel. Gezien de gunstige loting van de Three Lions dit jaar, lijkt het dit keer echt mogelijk.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]Engeland Uitshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts Engeland Uitshirt EK 2024 Voetbalshirts[/caption]

27 czerwca 202427 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Kroatië EK 2024, De Europa Cup 2024 is de tweede ronde van de groepsfase ingegaan. Er zijn veel teams die tegen de verwachtingen in moeten vechten, vooral Kroatië, dat in de death-groep zit. In de eerste ronde werd het Grid Legion overrompeld door Spanje en verloor uiteindelijk met 0-3, waardoor hun kwalificatiesituatie in gevaar kwam. In de tweede ronde werden ze in een laatste wanhopige strijd verslagen door Albanië, en dat was ook het geval om Italië te bevechten om te winnen in de laatste ronde. De huidige situatie in Kroatië is kritiek, maar niet hopeloos. Deze ploeg staat immers synoniem voor vasthoudendheid en doorzettingsvermogen.

[caption id="attachment_20813" align="alignnone" width="1000"]Kroatië EK 2024 Kroatië EK 2024[/caption]

Kopen voetbalshirts online, In het wereldvoetbal is Kroatië een magisch team, en fans die de grid steunen, praten vaak over enkele klassieke scènes. Kroatië nam in 1998 voor het eerst deel aan het WK en eindigde als derde. Daarna bereikte het twee keer de halve finales en werd het één keer tweede. Zelfs vergeleken met veel traditionele reuzen mag een dergelijk record tot de uitmuntenden gerekend worden . Bovendien zitten de verhalen erachter ook vol inspirerende kleuren.

[caption id="attachment_20812" align="alignnone" width="800"]Kroatië EK 2024 Luka Modric #10 Voetbaltenue Kroatië EK 2024 Luka Modric #10 Voetbaltenue[/caption]

Dit gevoel van familie en vaderland heeft lange tijd de emoties van de spelers van Kroatië beïnvloed. Veteranen als Luka Modric wonen en voetballen bijvoorbeeld al sinds hun zesde met hun families in vluchtelingenkampen in vluchtelingenkampen en hebben een harde en ongeslagen wil gesmeed. Daarom kunnen mensen de afgelopen twee WK's altijd zien dat Kroatië een geweldige wilskracht toonde. Hij maakte vijf keer verlengingen en won vier strafschoppenseries, en hij lachte ook het laatst in de laatste Europa Cup toen hij met 1-3 achter stond. Hij sleepte Spanje naar verlengingen en viel uiteindelijk als een krijger. Dit soort voetbal zit vol met de oorspronkelijke charme van competitiesport, met zowel artistieke elegantie als krijgerachtige standvastigheid, wat natuurlijk fascinerend is.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
21 czerwca 202421 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Duitsland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues Duitsland EK 2024 Voetbaltenues

EK 2024 Voetbalshirts, UEFA Euro 2024 is het 17e Europese voetbalkampioenschap, georganiseerd door de Unie van Europese voetbalbonden. Dit toernooi wordt van 14 juni tot en met 14 juli 2024 in Duitsland gehouden. Het is tevens de tweede keer dat Duitsland na 1988 gastheer is van de Europa Cup. Op 14 juni, lokale tijd, in de eerste ronde van de UEFA Euro 2024 Groep A in München, Duitsland, versloeg het Duitse gastteam het Schotse team met 5-1.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, De Europa Cup wordt gehouden in 10 steden in Duitsland: Berlijn, München, Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Keulen, Leipzig en Frankfurt. De finale wordt gehouden op de Olympische Spelen van Berlijn op 15 juli 2024. Gehouden op de stadion. De mascotte van dit toernooi is Arbat en de officiële wedstrijdbal is FUSSBALLLIEBE. In totaal hebben 24 landen of regio's aan de hoofdwedstrijd deelgenomen en de selectie van elk team zal worden uitgebreid tot 26 personen.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Op 9 maart 2017 maakte de UEFA officieel bekend welke landen die zullen bieden op het EK 2024, Duitsland zullen strijden met Turkije om de gastrechten. Op 27 september 2018 versloeg Duitsland, na een stemming door het Uitvoerend Comité van de UEFA, Turkije en werd daarmee het gastland van de Europa Cup 2024. Op 6 oktober 2021 maakte de UEFA officieel het LOGO van de Europa Cup 2024 in Duitsland bekend. Het LOGO heeft de kleuren van de vlaggen van de 55 lidstaten van de UEFA, en de afbeeldingen rond de Delaunay Cup zijn afkomstig van de Olympische Spelen in Berlijn van de arena. Op 3 december 2023 hield de UEFA de groepstrekking van de Duitse Europacup 2024 in Hamburg, Duitsland, verdeeld in zes groepen. Op 15 juni 2024, Peking-tijd, om 15.00 uur, zal de openingswedstrijd van de Europa Cup 2024 in Duitsland plaatsvinden tussen Duitsland en Schotland. Uiteindelijk versloeg Duitsland Schotland met 5-1 en kende een goede start.

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22 maja 202422 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Nederland EK 2024, Nederland boekte een plaats in de finale met een thuiszege tegen de Republiek Ierland. Ronald Koeman is bezig aan zijn tweede periode als coach van zijn land, nadat hij het toernooi in 1988 als speler had gewonnen. Hij loodste Oranje ook naar de UEFA Nations League-finale van 2019 en de derde plaats in dezelfde competitie in de zomer van 2023. Dit is de meest complete website over het EK 2024 voetbal van Nederland. Het komende EK voetbal wordt in Duitsland gespeeld. Het duurt niet lang meer voor dit Europees Kampioenschap plaats vindt en er is al veel informatie over dit toernooi bekend. Zo is het speelschema van het EK 2024 al bekend en weet het Nederlands elftal al waar en wanneer en tegen wie ze moeten spelen in de groepsfase.
Duitsland EK 2024, UEFA EURO 2024 vindt deze zomer plaats in Duitsland, waarbij 23 teams zich bij de gastlanden voegen in de finale. Drievoudig winnaar en drievoudig tweedeprijswinnaar: Duitsland organiseert zijn eerste EURO sinds de hereniging (West-Duitsland organiseerde de finale in 1988). Ze worden geleid door de 36-jarige voormalige Hoffenheim-, Leipzig- en Bayern-coach Julian Nagelsmann, die Hansi Flick op 22 september 2023 verving. Julian Nagelsmann werd een van de meest gewilde coaches in het wereldvoetbal na zijn zeer indrukwekkende periodes bij Hoffenheim en Leipzig in de Duitse Bundesliga. Hij won vervolgens een landstitel en twee Super Cups met Bayern, maar nadat hij in maart 2023 bij de club werd vervangen door Thomas Tuchel, was Nagelsmann zes maanden buiten de wedstrijd voordat hij in september werd benoemd tot bondscoach van Duitsland.
Frankrijk EK 2024, Tweevoudig winnaar Frankrijk heeft sinds 1988 geen EURO-eindtoernooi gemist. Les Bleus werd in 2016, toen ze in de finale verloren van Portugal, sinds 2012 gecoacht door Didier Deschamps. Ze kwalificeerden zich met een 2-1 overwinning tegen Nederland op 13 oktober. Didier Deschamps heeft zowel als speler als als coach een reputatie opgebouwd als icoon van het Franse voetbal. Nadat hij als gecultiveerde verdedigende middenvelder Frankrijk zowel op het WK van 1998 als op het EK 2000 naar de overwinning had geleid, kende Deschamps succesvolle coachingperiodes bij Monaco, Juventus en Marseille voordat hij de baan in Frankrijk op zich nam. Hij won de Wereldbeker 2018 met Les Bleus, maar heeft de teleurstelling geleden van de nederlagen in de finales van EURO 2016 en de Wereldbeker 2022, en zal deze keer wanhopig zijn om nog een grote titel aan zijn schitterende kabinet toe te voegen.
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08 kwietnia 202408 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
FZ2239-001 Air Jordan 5 Black Cat AJ5 2024, The Air Jordan "Black Cat" colorway is iconic in sneaker culture. Inspired by Michael Jordan's dominance on the court, it originated with the 2006 Air Jordan 4 "Black Cat." The monochromatic palette reflected Jordan's predatory instincts, appealing to fans and collectors alike. Now, the Air Jordan 3 "Black Cat" is re-releasing, with the Air Jordan 5 "Black Cat" set to release in Holiday 2024. This version promises to fuse classic design with modern innovation, reinforcing the Black Cat's heritage.

The Air Jordan 5 continues the all-black themed release with anthracite, black, and non-black color schemes. Its sleek design features an all-black nubuck upper complemented by the iconic Jumpman logo and anthracite accents on the midsole's shark teeth. The midsole houses air units for optimal comfort. Notable features include translucent mesh on the side panels and rubber outsole. Signature lace locks ensure a tailored fit, adding timeless appeal.

Shop Jordans 2020, The entire pair of shoes uses a pure black upper color, with silver shark teeth and a transparent crystal bottom. This color matching is amazing. The color is very low-key, but I think it is very handsome and easy to match with clothes. No boy can refuse it. The color scheme of Black Warrior and the iconic shoelace buckle were inherited in subsequent sneakers. It can be said that this pair of sneakers made of Mustang jet fighters captured the hearts of a certain type of fans back then! Overall, the AJ5 "Black Cat" is the epitome of fusion of style and performance, continuing its legacy as a coveted symbol of sneaker folklore. This pair of shoes also represented the avant-garde at the time. For the first time, a breathable mesh was integrated into a full leather shoe to achieve lightweight and more breathable effects. The basket-shaped shoelace buckle is one of the innovations, making it easier for everyone to adjust the tightness of the package.

07 kwietnia 202407 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Arsenal F.C. is een van de grootste clubs in de Engelse Premier League, opgericht in 1886. Sinds de oprichting heeft de club in totaal dertien kampioenschappen gewonnen in de Engelse Premier League, 12 FA Cup titels en 3 Premier League titels, waardoor het de club is met het langste verblijf in de Engelse Premier League. Door het feit dat Arsenal F.C. werd opgericht door arbeiders van een wapenfabriek, en wapens waren de belangrijkste wapenproductie in Engeland op dat moment, vergaten veel buiten de stad fans zelfs geleidelijk hun echte namen en noemden het een eenvoudige "Gunners" toen deze club, opgericht door arbeiders van een wapenfabriek, naar het noorden en zuiden marcheerde. Voor het voormalige Arsenal F.C. terrein staat nog steeds een standbeeld van een kanon.
Arsenal uit tenue, Qua esthetiek is Arsenal F.C. zeker een van de top gerangschikte teams in de Premier League en zelfs in Europa. Hoge balvaardigheden, uitstekende technische vaardigheden, een sterk overkoepelend perspectief en creatieve positionering zijn altijd de referentie geweest voor Arsenal F.C. op het gebied van werving. Vooral onder leiding van Ars è ne Wenger, in de Engelse Premier League, die de nadruk legt op fysieke confrontatie en snelle tegenaanvallen. De Arsenal F.C., die de nadruk legt op aanvallen, aandacht besteedt aan de grond en de nadruk legt op balcontrole tactieken, is altijd een uniek landschap geweest. Wanneer de speelstijl relatief soepel is, zijn de spelers van Arsenal F.C. als artiesten, die vaak verbazingwekkende, zelfs verbazingwekkende samenwerking spelen. Als je de grote peetvader Ars è ne Wenger ziet pronken met zijn vaardigheden aan de zijlijn van het veld, en als je ziet de fans op het veld gepassioneerd schreeuwen voor hun thuisteam.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Arsenal heeft een compleet systeem van jonge spelers, en ook de scouts van het team hebben een uitzonderlijk scherp oog. Hoeveel spelers kwamen Arsenal binnen als slechts speerpunten, maar een paar jaar later zijn ze torenhoge mannen geworden in het Emirates Stadium. Of het nu Henry en Vieira in de vroege stadia waren, of Fabregas, Van Persie of Ashley Cole in het midden, ze vonden allemaal hun weg naar voetbalsterren van wereldklasse in het Emirates Stadium. Door de hele tijd heeft Arsenal mensen altijd een gevoel van jeugdigheid gegeven, hoewel soms bekritiseerd wordt dat ze zware gevechten niet kunnen weerstaan en gemakkelijk beïnvloed worden door emoties. Maar het zien van de ene na de andere jongeman vrolijk op het veld rennen, hen stap voor stap zien groeien van onvolwassen jongens, is vol verwachting. Kom op, jongeren, de toekomst is van jullie. Ik geloof dat Arsenal in de toekomst beter zal zijn, en ik zal altijd van Arsenal houden. Ik geloof dat meer fans Arsenal zullen blijven steunen.
07 kwietnia 202407 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Liverpool F.C. is een voetbalclub in de Engelse Premier League, gelegen in de havenstad Liverpool, Merseyside. Liverpool F.C. is een van de meest succesvolle voetbalclubs in de geschiedenis van het Engelse voetbal, evenals een van de meest succesvolle voetbalclubs in Europa en zelfs de wereld. Liverpool F.C. heeft in totaal 19 Engelse Premier League titels gewonnen, 8 Engelse FA Cup titels, 10 Engelse League Cup titels, 16 English Community Shield titels, 6 UEFA Champions League (inclusief UEFA Club Cup), 3 UEFA Europese League (inclusief UEFA Cup) titels, 4 UEFA Super Cup titels en 1 FIFA Club World Cup titel.

Liverpool Voetbalshirts, Op de 5e april, in de 31e ronde van de Premier League, stond Liverpool F.C. tegenover Sheffield United, F. thuis C. In de eerste helft werd Mohamed Salah's dribbelschot gered, Ivo Grbich schopte de bal tegen Darwin N úñ ez's lichaam en rolde in het doel. Alexis Mac Allister's langeafstandsschot miste, en in de tweede helft scoorde Conor Bradley een eigen doelpunt. Alexis Mac Allister's wereldgolf langeafstandsschot scoorde, en Cody Gakpo's kopbal zorgde voor de overwinning. De eindscore is Liverpool F.C.3-1 Sheffield United, F C.

Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Liverpool F.C. werd opgericht in 1892. Liverpool F.C. is een van de meest succesvolle voetbalclubs in de geschiedenis van het Engelse voetbal, evenals een van de meest succesvolle voetbalclubs in Europa en zelfs de wereld. Liverpool F.C. heeft in totaal 18 Engelse Premier League-titels gewonnen, 7 Engelse FA Cup-titels, 8 Engelse League Cup-titels, 5 UEFA Champions League-titels en 3 UEFA Cup-titels. Ze zijn ook een oprichter van de opgeheven G-14 en zijn een van de meest succesvolle teams in de Engelse geschiedenis.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
03 kwietnia 202403 kwietnia 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Lionel Messi Voetbalshirts, geboren op 24 juni 1987 in Rosario, provincie Santa Fe, Argentinië, is een Argentijnse voetballer die als aanvaller fungeert en momenteel speelt voor Barcelona Football Club. Hij is een beroemde Argentijnse profvoetballer, geboren op 24 juni 1987. Zijn geboorteplaats is Rosario, provincie Santa Fe, Argentinië. Als een van de meest opvallende spelers in de geschiedenis van het wereldvoetbal staat Messi bekend om zijn superieure vaardigheden, geweldige doelpuntenvermogen en leiderschap op het veld.

Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Messi scoorde 38 doelpunten in het seizoen 2008-2009 en bezorgde Barcelona tegelijkertijd de hoogste eer door dat jaar zes kronen te winnen. Tegelijkertijd maakte "France Football" op 1 december 2009 Messi officieel bekend als winnaar van de Ballon d'Or 2009, en met een score van 473 punten werd hij de hoogst scorende winnaar in de geschiedenis van de Ballon d'Or. 'Of. Messi werd ook uitgeroepen tot "Wereldvoetballer van het Jaar" van de FIFA. Hij won deze prijs met een absoluut voordeel van 1.073 punten. Onder de verwachtingen van het publiek werd hij in Zürich tot dubbel Voetballer van het Jaar gekroond, waarmee hij in 2009 de persoonlijke Super Grand voltooide. Slam, hij was ook de eerste Argentijn die deze twee titels in zijn bezit had. De eerste FIFA Ballon d'Or werd in januari 2011 aan Messi uitgereikt.

Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, De 36-jarige Messi kwam afgelopen zomer bij Major League Soccer (MLS)-team Inter Miami nadat hij het Europese voetbal had verlaten. De aanvoerder van Argentinië heeft indruk gemaakt voor de Verenigde Staten sinds hij bij David Beckham kwam, waardoor Major League Soccer weer in de schijnwerpers kwam te staan. Hoewel Messi een van de meest geliefde atleten ter wereld is, is American football de grootste sport in de Verenigde Staten. Sinds hij bij Miami kwam, heeft de Barcelona-legende bewust geprobeerd meer te leren over de sport en de Major League, de NFL.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
13 marca 202413 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, De voetbalwereld gonst van de recente speculaties dat de oude Barcelona-speler Sergi Roberto mogelijk op weg is naar Inter Miami in de Verenigde Staten. Het mogelijke vertrek van de vleugelverdediger van de Catalaanse club heeft geleid tot verhitte debatten over zijn nalatenschap en de toekomst van Barcelona onder het nieuwe management van Xavi Hernández. Nu zijn contract halverwege volgend jaar afloopt, lijkt Sergi Roberto klaar voor nieuwe uitdagingen na een seizoen dat werd gekenmerkt door schaarse optredens in de basisopstelling. Zijn mogelijke overstap naar de Major League Soccer wordt gezien als een kans om zijn carrière nieuw leven in te blazen, door hem een andere omgeving te bieden en de kans om zich te herenigen met voormalige teamgenoten op Amerikaanse bodem.

Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Afgezien van de aanpassingsfactor kan zijn vloeiende kennis van het Engels een positief punt zijn voor zijn overgang naar het leven en voetbal in de Verenigde Staten. Het vooruitzicht om het veld te delen met bekende namen als Messi, Jordi Alba en Sergio Busquets zou een onmiskenbare aantrekkingskracht kunnen zijn voor de 31-jarige speler, gezien de waarschijnlijke heimwee naar zijn gloriedagen bij Barcelona. Het potentiële vertrek van Sergi Roberto markeert een potentieel belangrijke verschuiving voor Barcelona, aangezien hij een emblematische en al lang bestaande figuur binnen de club is. Zijn vertrek kan worden gezien als onderdeel van een proces van vernieuwing en hervorming waar Barcelona zich onder leiding van Xavi Hernández voor lijkt te engageren.

FC Barcelona-aanvoerder Sergi Roberto heeft volgens SPORT ermee ingestemd de club aan het einde van het seizoen te verlaten. De rechtsback en middenvelder staat al sinds zijn veertiende in de boeken van de Catalanen, toen hij overkwam van Nastic Tarragona, veel dichter bij zijn geboorteplaats Reus dan bij La Masia. In de zomer, na het vertrek van Sergio Busquets naar Inter Miami, kreeg hij de aanvoerdersband op basis van anciënniteit als het langstzittende lid van de selectie van Xavi Hernandez in het eerste elftal.

De Inform-kaart van Sergi Roberto heeft een beoordeling van 86, hij is 178 cm | 1,80 meter lange, rechtsbenige Spaanse middenvelder (CM) die voor FC Barcelona speelt in LALIGA EA SPORTS met hoge/gemiddelde werktempo's. Hij heeft 4-sterren zwakke voet en 4-sterren vaardigheidsbewegingen. Hij heeft geen echte face in-game. Hij is gebruikt in 147.301 games met een GPG (goals per game) van 0,072. Sergi Roberto heeft 1 speciale kaart met beoordelingen tussen 80 en 86. Hij is geboren op 07-02-1992 en is nu 32 jaar oud.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
11 marca 202411 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, De Nederlandse centrale verdediger werd halverwege de eerste helft van de bekerwedstrijd van woensdagavond in de tweede ronde gedwongen uitgeschakeld. Bayern München-verdediger Matthijs de Ligt staat aan de zijlijn vanwege een knieprobleem dat hij opliep tijdens de DFB-Pokal-nederlaag tegen Saarbrücken. De Nederlandse centrale verdediger werd halverwege de eerste helft van de bekerwedstrijd van woensdagavond in de tweede ronde tegen het derde niveau gedwongen uitgeschakeld. Na scans maakte Bayern bekend dat De Ligt een gedeeltelijke scheur in de ligamenten van zijn rechterknie had opgelopen, waardoor hij een langdurige revalidatie te wachten stond.

Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Matthijs de Ligt heeft tijdens het trainingskamp in het Portugese Faro een kapselblessure aan zijn linkerknie opgelopen. De diagnose werd bevestigd door de medische afdeling van FC Bayern na een MRI-scan aldaar. De verdediger zal voorlopig dus niet kunnen trainen. Bayern heeft geen enkele van de voorgaande tien competitieve wedstrijden tegen BVB verloren - en heeft er negen gewonnen. De Duitse recordkampioen heeft slechts één keer beter gepresteerd tegen de Zwart en Geel: van 1998 tot 2002 waren het elf wedstrijden zonder nederlaag. Matthijs de Ligt liep tijdens de 2-1 DFB Cup-nederlaag van FC Bayern bij 1. FC Saarbrücken een gedeeltelijke scheuring van het ligament in zijn rechterkniegewricht op. Dat is de uitkomst van een scan die donderdag door de medische afdeling van de club is uitgevoerd. Centrale verdediger de Ligt zal daardoor de komende wedstrijden van FC Bayern missen.

FC Bayern München Matthijs de Ligt FC Bayern München Matthijs de Ligt

Matthijs de Ligt is geboren op 12 augustus 1999 in Leiderdorp en speelt voor FC Bayern München. Hij speelde van 2005-2009 voor FC Abcoude, van 2009-2019 voor Ajax Amsterdam, van 2019-2022 voor Juventus FC Turijn en sinds 2022 voor FC Bayern München. Matthijs de Ligt scoorde dit seizoen twee doelpunten en wordt zevende plaats binnen zijn ploeg. Hij deelt deze rang met Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting, Thomas Müller, Aleksandar Pavlović en Raphaël Guerreiro. In 11 van de voorgaande 16 wedstrijden van het seizoen stond Matthijs de Ligt in de basis. Van deze 16 wedstrijden won hij er 13 met zijn club. Bovendien werd hij vijf wedstrijden gewisseld.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
11 marca 202411 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
kinder voetbaltenue, Bovendien hebben uitgevoerde tests bevestigd dat eerste elftalspeler Pedri een blessure heeft aan de rectus femoris-spier in zijn rechterdij. Hij is niet beschikbaar voor selectie en zijn herstel zal bepalend zijn voor zijn beschikbaarheid. Frenkie de Jong verzwikte zijn enkel na 26 minuten van de wedstrijd tegen Athletic Club zondag in San Mamés, zijn 26e optreden van het seizoen. De Jong was dit seizoen in al zijn wedstrijden voor Barça basisspeler en scoorde tweemaal. Pedri verliet tegen het einde van de eerste helft het veld tegen Athletic Club en werd vervangen door Lamine Yamal. Het duel in San Mamés was het 24e optreden van het seizoen voor de middenvelder, waarvan er 16 als starter kwamen en waarin hij ook twee doelpunten maakte.
barcelona shirt kopen, Het uittenue voor 23/24 maakt deel uit van de ‘Here to lead the way'-campagne van de Club. Het innovatieve ontwerp is een eerbetoon aan de geschiedenis van Barça en aan een shirt gedragen door Johan Cruijff, de voorvader van de speelstijl van FC Barcelona. Het nieuwe shirt heeft wit als overheersende kleur, hoewel het niet de eerste keer is dat dit gebeurt, aangezien Barça op andere momenten tenues met deze kleur heeft gebruikt. Onder andere Alcántara, Samitier, César en Kubala droegen tussen de jaren twintig en zeventig witte shirts.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Barcelona is onder Xavi een team geworden met eindeloze mogelijkheden en hoog aangeschreven jonge pareltjes. Een van de nieuwste leden op de bovengenoemde lijst is Pau Cubarsi, die de wereld kennis heeft laten nemen van zijn zelfverzekerde verdedigende optredens. Nu Xavi het veelgeroemde zilverwerk uit de competitie in Camp Nou heeft hersteld, zullen de supporters klaar zijn om een tijdelijke verhuizing naar het Olympisch Stadion te vieren met een frisse pasvorm die past bij een kampioen. Het thuistenue is voorzien van de klassieke brede strepen - synoniem voor Barca - in de originele blaugrana-kleuren, waarbij de belangrijke details duidelijk naar voren komen met de badge in een diamant.
TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
07 marca 202407 marca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Al-Nassr FC Voetbalshirts, De club verklaarde dat "Cristiano Ronaldo, de grootste atleet ter wereld, officieel is toegetreden." "Zijn toetreding zal onze jonge generatie inspireren en mensen aanmoedigen om een ​​betere versie van zichzelf te worden." De club onthulde dat Cristiano Ronaldo een contract heeft getekend tot Al-Nassr FC is een voetbalclub gevestigd in Riyad, Saoedi-Arabië en werd opgericht op 24 oktober 1955. Het is een van de Saoedi-Arabische Super League-teams. Al Nassr FC heeft dit seizoen 10 speelronden gespeeld en staat momenteel op de tweede plaats met 7 overwinningen, 2 gelijke spelen en 1 verliespartij. Al Nassr FC is een voetbalclub uit de Saoedische Liga. De huidige marktwaarde van Al Nassr FC is: 144,03 miljoen. Al Nassr FC werd opgericht in 1955. Het thuisstadion van Al Nassr FC is het King Fahd International Stadium. King Fahd De internationale sportlocatie biedt plaats aan 25.000 toeschouwers.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, De ondertekening van Al-Nassr door Cristiano Ronaldo wordt als een grote ommekeer beschouwd. Cristiano Ronaldo ontkende een transfer voor Al-Nassr tijdens het WK, waarbij de 37-jarige een mogelijke deal met de Saoedische club heftig ontkende. Maar volgens Marca werd vlak na de wedstrijd een grote doorbraak bereikt in de onderhandelingen. "We willen deze speler in onze competitie hebben", zei Jacir al-Mishhar, voorzitter van de Saoedische voetbalfederatie. "We willen mensen verrassen door topspelers van over de hele wereld aan te trekken. Als federatie zal het bevredigend zijn."
TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
28 lutego 202428 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Luka Modric draaide de jaren terug met een verbluffende late winnaar voor Real Madrid tegen Sevilla en verpestte de terugkeer van Sergio Ramos naar Santiago Bernabeu. De 38-jarige Modric - een invaller in de 75e minuut - stond al zes minuten op het veld toen hij de vermoeide kopbal van Loic Bade uitstekend controleerde en vanaf twintig meter naar binnen rolde om een 1-0 overwinning veilig te stellen.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Luka Modric staat voor wat zijn laatste seizoen bij Real Madrid zou kunnen zijn. Hij is 38 jaar oud, staat op het punt 39 te worden en zijn contract loopt aan het einde van het seizoen af. Hij heeft de bekendheid van weleer verloren en staat op de vijftiende plaats in de selectie in termen van gespeelde minuten, maar zoals we zondag tegen Sevilla konden zien, blijft hij een bijdrage leveren en uitblinken in een bepaalde rol. Zijn coach, de Italiaan Carlo Ancelotti, behandelt hem anders. Hij betrad het veld en scoorde binnen 6 minuten het winnende doelpunt met een prachtig schot vlakbij de paal. En tijdens de viering, op het veld en in de kleedkamer waren er tekenen van afscheid, al duurt het nog drie maanden tot de laatste wedstrijd van Real Madrid van het seizoen.
De verbluffende treffer van Luka Modric zorgde voor een 1-0 overwinning voor Real Madrid op Sevilla, waardoor Los Blancos acht punten voorsprong op de top van het La Liga-klassement kreeg. Madrid klaarde zondag uiteindelijk de klus in het Santiago Bernabéu, waarbij invaller Modric in de 81e minuut een prachtig doelpunt scoorde. Luka Modric bleek, zoals zo vaak het geval is, de held voor de ploeg van Carlo Ancelotti toen hij laat scoorde en een overwinning bezegelde die er niet altijd naar uitzag alsof die zou komen.
TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
28 lutego 202428 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Cristiano Ronaldo heeft 48 doelpunten gescoord in 54 wedstrijden voor Al Nassr sinds hij lid werd van de club uit Riyadh, die uitkomt in de Saudi Pro League. Cristiano Ronaldo wordt beschouwd als een van de meest productieve doelpuntenmakers in het wereldvoetbal en de Portugese aanvaller heeft zijn reputatie alleen maar geconsolideerd sinds hij bij de Saoedi-Arabische club Al Nassr FC kwam.
Cristiano Ronaldo Voetbalshirts, De Portugese voetballer kwam in januari van dit jaar bij Al Nassr en werd daarmee de best betaalde atleet ter wereld. Na zijn aankomst in Saoedi-Arabië scoorde Cristiano Ronaldo zijn eerste doelpunt in een vriendschappelijke wedstrijd tegen Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) terwijl hij speelde voor een team met spelers van Al Nassr FC en Al Hilal SFC. Cristiano Ronaldo maakte zijn Saoedische Pro League-debuut bij Al Nassr in een 1-0 overwinning op Al-Ettifaq. Hij scoorde zijn eerste doelpunt in een gelijkspel tegen Al-Fateh voordat hij zijn eerste hattrick scoorde voor Al Nassr in een 4-0 overwinning op Al Wehad. De Portugese topper scoorde zijn tweede hattrick voor de club in een 3-0 overwinning op Damac.
Voetbalshirts van Cristiano Ronaldo in de aanbieding bij, Al Nassr is de vijfde club waar Cristiano Ronaldo voor speelt in zijn professionele carrière. De vijfvoudig Ballon d'Or-winnaar begon zijn clubcarrière in 2002 bij de Portugese club Sporting CP. Hij maakte zijn profdebuut tegen Braga en scoorde zijn eerste doelpunt in een 3-0-zege op Moreirense. Sindsdien vertegenwoordigde hij Manchester United (2006-09) (2021-22), Real Madrid (2009-18), Juventus (2018-21) en Al Nassr FC. In de loop van zijn carrière heeft de Portugese topper verschillende grote titels gewonnen, waaronder vijf UEFA Champions Leagues, drie Engelse Premier Leagues, twee La Liga's, evenveel Serie As en de Arabische Club Champions Cup.
27 lutego 202427 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Het succes van de Carabao Cup bij Liverpool heeft de mogelijkheid geopend voor een busparade met open dak aan het eind van het seizoen, waarbij honderdduizenden supporters worden uitgenodigd om afscheid te nemen van Jurgen Klopp. Er zijn gesprekken begonnen op het hoogste niveau van de club om een ​​plan te formuleren voor de meest passend afscheid voor de legendarische coach, die Anfield in mei verlaat. Zelden of nooit houden gedecoreerde clubs als Liverpool een parade na een overwinning in de League Cup. Dergelijke straatfeesten zijn meestal gereserveerd voor FA Cups, Champions League of titeloverwinning.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, De timing van het vertrek van Klopp biedt echter de mogelijkheid voor een bredere viering, waarbij de aanwezigheid van zilverwerk het waarschijnlijker maakt dat Liverpool toestemming zal vragen aan de gemeenteraadsleiders om het idee door te zetten, terwijl Liverpool tussen nu nog steeds vecht voor nog drie grote trofeeën. Maar de club weet dat er supporters zijn die van over de hele wereld willen afreizen om Klopp te bedanken voor zijn uitstekende prestaties bij Liverpool sinds zijn benoeming in 2015.

