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10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Russian language Russian language

I don't speak Russian


If you do not speak Russian at all, and you are approached or need to ask something yourself, say straight out that you do not speak the language:

Извините, я не говорю по-русски. - Sorry, I don't speak Russian.
Я не умею говорить по-русски. - I can't speak Russian.
Я не владею русским языком. - I don't speak Russian.

If you speak a little Russian, but still find it difficult to have a proper conversation, then say so:

Я не очень хорошо говорю по-русски. - I don't speak Russian very well.

Я немного говорю по-русски. - I speak Russian a little.
Я очень плохо говорю по-русски. - I speak bad Russian.
Я говорю по-русски очень медленно. - I speak Russian very slowly.
Я могу сказать только несколько слов по-русски. - I can only say a few words in Russian.
Я понимаю русский, но не говорю по-русски. - I understand Russian, but I don't speak Russian.


I don't understand you



Sometimes the interlocutor may not immediately understand that you do not speak Russian. Then you can additionally mention that you don't understand anything and ask again. Or use these phrases yourself right away:

Я не понимаю (вас). - I do not understand (you).
Повторите, пожалуйста. - Repeat, please.
Не могли бы вы повторить, пожалуйста? - Could you repeat, please?
Простите, что вы сказали? - Excuse me, what did you say?
Что, простите? - Excuse me, what?
Говорите медленнее, пожалуйста. - Speak more slowly, please.
Не могли бы вы говорить медленнее, пожалуйста? - Could you speak more slowly, please?
Напишите это, пожалуйста. - Please, write it down.
Не могли бы вы написать это, пожалуйста? - Could you write this, please?

Note: some phrases overlap in meaning, but the situations in which they are used differ. Those phrases that begin with "could you...." are recommended to be used in a formal setting.


In addition, you can ask your interlocutor if he or she speaks your native language and communicate further so that you both understand: А вы говорите по-английски / по-французски / по-китайски? - Do you speak English / French / Chinese?


How do you say that in Russian?


And finally, if you still want to learn Russian little by little and get acquainted at least with individual words, you can use clarifying phrases. Or, for example, you liked a dish in a restaurant and you want to order the same thing in another place, you can clarify how certain words sound or are spelled in Russian:
Как это говорится на русском? - How do you say it in Russian?
Как это сказать по-русски? - How to say it in Russian?
Как это по-русски? - How is it in Russian?
Как будет по-русски ...? - How will be in Russian ...?
Как сказать по-русски ...? - How to say in Russian ...?
Что значит ...? - What does ... mean?
Я не знаю, как это будет по-русски. - I don't know how to say it in Russian.


A sample dialogue might look like this:

- Извините, я не очень хорошо говорю по-русски. Вы не поможете мне? / Excuse me; I don't speak Russian very well. Could you help me?

- Да, конечно. Чем я могу помочь? / Oh, sure. How can I help?

- Я ищу ... Вы говорите по-английски? Как сказать по-русски bus stop? / I'm looking for ... Do you speak English? How do you say "bus stop" in Russian?

- По-русски это «автобусная остановка». Она находится за углом этого дома. / In Russian it is «bus stop». It is located around this house corner.

- Повторите, пожалуйста. / Please, repeat.

- Остановка за углом. Вон там. / The stop is around the corner. Over there.

- Спасибо! / Thanks!



We hope that having learned the phrases that will help you say that you do not speak Russian; you will feel more confident when communicating with Russian-speaking interlocutors. In addition, if you still want to master the Russian language, we are waiting for you at the Russian school as a foreign language Leader.


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10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Russian language Russian language

The longer you learn Russian, the more often you will encounter phrases that will confuse you. These phrases cannot be translated verbatim, and even explaining them is not easy. "Да нет!" - how to understand this phrase? Is that a yes or a no? Or is it something else entirely?


Russian expressions that would confuse any foreigner


Often, you may hear a strange answer to your question: "Да нет!" Individually, each word in this phrase means the following:

да - yes;
нет - no.
How can two words with completely opposite meanings be combined in one short phrase? In Russian - easily! In addition, the most difficult thing is that depending on the context and intonation can change the statement meaning.



