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Tagi - crown

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy
ESO Crown is the virtual currency used in the game "The Elder Scrolls Online" (ESO). Players can purchase ESO Crowns using real-world money, and then use them to buy in-game items such as costumes, mounts, pets, and upgrades. ESO Crowns can also be used to purchase DLC (Downloadable Content) that expands the game's content and features. ESO Crowns are an important part of the game's microtransaction system and provide a way for players to customize and enhance their gameplay experience.

What ESO Crown Used for

ESO Crowns are used as a virtual currency in the game "The Elder Scrolls Online" (ESO) and can be used for various purposes. Here are some of the ways ESO Crowns are used in the game:

Purchasing in-game items: Players can use ESO Crowns to purchase cosmetic items, such as costumes, mounts, pets, and appearance change tokens. They can also buy in-game items such as potions, soul gems, and experience scrolls.

Buying DLC (Downloadable Content): ESO Crowns can be used to buy DLCs that expand the game's content and features. These DLCs include new zones, dungeons, quests, and storylines.

Upgrading to ESO Plus: ESO Plus is a subscription-based service that provides players with access to exclusive in-game benefits, such as a monthly allowance of ESO Crowns, access to all DLCs, and additional inventory space. Players can use ESO Crowns to purchase a subscription to ESO Plus.

Gifting: ESO Crowns can be gifted to other players in the game.

Overall, ESO Crowns are an important part of the game's microtransaction system and provide players with additional options for customizing and enhancing their gameplay experience.Some items in the Crown Store can be quite expensive, and it is important to consider the value of the item before making a purchase. It is also very important to choose a safe and reliable merchant to buy, I recommend you our ESO Crown for Sale with fast delivery

Tagi: eso crown sale itemd2r 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  ESO Gold
Crown Crates are item bundles obtainable from the Crown Store containing four or five collectibles and utility ESO Crown Store randomly chosen from a certain pool. Crown Crates are opened from the Crown Crate UI , which summons Pacrooti. Opening a Crate will result in Pacrooti dealing four cards, which can then be turned over to reveal your rewards. "Preview Crates" grant only three rewards.

What Happens If You Get Duplicate Items From Crown Crates In ESO?

If you obtain a duplicate item that you already own in the Crown Crates in ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online), then you will simply get rewarded with crown gems instead.

Duplicate Item Gems Amount:

132 Gems for Apex Rewards (Except Resplendent Sweetroll, which gives 400 Gems).

33 Gems for Legendary Rewards

13 Gems for Epic Rewards

5 Gems for Superior Rewards

1 Gem for Fine Rewards

1 gem for Common Rewards

To open your purchased Crown Crates, follow the process for your platform below:


Navigate to the Crown Crates menu by pressing [F3].

Select the crates you wish to open and press [E].


Navigate to the main menu by pressing [Menu].

Navigate to the Crown Crates option and press [A].

Select the crates you wish to open and press [A].


Navigate to the main menu by pressing [Options].

Navigate to the Crown Crates option and press [X].

Select the crates you wish to open and press [X].

Once opened, your new items will be automatically added to your inventory or collections, and any Crown Gems received will be added to your totals.

Gold is free in-game currency while Crowns cost the player real-world money. However, buying Crowns using gold does not mean a player is able to buy the Crown directly using Gold. It means that the player will be able to buy ESO Mythic Items from other players who are reliable in exchange for gold. It is also very important to choose a safe and reliable merchant to buy, I recommend you a safe ESO Crown Store

Tagi: itemd2r eso crown store 


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ESO Gold


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