Liverpool 2024 Voetbalshirts Liverpool 2024 Voetbalshirts

Zijn laatste wedstrijd op Anfield in mei zal emotioneel zijn, maar er zijn veel meer dan de 60.000 die het geluk hebben een zitplaats te hebben voor die wedstrijd en die hun waardering willen tonen. Toen Liverpool in 2019 de Champions League won, werden de straten van Liverpool overspoeld met 750.000 fans. Een vergelijkbaar aantal zou worden verwacht, ongeacht of Liverpool nog meer trofeeën aan de League Cup toevoegt of niet. Ondanks dat hij de laatste toernooizege als de meest 'speciale' uit zijn carrière beschouwt, is er geen vooruitzicht dat Klopp van gedachten verandert en bij Liverpool blijft manager na dit seizoen.

27 lutego 202427 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Het succes van de Carabao Cup bij Liverpool heeft de mogelijkheid geopend voor een busparade met open dak aan het eind van het seizoen, waarbij honderdduizenden supporters worden uitgenodigd om afscheid te nemen van Jurgen Klopp. Er zijn gesprekken begonnen op het hoogste niveau van de club om een ​​plan te formuleren voor de meest passend afscheid voor de legendarische coach, die Anfield in mei verlaat. Zelden of nooit houden gedecoreerde clubs als Liverpool een parade na een overwinning in de League Cup. Dergelijke straatfeesten zijn meestal gereserveerd voor FA Cups, Champions League of titeloverwinning.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, De timing van het vertrek van Klopp biedt echter de mogelijkheid voor een bredere viering, waarbij de aanwezigheid van zilverwerk het waarschijnlijker maakt dat Liverpool toestemming zal vragen aan de gemeenteraadsleiders om het idee door te zetten, terwijl Liverpool tussen nu nog steeds vecht voor nog drie grote trofeeën. Maar de club weet dat er supporters zijn die van over de hele wereld willen afreizen om Klopp te bedanken voor zijn uitstekende prestaties bij Liverpool sinds zijn benoeming in 2015.

Liverpool 2024 Voetbalshirts Liverpool 2024 Voetbalshirts

Zijn laatste wedstrijd op Anfield in mei zal emotioneel zijn, maar er zijn veel meer dan de 60.000 die het geluk hebben een zitplaats te hebben voor die wedstrijd en die hun waardering willen tonen. Toen Liverpool in 2019 de Champions League won, werden de straten van Liverpool overspoeld met 750.000 fans. Een vergelijkbaar aantal zou worden verwacht, ongeacht of Liverpool nog meer trofeeën aan de League Cup toevoegt of niet. Ondanks dat hij de laatste toernooizege als de meest 'speciale' uit zijn carrière beschouwt, is er geen vooruitzicht dat Klopp van gedachten verandert en bij Liverpool blijft manager na dit seizoen.

27 lutego 202427 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Barcelona Voetbalshirts, Het FCB x Patta Patta scriptlogo pre-match shirt is gemaakt van 100% polyester en maakt gebruik van Nike Dri-FIT technologie, zodat je droog en comfortabel blijft. De Jersey heeft een lichtgewicht gebreide stof die soepel aanvoelt op de huid. Versierd met een geweven FC Barcelona-badge, een geborduurde Nike-swoosh en een gezeefdrukt Patta-scriptlogo op de borst. Afgewerkt met een geweven FCB x Patta label.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Patta, FC Barcelona en Nike creëren een aanbod van zes items dat gemakkelijk overgaat van stadsstraten naar voetbalvelden. Patta Creative Director Vincent van de Waal liet zich inspireren door de menselijke anatomie en weerspiegelt de sterkbloedige kracht van Barça-volgers. FC Barcelona x Patta pre-match shirt van het seizoen 23/24 voor dames. Gedragen door de spelers van het eerste team om op te warmen voordat ze het veld op rennen. Ontwerp dat de kleuren laat zien die door je bloed stromen, met het hart en het embleem vooraan en in het midden. Shirt met logopatch van FC Barcelona en geborduurd Nike-logo. Ronde halslijn. Korte mouwen. Nike Dri-FIT-technologie. Kleur: zwart.

FC Barcelona x Patta FC Barcelona x Patta

Graphic track jackets and bottoms receive graphic treatments featuring illustrative hearts and veins in team hues. Yellow-tinted tees and hoodies don three-way branding, while jerseys and caps promote coordinating designs. Trainingstop van FC Barcelona x Patta. Lange mouwen met een patch met het FC Barcelona-embleem en contrasterende Patta- en Nike-logo's. Pulserende afbeeldingen in blauw en granaat aan de voor- en achterkant. Met elastische manchetten en tailleband. Zijzakken. Zachte afwerking aan de binnenkant. Kleur: zwart.

TagiTagi: voetbalshirts 
26 lutego 202426 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Lionel Messi scoorde op het laatst de blessuretijd-gelijkmaker toen Inter Miami zondag ontsnapte met een 1-1 gelijkspel in de Los Angeles Galaxy in de Major League Soccer. Inter Miami FC's Argentijnse aanvaller #10 Lionel Messi trapt de bal tijdens de MLS-voetbalwedstrijd tussen LA Galaxy en Inter Miami FC in Dignity Health Sports Park op 25 februari 2024 in Carson, Californië.
Lionel Messi Voetbalshirts, De Galaxy domineerde lange tijd van de wedstrijd en was in de 75e minuut op voorsprong gekomen via de Servische spits Dejan Joveljic. ​​Maar de thuisploeg eindigde de wedstrijd met tien man nadat middenvelder Mark Delgado van het veld werd gestuurd voor een tweede gele kaart in de wedstrijd. 87e minuut Jordi Alba combineerde zich vervolgens met Messi aan de linkerkant, waarbij de Spanjaard een geweldige terugtrekking afleverde in het pad van Messi die, op volle sterkte, het doel vond met de buitenkant van zijn linkervoet.
Miami had alle vier de voormalige Barcelona-sterren in de basis, met Alba, Sergio Busquets en Luis Suarez naast Messi. Puig was zelfverzekerd aan de bal en scherpzinnig in zijn passing en dicteerde het spel, maar hij had de thuisploeg op voorsprong moeten zetten. De Miami-keeper produceerde vervolgens prima reddingen om pogingen van Paintsil en Puig buiten te houden en afgezien van een afgeweken Messi-poging die werd gepareerd door Galaxy-keeper John McCarthy, creëerde Miami weinig.
26 lutego 202426 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Lionel Messi Voetbalshirts, De Argentijnse en Inter Miami kapitein pakten zijn eerste goal van het 2024 MLS seizoen en zorgden voor een punt voor Miami toen ze in de tweede wedstrijd van het seizoen tegenover LA Galaxy stonden. Lionel Messi blijft nieuwe hoofdstukken schrijven in de geschiedenis van zijn carrière en ondanks dat hij 36-jaar oud is, heeft de Argentijnse aanvaller zijn talent voor het vinden van het doelwit niet verloren, zoals we zagen op zondagavond toen de Inter Miami kapitein op tijd verscheen om de equalizer voor zijn kant naar LA Galaxy te pakken.
De in Rosario geboren aanvaller heeft zijn reputatie als een van de beste spelers ooit het spel gespeeld sinds hij voor het eerst verscheen in mei 2005. In een competitiegevecht tegen Albacete op Camp Nou greep Messi zich aan een fenomenale bal van Ronaldinho om de Albakeeper te loben en was de afgelopen twee decennia een jaarlijkse 'goal machine' met 2012 een bijzonder hoogtepunt toen hij 91-goals pakte.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, De aanvaller gaf een grote boost aan MLS als competitie toen hij verhuisde naar Inter Miami in de zomer van 2023 en hielp de club hun eerste zilverwerk ooit te bemachtigen met de 2023 League Cup titel. Messi heeft nu twee MLS goals met Miami en in zijn tijd met de 'Herons' heeft gesmeekt om in totaal twaalf goals in alle competities sinds de landing met de Fort Lauderdale franchise. In de korte geschiedenis van de club blijven Gonzalo Higuaín (29) en Leonardo Campana (23) topscorers aller tijden.
26 lutego 202426 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
AQ0344-001 Air Jordan 4 Retro Low SE 2024 Basketball Shoes, The Air Jordan 4 Retro Low is one of the strongest sneaker releases on the ground, and it's got the perfect amount of cleanliness. This pair of shoes is reproduced using the highest craftsmanship to ensure that there is no color correction to the original version. Its craftsmanship is very exquisite, and its perfect last makes it one of the most highly crafted sneakers on the market.

[caption id="attachment_21111" align="alignnone" width="600"]AQ0344-001 Air Jordan 4 Retro Low SE 2024 Basketball Shoes AQ0344-001 Air Jordan 4 Retro Low SE 2024 Basketball Shoes[/caption]

This Air Jordan 4 Retro Low is developed using original last and original cardboard, maintaining the pure fourth-generation version. The bottom of the shoe adopts the original real air cushion design to ensure sufficient rebound feedback. It provides comfortable foot feel and stable support whether during sports or daily wear. Its official item number is AQ0344 001CH, with sizes ranging from 36 to 47.5, which can meet the needs of different consumers.
The Air Max 270, The Air Jordan 4 Retro Low also looks great. The shoe body is made of high-quality materials, and meticulous craftsmanship and detail processing give it a sense of fashion and quality. The details on the upper are cleverly designed to show the brand's unique style and personality. Its classic appearance and durability make it the first choice for many fashion lovers and sports enthusiasts.
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Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Of het nu in de Bundesliga of Tottenham Hotspur in de Premier League was, Son Heung-min was een "grote moordenaar" die veel doelpunten scoorde. Mourinho, die zijn favoriete generaals altijd zelden heeft geprezen, noemde Son "Sunardo". Het is echter moeilijk voor deze gouden schoen uit de Premier League om net zo goed te presteren als in de Premier League in het Koreaanse nationale team. Hij raakte ernstig geblesseerd vóór het WK, wat ertoe leidde dat hij een "masker" moest dragen om aan het WK deel te nemen. Hij werd door fans zelfs beschouwd als een moedige kampioen in de club, maar niet effectief in het nationale team.
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Kopen voetbalshirts online, In de eerste helft vertoonde de verdediging van Tottenham mazen in de wet, wat in de 42e minuut leidde tot een kopbal van de tegenstander van Joao Gomez, waardoor Tottenham tijdelijk op een 0-1 achterstand kwam te staan. Na het begin van de tweede helft slaagde Kulusevski erin om vanuit een kleine hoek dichtbij de basislijn te schieten om de score gelijk te maken voor Tottenham. Tottenham slaagde er echter nog steeds niet in de score vast te houden en Joao Gomez scoorde in de 63e minuut opnieuw om Wolves op voorsprong te zetten. Son Heung-min ondervond enkele problemen in deze wedstrijd: hij slaagde er niet in effectieve schoten te maken in de wedstrijd en kon het team niet helpen de score terug te winnen. Wolves versloegen Tottenham uiteindelijk met 2-1, wat Tottenham-fans deed zuchten. Tottenham miste een belangrijke drie punten en zakte naar de vijfde plaats, terwijl hij voor grotere uitdagingen stond in de strijd om de top vier.
De Wolves zijn zo goed geweest dat je verbaasd kunt zijn over hoe goed ze dit seizoen zijn geweest. Hun verdediging en aanval toonden beide sterke kracht, vooral de twee doelpunten van Joao Gomez die de focus van de wedstrijd werden. Tottenham moet zijn status zo snel mogelijk aanpassen, streven naar betere prestaties in de volgende wedstrijden en zijn concurrentiepositie behouden om zich te kwalificeren voor de Champions League.
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Barcelona Voetbalshirts, Nike x FC Barcelona x Patta slaan de handen ineen voor een nieuwe collectie, en Patta x Nike staat bekend als een van de geliefde samenwerkingen onder sneakerfans. Sommige van de eerder uitgebrachte gezamenlijke schoenen hadden een zeer geslaagd ontwerp. Deze maand brengen beide partijen opnieuw een samenwerking uit, en dit keer betreft het een "driewegsamenwerking" met een zeer bekende voetbalclub. Naast schoenen zullen de bijbehorende kledingstukken naar alle waarschijnlijkheid de interesse wekken van FC Barcelona-fans. Deze collectie omvat onder andere shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, jassen, petten en meer, waarbij het ontwerp niet alleen gebaseerd is op FC Barcelona, maar ook speciale hartmotieven bevat die voor deze gelegenheid zijn gemaakt.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Deze expressie komt tot uiting in het patroon van de gehele kledingcollectie, waarbij ook de limited edition voetbalshirts in Barça-geïnspireerde kleuren worden aangeboden. De co-branded limited edition voetbalshirts hebben een rood-blauw fluïdumverloopontwerp. Naast de voetbalshirts zullen de bijbehorende kledingstukken naar alle waarschijnlijkheid de interesse wekken van FC Barcelona-fans. Deze collectie omvat onder andere shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, jassen, petten en meer, waarbij het ontwerp niet alleen gebaseerd is op FC Barcelona, maar ook speciale hartmotieven bevat die voor deze gelegenheid zijn gemaakt. Of je nu al vijftig jaar een fan bent of een nieuwe supporter, de Nike x Patta x FC Barcelona co-branded collectie verbindt iedereen stevig met hun gedeelde rood-blauwe erfgoed.
Kopen voetbalshirts online, Nike heeft verschillende kleurthema's voor schoenen uitgebracht rondom FC Barcelona. Onder andere op modellen als de SB Dunk Low en SB Blazer Mid. Het is het vermelden waard dat deze Air Max Plus in het FC Barcelona-kleurenschema een gezamenlijke creatie is van Nike en het Amsterdamse streetwear-merk Patta. De hele schoen toont de thuiswedstrijdkleuren van FC Barcelona met het kenmerkende rood-blauwe kleurenschema, terwijl grijze reflecterende strepen zijn toegevoegd als accenten op het bovenwerk. Daarnaast zijn er op de zijkant van de schoen kleine rode en blauwe Swooshes aangebracht om het kleurenthema van de schoen te benadrukken. Op de tong en het label van de schoenveter zijn respectievelijk het Patta-logo en het embleem van FC Barcelona te zien.
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Klassieke Retro Voetbalshirts, AC Milan is een van de weinige clubs die consistent blijft in de kleurcombinatie van hun shirts. Sinds de oprichting van de club dragen generaties AC Milan-spelers het rood-zwarte gestreepte shirt terwijl ze de wereld veroveren. Terwijl de tijd verstrijkt en de wereld verandert, is er één ding dat altijd hetzelfde blijft: de kleuren die door de aderen van de Rossoneri stromen. In deze editie van "Geschiedenis van het tenue en het embleem" vertellen we het verhaal van de "Rood-Zwarte Legioenen" van AC Milan.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Op 16 december 1899 richtten twee Engelsen die in Milaan woonden de Milan Foot-Ball and Cricket Club op. Een van hen was een bekend persoon, Alfred Edwards genaamd, die later de eerste voorzitter van AC Milan zou worden. De andere was destijds slechts een jonge voetballer van 29 jaar oud, die meteen werd aangesteld als de eerste manager van het AC Milan voetbalteam, evenals speler en coach. Zijn naam was Herbert Kilpin, en het verhaal van deze eeuwenoude rood-zwarte legende begint bij hem.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Het oorspronkelijke tenue van AC Milan bestond uit smalle rode en zwarte strepen, met aan de linkerkant van het shirt een groot wit-rood kruis. Dit was niet omdat de club werd opgericht door twee Engelsen; hoewel het kruis sterk leek op het kruis van St. George, een symbool voor Engeland, was het eigenlijk de "San Giorgio-kruis", een van de oude symbolen van Milaan, als eerbetoon aan de grote bisschop uit de vierde eeuw. Als je vandaag de dag ziet dat de rode en zwarte strepen op het shirt smaller en dichter bij elkaar zijn geworden, of als je het clubembleem op het shirt ziet veranderen in alleen het kruis, dan is dat hoogstwaarschijnlijk een eerbetoon aan dit klassieke ontwerp uit het beginjaar.
21 lutego 202421 lutego 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Klassieke Retro Voetbalshirts, AC Milan is een van de weinige clubs die consistent blijft in de kleurcombinatie van hun shirts. Sinds de oprichting van de club dragen generaties AC Milan-spelers het rood-zwarte gestreepte shirt terwijl ze de wereld veroveren. Terwijl de tijd verstrijkt en de wereld verandert, is er één ding dat altijd hetzelfde blijft: de kleuren die door de aderen van de Rossoneri stromen. In deze editie van "Geschiedenis van het tenue en het embleem" vertellen we het verhaal van de "Rood-Zwarte Legioenen" van AC Milan.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Op 16 december 1899 richtten twee Engelsen die in Milaan woonden de Milan Foot-Ball and Cricket Club op. Een van hen was een bekend persoon, Alfred Edwards genaamd, die later de eerste voorzitter van AC Milan zou worden. De andere was destijds slechts een jonge voetballer van 29 jaar oud, die meteen werd aangesteld als de eerste manager van het AC Milan voetbalteam, evenals speler en coach. Zijn naam was Herbert Kilpin, en het verhaal van deze eeuwenoude rood-zwarte legende begint bij hem.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Het oorspronkelijke tenue van AC Milan bestond uit smalle rode en zwarte strepen, met aan de linkerkant van het shirt een groot wit-rood kruis. Dit was niet omdat de club werd opgericht door twee Engelsen; hoewel het kruis sterk leek op het kruis van St. George, een symbool voor Engeland, was het eigenlijk de "San Giorgio-kruis", een van de oude symbolen van Milaan, als eerbetoon aan de grote bisschop uit de vierde eeuw. Als je vandaag de dag ziet dat de rode en zwarte strepen op het shirt smaller en dichter bij elkaar zijn geworden, of als je het clubembleem op het shirt ziet veranderen in alleen het kruis, dan is dat hoogstwaarschijnlijk een eerbetoon aan dit klassieke ontwerp uit het beginjaar.
20 października 202320 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Kopen voetbalshirts online, FC Barcelona is een van de populairste clubs van Spanje en is afgelopen seizoen voor de 27e keer kampioen van La Liga geworden. Sterspelers als Frenkie de Jong, Robert Lewandowski en Pedri zijn te bewonderen in de nieuwste collectie van FC Barcelona. De Nike FC Barcelona Thuis Shirt Kids 2023/2024 is afkomstig uit de officiële Thuis collectie van "Barca". De sterspelers van FC Barcelona dragen dit in het seizoen van 2023/2024.
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Paris Saint-Germain gaat er dit seizoen weer alles aan doen om net zoals vorig seizoen kampioen van de Ligue 1 te worden. Sterspelers als Kylian Mbappé, Marquinhos en Dembélé zijn te bewonderen in de nieuwste collectie van Paris Saint-Germain. Het lichtgewicht materiaal heeft ademend vermogen en uitstekende zweetafvoering. Het shirt is afgewerkt met het Castore logo op de borst en het clubembleem op de borst geborduurd. Gemaakt van rekbare en lichte materialen die een comfortabele beweging en ademhaling bieden. Hierdoor blijf je droog, comfortabel en presterend op je top in de meest verhitte wedstrijden. Het shirt vormt een ijzersterke link naar de blijvende invloed van Manchester over de hele wereld. De elementen in het shirt zijn afkomstig van een nabijgelegen brug uit de Industriële Revolutie en op de voorkant staat een herhalend geometrisch patroon geïnspireerd op Lancashire Rose.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Dit is het nieuwe adidas Manchester United Thuisshirt 2023-2024 Kids. Het shirt is afgeleid van het shirt dat gedragen wordt door de spelers van Manchester United. Het shirt heeft een uniek design geïnspireerd op de stad Manchester. Toon nu je trots voor de Engelse club met dit gave Manchester United thuisshirt voor kinderen! Ons aanbod bestaat uit toonaangevende merken als Nike, adidas en PUMA. Fans van onder andere Ajax, FC Barcelona en Paris Saint-Germain kunnen bij ons het nieuwste uit- en thuisshirt scoren.
20 października 202320 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Voetbalshirts Sale Nederland, Als je het over AC Milan hebt, zul je je altijd het speciale kleurontwerp herinneren dat staat voor AC Milan, namelijk rood met zwart. Hier raden we u de eerste bestseller aan, namelijk de Puma AC Milan Cheap Jersey 2021 22 - thuisversie. Voor hetzelfde kleurtype is het Goedkope Puma AC Milan trainingstenue (jas + broek) 2021/22 ook een goede keuze om je voor te bereiden op het volgende seizoen. Verder zullen we diverse soorten goedkope retro AC Milan jersey in Soccerdealshop aanbieden, zoals goedkope Retro 2013/14 AC Milan Jersey thuis en goedkope Retro 2006/07 AC Milan Jersey derde weg (Retro AC Milan jersey 06/07 shirt met lange mouwen ook beschikbaar). Eindelijk wacht, naast het nieuwe thuisshirt, ook het Goedkope Puma AC Milan Jersey 2021-uit hier op op je!
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, De voetbalbond van Milaan, beter bekend als AC Milan of simpelweg Milaan, is een professionele voetbalclub uit Milaan, Italië, opgericht in 1899. De club heeft zijn hele geschiedenis doorgebracht, met uitzondering van de seizoenen 1980-1981 en 1982-1983. in de hoogste categorie van het Italiaanse voetbal, bekend als Serie A van 1929 tot 1930. De 18 FIFA- en UEFA-trofeeën van AC Milan zijn de vierde hoogste van alle clubs (samen met Boca Juniors) en de grootste van alle Italiaanse clubs. AC Milan heeft een gecombineerd record van drie Intercontinental Cups en een FIFA Club World Cup gewonnen, [9] zeven Europa Cup- of Champions League-titels (Italiaans record), de UEFA Super Cup vijf keer een gezamenlijk record en twee keer de Europa Cup. Met 18 scudetti is Milan de derde meest succesvolle club in de Serie A, achter lokale rivalen Inter (19 scudetti) en Juventus (36 scudetti). Hij won ook vijf keer de Italiaanse beker en zeven keer de Italiaanse Supercup.
Kopen voetbalshirts online, AC Milan is een van de meest succesvolle clubs in Italië en heeft in totaal 30 landstitels gewonnen, waarvan 18 in de Serie A-competitie. Naast hun continentale successen wonnen ze 7 titels in de Europa Cup / UEFA Champions League. Milan heeft het recht verdiend om een ster op hun shirt te zetten als erkenning voor het feit dat ze minstens tien landstitels hebben gewonnen. Bovendien kan de club permanent een meervoudig winnaarsembleem op het shirt laten zien, aangezien de club meer dan vijf Europa Cups heeft gewonnen.
13 października 202313 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Cristiano Ronaldo Voetbalshirts werd geboren op 5 februari 1985 in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Hij is een Portugese profvoetballer die speelt als vleugelspeler/centrum en momenteel speelt voor Manchester United Football Club in de Premier League. Ronaldo's carrière: In 2003 verhuisde Ronaldo naar Manchester United Football Club en hielp het team 10 trofeeën te winnen, waaronder de UEFA Champions League-titel 2007-2008. Tegelijkertijd is het goedkope Ronaldo-shirt van Manchester United 2007/08 erg populair. Tijdens zijn tijd bij Manchester United won hij de beste speler van de Engelse Premier League 2006-2007, de Gouden Bal van 2008, de beste speler van de International Professional Footballers Federation, de beste speler in de Premier League, de Premier League Golden Boot en andere prijzen. . Veel fans wilden een goedkoop Ronaldo Manchester United-shirt.
Retro Manchester United Ronaldo #7 2007/08 Thuis tenue Voetbalshirts Korte Mouw, In 2009 verhuisde Ronaldo naar voetbalclub Real Madrid. Hij hielp het team 16 trofeeën te winnen in 9 jaar, waaronder 4 UEFA Champions League-titels in 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, en won 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 Golden Globe Awards en andere prijzen. In 2018 stapte Cristiano Ronaldo over naar de Serie A Juventus Football Club en won met het team het Italiaanse kampioenschap voetbal in het seizoen 2018/19 en het seizoen 2019/20. In 2021 keert Ronaldo terug naar Manchester United. Goedkope Manchester United thuisreplica 2021/22 was destijds ook erg populair.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Het gestreepte mesh aan de voorkant van het goedkope Ronaldo Manchester United shirt is geïnspireerd op het architecturale silhouet van Old Trafford. Op de achterkant van goedkope Ronaldo Jersey staat de witte naam Ronaldo en het nummer 7 met zwarte lijnen en een witte verticale streep met de MUFC- en Rode Duivels-logo's. De Rode Duivels-badge met de bijnaam van het team "The Red Devils" (Rode Duivels) is de finishing touch. Dit goedkope Ronaldo-shirt is gemaakt van Nike Dri-FIT-materiaal, dat tijdens het dragen dicht op de huid zit en vocht naar het oppervlak van het kledingstuk kan overbrengen om snel te verdampen voor langduriger sportcomfort. Verschillende mechanische weefselconstructiemethoden bereiken het effect van vochtbeheersing. De stof van goedkope Ronaldo Jersey brengt overtollig zweet van de menselijke huid over naar een groot oppervlak, waardoor het snel kan verdampen.
10 października 202310 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Lionel Messi Inter Miami CF-shirts, Sinds het vertrek van Lionel Messi bij Paris Saint-Germain en de overstap naar de MLS en Inter Miami heeft de Argentijn het veld verlicht. De superster-aanvaller legde uit waarom hij de Verenigde Staten koos voor zijn volgende carrièrestap en sinds zijn aankomst al verschillende doelpunten heeft gescoord en de Leagues Cup heeft gewonnen. Fans die Messi in de gaten zullen houden, zullen hem het felroze thuisshirt van Inter Miami en de omgekeerde colourway-uitstrip hebben zien dragen. Als je het uiterlijk van de truien leuk vindt, ben je op de juiste plek, want GOAL legt uit hoe je ze in handen kunt krijgen.
Inter Miami 2023-24 truien, Messi has traditionally preferred the number 10 shirt at Barcelona and with Argentina, although that did change at PSG when he was al. The club's home jersey, which is dubbed the 'Heartbeat' kit, has an all-over bubblegum pink colourway, with black brand detailing - keeping in theme with the club colours. The away jersey, which is called 'La Noche' (The Night), reverses the colourway as the pink detailing pops against the all-black kit.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Lionel Messi maakte een mislukte comeback voor Inter Miami toen hun hoop op de MLS Playoff in rook opging. De Argentijnse superster heeft de laatste vier wedstrijden gemist nadat hij sinds zijn internationale dienst te kampen had met een spierprobleem. Hij maakte eindelijk zijn rentree tegen FC Cincinnati, maar door een 1-0 nederlaag kwam er officieel een einde aan de hoop op de titel van Inter Miami. Messi had de laatste vier wedstrijden van Miami gemist vanwege een blessure en de club wankelde tijdens zijn afwezigheid: hij verloor er twee en speelde twee wedstrijden gelijk.
09 października 202309 października 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
2023-2024 Al-Hilal SFC voetbalshirts, Paris Saint-Germain verkocht Neymar aan Al-Hilal voor ongeveer 10 miljard euro, inclusief bonussen: een historische transactie voor de club. Het is officieel, zoals de geruchten een paar dagen geleden al aangaven, Neymar Jr. heeft na zes seizoenen afscheid genomen van Paris Saint German om zich aan te sluiten bij Al-Hilal. Afgelopen weekend werd het contract gesloten met de Saoedi-Arabische club, waarbij de Braziliaan voor twee seizoenen tekende in ruil voor een bedrag van een miljoen dollar.
Al-Hilal Neymar Jr #10 Thuis tenue 2023-24 Korte Mouw, Neymar sluit zich officieel aan bij de Saoedische gigant Al Hilal. De onthulling was ronduit spectaculair. Een menigte van wel 60.000 toeschouwers in het King Fahd International Stadium was getuige van een magisch 1-1 gelijkspel tussen Al Hilal en Al Feiha. Toen Neymar werd geïntroduceerd, werd het stadion verlicht door zaklampen die werden vastgehouden door opgewonden supporters. Dat is niet alles. Een enorm hologram van Neymars FIFA-kaart flitste de nachtelijke hemel in voordat een verbluffende droneshow zijn gezicht liet zien. Ja, je kunt het zelfs van buiten het stadion zien!
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Neymars iconische nummer 10-trui glinsterde toen hij het veld opstapte, naar de middencirkel liep en naar de wild juichende fans zwaaide. De energie gaat alle verbeelding te boven! Wat volgde was een spectaculaire pyrotechnische vertoning, waarbij vuurwerk en vlammen een betoverende scène creëerden die Neymar met ontzag achterliet. Daarnaast onthulde de ploeg ook het nieuwe shirt van Neymar voor Riyadh Crescent Club, waar hij opnieuw het nummer 10-shirt draagt, net zoals hij deed bij Paris Saint-Germain. Neymar plaatste ook opgewonden meer foto's van zichzelf in de blauwe trui van Riyadh Crescent. Fans waren blij met zijn aankomst bij de club en konden niet stoppen met kijken naar de spits, die zijn gelukkige glimlach nauwelijks kon verbergen.
28 września 202328 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Al-Nassr FC voetbaltenue, Cristiano Ronaldo wordt beschouwd als een van de meest productieve doelpuntenmakers in het wereldvoetbal en de Portugese aanvaller heeft zijn reputatie alleen maar geconsolideerd sinds hij bij de Saoedi-Arabische club Al Nassr FC kwam. De Portugese voetballer sloot zich in januari van dit jaar aan bij Al Nassr en werd daarmee de bestbetaalde atleet ter wereld. Na zijn aankomst in Saoedi-Arabië scoorde Cristiano Ronaldo zijn eerste doelpunt in een vriendschappelijke wedstrijd tegen Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) terwijl hij speelde voor een team met spelers van Al Nassr FC en Al Hilal SFC. Cristiano Ronaldo won de Saudische Pro League Speler van de Maand-prijs voor februari nadat hij acht doelpunten had gescoord en tweemaal had geassisteerd.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Cristiano Ronaldo heeft zijn eerste individuele prijs gewonnen in zijn nieuwe competitie, de Saudi Professional League, na het winnen van de prijs Speler van de maand voor september. Cristiano Ronaldo heeft de prijs Speler van de maand voor september gewonnen, het winnen van zijn eerste individuele prijs in zijn nieuwe League, de Saudi Professional League. Zijn eer komt nadat zijn eeuwige rivaal Lionel Messi zijn tweede pakte voor zijn uitstekende prestatie op het WK 2022, ontvangen na de FIFA Best Award. Ronaldo ligt in die categorie echter nog steeds voor op Messi, aangezien Messi pas maandag zijn twee prijzen inhaalde. Maar de FIFA merkte op dat Messi de prijs zeven keer heeft gewonnen en Ronaldo vijf keer voor hun eerdere werk met Frankrijk tijdens de Ballon d'Or-ceremonie.
Cristiano Ronaldo Voetbaltenue, Al Nassr is de vijfde club waar Cristiano Ronaldo voor speelt in zijn professionele carrière. De vijfvoudig Ballon d'Or-winnaar begon zijn clubcarrière in 2002 bij de Portugese club Sporting CP. Hij maakte zijn profdebuut tegen Braga en scoorde zijn eerste doelpunt in een 3-0-zege op Moreirense. Sindsdien vertegenwoordigde hij Manchester United (2006-09) (2021-22), Real Madrid (2009-18), Juventus (2018-21) en Al Nassr FC.
20 września 202320 września 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Lionel Messi Jersey De Argentijnse voetbalsuperster Lionel Messi heeft eindelijk zijn reis naar de Verenigde Staten voltooid en zich officieel aangesloten bij Inter Miami CF van Major League Soccer (MLS). Nadat Messi Paris Saint-Germain in Frankrijk verliet, koos hij voor dit opkomende team, mede opgericht door de voormalige Engelse international David Beckham, in de hoop een nieuw hoofdstuk te beginnen in de Verenigde Staten. Inter Miami speelde een uitwedstrijd tegen de Los Angeles Football Club op de 4e. Hoewel Lionel Messi geen doelpunt scoorde, leverde hij twee assists om het team met 3-1 te helpen winnen. Het is vermeldenswaard dat deze wedstrijd ook een Major League Soccer opleverde. record De hoogste ticketprijs in de (MLS) geschiedenis.
Goedkope voetbalshirts kids, Lionel Messi speelde voor het eerst in Los Angeles en trok beroemdheden als Selena Gomez en Leonardo DiCaprio om naar de wedstrijd te kijken. Hoewel hij dit keer niet scoorde, deelde hij in de tweede helft toch 2 prachtige assists uit, één aan zijn oude teamgenoot Jordi Alba en de andere jonge speler Leo Campana hielpen het team de kampioen van vorig jaar Los Angeles Football Club met 3-1 te verslaan. Messi ging vervolgens naar de trainingsbasis van Inter Miami en werd geïntroduceerd door teampresident Paul McDonough en hoofdcoach Diego Alonso. Hij had ook een videogesprek met Beckham, en de twee voetballegendes spraken hun respect en verwachtingen voor elkaar uit. Messi bezocht ook het nieuwe stadion van het team, gelegen in Miami Freedom Park, en hield een korte toespraak voor de media.
Shop Jordans 2023, First previewed in Paris during Brand Jordan's Quai 54 tournament, the latest take on the newest Air Jordan features a clean color scheme. The multi-material upper opts for an off white tone that matches the International Basketball Federation's simple logo well. This AJ XXXVIII honors the International Basketball Federation-the governing body for basketball worldwide. Like white light containing every possible color, the striking outer conceals an insole decorated with all the hues of the vibrant FIBA logo. Elsewhere, the tongue and heel include strong hits of gold around the Jumpman branding with a trophy embroidered at the interior portion of the tongue. Lastly, the full-length Zoom Strobel unit and full-length Cushlon 3.0 foam are encased by a black and white sole unit supported by a translucent outsole.
13 maja 202313 maja 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Argentinien Trikots, Argentinien hat die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar gewonnen, Messis Trikot ist endlich mit dem dritten Stern bestickt. Argentinien besiegte die französische Mannschaft und gewann den Hercules Cup. Dies ist nach 36 Jahren das dritte Mal in der Geschichte der argentinischen Mannschaft, dass sie die Weltmeisterschaft gewinnt, und es ist auch das erste Mal in der Karriere des 35-jährigen Routiniers Messi. In Buenos Aires, der Hauptstadt Argentiniens, strömten Zehntausende Fans zur Plaza de la Repubblica im Zentrum der Stadt. Messis riesiges Plakat und die argentinische Flagge flatterten in der Menge.
Herren Argentinien T-Shirt Fußball-WM 2022 World Cup Heimtrikots mit Aufdruck MESSI 10, Am 19. Dezember 2022 besiegte Argentinien nach einem Elfmeterschießen die französische Mannschaft und gewann das Finale der Weltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar. Damit gewann Argentinien nach 36 Jahren erneut die Weltmeisterschaft. Bereits vor dem Finale hatten sich die Randprodukte des argentinischen Teamstars Messi gut verkauft. Nach dem Gewinn der Meisterschaft verdoppelte sich der Preis der argentinischen Trikots fast. Blau-weißer argentinischer Mannschaftsschal, argentinische Mannschafts-Fußballshorts, argentinisches Mannschafts-Retro-Halbarm-loses Trikot, argentinisches Mannschaftsfußball-Trainings-Langarmpullover, argentinisches Mannschafts-Fußball-Aufwärmtrikot. Dieses Trikot ist mit "Messi" auf Chinesisch bedruckt.
Nationalmannschafts Trikots, Als Messi 2021 zu Paris Saint-Germain wechselte und Ronaldo zu Manchester United zurückkehrte, erregten beide weltweite Aufmerksamkeit und die Diskussionen zwischen den beiden Teams und der Liga erreichten ihren Höhepunkt. Seit Messi zu Paris Saint-Germain wechselte, ist die Aufmerksamkeit der Ligue 1 auf den dritten Platz gesprungen, der nur noch hinter der La Liga und der Premier League an zweiter Stelle steht, und die Aufmerksamkeit der Nachrichten von Paris Saint-Germain richtete sich einst auf den ersten Platz der Welt. Nachdem Messi zum siebten Mal den Titel "Weltfußballer des Jahres" gewonnen hatte, wurde seine persönliche Ehre mit insgesamt sieben Ballon d'Ors, sieben Weltfußballern des Jahres und 42 Meisterschaftstrophäen erneuert. Was den globalen Einfluss angeht, kann kaum jemand mit Messi mithalten, und neben Ehrungen bringt Messi auch mehr Fürsorge und Wärme in die Welt und er verdient den Titel Weltfußballer.

