Tagi - [aspire]aspire
Haben Sie jemals die Aspire Prive-Serie elektronischer Zigaretten verwendet? Ich werde zwei beliebte E-Zigaretten vorstellen. Ich hoffe, es wird Ihnen helfen.
aspire onixx kit
Das Aspire Onixx Kit ist ein Starterkit der Profi-Klasse. Es enthält Onixx Akkuträger und Onixx Verdampfer. Es besteht aus weichem Leder und einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist schön und komfortabel. Der Onixx Mod Akkuträger wird mit einer Batteriekapazität von 2000 mAh gebaut und verfügt über einen Leistungsbereich von 1-40W. Die Ladeart Typ-C bietet Ihnen eine stabile Leistung. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer verfügt über einen von unten einstellbaren Luftstrom und ein einfaches Einfüllsystem von oben. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer ist mit BP Coils ausgestattet, die seit jeher für ihren hervorragenden Geschmack bekannt sind, und die Kompatibilität von BP RBA im Onixx Tank bietet Ihnen noch mehr Optionen für Ihre E-Zigarette. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer kann 2ml E-Saft fassen und es ist auch eine 3ml Ersatzglas für Ihre Option im Paket enthalten.
1. Professionelles Starterkit
2. Austauschbare 510 Mundstück
3. Sehr einfache Deckfüllung
4. Einbau von Coils durch Einpressen
5. Kompatibel mit BP Coils und BP RBA
6. Komfortabler und präzise einstellbarer Luftstrom
7. 2000mAh große Batteriekapazität
8. 1-40W einstellbare Leistung
9. Typ-C Aufladung
10. Schutz des ASP-Chipsets
aspire finixx kit
Das Aspire Finixx Kit ist ein kompaktes und ergonomisches Pod Tank Kit, das aus einem Finixx Pod Verdampfer und einem Finixx Akkuträger besteht. Das Finixx Kit besteht aus Flüssigsilikon im Rücken und einem Rahmen aus einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist auf Ergonomie ausgerichtet. Ein weiter verbesserter Griff und zusätzliche Weichheit bedeuten, dass Sie ein angenehmeres Gefühl in der Hand haben werden. Dieses innovative E-Zigarettengerät wird von einer einzigen Batterie des Typs 18650 (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) gespeist und verbindet Stil mit technologischem Bestreben, dank des selbst entwickelten intelligenten ASP-Chipset, der Zugang zu einer Reihe von Ausgabemodus bietet, darunter Auto/ VW/ VV/ Bypass/ TC/ TCR/ CPS (C1, C2, C3)-Modus, und die maximale Ausgangsleistung beträgt 80W. Der CPS-Modus ist ein Wattage Curve-Modus. Erzielen Sie die beste Leistung, indem Sie die Ausgangsleistung in 0,5S-Schritten einstellen.
1. Exquisit. Ergonomisch. Robust
2. Konstruktion aus flüssigem Silikon und Zinklegierung
3. Stromversorgung über eine einzelne 18650-Batterie (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
4. Schnellladung Typ C 2A
5. Maximale Ausgangsleistung 80W
6. Aspire Selbst entwickelter ASP-Chipset
7. Auto/VV/VW/BYPASS/CPS-Modus(C1/C2/C3)
8. Intuitiver und super großer Feuerknopf
9. 0,96 Zoll TFT Farbbildschirm
10. Bequemer Batteriewechsel
11. 4ml nachfüllbarer Pod Verdampfer
12. Bottom-Fill-Methode
13. Kompatibel mit Coil der BP Serie
14. 510 austauschbare Mundstück
15. Präzise Einstellung des Luftstroms unten
Hier sind einige andere Produkte:
Tigon Vape Stick
Zelos 50W 2.0
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten:Aspire
aspire onixx kit
Das Aspire Onixx Kit ist ein Starterkit der Profi-Klasse. Es enthält Onixx Akkuträger und Onixx Verdampfer. Es besteht aus weichem Leder und einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist schön und komfortabel. Der Onixx Mod Akkuträger wird mit einer Batteriekapazität von 2000 mAh gebaut und verfügt über einen Leistungsbereich von 1-40W. Die Ladeart Typ-C bietet Ihnen eine stabile Leistung. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer verfügt über einen von unten einstellbaren Luftstrom und ein einfaches Einfüllsystem von oben. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer ist mit BP Coils ausgestattet, die seit jeher für ihren hervorragenden Geschmack bekannt sind, und die Kompatibilität von BP RBA im Onixx Tank bietet Ihnen noch mehr Optionen für Ihre E-Zigarette. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer kann 2ml E-Saft fassen und es ist auch eine 3ml Ersatzglas für Ihre Option im Paket enthalten.
