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wisepowder 01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy
Geyser S - VapX review

The VapX Geyser S is the manufacturer's second model. Smaller and more lightweight than its predecessor, it retains the qualities of the Geyser, but is considerably easier to use. With a built-in 1500 mAh battery, this pod is user-friendly.To get more news about vapx geyser s kit, you can visit urvapin official website.

A small-scale Geyser

The Geyser S is the Geyser‘s little brother. Smaller and more compact, it operates with a built-in 1500 mAh battery. With a potential output of up to 50 W, it has retained the original circular airflow control system. A nice product for moderate direct vaping.
The Geyser S has channelled the spirit of the Geyser but in a much more compact format. The overall shape is somewhat reminiscent of the original. The finishes are impeccable and adjustments down to the nearest millimetre. You can feel the quality of the product in your hand. It is both strong and lightweight.

On the side of the Geyser S, you will find the screen, trigger button, "+" and "-" buttons to adjust the pod settings, and the USB C port for recharging or updating the chipset. It is small, but perfectly formed. The buttons don't rattle annoyingly.

VapX has kept all the key features while making clever changes that make the Geyser S particularly user-friendly. The Geyser's cover system has been omitted in exchange for more conventional filling port access. The filling port is covered by a small silicone seal. The hold is excellent and the opening wide enough for most bottle tips.

On the other hand, the tank must be filled slowly, otherwise it may overflow, especially with larger tips. The cartridge capacity is 3.2 ml, which is more than decent in view of the size of the pod. Another advantage, in spite of the somewhat opaque colour, is that you can see the level of liquid at all times without removing the tank.
This model also includes the circular airflow control feature. That's a good thing. It is precise and effective. Unlike its bigger counterpart, it only features a single rotary disc instead of two. However, the Geyser S, with its 0.25 Ohm resistance coils, has no need for an additional air supply. The flow is adjusted by rotating the disc to allow more or less air to pass. The disc is solid but easy to rotate. Once set, it won't move of its own accord, ensuring a precise selection.

The drip tip size is 510, and can be replaced by any standard model. This is an added bonus as it allows some customisations. The drip tip supplied feels great in the mouth and is wide enough to allow a decent amount of unrestricted vapour.

Below the cartridge, you will find two indentations, meaning that the resistance coil can only be fitted in one direction. You won't be able to position the coil the wrong way, even if you try to force it. Once the resistance coil is fitted in its housing, there will no leakage or seepage from the pod. Which is a plus!


Tagi: geyser  vapx review 

dysdylcom 01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy
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