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EA Sports FC brought was the way the ball moved around the pitch
03 czerwca 202403 czerwca 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

I was also a little disappointed that EA didn't let you try out the new Be A Pro: Goalkeeper mode. With it being such a big part of this year's game, FC 24 Coins for sale I thought it was something that should have been added to the demo. After watching the advanced defensive tutorial video, I decided to take some of those moves for a test drive. Even though I initially thought it was going to be tough to pull off the new moves, it was actually pretty easy.

Other than 2023 World Cup South Africa, it has been a couple of years since I've picked up a EA Sports FC game. After playing the demo, I'm really happy that I have my copy of FC 24 pre-ordered at my local GameStop. If the final version can live up to what I have built up in my mind, it might walk away with the prestigious Game Rant Sports Game of the Year Award. There have already been some great sports games released this year, and with NBA Elite and NBA 2K11 still to come, its looking to be a tough decision.

Obviously you should go and download this demo. Especially if you're playing EA Sports FC Superstars on Facebook, as there are some unlockables that you can get just from playing this demo. The demo is no small file, coming in at 1.5GB on PSN and 1.2GB on Xbox Live. EA Sports' FC 24 comes out for all consoles and handhelds on September 28th in North America, September 30th in Australia, and October 1st everywhere else.

Welcome back to Network Scorecard, where we pit the two major console networks head to head and see who ends up with the best offerings for the week. The battle continues between Xbox Live and PSN, and as always, anything can happen. Like last week, for the sake of this competition, we are including the elite memberships of both networks. That means Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus memberships are in play.

However, mobile gaming is not being considered here, so we will not be including any PSP updates. As we get into the Fall season,FC 24 Coins for sale both Sony and Microsoft are gearing up for the holiday push. Who will prevail this year? Only time will tell. As for this week, we'd better get right into the action. Scoring goals is only half the battle, knowing is the other half. The third half, is playing defense. This video tutorial from EA Sports' FC 24 you'll learn some advanced techniques for keeping the ball out of your net.


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