1. Professionelles Starterkit
2. Austauschbare 510 Mundstück
3. Sehr einfache Deckfüllung
4. Einbau von Coils durch Einpressen
5. Kompatibel mit BP Coils und BP RBA
6. Komfortabler und präzise einstellbarer Luftstrom
7. 2000mAh große Batteriekapazität
8. 1-40W einstellbare Leistung
9. Typ-C Aufladung
10. Schutz des ASP-Chipsets
aspire finixx kit
Das Aspire Finixx Kit ist ein kompaktes und ergonomisches Pod Tank Kit, das aus einem Finixx Pod Verdampfer und einem Finixx Akkuträger besteht. Das Finixx Kit besteht aus Flüssigsilikon im Rücken und einem Rahmen aus einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist auf Ergonomie ausgerichtet. Ein weiter verbesserter Griff und zusätzliche Weichheit bedeuten, dass Sie ein angenehmeres Gefühl in der Hand haben werden. Dieses innovative E-Zigarettengerät wird von einer einzigen Batterie des Typs 18650 (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) gespeist und verbindet Stil mit technologischem Bestreben, dank des selbst entwickelten intelligenten ASP-Chipset, der Zugang zu einer Reihe von Ausgabemodus bietet, darunter Auto/ VW/ VV/ Bypass/ TC/ TCR/ CPS (C1, C2, C3)-Modus, und die maximale Ausgangsleistung beträgt 80W. Der CPS-Modus ist ein Wattage Curve-Modus. Erzielen Sie die beste Leistung, indem Sie die Ausgangsleistung in 0,5S-Schritten einstellen.
1. Exquisit. Ergonomisch. Robust
2. Konstruktion aus flüssigem Silikon und Zinklegierung
3. Stromversorgung über eine einzelne 18650-Batterie (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
4. Schnellladung Typ C 2A
5. Maximale Ausgangsleistung 80W
6. Aspire Selbst entwickelter ASP-Chipset
7. Auto/VV/VW/BYPASS/CPS-Modus(C1/C2/C3)
8. Intuitiver und super großer Feuerknopf
9. 0,96 Zoll TFT Farbbildschirm
10. Bequemer Batteriewechsel
11. 4ml nachfüllbarer Pod Verdampfer
12. Bottom-Fill-Methode
13. Kompatibel mit Coil der BP Serie
14. 510 austauschbare Mundstück
15. Präzise Einstellung des Luftstroms unten
Hier sind einige andere Produkte:
Tigon Vape Stick
Zelos 50W 2.0
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten:Aspire
Hai mai usato aspire? Presenterò due famose sigarette elettroniche, che spero ti saranno utili.
aspire avp cube
Aspire AVP Cube adotta il design AVP di nuova generazione, con una nuova forma a cubo che si adatta perfettamente al palmo della tua mano, progettata per il comfort. Il kit Aspire AVP Cube include la batteria AVP-Cube e la cartuccia AVP Cube con flusso d'aria regolabile. È alimentato da una batteria integrata da 1300 mAh con porta di ricarica rapida di tipo c 2A. Sono disponibili 4 opzioni di potenza in uscita da regolare: 10 W, 12 W, 14 W, 16 W. Il pod ha una capacità di 3,5 ml e una forte connessione magnetica. Puoi goderti una fantastica esperienza di svapo con un comodo riempimento del fondo e una regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria.