1. Complete Denial

English analogue: No no! Not at all! Pronounced very emotionally and confidently.

Неужели он действительно решил жениться на Люси? - Да нет! Не может такого быть! - Had he really decided to marry Lucy? - Not at all! That's impossible!

Ты не возражаешь, если я открою окно? - Да нет! - Do you mind if I open the window? - Of course not!



2. Unsure denial

English analogue: No, I don't think so! Not really. Pronounced with slight uncertainty: "I guess not, but I'm not quite sure about it," "not really".

В доме ничего не пропало после взлома? - Да нет, вроде, все на месте. - Did anything go missing in the house after the break-in? - No, I don't think so! It seems, nothing is missing.

Ты голодный? Будешь суп? - Да нет. - А может, все-таки немного поешь? - Ну, только если немного, спасибо. - You are hungry? Would you like soup? - No, thank you. - How about a little food? - Just a little, thanks.

In the unsure denial case, it often makes sense to get a more specific answer, because the person may be unsure for reasons a variety: doesn't remember exactly (as in the first example), wants to be persuaded (as in the second example).



3. Great doubt

Uncertain denial another variant, which is closer to "no" than to "yes", - that phrase "Да нет, наверное". That is, to the two words that are opposite in meaning, an introductory word with the probability meaning is also added.

English analogue: Well, probably, not. It is pronounced with great doubt.

- Пойдешь сегодня на вечеринку? / - Are you going to the party tonight?

- Да нет, наверное. / - Well, probably, not.

- Если передумаешь, мы будем тебя ждать. / - If you change your mind, we're waiting for you.

In this case, too, you can try to persuade, but the success chances are less.



In most classical textbooks, there is no such vocabulary, it is considered untranslatable, because such words and expressions constitute language material a certain layer, which refers either to cultural features, or to colloquial, informal vocabulary.



If you want to learn to understand such complex phrases in Russian and use them appropriately in speech, sign up for classes at the Russian school as a foreign language Leader. Choose the best format for your lessons: online or in person, in groups or individually - and learn Russian with pleasure!


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10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Russian language Russian language

The Learning a new language is a complex process that requires constant engagement and is time-consuming. Various applications can help make it easier and more fun. We offer you apps a selection for learning Russian, both for comprehensive language learning and for practicing individual skills.


The General-purpose applications


1. Babbel

With this application help, you can get the Russian language a fairly complete understanding at the elementary and intermediate level. For the advanced level, the app will no longer be relevant. It uses detailed interactive exercises to introduce vocabulary, teach grammar and how to hold a conversation. The material starts at the beginning and builds logically from the alphabet to personal pronouns and basic conversational phrases. You may not find the app itself too flashy, but the variety of exercises makes learning Russian quite fun.

The app is for a fee. A month of lessons costs from 14 dollars, if you buy for a longer period, it will be cheaper.



2. Rocket Russian

Another great app for learning Russian with all the skills a comprehensive mastery. The main part of the lessons includes dialogues between native speakers, with which help you will practice listening and speaking skills. There are also sections for practicing grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, you will be introduced to Russian culture.

The app is paid and costs $150, but if you buy it, you get access forever.


Russian grammar and vocabulary practice applications


3. Duolingo

This is the most popular applications one for learning the Russian language, especially for learning grammar and vocabulary. The app teaches you the Russian language through cards and gamification. Duolingo is best for beginners and those who need outside control to learn Russian.

There is a free version, which is enough for lessons. If you want to devote more time to lessons, you should use the paid version.



4. Lingodeer

The Lingodeer offers lessons a number broken down by topic. The app contains comprehensive explanations covering the Russian alphabet, grammar, and more. The Lingodeer is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate learners. This app compares favourably to many others its grammar detailed explanation because.

There is a free trial version so you can try if this app is right for you. The paid version costs $15 per month.


The reading and listening practice applications


5. RussianPod101

This app is great for developing listening skills. Here you will find podcasts and videos a huge number for both beginners and advanced students. The podcasts will give you some serious listening practice, but the app is not limited to that aspect. With the audio lessons help you can learn grammar, vocabulary and get acquainted with Russian culture.