Herren Argentinien T-Shirt Fußball-WM 2022 World Cup Heimtrikots mit Aufdruck MESSI 10

17 marca 202317 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, When it comes to the Air Jordan 6, it's hard to screw it up if the upper and tongue are kept the OG black (case in point, the Air Jordan 6 "Chrome" from last year). Dressed in a Black, Bright Concord, and Aquatone color scheme. The hue follows onto the AJ 6 midsole, arriving on the front half, while aqua takes on the back. The pair is further elevated with contrasting white stitching is seen throughout. It features a Black nubuck upper with Concord and Aquatone contrasting accents throughout atop an icy translucent outsole. Rounding out the final design cues is the black rubber outsole and semi-translucent icy blue rubber near the heel and forefoot.
Shop Jordans 2020. Air Jordan 6 first appeared in 1991 as the sixth generation signature model of Michael Jordan. Inspired by "Aqua", one of the OG colors of Air Jordan 8, which appeared in 1993 and celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, the upper is constructed with black nubuck fabric, and the shoelace hold parts and sole. Bright Concorde purple and aqua blue accents are dropped into the details of the. Between borrowing colorways and re-releasing old favorites, the recent history of the Air Jordan 6 has been deeply engrained in Jordan Brand heritage. Overall, black nubuck comprises its majority while contrasting Concord and Aquatone accents are prominent throughout. Finally, an icy translucent outsole rounds out the design.
New Jordans Retro, The Jordan 4 Retro SB Pine Green used a white leather upper with a Neutral Grey suede mudguard. The Nike SB x AJ4 celebrates one of the greatest duos to play the sneaker game-the late Sandy Boedecker (it isn't called Nike SB for nothing) and the legendary designer Tinker Hatfield. The limited edition sneakers sit on top of a white and Pine Green midsole which is highlighted by a red air unit. Nike used a gum outsole to help with increased grip while skateboarding. Elements such as the original '89 shape returning combine with flexible plastic detailing, zonal gum rubber at the outsole, extra tongue padding and more. Its presentation in "Pine Green" puts white at the forefront, letting the hue cover the base while its titular shade outfits key AJ 4 parts such as its heel.
16 marca 202316 marca 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, First introduced in 1990 as Michael Jordan's fifth signature model, the Air Jordan 5 is a World War II U.S. Air Force fighter known as the P-51 Mustang. and a popular model featuring a midsole with a motif of shark tooth nose art, which was often drawn on the nose of fighter planes at the time. The exaggerated tongue and faceted outsole pick up the icy hue again. Branding comes via the Jumpman motif on the tongue as well as a logo patch on the heel. Rounding out the design is a midnight navy midsole with grey accents on the shark teeth paired with a semi-translucent icy blue and midnight navy rubber outsole. The majority of the nubuck upper is expected to come in a navy hue, with gray accents on details like the TPU eyestay, black 3M reflective tongue and Jumpman logo on the heel, and icy clear outsole. material will be used.
Shop Jordans 2020, We have previously seen a release of the Georgetown colorway and the demand was off the walls for the Jordan 1s. However, the Jordan 5s are even cleaner! When looking at the shoes you will be able to see the classic three colors in combination with each other. Dressed in a Midnight Navy, Black, and Football Grey color scheme nodding to the Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team. The navy hue also makes its way onto the midsole but is contrasted by the grey-speckled shark teeth. 3M reflective tongues, speckled shark teeth on the midsole atop a translucent outsole completes the design.
New Jordans Retro, Continuing the collegiate theme, the Air Jordan 5 Georgetown is the latest hotly anticipated drop from Jordan Brand. The panelled upper arrives in dark blue, with breathable mesh inserts in a tonal hue peeking through at the medial side. Accenting hits of grey should appear on details like the TPU eyestays while black hits should take over branding details seen atop the 3M tongue and on the heel. For its material makeup, expect nubuck to cover the upper with TPU taking over the side cage and tongue portions. 3M tongues add in the signature AJ5 attire while a black rubber midsole decked out with the silver speckled shark tooth graphic and an icy outsole are featured underneath to complete the design.
24 lutego 202324 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The collaboration between Nike and Michael Jordan began in 1984. This American brand launched a sneaker phenomenon. A brand that enriches the sneaker game with the most popular models ever. The most brilliant names of the design: Peter Moore, Bruce Kilgore and Tinker Hatfield. The classic silhouette comes dressed in a white, tour yellow and sail color scheme. While the show is mostly constructed with white leather across the upper and a mesh tongue, laces and inner lining, the yellow snakeskin pattern, is the main highlight, appearing across the mudguards. A White midsole atop a Yellow translucent outsole completes the design.
Shop Jordans 2020, The low-top silhouette features a ripstop shroud secured on the upper, constructed with a semi-translucent grid layer in white as well as leather and suede materials on the inner lateral side. Color-matching the pale ivory hue along its geometric midsole unit, the lacing system above instigates a concentration of "Phantom Black" shades along the tongue, laces, sock liner and rear pull tab before completely consuming the medial side. Crafted from suede and technical ripstop, the highlight is the zip collar that spells out "Why Not" throughout. Soft orange accents add a pop of color to the otherwise monotone shoe, and the midsole underfoot offers unrivaled comfort with every step. Peach orange Jumpman insignias, hidden lace loops and the zipper additionally dawn the colorful selection from the tonal palette before concluding in a stitched ensemble of Westbrook's Jordan logo along the interior of the mid-foot. Additionally, the sneaker also comes with exposed stitching on the medial atop a rubber outsole.
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a Black, Gunsmoke, and Metallic Silver color scheme. Other winterized retros have included the Air Jordan 4 and 14. These styles have included water-resistant nubuck and seamless uppers for protection against the elements. The Jordan 8 Winterized "Gunsmoke" will likely borrow these design elements, which complement the sneaker's inner bootie and tall trim. The signature carpet-like tongue patch and graphic mudguards are expected to remain in play. Other details includes signature carpet-like tongue patch and graphic mudguards.
23 lutego 202323 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in an Off Noir, Mauve, Guava Ice, and Cool Grey color scheme. a rendering of what to expect is revealed as the silhouette dons an Off Noir upper with Cool Grey detailing and the highlight Mauve and Guava Ice accents throughout. Finally, a vintage-like midsole rounds out the design. An aged midsole completes the design. The great anticipation and buzz for the followup shoe had many people puzzled when the Air Jordan 2 was unveiled. In a time when brands paid players to wear shoes and clothes with the brand logo visible, the Jordan 2 had almost no external branding - most notably the shoe lacked Nike's famous Swoosh logo.
Shop Jordans 2020, Commemorating 35 years of a classic silhouette, the Air Jordan 3 Retro "White Cement Reimagined" marks the return of an original colorway and duplicating the build of the original 1988 model. Returning true to form, the white leather upper pairs with elephant print overlays on the heel and toe while hits of Varsity Red appear on the lace loops and the Jumpman logo on the tongue. Branding on the spine also boats "NIKE AIR" text instead of Jumpman logos, further cementing the retro as a reimagined edition of Michael Jordan's third signature model. The included hang tags and the shoe box also contribute to the Air Jordan's nod to the past, as do the closer-to-the-OG design cues on the sneakers.
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 1 features several different fashionable patterns as a nod to Sager's one-of-a-kind personality. Dressed in a White and Palomino color scheme. This offering of the Nike Dunk High comes constricted in a full leather build with mesh tongues and lining. It features a White base and midsole with Palomino overlays, Swooshes, laces, liner and rubber outsole. Other notable details includes mismatched Jumpman and A Ma Maniére's "A" branding on the right and left tongue, respectively. Similar to the Atlanta retailer's previous Jordan collaborations, quilted textile inner lining adds for an elegant look and feel. White detailing underfoot, co-branded insoles, special hangtags and packaging completes the design.
TagiTagi: shoes 
16 lutego 202316 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 1 Zoom CMFT 2 is sporting a fresh look in the colors Muslin, Black, Blackened Blue, and Coconut Milk. Detailing comes in the form of cut-out midfoot Swooshes that show black mesh to offer an additional touch of contrast. Continued branding comes in the form of "ZOOM AIR" tongue tags, Wings motifs at the collar, and printed insoles. Additionally, the shoe is equipped with new Formula 23 foam cushioning, providing a comfortable fit. Tans, then, round out the colorway by way of the textured leather base, tongue, and adjacent Wings insignia.
The Shop Jordans 2020 features a combination of plush suede and breathable mesh materials, with distinctive cut-out Swooshes on the sides and "Zoom Air" branding on the tongue. Dressed in a Muslin, Black, Blackened Blue, and Coconut Milk color scheme. Black shades, for starters, dress much of the exterior - such as the inset Swoosh and adjacent suedes - paralleling the navy blues applied to the ankle flaps and forefoot. Other features include the newly equipped Formula 23 foam cushioning underneath, Wings branding on the lateral side of the ankle, perforation hits throughout and an aged midsole.
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 1 Mid has a white leather base with "University Blue" overlays. The rear heel overlay is made with soft grey suede, which complements the corduroy finish around the ankle collar. Shown below, this new makeup of the Air Jordan 1 Mid starts off with a White leather upper that is then contrasted by the University Blue leather overlays. The Swooshes also carry the bright blue while the mesh tongue opts for white. This color duo continues at the sole unit where white hits the midsole and blue covers the outsole, completing the look.
13 lutego 202313 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a White, Metallic Silver, Varsity Red, and Black color scheme. Jordan Brand transforms MJ's 13th signature offering into a low-top design featuring the iconic white and red color that he was wearing during home matches. Built with white leather displaying the classic quilted application, on the mudguard the shoe contrasts with red suede. A Black rubber sole with White traction completes the design. The hologram logo on the heel collar is replaced with a miniature Jumpman icon in silver. They do however feature other specifications including a a hidden quick lace system, carbon fibre sheath, and Zoom Air insoles. They are said to be one of the most comfortable of all the Air Jordans. The outsole features a modified version of the herringbone pattern, which provides great traction.
Shop Jordans 2020, In our first look at the collaborative sneaker, it has been made clear that this pair will be a head-turner. Dubbed, "A Rose From Harlem," referencing Taylor's 2018 hit record Rose in Harlem, this offering of the Air Jordan 1 Zoom CMFT 2 comes completely redesigned dressed in a Gym Red, Black, Summit White, Earth, and Coconut Milk color scheme. Teyana Taylor isn't only just a singer, actress, dancer and choreographer, but she is also known as a well respected sneakerhead in the sneaker community. On the left shoe, we have a large Black Swoosh with exposed stitching that extends onto the midsole. The left shoe comes with the traditional embroidered Swoosh in Red with Green thorns. "A Rose From Harlem" is printed on the inside of the ankle flaps, and "TEY" branding adorns the left tongue. Other details include a unique graphic on the insoles, and it will also come with special packaging
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 1 Zoom CMFT 2 by Taylor is known as "A Rose From Harlem," which references her 2018 record, Rose in Harlem. Dressed in a Gym Red, Black, Summit White, Earth, and Coconut Milk color combination. Other notable details includes a Black leather Swoosh with zig-zag stitching on the lateral, while the medial comes with an embroidered Red Swoosh with Green thorns. "A Rose From Harlem" is printed on the inner ankle flaps, "TEY" branding on the left tongue tag with custom insoles and special packaging completes the design. Lastly, this version of the silhouette utilizes Formula 23 foam, providing a lighter, more comfortable sole.
10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Rattan, Limestone, Black, and Siren Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 37 features a full wheat gold upper, pairing a suede mudguard, quilted stitching at the ankle, and a jacquard-like pattern on the breathable upper identical to one seen on the Air Jordan 37 "Year Of The Rabbit". Signature Formula 23 foam cushioning housed in special packaging completes the design. Next, Siren Red accents adorn the liner, insoles, and branding on the heels. Furthermore, this AJ37 sees red accents on the interior, the outsole traction, and the branding seen on the tongue and heel.
Shop Jordans 2020, Done in an official color makeup of Rattan/Limestone-Black-Siren Red, this Air Jordan 37 features a variety of premium materials throughout the upper including suede, mesh, and leather. This Air Jordan 37 comes dressed in a Rattan, Limestone, Black, and Siren Red color combination. Other details include Formula 23 foam cushioning, translucent outsole, and each comes with special packaging. Rattan covers the majority of the upper along with Limestone, Black, and Red accents throughout, including the branding. Constructed with a mixture of premium materials and Rattan across the base.
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 5 comes dressed in a Midnight Navy, Black, and Football Grey color combination. 3M reflective tongues, speckled shark teeth on the midsole atop a translucent outsole completes the design. The sneaker sits atop an icy translucent midsole with "Football Grey" highlights. This offering of the Nike SB Dunk Low Decon comes constructed in a mix of materials featuring a canvas base with leather overlays. Highlighting the shoe are floral embroidered prints on the Sail overlays and insoles.
08 stycznia 202308 stycznia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Held in high regard, the "Cement Grey" colourway which earned its medals on the beloved Air Jordan 4, has finally made its way onto the AJ11. Dressed in a White, University Blue, and Cement Grey color scheme. The white mesh upper is contrasted by a "cement grey" patent leather mudguard that we've all come to know and love. University Blue Jumpman branding atop a White midsole and icy outsole completes the design. The high cut on the patent leather, thick rope laces and icy midsoles keep things traditional and in addition, sneakerheads happy.
Shop Jordans 2020, Dressed in a Light Orewood Brown, Bright Citrus, Sail, Celestial Gold, and Aquatone color scheme. Its suedes, for starters, are done up in a desaturated tan, while the textured leather unders, laces, and midsoles opt for a more neutral finish. Built with suede and mesh throughout, Light Orewood Brown runs across most o the upper. Next, we have Bright Citrus on the cut-out Swoosh logo and Blue on the tongue label and Wings. Finishing the look is Formula 23 foam cushioning.
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a Lucky Green, Black, and White color scheme. Looking closer, this Air Jordan 1 Mid features White on the base while Green appears on the overlays. Jumpman branding on the top of the tongue also boasts a black-colored finish, as does the outsole underfoot. Finally, pops of black appear on the branded areas and inner lining, while a white midsole and black rubber outsole rounds out the style. Eye-catching green, then, animates everything from the profile swooshes to ankle straps, with the latter featuring iconic "Wings" logos on the lateral side.
08 stycznia 202308 stycznia 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Held in high regard, the "Cement Grey" colourway which earned its medals on the beloved Air Jordan 4, has finally made its way onto the AJ11. Dressed in a White, University Blue, and Cement Grey color scheme. The white mesh upper is contrasted by a "cement grey" patent leather mudguard that we've all come to know and love. University Blue Jumpman branding atop a White midsole and icy outsole completes the design. The high cut on the patent leather, thick rope laces and icy midsoles keep things traditional and in addition, sneakerheads happy.
Shop Jordans 2020, Dressed in a Light Orewood Brown, Bright Citrus, Sail, Celestial Gold, and Aquatone color scheme. Its suedes, for starters, are done up in a desaturated tan, while the textured leather unders, laces, and midsoles opt for a more neutral finish. Built with suede and mesh throughout, Light Orewood Brown runs across most o the upper. Next, we have Bright Citrus on the cut-out Swoosh logo and Blue on the tongue label and Wings. Finishing the look is Formula 23 foam cushioning.
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a Lucky Green, Black, and White color scheme. Looking closer, this Air Jordan 1 Mid features White on the base while Green appears on the overlays. Jumpman branding on the top of the tongue also boasts a black-colored finish, as does the outsole underfoot. Finally, pops of black appear on the branded areas and inner lining, while a white midsole and black rubber outsole rounds out the style. Eye-catching green, then, animates everything from the profile swooshes to ankle straps, with the latter featuring iconic "Wings" logos on the lateral side.
29 listopada 202229 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 6 will feature the same color blocking as the "Carmine" Air Jordan 6. The titular "Cool Grey" is used on the same exact points as previously indicated, marking the underlying nubuck as well as the adjacent tongue, pull-tab, and midsole. It features a Grey soft nubuck upper with White leather overlays and Grey accents on the tongue, heel, and midsole. A White and Grey midsole atop an icy translucent outsole completes the design. The shoes will come with special packaging.
Shop Jordans 2020, Dressed in a White, Medium Grey, and Cool Grey color scheme. Icy bottoms, too, are present, further detailing a construction predominantly comprised of white leathers, which dress the overlays and heel in a lightly tumbled texture. The pair comes with Grey nubuck on the base with White leather on the overlays. Next, Grey adorns the tongue, heel, and midsole. Softer fabric, then, enters the mix at the toe and across profile underlays with the Jumpman-branded shroud at the tongue also following suit. Sports car-inspired tops of the tongue and clips at the heel indulge in a varying shade of grey, but match the detailing across the midsole (and presumably the outsole). Lastly, semi-translucent traction zones underfoot deliver an icy blue finish that promises freshness for years to come.
New Jordans Retro, As part of DJ Khaled's "We The Best" collection, this AJ5 takes your game to the next level. Inspired by MJ to KEEP GOING and never stop, Khaled put his own touch on this classic with the "We The Best" logo next to the Nike Air on the heels and removed the upper pod for a slimmer fit. Reflective finishes appear on the top of the tongue and profile windows, nodding to Tinker Hatfield's original blueprint for the fifth Air Jordan. Finishing off the design are translucent outsoles with "We The Best" underfoot of the right shoe. Each pair comes housed in special box/packaging.
TagiTagi: shoes 
26 listopada 202226 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
This Air Jordan 5 comes dressed in a Picante, Bright Mandarin, Fire Red, Muslin, and Black color combination. The color blocking somewhat resembles the "Raging Bull" Air Jordan 5 by the use of Red on the upper. A Black midsole with pops of Orange atop an aged-look translucent outsole completes the design. The shoe will also come with special details on the insole and packaging. More black details appear on the eyestay and inner lining. The tongue is grey and has a black Jumpman on the front. A small 23 is stitched on the side of the heel counter.
Shop Jordans 2020, Due to its namesake, one can't help but think of Mars Blackmon, the iconic Spike Lee character who co-starred in many ads alongside MJ himself. And according to certain reports, this Air Jordan 5 - a silhouette the She's Gotta Have It standout is quite fond of - is inspired by a somewhat random thought: "What if Mars Blackmon dunked on Mars? Constructed with leather, 3M reflective appears on the tongues and the number 23 is stitched on the lateral side. Black drapes the midsole with Orange on the shark teeth. Finishing the look is an aged translucent outsole. Its particular shade is more akin to the planet itself, though, as is the gradient that marks lower spikes. The pair will also come with special detailing on the insoles and packaging.
New Jordans Retro, Tinker Hatfield channeled Michael Jordan's aerial combativeness with the Air Jordan 5, adding shark-tooth detailing inspired by WWII fighter planes to the midsole. A clear outsole, lace locks and a reflective 3M tongue further spoke to Hatfield's visionary design language. The Air Jordan 5 was the first Jordan shoe to feature a translucent sole, lace locks, and the midsole "shark-tooth" detail that references World War II fighter planes and Michael Jordan's "dogfight-like" drive on the court. The original design featured the Nike Air logo on the heel, while later versions switched to the Jordan Jumpman logo. The bright red upper is constructed with tyvek leather. The sneaker has aged details seen on the netting as well as on the midsole and lace toggle. The midsole also features a pop of orange that sits atop a layer of black.
25 listopada 202225 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Photon Dust, Pale Vanilla, Off White, Grey Fog, Flat Pewter, and Sail color scheme. The sneaker features Photon Dust leather on the base of the sneaker with the same hue featured on the mudguard, quarter panel, and tongue. Pale Vanilla is seen on the Jumpman on the tongue and heel with the eyelets seen in the same color as well. Pale Vanilla accents atop a Sail midsole and Flat Pewter outsole completes the design. An added sued panel is also situated on the collars for a subtle design twist and the midfoot shows up with textured suede as opposed to the standard netting. Heel pieces are made with a smokey plastic mold that features beige Jumpman branding to align with the eyelets.
Shop Jordans 2020, This Air Jordan 4 features a Photon Dust, Pale Vanilla, Off-White, Grey Fog, Flat Pewter, and Sail color combination. Flat Pewter is seen on the heeltab and liner as well as on the outsole with a cream midsole with a visible Air unit in the heel rounding out the sneaker. The lace tabs and netting appear to be pre-aged and the heel tab may be a little shorter than usual. Its titular shade stands out across the base as it dresses up the leather collars, wings and mudguards as well as the suede panels that show up on the toe tips, tongues and next to the throat.
New Jordans Retro, The fan favourite Air Jordan 4 has received a Craft makeover from Jordan Brand. Ostensibly produced to a much higher standard, the Air Jordan 4 Craft SE "Photon Dust" is assembled out of both suede and leather. The latter dresses the support wings and quarter panel, while its counterpart wraps the tongue and toe cap as well as sits in for the netting at the vamp and profile. The silhouette burst onto the mainstream last year thanks to release after release of strong colourways. The multi-channel lace locks are translucent and slightly yellowed for a vintage look. Depicted in the Photoshop mock-up above, the pair is set to feature a split-blocked upper that utilizes leather, suede, and textile in grey shades of Photon Dust and Grey Fog. Additional details include translucent grey heel tabs, a square-shaped suede patch on the lateral ankle collar, and a sail and dark grey midsole.
24 listopada 202224 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers at first glance looks like the True Blue colorway but features copper hits around the lower eyelets and the Jumpman on the tongue. It's basically a "True Blue" colorway with Copper swapping out the Red Jumpman and accents. The shoe will also include "Nike Air" heel tabs giving it that OG vibe. this Air Jordan 3 will come in a White/Metallic Copper-True Blue-Cement Grey color scheme as the shoe will feature a white leather upper with blue and copper accents throughout. Elephant print on the heels, eyestay, and toes round out the main details. The latter is applied to the Jumpman logo as well as the forward-most eyelets, complementing the cool tone across not only the adjacent grommets but also the midsole and lining. Cement Print, then, finishes the colorway across the toe cap, the heel counter, and the profile's perforated paneling.
Shop Jordans 2020, The Air Jordan 2 cut a new path for sneakers. These shoes feature many high-fashion touches. The Nike logo is minimized, which helps the clean lines of the design stand out. In 1987, this was revolutionary. Made in Italy, the Air Jordan 2 brought an element of luxury to Michael Jordan's burgeoning sneaker franchise. The silhouette introduced a faux lizard-skin leather upper and removed the signature Swoosh, while incorporating a full-length Air sole unit underfoot. It's arguable that the rest of the footwear world took decades to catch up. The sneaker features a white leather base with faux python print features on the overlays. Cherrywood Red accents the sneaker on the heeltab, piping, liner, and Wings logo on the tongue with a white midsole and grey/Cherrywood outsole finishing off the sneaker. A White midsole atop a Cement Grey rubber outsole completes the design.
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 1 Low comes constructed in a mix of leather, suede, and nubuck materials. The RTJ x Nike SB Dunk High features a Black leather base with Fuchsia pony hair overlays, jewel-styled Swooshes, Yellow and Pink laces, Gold lace locks designed after their signature logo, and branding behind the tongue tags and insoles. Other notable details includes mesh foam tongues, "SNKRS Day" branding (and Hangul lettering) on the sockliner, magpie, the nationals bird of the country, is embroidered on the left heel, along with Wings-branded insoles. A White midsole atop a Gum rubber outsole completes the design.
24 listopada 202224 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers at first glance looks like the True Blue colorway but features copper hits around the lower eyelets and the Jumpman on the tongue. It's basically a "True Blue" colorway with Copper swapping out the Red Jumpman and accents. The shoe will also include "Nike Air" heel tabs giving it that OG vibe. this Air Jordan 3 will come in a White/Metallic Copper-True Blue-Cement Grey color scheme as the shoe will feature a white leather upper with blue and copper accents throughout. Elephant print on the heels, eyestay, and toes round out the main details. The latter is applied to the Jumpman logo as well as the forward-most eyelets, complementing the cool tone across not only the adjacent grommets but also the midsole and lining. Cement Print, then, finishes the colorway across the toe cap, the heel counter, and the profile's perforated paneling.
Shop Jordans 2020, The Air Jordan 2 cut a new path for sneakers. These shoes feature many high-fashion touches. The Nike logo is minimized, which helps the clean lines of the design stand out. In 1987, this was revolutionary. Made in Italy, the Air Jordan 2 brought an element of luxury to Michael Jordan's burgeoning sneaker franchise. The silhouette introduced a faux lizard-skin leather upper and removed the signature Swoosh, while incorporating a full-length Air sole unit underfoot. It's arguable that the rest of the footwear world took decades to catch up. The sneaker features a white leather base with faux python print features on the overlays. Cherrywood Red accents the sneaker on the heeltab, piping, liner, and Wings logo on the tongue with a white midsole and grey/Cherrywood outsole finishing off the sneaker. A White midsole atop a Cement Grey rubber outsole completes the design.
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 1 Low comes constructed in a mix of leather, suede, and nubuck materials. The RTJ x Nike SB Dunk High features a Black leather base with Fuchsia pony hair overlays, jewel-styled Swooshes, Yellow and Pink laces, Gold lace locks designed after their signature logo, and branding behind the tongue tags and insoles. Other notable details includes mesh foam tongues, "SNKRS Day" branding (and Hangul lettering) on the sockliner, magpie, the nationals bird of the country, is embroidered on the left heel, along with Wings-branded insoles. A White midsole atop a Gum rubber outsole completes the design.