1. Compatibile con le bobine AVP Pro per un ottimo sapore
2. Comodo riempimento del fondo
3. Regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria
4. 510 drip tip
5. Opzioni di potenza in uscita: 10 W / 12 W / 14 W / 16 W (uscita bypass quando si utilizza la bobina da 0,65 ohm)
6. Capacità della batteria interna 1300mAh
7. Ricarica rapida di tipo C 2A
8. Forte connessione magnetica
9. Fornisce svapo MTL e DL
10. Protezioni di sicurezza: Vaping Over-time / Short Circuit / Overheat / Low Voltage / Overcharge / Overdischarge Protection
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G è progettato da Noname, prodotto da Aspire. Dopo il successo del lancio di Paradox e del 9 ° atomizzatore, il terzo prodotto realizzato dalla loro collaborazione. Caratterizzato da un regolatore meccanico della potenza dai colori ben rifiniti e da uno stile robusto e di fascia alta, lo Zero G è davvero una meraviglia nello svapo del sistema pod. Il design del telaio principale della mod Zero G è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, con gomma siliconica liquida nera, offre una presa comoda ed è antiscivolo e resistente, il perfetto equilibrio tra qualità e comfort. Viene fornito con una capacità della batteria interna di 1500 mAh e dispone di un'impostazione di regolazione della potenza inferiore unica. Il pod ha una capacità di e-juice da 3,5 ml e utilizza il sistema di riempimento inferiore.
1. Corpo in gomma siliconica liquida in acciaio inossidabile 304 / nero
2. Batteria interna da 1500 mAh
3. Dispositivo di ricarica di tipo C da 1 A
4. Gamma di potenza 5-40W
5. Potenza regolabile meccanica
6. Intervallo di resistenza da 0,1 a 3,5 ohm
7. Deck RBA incluso all'interno
8. Capacità E-juice da 3,5 ml
9. Facile riempimento inferiore
10. Punta a goccia 510
11. Collegamento magnetico del pod
12. Svapo MTL e DTL limitato
13. Protezione di sicurezza del chipset ASP
Prodotti che potrebbero interessarti anche:
Aspire BP 60
Aspire Rover 2
Altre sigarette elettroniche Eleaf:aspire
aspire avp cube
Aspire AVP Cube adotta il design AVP di nuova generazione, con una nuova forma a cubo che si adatta perfettamente al palmo della tua mano, progettata per il comfort. Il kit Aspire AVP Cube include la batteria AVP-Cube e la cartuccia AVP Cube con flusso d'aria regolabile. È alimentato da una batteria integrata da 1300 mAh con porta di ricarica rapida di tipo c 2A. Sono disponibili 4 opzioni di potenza in uscita da regolare: 10 W, 12 W, 14 W, 16 W. Il pod ha una capacità di 3,5 ml e una forte connessione magnetica. Puoi goderti una fantastica esperienza di svapo con un comodo riempimento del fondo e una regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria.
1. Compatibile con le bobine AVP Pro per un ottimo sapore
2. Comodo riempimento del fondo
3. Regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria
4. 510 drip tip
5. Opzioni di potenza in uscita: 10 W / 12 W / 14 W / 16 W (uscita bypass quando si utilizza la bobina da 0,65 ohm)
6. Capacità della batteria interna 1300mAh
7. Ricarica rapida di tipo C 2A
8. Forte connessione magnetica
9. Fornisce svapo MTL e DL
10. Protezioni di sicurezza: Vaping Over-time / Short Circuit / Overheat / Low Voltage / Overcharge / Overdischarge Protection
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G è progettato da Noname, prodotto da Aspire. Dopo il successo del lancio di Paradox e del 9 ° atomizzatore, il terzo prodotto realizzato dalla loro collaborazione. Caratterizzato da un regolatore meccanico della potenza dai colori ben rifiniti e da uno stile robusto e di fascia alta, lo Zero G è davvero una meraviglia nello svapo del sistema pod. Il design del telaio principale della mod Zero G è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, con gomma siliconica liquida nera, offre una presa comoda ed è antiscivolo e resistente, il perfetto equilibrio tra qualità e comfort. Viene fornito con una capacità della batteria interna di 1500 mAh e dispone di un'impostazione di regolazione della potenza inferiore unica. Il pod ha una capacità di e-juice da 3,5 ml e utilizza il sistema di riempimento inferiore.
