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Whatever you could hope for buy gold classic wow - Portal rodziców / Grupy / Whatever you could hope for buy gold classic wow
Kreator grupy
Kategoria: Inne grupy
Rodzaj grupy: Grupa publiczna (Pomoc)
Utworzono: 05 stycznia 2021
Lokalizacja: __,
Użytkownicy: 1
Krótko o grupie: classic wow gold
However can they willingly eliminate 1/5 of the participant population when they could continue to classic wow gold make millions from people abusing their fanciful currency for real cash. From a PR perspective it's the largest shit-filled slap in the face to the participant base, from an economic standpoint it is the easiest money they'll ever make.

Looking forward to starting new mainly to acquire an economy that is not f'ed up. Please put some real effort into it Blizz. And start banning RMTers.

If you want such an environment, pservers are the only area you'll discover it. You definitely won't get it out of blizzard. If you or anybody else wants information on a new vanilla pserver with recognized and dependable management launching at the near-moderate near future, pm me.

Whatever you could hope for buy gold classic wow at this stage is a fun launching and grind to 60, then deleted your personality and move on.Byebye 50 percent or more of the playerbase. I really could get people banned using a easy microtransaction with just one click.

In case a one or two-week ban for it is sufficient for all those players to quit, then clearly they're so hooked on RMT they're never gonna play with no anyways. Fantastic 

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