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01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy
As the college entrance examination season is approaching, many schools are facing the problem of preparing for the college entrance examination room, such as the purchase of materials and equipment, which are necessary to maintain the order of the examination room. However, what more schools are now facing is how to prevent the increasingly rampant cheating phenomenon, because some people choose to use "black technology" to use communication equipment to cheat in the examination room. In response to this phenomenon, the examination The mobile cell phone jammer also came into being. This kind of equipment can prevent the occurrence of electronic signal cheating in the examination room in an orderly manner.

Portable jammer

Recently, many students reported that they have seen a new batch of new machines installed in the classrooms of the school, which made many people wonder what it is. In fact, it has been vigorously promoted and installed in the classrooms of the examination room. The equipment of the signal jammer is now used in the major examinations in the school, and when the college entrance examination is approaching recently, basically every examination room has been installed with this kind of equipment. This is to prevent more and more problems in recent years. The more serious the phenomenon of cheating occurs, the candidates can take exams with peace of mind in a stable and orderly examination room.

Signal jammers generally do not disturb candidates

The frequency bands of general 4G signals and WIFI signals are between 800MH and 26000MH, and the test WiFi signal blocker is a device that can effectively block all communication signals in this frequency range, so whether it is a 4G signal or a WIFI signal, It's all out of the question. And now facing the arrival of the college entrance examination, some candidates who do not focus on their studies and want to cheat by illegal means, the wifi jammer is undoubtedly a powerful tool to break their intentions, which can maintain the normal order of the examination room and allow the examination room The test takers can take the test with peace of mind, and there is no noise during the use of this equipment, which can ensure that the test process will not be disturbed by the test takers.

Many people are also very curious about how the test 4G jammer counteracts the occurrence of these cheating phenomena. In fact, based on the method of cheating by using communication equipment, no matter what method is used, it is necessary to send and receive signals in the test room. However, in the test The signal jammer cannot receive any signal in the effective shielding range, because it has the function of isolating communication signals and WIFI signals. This range is generally about 0 to 50 meters in radius, and a low-power device can just cover it. We live in one classroom, so all we can see is that each classroom has a computer installed. In fact, for schools, when buying test signal jammers, you must choose high-performance ones, because in this way, a strong shielding effect can be guaranteed and every part of the test room can be covered.

Tagi: cell phone jammer 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy


  According to the survey, only 24% of employees consider smartphones or mobile phones necessary for their day-to-day work.

  True, this information comes from employees rather than employers, but there is little reason to suspect that it is remote. Most jobs don't require a cell phone.

  A telephone is a tool. Like any tool, it can be used in many ways, both efficiently and inefficiently. If they have become a problem in the workplace, employers can install a signal jammer to prevent them from causing problems.

  If employees cannot stop posting on social media sites or texting, this may be a good choice, rather than simply firing offending employees. They cannot use what they cannot access.

  While it is important to review local laws on this issue, there have been cases where individuals have installed jammers (usually cell phone jammers) to prevent interference.

  Whether it's a class, a speech or a religious ceremony, if the phone calls at the wrong time, it will cause great interference. Cell phone jammers can prevent these calls from coming in the first place.

  Unfortunately, telling people to mute their devices is not going to work. There are always quite a few people who open their devices for some reason.

  We can debate whether this speaks to some larger social problem, but it's still true anyway. Even funerals are not immune to the odd phone call that breaks the silence or prayers.

  Whatever the circumstances, a signal jammer can jam up the frequencies cells need to receive calls, preventing phones from ringing out (since the call won't come through, to begin with).

  This is more true for those working in various governments and prisons, but gps blocker can block communications as this can be a severe security issue.

  For some obvious reasons, some facilities need to be safe. For example, some military facilities do not allow communication without prior approval.

  And then there are prisons, where unauthorized communication lines may help individuals promote crime while locked in. Not to mention that they should never have had a cell phone in the first place.

  By carefully selecting the location of signal jammers, it is even possible to block communications in critical areas of the facility rather than elsewhere. That way, there's still a place to make calls or use WiFi.

  If you are a government worker or contractor, don't forget to check our deals, which are designed to help you complete important work within your budget without sacrificing quality.

  Cell phone jammers work by sending radio frequency or RF signals. This is stronger than a nearby cell tower or base station.

  Cell phone jammers can be used almost anywhere. Most of the time, you'll find them in one place, and a phone call can be very disruptive because silence is an expectation. One example is entertainment venues.

  In many jurisdictions, signal jammers are illegal and require a license.

  The RF signal has a frequency similar to that used by the cellular carrier. It makes the phone unusable.

  The cell phone jammer has a downlink frequency that interferes with the signal. When used, your phone does not display any bars.

  The cell phone jammer will not only block the signal, but you can't make any phone calls, including 911 emergency calls. Cell phone jammer overcomes the frequency. Therefore, don't look down on cell phone jammer, but be very careful.

  We know you've had a lot to worry about lately. You Want to Know You're a secure hacker.


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Mobile phone signal jammers test room installation details

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Will GPS be interfered with by other devices?




01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy


A Global Positioning System Jammer helps block Global Positioning System signals to help ensure safety.Oklahoma has seized dozens of boxes containing nearly 80,000 phones from inmates since 2010, United States Department of Commerce officials told the media.In 2016 alone, correctional officers removed nearly 9,000 mobile phones, a record.Jails have jamming technology that blocks cell phone signals, but federal law doesn't allow it.By contrast, the FCC has studied it again and again.High-power multi-purpose cell phone jammer is popular worldwide because people are not only subject to interference from one device, but in many cases, people feel that if they can identify the frequency band and the range of interference, everything is perfect.

With the development of society, People's life is getting better and better.For those who want to use the 3g GPS jammers in the car, the car charger design for the cell phone jammer is convenient.Although this car is very convenient for travelers, we know that it will be equipped with GPS satellite locators, which are very important for vehicle tracking and security against theft, but the problem can not be ignored, these GPS positioning systems have also been known.


Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

Do you know what kind of mobile phone jammer is suitable for car use? Or if they can use it while driving, what features should they have? Those who need and use jammers outdoors should definitely use hand-held jammers, and you will learn about the context of hand-held GPS phones, which can help you get rid of tracking.The car has become an indispensable tool for many families, and the car has become one of the most important means of transportation for people to travel.It is a very popular mode of transportation when people drive on vacation and go out with family or friends.

Now using jamming GPS can help people solve such problems.The head of Oklahoma Correctional Services said he had traveled to Washington several times to try to persuade lawmakers to allow jammers to intervene in prisons.In this booming technology era, users are more and more concerned about privacy and space.with the development of mobile travel, communication between people becomes more accessible, and users use mobile phones to communicate.But there are also concerns about the threat posed by mobile phones.Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of mobile phones, the introduction of jammer's GPS is absolutely necessary.


8 Bands Jammer Device

They were taken to the prison kitchen, thrown into the fence, and smuggled in during visits, then smuggled in by unscrupulous prison guards and prison staff.In addition, the portable jammer comes with an AC adapter and a car charger for charging.Hand-held GPS jammers are recommended for vehicle anti-GPS tracking because they are easy to use, easy to use, and easy to recover.You may need to purchase comprehensive GPS signal jammer to help you block all GPS satellites.Most designs can cut off the GPS signal, which is not enough for people.There are many GPS signal jammers on the market.

The technology limits interference in prisons without affecting households and businesses.Then it is really necessary to get rid of the negative effects of GPS tracking devices.For some people, the answer is yes, because many people track GPS devices, which affects their lives and work.For"F" Is for Fugitive, our journey is dangerous, so we try to keep you safe, and car GPS jammers are the most direct way.A Global Positioning System Tracker is a device that uses a Global Positioning System to pinpoint the location of a vehicle, person, or other asset and periodically records the location of the asset.

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Tagi: cell phone signals 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The jammers may operate at the same or adjacent frequencies, and the field strength of the jammers and the type of interference waves are important.You can also get many other types of high-power office signal tips and newly designed mobile signal jammer.This means that the caller can not contact the owner of the phone.Its unique and powerful functions can meet the needs of a large number of users.If you want a cheap, high-power GPS jammer, consider price, quality, and other factors that match your needs to provide the ideal environment to get the best signal jammer.Law enforcement agencies also use them to prevent communication between offenders.

This technology is less practical for logistics and transportation, trade, construction or service companies that use GPS tracking to track cars, trucks or construction machinery in their fleets.Cell phone jammers have become an important tool in government offices, assembly points, hospitals, libraries, schools, and theaters where silence is also required.Some of the world's most advanced law enforcement agencies use cell phone jammers to make them reliable and convenient.Therefore, by designing a high-quality cooling system, Another reason I like the jammer is that it is not a message of "phone off" but a "service interruption".

To stop being a problem, the restaurant owner bought a jammer.Humans can use jammers as a security measure to prevent sensitive information from being leaked.Jamming occurs when an operator transmits on a busy frequency without first checking that it is busy or cannot hear the station using that frequency.GPS interference is generally identified as interference that may occur due to equipment defects or other unforeseen events.There is a lot of bad information on the internet, which is not conducive to the growth and study of students.Some students use their cell phones to text each other during exams, check their writing online, and put up shields to prevent students from cheating on their phones.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Therefore, you always have to take into account that using a jammer will also cut off your own cell phone traffic, because the radio frequencies interfered with by the jammer make it possible to make calls from your cell phone.Jammers ensure that conversations are uninterrupted and no technical devices within a two-meter radius attempt to conduct eavesdropping attacks or the recording does not work.Because the transmitting power of GPS satellites orbiting more than 20,000 kilometers above the earth's surface is relatively low.Fearful of eavesdropping or secretly recording, Holger B wanted to protect himself and bought a jammer.This means that it is no longer possible to GPS track the vehicle using a GPS tracker.

The signal emitted by the cell phone jammer has the same frequency as the cell phone signal.But even in less dramatic circumstances, GPS tracking has some drawbacks.Because while some complain about liquidity, it's the real reason others buy.The jammer can turn off the complete reception of GPS satellites (due to the jammer).Because if the GPS jammers is activated, you will no longer be able to use the mobile network.This technology has a side effect, which can see both positive and negative sides.An independent survey showed that many guests were disturbed by the constant ringing of their mobile phones.If you carry a so-called GPS jammer with you, the GPS signals will be jammed, making GPS positioning impossible.

They have been successfully used in many counter-terrorism operations to disrupt communications between explosives and mobile phones.In this regard, there is always some residual risk that GPS positioning will be corrupted by criminal energy to disable anti-theft protection or use the vehicle for unintended purposes.Because buying GPS jammers (cheap devices can be ordered online for less than $80 from most dubious suppliers) and using them can create jamming.Interpol statistics also prove that locating a car or truck on board with a permanently installed GPS tracker is an effective method of locating stolen vehicles, even if they have been taken abroad.

It is also used to send stop signals to prevent terrorist attacks.signal jammer or GPS jammer is a device used to interfere or completely block the signals of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in the United States.Thanks to the jammer, the security and rescue required has now become a reality.Jamming a GPS signal requires very little jamming energy to temporarily or completely block the GPS signal.Secret exchanges of highly explosive information are not uncommon.Even small GPS jammers can jam signals within a radius of about 10 meters.Protection from GPS Jammers and Jammers In areas of particular safety relevance, the use of advanced technology can reduce the effects of GPS jammers.

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Tagi: cell phone shield 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy is a top-rated store that offers signal jammers for sale. This store has become one of the most trusted sources to purchase signal jammers due to its excellent customer service, high-quality products, and affordable prices. Whether you want a jammer for your personal use or business needs, Perfectjammer is the perfect solution.