1. Corpo in gomma siliconica liquida in acciaio inossidabile 304 / nero
2. Batteria interna da 1500 mAh
3. Dispositivo di ricarica di tipo C da 1 A
4. Gamma di potenza 5-40W
5. Potenza regolabile meccanica
6. Intervallo di resistenza da 0,1 a 3,5 ohm
7. Deck RBA incluso all'interno
8. Capacità E-juice da 3,5 ml
9. Facile riempimento inferiore
10. Punta a goccia 510
11. Collegamento magnetico del pod
12. Svapo MTL e DTL limitato
13. Protezione di sicurezza del chipset ASP
Prodotti che potrebbero interessarti anche:
Aspire BP 60
Aspire Rover 2
Altre sigarette elettroniche Eleaf:aspire
Have you ever used aspire? I'm going to introduce two popular e-cigarettes that I hope you will find helpful.
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
Have you ever used aspire? I'm going to introduce two popular e-cigarettes that I hope you will find helpful.
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
Have you ever used aspire? I'm going to introduce two popular e-cigarettes that I hope you will find helpful.
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
Have you ever used aspire? I'm going to introduce two popular e-cigarettes that I hope you will find helpful.
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
Haben Sie jemals die Aspire Prive-Serie elektronischer Zigaretten verwendet? Ich werde zwei beliebte E-Zigaretten vorstellen. Ich hoffe, es wird Ihnen helfen.
aspire onixx kit
Das Aspire Onixx Kit ist ein Starterkit der Profi-Klasse. Es enthält Onixx Akkuträger und Onixx Verdampfer. Es besteht aus weichem Leder und einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist schön und komfortabel. Der Onixx Mod Akkuträger wird mit einer Batteriekapazität von 2000 mAh gebaut und verfügt über einen Leistungsbereich von 1-40W. Die Ladeart Typ-C bietet Ihnen eine stabile Leistung. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer verfügt über einen von unten einstellbaren Luftstrom und ein einfaches Einfüllsystem von oben. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer ist mit BP Coils ausgestattet, die seit jeher für ihren hervorragenden Geschmack bekannt sind, und die Kompatibilität von BP RBA im Onixx Tank bietet Ihnen noch mehr Optionen für Ihre E-Zigarette. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer kann 2ml E-Saft fassen und es ist auch eine 3ml Ersatzglas für Ihre Option im Paket enthalten.
1. Professionelles Starterkit
2. Austauschbare 510 Mundstück
3. Sehr einfache Deckfüllung
4. Einbau von Coils durch Einpressen
5. Kompatibel mit BP Coils und BP RBA
6. Komfortabler und präzise einstellbarer Luftstrom
7. 2000mAh große Batteriekapazität
8. 1-40W einstellbare Leistung
9. Typ-C Aufladung
10. Schutz des ASP-Chipsets
aspire finixx kit
Das Aspire Finixx Kit ist ein kompaktes und ergonomisches Pod Tank Kit, das aus einem Finixx Pod Verdampfer und einem Finixx Akkuträger besteht. Das Finixx Kit besteht aus Flüssigsilikon im Rücken und einem Rahmen aus einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist auf Ergonomie ausgerichtet. Ein weiter verbesserter Griff und zusätzliche Weichheit bedeuten, dass Sie ein angenehmeres Gefühl in der Hand haben werden. Dieses innovative E-Zigarettengerät wird von einer einzigen Batterie des Typs 18650 (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) gespeist und verbindet Stil mit technologischem Bestreben, dank des selbst entwickelten intelligenten ASP-Chipset, der Zugang zu einer Reihe von Ausgabemodus bietet, darunter Auto/ VW/ VV/ Bypass/ TC/ TCR/ CPS (C1, C2, C3)-Modus, und die maximale Ausgangsleistung beträgt 80W. Der CPS-Modus ist ein Wattage Curve-Modus. Erzielen Sie die beste Leistung, indem Sie die Ausgangsleistung in 0,5S-Schritten einstellen.