13 listopada 202213 listopada 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Limited to only 275 pairs, this Air Jordan 14 features a number identifier behind the tongues. This offering of the Air Jordan 14 features a Grey suede base with White leather overlays and Green detailing throughout. "Oregon" and "Ducks" branded tongues with the school's "Duck" mascot replacing the Jumpman logo on the ankle badge, and "O" instead of "23" on the heels completes the design. The Ducks' yellow and green colors appear throughout the shoe, while the exclusivity of the shoe is seen behind the tongue.
Shop Jordans 2020, This Nike KD 15 features a Light Orewood Brown, Metallic Gold, Sundial, Sail, and Citron Tint color combination. Utilizing mesh on the upper and the TPU exoskeleton overlay and tongues will have a marbleized finish. Other details includes symbols on the tongues reading "rabbit" in Chinese with rabbit motifs on the lateral ankle and insoles. Metallic Gold lace dubraes reading "2023" atop a two-tone rubber sole completes the design. Finally, other design elements such as "KD" branding alongside his number "07" are prominent on the lower heels while a Zoom Air cushioned sole with hits of yellow on the outsole rounds out the style.
New Jordans Retro, Michael Jordan and the Bulls' first three-peat NBA Championship and gave Jordan his third-straight Finals MVP. The Air Jordan 8 "Playoffs" made its last retro return back in 2013 celebrating the 20th Anniversary of when Michael Jordan wore the shoes against the Phoenix Suns in Game 6 of the 1993 NBA Finals. The win marked Michael Jordan and the Bulls' first three-peat NBA Championship and gave Jordan his third straight Finals MVP. Faithful to the initial design, the "Playoff" features a white, black, and True Red graphical overlay on the ankles.
24 października 202224 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 2 comes dressed in a White, Lucky Green, and Grey color combination. The color blocking resembles the Original White/Red aka "Chicago Home" Air Jordan 2, but instead, we have Green. The upper features "Lucky Green" trim that corresponds with the green on the back of the heel. More "Lucky Green" details appear on the rear outsole and Air Jordan branding on the tongue. This version also opts for hits of sail on the midsole and heel counter for a vintage look. The model's pristine leather construction is suggested to be contrasted with Lucky Green throughout, while a white midsole and grey rubber outsole rounds out the profile.
Shop Jordans 2020, The silhouette features a Summit White, Desert Ore, Light Bone, Evergreen, Sail, and Yellow Gold colorway. Light Bone hairy suede Swooshes and green heel tabs further complement the profile while notable elements consist of mountain motifs on the lateral heel and gold Chinese characters on the tongue labels and insoles. Jumpman Golf branding on the tongues and insoles atop a White midsole and Navy outsole with integrated traction for the course completes the design. Gold Chinese characters on the tongue labels and insoles atop a White midsole and icy translucent outsole completes the design.
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 7 was made for Foot Locker's 1992 Slam Fest, a dunk contest for athletes outside of the NBA, which included stars like Barry Bonds, Chris Carter and Deion Sanders. Black nubuck makes up the base layer while the overlays are composed of aqua-shaded nubuck, seen around the eyestays, midfoot, collar, and heel. Stark white laces and branding details like the Jumpman logo pop off the black tongue and collar in which each is located respectively. Providing further contrast is the mini Nike Swoosh on the toe and pull tab, coming embroidered in red. The pair comes dressed in the traditional Seattle Mariners colors and features both the Jumpman and Swingman logos on the insoles. Also, there is an added Swoosh to the toe area, and heel pull tabs.
13 października 202213 października 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Vachetta Tan, Black, Taxi, and Dark Concord color scheme. Afrobeat is a music genre that involves the combination of elements of West African musical styles such as fuji music and highlife with American jazz and later soul and funk influences, with a focus on chanted vocals, complex intersecting rhythms, and percussion. The pennant logo on the heel is replaced with Nike Air branding and the black midsole and outsole feature royal blue and tan accenting throughout.
New Jordans Retro, One of several Air Jordan 7 releases celebrating the model's 30th anniversary this year, this special iteration of the model is inspired by Afrobeats. The sneaker features a tan upper that uses different materials and patterns that brings some depth to the sneaker with the Huarache-inspired bootie and tongue in a white and black print. The Air Jordan branding on the tongue is stitched in gold with the Jumpman on the ankle collar embossed as well as tribal print throughout the sneaker. Multicolor details on the midsole and outsole are consistent with what we've come to expect from releases of the model. Overall, the shoe serves as a representation of its African art-inspired roots. The most puzzling of details is the Nike Air logo on the heel - the first such logo treatment ever on the Air Jordan 7.
Shop Jordans 2020, Dressed in a Black, True Red, Dark Charcoal, and Club Purple color scheme. The design combines an upper black nubuck with accents from True Red and Club Purple. The colorway takes its nickname from its resemblance to the colors of the Toronto Raptors team. It features a Midnight Navy base with nubuck replacing the traditional mesh build as well as velvet used instead of patent leather. This offering of the Air Jordan 7 features a Black nubuck upper paired with Red and Purple contrasting accents resembling the Toronto Raptors team colors, which is where the nickname came from.
26 września 202226 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 9 comes dressed in a Black, Bright Concord, Light Olive, and Aquatone color combination. Looking closer, Black leather appears on the base with Light Olive nubuck across the mudguard and wraps the heel. Donning an official color scheme of "Black/Bright Concord-Light Olive-Aquatone," the sneaker flaunts a black leather upper with olive nubuck overlays followed by Concord accents replacing the original red hits found on the aforementioned OG colorway. In place of the original red hues, the iteration utilizes hints of aqua on the Jordan labels throughout the upper. Finishing details include an all-black rubber sole. Much like the "Olive" Jordan 9, this pair features a blacked-out midsole, with the Jumpman logo dressed in the Concord hue.
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a White, Black, and Varsity Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 2 features a White smooth and lizard-skin leather upper paired with Black detailing and Red contrasting accents to give off that "Chicago" vibe. Classic Wings logo on the tongue, Nike branded heels and original Wings box and packaging completes the design. Concord branding replaces the original Red paired with Aqua accents atop a Black rubber sole completes the design. Instead of Red, Concord hits the Jumpman, and "Air Jordan" on the tongue. Aquatone fills in the globe branding on the heel. Other details include Aquatone accents and a Black sole.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes, With its color scheme deriving from the aforementioned AJ 3, the sneaker showcases a white leather upper with grey and blue overlays, while a white midsole and grey rubber outsole tops off the design. It features a White leather base with Grey and Blue overlays atop a White midsole and Grey rubber outsole. The heel counter and ankle collar tone things down with a steel-colored finish. Lower heel panels and ankle flaps deviate in a dark grey suede that evokes both the Air Jordan 3 "True Blue" and Air Jordan 13 "Flint" from 1988 and 1998, respectively. The signature Nike Swoosh and Air Jordan Wings are complete with metallic blue as well. A white midsole and grey outsole finish the sneaker.
22 września 202222 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, A speckled midsole and eyestays, often found in retro ACG styles, represent long day-to-night streetball sessions. Nike's Air Jordan 4 is the 4th generation basketball shoe that is the signature model of Michael Jordan. Energetic safety orange and subtle alligator green accents combine for a utilitarian look. Dyed in bright purple, the midsole is colored in black and light green. Whether the backdrop is sunset or sunrise, this 1989 design is perfect both on and off the court.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Canyon Purple, Anthracite, Alligator, and Safety Orange color scheme. The Air Jordan 4 features a Purple suede base paired with Anthracite hits on the netting, tongue tags, wings, heel tabs, and laces. Adjacent, black is used many a time, paralleling the speckled greens that accent the support wings and midsole. Finally, pops of orange bring things to a close as they mark the inside as well as the Jumpman branding found on both the tongue and sockliner.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes. Dressed in a Sail, University Red, Black, and Medium Olive color scheme. This offering of the Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low features a Black suede base with Sail leather overlays. This offering of the Air Jordan 9 features a Black leather base with Light Olive nubuck overlays. Concord branding replaces the original Red paired with Aqua accents atop a Black rubber sole completes the design. It features a White leather base with Grey and Blue overlays atop a White midsole and Grey rubber outsole.
18 września 202218 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers. The yellow suede finish is presented through Air Jordan 6 Retro Travis Scott Yellow. These sneakers give you an impressive yellow touch on your feet along with black and red accents. Looking closer at this extremely rare pair, its detailing and construction seems to match the military green release - aside from its color palette. Bright yellow covers the suede upper with Scott's signature stash pocket at the lateral collar returning with co-branding embroidered on the heel. It's covered in a Mustard Yellow hue with contrasting University Red accents atop a Black midsole and translucent outsole - which possibly glows-in-the-dark.
New Jordans Retro, Nike is a global company that handles sports-related products such as sneakers and sportswear headquartered in Oregon, USA. The Air Jordan 6 is the model worn by Michael Jordan when he won his first NBA championship ring. The AJ6 adopts visible air and clear rubber for the thin sole unit requested by Jordan, which emphasizes the "barefoot feeling" that grabs the court with the sole of the foot. Introducing an integrated inner bootie construction. From this model, the logo has been changed to "AIR" in the letters "JORDAN". Tinker Hatfield is still in charge of the design.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes, Relative to its peers - such as the Air Jordan 7 "Afrobeats" and Air Jordan 4 "Canyon Purple" - the "Heirloom" is quite straightforward. Its colorway adopts a classic two-toned look seen on many a Dunk prior, with the titular tan dressing the leathers along the overlays and Swoosh. The sneaker comes in a clean two-tone colorway, with black denim seen on the base of the upper and veg tan used on the overlays and Swoosh. The Wings logo is debossed on the ankle flap with white used on the midsole, A White midsole atop a Tan rubber outsole completes the design.
15 września 202215 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The Lenoweave upper is supported by a structural underlay in purple and orange with black featured on the ankle collar and heel counter. this Air Jordan 37 is dressed in a gradient that consists of vibrant pink and orange shades. What's more, the "Xiazhan Dongdan" logo is also present, affixed to the tongue in a luxe gold finish that matches the Jumpman and "25" stamp on the opposite foot. Other details includes both the "Xiazhan Dongdan" logo and "Jumpman 25" on the tongues dressed in Gold with iridescent finishes in the rear.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 37 Dongdan is the latest release taking in the the "25 Years in China" celebration. This special "Dongdan" iteration of the Air Jordan 37 gets its inspiration from the annual sunset streetball tournament in Beijing. Notable details includes Gold lace toggles and hangtag, embroidered "HU" insignia on the tongues, and the a school-inspired patch on the heels. This is done by giving the model a gradient Pink and Orange hued upper that is then decorated by the "Xiazhan Dongdan" logo and "Jumpman 25" on the tongues dressed in Gold. Lastly, the outsole takes design inspiration once again from the AJ 7 with different patterns featured throughout in yellow and purple.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes, This offering of the J Balvin x Air Jordan 2 features a padded-style upper with LED detailing and glow-in-the-dark rubber outsole. This new version will now feature "clear" stripes across the sole and side panels as a nod to where the original eBay Dunk Low sample was cut. Other details includes cloud graphics on the heels and lining, personal branding on the inner tongues and signature smiley face motif on the heels. It features a White base with Green and Team Red overlays atop a White midsole and Gum rubber outsole. Unlike the 2009 pair, this release will include "Nike Air" on the tongues. A White midsole atop a Green rubber outsole completes the design.
05 września 202205 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Dropping in the OG white, red, and black "Chicago" colorway, the 2022 version of the Air Jordan 2 is expected to closely resemble the original 1986 release, down to the packaging and accessories. Part of the brand's strategy for injecting the Jordan 2 with a little energy was lining up a strong range of collaborators, including Virgil Abloh, A Ma Maniere, J Balvin, Maison Château Rouge, and Union LA. Dressed in a White, Black, and Varsity Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 2 features a White smooth and lizard-skin leather upper paired with Black detailing and Red contrasting accents to give off that "Chicago" vibe. Classic Wings logo on the tongue, Nike branded heels and original Wings box and packaging completes the design.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a mix of White and a Golden hue, this Nike Dunk Low comes constructed in a full leather build with the brand's "Move to Zero" pinwheel logos appearing on the Volt insoles. "Be True" branded tongues and insoles with a smiling sun printed onto heel tab completes the design. Now made from at least 20% recycled materials by weight, Nike has refreshed a classic that keeps the original integrity with a minimized impact. A White midsole atop a Purple Grind Rubber sole complete the design.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes, Dressed in a White, Black, Iron, Light Ash Grey, Sail, and Cement Grey color scheme. Sail gives a vintage look to the sneaker on the midsole which features black accenting with a black outsole finishing off the sneaker. A cartoon elephant hang tag accompanies the sneaker, tapping into the Elephant print theme. A Sail midsole atop a Black rubber outsole completes the design. The shoes will also come with a cartoon elephant removable patch.
05 września 202205 września 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Dropping in the OG white, red, and black "Chicago" colorway, the 2022 version of the Air Jordan 2 is expected to closely resemble the original 1986 release, down to the packaging and accessories. Part of the brand's strategy for injecting the Jordan 2 with a little energy was lining up a strong range of collaborators, including Virgil Abloh, A Ma Maniere, J Balvin, Maison Château Rouge, and Union LA. Dressed in a White, Black, and Varsity Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 2 features a White smooth and lizard-skin leather upper paired with Black detailing and Red contrasting accents to give off that "Chicago" vibe. Classic Wings logo on the tongue, Nike branded heels and original Wings box and packaging completes the design.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a mix of White and a Golden hue, this Nike Dunk Low comes constructed in a full leather build with the brand's "Move to Zero" pinwheel logos appearing on the Volt insoles. "Be True" branded tongues and insoles with a smiling sun printed onto heel tab completes the design. Now made from at least 20% recycled materials by weight, Nike has refreshed a classic that keeps the original integrity with a minimized impact. A White midsole atop a Purple Grind Rubber sole complete the design.
Best Nike Air Jordan Shoes, Dressed in a White, Black, Iron, Light Ash Grey, Sail, and Cement Grey color scheme. Sail gives a vintage look to the sneaker on the midsole which features black accenting with a black outsole finishing off the sneaker. A cartoon elephant hang tag accompanies the sneaker, tapping into the Elephant print theme. A Sail midsole atop a Black rubber outsole completes the design. The shoes will also come with a cartoon elephant removable patch.
28 czerwca 202228 czerwca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The "Ginger" Air Jordan 14 was originally released as a low-top back in 1999. One of three original low-top colorways, to date, this pair has yet to retro in its initial form. The Air Jordan 14, known for drawing its inspiration from Ferrari sports cars, stays true to its original form with its "Ginger" iteration. Kicking off the detailing, the upper utilizes a nubuck layer in a golden yellow. From there, black is found at the heel, trim, branding, tongue, laces and outsole to balance the color palette. The makeover will be finished off with white midsoles, a black outsole, and red Jordan branding throughout. Branding elements range from Jumpman logos at the toe, heel, outsole and Air Jordan 14 emblem to "JORDAN" at the tongue and "23" at the heel, completing the look.
The Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers uses a white leather base with Concord accenting featured throughout. The tongue features a reflective 3M with the Jumpman and tongue liner featured in Concord. This offering of the Air Jordan 5 features a clean White leather upper paired with Concord contrasting accents throughout and sockliner. The midsole features a grey base with black accents hit with blue splatter paint, contrasting the blue spikes on the OG pair. Other noticeable differences include a new black embroidered Jumpman on the heel and black lining behind the classic reflective tongue.
Jordan Release, Originally released in 1988 as one of the original four releases of the Air Jordan 3 that also included the "White Cement", "Black Cement" and "True Blue" colorways. The Air Jordan 3 "Fire Red" retro'd back in 2007 and 2013, both featuring the Jumpman logo on the heels. Dressed in a Gorge Green, White, and Metallic Silver color scheme. This offering of the Air Jordan 1 features a White leather upper with Green overlays and Silver Swoosh and Wings logos. A White midsole atop a Green rubber outsole completes the design.
07 czerwca 202207 czerwca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 5 comes dressed in a White, Pinksicle, and Safety Orange color combination. Highlighted with White leather on the base with mesh on the tongues and translucent netting on the panels and lower part of the tongue. The top of the tongue comes with White mesh, possibly a nod to basketball hoops. Pink Jumpman logos on the heel match the transparent outsole as well as the interior lining, with orange "sharks tooth" detailing in the upper. To add some color, an orange toggle lacing system and a pink sockliner are added in while the colors are used once again on the rubber midsole and outsole.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Sail, Safety Orange, Chlorophyll, and Coconut Milk color scheme. Highlighting the shoe are Pink and Orange contrasting accents throughout including bright Orange lace locks. A Pink translucent outsole completes the design. The shoe is covered with patches representing their own LA theme. White laces and AF1 rubber sole completes the design. Other details includes Orange accents on the sockliner and Jumpman tongue logo, while hits of Teal appear on the eyelets and lip of the tongue. A speckled midsole atop a Sail rubber sole with a custom Titan-branded hangtag completes the design.
2022 Jordan Shoes, This offering of the Neckface x Nike SB Dunk Low is fitted for Halloween featuring a Black base covered in various patches such as skulls, demons, bats, tombstones, snakes and other creepy motifs. It comes built with cracked leather featuring a White leather base with Red overlays and Black on the Wings, Swooshes, and collar. Other details includes Muslin tongues, Nike Air branding atop a White midsole and Red rubber outsole.
26 maja 202226 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 9 comes dressed in a Black, University Red, Particle Grey, and White color combination. Grey and black hues traverse the upper, with the grey falling into the midsole and a white outsole to finish off the sneaker. the Air Jordan 9 comes constructed in a mix of nubuck and leather featuring a Black upper with Dark Grey overlays that could be 3M reflective. Red contrasting accents on the branded areas atop a clean White rubber sole completes the design. Lastly, we have Red on the tongue and heel branding with White on most of the outsole.
New Jordans Retro, Taking on an official color makeup of Black, University Red, Particle Grey, and White, this Air Jordan 9 gets constructed by nubuck and leather on the upper with Black dominating the majority of the shoe with Particle Grey hitting the mudguard, ankle, heel, and midsole. The Air Jordan 11 features a Teal-colored upper constructed in a mix of mesh, leather, and patent leather. Pops of Orange are used on the Jumpman branding while having White laces, "23" heels, and midsole. An icy translucent outsole completes the design. University Red branding on the tongues and heels, and a white rubber outsole cap off the look on this Air Jordan 9. Next, Particle Grey runs across the lower part of the panels, wraps the toe, heel, and covers most of the midsole.
Jordan Release, The classic remodel highlights brown suede on the upper while Cream sits over the Swoosh logos, liner, lacer, and midsole. Nike decided to switch things from the original, the retro model will come with Brown sole stitching instead of Cream. It features a Brown suede upper paired with Cream Swooshes, sockliner, laces, and midsole. Unlike the OG, the retro will feature Brown sole stitching instead of Cream. Finally, a glimpse of the vintage AF1 ad printed tissue paper and classic Nike shoe box rounds out the offering.
16 maja 202216 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The women's Air Jordan 11 Retro Low 'Pure Violet' comes in a spring-friendly two-tone colorway with classic color blocking reminiscent of the original low-top release in 2001. With webbing eyelets, rope laces secure the white ballistic mesh upper with glossy patent leather overlays in a muted lilac hue. A white Phylon midsole with full-length Nike Air cushioning is supported by a carbon fiber spring plate and translucent rubber outsole.
Jordan Release, Unexpected! Inspired by Naruto's heroic spirit, this special-edition Zion 1 combines chakra with the latest in basketball shoe technology. The bright orange upper is reminiscent of Naruto's signature clothing, and the double pattern on the heel highlights Zion's fiery desire to pursue the top, which is exactly the same as Naruto's spirit of becoming Naruto. Ninjutsu aside, check out the Zion 1's superb technology, the full-length Air Strobel just below the foot, stitched directly to the upper for cloud-like comfort. In addition, the Zoom Air cushion under the forefoot has an energy return function, making you more responsive at the critical moment of the mission.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Homage to the 312, the Air Jordan Legacy 312 is named after Chicago's 312 area code and pays homage to Michael Jordan's heroic deeds. The design is modern, mixed with classic Jordan elements. The design combines classic Air Jordan elements from the AJ3, AJ1 and Alpha Force. Leather, synthetic and/or fabric upper with midfoot strap for a secure fit. Visible Air-Sole unit at the heel provides responsive cushioning. The bright white hue leads its design as it covers the smooth leather ankle caps, quarters, Swooshes, tongue and overlays around the toe box. Various shades of grey follow, with the lighter grey pouring over the suede forefoot overlay, toe box and lower heel, while the latter touches the overlay near the mid-heel. Some small but effective elements to point out include the pre-yellow tongue and lining, which lends a bit of a retro effect, as well as tiny and orange exposed stitching detailing on the side Swooshes and the ball and wings logos.
16 maja 202216 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Crafted from patent leather and canvas across the uppers, the futuristic silhouette looks better than ever and is still as relevant today as it was in 1995 when Tinker Hatfield first debuted it. This offering of the Air Jordan 11 features a Teal-colored upper constructed in a mix of mesh, leather, and patent leather. Pops of Orange are used on the Jumpman branding while having White laces, "23" heels, and midsole. Titled the Air Jordan 11 "Miami" due to the Miami Dolphins colourway, the sneakers show off a neat mix of aqua blue, white and orange for an aesthetically pleasing look.
The New Jordans Retro features the traditional materials seen on the Air Jordan 11, opting for a more tonal look in Teal on the sneaker with Orange accenting seen on the Jumpman towards the heel and on the JORDAN JUMPMAN stripe on the tongue. Dressed in a classic construction of mesh and patent leather, the pair sports an all-over teal color, with striking white midsoles and laces providing stark pops of contrast. It's all teal, save for contrasting white rope laces and midsole. There's a pop of orange on the lateral ankle Jumpman logo and tongue strip. Lastly, an icy translucent outsole finishes the look.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The Skate Like a Girl x Nike SB Dunk Low features a suede base in an Off-White hue with Maroon overlays. Corduroy material is used on the tongues, sockliner, and Red Swooshes. This offering of the Nike Air Force 1 features a Green leather base with Silver Swooshes paired with signature Off-White branding and detailing throughout. A solid Green AF1 rubber sole completes the design. Skate Like a Girl branding on the tongue tags with a hand-holding motif on the heels atop a White midsole and Gum rubber outsole completes the design. Red Wings logo, "Zoom Air" branding, cut-out Swooshes atop a two-toned Purple and Red rubber outsole completes the design.
16 maja 202216 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Crafted from patent leather and canvas across the uppers, the futuristic silhouette looks better than ever and is still as relevant today as it was in 1995 when Tinker Hatfield first debuted it. This offering of the Air Jordan 11 features a Teal-colored upper constructed in a mix of mesh, leather, and patent leather. Pops of Orange are used on the Jumpman branding while having White laces, "23" heels, and midsole. Titled the Air Jordan 11 "Miami" due to the Miami Dolphins colourway, the sneakers show off a neat mix of aqua blue, white and orange for an aesthetically pleasing look.
The New Jordans Retro features the traditional materials seen on the Air Jordan 11, opting for a more tonal look in Teal on the sneaker with Orange accenting seen on the Jumpman towards the heel and on the JORDAN JUMPMAN stripe on the tongue. Dressed in a classic construction of mesh and patent leather, the pair sports an all-over teal color, with striking white midsoles and laces providing stark pops of contrast. It's all teal, save for contrasting white rope laces and midsole. There's a pop of orange on the lateral ankle Jumpman logo and tongue strip. Lastly, an icy translucent outsole finishes the look.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The Skate Like a Girl x Nike SB Dunk Low features a suede base in an Off-White hue with Maroon overlays. Corduroy material is used on the tongues, sockliner, and Red Swooshes. This offering of the Nike Air Force 1 features a Green leather base with Silver Swooshes paired with signature Off-White branding and detailing throughout. A solid Green AF1 rubber sole completes the design. Skate Like a Girl branding on the tongue tags with a hand-holding motif on the heels atop a White midsole and Gum rubber outsole completes the design. Red Wings logo, "Zoom Air" branding, cut-out Swooshes atop a two-toned Purple and Red rubber outsole completes the design.
09 maja 202209 maja 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, This Air Jordan 3 comes dressed in a Black, Rush Orange, Fossil Stone, and Sail color combination. Like mentioned, the look resembles the "Black Cement" pair but comes with a Desert finish across the elephant print that wraps the toe and heel. It features a Black leather upper while Red has been replaced with Rush Orange along with a Fossil Rose hue on the suede tongues, eyestays, and ankle collar. Collars, tongues, and mid panels prefer a suede finish in a light pink-beige, while uppers work in a buttery mix of smooth and lightly tumbled leathers. Further aged aesthetics are applied to the sail and warm grey sole units, before being completed by special elephant man insoles. Other notable details includes a small patch on the insoles describing the formula that created the Jordan 3. A Sail midsole atop a traditional Jordan 3 rubber outsole completes the design.