  One of the best things about shopping at is that they have a wide range of jamming signal available for sale. They offer cell phone jammers, GPS jammers, WiFi blockers, and many others. All their products are designed to provide users with maximum efficiency in blocking signals from unwanted devices. Moreover, they offer different models with varying ranges so customers can choose the best product according to their needs.

  It's important to note that all signal jammer device sold by are legal and certified by international standards.

Power Adjustable Jammer

  Signal jammers are electronic devices that block communication signals within a specific range. These devices have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of wireless communication technology. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including law enforcement operations, military operations, and personal privacy protection.

  One of the main reasons to use signal gps jamming is for security and safety reasons. Law enforcement agencies often use signal jammers during high-risk operations such as hostage situations or prison breaks to prevent suspects from communicating with each other or outside parties. Military personnel also rely on these devices in combat situations where enemy communications must be disrupted.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

  Additionally, signal jammers can be used by individuals seeking to protect their privacy. With the increasing number of wireless devices around us, it has become easier than ever for hackers and cybercriminals to intercept our personal information through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals.


  Signal jammers play an important role in ensuring privacy and security in various settings. From government agencies to private individuals, signal jammers are used to block unauthorized access to communication devices. A signal phone jammer is a device that emits radio waves at the same frequency as the targeted device, causing interference and rendering the device useless.



Tagi: cell phone signal blocker 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

If you are searching for mobile signal blockers online, you may want to know the legality, price, and how to purchase them in the United States.


Continue reading to discover more information about these products. Here are some benefits of online purchasing:

Legitimacy of Mobile Phone Jammer in the United States

A recent case involving the legality of mobile phone jammers in the United States resulted in a Dallas company being fined $22000. This device is designed to interfere with wireless communication, including 911 and maritime and aviation communication. Unable to authenticate the device and does not comply with FCC technical standards. Therefore, selling or manufacturing these devices is illegal. However, there are also some exceptions to these rules.

The recent case involving two companies accused of illegally manufacturing and selling jammers is a good example. In one case, an electronic product manufacturer named RNM was found using cell phone blocker in their workplace. The FCC imposed a fine of $17000 on the company, plus $5000 for "bad behavior". Ravi's Import Warehouse received a notice of violation and requested the FCC Bureau to reconsider the decision. The FCC's law enforcement department rejected the request for reconsideration based on the company's compliance history.

The cost of mobile phone jammers

If you are looking for a phone jammer, you can find many options online. Many jammers aim to block one or more channels. More expensive models can block multiple signals simultaneously. You can also purchase a cheaper single channel blocker for only one signal. The cheaper models use battery power and can only cover very small areas. They are not as powerful as high-end devices, but they can still help you get rid of phone calls.

Before purchasing a mobile signal blocker, be sure to conduct some investigation. Firstly, you need to check the manufacturer. Find someone who uses three watts of power. Ensure that the jammer is suitable for all major networks. This will ensure that you receive the best value for money product. If you are worried about attracting thieves, please consider investing in a device that can block signals.

May 14-May 20, you can get 10% OFF


Purchase mobile phone jammer

Buying a mobile phone jammer online is not difficult. This will cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars. Their working principle is to block all forms of cellular signals, including mobile phone signals, WiFi, GPS signals, and police radar. Buying and operating them is illegal, but some people still do so. In 2014, a Florida man was fined $48000 for using GPS jammers at work, and a truck driver was fined $32000 for using GPS jammers at the airport. Fortunately, these two situations are rare.

Before purchasing a mobile phone jammer, be sure to conduct research. Most jammers on the market are illegal, so it is important to carefully study them. It may backfire and disrupt your provider's network. Due to the fact that most mobile phone signals are weaker in rural areas than in urban areas, you need to carefully position your device. You can purchase portable devices, car gps jammer, or fixed jammers. Before purchasing a jammer, be sure to check the safety seal on the product.

Mobile network interceptor GSM CDMA 3G 4G GPS, VHF, UHF, WIFI signal jammer

The supplier of mobile signal blockers offers a variety of models, which are very suitable for use in conference rooms, meeting areas, offices, and other spaces. These products can block GSM, CDMA, GPS, VHF, and WiFi signals and can be easily hidden in rooms or vehicles. Each model has a separate frequency control switch that can identify up to 8 active IMSIs and prevent them from receiving signals.

Its high output power jammer has an interference range of 200-300 meters, strong interference ability, and is easy to carry. The jammer adopts an advanced cooling system that can work continuously for a long time and is equipped with a sturdy portable box. This type of jammer can also interfere with six different frequency bands, which allows it to effectively block various mobile phone signals.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

GPS signal blocker

The GPS signal blocker has a small size and exquisite workmanship. It aims to block all current GPS signals without interfering with the normal use of electronic devices. It can be applied to various types of locations. Dual channel shielding technology is more reliable and secure than single channel shielding. This GPS signal blocking device is designed to block signals from mobile phones and GPS devices. This product is easy to use and can be used for various settings.

GPS signal blockers can be used for different purposes, such as home or car safety. It can work independently and simultaneously, creating a shield radius of up to 40 meters. GPS signal blocking devices can block signals from cellular or WiFi networks. It can also protect cars from theft. GPS signal blocking devices are very useful for children, but installing one of them in a car is illegal.


Tagi: research cell phone jammers 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

It's easy to get caught up in the hype about the Amazon Cell Disruptor, but what is it? Here's some information you need to know. First, they are illegal in the US and most of the rest of the world. This is because it poses a public safety risk. Additionally, you may not interfere with authorized radio broadcasts. But even if you don't intend to break the law, you may still have legal consequences.

Different jammers work in different ways. Older types can only block one frequency range, while more sophisticated devices can block multiple popular systems. Some jammers can even be tuned to specific frequencies, which can be helpful if you don't want to block a particular frequency. It is very important to choose the right jammer for your situation. Just make sure to check the compatibility of your device. Buying an illegal cell phone blocker from an Amazon reseller could land you in jail.

If you're unsure about the safety of cell phone jammers, it's worth reading up on the different types and models available. Many are simply knockoffs of legal jammers, but there are other options. For example, you can buy military-grade jammers that are compatible with GPS and 4G LTE. The only difference between a military jammer and a portable jammer is battery life.

Cell Phone Jammer Range Guide

You may be wondering what the range of a cell phone jammer is. It is important to know that the range of jammers may vary from city to city. The actual use of cell phone jammers varies from city to city. In addition, the blocking range of various mobile phones may not be the same. Cell phone jammers work by blocking radio signals, disrupting communications between a cell phone and its base station. Its use in the military and civil society is varied. They are used to ensure quiet areas, maintain employee discipline and create safe areas for VIP movement. Unlike other jammers, these devices require very little hardware or software. You should always check the range of a cell phone jammer before buying one.

Due to the ubiquity of mobile phones in our daily life, many people have become dependent on mobile phones. Even if they don't use their phones a lot, it's common on public transport. Many households use multiple devices per person, so it's important to make sure everyone has a cell phone jammer that works well in these situations. The range of a cell phone jammer is a great benefit to both you and other drivers on the road.

Many businesses install GPS locators on their vehicles to track their location in real time. However, GPS tracking can be annoying. The manager may be watching where the delivery vehicles are going, but he can't find them. The cell phone jammer will stop transmitting GPS signals to the recipient's cell phone. Jammers will also stop vehicles from tracking you with the help of gps jamming device. This technology will make navigation easier.

Desktop  Jammers

Cell Phone Blocker for sale

  1. If you are looking for cell phone blockers for sale, you are in the right place. Here you'll find information on the various jammer types available. Typically, cell phone blockers are devices that interfere with cell phone signals so they block calls. Cell phone signals are passed from tower to tower like footballs. Jammers are devices that can be placed in areas that allow wireless communication, such as schools or workplaces, and block the signal from passing through. The jammer itself is designed to block as much of this communication as possible in order to keep the user informed.

  2. Depending on the strength of the signal, a cell phone blocker can prevent calls from reaching your cell phone. Higher powered models can create a dead zone the size of a football field. These devices will block all calls within 60 feet. However, make sure the signal strength of the blocker is strong enough to prevent the phone from reaching your desired destination. If you're using your phone for work, you'll want to buy a high-performance model.

  3. While mobile phones are an important communication tool, some people use them in places where their use is prohibited. These people may not realize it, but they ignore any signs warning them to leave their phones at home. Besides the danger of leaks, cell phones can also be used to control the use of drones in sensitive areas. Jammers for sale are an effective solution to these problems.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Cell Phone signal blocker price

  • The range and durability of a cell phone jammer depends on the type of antenna you choose. Some jammers have directional antennas that provide 360-degree coverage, while others use omnidirectional antennas with narrower coverage. Another factor to consider when buying a cell phone jammer is the signal strength of the area it blocks. It won't be effective if the area you're trying to jam isn't high powered.

  • The price of a cell phone jammer depends on its type and scope. Portable jammers are smaller versions of desktop devices that require batteries and can only jam a few signals at a time. They have a limited range and cover a small area. However, the price difference is well worth it. So, do your homework before buying a jammer. All of these factors will help you make an informed decision.


Tagi: cell jammer amazon 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Cell Phone and WiFi Jammers

The range of cellular and wifi jammers may vary depending on their power and surroundings. It can block signals from many different types of networks at the same time. Low-powered devices can only jam signals up to 30 feet away, while high-powered jammers can make cell-free areas the size of football fields. Law enforcement jammers can shut down service for up to a mile. These devices can be placed in many places, depending on your needs.

One of the reasons people use cell phone and wifi jammer is to prevent people from using their smartphones and social media without their permission. However, some have reported that their neighbors use jammers to prevent their teenage children from accessing the Internet without their permission.

Cell phone and wifi jammers work by blocking radio and cell phone signals. It interferes with these signals and blocks their reception. These devices block signals from cell phone towers, cutting out all but the most important signals. So, cell phone jammer blocks calls and text messages. The phone will not display the signal bar. It will stop responding to calls and won't even register calls. Therefore, people who buy mobile phones and wifi jammers will be protected from harassment or even harm by others.


Jamming Cell Phone Signal

  1. Jamming cell phone signals is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many people have tried this approach with varying degrees of success. A jammer is a device that covers an area, denying service to everyone. Some have even suggested disrupting movie theaters, highways and school systems to prevent emergency services from reaching those areas. However, these methods are controversial because some countries do not regulate them.

  2. A Tampa Bay-area school used a cell phone jammer during a recent incident, but officials are cautious about the device's effectiveness. While it's illegal to use cellphones in schools, a Florida principal is using cell phone jammers in his classroom. After noticing students using cell phones in class, he decided to use a cell phone jammer in class.

  3. The South Carolina Department of Corrections is currently awaiting test results that will reveal whether the technology works. State prisons are common targets for cell phone jammers. They are also a potential source of revenue for the company, which sells its equipment to federal agencies. However, many industry spokespeople have warned that the technology could have a negative impact on the public. If the technology works well, it could be used as a crime-fighting tool in prisons.

  4. Cell phones are a convenient convenience, but a nuisance to other patrons. They keep the lines busy while others get distracted by their phones. Customers will appreciate it if the cell phone jammer is left on the counter and will be happy to be free from the constant hassle. Although there may be some select customers who don't like the idea of being interrupted while waiting for their food.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

How to Test a Cell Phone Jammer

Cell phone jammers interfere with GPS

If you're wondering if cell phone jammers can interfere with GPS, the answer is yes. GPS receiver signals from satellites 13,000 miles away are very weak. Small jammers can disrupt signals from miles away. gps jamming signals can be a crime because some people use them to smuggle drugs or steal cars. Others use jammers to gain extra time.

Jamming cell phones has a wide range of applications. Some people want to block unwanted calls, while others are just looking for a little peace and quiet. However, be sure to check local laws and regulations before you start jamming any frequencies. It's also important to remember that cell phones are analog devices, so they're just as susceptible to interfering devices. However, if you intend to interfere with your phone's GPS signal, it's best to purchase equipment specifically designed for this purpose.