1. Exquisit. Ergonomisch. Robust
2. Konstruktion aus flüssigem Silikon und Zinklegierung
3. Stromversorgung über eine einzelne 18650-Batterie (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
4. Schnellladung Typ C 2A
5. Maximale Ausgangsleistung 80W
6. Aspire Selbst entwickelter ASP-Chipset
7. Auto/VV/VW/BYPASS/CPS-Modus(C1/C2/C3)
8. Intuitiver und super großer Feuerknopf
9. 0,96 Zoll TFT Farbbildschirm
10. Bequemer Batteriewechsel
11. 4ml nachfüllbarer Pod Verdampfer
12. Bottom-Fill-Methode
13. Kompatibel mit Coil der BP Serie
14. 510 austauschbare Mundstück
15. Präzise Einstellung des Luftstroms unten
Hier sind einige andere Produkte:
Tigon Vape Stick
Zelos 50W 2.0
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten:Aspire
aspire onixx kit
Das Aspire Onixx Kit ist ein Starterkit der Profi-Klasse. Es enthält Onixx Akkuträger und Onixx Verdampfer. Es besteht aus weichem Leder und einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist schön und komfortabel. Der Onixx Mod Akkuträger wird mit einer Batteriekapazität von 2000 mAh gebaut und verfügt über einen Leistungsbereich von 1-40W. Die Ladeart Typ-C bietet Ihnen eine stabile Leistung. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer verfügt über einen von unten einstellbaren Luftstrom und ein einfaches Einfüllsystem von oben. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer ist mit BP Coils ausgestattet, die seit jeher für ihren hervorragenden Geschmack bekannt sind, und die Kompatibilität von BP RBA im Onixx Tank bietet Ihnen noch mehr Optionen für Ihre E-Zigarette. Der Onixx Tank Verdampfer kann 2ml E-Saft fassen und es ist auch eine 3ml Ersatzglas für Ihre Option im Paket enthalten.
1. Professionelles Starterkit
2. Austauschbare 510 Mundstück
3. Sehr einfache Deckfüllung
4. Einbau von Coils durch Einpressen
5. Kompatibel mit BP Coils und BP RBA
6. Komfortabler und präzise einstellbarer Luftstrom
7. 2000mAh große Batteriekapazität
8. 1-40W einstellbare Leistung
9. Typ-C Aufladung
10. Schutz des ASP-Chipsets
aspire finixx kit
Das Aspire Finixx Kit ist ein kompaktes und ergonomisches Pod Tank Kit, das aus einem Finixx Pod Verdampfer und einem Finixx Akkuträger besteht. Das Finixx Kit besteht aus Flüssigsilikon im Rücken und einem Rahmen aus einer metallischen Zinklegierung und ist auf Ergonomie ausgerichtet. Ein weiter verbesserter Griff und zusätzliche Weichheit bedeuten, dass Sie ein angenehmeres Gefühl in der Hand haben werden. Dieses innovative E-Zigarettengerät wird von einer einzigen Batterie des Typs 18650 (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) gespeist und verbindet Stil mit technologischem Bestreben, dank des selbst entwickelten intelligenten ASP-Chipset, der Zugang zu einer Reihe von Ausgabemodus bietet, darunter Auto/ VW/ VV/ Bypass/ TC/ TCR/ CPS (C1, C2, C3)-Modus, und die maximale Ausgangsleistung beträgt 80W. Der CPS-Modus ist ein Wattage Curve-Modus. Erzielen Sie die beste Leistung, indem Sie die Ausgangsleistung in 0,5S-Schritten einstellen.
