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Tagi - location

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

GPS finds major use in most equipment and systems to provide location information instantly both in civilian and military applications. While GPS jammers have been created (specifically by the government, military organizations and spy or privacy gadget companies), most civilians do not have the technical capabilities to create their own home made devices. Most GPS Jammers are built for military uses, for instance, to confuse the enemy on where their exact location is or where the enemies GPS guided missiles or bombs will fall. It should be noted that most GPS jammers are illegal to build or use in many countries or localities due to the potential for misuse.

The availability of UAVs or drones with GPS capability also provides the capability for terrorists to have surveillance of potential target sites for reconnaissance. Jammers constitute an enemy force, and as the Chinese General Sun Tzu stated in the Art of War more than 2,000 years ago, battles will be won by knowing your enemy. Because GPS is nothing more than radio waves, these waves can be jammed, though technical devices and expertise are needed for that purpose. For instance, mobile signal jammer can confuse aircraft and other vehicle instruments, possibly causing mishaps.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The type of GPS jammer is Area Protection System against Satellite Navigated Hostile Threats which is a system designed to protect specific locations against missiles guided by GPS. Nevertheless, a certain number of jammers are in the hands of individuals around the world and they continue to be available from manufacturers and suppliers in certain countries. This information will also help in developing countermeasures that could be incorporated into GPS receivers to limit the impact of wifi jammer. It is much more difficult than just blocking a radio signal with basic radio interference.

Can provide cover for military signals from 10km to 150km and for civilian signals it varies between 30km to 350km. A team of researchers from Cornell University and the University of Texas at Austin reports on their analyses of the signal properties of 18 commercially available GPS jammers. In 2009, outages of a Federal Aviation Administration reference receiver at Newark Liberty International Airport close to the New Jersey Turnpike were traced to a $33, 200 milliwatt GPS jammer in a truck that passed the airport each day. However, there are a few civilian uses for jamming GPS signals including the ability to conceal oneself or one's vehicle in the case that it is being tracked by a GPS receiver.

Using triangulation, GPS can deliver the location to the receiver within centimeters of its exact spot. The use of GPS Systems helps terrorists to navigate on land in mountains, jungles or desert terrain thereby providing them with a high degree of mobility and action capability. These devices use the signal received from a minimum of three GPS navigational satellites or more to calculate the location information. Some GPS jammers state that they are only for civilian GPS jamming only; however, some military equipment must first sign onto the civilian GPS radio frequency in order to gain access to the military GPS frequency.

So, GPS jamming is a continuing threat both at home and abroad and a detailed understanding of how the available signal jammer work is necessary to judge their effectiveness and limitations. There is extensive use of GPS in military equipment and systems both on man-pack and vehicular basis enabling forces to move accurately during operations both during day and night. This provides them the capability to cause the death of both civilians and security forces as well as the destruction of property and infrastructure giving them high visibility for their cause.

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Tagi: exact location 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

If we perceive covert filming and counter-positioning tracking as a warfare between aggression and protection, as guardians of privacy, it is essential to accurately assess the situation on the battlefield.

Developed countries and regions worldwide are grappling with the persistent issue of location tracking. Additionally, the realm of candid photography has unveiled disconcerting patterns, characterized by an escalation in the frequency and reach of captured scenes.

South Korea stands out as a striking example of the surge in numbers. According to statistics provided by relevant Korean authorities, the incidents of location tracking and secret photography have experienced a significant upswing, escalating from 1,100 cases in 2010 to more than 6,000 cases last year.

According to the Hankyoreh Daily, an online survey was conducted in May by the Seoul City and the Tree Women's Human Rights Consulting Office. The survey targeted 1,500 Seoul citizens aged 19 to 59, and the results revealed that a significant majority of 70% of respondents expressed discomfort with instances of stalking violations in their daily lives.Moreover, 80% of female respondents feel uneasy about this, and 57% of male respondents feel uneasy about it, indicating that women are more panicked about stalking than men.

The detection and reporting of obvious illegal activities such as theft and fraud are more likely to occur in a timely manner due to their overt nature. Conversely, stalking cases pose a distinct challenge as they are typically concealed, making it uncommon for victims to identify and promptly notify the police.In the present year, over 20 instances of stalking have been exposed. It can even be argued that the victims were fortunate to uncover the tracking devices. Regrettably, a significant number of individuals are being subjected to stalking without their knowledge.

gps blocker device


The "strongest weapon" is yourself

Tracking poses as an intangible bomb, existing objectively and refusing to vanish swiftly. It is a menace that can befall anyone, irrespective of their preparedness. Should one be caught off guard or lack the ability to fend off such stalking, the aftermath will be both unimaginable and irreversible.

Enhanced supervision and punishment may be implemented, but candid photography cannot be eradicated completely. External safeguards can only offer limited effectiveness, both preceding and subsequent to the incident.Should the ongoing violation of candid filming "during the incident" go unnoticed, all external safeguards will prove to be mere illusions. Irrespective of the severity of the consequences, if the concealed location tracker remains undiscovered in the darkness, what steps can be taken to report the incident to the police?

Thus, rather than depending solely on strict laws, market supervision, or hotel management to eliminate all instances of illegal candid photography overnight, it is preferable for individuals to personally acquire practical and effective anti-tracking techniques and take necessary privacy protection actions "during the incident." Taking the initiative and assuming personal responsibility instead of relying on others is the most direct, efficient, and reassuring approach to safeguarding privacy.

The acquisition of privacy and security can be an arduous task, even with a greater expenditure. However, by personally mastering practical anti-location tracking skills, individuals can effectively safeguard their privacy irrespective of their location.

The anti-positioning and tracking signal jammer operates by emitting radio interference waves, effectively rendering the GPS locator useless within the designated electromagnetic band. This creates an electromagnetic environment similar to that of signal-blocking equipment, allowing you to effectively block tracking signals gps jammer and safeguard your privacy once and for all.




Posty: 346
Komentarze: 5
Perfectjammer Is A Professional Jammers Store, Main Business Is Various Types Of Jammers Wholesale And Retail, We Will Strive To Provide Your With Quality Product And The Cheapest Price.


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