Interfere with Wifi

WiFi cell phone jammers are an excellent way to block wireless signals. These devices have several advantages. They can be easily installed and have good cooling properties. They block signals from all cell phone bands and can be configured to accommodate a variety of power supplies, antennas, connectors, and operational needs. You can choose which frequency bands to jam. The devices have a two-hour battery life, enough to block signals up to 50 meters away.

Most can interfere with six frequencies: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1700 MHz, and 1800 MHz. High Power WiFi Cell Phone Jammer is capable of jamming two signals at the same time. Blocks up to 25 meters and is extremely portable. Jammers can be worn on a person's arm, which is useful for military and police use. The built-in battery is safe, portable and rechargeable.

Examples of Where Cellular Signal Blockers Can Be Used

Cellular signal blockers can be used in many different settings. They are useful for a number of reasons, such as blocking annoying calls in a noisy room. They can also keep rooms in schools or elderly homes quiet.

Another use for cellular signal blockers is in hospitals. Since cell phones are necessary for business, having someone on the phone can cause disruption. Many people use cell phone blockers to protect themselves from rude passengers. The technology sells for less than $200. Plus, it's easy to install. You can choose a jammer based on the area you plan to use. While it won't block all signals, you can choose a specific location for your device.



Tagi: wifi cell phone jammer 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Is it illegal to use a signal jammer?

Even though they are legal, is it illegal to use signal jammers? That's the question on everyone's mind. The use of signal jammers in public places is a serious problem that can literally endanger people's lives. While some states do not allow the use of signal jammers in public places, there are some exceptions in the United States. France, for example, has legalized the use of signal jammers in concert halls and movie theaters, and is working on a technology that could let emergency calls through. Likewise, the Indian government has installed jammers in some prisons, and universities in Italy have adopted the technology to prevent cheating.

However, that doesn't mean your workplace cannot be protected from an FCC investigation. The FCC has field agents who can conduct on-the-spot investigations and impose hefty fines. To protect your business from such investigations, you should designate a senior employee to act as a liaison between the FCC agent and your organization. You may also need to hire outside legal counsel to guide you through the audit. Whether or not you use a signal jammer matters, as the fines for infringement are hefty.

However, some people do use cell phone jammers for different purposes. Some people use them to block unwanted calls, while others want to protect their privacy. If you're in doubt about the legality of signal jammers, check your state's laws before buying one. For example, in the United States, signal jammers are illegal if they interfere with cellular communications. In addition to blocking unwanted calls, signal jammers can disrupt important data transmissions elsewhere.

If you want to use a signal jammer in a public place, you need to obtain the appropriate license. Most people who own signal jammers don't need a license. If you're looking for a good signal jammer, make sure it has the proper license. Signal jammers can be used for a variety of purposes, including espionage or law enforcement.

How to Get a Portable Cell Phone Jammer

If you are one of those people who can't stand hearing those annoying conversations, then you should invest in a portable cell phone jammer. They work by blocking signals within a certain range and are essential everyday gadgets. But how do you get one? Read on to learn more about the different types and features. Here are some things to look out for when buying a portable cell phone jammer. And, most importantly, they are easy to use.

The first thing you need to consider is the frequency range that a portable cell phone jammer can block. The cellular telephone spectrum consists of many frequency bands. You'll find jammers that are compatible with your carrier's band. If you want to block a certain frequency range, then you're going to need a jammer that works in that frequency range. These jammers are great for blocking WiFi and cell phone signals.

8 Bands Jammer

A good portable cell phone jammer should be small enough to fit in a pocket or backpack. It should also be portable enough to work in a variety of places. It can interfere with cell phone, gps jammer and wifi jammer signals. It's perfect for offices, schools, hospitals, and conference rooms. It can also be used for various other purposes. The device is portable and has a rechargeable battery to keep it running continuously.

Benefits of Cell Phone Scrambler Jammer

Jammers can be used to prevent illegal activities, such as terrorists using cell phones. They also protect citizens from crime and maintain the UK's sovereign security. Using cell phone scrambler jammers in prisons can be an effective way to stop crime and help authorities become heroes in modern society. There are many other reasons why people should consider buying a cell phone scrambler jammer. In this article, we discuss some of these benefits.

Some are concerned about their health and safety. Some companies prohibit employees from using mobile phones. However, it's important to remember that such use is not only distracting, but dangerous. It can also interfere with the ability to focus on work. Cell phones are not allowed if you have children in the classroom. This just causes them to miss important information and hinders their ability to focus. Therefore, the FCC and Congress should create an exception for this issue. In addition, companies should be allowed to manufacture disruptive devices that can be controlled by employees. Additionally, movie theaters can use cell phone scrambler jammers to prevent kids from calling during movie screenings.

Top Reasons to Use a Cell Phone Blocker

There are many reasons to use a cell phone signal blocker. When low-power jammers became widely available for as little as $300 in the mid-2000s, civilians began using them. They can help you cope with stress, or with rude passengers. These devices can also be used at home or in the office. Here are some examples of how to use it. Some of the main reasons to use a cell phone signal blocker are listed below.

Signals from cell phones travel between towers like soccer balls. If you want to enjoy food or watch a movie, cell phone signal jammer is a good choice. These devices block cell phone signals and make sure no one can make a call while you sit quietly. Some even claim that cell phone blockers prevent emergency calls from getting through. However, this may not be true. The device can only block cell phone signals if they are within range of cell towers.

Cell phone blockers also block the transmission of certain radio frequencies, which are essential for cell phones. Less complex devices will only block one frequency at a time. More advanced jammers are designed to interfere with many types of networks, such as dual-mode phones and triple-mode devices. There are even devices that block all frequencies at the same time, and they can be tuned to specific frequencies to prevent them from working. However, this is not an effective way to block cell phone signals.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Select Phone Signal Blocker

  • When choosing a phone signal jammer, you should consider three things: the type of phone network to be blocked, the power level, and appearance. Depending on your needs, you can choose devices that only interfere with one type of phone network or block all signals. Some jammers can even block certain types of cell phones, including dual-mode and triple-mode devices. Some high-end devices block all frequencies, while others tune to specific frequency ranges.

  • One way to block cell phone signals is to buy a signal jammer. These devices emit radio frequencies higher than cell phone signals to counteract low-level interference. The higher the power of the signal, the more power the jammer blocks. There are two types of jammers, which interfere with one or both cell phone frequencies. Whether you're choosing a jammer for a single cell phone or two frequencies, it's important to find the one that's right for your situation.

Tagi: cell phone scrambler 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

We are convinced that this was an act of pure, unadulterated charity, uninfluenced by self-interest. Cellphone jammer maker CellAntenna Corp. is calling on U.S. lawmakers to change federal law to allow law enforcement officers to use cellphone jammers more broadly. We bet you can guess why too - and yes, it's helpful in the fight against terrorism. Because as we all know, there are a lot of cell phone terrorists out there (in fact, for us, anyone we see with a cell phone is automatically suspect). CellAntenna said in a statement that adding cell phone jamming is "the first step in increasing profits to prevent IED attacks in the United States." How refreshing - a company with a social conscience.

The company is challenging FCC rules on cell phone jamming devices

A small Florida company is asking the Federal Communications Commission to change a rule that bans the sale of cell phone signal encryption equipment to local and state governments.

CellAntenna filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta on Nov. 22 challenging the Communications Act of 1934, which is enforced by the FCC. The 1934 Act and related FCC regulations prohibit the use of cellular and radio frequency jamming devices except by federal agencies. That means local and state officials are prohibited from using such devices, which could be used to prevent terrorist attacks.

CellAntenna contends that the Communications Act and the FCC's interpretation of the law's provisions are unconstitutional because they conflict with the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which Congress passed in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

It is well known in intelligence and law enforcement circles that cell phones can be used to remotely detonate certain types of bombs. The electrical properties of most batteries used in today's cell phones provide enough energy to produce the necessary spark or energy to ignite detonators or modified electric matches typically used for plastic explosives. In addition, even low-end mobile phones can use built-in alarm and timing mechanisms, and even the simplest and cheapest mobile devices can be used as bomb detonation tools.

Mobile phones are believed to have been used in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. Insurgents have used them effectively to trigger street bombings in Iraq in recent years. U.S. troops in Iraq are using devices made by companies like CellAntenna that jam or block cellphone signals to protect convoys traveling through known trouble spots.

But in the United States, only federal agencies are allowed to use phone encryption devices. The law prohibits local and state law enforcement agencies from obtaining such devices as first responders to domestic terrorist attacks.

"It simply doesn't make sense that the FBI can use these devices but local and state governments, which are considered an important part of counterterrorism under the Homeland Security Act, cannot," said Howard Melamed, CEO of CellAntenna. That makes sense." "We provide weapons and other equipment to local police to protect the public, but we can't trust them to have cell phone wifi jammers devices? It doesn't make sense."

This point is a key element of CellAntenna's case against the FCC

"Whereas the FCC prohibits the sale of radio frequency and cellular jammers to state and local police departments, the Homeland Security Act consistently and repeatedly directs the Department of Homeland Security to take whatever measures are necessary to empower local law enforcement agencies and first responders in the fight against global terrorism."


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

"The U.S. military has invested a lot of work over the past decade to improve the security of GPS," said James Lewis, a technology expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.

Lewis said Russia has deployed "powerful" jammers in Syria since 2015, disrupting much of the electromagnetic spectrum. These phone jammer are powerful enough to disrupt aircraft landing in Tel Aviv, Israel.

"The problem with these large, powerful jammers is that they are vulnerable," Lewis told Mission & Purpose. "It sends a strong signal, 'I'm here.' Target me." That's attractive when you don't have to worry about someone fighting back. I think that's one of the reasons it's used in Syria. "

Russia also has more advanced jammers that can jam certain frequencies, Lewis said, and they have invested time and effort in developing the ability to spoof GPS signals and throw navigation systems off course. To this end, the Chinese military, whose electronic warfare capabilities lag behind Russia's, is purchasing Russian-made jammer device.

8 Bands Jammer Device

The United States also helped Ukraine find and destroy Russian jammers, a "high priority" mission, according to a secret Pentagon document that was part of a secret document allegedly leaked by pilot Jack Teixeira .

"We will continue to advocate/recommend disrupting/destroying these jammers wherever possible," the document said.

Criminal gang uses GPS jammer to steal cars

Criminal gangs are importing GPS jammers from China to steal expensive cars or car transporters carrying valuable cargo. However, they believe that a terrible accident will soon happen to the gang.

Tracking devices have become an important part of vehicle safety, often using GPS. However, GPS systems are susceptible to a technique called "jamming," which blocks the signal between GPS satellites and their receivers.

Introducing a more advanced tracking device that combines GSM, GPS and VHF technology in one device. The result is a solution that is more resilient to criminals using jamming devices. All 52 police forces in the UK use a stolen vehicle tracking and recovery system, which tells police the original location of a stolen vehicle.

Many people don't realize how dependent our lives are on GPS. It's not just car owners who face growing risks of disruption. "With criminals increasingly importing jammers from China or manufacturing their own in the UK, air traffic control or other critical networks could be vulnerable to terrorist attacks if countermeasures are not taken."

People are overly reliant on GPS as a safety and recovery system, especially when used alone. As more and more U.S. motorists become vulnerable to jamming devices, we believe no one technology is strong enough.


Tagi: cell phone gps 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

A signal jammer is a device that suppresses, interferes with or blocks radio frequencies, the use of which is generally illegal under the Communications Act 1934. This is primarily due to their ability to interfere with critical communications such as emergency communications, disrupt first responder communications, or interfere with maritime or aviation communications.