The New Jordans Retro takes inspiration from the Air Jordan 3 "Black Cement", with a black leather base and grey tongue and paneling, but puts a twist on the iconic colorway. Dressed in a White, Dark Concord, and Black color scheme. This offering of the Air Jordan 5 features a clean White leather upper paired with Concord contrasting accents throughout and sockliner. 3M reflective tongues, Black midsole atop an icy translucent outsole completes the design. Sail is seen on the midsole with a grey outsole and the pink insole features an elephant, Jumpman, and a silhouette of MJ from the Air Jordan 3 "Best On Earth" print ad. Red contrasting accents on the branded areas atop a clean White rubber sole completes the design.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Inspired by the Air Jordan 14 Low "Ginger", the sneaker features a Ginger nubuck upper with a white toecap. Tongue and laces are seen in black, with some red accenting on the tongue and heel, and the Ferrari-inspired Jumpman badge is seen near the ankle. Dressed in a Pumice, Game Royal, Black, and Plum Eclipse color scheme nodding to their 22/23 season kits. This offering of the Air Jordan 14 will look similar to the OG Low top featuring a Ginger nubuck upper with White leather toes and midsole. Black detailing throughout atop a matching rubber outsole completes the design. "Paris" behind the tongues, special packaging along with matching apparel completes the design.
30 kwietnia 202230 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 1 Low takes inspiration from previous SoleFly x Air Jordan collaborations. It comes constructed in a mix of leather and patent leather materials with elephant print overlays and insoles. Featuring an all-leather upper in various colors with elephant print detailing and SoleFly branding on the tongue tag of the right sneaker. Both shoes feature elephant print insoles, white midsoles, and red outsoles. Orange toe boxes and green overlays and Swooshes call out the famed Air Jordan 1 Highs that were released during Art Basel back in 2018, and the cement print on the right shoe channels the look of its lotto-inspired Air Jordan 3s, Some of the key details includes "SoleFly" tongue branding on the right shoe, mismatched Swooshes, and heel tabs nodding to the "Lotto" Jordan 3.
Jordan Release, This Air Jordan 1 Low combines elements from past SoleFly x Air Jordan collaborations. Constructed with a mixture of leather and patent leather while elephant print adorns the overlays and insoles. This pair draws inspiration from previous SoleFly x Jordan collabs, such as the previously mentioned AJ 1 Low, AJ 3 "Lottery," and various Art Basel editions. Orange toe boxes and green overlays and Swooshes call out the famed Air Jordan 1 Highs that were released during Art Basel back in 2018, and the cement print on the right shoe channels the look of its lotto-inspired Air Jordan 3s.
New Jordans Retro, The Nike Air Force 1 Low comes in a mismatched blocking dressed in multiple pastel suedes. Other notable details includes special set of dubraes, "Puerto Rico" branding on the right heel along with colorful insoles including special callouts. It's also celebrating its 25th anniversary, which means we're seeing larger volumes of the model than normal. The newest to appear is this Nike Air Max 97 "Double Swoosh" which looks to be the latest in a series of dual-checked options from Nike this season. The latter is nestled within a solid black rubber, with whites returning once more to the midsole, mid-panel, and 3M overlays. The titular dual Swoosh sees a return of red and blue, with the double branding hitting both the mid panels and tongues to complete the design.
TagiTagi: 2022 new air jordan low what solefly 
28 kwietnia 202228 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, So fresh and neat. When Michael Jordan won his first championship in the Air Jordan 6, the basketball world was on alert-as if a new sheriff had arrived in town. By the time he won his sixth title, Jordan had swept away both the league team and the contenders for the throne. If you want to experience the glorious history behind the championship, you might as well wear this pair of Air Jordan 6 "Mint Foam". The new fit features a neutral base with bright accents on the midsole, lace buckle and insole. An icy translucent outsole creates a glamorous champion style.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, When the sun shines, life becomes brighter and more comfortable. The Air Jordan 13 "Del Sol" features a simple design, matching the original look and packaging, and conveying the warmth of the sun. Based on a black outsole, it features a high-quality white quilted leather upper, accented with colorful Del Sol suede. Get ready to shine this spring in the new Air Jordan 13 colorway.
Jordan Release, The Air Jordan 6 is the boot that earned Michael Jordan his first championship ring. He put on his debut AJ6 in 1991 and made it all the way to his first of six career titles. Decades later, the shoe returns with MJ's signature colorway of the student-athlete days. Don't forget, he won a college title before he became a professional basketball player, making this blue colorway a classic combination on MJ's basketball journey. The Air Jordan 6 "University Blue" celebrates the birth of an unwavering legend.
22 kwietnia 202222 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 13 "Navy" lets you take the same confident stride as Michael Jordan. The shoe showcases strength and attitude in a clean silhouette; the navy debossed mesh upper features reflective stitching to stand out in the night light. Combining premium materials such as a black nubuck suede fender, collar, and tumbled leather toe cap, the tongue features a historic College Blue Jumpman embroidery for a futuristic twist on a classic texture.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 1 High Switch zipper design has a hidden mystery. Air Jordan 1 has a new work that looks good, wears well and is fun The addition of , makes the whole pair of shoes more textured, and at the same time, the Zoom Air air cushion is embedded in the back of the insole, which improves the wearing comfort to a certain extent. The popular Air Jordan V was crafted by Tinker Hatfield in 1990. This time, Jordan Brand is coming with a new color matching of AJ5 Retro 'Jade'. The shoe draws inspiration from the colors naturally worn by time, showing an oxidized texture, showing a retro charm; the shark tooth-shaped part of the black midsole is presented in white, and is decorated with black ink splash elements.
Jordan Release, The Air Jordan III is a groundbreaking shoe from Tinker Hatfield and Michael Jordan that brings a new twist to the classic Jordan collection. This AJ3 'Muslin' upper features a combination of canvas and suede materials to help you meet everyday challenges; an off-white midsole and heel patch add a touch of retro to the shoe; in addition, front lace holes, The tongue and heel logo are embellished with bold red accents for a dazzling appeal. This Air Jordan 1 features a mix of leather, satin and plush suede materials in black, grey and gold tones. Highlighting the shoe is an iridescent beaded Swoosh on the outside of the Sail midsole and black rubber outsole to complete the design.
18 kwietnia 202218 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 1 Mid SE (GS) brings a pre-spring twist to a classic design with brightly dyed canvas and colorful speckled soles. The sneaker has a soft, flexible sole and a cushioned heel for a comfortable, playful experience. The upper is made of canvas material to improve texture and durability. The heel of the sole adds in-line Air cushioning technology, combined with the foam midsole, to create a cushioned walking experience. The outsole contains Nike Grind rubber, which is made of raw materials. Leftovers from the process.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, Unofficially dubbed the "Blue Mint" colorway, the newly unveiled shoe features a white smooth leather base that complements some of the Air Jordan 1's most iconic silhouettes. However, the overlays around the toes, around the tongue and around the collar, indulge in a navy blue makeover that complements the refreshing mint hue, adding vibrancy to the ankle flap and lower heel panel.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Nike Air Jordan 11 was designed by the famous Nike designer Tinker Hatfield and was first released in 1995. The Air Jordan 11 is one of the most popular shoes in the Air Jordan series from that elegant looks. Aside from the black "23" branding at the rear, additional branding comes in the form of bright red Jumpman motifs at the tongue and on the insoles. Elevating the shoe are white midsoles with translucent white outsoles. The upper is made of a combination black shrink leather and patent leather, with a clear outsole and a simple color scale. This shoe can be easy to fit luxury fashion.
16 kwietnia 202216 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Jordan Release, The working model is the Air Jordan 2, which is purposely being injected with some collaborator energy in 2022. Once again, Maison Château Rouge's African art-inspired motif carries the design, including vibrant colors, tonal patterns, and uniquely cut patterns. Designers and co-founders Youssouf and Mamadou Fofana give their Maison Chateau Rouge x Air Jordan 2 a color blocking resembling the SBB releases. It features a Sail leather upper with Orange accents, debossed patterns, contrasting stitching and layered eyestays. Furthermore, the model bears "Maison Chateau Rogue" branding on the heel, followed by "United Youth International" and "Chicago Dakar Paris" adorning the inner tongue tags, alongside special graphic insoles of Michael Jordan. Finally, an extra set of laces round out the offering.
New Jordans Retro, The French fashion brand and store isn't a stranger to the Jumpman as they've collaborated on the Air Jordan 1 Mid a few years ago. The sneaker features a cream leather upper with brogue detailing around the toebox and tongue. Equipped with a Sail upper along with orange accents, this Air Jordan 2 opts for a predominantly leather upper with a textured print noted on the tongues and side panel overlays. Additional details include orange suede overlays on the toes and heels, exposed orange stitching on the upper portion of the tongues, yellow Wings logos on the tongues, and brown leather inner liners. The Sail/Orange offering features numerous details across the uppers like permanent stitching at the ankle, laces and tongue, and is dressed with brogue patterning and serrated edges at the tongue and eyestay. Even the insoles are eye-catching-this set features Michael Jordan x United Youth International artwork. That mark also adorns tags behind the tongues on each shoe.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a Granite, Dark Obsidian, and Sail color scheme. This offering of the Nike Terminator High will look exactly like the original constructed with a leather build and nylon tongues. Majority of the shoe arrives in a mix of Black and Grey hues, while having a splash of color on the #23 stitching displayed on the lateral Swoosh as well as on the insoles. A Sail midsole atop a Grey rubber outsole completes the design. Various shades of grey and black highlight this effect, doing so atop both suede and leather textures. But the adjacent tongue, midsole, and Swoosh are far more typical by comparison, with the latter-most deviating slightly with its orange embroidery and altered stitching.
08 kwietnia 202208 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Fresh and unbeatable in style, the Air Jordan 1 Low Top SE is the ultimate sneaker classic. Inspired by the natural landscape, this shoe brings grounded freshness to emerging legends through earth tones and canvas details. Hidden Air-Sole unit with foam midsole provides cushioning every step of the way. Low, cushioned collar for a snug fit around the ankle. The rubber sole is not only durable but also grippy.
New Jordans Retro, Since its inception, Air Jordan has continued to pay tribute to basketball legend Michael Jordan. And the first silhouette of the reimagined brand does just that. Crafted from the same two-tone leather upper as ever, in a purple and college gold colorway reminiscent of Omega Psi Phi - the fraternity the basketball star joined in 1987. To round things out, the nostalgic sneaker ends with a tonal rubber outsole and signature Swoosh logo on the sides.
Jordan Release, Air Jordan 1 Mid is the Jordan generation mid-top classic retro culture leisure sports basketball shoes. It adopts a simple and elegant classic appearance, familiar with a touch of novelty, and the classic design is timeless, specially created for leisure and daily activities. Three-dimensional filling tongue sponge, medium The bottom injection hole has a built-in real Sole air cushion. The whole pair is decorated with black as the main tone, and the toe and heel are decorated with classic crackle elements. The heel is still presented in black and white, which echoes the upper and is matched with a white medium. The sole and the raw rubber yellow outsole complete the design of the whole pair of shoes.
02 kwietnia 202202 kwietnia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Done in an official color scheme listed as "White/Worn Blue-Metallic Gold," this women's iteration of the Air Jordan 1 High OG starts off with a White tumbled leather upper contrasted by the denim Blue overlays across. Dressed in a White, Worn Blue, and Metallic Gold color scheme. This offering of the Air Jordan 1 features a White leather base with frayed Denim Blue overlays. Design details include a White leather base contrasted by the frayed Denim Blue overlays. Pastel Blue tongue tags, rubber outsole, and second set of laces competes the design. Additionally, hits of pastel blue hues adorn the tongue tags and rubber outsole, while exclusive gold Jumpman-branded lace dubraes add luxury to the style as well as completing the overall aesthetic.
New Jordans Retro, The new colorway of the Air Jordan 1 Low that is better suited for the spring and summer seasons. Taking a look at this Air Jordan 1 Low, the popular sneaker from Jordan Brand starts off with a neutral tan/beige suede construction on the base of the sneaker which is then heavily contrasted by pink leather all throughout the overlays. The upper has an eggshell-colored base that is made with smooth suede. Salmon-toned overlays in "Light Madder Root" contrast against the soft base. For more color we see the addition of dark teal on the Swooshes, tongue and heel branding, and the embroidered Wings on the heels. A mesh tongue atop a White midsole and Pink rubber outsole completes the design.
2020 Jordans, Refreshing in both its color blocking and branding, the pair finds new ways to make use of the good ol' red, white, and blue. The Swoosh, specifically, incorporates all three, effectively celebrating the USA with dual panels and contrast stitching. Dressed in a Gym Red, Sail, Light Iron Ore, and Midnight Navy color scheme. For more color we see the addition of dark teal on the Swooshes, tongue and heel branding, and the embroidered Wings on the heels.This mid-top Air Jordan 1 comes constructed in a mix of tumbled and smooth leather with denim-like Swooshes outlined in exposed stitching. Next, we have exposed stitching with areas featuring a zig-zag design, while a Sail midsole and a Navy rubber outsole finish the look.
31 marca 202231 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 7 "Sapphire" celebrates the 30th anniversary of this champion shoe silhouette by combining futuristic style with a century-old gem. A neutral pink apricot leather upper accents the sapphire underlay hidden beneath the translucent seam at the midfoot and collar. This original sneaker offers a glimpse into the future of Jordan brand style and trend-setting luxury lines in a new colorway. A black Jumpman stands out on the collar window. A speckled grey midsole with black and grey TPU accents and a semi-translucent grey rubber outsole round out the shoe's design.
New Jordans Retro, This Air Jordan 7 shoe borrows some design elements from the Nike ACG (All Conditions Gear). The base of the upper is smooth nubuck in a pinkish beige colour, showing on the toe panel. This same material covers the cupsole. The rest of the overlays are tan-coloured, wrapping around the toe section, the eyestay panel, the quarter and the collar. A fine white mesh covers the quarter window and the collar window revealing the neoprene underlays in pink and the titular Sapphire colour. Highlighted with Light Shimmer across the uppers while accents of Pink and Purple run throughout. Next, we have semi-translucent panels and ankle, Black detailing, and a Grey speckled midsole that finishes the look.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The Air Jordan 1 Mid WMNS "UNC" is the perfect pair to welcome spring, as it also coincides with Easter. As a feminine style, the top was simply draped over Jordan's alma mater, the University of North Carolina. As shown, the sneaker features a white leather sole followed by an Off-White finish at the ankle, while a prominent light blue accent is used for its overlays, Swooshes, inner lining, wing logo and rubber outsole. Finally, a white midsole completes the silhouette.
2020 Jordans, Easy to wear and comfortable to wear, your favorite, the Air Jordan 1 Zoom Air CMFT Women's Sneaker is a comfortable fit. A premium upper combined with a comfortable lining and superb rebound cushioning is engineered to give a classic sneaker exceptional durability. The heel is equipped with Zoom Air cushioning configuration, which brings the rebound response performance close to the foot. The high-quality upper provides an outstanding appearance and unique style. Created for comfort, the foam midsole is soft, lightweight, and flexible, and the sole is rubber-trimmed for exceptional grip.
28 marca 202228 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 11 "Midnight Navy" aka "Win Like '82" is a white and navy version of Michael Jordan's eleventh signature shoe. Staying true to the original, patent shiny leather covers the mudguard in a deep shade of navy. This is contrasted by a clean shade of white across a canvas crafted upper. It makes for a lightweight design which is durable enough to protect against the winter elements. navy color scheme covering the mesh-based upper down to the shoe's signature patent leather mudguard while a silver Jumpman appears at the ankle collar. Breaking up the look is a white midsole and an icy blue outsole. As always, Flight technology underfoot promises the best in responsive cushioning. An icy cold outsole is the perfect compliment to the subdued colour scheme.
New Jordans Retro, Showcasing Virgil Abloh's radical take on the classic silhouette is the Off-White x Nike Blazer Low "White University Red." Supplemental yellow cord lacing is across the white leather upper with circular cut-outs and crimson Swoosh branding. Both Off-White Blazer Lows will feature signature Off-White details including overlapping lacing and circular cutouts. The low-top is built on a rubber midsole with a vintage pre-yellowed finish disrupted by a molded yellow piece extending past the heel. They'll also come with a few new features like a retooled heel piece with foam at the rear, plastic inserts, and colored speckles.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, Jackie Robinson broke the baseball color line when he started at first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. To celebrate the 75th Anniversary, Nike will be redesign a special edition Dunk Low for the occasion. This offering of the Air Jordan 5 features a clean White leather upper paired with Concord contrasting accents throughout and sockliner. 3M reflective tongues, Black midsole atop an icy translucent outsole completes the design. ​Its entire upper is dressed in several different multicolors with bold Red Jumpman tongue tags. White lining, tongues, laces, and midsole atop a Green rubber outsole completes the design.
13 marca 202213 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Air Jordan AJ7 Cspace Top of the Forbidden City Chinese auspicious cloud luminous multi-color elements stitching, through Bordeaux wine red to create a familiar OG atmosphere, the midsole is injected with the striking words Patta, the all-white background shoe box is supplemented by computer-drawn illustrations, simple and humane, The tongue sports Chinese characters, while Michael Jordan's Olympic jersey number appears on the heel. Underfoot, the Air midsole gives way to a rubber outsole with glow-in-the-dark detailing. Red nubuck around the lateral collar completed with Metallic Gold embroidered Jumpman. The medial sports a Chinese traditional colorful artwork on the underlay with soft Black leather overlays. Chinese Kanji motifs on the tongues and heels completed with glow-in-the-dark soles.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Inspired by Beijing's Forbidden City, the Air Jordan 7 "Greater China" Special Box features an asymmetrical design. The shoe's lateral side sports a black and white base highlighted by tonal dragon graphics, while vibrant clouds emerge on the medial side, overlaid by black and white leather. Take flight. As soon as the Air Jordan line debuted in 1985, it started shaping sneaker culture as we know it today. Find all the legendary models including the Air Jordan 1, Air Jordan 3, Air Jordan 6, and Air Jordan 11 here. Dressed in a White, Chile Red, Black, and Metallic Gold color scheme. This Air Jordan 7 features a Black nubuck upper with a glazed tonal dragon motif on the lateral, the pattern continues on the White tumbled leather overlays.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey cool gray gray Earl AJ12 fashion casual high-top basketball shoes, gray upper layer of lychee leather, built-in zoom air cushion in the midsole. The original red part on the side is replaced with silver, and the overall luxurious temperament is full. Air Jordan AJ6 Air Jordan 6 "Quai 54" khaki purple, the upper is made of leather material, with a light glow as the main tone of the upper. The side of the shoe is decorated with purple pattern embellishment, which is very eye-catching. The upper is decorated with 3M reflective speckle pattern, The eye-catching effect is full. At the same time, the insole is printed with the same pattern, which echoes with the upper.
11 marca 202211 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Dubbed "Playoff" due to Michael Jordan wearing the pair during the post-season. He also wore them for a few games in the NBA Finals, where Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls would take home the NBA Championship against the Utah Jazz. This 2022 model sticks to the original design, featuring a black tumbled leather upper with a white textural mudguard and red Jumpman embroidery on the tongue. At the heel, a woven Jordan label and "23" text add subtle branding. At the base, a white sole with carbon fiber detailing completes the design.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, In celebration of its 25th Anniversary, Jordan Brand brought back the shoe that Michael Jordan wore while winning his 5th NBA Title, the Air Jordan 12 Retro Playoffs. Debuted in 1997, the Air Jordan 12 Playoff captures Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls' dominance in the 1990s era of NBA basketball. This "Playoffs" edition of the Air Jordan 12 will come constructed in original form featuring a Black leather upper with White appearing on the mudguard, midsole, and rubber outsole. Elsewhere, the features are much more accurate, donning black and white leathers, silver tabs, and red branding across the heel and tongue.
2020 Jordans, The Nike Air Force 1 "World Champ" features a smooth white leather base accented by off white cracked-leather panels at the toe and mid panels. Additional detailing comes in the form of black patent leather midfoot Swooshes and matching sockliners, along with black/gold tongue tags. Highlighting the shoe are wrestling belt-inspired lace dubraes. A White AF1 midsole atop a Black rubber outsole completes the design.
07 marca 202207 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, This Air Jordan 1 Mid comes highlighted in a Black and Red color theme, which fits the "Bred" color scheme. Constructed with leather, nylon lands on the tongues. Highlighting the shoe is an all-over gloss print that reads, "Black" and "Red" on each respective color panel. Lastly, a White midsole and a Red rubber outsole complete the look. Other noteworthy details include "Black + Red = Bred" printed onto its white midsole with a red outsole.
New Jordans Retro, This Nike Dunk High features overlays around the toe, along the tongue and across the heel indulge in a blueish tone that is contrasted by rich purple stitching. Much like the matching Dunk Low, this offering of the Nike Dunk High features a White leather base with Court Purple overlays, Swooshes, laces, tongue tags, sockliner, and rubber outsole. Other details include a White nylon tongue and midsole. Both Nike Dunks come constructed in a mix of suede and mesh with signature branding on the tongues and insoles.
2020 Jordans, Dressed in a White, Dark Concord, and Black color scheme. The shoe has a white leather upper to it, all while the midsole is black with some purple highlights on the shark teeth. There is also silver 3M on the tongue, which helps make the shoe that much better. Overall, it's a clean colorway, and the subtle purple highlights do a lot to make this offering pop. This offering of the Air Jordan 5 features a clean White leather upper paired with Concord contrasting accents throughout and sockliner. Finally, 3M reflective tongues, a black midsole, and an icy translucent outsole rounds out the look.
02 marca 202202 marca 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The lower part of the shoe body still continues the good performance of the separated Air Sole air cushion and the crystal translucent rubber outsole. The innovatively added two square holes on the tongue are more conducive to adjusting the position and making it easy to put on and take off, just like the rear spoiler of a sports car. The heel tab of the plate and the eye-catching bulge on the outside of the ankle create an avant-garde and fashionable visual impact. The upper is made of wear-resistant nubuck leather, the midsole is injected with plastic holes and the meticulous midsole pull-up process, and the external window is opened. Real Sole Air Cushion.
New Jordans Retro, The whole pair of shoes is made with a classic black and white theme, and at the same time, a large area of lake green is added to the shoe body, and it is equipped with a translucent crystal outsole of the same color. The overall feeling is very refreshing, and the biggest highlight is that the white upper is not like It looks so simple, but in fact there is a hidden mystery, the entire upper is made of 3M material.
2022 Jordan Release Shoes To Buy, Fragment Design x Air Jordan 3 Hiroshi Fujiwara is co-branded. The whole shoe is presented in a classic and versatile black and white theme. The upper is made of leather with excellent texture. The white body is matched with black edging. The heel is embossed with the Fragment Design logo. The Lightning Logo, with black characters printed on the white midsole. The inside of the tongue is also sewn with a "fragment" label, and many details show the joint identity. The biggest highlight is the transparent Jumpman Logo on the heel with the black "AIR" wording, and the inner layer The striking big lightning Logo "stamp" position is more conspicuous, instantly improving the recognition of the whole pair of shoes.
23 lutego 202223 lutego 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Michael Jordan retired for the second time just before the release of the Air Jordan 14, but he still slipped a black/red pair on for his "Last Shot" and one final NBA title with the Bulls. Designer Tinker Hatfield modeled the sleek 14 after the Ferrari 550M that Jordan drove. Some of the key differences to this Air Jordan 14 includes a glossy Grey rubberized midsole opposed to the carbon fiber. But the most obvious difference is the ribbed suede upper instead of the single suede panel on the 2014 pair, which was used on the Candy Canes and the Last Shot 14s. The Jumpman appears seven times on both the left and right shoes, which honor the 14th sneaker in Jordan's signature series.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Nike LeBron 19 Low features a White textile mesh upper and leather toe box paired with pastel accents perfect for spring. The tropical feel is made instantly apparent even at a glance, as both the mesh and leather parts of the upper are highlighted in a calming, light pink. Certain pieces of the sole and lace unit are colored similarly as well, while the logo hits across the tongue and midsole pop in their shared "Volt" hue. Highlighting the shoe are floral patterns on the tongues and heels. Further pushing the floral aesthetics are rose patterns seen on the tongues and heels. Rounding out the final details are React Foam midsoles, which replace the traditional Max Air cushioning, and a rubber outsole.
