Tagi - sugar
2. Seeking Arrangement - the best reputation
3. Secret Benefits - the best combination for dads and babies
4. Sugar Daddy Meet - verified income feature
5. SugarDaddyForMe - the fastest way to find an arrangement
6. Ashley madison - no judgement sugar dating site
7. What's your price - best for women to price themselves
8. Millionaire Match - best for meeting super rich dads
9. Elite Singles - meet smart sugar babies and dads
10 RichMeetBeautiful - the safest and most discreet site
11. Miss Travel - best for sugar babies who like to travel
12. WealthyMen - the most straightforward sugar dating site
13. Age Match - looking for young women
A good sugar dating site makes sugar dating super easy. Sugar daddies and sugar mommies have quick access to a wide range of attractive young women and men interested in rich men or women. Each of these really big money sites above has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of these platforms are cheap, some are expensive, some have more male members and some have more sugar babies. You just need to choose the platform that may be useful to you personally according to your personal needs.
Main recommended sugar daddy sites:
Sugar Daddy Meet
Sugar Daddy Meet is an upscale website that places great emphasis on attracting quality male profiles from "the 20 richest countries in the world". The site focuses on verifying the success of successful men before asking them to search for sugar babies on the site.
The site has nearly four and a half million members and its history dates back to 2007. It is one of the most successful websites.
Overall, this SugarDaddyMeet has a smaller user base compared to its competitors; however, this is more a matter of quality than quantity!
Seeking Arrangement
Seeking Arrangement is the world's most popular dating site for sugar daddy site. It currently has about 10 million members from different countries, 80% of whom are sugar babies and about 20% are sugar daddies.
Seeking has nice features, in addition to overall popularity and a high female-to-male ratio. The site offers video chat, profile verification, wealth verification (which attracts the sugar babies) and a blog on sugar etiquette to help everyone out on their date. If you can afford "the best dating site" overall (and many can't) then it doesn't get better than Seeking.
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