Under the law, it is unlawful for any person to "willfully or maliciously interfere with or disrupt the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under this chapter or operated by the United States Government." Additionally, the bill prohibits the manufacture, importation, sale, offer for sale, transportation, or use of equipment that does not comply with the provisions of the bill.

Therefore, it is often impossible to authenticate or use jamming device because their real purpose is to disrupt the communications of authorized devices. Therefore, these devices do not comply with FCC standards and are illegal for use in the United States with few exceptions.

In this case, the FFC received an outage complaint from a telecommunications provider. In response, the agency's law enforcement division launched an investigation into the possible use of wifi signal jammer at a warehouse in Texas. The business owner admitted using such devices to prevent employees from using mobile phones in the workplace.

The company's owners said a telecommunications provider had previously warned their son that such devices were illegal, the FCC reported. Additionally, the owner of the device claimed that he had disposed of the device and would not retrieve it for agents or determine where it went. However, the owner reportedly offered to sell the unit to a broker, who rejected the offer.

The FCC Bureau of Enforcement has since issued $22,000 in fines, including $10,000 for operating an unauthorized device, $7,000 for interfering with authorized communications, and $5,000 for misconduct. The storage company appealed the decision, and in response, the FCC has now upheld the fine.

A Seffner man fined $48,000 by FCC for using cell phone jammer during daily commute

The most popular 8 band jammers

A Seffner man faced a $48,000 fine from the Federal Communications Commission Wednesday for using a cell phone jamming device during his daily commute to and from Tampa.

The FCC alleges that Jason R. Humphreys unlawfully interfered with cellphone service and police communications along Interstate 4 for two years.

"This case highlights the threat to public safety posed by the use of a single signal jamming device that could disrupt all wireless and public communications in the area," FCC Enforcement Bureau Director Travis LeBlanc said in a statement. Communications." Secure Communications. "

In 2013, MetroPCS contacted the FCC saying its cell towers were experiencing interference between Seffna and Tampa in the morning and evening. Police monitored the route and determined Humphrey's sport utility vehicle was the source.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies stopped Humphries and discovered that as they approached Humphries' car, their communications with the police dispatch center were lost. They found a cell phone jammer behind his passenger seat cover.

Hillsborough County employee Humphreys told authorities he has been using it for nearly two years to stop people from talking on the phone while driving.

The FCC proposed a $48,000 fine and gave Humphreys 30 days to respond, including paying in full, requesting payment in installments, or requesting a reduction or cancellation. The FCC said on Monday it had not yet responded and would now "identify and implement" the penalties.

The use or sale of mini gps jammer is against federal law. Jammers block radio communications by preventing devices such as cell phones from establishing and maintaining connections. They can also impact communications for first responders, police and other law enforcement agencies, as well as Wi-Fi and GPS devices, according to the FCC.

Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Let's give credit to the teacher who destroyed the phone signal in the classroom. This is just a place that needs them.

The news that Fivay High School teacher (and former professional wrestler!) Dean Liptak is in trouble for blocking cell phone signals in his classroom is completely the wrong reaction from the school administration (and let's be honest, the government).

Of course, what he was doing was technically illegal. The FCC says: "The use of 'cell phone jammers' or similar devices (signal blockers, GPS jammers or text message blockers, etc.) designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or disrupt authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law." Oops, It's not even illegal to sell jammers in the United States, but they're easy to buy overseas (as long as the retailer doesn't get caught). The only legal purchasers of such equipment are government employees.


Liptak is getting off light (five-day suspension without pay); a Florida man with a jammer in his car for months got fined $48,000. At least one priest has used a jammer after calls happened during sermons and even a funeral-and he supposedly got the go-ahead from the police.

Sure, the driver, and the priest, and the teacher may have used some questionable judgment since the signal blocker blocked more than just their limited locations. But they all jammed with the best of intentions, and perhaps Liptak had the best reason of all: to get the little brats we call our future to pay attention for once.

Back in the days of yore, in-class distractions were limited to things like seeing something out the window (SQUIRREL!), passing folded notes, or maybe sneaking in a comic book. Now, a student can do all that and a 1,000 other things on one screen. How does a teacher of any quality compete with YouTube, Snapchat, Trivia Crack, or even PornHub? Putting a filter on the local school Wi-Fi network doesn't mean squat to a kid with unlimited data from mommy and daddy's family plan.

Rather than condemn Liptak, society should look into ways to empower teachers who need this assist. The FCC and Congress should be creating exceptions to the Communications Act of 1934 upon which many of the cellphone jammers limitations are based. Businesses should be allowed to find new ways to make easily controlled jamming devices.

Because, let's face it, there are multiple places where it would be an excellent idea for jammers with limited, fine-tuned range, to be used judiciously:

At Home

Parents can try parental control and monitoring software all they like, but once a kid (or even the spouse or grandparents) gets the freedom of the smartphone with data plan, good luck trying to get them to talk during family dinner.

Just as a parent has the ability and right to cut off the Wi-Fi at home, they should have the option to cut the cellular signal if desired. Grabbing phones from hands to put them in airplane mode probably won't work, and making the house into a Faraday cage is an extreme only the tin-foil hat crowd should try. But an in-home cell jammer should be an option whenever desired or necessary. (Just keep that landline, folks.)

All of these examples are predicated on other lines being available for emergencies, or at the least someone having the expectation of mobility enough to get outside the jammer's range. For now, there's no way that even those with the best intentions could utilize the limited tech available in a way that wouldn't disrupt services well beyond the scope of their classroom, theater, office, or home, unfortunately. If you think there's an illegal jammer in use around you, visit the FCC online complaint portal or call 1-888-CALL-FCC (or 1-888-225-5322).

But before you do, consider if you really were harmed, or if maybe, just maybe, that hour without the cell signal was the best hour of your day. Besides, if your signal is jammed, you probably can't make the call anyway.

The Workplace

There's no question that in most offices, email and the Internet are absolute necessities. But are cell phones? In a survey by Pew Research, only 24 percent of adults with full- or part-time jobs listed a cell or smartphone as "very important" to getting their work done. In other research, 50 percent of bosses think a cell phone is a negative to workplace productivity.

There are plenty of places where it's actively dangerous to be using a cell phone-but the devices are probably snuck on to warehouse or assembly line floors all the time. If employers could jam signals but allow for emergency calls, no harm, no foul.


The sign should read: No short, No shoes, Using Phone, NO Service. Customers who can't bother to place an order with a server because they're in the middle of a call should get a 35 percent tip forced on their bill. Better yet, the bistro's jammer should cut this so-called customer off-if the call is so damn important, they can go outside.


I've been on the wrong end of a couple of cell phone calls at movie theaters in the last few years. Namely, in the middle of a movie, people's phones not only went off, but the idiot in question answered, then proceeded to have a conversation, at normal volume, as if that's perfectly okay, and not grounds for justifiable homicide. (At one of those films-the execrable Land of the Lost, so perhaps I should have been grateful for the distraction-I actually stood up and said to the offender, "Are you kidding me?" I like to think the rest of the audience applauded, but I couldn't hear anything over the hate-blood pounding in my ears.)

Concert goers, Broadway aficionados, film buffs, and many more would not need to worry about such rudeness if theaters utilized jammers that kicked in the second the lights dim. Sure, there's always emergencies, or doctors on call, or parents who must be sure the baby-sitter can reach them, etc. But those people should find a different way to spend their night out.


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Ensuring the safety and security of both staff and inmates within correctional facilities is of utmost importance. Implementing stringent security measures is crucial to maintain control and prevent dangerous situations from arising. Sadly, the presence of cellphones in prisons poses a significant threat to this goal.


One of the main challenges that correctional facilities face is preventing contraband items from entering the prison. Traditional security measures such as body scanners, metal detectors, and thorough searches often prove ineffective in detecting smaller items like cellphones. Inmates and their accomplices have become increasingly creative in concealing these devices, exploiting vulnerabilities in the system.


Once cellphones find their way into prisons, they become powerful tools for organizing criminal activities within and beyond the facility's walls. Gang leaders, drug dealers, and other inmates can use cellphones to coordinate illicit operations, intimidate others, and even continue conducting their illegal businesses from behind bars.


In response to the Greenville Veteran's Suicide Incident, correctional facilities are under immense pressure to strengthen security measures and address the issue of cellphone access within prisons. The incident demonstrated the urgent need for innovative solutions and strategies to combat this growing problem.


This article was published in partnership with The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Subscribe to the newsletter or follow The Marshall Project on Facebook or Twitter.


Shortly before noon on Sept. 11, 2018, a former Army soldier named Jared Johns lay in bed, turned on his iPhone camera, and said goodbye to his family.


Near the end of the two-minute video, Johns' eyes widened as a text message read on the screen: "She's calling the police and you're going to jail," it read.


Johns, who had served in Afghanistan, took a deep breath, placed a 9mm pistol under his chin, and pulled the trigger.


The 24-year-old veteran is one of hundreds of former and current service members who have fallen victim to a "sextortion" conspiracy. The scheme that led to his suicide involved scammers posing as underage girls on dating sites. Prosecutors said they sought to extort men who responded to their solicitations.


But the most startling aspect of the plot in Johns' case was that it was allegedly carried out by inmates at Lee Correctional Institution, a maximum security prison in South Carolina about 150 miles east of Greenville. And the inmates did it using smartphones - banned devices that should have been blocked by the prison's $1.7 million "managed access system."


Now prison officials and some federal agencies have proposed purchasing an even more complex and potentially more expensive technology to stop illicit cellular and Wi-Fi messaging from contraband phones in prison: a jammer that will block all calls within its range.


"Inmates are incarcerated physically, but they're still free, digitally," said Bryan P. Stirling, the director of the South Carolina Department of Corrections, who has been on a mission to get signal jammers in prisons since 2009.


But some experts warn that jamming technology, which the federal Bureau of Prisons recently tested in a South Carolina prison, could put the public at risk by interfering with 911 calls and other cellphone service nearby. For rural prisons, the concern focuses on drivers on local roads and highways. Plus, they say, the technology probably won't work.


"They're taking an internal problem and impacting people who are not involved," said Richard Mirgon, a former executive at the Association for Public-Safety Communications Officials. "It's tantamount to saying, ‘Why not jam up the freeway to keep people from speeding in the side streets?' It's just so extreme."



Problems with the best solution

The best solution, according to telecommunications companies and advocates for prisoners' rights, would be to stop the influx of cellphones into prisons. But that has proven difficult,

especially at a prison like Lee, which has a long history of serious phone-related incidents. Inmates there have used contraband cellphones, for example, to order a hit on a corrections officer who was shot almost to death in 2010 and to publicize prison riots twice in the past four years.


Sex, drugs and cellphones:Relationships between guards, inmates unravel SC prisons


Prison officials at Lee say they have tried to stem the tide. In 2017, the corrections department felled large trees that loomed over the prison to stop drones from dropping off packages of cellphones. That same year, the department spent $8.3 million to install 50-foot netting at the perimeter of its prisons, including Lee, in hopes of stopping couriers from throwing backpacks of cellphones over fences.


Corrections officials say these solutions reduced the number of cellphones in state prisons. In fiscal year 2017, prison guards confiscated 7,482 phones, batteries or chargers in the state's facilities, which house more than 21,000 people. In the fiscal year that ended in June, officials collected 3,900. Chrysti Shain, a spokeswoman for the corrections department, said that inmates now must spend thousands of dollars to acquire a phone.


Yet, the department acknowledges phones still get inside. Experts point to low-paid guards and prison workers who can augment their low pay by selling inmates contraband.

But even if cellphones get in, there should be no calls getting out. That's because of the nearly $2 million in technology that Lee officials purchased to block calls from unauthorized phones.