2020 Jordans, The Air Jordan 5 is dressed in a light olive green durabuck Jordan Brand is calling Jade Horizon, with translucent yellow eyelets for accenting. The quarter panel netting is translucent with the 3M reflective tongue featuring the Jumpman in Jade Horizon. This Air Jordan 5 features a premium leather upper that develops a beautiful patina over time, while also having vintage oxidized outsoles, eyelets and lace toggles. Yellow Wings, Swooshes, tongue branding and rubber outsole completes the design. The midsole is seen in black with the P-51 Mustang fighter plane inspired teeth seen in cement print.
17 lutego 202217 lutego 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, When it comes to Jordan Brand's very popular shoes, Air Jordan 1 naturally does its part. Not only do various palettes fly, but some new technologies and new materials will also be put on this shoe for innovation. The whole shoe uses a combination of suede material and Gore-Tex material, and the toe cap and the middle of the shoe body are made of Gore-Tex material to ensure waterproof performance and a good texture. The outer side of the toe and the heel are made of light purple short-haired suede material, which further enhances the texture. There is also a Gore-Tex logo on the outside of the heel, indicating the technology used on this pair of shoes.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Air Jordan 1 has always been one of the most popular shoes in the sneaker circle, but the price is generally high. In contrast, the low-top version of Air Jordan 1 Low is not only richer in color matching, but also much more cost-effective. With a more low-key color scheme, the main gray body frame is complemented by black. The highlight is the use of classic cracked leather on the toe cap this time, and the visual effect is quite handsome. The heel is made of lychee leather, which enriches the overall sense of hierarchy.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The body of the shoe is made of light blue as the main tone, supplemented by light gray for matching. The visual effect is eye-catching and eye-catching. It is covered with leather and suede materials, bringing a rich sense of hierarchy. The classic Jumpman Logo is added to the heel to highlight the attributes of the entire pair of shoes. Complete the design with a white and light blue sole. In the midsole, the pure white rubber material brings more layers of color to the whole shoe. The outsole is rubber with black and gray stitching color, which improves the design of the whole shoe.
13 lutego 202213 lutego 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Air Jordan 4 Retro "Fire Red" white and red Jordan 4 basketball shoes series, the main white leather upper, with red shoelace buckles and black support, midsole details, classic temperament. Nike Air heel is rare to restore the original For the 2018 version, OG fans can satisfy this time. Adhering to the design idea of lightweight speed-type basketball shoes, the design is completed, reducing weight while improving comfort. The midsole continues the previous version and uses a separate rear palm visualization Air Sole air cushion. Shoelaces The hole and heel shoe are inspired by the net, and the basketball movement is subtly integrated into the design of the shoe, making the overall body of the shoe full of fluidity, rhythm and elegance.
New Jordans Retro, The shoes are mainly made of beige, and white is used to echo the visual effect. It can be seen that the design of the whole shoe is equipped with a classic silhouette at the same time. It also injects the word AIR in the midsole, exposed foam tongue, different material stitching, half Iconic elements such as transparent rubber material and instruction manual type words provide completely different textures of details. Air Jordan 1 Low draws design inspiration from the first year model released in 1985, using a simple and elegant classic appearance, familiar with a touch of novelty, classic design Timeless, crafted for casual everyday activities.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The Air Jordan 1 Low draws design inspiration from the first year model released in 1985. It adopts a simple and elegant classic appearance, with a touch of novelty in the familiar. The classic design is timeless, specially designed for casual daily activities. The popular hip-hop singer Travis · Scott and Hiroshi Fujiwara are responsible for the brand's upper, which is mainly white, with two tones of obsidian toe and university blue heel. The inner side is black Swoosh. The outer side is white "barb", and finally the white echoes the hook. The midsole and blue outsole finish, and the heels such as "Lightning", "Grimace" and "Cactus Jack" logos highlight the joint information.
27 stycznia 202227 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The shoe's suede upper appears entirely in Varsity Red, contrasted by black eyelets and highlighted by a reflective silver tongue. Mesh inserts maintain the classic Jordan aesthetic, with a toggle lacing system securing the fit. Underfoot, the polyurethane midsole includes visible Air in the heel for cushioning, highlighted by the white and red shark-tooth detailing on the forefoot. The shoe's upper emerges with a white tumbled leather construction, with the usual mesh inserts at the quarter panel and vamp. The molded eyelets sport a cement finish, matched underfoot by the polyurethane midsole. Visible Air in the heel provides cushioning, giving way to a rubber outsole for traction.
New Jordans Retro, The upper's traditional leather construction is replaced with textured nubuck. Pops of green appear on the perforated leather collar, molded eyelets and embroidered Jumpman branding on the tongue. The classic basketball silhouette emerges with a deconstructed leather build, finished in off-white and complemented by semi-translucent TPU on the eyelets, wings and heel panel. A tonal zip-tie and "Air" above the visible cushioning complete the look. The 3D metallic Jumpman and "23" heel branding accent the look in silver, with a similar finish on the "Jordan" that marks the eyelets. Underfoot, a white Air midsole provides cushioning and contrast, giving way to a translucent rubber outsole for traction.
2020 Jordans, The retro launch, marking the 20th anniversary of the shoe's namesake film, features a design that's true to Michael Jordan's original PE colorway, including the "45" printed in white on the heel tab. The shoe's upper features a mix of leather and nubuck, finished in white and carmine, with black contrast completing the team look. Underfoot, the midsole houses visible Air in the heel to provide cushioning. The shoe's other signature details remain intact, including a white ballistic mesh upper, black patent leather overlays, and an icy translucent outsole. Built with white leather, the upper includes a reflective silver tongue and a mesh insert at the quater panel. Fire Red accents emerge throughout, including on the shark-tooth detailing underfoot, while visible Air in the heel provides cushioning.
25 stycznia 202225 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 12, which was born in 1996, with its outstanding appearance and good cushioning performance, makes this pair of shoes popular with trendy and actual players. The whole pair of shoes is presented in metallic gray, with divergent stitching on the upper, bringing a simple and smooth shape. The white lizard skin pattern on the side of the shoe and the embellishment of metal shoelace buckles present a luxurious style that is incompatible with basketball shoes.
New Jordans Retro, In recent years, Nike has played more and more tricks on this shoe type in the Air Jordan 1, from the color scheme of the palette to the "CMFT" of the updated comfortable configuration to the addition of various materials. Actions undoubtedly let this pair of classic shoes burst out with new vitality. The entire pair of uppers is made of patent leather, and the pure white shoe body is embellished with graffiti-style fonts and patterns. The Nike Swoosh on both sides of the shoe body is also presented in this graffiti style, like writing on pure white with a paint pen. Same as above on white paper. The graffiti-style font not only appears on the upper, but also has the same style of "TONGUE" in the tongue. The all-black rubber outsole makes the color of the whole pair of shoes not monotonous, and the outer contour is embellished with a five-pointed star pattern, which is more textured.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The sneaker uses a grey tumbled leather base on the upper with light grey accenting seen on the lateral and medial overlays, laces, and stitching on the tongue. Maintaining a similar aesthetic to the OG "Obsidian" release, the stealth grey uppers are balanced with white mudguard overlays and rubber soles. Metallic silver eyelets and Jumpman branding completes the design. The Jumpman tab is seen in the same hue with a light grey midsole featuring full-length Zoom is utilized and a light grey outsole finishes off the sneaker. Lastly, a darker shade of Grey lands on the liner, inside of the tongue, and heel to finish the look. Also, the pair will come with the original packaging.
Buy New Jordans, Wmns Air Jordan 1 MidAJ1 Jordan generation mid-top classic retro culture leisure sports basketball shoes. It adopts a simple and elegant classic appearance, familiar with a touch of novelty, and the classic design is not out of date. It is specially created for leisure and daily activities. Three-dimensional filling tongue sponge, medium The bottom injection hole has a built-in real Sole air cushion. It uses the first layer of matte leather trim and patent leather cowhide upper material, carbon fiber cushioning mid-plate, and pull-up glue injection effect. This year's big devil is it. 312 corresponds to Air Jordan 3, Air Jordan 3 respectively. The Jordan 1 and Air Trainer 2 combine these three classic and popular shoes, and the name "The Strongest Three-in-One" comes from this.
24 stycznia 202224 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
2022 Cheap Jordan, The first pair is the Nike Air Force 1 Mid "Independence Day". The color of Independence Day first appeared in 1997. To commemorate the Independence Day on July 4 every year, Nike will also launch this color for a series of shoes. The whole shoe uses white, red and midnight blue as the main body. The toe cap, heel and Velcro straps at the neckline are all made of midnight blue glossy patent leather, which highlights the texture and accentuates the color theme. The second pair is the Nike Air Force 1 Mid Jewel. The shoe type and material are almost the same as the Independence Day color matching. The difference lies in the color matching and the material of the midsole and outsole. The color scheme of this pair of shoes is white with champagne gold, just like the name of his color matching "Jewel", the feeling of jewelery runs through the whole shoe.
New Jordans Retro, There is also a specially designed Nike Swoosh combination pattern on the label on the inside of the tongue, and the words "Inside out or outside in, as long as you're right within" are written below. The old-style milky white rubber on the midsole brings a certain visual contrast, and the outsole is also different from the Independence Day color matching crystal outsole, which uses the same color rubber as the midsole. The color scheme this time is based on pure white dress and three-color stitching of brown, yellow and black. The biggest highlight is the outer side of the shoe. The bright disc is sewn into the word "NIKE" to show people, and the heel is decorated with FORCE IS FEMALE Showing the exclusive identity of girls, the eye-catching effect is not bad!
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The "Lobster" series jointly created with Nike is definitely a classic. Just entering 2022, the new Concepts x Nike joint name ushered in the first physical exposure. At the same time, the upper is made of tannin material and canvas material, which inherits the consistent high specifications. The unique totem pattern and animal pattern make the already rich vamp more layered. The embroidered words on the heel part can also be seen with deconstructed thread ends. The midsole design is likely to be made of recyclable and environmentally friendly materials, and the midsole air cushion window opening also has an ink splash design. With the classic outsole pattern, it completes the design of the whole pair of shoes.
21 stycznia 202221 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
2022 Cheap Jordan, The silhouette became a fan-favorite after MJ won his first NBA Championship back in 1991 with the Chicago Bulls. Dressed in a White, University Red, and Black color scheme. In terms of composition, "University Red" accents arrive at the tongues, midsoles and heel tabs, the blazing colour adopting a speckled hue reinforcing its titular namesake. This Air Jordan 6 features a White leather base Red contrasting accents throughout. White speckling on the tongues, heel pull tabs, lace locks and midsole atop an icy translucent outsole completes the design.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The latest teaser involves the Air Jordan 6 "Red Oreo", the super sweet colourway hot on the heels of the Air Jordan 5 "Oreo" drop of 2021. Expect to see the same design from 2010 with the replacement of red for where black was and the usual icy rubber outsole we all love to be placed at the bottoms. This Air Jordan 6 comes dressed in a White, University Red, and Black color combination. Highlighted with White leather throughout, Red accents give this pair some pop. Next, speckled detail appears on the tongue, lace lock, heel, and midsole. Other highlights include a White midsole and a translucent outsole.
New Jordans Retro, This particular Nike SB Dunk High features a textile base with Gold suede overlays and rubber outsole, Green rear pull tab atop a White midsole. Dressed in a Black, Citrus, and Variety Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 7 will look exactly like the original pair featuring a Black nubuck upper highlighted with Citrus and Variety Red contrasting accents. Concepts branding on the tongue tags, guitar pick hangtags, heels, and insoles housed in a decorative co-branded box completes the design. The signature detail is its Bright Orange contrasting stitching throughout, a feature not seen on most colorways of the model.
TagiTagi: 2022 new air jordan red oreo release june 4th 
13 stycznia 202213 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
This New Jordans Retro will come dressed in the classic UNC colorway. The UNC Jordan 6 looks to have a University Blue nubuck upper with white leather overlays, similar to the color blocking seen on the Carmine 6s. Highlighted in a "Carmine" color blocking, University Blue lands on the base while White leather appears on the overlays. White leather makes up most of the upper, save for the hits of University Blue on the toe and quarter panels. Navy accents can be found throughout and translucent icy blue outsoles are found underfoot. Finishing off the design will be a woven jock tag stitched on the heels atop an icy translucent outsole.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Dressed in a White, Light Curry, Cardinal Red, and Cement Grey color scheme. This Air Jordan 3 resembles the Air Jordan 7 "Cardinal" last seen in 2011. The shoe features a White leather upper with signature elephant print overlays highlighted with Cardinal Red accents on the eyelets, liner, and portion of the midsole. Other details includes a Bronze hue on the Jumpman tongue and bottom eyelets. the "Cardinal Red" combines classic Air Jordan 3 colourblocking with some new hues for a look that's both fresh and familiar. It's crafted of premium tumbled white leather, with OG elephant print making an appearance on the toe cap, heel overlay and eyestay base.
2022 Cheap Jordan, The Nike Dunk Low features a White leather upper paired with Navy and Green suede overlays. Dressed in the signature UNC color blocking of University Blue, White, College Navy, and Black. This Air Jordan 6 features a University Blue nubuck base with White leather overlays and Navy detailing throughout. Highlighting the shoe are Red contrasting accents throughout and stitching along the White midsole atop a Navy rubber outsole to complete the design. Next, Navy hits the lace lock, branding, liner, heel, and midsole. The woven jock tag is stitched onto the heel, argyle print lands on the translucent tongue, while an icy translucent outsole finishes the look.
08 stycznia 202208 stycznia 2022 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, This clean rendition of the Air Jordan 3 opts for an OG-inspired look as the popular silhouette starts off with a White tumbled leather construction throughout the majority of the upper with the highlight Cardinal Red hue seen on the inner liner, Jumpman on the heel, eyelets, and the midsole. The shoe features a White leather upper with signature elephant print overlays highlighted with Cardinal Red accents on the eyelets, liner, and portion of the midsole. Other details includes a Bronze hue on the Jumpman tongue and bottom eyelets.
The Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers design team are certainly no strangers to taking a colour scheme from one of Michael Jordan's signature sneakers and deftly moving it to another, so this Air Jordan 3 copies the "Cardinal" mix of red and gold atop a white leather base. The Air Jordan 3's signature elephant print remains intact via the overlay panels at the forefoot, the heel counter, and eyestay. Additional details include yellow on the Jumpman logo on the tongue and lower eyelets, the silhouette's signature elephant print on the heels and toe, a white midsole, and a grey rubber outsole.
2022 Cheap Jordan, Dressed in a Pumice, Game Royal, Black, and Plum Eclipse color scheme nodding to their 22/23 season kits. This Air Jordan 4 will have similarities to 2013's "Green Glow" release featuring varying shades of Grey throughout its upper constructed in durable nubuck. Black lands on the netting, plastic wings, laces and molded heel tab highlighted with Infrared contrasting accents. Clot and Nike branded tongue tags, co-branded insoles atop a White rubber sole completes the design.
30 grudnia 202130 grudnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 6 "Mint Foam" is a new women's release that will take part of Jordan Brand's Spring 2022 lineup. Dressed in a White, Pure Platinum, and Mint Foam color scheme. This Air Jordan 6 features a Pure Platinum base with White overlays constructed in a mix of suede, nubuck, and leather materials. Highlighting the pair, we have "Mint Foam," which Jordan Brand calls "Tiffany Blue" on the lace lock, heel, and midsole. Lastly, a translucent outsole finishes the look.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 6 features a White, Pure Platinum, and Mint Foam color combination. Although the image used is a mock-up, it's an accurate representation of what's releasing. Constructed with suede and nubuck, White runs across the overlays while Pure Platinum adorns the base. Inspired by 70s tees, this Nike SB Dunk Low features the paisley print covering its entire upper dressed in a mix of Pink, Green, and Burgundy Brown hues. White Swooshes on the sides with matching tongue and heel branding atop a White midsole and Gum rubber outsole completes the design.
2022 Cheap Jordan, The retro release of the Nike Air Max 1 OG "Big Bubble" aka "Big Window" will return in its original build and color blocking. This Nike Air Max 1 features a White mesh base with Grey and Red suede overlays atop its signature bigger, longer visible Air unit. Dressed in a White, Gold Dust, Sport Red, and Black color scheme. The shoe comes constructed in a leather build with nylon tongues detailed with its signature alternating patterns throughout. It also comes with an updated tongue branding with special 25th Anniversary insoles.
27 grudnia 202127 grudnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
2022 Cheap Jordan, The Air Jordan 5 Retro "Alternate Bel-Air" draws from a 2013 Air Jordan colorway also inspired by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The shoe's 90s-inspired look includes a white leather construction on the upper, with the inner lining sporting a vibrant print mismatched between the shoes. Smith's character on everyone's favorite show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" famously wore the Air Jordan 5 in the early episodes without shoelaces. As a nod to that style, these Jordan 5s come without laces and are designed to be worn just the way the "Fresh Prince" wore them. Further mismatched hits include the Jumpman and "23" branding, while underfoot, both shoes house visible Air for cushioning.
New Jordans Retro, The Air Jordan 5 Retro "Alternate Bel-Air" follows in the footsteps of the original "Bel-Air" Air Jordan 5 from 2013, featuring a '90s-inspired color scheme paying homage to Will Smiths' NBC sitcom, "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." The classic mid-top sports a white leather upper mounted atop a contrasting purple midsole with visible Air cushioning. This release of the Air Jordan 5 was inspired by the show's title card palette, featuring a Cool Grey upper with multicolored inner, vibrant Club Pink Jumpman on the tongue, Black laces, and Pink and Green "23" logo at the ankle. Over the course of the show Will Smith wore many of classic Air Jordans, including the Air Jordan 5 "Metallic" and "Fire Red" colorways in the pilot. Mismatched vibrant accents are applied to the interior lining, Jumpman branding hits and embroidered "23" on the lateral heel.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, In celebration of Will Smith's 50th birthday, Nike released this Air Jordan 5 Retro in a nod to one of the actor's most engaging roles: The Fresh Prince. Other than the gold satin replacing the white leather, the rest of the "Grape" colorway is intact, except for a slight tweak of the red Jumpman logos on each heel. Dressed in a White, Grape Ice, Black, and New Emerald color scheme. This Air Jordan 5 looks exactly like the OG Grapes, but with some added detailing. It includes "West Philadelphia" text underneath the tongue, Nike Air branding on the heels, no laces (sealed lace holes) - as a nod to the way Will Smith wore them, and Fresh Prince inspired insoles. The design's clearest tribute to the sitcom can be found on the insole, where "Air Jordan" branding appears in the style of the show's title sequence graffiti.
16 grudnia 202116 grudnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, Recently, a brand new What The style Dunk Low "Safari Mix" appeared on the Internet. After it, the What The style design of fusion of multiple color schemes emerges endlessly, and the seemingly messy gameplay appears very harmonious on the Dunk shoe shape. In recent years, Dunk SB Low "What The P-Rod", shopping bag Dunk, and the God of Cookery Dunk SB have continued this style. It is still stitching together a variety of classic colors and special materials. The main color is white, the toe cap is spliced with stone markings and leopard print, the upper is made of horse hair, and the heel is also leopard print. The Swoosh on both sides of the shoe body is of different colors, with ginger yellow on the outside and turquoise green on the inside, which reminds people of the classic color scheme of the atmos joint series.
New Jordans Retro, Nike Dunk High series is one of Nike's enduring shoes. Its classic shape design and ever-changing color matching are deeply loved by sneaker players. The upper is made of suede and leather material, which brings good texture performance. The color matching uses a large area of light yellow with white, and the inner lining is supplemented with light brown. The dark green Swoosh adds details to the whole pair of shoes. The leather of the shoe body is embodied in a burst of cracks, which has the feeling of "elephant" color matching. The tongue is displayed in black and beige stitching, and the design is very novel. The oxidized and worn-out effect of the midsole is very suitable for the current vibe style.
2020 Jordans, This pair of Air Jordan 4, named "Zen Master", is to pay tribute to the coaching career of Jordan "mentor" Phil Jackson during the Bulls period. The design also incorporates the spirit of meditation and Buddhism in a way of matching colors. It can be seen that there is not much difference between the actual product and the renderings. The entire shoe upper is presented in a tie-dyeing technique, incorporating multiple colors of red, black, gray and purple, supplemented by a crystal wave texture, presenting a visual effect similar to the starry sky. , So it is called the Star Air Jordan 4 by netizens. The white translucent side body and TPU patch on the heel, and black embellishments are added to the details to make the overall body of the shoe more harmonious.
TagiTagi: nike newest dunk low what 2022 sale 
12 grudnia 202112 grudnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers uses a grey perforated leather base with the exception of the grey suede on the toebox and white perforated leather on the overlays and straps. Additional details includes Green and Grey terrycloth lining and Black satin finish along the heel overlay. Pops of green and black throughout, alongside a black satin finish on the heel overlay, followed by a first-ever black Duck logo patch on the tongue rounds out the respective theme nicely.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The Air Jordan 8 "Oregon Ducks" PE is unveiled as it's a special player exclusive variation of the silhouette that's designed for the Oregon Ducks football team. Metallic green is seen on the strap buckle with the chenille tongue tag featuring the Duck. Black is seen on the tongue, velcro strap, and on the heel overlay with the outsole featuring different shades of green, yellow, and black. Overall, this rendition boasts a clean grey and white composition with suede prominent on the toe box and mini perforations across its side panels and leather overlays. Highlighting the shoe is a first-ever Black "Fighting Ducks" logo patch on the tongues.
Buy New Jordans, Unlike the "Legend Blue" and "Citrus" offerings prior, the "Pure Violet" is a far more colorful arrangement. The light, floral hue is used heavily across the upper, dressing the patent leather mudguard, outsole, and lining. Dressed in a White and Pure Violet color scheme. This Air Jordan 11 Low features a White mesh upper and tongue paired with Pure Violet patent leather overlays and sockliner. The shoe features a a white base, dressed in combination of synthetic and patent leather materials. Other shades of white can be spotted on the midsole and laces. Orange highlights will hit the the brandings and the outsole as well. These are basically the most striking elements of this shoe.
TagiTagi: 2022 newest air jordan oregon ducks 
01 grudnia 202101 grudnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The last collaboration between Nike and KAWS dates back to the Nike Air Force 1 Promo 1World KAWS in 2008. The direct collaboration between Nike and Jordan Brand was the 2017 KAWS x Air Jordan 4. After 13 years, KAWS and Nike have joined hands again to pull on the hot sacai in recent years and bring the latest tripartite joint name! The entire pair of shoes is designed based on Nike Blazer Low, with a large area of ​​leather covering the shoelace hole and the blue Swoosh Logo made of suede material, with a rich layered texture. The vamp is mainly burgundy, and the details are supplemented by orange, yellow, and blue accents commonly used in KAWS works. The bright colors add a bit of playfulness and bring full vitality. At the same time, the deconstruction style of sacai's expertise is continued, and KAWS "XX" Logo is added to the midsole. The traditional Nike label on the tongue is changed to KAWS, sacai and Nike fusion logo presentation, further highlighting the joint identity.
Buy New Jordans, The design of overlapping tongues and double laces is very familiar, allowing players to recognize the sacai style at a glance. The exposed sponge tongue is shown in red, echoing the theme color of the shoe. For example, the laminated shoe heel covered with tape fully displays the deconstructed design language. In addition to the two-tone laces on the shoe body, the white laces that come with the shoes give players a simple look and feel. This time, a new design of the shoe box liner is carried out, which combines the three-party elements and presents it in KAWS's iconic graffiti style. The other sky blue is more vivid, and the details are supplemented with pink, blue, and yellow to make the already layered upper look even more eye-catching. The design language of double hooks, double soles, double laces, and double tongues is also continued to show players a unique sense of hierarchy.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, The body of the shoe is spliced with a variety of materials, and the embroideries and dragon patterns incorporated into the shoe give the whole pair of shoes a very good texture. The words Nike and LPL on the tongue show the joint identity. The Swoosh on the shoe side is made of 3M reflective material, supplemented by a luminous material outline, which brings a very bright visual effect under the dark light, and highlights the mysterious atmosphere in the e-sports competition. The outsole and heel are also made of luminous material with full details. Still the theme of Chinese e-sports, did these shoes make you tempted?
