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Tagi - wi-fi

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Wi-Fi jammers: The tool of choice for criminals

The use of Wi-Fi jammers in burglaries is on the rise, indicating a growing trend among burglars. To counteract this, the police have taken proactive measures by securing arrest warrants to thoroughly investigate and apprehend those involved.Exploiting vulnerabilities present in wireless networks, thieves and criminal organizations are capitalizing on these weaknesses, while law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing these criminals by means of arrest warrants. By employing signal jammers, these perpetrators can effectively disable security systems and surveillance cameras, enabling them to clandestinely infiltrate homes without raising any red flags for the police.

military jamming


Exploit wireless network vulnerabilities

Due to the extensive adoption of wireless networks in residential settings, perpetrators and criminal syndicates have discovered an alternative method to perpetrate illegal actions without legal permission. Exploiting the dependence of numerous home security systems and cameras on Wi-Fi connections for communication and surveillance, thieves take advantage of this vulnerability.This legal loophole was cleverly employed by the crew to evade the requirement of a search warrant. By utilizing Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively disrupt these connections, rendering security measures useless without proper authorization.

Disable security systems and cameras



The presence of Wi-Fi interference raises apprehension as it allows thieves to tamper with the signals that security systems and cameras heavily depend on. By disabling these devices, criminals can carry out their illicit actions without the worry of being recorded or triggering any alarms.

By employing this technique, they gain a significant upper hand as they can enter the residence without alerting anyone or leaving any incriminating evidence, even in the absence of a search warrant. Moreover, it affords them a greater window of opportunity to act before authorities or homeowners become aware of the intrusion, without requiring a warrant.

The mechanism of Wi-Fi interference

Jamming wireless signal

Wi-Fi interference serves as a tactic employed by criminals to hinder or obstruct wireless signals, effectively preventing communication between devices connected to a Wi-Fi network. The radio frequencies emitted by these jammers can disrupt the seamless operation of the Wi-Fi network, resulting in its unreliability or complete inability to function.

Radio frequency interference

The functioning of jammers involves the transmission of radio signals on the same frequency band utilized by Wi-Fi networks. This interference hampers the smooth transmission and reception of data packets, thereby rendering it impossible for legitimate users to gain access to the network. Consequently, individuals attempting to connect to the targeted network will encounter severe connectivity problems or may find it completely unattainable.

Wi-Fi networks can be subjected to specific frequency bands through the use of different types of jammers. For instance, certain jammers are designed to operate on the 2.4 GHz band, which is commonly utilized by older Wi-Fi standards like 802.11b/g/n. On the other hand, there are jammers that can specifically target the 5 GHz band used by newer standards such as 802.11ac/ax.

By concentrating on specific frequency bands, criminals possess the ability to selectively disrupt devices or networks with certain capabilities and vulnerabilities. This strategic approach empowers them to exploit security system weaknesses, ultimately gaining unauthorized access to homes or businesses.

The invasion of organized crews and high-end homes

The tactics employed by organized crime syndicates to gain unauthorized access to homes are growing more sophisticated, with the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers for upscale break-ins. These criminal networks specifically set their sights on high-end residences boasting advanced security systems, deeming them as optimal targets to engage in illicit pursuits.



Through the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers, thieves can effectively evade alarm systems and surveillance cameras that would typically obstruct or capture their actions. This technology enables them to operate covertly, providing them with a substantial advantage over homeowners who depend on these security measures to ensure their safety.

These well-organized operatives employ a methodical approach when selecting their targets, often investing considerable time in conducting thorough research and surveillance beforehand. Their primary objective is to identify residences with valuable assets, such as precious jewelry or valuable artwork, to ensure that the potential rewards outweigh the inherent risks. Once a target has been chosen, they meticulously plan every detail to ensure a successful break-in.

There are situations where these wrongdoers may go to the extent of impersonating service personnel or delivery personnel to gain entry into a property. By mingling with authentic professionals, they can seamlessly penetrate a heavily guarded residence without raising any red flags.



It is imperative for homeowners to acknowledge this growing menace and take appropriate actions to ensure their safety and protect their property. Going beyond traditional alert systems, investing in additional layers of security can act as a deterrent to these organized criminals. For instance, the installation of motion sensor lights around the house or the use of smart locks that require biometric authentication can provide an extra level of protection against these resourceful wrongdoers.



Homeowners must prioritize staying well-informed about the latest techniques employed by criminals and maintaining a vigilant mindset to ensure the safety of their homes. By staying ahead of the game and implementing comprehensive security measures, homeowners can greatly diminish the likelihood of falling prey to these organized wrongdoers.