Challenges with cellphone signal blocking

In 2017, after clearing the treeline and setting up the nets, the corrections department hired Tecore Networks, a communications company, to install the system that is supposed to detect and block all calls made from contraband phones. The technology is supposed to work like this: If someone makes a call, the system compares the cell number to a predetermined list of prison staff phone numbers - called a white list -and then either allows the call to go through, or blocks it.


The wireless telecommunications lobby group CTIA, which represents some of the country's largest carriers and equipment manufacturers, has recommended that prisons use the managed access systems, as they are called. But it's unclear how many facilities across the country actually do. Shawntech, another private company that sells managed access systems to correctional institutions, says it provides the multi-million dollar systems to close to 350 jails and prisons.


Even engineers who back the system as a solution warn that it's not a silver bullet to stop all illicit calls, which can circumvent the system because of a very basic rule of how a cell tower works: If you can't see it, it can't see you.


When someone inside makes a phone call, the closest cell tower will pick up that signal. In a prison with a managed access system in place, the tower is usually located within the perimeter. But, for example, if an inmate stood behind a wall with water pipes, the cell signal would find the closest tower it could see, which would be outside the prison.


Also, cell companies often change the strength of a signal if customers in an area have bad reception. It's like listening to two conversations happening at once in the same room; it's easier for you to hear the loudest speaker. Whenever cell companies boost a signal, cellphones inside the prison will be able to find it more readily. It's a problem that Tecore flagged in a 2018 press release.


That's what South Carolina's corrections officials say happened at Lee, and how the inmates contacted Johns in the first place.


Current and former prisoners at Lee said they could use cellphones easily, even with the managed access system in place. This year, inmates at Lee were caught live-streaming on Facebook.

"Walk into one room, and it's fine; walk into another and you won't be able to," said a current inmate in the prison, who said he has used a prepaid Boost Mobile cellphone to make calls. His identity is not being revealed out of concern for his safety.


Tecore, which manages the prison's system, did not respond to multiple emails or calls over several weeks seeking comment.



Jamming all calls, even to 911

These problems explain why corrections officials and federal agencies have proposed using technology long opposed by the communications industry: cellphone jammers to stop all calls, even from phones owned by staff or emergency workers.


Unlike managed access systems, which allow people to make calls if their numbers are on an approved list, a jammer is indiscriminate in its reach and power to block all frequencies, including data and Wi-Fi. That's a problem for the nation's 911 phone system, which operates on a frequency close to the one commercial carriers use.


Only federal authorities can legally use jammers, and only in limited circumstances involving national security. But with the blessing of the FCC's Chairman Ajit Pai-appointed by President Trump in 2017- and the U.S. Department of Justice, prison jammers could become a possibility.


In September, the department and state officials put out news releases saying that a test at South Carolina's Broad River Correctional Institution showed that a micro-jammer could block calls inside a cell block while allowing "legitimate calls" a foot outside its walls.


But a technical report on the same test by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration was squishier. It noted that the test involved only one of the 14 gsm jammer required to block calls in half the cellblock. And it found that jamming was detected at least 65 feet away, though it said it was unclear how significant that interference would be to regular cell-phone service.


The telecommunications agency would not comment on the study.


Precise jamming - limited to a specific distance and also only to cellphone frequencies- is prohibitively expensive, especially for larger correctional facilities, said Ben Levitan, a technical engineer who has worked with the South Carolina corrections department in the past and read the NTIA's report.


That kind of jamming is "cool in theory, but it's impractical," he said.


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

F.C.C. spokesman Clyde Enslin declined to comment on the issue or the Maryland case.

Wireless carriers pay tens of billions of dollars to lease spectrum from governments as long as others don't interfere with their signals. And there are additional fees. Verizon Wireless, for example, spends $6.5 billion a year building and maintaining its network.

"It is counterintuitive that this type of device has found a market at a time when wireless consumers' demand for improved cell phone coverage is clear and strong," said Jeffrey Nelson, a Verizon spokesman. These carriers also raise public safety concerns: criminals could use gsm blocker to prevent people from communicating in an emergency.

The CTIA, a major cellphone industry association, asked the F.C.C. on Friday to maintain the illegality of the interference and continue to pursue violators. The company said the move was in response to requests from the two companies to allow jammers to be used in certain situations, such as prisons.

The individuals who used the jammers expressed guilt about their vandalism, but some clearly had a mischievous side, and others gloated over the phones. "It was worth it just to watch those stupid teens in the mall get their phone hung up." Can you hear me? Noooo! Nice, "the jammer's buyer wrote last month in a review on a website called DealExtreme.

Gary, a therapist in Ohio, also declined to give his last name, citing the illegal use of the devices. Interruptions are necessary to get the job done effectively, he says. He runs group therapy sessions for people with eating disorders. During one meeting, a woman's confession was rudely interrupted.

"She was talking about sexual abuse," Gary said. "Someone's phone was turned off and they kept talking."

8 Bands Jammer

"There's no etiquette," he said. "It's an epidemic."

Gary said that despite the no-phone policy, calls always interrupt therapy. Four months ago, he bought a jammer for $200 and secretly placed it on the side of the room. He tells patients that if they are waiting for an emergency call, they should give the phone number of the front desk. He didn't tell them about the jammer.

Gary bought the jammer from a website in London called Victor McCormack, the site's operator, said he ships about 400 jammers a month to the United States, up from 300 a year ago. He says more than 2,000 holiday gifts have been ordered.

Kumaar Thakkar, who lives in Mumbai, India, and sells jammers online, said he exports 20 jammers a month to the United States, twice as many as a year ago. Clients include cafe and hair salon owners and Dan, a New York school bus driver, he said.

"The kids thought they were secretly hiding in their seats and using their phones," Dan wrote in an email to Mr. Tarka, thanking him for selling jammers. "Now kids don't understand why their phones don't work, but can't ask either because they'll get in trouble!" It's fun to watch them try to get the signal."

Andrew, an architect in the San Francisco area, said using jammers started out as fun and became a practical way to keep quiet on the train. Now he uses it more wisely.

"At this point, just knowing that I have the power to cut someone off is satisfying enough," he said.

Desktop  Jammers

One afternoon in early September, an architect boarded a local train and became a mobile vigilante. He sat next to a woman in her 20s who he said was "chatting" on her phone.

"She kept using the word 'like.' She sounded like a valley girl," said architect Andrew, who declined to give his last name because what he did next was illegal.

Andrew reached into his shirt pocket and pressed a button on a black device the size of a cigarette pack. It emits a powerful radio signal that interferes with the chatterer's cellphone transmissions as well as those of others within a 30-foot radius.

"She spoke into the phone for about 30 seconds before she realized no one was listening on the other end of the phone," he said. What was his reaction when he first discovered he could wield such power? "Oh my gosh! Liberation."

As cellphone use soars, making it difficult not to hear half of a conversation in many public spaces, a small but growing group of rebels are turning to a blunt countermeasure: cellphone jammers, devices that interfere with nearby mobile devices invalid.

The technology is not new, but foreign exporters of jammers say demand is increasing and they are sending hundreds of jammers to the United States each month, prompting scrutiny from federal regulators and the wireless industry last week. new worries. Buyers include cafe and hair salon owners, hoteliers, speakers, theater operators, bus drivers and, increasingly, public transport commuters.

The development is sparking a battle for control of the airspace over the ears. This damage is collateral damage. Insensitive talkers inflict mischief on the defenseless, while jammer device punish not only the perpetrators but also the more cautious chatterboxes.

"If there's one thing that defines the 21st century, it's our inability to back down for the benefit of others," said James Katz, director of the Mobile Communications Research Center at Rutgers University. "The caller thought he was rights outweigh those of those around them, and the disruptor believes his rights are more important."

Jamming technology emits radio signals so strong that they overload cell phones and prevent them from communicating with cell towers. Ranges range from a few feet to several meters, and equipment costs between $50 and a few hundred dollars. Larger models can be reserved to create no-call zones.

It is illegal to use gps blocker in the United States. Radio frequencies used by mobile phone providers are protected in the same way as those used by television and radio stations.

The Federal Communications Commission says first-time users of cell phone jammers could be fined up to $11,000. His law enforcement agencies have prosecuted several U.S. companies for distributing the devices and are also prosecuting their users.

F.C.C. investigators said Verizon Wireless visited an upscale restaurant in Maryland last year. The store owner, who asked not to be named, said he spent $1,000 on a high-powered jammer because he was tired of employees focusing on their phones instead of customers.

"I tell them, put your phone away, put your phone away, put your phone away," he said. They ignored him.

The store owner said F.C.C. investigators spent a week there, using special equipment designed to detect jammers. But the owner has turned it off.

Verizon investigators were also unsuccessful. "He went to everyone in town and gave them his phone number and said if they had any questions to call him immediately," the store owner said. He said he had stopped using the wifi blocker.

Of course, detecting the use of smaller, battery-powered jammers, such as those used by disgruntled commuters, would be more difficult.


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Cell-jamming technology is being employed by the suspects involved in the break-in to effectively elude surveillance cameras and prevent their activities from being recorded.

Devices are utilized in cell-jamming to impede the transmission of radio or wireless signals

CMPD has reported that burglars have managed to outsmart surveillance cameras during certain instances of home break-ins by utilizing advanced technology.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

Cell-jamming, also known as signal interference, occurs when an individual utilizes a device to disrupt radio or wireless transmissions.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, the deliberate use of a phone-jammer, GPS blocker, or any other signal jamming device to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is considered a violation of federal law. It is important to note that there are no exceptions for using such devices within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.

The act of Cell-jamming could be carried out by a device positioned at a distance of approximately 30 feet from the intended target, or by utilizing home cameras.

In a south Charlotte neighborhood, a video has surfaced showing a suspect stealthily navigating through a yard after dark. It is worth mentioning, though, that not all incidents have been documented on camera.

Prompt: Paraphrase the given text

As per John Shocknesse, VP of Customer Operations for CPI Security, wireless devices are prone to interference, and people will always attempt to disrupt their communication, regardless of the network they are on.

In a matter of seconds, a person can be caught on camera, but with the aid of cell-jamming, all it takes is one swift action, such as flipping a switch or pressing a button, to make them disappear or leave no trace behind.

CMPD has highlighted that this matter has arisen in a number of home break-ins in the southern area of Charlotte.

Shocknesse confirmed that they have not come across any instances of the mentioned activity. They are fully cognizant of this matter and are ensuring that they possess the finest and most up-to-date technology, which they believe to be of utmost significance.

WBTV sought his opinion on which electronic devices are more susceptible to cell-jamming.

Shocknesse believes that the issue of encryption arises in wireless devices that are significantly older.

As per his statement, the more recent security and surveillance systems have embraced improved technology, such as encryption, leading to increased levels of security.

Shocknesse stressed the crucial role of cameras and onboard recording, stating that it is imperative to have them. The cameras are installed with memory devices, which guarantees that even if there are any problems, the footage of the incident is still being recorded and can be submitted to the police department.

Additionally, he stressed that the most efficient way to prevent cell-jamming is to use up-to-date technology with encryption and to opt for a wired device instead of Wi-Fi, as an addition to his previous recommendation.

When it comes to thwarting home break-ins, it is important to remember that simple precautions can go a long way. This includes maintaining sufficient lighting, activating alarm systems, and ensuring that bushes are trimmed to a maximum height of three feet.



Tagi: cell jamming technology 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

How can one prevent children from accessing the internet on their mobile phones and control the duration of their usage?

Blocking children's mobile phone signals is a necessary step to protect their well-being. Since birth, children are constantly surrounded by electronic gadgets, which can negatively impact their growth and development. Hence, it is essential for us to take prompt action in order to safeguard children from the harmful effects of mobile phones.