1. Exquisit. Ergonomisch. Robust
2. Konstruktion aus flüssigem Silikon und Zinklegierung
3. Stromversorgung über eine einzelne 18650-Batterie (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)
4. Schnellladung Typ C 2A
5. Maximale Ausgangsleistung 80W
6. Aspire Selbst entwickelter ASP-Chipset
7. Auto/VV/VW/BYPASS/CPS-Modus(C1/C2/C3)
8. Intuitiver und super großer Feuerknopf
9. 0,96 Zoll TFT Farbbildschirm
10. Bequemer Batteriewechsel
11. 4ml nachfüllbarer Pod Verdampfer
12. Bottom-Fill-Methode
13. Kompatibel mit Coil der BP Serie
14. 510 austauschbare Mundstück
15. Präzise Einstellung des Luftstroms unten
Hier sind einige andere Produkte:
Tigon Vape Stick
Zelos 50W 2.0
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten:Aspire
Have you ever used aspire? I'm going to introduce two popular e-cigarettes that I hope you will find helpful.
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
aspire favostix
Aspire Favostix Pod Kit is constructed of aluminum alloy oxidation and combines elegant and slender designs with innovative brand-new coil technology. It comes out to offer a superior flavor and a comfortable throat hit, and aims to let you experience the colorful, flavorful and powerful vaping. Powered by 1000mAh built-in battery, it features adjustable power from 1W to 30W and Type-C fast charging port. And you can obtain clear details via a 0.42-inch OLED screen. Plus, it can be activated by auto draw and fire button. As for Favostix Pod, it can hold 3ml large e-juice capacity with easy bottom filling for whole day vaping.
Technical Data:
Size: 113*25*13.6 mm
Material: PCTG + Aluminum Alloy
Juice Capacity: 3ml
Built-in battery: 1000 mAh
Filling: Bottom Filling
Pod Type: 0.6ohm Pod(15-18W); 1.0ohm Pod(12-15W)
Resistance range: 0.3-3.5ohm
Continuous fire time: 7s
Display: 0.42-inch OLED screen
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G is designed by Noname, made by Aspire. Following the successful launch of Paradox and the 9th tank, the third product produced by their collaboration. Featuring a mechanical wattage adjuster beautifully finished colors and a robust, high-end style the Zero G is truly a marvel in pod system vaping. The Zero G mod main frame design is made of stainless steel, with black liquid silicone rubber, it provides a comfortable grip and is non-slip and durable, the perfect balance of quality and comfort. It comes with 1500mAh internal battery capacity and features unique bottom wattage adjustment setting.
Technical Data:
Mod Dimension: H80.8mm x φ26.2mm
Body Material: 304 stainless steel with liquid silicone rubber
Battery: Built-in Li-po 1500mAh battery
Wattage Output: 5-40W
Mod Supported Resistance Range: 0.1-3.5ohm
Pod Dimension: H28.7 x φ26.2mm (without coil, with drip tip)
Pod Material: 304 stainless steel and PEI
Pod Capacity: 3.5ml
Filling Type: Bottom filling
Airflow: Bottom adjustable airflow
Coil Resistance: 0.65ohm Mesh Coil (15-18W), 1.15ohm Standard Coil (10-16W)
You may also be interested in:
BP80 80W
Tigon Vape Stick
If you want to learn more about the product:aspire
Hai mai usato aspire? Presenterò due famose sigarette elettroniche, che spero ti saranno utili.
aspire avp cube
Aspire AVP Cube adotta il design AVP di nuova generazione, con una nuova forma a cubo che si adatta perfettamente al palmo della tua mano, progettata per il comfort. Il kit Aspire AVP Cube include la batteria AVP-Cube e la cartuccia AVP Cube con flusso d'aria regolabile. È alimentato da una batteria integrata da 1300 mAh con porta di ricarica rapida di tipo c 2A. Sono disponibili 4 opzioni di potenza in uscita da regolare: 10 W, 12 W, 14 W, 16 W. Il pod ha una capacità di 3,5 ml e una forte connessione magnetica. Puoi goderti una fantastica esperienza di svapo con un comodo riempimento del fondo e una regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria.