01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The police have reason to believe that this technology has been employed in a sequence of nine robberies in Edina.

It has come to the attention of authorities in Edina, Minnesota that a serial burglar has been employing a Wi-Fi jammer to disrupt the functioning of connected security cameras. This strategic move enables the burglar to carry out thefts and abscond with the valuable possessions of their victims.Minnesota is generally not recognized for its technological innovations, so it is understandable that incidents involving Wi-Fi jammers being used to facilitate burglaries in the U.S. have been documented for several years. This serves as a reminder that technology is being leveraged by criminals, and an increasing number are becoming adept at utilizing it -- thus, homeowners should take steps to protect themselves.

The Edina police force suspects that a total of nine burglaries that transpired in the past half-year may have involved the utilization of Wi-Fi jammers to prevent the retrieval of incriminating video footage by investigators. It is believed that the individuals behind these crimes have a specific modus operandi:

  • Houses are found in affluent localities.

  • The homes are closely observed by burglars.

  • The robbers evade direct conflict, seeming to prefer waiting for houses to be deserted.

  • Capitalizing on the vacancy of a house, the criminals will activate Wi-Fi jammers.

  • Safes, jewelry, and other premium designer items are frequently the objects of theft.

In an interview with KARE11, a security expert provided insights into the operation of signal jammer. The expert clarified that these devices do not block signals but rather cause wireless devices to become disoriented. By overwhelming wireless traffic, wifi jammer effectively impede the passage of genuine traffic, as explained to the source publication.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

Jamming wireless security devices is a growing trend

A thorough examination of news reports reveals a substantial body of evidence suggesting the involvement of Wi-Fi jammers in various burglary cases. As early as January 2020, a post shared on the Ring community platform recounted an incident where a wireless doorbell successfully deterred a porch thief through a Wi-Fi deauthentication attack. Additionally, an increasing number of reports from 2021 to 2023 highlight instances of burglars utilizing Wi-Fi jamming technology, with the frequency of these occurrences steadily rising over time.

Ring is acknowledged for being one of the companies that popularized video doorbells to address multiple home security concerns, however, other wireless smart home security devices from Blink (Amazon) and Nest (Google) may also be at risk of wireless signal interference.

Before wrapping up, we would like to offer a few recommendations to those who may have concerns regarding the effectiveness of their wireless home security systems. Firstly, consider establishing physical connections for certain devices that support wired connections and enable local storage of recorded footage. Secondly, make use of smart home technology that can create the illusion of someone being present at home. Additionally, your device may have the capability to send alerts in the event of signal or connection interruptions, so it might be worth exploring and adjusting these settings.


Tagi: wi-fi jamming 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

In a statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using wifi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

(TNS) - A group of thieves have been outsmarting smart devices across the Los Angeles area, authorities said.

8 Bands Jammer Device

In a March 4 statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using Wi-Fi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

This swarm of tech-savvy robberies in California is part of a larger "smart" crime wave happening nationwide. Last year, police in Minnesota and Connecticut issued similar warnings to residents when groups of Wi-Fi jamming thieves made their rounds. And those are just two examples of many.

While the Federal Communications Commission has banned Wi-Fi jamming devices, this doesn't stop criminals from buying them cheaply, KARE11 reported. Wi-Fi jamming devices don't necessarily deactivate devices, but work by overloading the network the devices are connected to.

"These (signal jamming) devices create traffic jams for the radio transmitter so that real traffic cannot get through," cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman told the outlet.

"If you are going to use a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, perhaps consider using a hardline camera inside your home," he said. Wired cameras connected via Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and would not be disrupted by a Wi-Fi jammer.

Los Angeles police also recommends hard wiring burglary alarm systems

While "smart" technology may be part of the problem, it may also have a hand in the solution, according to Tom's Hardware. Officials recommend using timers or smart home devices to make it look like someone is home while you are away. Some smart home technology also comes with the ability to alert users if the signal or connection has been interrupted.

Tom's Hardware also recommends connecting surveillance devices that store camera footage directly on your device, and not just to a cloud storage system. By having a camera that records to itself, you'll have footage saved during a Wi-Fi disruption.

The LAPD also encourages people to stay vigilant by locking their doors, relying on neighbors to check on things when away and reporting any strange activity, including suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.


Tagi: wi-fi 


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Perfectjammer Is A Professional Jammers Store, Main Business Is Various Types Of Jammers Wholesale And Retail, We Will Strive To Provide Your With Quality Product And The Cheapest Price.


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