The ShibaSwap decentralized exchange offers several functions, including:
Providing a liquidity pool (Dig)
Cashing out liquidity pool tokens and redeeming BONE rewards (Woof)
Staking SHIB, LEASH and BONE or one or two of the tokens to receive BONE tokens (Bury)
Swapping between multiple assets (Swap)
Analytics dashboard to track interest rates and yield returns (Bonefolio)
Providing a liquidity pool (Dig)
Cashing out liquidity pool tokens and redeeming BONE rewards (Woof)
Staking SHIB, LEASH and BONE or one or two of the tokens to receive BONE tokens (Bury)
Swapping between multiple assets (Swap)
Analytics dashboard to track interest rates and yield returns (Bonefolio)
Now more and more people buy SHIBA inu coin from
Tagi: shiba