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Tagi - disrupt

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

An updated warning has been issued for those who employ wireless security cameras, such as "Ring," as a means of home protection.

Despite owning a Ring camera, a woman from Detroit was unable to capture the theft of her car from the front of her house. An expert in the area suggests that this is indicative of the growing technological expertise among criminals.

In a recent incident, the woman claimed that her car was stolen from her driveway. Upon examining the footage from her Ring camera, she noticed a notable absence of recorded hours.

In the opinion of Chris Burns, the owner of Techie Gurus, security cameras that utilize WiFi for recording are more focused on providing convenience rather than ensuring robust security. This is because WiFi signals can be easily disrupted, thereby preventing the camera from effectively capturing footage of individuals near your residence. Unfortunately, criminals have become aware of this vulnerability.

jammer phone

According to Burns, it is a misconception to view wireless as a reliable security measure. He highlighted the fact that wireless signals can be easily wifi jammer or blocked.

This gadget can be utilized by the wrongdoers as a WiFi jamming device or a deauther, with a compact design resembling that of an Apple Watch.

By standing in close proximity, a deauther can overpower a WiFi system, compelling the WiFi camera to cease its recording. This accessory is available at a relatively affordable price, typically ranging from $10 to $50. On the other hand, a jammer comes at a significantly higher cost, with prices ranging from $150 to $1,000.

The use of signal jammer, which are also highly illegal, presents a greater difficulty in locating them. However, a jammer with significant power can effortlessly disable WiFi security cameras on an entire street with a single button press.

In a statement, a spokesperson from Ring acknowledged that the performance of Ring devices can be impacted by WiFi signal interference, similar to other wifi-enabled devices. To resolve any connectivity issues, customers are urged to get in touch with Ring Customer Support.

How can customers protect themselves?

To achieve utmost security, Burns stressed the importance of a hard-wired connection, preferably through an ethernet cable or a similar medium.

The problem, although known to Ring, is considered to be infrequent, as stated by their spokesperson.

Burns pointed out that with the decreasing cost of technology, the demand for jammers is likely to grow, emphasizing the significance of keeping people fully aware and informed.


01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  1 comments  Bez nazwy

A recent caution has been issued for those who rely on wireless security cameras like "Ring" for safeguarding their residence.

In Detroit, a woman reported that her Ring camera failed to record the theft of her car from the front of her residence. An expert in the area suggests that this occurrence signifies the growing technological expertise of criminals.

The woman stated that her car was stolen from her driveway earlier this month. Upon reviewing the footage from her Ring camera, she noticed that there were missing hours.

The statement made by Chris Burns, the proprietor of Techie Gurus, highlights that security cameras relying on WiFi for recording purposes are primarily focused on convenience rather than security. This is attributed to the vulnerability of WiFi signals to interference, potentially leading to the camera's inability to effectively surveil the surroundings of your home, a concern that criminals are exploiting.

According to Burns, using wireless for security measures is a flawed approach. He pointed out that wireless signals can be easily interfered with or obstructed.

These individuals can employ this as a wifi jamming device, or a deauther, that could potentially be as compact as an Apple Watch.

By standing within close range, a deauther can overpower a WiFi system, compelling the WiFi camera to cease its recording operations. This accessory is available at a relatively affordable price, typically ranging from $10 to $50. On the other hand, a jammer comes at a significantly higher cost, with prices ranging from $150 to $1,000.

Due to their illegal nature, singal jammer are not easily accessible. Nevertheless, a strong camera jammer can effectively stop an entire street from being captured on WiFi security cameras by a mere push of a button.

In a statement, a representative from Ring highlighted the potential impact of WiFi signal interference on Ring device performance, similar to other wifi-enabled devices. Customers encountering connectivity issues are urged to seek help from Ring Customer Support.

How can customers protect themselves?

According to Burns, true security can only be achieved by utilizing hard-wired connections like ethernet.

The spokesperson representing Ring stated that they are mindful of the situation, highlighting its infrequency.

According to Burns, as technology becomes more affordable, the demand for jammers is expected to rise. Hence, it is imperative to ensure that people are adequately educated on this subject.



Posty: 346
Komentarze: 5
Perfectjammer Is A Professional Jammers Store, Main Business Is Various Types Of Jammers Wholesale And Retail, We Will Strive To Provide Your With Quality Product And The Cheapest Price.


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