In light of the new coronavirus pandemic, a considerable number of children have developed a habit of spending excessive time on mobile phones and playing online games on computers. Employing a signal jammer can aid children in gradually overcoming their internet addiction and gaining better control over their online activities. Additionally, adults can reduce their own mobile phone usage, allowing for increased engagement with their children and fostering a more harmonious family environment. Ultimately, this contributes to an improved family happiness index.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Method/Step 1: Restrict children's mobile phone access to the Internet in the router

By utilizing the security settings, all modern routers possess the capability to filter the MAC address of mobile phones, effectively preventing children's mobile devices from connecting to the Internet.By leveraging the router's capabilities, individuals with greater flexibility can effectively control children's internet usage by setting limitations on both access time and internet speed. This feature is commonly available in contemporary routers. Through the restriction of internet speed, children will only be able to utilize their mobile phones for informational purposes, while being unable to indulge in gaming activities.

Method/Step 2: Use a signal jammer

The advent of wireless networks has undeniably simplified Internet accessibility for individuals, yet the associated issues cannot be overlooked. It is not solely a question of network accessibility, but also a matter of ensuring network security.Signal jammers are employed in various locations to uphold a favorable network environment by deterring excessive network usage. This equipment has found extensive utilization across different countries and regions globally. Schools, prisons, libraries, reading rooms, and gas stations exemplify the typical settings where it is commonly deployed.

Under what circumstances does a mobile phone signal jammer have poor shielding effect?

1. In which situations does a cell phone jammer exhibit subpar shielding capabilities? In what specific environment can a mobile phone signal jammer be deployed to ensure optimal signal disruption?The efficacy of mobile phone signal jammers utilized in specific locations can be influenced by various factors such as the surrounding environment, installation position, distance, and the quantity of jammers employed.

Insufficient attention was given to data analysis, plane survey, shielding coverage plan, and other essential tasks during the early stage. Consequently, blind installation resulted in no impact and poor shielding effect. To avoid such issues, it is highly recommended to contact professional shielding customer service before installing the shielding device. They can offer expert advice and guidance. Furthermore, it is advisable to seek professional installation advice before purchasing a shield suitable for locations that require shielding.

WiFi is transmitted in many segments. Without testing or checking the professional frequency band technical parameters given by the manufacturer, it cannot be completely shielded. WiFi is divided into three segments (2.4G+5.2G+5.8G) with a bandwidth of several hundred megabits. This is why many customers say There is a WiFi signal shield, but when used on-site, you can still connect to WiFi and watch videos online normally.

2. The specified requirements for installation height are not met, and the installation position is deemed improper due to the presence of obstructions. Additionally, the use of partition walls leads to signal blockage.

3. The effectiveness of wifi jammer installed in specific locations may be compromised due to environmental factors. In particular, the presence of intelligent base stations within a distance of 200-500 meters can result in shielding failure. It is worth noting that these base stations typically operate at power levels exceeding 200 watts.When the base station encounters interference, it will automatically increase the transmission power, switch to a channel with a weaker interference signal, and have the ability to freely switch between channels. Mobile phone signal amplifiers are often found on the ceiling of locations where customers install mobile phone signal jammers.When the jammer and amplifier are employed concurrently, the effectiveness of the jammer's signal cancellation is compromised.

4. The incorrect selection of jammers can lead to their ineffectiveness. It is recommended to choose jammers based on the specific locations they will be used in. For example, prisons and detention centers should consider the completeness of channel shielding and the ability to operate continuously throughout the year. Medium-power mobile phone signal jammers are employed in prison buildings.Supplementary shielding and high-power directional shielding are achieved through the use of jammers in playgrounds and the release square, respectively, to ensure complete blocking of the prison signal. However, when prisons extensively rely on mobile phone signal jammers, it becomes arduous to manage and maintain them, resulting in escalated costs. To address this, the adoption of remote control software is being considered for efficient batch management.School examination rooms and conference rooms are generally open for a short period of several hours. They do not have high requirements on machine performance, but high requirements on shielding effect. For large areas, low power is recommended, or the power is insufficient and shielding cannot be performed. Directional shielding is required and external shielding is used. Problems such as insufficient full coverage lead to poor shielding effect and intermittent shielding effect when installing a mobile phone signal jammer. Choosing a low-power jammer in a large area or too high a power in a small area will result in improper purchase and poor shielding effect.


Tagi: block cell phone signal 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The classroom is an ideal setting where the implementation of cell phone jammer is strongly recommended. Over the past few years, the proliferation of cell phone usage in educational institutions has posed a major challenge, leading to concerns among educators and administrators regarding the potential distractions and disturbances it may cause to the learning environment.The act of using cell phones in the classroom enables students to cheat by either searching for information or sharing answers through text messages.

military jamming


Why do classrooms need cell phone jammers?

  1. Mobile phones have become a prevalent source of distraction for students in the classroom, causing them to inadvertently overlook significant information that is being taught by their teachers.

  2. To safeguard the authenticity of vital examinations, it is crucial to establish measures that discourage students from sharing answers or, more seriously, resorting to purchasing exam solutions. By doing so, we can mitigate the occurrence of erroneous and unjust test outcomes.

  3. In order to prevent the unauthorized sharing of vital information, teachers in certain significant classes take measures to ensure that students do not directly transmit it to third parties, thereby mitigating the risk of information leakage.

What kind of disruptors are needed in the classroom?

Save time on antenna installation and removal as the device comes equipped with a built-in antenna. Its user-friendly nature and excellent concealment make it effortlessly usable.

Equipped with a remote control, you hold the power to oversee the functioning of the jammer at any given moment. For instance, you can activate the blocking feature towards the end of an exam, when certain students may resort to cheating. Subsequently, you can swiftly disable wifi jammer using the remote control after the test concludes.

How to use jammers safely in the classroom?

  • It is essential to apply in advance to the school safety director and promptly report to the FCC government. Upon receiving authorization, you may legally utilize it within the designated area and during the specified time period.

  • Opt for low-power jammers to prevent the disruption caused by excessive power on signals outside the classroom environment. Although it may only partially hinder the mobile phone signal, it is imperative to prioritize safety, acknowledging that no solution can provide absolute accuracy.

  • Opting for a signal jammer with a relatively inconspicuous shape instead of an external antenna can effortlessly captivate students' attention. In numerous movies and TV series, the jammers portrayed often come equipped with multiple external antennas, which can effortlessly pique the interest of students.




Tagi: classroom cell phone blocker 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Signal Jammer bars are meaningless

The signal bars on your cell phone are not a reliable indicator of the strength of the cell phone jammer interfering with your phone's reception.Although signal bars can give you an idea of your reception quality, it is crucial to understand that there is no standardized measure equating a specific number of bars to the strength of a signal jammer. Each cell phone manufacturer utilizes their own calculation approach.When positioned in close proximity, two dissimilar phone brands operating on the same cellular network may exhibit dissimilar quantities of signal bars.

It is commonly believed that the signal jammer is an excellent device. Nevertheless, is this perception accurate? Here, we present various approaches to gauge the potency of a cell phone Signal Jammer.

military jamming


What's considered "good" cell Signal Jammer?

RSRP (Reference Signal Jammer Received Power) is the metric used to gauge the strength of 4G and 5G cellular 5g jammer. Signal jammer strength is classified as excellent on the RSRP scale when it surpasses approximately -85 dBm, whereas anything below about -115 dBm indicates poor signal jammer strength.

Difficulties may arise in making phone calls, sending or receiving text messages, or utilizing internet data if the RSRP signal strength is less than -120 dBm.

Additionally, it is crucial to bear in mind the quality of your cellular connection, which pertains to the amount of usable signal you are able to receive in contrast to the interference or noise that may hinder the signal.

There are ways to measure cellular wifi jammer quality-see our Knowledge Base article for more about that-but the important thing to know is that you can have strong cellular Signal Jammer and still have slow data and dropped calls because your Signal Jammer quality is poor.

Your cell Signal Jammer will fluctuate

The main factor contributing to this phenomenon is the heavy user load on the cell tower. In order to accommodate all the connected devices, the tower antenna must distribute its power evenly. Consequently, the downlink transmit power is continuously adjusted. During peak usage times like rush hour or lunch hour, users may notice a decrease in power availability.The main factor contributing to this situation is the heavy user load on the cell tower. To ensure that all connected devices receive sufficient power, the tower antenna continuously adapts its downlink transmit power. Consequently, during peak usage times like rush hour or lunch hour, users may observe a significant reduction in power.

Should your cell gsm jammer exhibit a signal strength of -110 dBm RSRP, it is probable that you can place a call without experiencing any difficulties. However, if the signal strength of your -110 dBm Signal Jammer drops to -120 dBm RSRP due to tower congestion, there is a chance that your call may be disconnected momentarily. Nonetheless, you should be able to quickly redial and reconnect within a few seconds.

Physical barriers block cellular transmissions

Even if you are near a cell tower, it is possible to encounter a weak cell signal due to the presence of certain building materials. Materials like concrete, metal, low-e glass, wood, and plaster have the ability to reflect or absorb cellular frequencies, thereby impeding their transmission into the building and affecting the signal strength on your phone.The effectiveness of Cellular Signal Jammers can be compromised by different elements, including stucco with wire mesh, metal roofs, logs, and vapor barriers in attics. Moreover, if there is a substantial concrete building obstructing the path between you and the cell tower, it can also hinder the signal.

When you find yourself in outdoor settings, it is important to note that cell signal jammers can be impeded or obstructed by thick forests and hilly terrains. Moreover, signal problems may also arise in low-lying regions near lakes, rivers, and gullies, even if the jammer is positioned well above your current position.

The challenges faced in densely populated urban areas with skyscrapers are distinct. In certain instances, the uppermost floors of these buildings, reaching heights of forty or fifty stories, experience difficulties in accessing a stable cell signal due to the cell tower antennas being primarily directed towards lower elevations.

In these situations, a cell phone Signal Jammer booster for home, office, or vehicle can solve your reception problems.



Tagi: cell signal jammer strength 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

According to experts, teenagers should strive to keep their screen time under two hours per day. The excessive use of phones can have adverse impacts on their physical and mental health. Additionally, excessive screen time has been linked to the development and progression of myopia, as well as conditions such as dry eye syndrome, digital eyestrain, and discomfort resulting from poor head and neck postures cell phone blocker.

The curiosity surrounding the activities of teenagers on their smartphones led Harvard researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James to embark on a study. Their findings revealed a complexity that often eludes adults. By surveying a vast sample of over 3,500 teenagers across the United States, they gained insights into the motivations behind sexting and the strategies employed by teens to navigate online friendship dilemmas.Their research has made a profound impact on me. It is astonishing to realize that as adults, we frequently offer unhelpful advice and simply dismiss teen phone use as a mere addiction. As a result, parents are failing to seize genuine opportunities to aid teenagers, as stated by their study wifi blocker.

Again and again from teens that they don't want to feel dysregulated when it comes to their technology use, and that they actually have pretty impressive, even amazing awareness of what tech habits they have that are serving them and the tech habits that they wish they could change. We had so many quotes from teens about just this feeling of, I don't know why, but this app, TikTok is running my life, or I keep falling asleep on social media and I wish I didn't. And what we found that's actually so powerful about that recognition is that adults often get really stuck in this position of being like a referee when it comes to teens technology use, where we're just blowing the whistle when kids do something wrong or calling teens out when they misstep. We get stuck in this position.

Want to Keep Your Teens (or Employees) from Texting Behind the Wheel?

I have reason to believe that there is a rising trend of individuals tampering with GPS applications while driving, leading to potential distracted driving dangers that are contingent upon the particular app and the location of the device.