Nike Air Force 1, which debuted in 1982, has become one of the must-have items for shoe fans with its outstanding design and a variety of color options. The upper is made of leather, and the inner lining is embellished with fabric. The style is classic and the texture is good. The color of the shoe body is chosen to be pure white as the main body, and the details are supplemented by blue army blue as a collocation, dressed up with white stripes, the visual effect is simple but without losing its characteristics. There are many NYC words in the whole pair of shoes, echoing the color theme. The side Swoosh is made of plastic, showing a jelly texture, which distinguishes it from the traditional design, and the design is novel. The raw rubber outsole has improved abrasion resistance and replaced the circular pattern on the forefoot with a 6-character pattern to enrich the overall connotation.
12 listopada 202112 listopada 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
When the Air Jordan 2 debuted in 1986, it was the first sneaker to bring luxury detail to a peak sport performance silhouette. Made in Italy, original pairs featured a premium look and feel that quickly earned them an iconic spot in Air Jordan history. Abloh's signature touches are present throughout, including a plastic zip tie, text on the medial side panel, and exposed foam on the collar and tongue. On the lateral side, Michael Jordan's signature is scrawled across a textured lizard-inspired overlay. One pair sports a pre-yellowed midsole while the other comes in Black, both completed with cracked sidewalls that simulate the sort of crumbling that commonly besets vintage sneakers.
New Jordans Retro, Michael Jordan's Air Jordan collection has undeniably played a significant role in shaping the footwear community to what it is today. Although amongst the models, only a few have remained at the forefront of Nike and Jordan Brand's roster. The Air Jordan 2 is one of the designs that never received that much love from the masses. The sneaker, which arrives in two colorways, is directly based off of archival pairs in Jordan Brand's DNA archive. That's why Off-WhiteTM's version features a faux-crumbled midsole, to mimic Michael Jordan's own pairs from the late '80s. MJ's second signature sneaker was the first that took a luxury-inspired design, being made in Italy and crafted in a way that other performance sneakers weren't at the time. The Air Jordan 2 is also a love-it-or-hate-it silhouette, as it was always going to be a tough task to follow from the AJ1.
2020 Jordans, The Air Jordan 2 Off-White White Red nods to the natural aging process of original Air Jordans. It features a white leather upper with red piping, yellowed eyelets, and Michael Jordan's signature on the lateral side. A distressed midsole brings aging to a new level with transparent rubber filling in large cracks through the cream sole. A combination of pebbled & smooth leather wraps around the upper, which features exposed foam collars again. A plastic zip tie, medial-side Helvetica text and an exposed-foam tongue and collar add signature Abloh touches, with Michael Jordan's signature marking the lateral side. Underfoot, a pre-yellowed midsole with a crumbling aesthetic supports the fit, giving way to a two-tone rubber outsole for traction. Sporting a white upper with red accents, you'll find that the Air midsole underfoot appears in yellow with cracks as a nod to the basketball player's original game-worn pair. MJ's Wings logo positioned on the tongue rounds off the coveted Off-White Jordans.
27 października 202127 października 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a mix of White and Midnight Navy. This Air Jordan 6 has a similar color blocking to the OG "Sport Blue" release, with Navy accents contrasting the White leather build. Blocked like original colorways such as "White Infrared," "Sport Blue" and "Maroon," the shoe features white leather construction, contrasted by hits of navy blue on the tongue, rear pull tab, lace locks and detailing along the midsole and outsole. White neutrals will dress much of the upper, while the titular "Midnight Navy" accents adjacent along the midsole, the Jumpman logos, and the tongue as well. Lace toggles will follow suit with neutral iconography emblazoned atop, while the tread rounds off the construction with an icy, see-through touch.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The higher parts are designed with an understated mentality as the heels, interior lining, tongues and side panels are all drenched in solid black, most of which is devised with a smooth nubuck. Mudguards - which are usually treated with glossy patent leather - have been modified in this case and come presented with white and black faux fur that's decorated with zerba-esque patterns. The lower parts of the kicks are fashioned with clean white midsoles and outsoles that are tinted with a charcoal gray outer. Black accenting of paw prints and animal stripes is printed on the mudguard with Red accenting on the backtab and "JORDAN JUMPMAN" branding on the middle of the tongue. The Jumpman is embossed in Black with the sneaker using a white midsole, and a smokey translucent outsole finishes off the sneaker.
New Jordan 2022, Overall, this women's-exclusive model flaunts a premium black suede upper with a bold animal print pattern adorning the mudguard. Dressed in a Black, Red, Sail, and White color scheme. Having a similar design as 2019's "Animal Instinct" Air Jordan 3, the shoe will feature a Black suede upper with fur on the overlays in a mix of animal prints. Additionally, a black metal Jumpman on the ankle, a white midsole and black smoky translucent outsole round out the design.
20 października 202120 października 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
This Air Jordan 5 features a Black, Racer Blue, and Reflective Silver color combination. According to an initial sketch, the titular tone animates lace toggles, Jumpman branding on the tongue and heel, the tongue's lining and most of the midsole. Previous Jordans that've utilized the vibrant hue have done so sparingly. Highlighting the pair, we have Silver on the tongue with a 3M finish while translucent mesh covers the panels and runs down the tongue. Lastly, a translucent icy Blue outsole finishes the look.
New Jordan 2022, Dressed in a Black, Racer Blue, and Reflective Silver color scheme. This Air Jordan 5 features a Black nubuck upper with Racer Blue accents on the Jumpman tongue, inner tongue, lace lock, midsole, and Jumpman on the heel. Like most Air Jordan 5 releases, the look is capped off with an icy translucent outsole. Next, Racer Blue adorns the Jumpman on the tongue, inside of the tongue, lace lock, most of the midsole, and Jumpman on the heel. Other details includes Sliver 3M reflective tongues atop an icy translucent outsole completes the design. As has become expected of Tinker Hatfield's third design for #23, the tongue dons a reflective finish, while outsoles include an icy composition meant to combat yellowing.
The Nike LeBron 19 is the nineteenth signature shoe in the LeBron James shoe legacy. Designed by Senior Footwear Designer Jason Petrie, the LeBron 19 features a new dual-chambered Air Max unit with a Zoom Air at the forefoot. A staple colorway to King James' signature line, the shoe wears a predominantly black color scheme combined with red accents on the Swoosh, the Flywire on the underlay, sock liner, and is featured prominently on the outsole. The silhouette starts off with a white over black synthetic textile grid upper with a plush black tongue featuring the King's crown emblem in yellow gold. The yellow gold hue continues along the outline of the tongue and ankle collar while white molded TPU overlays decorate the shoe from the eyestays to the heel.
13 września 202113 września 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Air Jordan 5 "Racer Blue" is a new colorway of the Jordan 5 that will be making its debut during February 2022. Dressed in a Black, Racer Blue, and Reflective Silver color scheme. Hints of blue emerge on the tongue, heel, lacing system, and midsole. For now, the offering features a black and semi-translucent sole unit. Overall, the model flaunts a black nubuck upper that is contrasted with Racer Blue accents throughout followed by sliver 3M reflective tongues and an icy translucent outsole to round out the design.
New Jordans Retro, Dressed in a Sail, Orange Blaze, Metallic Silver, and Black color scheme resembling the popular "Shattered Backboard" releases. This Air Jordan 5 features a Sail leather upper while the shoe's collar, quarter panel and tongue bottom are layered with textile mesh. "Orange Blaze" arguably steals the show as it animates Jumpman logos throughout the upper, as well as the bulk of the midsole. Lastly, the outsole's semi-translucent finish indulges in a slightly-yellowed makeup that both complements the upper's off-white look and delivers an "aged" aesthetic.
2020 Jordans, This Air Jordan 5 will come dressed in a Sail, Orange Blaze, Metallic Silver, and Black color combination. Leather paneling covers the remainder of the Jordans' uppers, save for the silhouette's signature profile windows. This is a first for the Jordan 5. Traditionally, it comes with either leather, nubuck, or suede (whichever the pair is constructed of). Reflective "Metallic Silver" takes over the top of the tongue, while hits of "Black" play a supporting role across the entirety of the pair. Additionally, the midsoles come painted with more orange exteriors and sit adjacent next to gray speckled spikes. Rounding off its design is a milky bottom with an orange tint.
17 lipca 202117 lipca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, The Off-White x Air Jordan 2 Low OG "Chicago" is a collaboration between Virgil Abloh's high fashion and streetwear brand and Jordan Brand on a vintage-inspired colorway of Michael Jordan's second signature shoe. Dressed in a mix of White, Sail, Red, and Grey. This Air Jordan 2 Low will come in a color blocking inspired by the Air Jordan 2 OG White and Varsity Red colorway. Other details will include exposed-foam collars, MJ's signature on the lateral side atop a vintage/aged midsole.
New Jordans Retro, Off-White's Air Jordan 2 Low honors the classic retro basketball shoe's 35-year anniversary by reimagining the model's original "Chicago" colorway in the brand's popular "new-vintage" aesthetic. Coming off the Air Jordan 5 styles and the women's Air Jordan 4, Virgil Abloh and his Off-White label will be releasing another Air Jordan collab, this time for an official Off-White x Air Jordan 2 Low during the fall season. The upper is constructed from white tumbled leather. Industrial-style Off-White branding is stamped onto the medial side of the shoe. Michael Jordan's signature appears on the collar of the lateral side. Red "Wings" branding resides on the white leather tongue and Off-White's signature "SHOELACES" detailing can be found on the black laces. The exposed foam padding found on the collar is consistent with the styling of Off-White's Air Jordan collaborations.
New Jordan 2022, Minute details aside, the colorway opts for a string of rather ordinary pastels, none of which specifically honor League of Legends or equally iconic IPs. Light, pale pinks cover the toe and mid-panel, while equally desaturated purples complement along the toe cap and heel. This offering of the LPL x Nike Air Force 1 Pixel comes with the poplar "Have A Good Game" theme. The text is debossed into the shoe's lateral side, while its left tongue label reads "Game On / Team Up." Rounding out the game-centric details are the branded insoles and pink translucent heel tabs. Elsewhere, the Swoosh insignia additionally arrives as cut-out designs atop the pixelated midsoles.
08 lipca 202108 lipca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
New Jordans Retro, Virgil Abloh is back with his unmissable Swoosh collabs, and this time, it's with Jumpman boots. Virgil Abloh's take on the classic Jordan Brand model, the upper of the shoe features a black leather base accented by hits of blue and marked with Michael Jordan's signature. This Off-White x Air Jordan 2 Low will feature a Black base paired with Blue accents and Red laces. It will also include same detailing such as Michael Jordan's signature on the lateral side, Off-White branding on the medial portion, exposed-foam collars atop a cracked midsole. Elevating the shoe are sole units that replicate the look of crumbling soles associated with vintage sneakers.
2020 Jordans, This Air Jordan 2 will kickstart another generation of Off-White Jordan partnerships by borrowing the mismatching aesthetics and fully contemporary engineering. The shoe goes black primarily, while some accents pop off boldly. This Air Jordan 2 Low comes dressed in a Black, Blue, and Grey color combination. Looking closer, it comes with Black across the base while Blue adorns the tongue branding, pipping, and wraps the heel. Red hits the laces with Orange on the tag and Michael Jordan's signature on the lateral side. Among many iconic Off-White features, the Virgil Abloh signature, plastic hang-tag, and the product details on the sidewall are noticeable. The theme basically goes full monochrome with pitch-black. As a result, the blue and yellow accents can jump out. Off-White's branding covers the medial, exposed foam collar, and a cracked midsole finishes the look.
Latest Nike Jordan Sneakers, This Air Jordan 1 Low features a White leather base with Orange overlays and Black covering the laces, Wings heel logo and Swooshes. A White midsole atop an Orange rubber outsole completes the design. Patterns on the Swoosh and heel panels appear to pay homage to Latin America, as well as the words "Siempre Familia" ("Always Family" in Spanish) and skull detailing printed on the insoles. A lizard motif on the lateral heel atop a translucent outsole completes the design.
04 lipca 202104 lipca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
2021 Ray-Ban Sunglasses has long stood at the fore of the eyewear industry with its innovations in design: The pioneers know best-if you want the perfect eyeglasses, go to the masters. First produced for the U.S. Air Force, Ray-Ban has been making iconic sunglasses since 1937. With a rich pop culture history, Ray-Ban has gained global recognition, a cult fan-base and A-list credentials. Bold eyeglasses featuring bright colors, transparent frames styles, or two-tone hues satisfy trendsetting tastes. Reach for a throwback rockabilly Clubmaster frame, or try a thick-rimmed contemporary/classic mashup. FramesDirect offers an impressive collection of Ray-Ban eyeglasses for men and women.
Latest Ray-Ban Sunglasses, Explore our Ray-Ban eyeglasses collection for men and women to find glasses that speak to a wide range of tastes. Seen on everyone from military figures to celebrity icons, Ray-Ban has been a steadfast name in the world of eyewear since the 1930s. This well-rounded prescription eyewear collection includes the classic Ray-Ban Aviator, Wayfarer, and Clubmaster, along with updated styles that riff on the originals, and fresh eyeglasses designs featuring contemporary influences. Edgy, modern iterations of these popular styles complement an offbeat fashion sense. Opt for classic frames in Aviator, Wayfarer or Clubmaster styles. Dramatic cat-eye frames and bold geometric silhouettes satisfy fashion whims, while round wire-rimmed glasses and sophisticated semi-rimless styles speak to more refined tastes.
Top Fashion Sunglasses, With retro inspiration, the new Ray-Ban collection aims to be authentic and refined in order to fit all genders. You won't want to take them off! The brand creates a range which aims to be "eternal" with simple and timeless frames. The classic models reminiscent of the 50s of the last century are expanded with the latest trends. The lines are simple, the stridency is deliberately avoided and the just sobriety is preferred, but with that touch of originality so typical of the brand. The iconic international brand, Ray-Ban, leader in the creation of Thus was born the original Ray-Ban Hexagonal RB3548N model. A new original and innovative design that Visiofactory team wanted to add to his collection of Ray-Ban sunglasses.
23 czerwca 202123 czerwca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 4 took off where the Air Jordan 3 left off. Tinker Hatfield's second masterpiece for his Airness featured more aggressive design language which has withstood the test of time since its release in 1989. Dressed in a Black, White, and Red color scheme. This Air Jordan 4 will look similar to the "Thunder" Air Jordan 4, though the original Yellow has been replaced for Red. Fabric all across the Air Jordan's upper boasts a pitch-black arrangement that allows for the scarlet contrast found underneath the mesh profile windows and tongue, and at the TPU laceguards to revel in the spotlight. Underfoot, the bulk of the midsole also partakes in the eye-catching tone, while Jumpman logos on the tongue label and heel opt for a white look. Other details will include a Black nubuck upper with White detailing on the branded areas atop a Black rubber sole.
Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses Outlet is one of, if not the top, sunglasses brands worldwide. With a long history of high-quality, high-class frames, these industry giants are among our most popular brands for a reason. At SmartBuyGlasses UK, we stock hundreds of different frames, including Ray-Ban Wayfarers, Ray-Ban Clubmasters, aviators and more. Born out of necessity in 1937, Ray-Ban has been at the leading edge of developing high quality sunglasses to protect pilots from the sun's harsh rays. Since then, Ray-Ban has been the eyewear of choice for visionaries and cultural creators everywhere to express their fearless and most authentic selves. Macready desperately needed sunglasses that would a) protect his men's eyes from the blinding light levels at high altitude and b) not fog up. Visibility was a must. They developed a prototype in 1936, with plastic frames and glare-removing green lenses.
2020 Jordans, For the last 20+ years, the Air Jordan 4 has been celebrated and reimagined in a plethora of ways as just one of the many embodiments of MJ's winning mentality along with Tinker's innovative and fashion-forward craftsmanship. Dressed in a mix of White, Tech Grey, Black, and Fire Red. A rendering of the model produced also suggests that the model will don a black nubuck upper with contrasting red accents throughout followed by a black rubber sole to round out the design. This Air Jordan 4 features an all-White tumbled leather upper detailed with speckled Cement Grey on the plastic eyelets and midsole. A solid Grey Jumpman on the heel, Red Jumpman logos on the tongues, insole and outsole atop a White rubber sole completes the design.
05 maja 202105 maja 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, In addition to the Travis Scott x Fragment x Air Jordan 1 High OG, the trio will also be releasing an Air Jordan 1 Low collaboration during Fall 2021. Like mentioned, this low-top Air Jordan 1 features a similar color theme as the Air Jordan 1 High. Utilizing White leather across the base while a mixture of Blue and Royal Blue adorns the overlays. Rich pops of blue are introduced into the mix via the collar lining, Nike Air tongue tag and heel. Besides the signature backwards Swoosh, there's also a wealth of special branding on the heel: debossed fragment design hits are present on both the left and right shoes, while a white Cactus Jack logo is embroidered on the left shoe and the right shoe retains an OG ball-and-wings logo.
Cheap Jordans For Girl 2021, Having a similar color blocking as the Air Jordan 1 High, this low-top Air Jordan 1 features a White leather base with Blue and Royal Blue overlays. Quarters and toeboxes are constructed of white leather, with regular-sized medial Swooshes, mudguards, eyestays and heel tabs taking on black leather. We also have a stitched smiley face on the left heel with Hiroshi Fujiwara's Fragment lightning bolt is stamped on the right heel. Lastly, a Sail midsole and a Black rubber outsole finish the look.
2020 Jordans, This offering of the Nike Dunk Low features a Sage Green leather base with White tumbled leather overlays. The Green hue continues on the nylon tongues as well as White on the laces, inner lining, and midsole. This offering of the Air Jordan XXXV features Grey suede overlays and quilted collars adding for a nice premium touch with the rest of the shoe dressed in Black. Orange contrasting accents on the branded areas including the "Nike Air" tags in the rear atop a Cool Grey Eclipse plate at the midfoot and translucent outsole completes the design. Orange accents appear on the holographic tongue tags and Swooshes with an embroidered "NIKE" heel and lateral "NY vs NY" branding on the lateral. An icy translucent outsole with a scheduled of events listed underneath completes the design.
18 kwietnia 202118 kwietnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, At the top of the shoe is a "Nike Air" tongue tag colored in beige, matching the same tone as the shoe's smooth leather panels that appear around the eyelets, heel, sidewalls and toecap. The rest of the shoe's uppers are constructed in light cream canvas for some textural contrast. while a cream-hued base beautifully balances out the colour scheme. Tawny brown accents then fall on the sock liner, laces forefoot and durable rubber outsole underfoot completes the look. Other details like dark brown laces and a crisp white midsole complete the shoe's understated design.
Cheap Jordans For Girl 2021, Add in the speckle detailing around the Swoosh, which only accentuates the inner workings and the exposed nature of the shoe. This styling of the Kobe AD NXT FF (FastFit) feature a full printed upper in a blotchy-like design. Speckled detailing outlining the transparent Swoosh logo with Red contrasting accents atop a Light Blue rubber outsole completes the design.
Jordan Release 2020, The pair's flexible base, which consists of a lightweight, breathable mesh on the toe, flaunts the shade Wheat. Like those before it, the design cherishes subtlety. Only the colorway itself could be considered overt as it mirrors the team's own jerseys. Royal blue canvas marks atop the toe, eye stay, Swoosh, and strap, while white lines underneath in a smoother leather. Behind, the heel further accents with calligraphic text whose style is not too unlike the flags of the Dodgers themselves. Picnic cloth-reminiscent gingham also makes its way onto the newest Air Max option, overtaking the inner lining, label on the tongue and pull tab at the heel; a keychain accessory packaged with the shoes also features a gingham ribbon.
11 kwietnia 202111 kwietnia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker and Kevin Durant are getting ready to debut his 14th signature shoe, the KD 14 during the Spring/Summer months. As you can see, the pair will incorporate a mid-foot strap that was first seen on the Nike KD 7. Furthermore, the medial side features a cage that resembles the Air Presto with the number 14. Other highlights include a Swoosh on the mid-foot strap and Durant's KD logo on the tongue.
2020 Jordans, Durant, who's been a Nike athlete since signing what was at the time the second-largest rookie endorsement deal in basketball history in 2007, has enjoyed much success with his signature line. Ahead of a formal reveal, product images of the Nike KD 14 have surfaced online. Fans of the line's older models will be pleased to know Durant's 14th shoe includes the return of a midfoot support strap, a feature that hasn't been seen since 2014's KD 7. Shown here are two previewed colorways of the Nike KD 14, which brings back its mid-foot strap that was first debuted on the Nike KD 7. Another new feature is a medial cage that resembles to the Air Presto. And in his return, Durant will be debuting the Nike KD 14 - the newest model in his signature sneaker line with The Swoosh.
Jordan Release 2020, For perspective, he's been lacing up Nike kicks with his name on them since his first season as a Seattle Supersonic. A 14th signature shoe is extremely rare in the sneaker business and puts Durant in the same breath with LeBron James and Kobe Bryant as some of the other names with lines that have thrived for at least that long. Dressed in a Fire Pink, Gym Red, Mocha, White, Royal Blue, and Black color scheme. Sample photos of Parra's latest Nike SB Dunk Low have surfaced featuring a mismatched design in a mix of Dark Mocha suede with abstract patterns and White leather overlays. Blue inner lining atop a White rubber sole completes the design. The shoe also features an engineered mesh upper, which means that graphics can be uniquely layered for detailed colorway options, covering topics like art, music and more so expect a number of exciting colorways from Durant as the regular season unwinds and the playoffs get underway.
31 marca 202131 marca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
To celebrate this year's Easter Sunday, Buy The Sneaker will be releasing a special edition Air Jordan 12 Low for the occasion. Although the low-top proposition hasn't won over the masses (as evidenced by public criticism of the pair prepped for Super Bowl LV), its latest style has garnered attention for its clean aesthetic. Dressed in a White and Multi-Color color scheme. This low-top Air Jordan 12 features a White leather upper paired with matching overlays, embroidered tongue branding, and laces. A Black heel tab, iridescent eyelets and side panels atop an icy outsole completes the design. the low-top Jordan 12 taps into Michael Jordan's legacy while delivering a look and build perfect for the warmer months of the year.
Cheap Jordans For Girl 2021, Atlanta-based boutique A Ma Maniere has teamed up with Jordan Brand to release an upcoming Air Jordan 3 collaboration for 2021. including an outfit constructed out of white tumbled leather, grey suede, and various other premium materials. Elsewhere a vintage yellowed midsole and eyelets help to elevate this collaborative model's overall aesthetic. This Air Jordan 3 features a combination of White tumbled leather, Grey suede, and other premium materials, that also comes with a vintage aesthetic with the Yellowed midsole and eyelets. Quilted lining, and co-branding on the tongues completes the design.
Jordan Release 2020, The continued popularity of Nike's Air Max line results from a balance of design and value. No matter if your silhouette of choice is the Air Max 1, the AM270, or any model in between, there's a perfect pair to match your budget. Final details include a quilted lining and co-branding on the tongue tabs; the left-foot spotlights A Ma Maniére's logo, while the right foot sports Jordan Brand's ubiquitous Jumpman insignia.
15 marca 202115 marca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, After images of the fragment Design x Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low were spotted on the Houston rapper, Travis added to the cross-collaboration hype as he wore a speculated fragment Design x Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 High. Elsewhere, the colorway retains a loose connection to heritage palettes, choosing shades of black, white, and Royal Blue. The latter dons the ankle flaps, counter, and toe, contrasting the dark neutrals that dye the tongue labels, check, and collar. Elsewhere, the lighter white shades fill in the blank, found in nylon as well as tumbled leather materials.
New Jordans, Travis Scott continues to flex his credentials as earth's preeminent sneaker collaborator, the Houston rapper now linking up with Hiroshi Fujiwara's Fragment Design for the Air Jordan 1. the collaboration is manufactured with premium tumbled leather, with the Reverse Swoosh on both sides of the sneaker providing the most salient design choice. Cactus Jack branding on the tongue and stitched up smiley face on the left heel reinforce Travis Scott's aesthetic language, while Fragment Design's double lightning bolt motif strikes the heel. The upper is made up of tumbled white, blue, and black leather, giving the shoe an overall premium feel, while more Cactus Jack branding appears on the tongue.
Jordan Release 2020, The shoe features a premium tumbled leather upper in white but is paired with Fragment's signature blue accents and the large reverse Swoosh on the sides pulled from Scott's pair. With rumours long circulating on the Internet, sneakerheads have been salivating over the Travis Scott x Fragment x Air Jordan 1 ever since it was initially teased. Most notably, the pair features a reversed Swoosh logo on both sides of the sneaker, while the fragment design lightning bolt logo found on the heel only appears once - the other foot now features the Cactus Jack symbol. The reverse swoosh design from the earlier Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 model from 2020 is also featured, this time rendered in tumbled white and military blue.
11 marca 202111 marca 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, Like latest LeBron PE releases, this pair is delivered in a mismatched Lakers palette of purple and gold (even the Air bubbles), with black dealing with a lot of the different work on the shoe. Featuring a mis-matching upper, the collaborative effort arrives with the left shoe dripped in gold and the right pair doused in purple. Opposing colors mirroring each's alternate pair accent the pair, as evidenced through the throat. Notably, the Air Max silhouette tributes Lebron's historic career through an added "2" and "3" on the forefoot. His signature crown branding is featured on the tongue.