The app is paid; there are subscription packages ranging in price from $8 to $47 per month. The features included in each subscription vary, so you can compare them and choose the best one for you.

6. Beelinguapp

This reading app displays the text in Russian along with a translation in your native language. You can also hide the translated version and practice reading and understanding the text without prompting. The app also works as an audiobook - the highlighted text is dubbed. So you can additionally improve your Russian listening skills.

The application is free. There is a premium version with advanced features and no ads.


Other Russian language learning applications


7. Tandem

This application is designed to find language partners. You can use the app to contact other language learners and start a conversation. You can also create a tandem for language exchange. In other words you will teach your partner your language, and he/she will teach you Russian. You can search for the interlocutor in questionnaires, communication is possible in chat: text or voice. You can listen to a recorded message and correct it if there are mistakes.

There is the application a free basic version and a paid premium account (from $7 per month).



8. Cyrillic (Russian alphabet) 

The Russian language first aspects one that you will encounter on your way to fluency is the alphabet. TenguLogi's app will help you learn the Russian alphabet through short lessons, quizzes, and cards. There are also audio examples to help with pronunciation. A little humour in the instructions and comments is a nice bonus.

The app is free and does helping you learn the alphabet a great job.


The app is just an assistant


Apps can help you learn Russian and make the process more fun and easier, but they can't solve all problems.

Learning Russian is a complicated process. In addition, it will involve many aspects:

learning new vocabulary;
learning Russian grammar;
listening to spoken language;
creating your own words;
practicing correct pronunciation;
to acquire basic knowledge about Russia and Russian culture.

No single app can teach you everything at once, even apps that are positioned as comprehensive. With each app, you can actively develop one skill and perhaps train the others at a minimal level. There is no substitute for Russian lessons with a teacher, either in a group or individually.


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10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Russian language Russian language
The future tense in Russian should be used when you talk about some actions that will happen after the moment of your speech. Today we will introduce you to some peculiarities about the correct use of the future tense.


When to use it


Some words that will help you understand that you need to use the Future Tense: завтра (tomorrow), послезавтра (the day after tomorrow), потом (then), затем (then), после этого (after that).


Besides having three tenses, Russian verbs can be of two types:

imperfective - this verbs answer to the question «Что делать?»
perfective - this verbs answer to the question «Что сделать?»

The verb type will decide the form of the future tense.

In russian dictionaries in almost every verb list both verb types are shown. The imperfect form is usually shown first, for example: лечить (Imperfective) - вылечить (Perfective).


Future tense Imperfective verbs will be used in this situations:

To name an action that will take place in the future when it is not necessary to emphasize completeness or result.
Завтра я буду готовить ужин и смотреть новый фильм. - Tomorrow I will cook dinner and watch a new movie.


To denote an action that has a duration or is limited by a period of time.
В это время я буду пролетать над Парижем. - At this time, I will be flying over Paris.


To indicate repetitive actions in the future.
Летом мы будем каждый день ходить на пляж. - In the summer, we will go to the beach every day.


Future tense Perfective verbs will be used in this situations:

To name an action that will be completed by the moment you are talking about.
Я прочитаю эту книгу к следующему понедельнику. - I will have read this book by next Monday.


To indicate a one-time action in the future.
Я приготовлю ужин. - I'll make dinner.


Remember: Perfective verbs in Russian have no present tense - only the future and the past.



How is the Future tense formed in Russian

You may have already noticed that sentences in the future tense are formed differently depending on the verb type. The future tense in Russian is represented by two forms: simple and compound.


Compound form

This form is sometimes called the Imperfective Future.


It follows the next formula:

Verb "быть "(to be) in the necessary conjugation + infinitive of the Imperfective verb.


Conjugation of the verb "быть" in the Future tense:

я буду;
ты будешь;
он/она/оно будет;
мы будем;
вы будете;
они будут.

In the English language all these forms are equivalent to will.


Let's see how will the Imperfective Future perform in a sentence:

Я буду всегда любить тебя! - I will always love you!
Ты будешь читать книгу всю следующую неделю. - You will be reading a book all next week.
Он будет рисовать с натуры. - He will draw from nature.
Мы будем покупать квартиру в июле. - We will buy an apartment in July.
Вы будете работать на улице весь день? - Will you be working outside all day?
Они будут гулять в лесу. - They will walk in the forest.