I like the texting-blocking angle myself, but I'm leery of the general data-blocking one. What about apps that use differential GPS? (Satellite plus base station data-path corrections, for greater precision.) What about streaming audio apps, like Audible or Spotify? (I use both on extended drives, and I'd hate to tell either a teen or employee she couldn't, just to block texting). What if the driver wants to hand her smartphone off to someone else in the car to use for some data-related function, say looking up a restaurant or fiddling with the GPS or just checking email or text messages on behalf of the driver? (My wife did this for me for over a year whenever I drove, until she got her own smartphone.)


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The convenience of being able to reach out to individuals at any hour is truly remarkable. However, the use of cell phones in restaurants, theaters, concert halls, malls, and religious institutions has become a concern due to certain users' inability to discern when to conclude their conversations.Have you ever found yourself irritated by listening to a discussion about a highly personal situation, where the speaker reveals intimate details to their friend and those around them?

While the majority of us simply complain and carry on, there are individuals who go to great lengths to retaliate. Cell phones, essentially serving as handheld two-way radios, can experience signal disruption or jamming, similar to any other radio device.

By transmitting a signal on the same frequency and with a sufficiently high power, jamming devices can overpower cell phones, resulting in the collision and cancellation of the two signals. To counteract any minor disruptions, cell phones are designed to amplify their power, hence the signal jammer must be able to detect and replicate the power increase from the phone.

Cell phones function as full-duplex devices, employing two separate frequencies for simultaneous talking and listening. Some jammers interfere with only one of the frequencies utilized by cell phones, leading to the blocking of both frequencies. This deceives the phone into assuming there is no service since it can only detect one frequency.

Devices with lower complexity are designed to block only one set of frequencies, whereas more sophisticated jammers have the capability to block multiple network types simultaneously. This prevents dual-mode or tri-mode phones from automatically switching between different network types to search for an open signal. Some high-end devices have the ability to block all frequencies at once, while others can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

Blocking a cell phone signal simply requires a device that can transmit on the correct frequencies. While various cellular systems may process signals differently, they all rely on radio signals that are vulnerable to interference.The 900-MHz and 1800-MHz bands are utilized by GSM in Europe and Asia for digital cellular and PCS-based systems, whereas in the United States it operates within the 1900-MHz (sometimes referred to as 1.9-GHz) band.The versatility of gps jammer allows them to operate on any frequency, making them highly effective against AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, PCS, DCS, iDEN, and Nextel systems. Whether it is traditional analog cell phones or contemporary digital devices, both types are equally susceptible to disruption caused by jamming.

The actual range of the gsm jammer depends on its power and the local environment, which may include hills or walls of a building that block the jamming signal. Low-powered wifi jammer block calls in a range of about 30 feet (9 m). Higher-powered units create a cell-free zone as large as a football field. Units used by law enforcement can shut down service up to 1 mile (1.6 km) from the device.

I'll give you a serious answer since many others won't. I know from experience that, yes, your neighbor COULD have such a device. They're rather inexpensive. $150 can get someone a cell phone jammer conveniently delivered to their door.

Is it likely though? Anything is possible. You never really know who your neighbors are. I move around a lot & after all the awful neighbors I have had, I put nothing past anyone.

FCC probably won't take your claim seriously without proof. Just repeat the performance a few times & record the results. However, if the guy has a jammer it would probably be best not to talk about your test out loud.

Reason being, when someone has a jammer, they usually also have a listening device. No, I am not joking. Every person in this would be paranoid if they knew the number of people who buy listening devices so they can spy on their neighbors for shits & giggles....or worse more malicious reasons.They're easy to acquire & work wonderfully. Don't talk about your plan to test him so you can record it. If he has a jammer, chances are that he's the type to have such a device to listen to you in your home.


Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The purpose of a cell phone jammer is to hinder the reception or transmission of cell phone signals by creating interference within the operating frequency ranges of mobile phones. By emitting signals on the same radio frequencies as cell phones, the jammer disrupts the communication between the phone and the cell phone base station, rendering the phones within its vicinity unable to receive signals.

When deciding on a cell phone jammer, various aspects can be considered:

  • How large of an area should the cell phone jammer be able to cover?

  • Are you looking for a pocket-sized cell phone jammer that ensures complete discretion?

Utilizing cell phone jammers can bring about several benefits, whether you aim to minimize disturbances caused by people nearby in public settings or to silence the usage of mobile phones within your organization or educational facility. Nevertheless, it is essential to conduct adequate research beforehand to ensure the acquisition of a signal jammer that precisely caters to your intended purpose.

When searching for cell phone jammers for sale, you should take the following into consideration...

  1. For how many years has the vendor been conducting business?

  2. Does the vendor stock a diverse selection of products, or do they specialize exclusively in signal jammers?

  3. How large of an area should the cell phone jammer be able to cover?

  4. Do you require a discreet (compact) handheld device that can block cell phone signals?

  5. Are you searching for a cell phone jammer suitable for your application, whether it be portable, fixed, or vehicle-based?

  6. Are you looking for a novelty gadget or a genuine cell phone jamming device?
Tagi: buy cell phone jammer 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Cell interference The use of devices to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

In some burglaries, thieves have figured out how to use technology to evade surveillance cameras.

This is called cellular interference, and it happens when a person uses a device to interfere with radio or wireless signals.

According to the FCC, "The use of telephone mobile jammers , gps blocker interceptors, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, interfere with, or interfere with authorized radio communications violates federal law." There are no exemptions for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles."

Cell interference may occur with devices or home cameras approximately 30 feet from the intended target.

Video from the south Charlotte neighborhood showed a suspect crawling across the yard at night, but not all of the incidents were caught on camera.

"Any time you have a wireless device, whether it's on Wi-Fi and so on, you know people are going to find a way - how to jam it, how to try to stop something from communicating," said John Shocknesse, vice president of security customer operations at CPI.

Within moments, someone can be seen on the camera, but with cellular interference, with the flick of a switch or the press of a button, that person disappears, or nothing is recorded.

The CMPD says the problem has occurred in some burglaries in South Charlotte.

"We haven't seen any of this activity, so it's most important that we're aware of it and make sure we have the best technology and the latest technology," Shocknesse said.

WBTV asked him which devices are more susceptible to cell phone interference.

"I think where it comes into play is with some older wireless devices that don't have encryption," Shocknesse said.

Newer security and monitoring systems have better encryption and are more secure, he said.

"I really don't think we can emphasize enough the importance of having cameras and some on-board recording," Shocknesse said. "The cameras we put there have storage devices on them, so even if something goes wrong, you can still record what's going on and you can take it to the police station."

Complementing this advice, he said the best solution to prevent cell phone interference is to adopt the latest encryption technology and wired devices instead of Wi-Fi.

As for preventing break-ins, following a few simple tips, such as maintaining good lighting, turning on an alarm system, and trimming bushes to no higher than three feet, may be effective.

Tagi: cell jamming 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

An uptick in individuals selling "jammers" - devices designed to interfere with cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has been noted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), raising concerns about potential disruptions in public areas.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of jammers, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency..

It is against the law to sell, promote, operate, or bring wifi jammers into the country as per the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits the interference of radio communications in public areas.


Eight individuals and companies advertising jammers on Craigslist were recently cited by the FCC.

According to the FCC, jammers were marketed on the platform in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not perceive any connection between the cases.

According to Michele Ellison, the FCC's enforcement bureau chief, the act of posting an ad for a signal jamming device on platforms like is in direct violation of federal law. Signal jammers are prohibited for a significant purpose.

As per the citations, many sellers marketed jammers as a tool for achieving an uninterrupted nap while traveling on a bus, creating a noise-free classroom, or preserving a tranquil environment, all without hinting at the device's potential for more sinister activities.

The concern is mounting as it is observed that individual consumers who employ jamming devices seem to be oblivious to the severe implications of their actions, as stated in one of the citations. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified based on personal convenience or should be exempted.

The FCC has stated that at least one seller was knowledgeable about the fact that jammers were illegal contraband.

Tagi: cell phone jammers 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The use of unapproved devices that disrupt cell phone signals has been flagged by the FCC as a potential security hazard.

The sale of "signal jammer" - devices capable of disrupting cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has caught the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), prompting concerns about potential disturbances in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of cell phone jammer, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

The Communications Act of 1934 strictly prohibits the sale, advertising, usage, or importation of jammers, as it is illegal to disrupt radio communications in public places.

As per the FCC, jammers were promoted on the site in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not see any connection between the cases.

The FCC's enforcement bureau chief, Michele Ellison, pointed out that the simple action of posting an ad for a signal jammer on websites such as is breaking federal law. Signal jammers are considered contraband for a particular reason.

In line with the citations, the majority of sellers promoted jammers as a way to enjoy an undisturbed nap while traveling on a bus, maintain a quiet educational setting, or create a peaceful environment, without mentioning the potential for misuse of the device.

As mentioned in one of the citations, there is an increasing concern about the limited comprehension of individual consumers who operate jamming devices regarding the serious consequences that may arise. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified by personal convenience or should be pardoned.

The FCC has indicated that there was at least one seller who had knowledge of jammers being classified as contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised a "cell phone jammer, wifi jammer" on the Philadelphia Craigslist, with a price tag of $300. In the ad, he acknowledges the limited details disclosed about the item due to its nature. He emphasizes that the jammer is not a toy and expresses his intention to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

His citation reveals that the ad created by Mr. Grabowski suggests his awareness of the sensitive and potentially illegal nature of the device he was selling on Craigslist.

The establishment of the "Jammer Tip Line" by the FCC allows individuals to easily inform the bureau about any suspected cases of jammer sales or usage, ensuring efficient reporting and investigation of such activities.

It was announced by Ellison that we have a firm determination to increase the severity of our enforcement actions against violators. Any individuals caught selling or operating a jammer will face costly consequences.


Tagi: fcc cell phone jammers 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The use of unapproved devices that disrupt cell phone signals has been flagged by the FCC as a potential security hazard.

The sale of "signal jammer" - devices capable of disrupting cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS systems - has caught the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), prompting concerns about potential disturbances in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "dead zones" within a small area, usually 30 feet or so, and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants, and schools to keep people off their cell phones. But they also cut off 911 calls, can disrupt navigation near airports, and have been used near police stations to interrupt radio communications. Officials at the FCC say they've noticed an increasing number of cell phone jammer, which are banned by federal law, coming into the country. Many cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

The Communications Act of 1934 strictly prohibits the sale, advertising, usage, or importation of jammers, as it is illegal to disrupt radio communications in public places.

As per the FCC, jammers were promoted on the site in Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, N.C., Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Officials have stated that they do not see any connection between the cases.

The FCC's enforcement bureau chief, Michele Ellison, pointed out that the simple action of posting an ad for a signal jammer on websites such as is breaking federal law. Signal jammers are considered contraband for a particular reason.

In line with the citations, the majority of sellers promoted jammers as a way to enjoy an undisturbed nap while traveling on a bus, maintain a quiet educational setting, or create a peaceful environment, without mentioning the potential for misuse of the device.

As mentioned in one of the citations, there is an increasing concern about the limited comprehension of individual consumers who operate jamming devices regarding the serious consequences that may arise. These operators mistakenly believe that their illegal use of jammers is justified by personal convenience or should be pardoned.

The FCC has indicated that there was at least one seller who had knowledge of jammers being classified as contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised a "cell phone jammer, wifi jammer" on the Philadelphia Craigslist, with a price tag of $300. In the ad, he acknowledges the limited details disclosed about the item due to its nature. He emphasizes that the jammer is not a toy and expresses his intention to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

His citation reveals that the ad created by Mr. Grabowski suggests his awareness of the sensitive and potentially illegal nature of the device he was selling on Craigslist.

The establishment of the "Jammer Tip Line" by the FCC allows individuals to easily inform the bureau about any suspected cases of jammer sales or usage, ensuring efficient reporting and investigation of such activities.

