There are so many on the team who and love Karazhan. I'm sure we've worn out a lot of people! I've been asking for Karazhan ever since Naxxramas. In the same way, there's plenty of Karazhan-related content going on WoW cataclysm Gold across Blizzard simultaneously. This might not be as coordinated from the beginning as many people believe that it was... there's no way we're having an all-company meeting that we tell everyone, "Okay, 2016 is going to be the year of Karazhan."'
Blizzard Recognizes The Priest Class Struggle
This is a subject that's close to me because I play as the primary as a priest WoW Cataclysm Classic. On the other hand, as priests, I am embracing the role of the underdog. It's great to know that there are people out there who also serve as a priests and have set up as a goal to reach Legend each month. It's a goal that players set for themselves and that's great.
If you're wondering, how are we going to correct the priest's power that is in place today... There are some points to be considered here. One is that when you consider the power level the class will be, it's not enough to examine the cards they're receiving. However, right now, we're seeing One Night in Karazhan... the meta itself will change. It's at this point that it's not just the deck the priest will be getting that are crucial, what's going be crucial is which deck will emerge as the dominant one throughout the meta. There will any place in the meta for priests.
There are definitely some intriguing cards that I'm really thrilled to be priest, and that are being introduced with Karazhan. I don't think we'll have to say in the moment, but there's this card, that will make priest the number one card in the WoW Cataclysm Classic deck, however, there's a ton of cool and exciting priest cards that are coming out. Let's check how the meta works out.
One thing we do is to do our best to not provide powerful archetypes already the most powerful. Since we are hoping that the meta will be changed, which is the purpose of creating new content--we need new decks to be released and sometimes, we offer the tools for decks which are similar to the top of the line, but require an extra boost.
Priest is among the classes I believe could be cheap WoW cataclysm Gold
extremely strong based on what the meta similar to. We're adding cards that can support certain archetypes that have traditionally been powerful in priest. Dragon priest is extremely close to being very strong I believe. We're adding a few new cards to the archetype. Bookworm is one example. I believe it's a great card to use for Dragon Priest.



