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Summary of classification and characteristics of anti-UAV system countermeasures technologies
27 maja 202427 maja 2024 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Bez nazwy Bez nazwy

A variety of countermeasures

The current UAV countermeasures systems can be roughly divided into three categories: one is monitoring and control, the other is direct destruction, and the third is interference and blocking. In terms of specific methods, according to the planning classification of the Police Equipment Research and Development Demonstration Center of the Equipment Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the current classification and characteristics of countermeasures are summarized as follows:

radio interference     

Radio interference technology interferes with the UAV's positioning system or control radio signals, causing it to make an uncontrolled forced landing, hover, or return.   signal jammer

1.Satellite positioning signal interference

Radio interference is currently the main means of UAV countermeasures. Depending on actual combat needs, directional interference or omnidirectional interference can be used. Existing civilian satellite positioning modules mostly use spread spectrum communication technology, and the signals are relatively weak. Satellite frequency interference can be performed on them to block UAVs from receiving satellite positioning signals. After being interfered with, the drone drifts out of control or crashes, but this method will also cause interference to surrounding radio communication equipment.

2. Control signal interference

Control signal interference methods are divided into two types: remote control signal frequency band blocking interference and tracking interference. Tracking interference can interfere with a specific frequency band based on the jump of the UAV remote control signal, reducing the interference range, saving interference power, and having less impact on the electromagnetic environment. The frequency modulation range of UAV remote control signals is wide, requiring the use of interference equipment with large real-time bandwidth, and requiring high processing capabilities and response speed of interference equipment. Both control interference methods are invalid for UAVs in autonomous flight mode.

Net catching technology

The current main methods of net capture technology include: using large rotor drones to load net guns to launch net bombs; using rotor drones to mount capture nets to capture targets; or using vehicle-mounted net bombs to launch net bombs and individual soldiers' shoulder-to-shoulder resistance. Launch net bombs, etc. This type of method is affected by the depth of field of the target, making it difficult to accurately aim. It requires extremely high technical requirements for the capturer and has a limited success rate. In addition, this method is difficult to deal with swarm drone attacks.

Hard damage technology

Hard damage technology refers to the use of missiles, trained falcons, violent racing drones, etc. to directly destroy target drones. The accuracy of the weapons is high, and in crowded places it is easy to cause the drone to lose control and cause secondary hazards.

laser strike technology

Laser strikes need to focus on specific parts of the drone to burn them, destroying the drone's electronic control module or control circuit. The power requirement of the laser is relatively high. When facing a swarm of drones, it can only destroy one at a time. It requires multiple laser beams to completely destroy the target. Lasers are large-scale equipment. Due to the existence of detection and aiming mechanisms and high optical power requirements, countermeasures equipment must be mounted on vehicles, and must also be equipped with oil engines, water-cooling boxes and other equipment.

High energy microwave strike technology

Microwave weapons absorb high-power microwave energy into the circuit module of the drone through microwave diffraction and internal circuit coupling of the drone, destroying the circuit components and causing the drone to lose control. High-energy microwave strike technology is limited by transmission power and needs to focus on increasing the strike distance.

TagiTagi: signal jammer 


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