It was announced by Ellison that we have a firm determination to increase the severity of our enforcement actions against violators. Any individuals caught selling or operating a jammer will face costly consequences.


Tagi: fcc cell phone jammers 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The device resembling a walkie-talkie, known as a phone jammer, possesses greater power than one may initially assume. Once activated, this compact box has the capability to disrupt all cell phone signals within its vicinity. Utilizing such a device is not only a violation of federal law, but can also lead to severe consequences such as a $16,000 penalty and imprisonment.


Eric, a resident of Philadelphia, refused to let the situation deter him. He grew weary of the incessant chatter from cell phone users on SEPTA 44 buses. In order to avoid these conversations, Eric decided to activate a jamming device.

Eric mentioned that many individuals lack consideration for privacy and tend to be excessively noisy. To cope with the disturbance, he adjusts the antenna and switches on the device.

The utilization of jammers, similar to the ones employed in this particular scenario, is deemed unlawful due to their ability to disrupt crucial communication channels during emergencies, including cell phone networks, as well as impeding the transmission of essential signals like police radios and other two-way radios.

Eric stated that upon learning of its illegality, he intends to dispose of the jammer he purchased, a device that ABC News approximated to be worth $300.

Buying a jammer is easy, but where can you use it?

Various methods for deliberately disrupting electromagnetic frequencies, commonly referred to as jamming, have been incorporated into a range of gadgets and are progressively becoming more accessible to both individuals and groups. Despite being prohibited in many regions globally, jammers are becoming more compact, portable, user-friendly, and cost-effective. While certain jammers may obstruct communications without discrimination, there exist distinct categories of specialized devices engineered to block specific signals. The most sought-after among these are mobile phone jammers, wifi jammers, drone blocker, and gps jammers.

Most national authorities disapprove of the use of these devices due to their tendency to cause more significant disruptions than anticipated. Even when used with good intentions, such as to block mobile phone usage in schools, theaters, and hospitals, or to prevent drones from flying over private property, the interference can extend far beyond the intended scope. Unintended consequences like dropped 911 calls, drones crashing, and compromised air traffic control have prompted countries like South Africa and Israel to ban jammers altogether.

Is there somewhere I can use a jammer?

Jammers are frequently employed near correctional facilities and detention centers to inhibit unauthorized and unmonitored interactions between inmates and detainees and the external environment. Some nations, including Brazil, India, New Zealand, and Sweden, have either granted exemptions or are contemplating exemptions for the deployment of mobile phone and wifijammer around prisons, whereas in the UK, this practice has been lawful since 2012.

Some nations have authorized or suggested broadening the utilization of jammers. In India, for instance, jammers may be utilized in educational institutions, places of worship, and entertainment venues as long as it is proven that the disruption remains within the confines of the premises. While jammers were previously sanctioned for deployment in locations like theaters and concert halls, this practice ceased in 2012.

If you find yourself in possession of a cell phone blocker, what course of action should you take? One option to consider is booking your upcoming flight to Ukraine, as this country has implemented measures to deter students from using mobile phones for cheating during exams, making it one of the rare nations where jammers are permitted.




Tagi: cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The FCC says illegal devices that block cell phone signals could pose a security risk.

The FCC has noticed a rise in people selling "jammers." The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and could be used to cause chaos in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create "blind spots" in a small area (usually about 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports and have been used to jam radio communications near police stations. FCC officials say they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the U.S. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public.

Earlier this week, the FCC issued subpoenas to eight individuals and companies that posted ads for jammers on Craigslist.

The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

"Simply posting an ad for a signal jammers on a site like is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason," Michele Ellison, director of the FCC's enforcement bureau, said in a statement. "One person's moment of peace or privacy could jeopardize the safety and well-being of others."

According to the citations, most sellers advertised the jammers as a way to take an "undisturbed nap" on the bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area "free of interference," without mentioning the more nefarious uses the devices could be used for.

"We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammer devices do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers," one of the citations read. "Instead, these operators mistakenly believed that their illegal operations were a matter of personal convenience or should be excused."

But the FCC said at least one seller appeared to know that jammers were contraband.

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for sale a "cell phone blocker, wifi blocker" for $300. In his ad, he said that "due to the nature of this item, we are revealing very few details," that the jammer was "not a toy," and that "I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible."

"The nature of the ad suggests that Mr. Grabowski knew about the sensitive and/or illegal nature of the equipment he was selling on Craigslist," the citation reads.

People who receive the ticket have 15 days to remove the ad from the site and provide the FCC with information about where the jammer was purchased and to whom it was sold. Simply posting an ad for the sale of a jammer could result in a fine of more than $100,000.

The FCC has set up a "jammer tip line" for people to report to the agency people who may be selling or using jammers.

"We intend to take increasingly tough enforcement action against offenders," Ellison said. "If we find you selling or operating a jammer, you will be punished."

Tagi: crackdown cell phone 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has released a report detailing the results of its micro-jamming technology test conducted on January 17, 2018, at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution in Maryland.

Test data showed that the micro-jamming signal interfered with commercial wireless signals inside the cells, meaning that if cell phones were used inside the cells, they would not work. However, at 20 feet and 100 feet outside the cells, the micro-jammer signal did not interfere with commercial wireless signals.

Department officers present during the January 17, 2018 test reported that while their cell phone signals were blocked inside the cells, their phones still worked when they stood a few feet from the cell windows.

"These encouraging test results mark a step forward in our efforts to combat the security threat posed by contraband cell phones," said Beth Williams, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy. "The results show that this micro-jamming technology has the potential to have a localized impact. This is an encouraging sign that we are closer to solutions that make our communities safer and help prevent the continuation of criminal activity within prisons."

The data in the report will be used by the BOP and the Department to understand the effectiveness of micro-jamming, further evaluate jamming technology, and develop strategic planning recommendations.

Contraband cell phones continue to be a correctional security and public safety concern for the Bureau of Prisons and state and local correctional institutions. Across the country, inmates use contraband cell phones to direct gang activity, operate criminal enterprises, distribute child pornography, intimidate witnesses, and facilitate the commission of violent crimes. "This test is just one part of our ongoing efforts to disrupt and disable dangerous contraband cell phones in federal and state prisons," said Assistant Attorney General Williams.

The Bureau of Prisons will continue to evaluate cell phone detection and blocking technologies and work with federal partners and Congress to find cost-effective options to combat this threat to prisons and public safety. The agency does not endorse any specific vendor or product.

Carr Pushes for Federal Legislation to Combat Contraband Cell Phones in Prisons

ATLANTA, Ga. - Attorney General Chris Carr and 21 other attorneys general are urging congressional leaders to pass legislation that would allow states to implement cell phone jammer systems in correctional institutions. Currently, federal law prohibits the use of jamming technology, including jamming cell phones. Meanwhile, prisons across the country are using contraband cell phones with no way to stop them.

"Cell phones in the hands of criminals are an ongoing safety concern, not only for Georgia, but for correctional institutions across the country," said GDC Commissioner Tyrone Oliver. "We appreciate Attorney General Carr's support in finding a solution to this problem, which is critical to our commitment to public safety."

As of January 1, 2023, the GDC has conducted 126 full facility searches and seized more than 23,000 contraband items. Last year alone, 8,074 contraband cell phones were seized.

In a letter sent on January 25, 2023, the Attorney General outlined the national challenges associated with contraband cell phones.

The letter reads: "The use of contraband cell phones by inmates is one of the most serious issues facing prison administrators today. Inmates use contraband cell phones to organize murders, riots, drug trafficking, fraud, etc. By using contraband cell phones, inmates can easily continue their criminal activities inside prison."

Previously, Congress has introduced several bills to address this issue, including H.R. 1954 in the 116th Congress and H.R. 864 and S. 4699 in the 117th Congress. However, these bills have not made any progress and have never received a vote.

Tagi: cell phone criminal 

01 stycznia 197001 stycznia 1970  0 comments  Bez nazwy

Cell phones have become an essential part of modern life. Not necessary anymore, but necessary. Landline connections are old, there are more mobile phones than ever before, and that number continues to grow every day as new models and types continue to appear. It is estimated that there are 7.22 billion mobile phones and 7.19 billion people in the world. The large number of mobile phones and their widespread use means that there are many unwanted calls. There are various ways to deal with these unwanted calls. One of the most common methods is to put your phone on silent or vibrate. But this is where cell phone jammers come into play by far. They provide an effective barrier

Blocking one caller at a time is annoying and time-consuming. However, you can use a cell phone jammer to block all incoming calls at the same time. This may seem like a complicated process to many people, but it is actually very simple. Cell phone jammers emit signals at the same frequency as cell phone signals. The jammer then sends that signal out to the entire world. If successful, your phone will no longer receive a signal in a specific location.

There are several reasons why people choose portable jammers. For example, business owners can block employee cell phone signals so that they do not interfere with work or distract during important meetings. Jammers can also block a cell phone from sending outgoing messages. Humans can use jammers as a security measure to prevent sensitive information from leaking. It is also used to block traffic lights to prevent terrorist attacks. Another reason I like jammers is that instead of receiving a "phone is off" message, I get a "service is down" message. This means that callers cannot reach the owner of the phone.

To understand the process, you need to understand your cell phone signal. Your cell phone sends signals to cell towers near your location. Cell towers share the workload by focusing on certain areas. During your journey, your phone sends signals to every tower along the way. Jammers transmit radio frequencies to the same tower and override the phone signal. The signal from the phone and the signal from the jamming device collide, cutting off the communication between the cell tower and the phone.

Cell phone jammers are reliable and useful because some of the most advanced law enforcement agencies in the world use them. For more information, see Signal Jammers. They have been successfully used in many counter-terrorism operations to disrupt communications between explosives and cell phones. Law enforcement agencies also use them to block communications between criminals. Civilians also use them to block nuisance calls. Places such as government offices, conference venues, hospitals, libraries, schools and theaters also need to be silenced, which makes cell phone jammers an important tool.

The demand for jamming devices is increasing

Signal jammers are very popular in many countries, and in the United States, a world economic power, the demand for cell phone jammers and other jammers is increasing. Jammers buy signal blocking devices. is a professional manufacturer and distributor. for providing security and protection measures for key industries in the American market. Here is our sales diary for the month of August, recording the most popular signal jamming devices and other related items in the United States.

We are well aware that there are many effective and most important professional VCRS on the market. But as long as we are in such a vulnerable position, there is a digital card in the form of a digital recorder that we constantly investigate and recommend to the best surveillance agencies in Italy and abroad. The recorder card not only has the aesthetics of a given task, but also the ability to start a high-quality recording, thanks to many interesting features that we will list below.

I may be exaggerating a bit, but there are some problems in the business world that can have real consequences. In fact, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to be intercepted by unauthorized persons, such as people who spy on competitors or business partners, politicians in campaigns, production executives who steal trade secrets, military or government control. Therefore, please note that in hidden locations, the sound between bits and data remains on the ether and may even be intercepted by eavesdroppers!

This means that we not only know where we are, but we must also reach our destination. The satellite system always knows where we are. If you use Observer, please also note that Observer may use this information to harm us. Therefore, it may make it difficult to track those who want to join private companies (oh, marital infidelity...) or those who work for multiple companies on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce but do not want to know. These two addresses are for customers. The other end, or more simply, is a truck driver who wants to take a nap after a long drive. It can also be used in cars equipped with 4G cellular signal jammers. Equipped with the latest SMD components and integrated circuits, with advanced anti-interference functions that are easy to install and use, the mobile phone can work continuously for a long time. Please carefully choose the correct position of the shield and avoid rotation.

Tagi: cell phone 


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Perfectjammer Is A Professional Jammers Store, Main Business Is Various Types Of Jammers Wholesale And Retail, We Will Strive To Provide Your With Quality Product And The Cheapest Price.


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