New Jordans, This LeBron James iteration of the Nike Air Max 95 features a mismatched design, having the left shoe dressed in Gold, and the right in Purple. Each come with Purple and Gold accents, respectively, on the eyelets, heel, and Air bubbles. One shoe is dressed in purple while the other arrives in Lakers gold. Each is detailed in contrasting Lakers detailing while black accents are added universally throughout. A black midsole is placed on the bottoms while matching purple/gold Air units add comfort to the soles. To solidify the design, LeBrons accomplishments are placed throughout that highlight the star's career thus far while a special LeBron Lakers Air Max box holds the shoes.
Jordan Release 2020, Dressed in a mismatched Lakers colorway, this Nike Air Max 95 has the left shoe dressed in gold/yellow and the right shoe done in purple. Each footwear characteristic LeBron's emblem on the tongue, in addition to customized outsoles printed together with his quantity and lengthy listing of profession accomplishments. Every pair is packaged in a particular LeBron version of the OG Air Max 95 field. Both the left and right shoe come with contrasting accents done in the color of the other shoe. The defining features is a translucent outsole with LeBron's career accolades such as the number of titles he's won, MVP awards, All-Star appearances, Gold medals, etc. To top it off, the edition is dressed in a Los Angeles Lakers theme which has detailed accomplishments the King has acquired over the past couple of years he's been on an NBA court.
02 lutego 202102 lutego 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Jordan Release 2020, The Air Jordan 4 "University Blue" is a brand new colorway of Michael Jordan's fourth signature shoe that will be releasing in 2021. The shoe's construction features OG mesh netting on the quarter panel and tongue bottom with recognizable cement splatter on the midsole, heel tabs and wings and is completed by a woven jock tag on the tongue. This model comes in new packaging and is available in men's and grade school sizing.
Air Jordan 4 is the fourth pair of genuine basketball shoes in the Nike Jordan series. It was born in 1988. It is a very classic of the Air Jordan series. This series has a soul and a net-like shoe on the Air Jordan 4 upper. The buckle is famous all over the world. Air Jordan 4 is inextricably linked with the Air Flight89 launched in the same year. The same outsole and midsole design provide adequate shock absorption and lateral support. Although it looks slightly bulky now, it is relatively For the cushioned basketball shoes at that time, the midsole of this series has been sufficiently lightweight.
2019 Jordan, Part of the Jordan Brand Spring 2021 Retro Footwear Collection, this Air Jordan 4 gets covered in a University Blue genuine suede leather upper and combines premium materials with a classic Jumpman color scheme. Releasing OG colourways such as the White Cement, Black Cement, Military Blue and Fire Red, all of these sneakers have gone down as classics of the modern sneaker era. Dressed in a University Blue, Tech Grey, White, and Black color scheme. With University Blue genuine suede leather upper, this new rendition of the Air Jordan 4 combines premium materials with a classic Jumpman color scheme. The shoe's construction features OG mesh netting on the quarter panel and tongue bottom with recognizable cement splatter on the midsole, heel tabs and wings and is completed by a woven jock tag on the tongue.
25 stycznia 202125 stycznia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Air Jordan 9 Womens, This exclusive model marks the first time Jordan Brand has introduced the Air Jordan 9 to its women's line, and it does so in style. Using vegetable-tanned materials and natural plant-based dyes, the pair sports a myriad of textures and tones in a mismatched fashion. Dressed in a White, Desert Berry, Healing Orange, and Cactus Flower color scheme. The Air Jordan 9, which was originally released during Michael Jordan's first retirement from basketball, tells an international story that uses the shoes' outsoles as its canvas. Through distinct global graphics and words in different languages, the shoe illustrates MJ's impact and influence around the world. Similar to the Air Jordan 9 "University Blue" releasing this December, the upper is suspected to be all white with splashes of the aforementioned colors. Look for the sneaker to also include a mixture of materials, including suede or patent leather.
New Jordans, The Air Jordan 9 "Change The World" takes part of Jordan Brand's Air Jordan Spring 2021 lineup, which marks the first time the model will release in a women's exclusive colorway. The shoe also employs unique colors on both shoes using vegetable-tanned materials and natural plant-based dyes. There are some consistencies, though, with white leather uppers, navy tongues and rear pulls, and uniform white rubber outsole. Each shoe features their own respective accentuation, the right with soft orange, the left in lemon, while overlaying panels each come dyed in its own unique color.
Jordan Release 2020, The Air Jordan 4 "University Blue" is a brand new colorway of Michael Jordan's fourth signature shoe that will be releasing in 2021. Dressed in a College Navy, Wolf Grey, and University Red color scheme. This Dunk Low features a Navy leather base with Grey overlays, while having a Metallic Silver finish used on the laces and inner lining. Red detailing covers the branded tongue labels and "NIKE" embroidered heels completed with a White midsole and translucent outsole. The shoe's construction features OG mesh netting on the quarter panel and tongue bottom with recognizable cement splatter on the midsole, heel tabs and wings and is completed by a woven jock tag on the tongue.
21 stycznia 202121 stycznia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, First released in 2011, the colorway celebrates both the Black Mamba himself as well as Los Angeles, the exhibition game's host city that year. Paying tribute to the West's signature team colors, this Nike Kobe 6 Protro features a Red and Black equipped with the classic snakeskin texture throughout the upper. White Swooshes on the sides atop a matching colored midsole and translucent outsole completes the design. Underneath, a subtle gradient further accents, embellished over top with the aforementioned as well as a more unassuming white swoosh. Elsewhere, supports along the heel dress down in black shade, matching that of the midsole as well as the tongue and lining above.
Nike Shoes released the Nike Kobe 5 Protro and had some solid color options release and to follow-up, the brand is bringing the Kobe 6 to the Protro line, which will start early 2021. A layer under, a subtle gradient dresses throughout the upper, darkening mostly at the edges in a fashion similar to a vignette. Behind, the heel counter, tongue, and midsole are treated to a polished black, while the rest of the tooling below contrasts in white and then an icy blue. Black and red laces nod to the game's year and location with "2011" and "LA" on the left and right foot's fused deubres, while more branding is provided by Kobe's Kill Bill-inspired sheath logo on the tongue and his signature in silver on the black heel clip.
Jordan Release 2020 will be releasing a new Air Jordan 1 High OG returning in the classic Chicago Bulls colors during the Fall 2021 season. Air Zoom Turbo will be hidden in the forefoot, a softer, responsive foam will furnish the heel, and the tread will arrive with an improved traction pattern. A red synthetic material serves as the base on the upper's toebox and midfoot, interspersed with spray paint-like dashes of black and covered by the Kobe 6's signature scaly snakeskin print. Mesh throats and leather heels alike are done up in black, with midfoot Swooshes presented in white for a touch of airy contrast. However, you can expect this Air Jordan 1 to feature its original "Nike Air" branding and Wings logo.
15 stycznia 202115 stycznia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 13 had a strong 2020 thanks to the return of the Air Jordan 13 "Flint" that came back with its signature reflective upper. It appears that Jordan Brand has more up its sleeve for the AJ13 as a familiar look appears on the silhouette. Dressed in a White, Obsidian, and Dark Powder Blue color scheme. This Charlotte Hornets-themed Air Jordan 13 features a White leather upper with Dark Blue underlays along with Light Blue accents on the tongue's Jumpman logo and rubber outsole.
Buy The Sneaker, The Air Jordan 13 "Dark Powder Blue" is a brand new colorway of the Jordan 13 that will be releasing as part of Jordan Brand's Spring/Summer 2020 lineup. Viewable via mock-up, the offering is of a relatively simple design, its upper composed primarily of white neutrals. These dress the quilted side panel as well as the toe box in different textures along with the lace unit and parts of the tooling. to further complement - though with lighter pigment - the aforementioned Dark Powder Blue finishes the thread of the Jumpman at the tongue, the backdrop of the vamp logo, and the outer edges of the tread. The shoe is set to arrive in mid-August 2021, making it great for the fall and winter months with its cooler hues for the perfect balance.
Off-White Shoes, This Off-White x Air Jordan 1 comes dressed in a mix of White and Yellow featuring its signature deconstructed design like exposed foam, stitched on Swoosh logos, and the signature zip tie done in Black that reads "2020". Other notable releases for the weekend includes Nike's "Rayguns" collection, and a pair of heart-themed Ultra Boost 4.0 DNA colorways. Highlighting the weekend are the "Starfish" Air Jordan 13 and "Yecoraite" Yeezy Boost 380. Its upper comes constructed in mesh, leather and suede materials completed with "Nike Air" tongue tags, branded laces and "AIR" markings on the midsole.
08 stycznia 202108 stycznia 2021 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 3 "Midnight Navy" is a brand new colorway of Michael Jordan's third signature shoe that will be releasing early 2021. Instead, it's the simple colorway doing the talking as it opts for an OG-style package of materials with tumbled leather in navy, the iconic cement grey elephant print, and and matching accents on the perforated ankle, lace collar, and tongue. Georgetown University's relationship with Jordan Brand shines once again on this upcoming Air Jordan 3 Retro, albeit on an unofficial level.
This would be the second year in a row that Jordan Brand delivers a college-themed Air Jordan 3 for March Madness, with this year's "UNC" Jordan 3 originally aligned to the 2020 tournament that was later canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Next year, though, the tournament should go ahead as planned, and Jordan Brand will be adding a Hoyas-themed offering for the occasion. Dressed in a Midnight Navy, Cement Grey, and White color scheme to give off a Georgetown Hoyas vibe. This Air Jordan 3 features a Navy tumbled leather base with Cement Grey overlays atop a White midsole and signature Grey-colored rubber sole.
Jordan Release 2020, Chicago-based sneaker boutique Notre has teamed up with Nike to release a new Dunk High collaboration entering the 2021 season. Rather than the original Orange, Red, and Caroline Blue, these Nike SB Dunk Low styles will come dressed in Hyper Blue, Mean Green, Black, and Barkroot Brown. Each pair will feature Gold stars on the side panels with croc skin overlays. Supreme branding will be found on the lacelocks and insoles. Both Nike Dunk High colorways features a leather build with shaggy suede overlays, leather interiors and dual tongue branding.
30 grudnia 202030 grudnia 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, In 2021, Nike Sportswear will be adding the OG-inspired Dunk Low "Michigan" to their massive lineup for the new year. Nike is set to release a massive Dunk lineup during the early months of 2021 that ranges from different color options of both the Dunk High and Dunk Low. This offering of the Nike Dunk Low features a Varsity Maize smooth leather upper with a signature perforated toe box and Midnight Navy overlays and Swoosh logos. Navy continues on the inner lining, laces, Yellow tongue tags, heels, and rubber outsole atop a White midsole to complete the design.
Nike SB Dunk, In December 2019, Virgil Abloh dropped his Off-White x Nike Dunk Low "Michigan" colorway, which was followed by the return of the "Michigan" Dunk High in September 2020. Part of the lineup will include this new "University Blue" offering of the Nike Dunk Low. It features a White smooth leather upper with a signature perforated toe box and University Blue overlays and Swoosh logos. The Blue color continues on the inner lining, laces, tongue tags, heels, and rubber outsole atop a White midsole to complete the design.
Jordan Release 2020, This offering of Ambush's Nike Dunk High sports an all-Pink premium leather upper with matching tonal branding and dual tongue tags. The highlight of the shoe is the rubber Swoosh logos on the sides that extends past the heel. Wednesday's lineup includes the Bodega x Nike Dunk High, "Lakers" LeBron 8, "X-Mas in LA" LeBron 18, the "Neon" Air Max 95 NDSTRKT and the auto lacing Air Jordan 11 Adapt. Releasing on New Year's Eve is the highlight anticipated "Yellow Toe" Reebok Question Mid.
28 listopada 202028 listopada 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
As a nod those coaches, Buy The Sneaker will be releasing a special edition Air Jordan 1 "To My First Coach" Collection in 2021. Every athlete remembers their first coach, as they typically hold a special place in each of their hearts paving the way from them to become professional athletes. The collection includes the Air Jordan 1 Zoom Comfort, Air Jordan 1 Mid, and the Air Jordan 1 Low. Each pair comes dressed in a "Sail/White-Zitron-Summit White" color scheme. No leaked photos have surfaced, but these Air Jordan 1s will come completes with White Swooshes, laces, and midsole atop a Sail rubber outsole.
Shop Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, Gold plating at the Swoosh nods the league-wide ban on on-court jewelry, while flipped NBA logos showcase how ballers would once wear their headbands upside down - a now-banned move by the Association. Perforations on the toe box and quarter panel form a straight line, while translucent gummy Swooshes wrap around the heel to form a makeshift pull tab. An upside-down Nike logo on the tongue tag delivers a subversive touch. The high-top rides on a translucent midsole, supported underfoot by a white rubber outsole.
Nike Shoes, The Slam Jam x Nike Dunk High comes in your choice of "White/Clear-Pure Platinum" or "White/Clear-Black" color schemes. Details on both models include upside-down tongue branding, transparent, gummy Swooshes that touch at the heel in a unique branding element. Finally, duct tape on the rear branding is a direct reference to both JR Smith and Lonzo Ball, who had to cover up their branded ink on the court. Many options of Highs and Lows have already surfaced in this aesthetic, with the latest here, a Celtic-inspired High, complete in soft green leather, black straps, metallic gold detail, and timeless gum rubber outsoles.
17 listopada 202017 listopada 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 4 was the second chapter in what would be a long novel of one-of-a-kind creations from Tinker Hatfield engineered for no one other than Michael Jordan. The AJ4 would headline the 1988-1989 season in which Jordan and the Chicago Bulls were just one series win short of reaching their first NBA Finals appearance with his Airness at the helm. Branding appears in the form of a red Jumpman on the tongue tag and the red "Nike Air" logo on the back of the shoe. A black mudguard and white midsole with a visible Air unit in the heel put the finishing touches on this timeless look for the Jordan 4. The rest of the shoe is also as close to the original as possible, which includes a return to the "OG" shape and color scheme. The upper features smooth white leather on the toe, collar, and heel. White netting can be found on both the throat and mid-panel. The eyelets, liner, and outsole are done up in Fire Red as a salute to the original look.
Nike Shoes, Dressed in a Silver, Light Graphite, Orange Peel, and Sport Red color scheme. Re-releasing for the first time since 2007, this Air Jordan 3 returns with true-to-form coloring and upgraded materials. Though relatively true-to-form in color, the pair upgrades its materials dramatically. Premium genuine leathers outfit much of the upper in the grey neutral, while the midsole complements a bit darker with its matted finish. With hits of Sport Red and Orange Peel on the tongue, eyelets, Air bag and heel tab, the upgraded construction features a genuine leather upper, matte-finished midsole and elephant print overlays on the forefoot and heel.
2020 Jordans, Straightforward in its homage, the pair leads with a woven jock tag at the tongue, further nodding to collegiate sports outside of its color alone. The uppers look set to be crafted from supple suede for a premium-quality feel throughout, while synthetic and mesh panels create a textured look.
TagiTagi: 2020 fire red air jordan dc7770-160 hot sale 
23 października 202023 października 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
The Air Jordan 3 Retro "Court Purple" brings subtly vibrant accents to its classic construction. Built with tumbled leather, the upper features a black base, highlighted by Court Purple on the collar, eyelets and midsole. It features a Black leather base with elephant print overlays paired with Purple around the collar and midsole. Other details includes a border around the Jumpman silhouette in Orange atop a White midsole and Grey rubber outsole.
Air Jordan 3, For Friday the lineup includes a retro of the Reebok Kamikaze 2, two colorways of the Comme des Garçons x Nike Air Force 1 Mids, the "Lakers" LeBron 18, "Clear Jade" Nike ISPA Road Warrior, and the "Black Concord" Air Jordan 12. Elephant print marks the forefoot and heel, while the inner tongue and branding add further color to the look. Visible Air in the heel provides cushioning. This offering of the Nike Blazer Mid features a clean White leather upper with Dark Turquoise covering the Swooshes and heels. Its signature padded tongues atop a solid White rubber sole completes the design.
2020 Jordans, Wacko Maria (aka Guilty Parties), a Japanese label established in 2005, will be putting their own spin on the classic Nike SB Blazer Low skate shoe. Dressed in a Veneer, Autumn Green, and Deep Purple color scheme. This Nike Dunk Low will stay true to the original, featuring a premium suede upper with a Brown base, Green overlays and Purple accents atop a White midsole. the shop opted to cover the shoe's Swooshes in snakeskin print while adding stitched graphics on the heel. A co-branded sockliner gives this look its finishing touch.
06 października 202006 października 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Since 1988, the Air Jordan 3 has been a favorite for both Jordan Brand and consumers. The AJ3 was the beginning of a new chapter as Tinker Hatfield took the reigns on Michael Jordan's signature shoe line and elevated it to an entirely new echelon. The shoe was created by Tinker Hatfield and Dan Sunwoo as a special project in Nike's Innovation Kitchen. 서울 (Seoul) is featured on the left inner tongue, while the 1988 summer games motto 화합과 전진 (Harmony and Progress) is featured on the right inner tongue. The heel reads "Nike Air" in a clear nod to the original Air Jordan 3.
2021 New Jordan, Three decades and change later, the Air Jordan 3 continues to prove its superiority thanks to limited colorways and collaborations. The Taegukgi (Korean flag) inspires the shoe's overall color scheme, with the "taeguk" symbol expressed through the lining and collar's blue and red and the white upper representing peace and purity (as it does on the flag). While this Air Force 1 isn't part of the latest 3M collection, it does includes comes with a reflective material covering its entire upper. The rest of this Nike Air Force 1 Low features a Cream-colored upper with crisp White laces, tongues, inner lining and rubber outsole. Tonal branding throughout with Pink insoles completes the design.
Buy The Sneaker, Going over this Nike SB Dunk High, it features a Mallard duck theme and is rumored to pay tribute to "Make Way for Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey, the official children's book of Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This Nike SB Dunk High comes in a Mallard duck theme possibly paying homage to "Make Way for Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey which is the official children's book of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It features a mix of materials used throughout the upper along with the bird printed on the sock liner. Other details includes Concepts' "C" logo on the inside of the tongue which finishes the look.
10 września 202010 września 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker will be releasing an all-new Air Jordan 12 "Game Royal" colorway as part of their Fall 2019 lineup. It features a Black leather upper and contrasting Game Royal nubuck panels with a pebbled texture. Black rope laces, matching leather tongue with Blue accents on the "Two 3" text and Jumpman logo. Further details includes Jordan branding on the heel tab and heel spine with a Black "23" logo on the Blue rubber midsole.
Dressed in a Black and Game Royal color scheme. This Air Jordan 12 has a similar look as the "Flu Game" Air Jordan 12s, but replaces the Varsity Red with Game Royal. Dressed in a White, Amarillo, Metallic Gold, and Midnight Navy color scheme. No leaked photos have surfaced, but this Air Jordan 12 will come in Michigan Wolverines colors. It has yet to be confirmed if it will have anything to do with the school or not, but the color blocking is a clear nod.
Jordan Release 2020 will be celebrating the FIBA Basketball World Cup, an international basketball competition contested by the senior men's national teams of the members of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), with the Air Jordan 12. This Air Jordan 12 features a football-inspired textured leather upper paired with White overlays, midsole, and outsole. Other details includes Black laces, back heel tabs, along with Michael Jordan's signature on the tongues. Metallic Gold accents add for a luxurious touch, while having turf in the translucent traction pods on the outsole. This Air Jordan 12 features elements from the national flag embossed on the lateral side panel of the shoe. The five Chinese characters meaning "Love The Game" read below the heel strap.
22 sierpnia 202022 sierpnia 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Much like Nike has done in the past, the Nike Air Force 1 is the latest model releasing with alternating Swoosh logos. As you can see this Nike Air Force 1 Low comes with White smooth leather across the upper while Red and Black lands on the tumbled leather Swooshes on the panels which alternate. Heel tabs and tongues arrive in semi-typical form, the latter adding bits of the aforementioned colors to its blank space; insoles, in more interesting fashion, then finish with a maximal all-over print replete of brushed rectangles.
Nike Shoes continues their tie-dye theme with this new iteration of the Air Force 1 Low for the summer months. Nike will add more models that will come with alternating Swoosh logos and the next model to receive the treatment is the Air Force 1. This offering of the Nike Air Force 1 Low features a White smooth leather upper paired with Red and Blue alternating tumbled leather Swooshes on the sides. Branded tongues and heels atop a Black rubber outsole with a brick-like design on the insole completes the design. This Nike Air Force 1 features a White leather base covered fully in a tie dye pattern. A White midsole atop a solid Black rubber sole completes the design.
2021 New Jordan, This offering the Air Force 1 Sage Low features a fully covered Barely Volt upper with a lighter shade appearing on the heel. White outlines the side Swooshes completed with an all-White rubber sole. This Nike Air Force 1 features a Platinum Grey upper with exposed stitching highlighted with Volt Swooshes and heels. The recycled Crater Foam and other sustainable materials are used throughout the toe, midsole and rubber outsole. The Swoosh, which switches tones from lateral to medial, shines spotlight on red as it dresses the exterior while the brighter blue lies more subtle as it sprawls along the inside of both feet.
TagiTagi: latest nike air force low black tie-dye 2020 
07 sierpnia 202007 sierpnia 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker, Inspired by 2005's lauded Undefeated x Nike Dunk High collab, the Air Jordan 1 High OG "Bio Hack" is crafted from various colored panels ranging from "Baroque Brown," black, "Laser Orange," and "Racer Pink," the same color scheme as the aforementioned Undefeated x Nike Dunk High. This Air Jordan 1 is inspired by Japan's fast-paced capital city featuring a suede build with leather appearing on the Blue toe. Pink liner and branding tongue label, Orange tongues atop a Mint Green midsole and Black rubber outsole completes the design.
Jordan Release 2020, Rounding out the overall look is a pink liner, orange tongue, and a mint green midsole and rubber outsole. In 2005, LA's Undefeated linked up with the Swoosh on the slimmer "NL" - No Liner - Dunk for a creative take on the. Right in the midst of the SB Dunk Low's prime, the vibrant colors and premium materials on UNDFTD's efforts perfectly encapsulated collaborations of the era, yet stood alone as an audacious piece. The Tier 0 release was limited to just 5000 pairs worldwide and still remains a grail for many, with pairs fetching one stack or more on the aftermarket.
Buy New Jordans, Chicago-based sneaker boutique Notre has teamed up with Nike to release a new Dunk High collaboration during the holiday season. For the suede they took hints from the really thick but plush suede's like whats found on Birkenstock sandals, and for the mesh they wanted an old school mesh like the OG sneakers of the 80's. Both the Air Jordan 4s comes with stitched tongues that can be easily removed to reveal a normal tongue size depending on your preference. They come built with a mix of suede and mesh fabrics.
Union LA has officially revealed its Air Jordan collection that includes two Air Jordan 4 colorways, the Jordan Delta Mid, and the Jordan Zoom 92. One pair comes dressed in "Pearl White/Blue Void-Grand Purple" and the other in a "Light Orewood Brown/Light Orewood Brown-White" makeup. Both Nike Dunk High colorways features a leather build with shaggy suede overlays, leather interiors and dual tongue branding.
18 czerwca 202018 czerwca 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Buy The Sneaker has just dropped a brand new women's-exclusive offering of the Air Jordan 1 Mid. While excluded from its brand's forthcoming Dior collaboration, the Air Jordan 1 Mid has continuously given enthusiasts of the model colorways to anticipate. Previously seen on the shortest Jordan 1, a black, white, and magenta ensemble now graces the mid-top retro.
Air Jordan 1 GS, Akin to a satin Air Jordan 1 from December, uppers on this women's pair feature black suede overlays along the forefoot and tongue and at the ankle and heel. The upper features white leather paneling on the toes and side paneling while black overlays contrast throughout the forefoot, toes and heels. Magenta then comes into play on the Nike Swoosh on the side paneling, ankles, Jumpman branding on the tongues, and the rubber outsole. This new offering will be loved by the ladies this Summer season, so don't hesitate on your chances at copping.
Buy New Jordans debuted the Jordan Delta earlier in the year, and now they continue to add to its lineup with another clean offering. Dressed in a White, Vast Grey, Deep Royal Blue, and Track Red color scheme. The shoe features a White mesh base with Grey suede overlays highlighted with Blue contrasting accents. A Red insole atop a React cushioned sole completes the design.
06 czerwca 202006 czerwca 2020 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy
Jordan Release 2020 looks to continue its footwear and apparel partnership with Ligue 1's Paris Saint-Germain into 2020 with another collection pegged for release this September, headlined by an Air Jordan 4. The upcoming PSG x Air Jordan 4 diverts from the team's classic red, white, and blue colors. Predominantly white upper graces the Air Jordan 4 as bordeaux, grey, and black make its away onto the shoe. Finishing details includes a "PANAME" text label on the lateral forefoot completed with the "PSG" badge on the heels.
Buy New Jordans, The Paris Saint-Germain and Jordan partnership speaks volumes about the overall growth and dominance of Jordan Brand. In a short period, the link-up between the Parisian football club and Jordan Brand has led to several PSG x Jordan Brand kits marking it as the first time the Jumpman logo has touched the pitch. This will be the third collaborative capsule between the two powerhouse brands, with 2018 seeing an Air Jordan 1 and an Air Jordan 5, and 2019 seeing special editions of the Air Jordan 6, Jordan Mars 270, and Air Jordan 1 Low.
Air Jordan 4 will be expanding its collaboration with Paris Saint-Germain in 2020 with an upcoming Air Jordan 4 "PSG" release. The AJ 4 will be no different, sporting PSG brands proudly accented with a lush wine colored Purple dubbed "Bordeaux." Not only does this color look great amongst the Light Grey, White and Black, it represents the famed wine-city in the South West of France. Black lines the collar, ankle stabilizer, tongue and heel tabs and rubber outsole. Meanwhile, Light Grey and White alternately make up the leather over and underlays.


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New Jordans 2017-2018


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