Simple form

This form of the Future tense is also called Perfective Future. It is formed by conjugating the infinitive of the perfect form. The endings of the Perfective verb of the Future tense are the same as those of the corresponding verb of the Imperfective form of the Present tense. First of all, this applies to Perfective verbs with a prefix.


Pares of Imperfective and Perfective verbs:

читать - прочитать;
делать - сделать;
думать - выдумать;
лететь - вылететь.


Now let's conjugate the verb "посмотреть" (to look) for a better understanding:

Я посмотрю в окно. - I'll look out the window.
Ты посмотришь, сколько времени? - Will you see what time it is?
Она посмотрит, сделал ли ребенок уроки. - She will see if the child has done his homework.
Мы посмотрим фильм. - We'll watch a movie.
Вы посмотрите за детьми. - You will look after the children.
Они посмотрят новый спектакль. - They will watch a new play.

Congratulations! After reading this article you have taken another step in the understanding of the Russian language. It is not as complicated as it looks, if you give it enough practice. Good luck!


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10 lutego 202310 lutego 2023 Dodaj komentarz0 komentarze Russian language Russian language

Every modifiable word in the Russian language has an initial form. For example, the nominative singular form is the initial for nouns (мама - mother). And the infinitive is the initial form of verbs (ходить - to walk). Today we will get to know this verb form in more detail.



What is the infinitive


So, the infinitive is the initial form of verbs, which can be found in the dictionary. Such verbs denote only an action, state or process, but do not give us information about the time, gender, person and number in which they are used.


The verb in an indefinite form answers two questions: «что делать?» - бегать (to run), плавать (to swim) and «что сделать?» - побегать (to have a run), уплыть (to swim away).



Suffixes for the Russian verbs in infinitive


The infinitive consists of a base and a suffix. The main suffixes with which the infinitive is formed are -ть/-ться, -ти, and also -чь/-чься, which are part of the base.


Suffixes -ть/-ться are most often used if they are also preceded by a suffix indicated by a vowel letter: лежать (to lie), слежаться (to clod).

The suffix -ти stands when there is a consonant letter in front of it, which is part of the root: грести (to scull), трясти (to shake).

The endings -чь/-чься: печь (to bake), печься (to care for).


The suffix -ти is usually stressed, the exception is verbs with the prefix -вы, then the stress falls on the prefix: прийтѝ (to come), вы̀йти (to leave).


When is infinitive used in the Russian language



In addition to specifying an indefinite form in the dictionary, it can also be used in various sentences in speech.


When constructing the future tense.


Я буду читать завтра. - I'll read it tomorrow.

Она будет заплетать косы. - She will braid her hair.


With verbs denoting the beginning, continuation or end of an action.


Я начала писать книгу. - I started writing a book.

Он продолжает печь пироги каждый вечер. - He continues baking pies every night.

Сегодня мы закончили готовиться к сложному докладу. - Today we have finished preparing for a difficult report.



After words such as «должен», «готов», «рад», «намерен», «обязан».


Я должен написать это сочинение сегодня. - I have to write this essay today.

Я рад помочь вам. - I am glad to help you.

Я готов сделать все ради тебя. - I am ready to do everything for you.


In combination with adverbs and adjectives.


Им некуда идти. - They have nowhere to go.

В такой ситуации трудно сразу подобрать слова. - In such a situation, it is difficult to find the words immediately.



With verbs of movement: идти, ездить, поехать, лететь.


Они поехали принять участие в конференции. - They went to take part at the conference.

Они летят кататься в швейцарских Альпах. - They went to ski in the Swiss Alps.


Pay attention! The infinitive in Russian is never used after the verb "знать".


The most important thing when you learn new rules or words and master grammatical topics is to practice with someone who will help you avoid mistakes. And it is best done under the guidance of experienced teachers. You can do so in our school of Russian as a foreign language "Leader". Sign up for a trial lesson and learn Russian easily and interestingly!


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