1. Compatibile con le bobine AVP Pro per un ottimo sapore
2. Comodo riempimento del fondo
3. Regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria
4. 510 drip tip
5. Opzioni di potenza in uscita: 10 W / 12 W / 14 W / 16 W (uscita bypass quando si utilizza la bobina da 0,65 ohm)
6. Capacità della batteria interna 1300mAh
7. Ricarica rapida di tipo C 2A
8. Forte connessione magnetica
9. Fornisce svapo MTL e DL
10. Protezioni di sicurezza: Vaping Over-time / Short Circuit / Overheat / Low Voltage / Overcharge / Overdischarge Protection
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G è progettato da Noname, prodotto da Aspire. Dopo il successo del lancio di Paradox e del 9 ° atomizzatore, il terzo prodotto realizzato dalla loro collaborazione. Caratterizzato da un regolatore meccanico della potenza dai colori ben rifiniti e da uno stile robusto e di fascia alta, lo Zero G è davvero una meraviglia nello svapo del sistema pod. Il design del telaio principale della mod Zero G è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, con gomma siliconica liquida nera, offre una presa comoda ed è antiscivolo e resistente, il perfetto equilibrio tra qualità e comfort. Viene fornito con una capacità della batteria interna di 1500 mAh e dispone di un'impostazione di regolazione della potenza inferiore unica. Il pod ha una capacità di e-juice da 3,5 ml e utilizza il sistema di riempimento inferiore.
1. Corpo in gomma siliconica liquida in acciaio inossidabile 304 / nero
2. Batteria interna da 1500 mAh
3. Dispositivo di ricarica di tipo C da 1 A
4. Gamma di potenza 5-40W
5. Potenza regolabile meccanica
6. Intervallo di resistenza da 0,1 a 3,5 ohm
7. Deck RBA incluso all'interno
8. Capacità E-juice da 3,5 ml
9. Facile riempimento inferiore
10. Punta a goccia 510
11. Collegamento magnetico del pod
12. Svapo MTL e DTL limitato
13. Protezione di sicurezza del chipset ASP
Prodotti che potrebbero interessarti anche:
Aspire BP 60
Aspire Rover 2
Altre sigarette elettroniche Eleaf:aspire
aspire avp cube
Aspire AVP Cube adotta il design AVP di nuova generazione, con una nuova forma a cubo che si adatta perfettamente al palmo della tua mano, progettata per il comfort. Il kit Aspire AVP Cube include la batteria AVP-Cube e la cartuccia AVP Cube con flusso d'aria regolabile. È alimentato da una batteria integrata da 1300 mAh con porta di ricarica rapida di tipo c 2A. Sono disponibili 4 opzioni di potenza in uscita da regolare: 10 W, 12 W, 14 W, 16 W. Il pod ha una capacità di 3,5 ml e una forte connessione magnetica. Puoi goderti una fantastica esperienza di svapo con un comodo riempimento del fondo e una regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria.
1. Compatibile con le bobine AVP Pro per un ottimo sapore
2. Comodo riempimento del fondo
3. Regolazione precisa del flusso d'aria
4. 510 drip tip
5. Opzioni di potenza in uscita: 10 W / 12 W / 14 W / 16 W (uscita bypass quando si utilizza la bobina da 0,65 ohm)
6. Capacità della batteria interna 1300mAh
7. Ricarica rapida di tipo C 2A
8. Forte connessione magnetica
9. Fornisce svapo MTL e DL
10. Protezioni di sicurezza: Vaping Over-time / Short Circuit / Overheat / Low Voltage / Overcharge / Overdischarge Protection
aspire zero g
Aspire Zero G è progettato da Noname, prodotto da Aspire. Dopo il successo del lancio di Paradox e del 9 ° atomizzatore, il terzo prodotto realizzato dalla loro collaborazione. Caratterizzato da un regolatore meccanico della potenza dai colori ben rifiniti e da uno stile robusto e di fascia alta, lo Zero G è davvero una meraviglia nello svapo del sistema pod. Il design del telaio principale della mod Zero G è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, con gomma siliconica liquida nera, offre una presa comoda ed è antiscivolo e resistente, il perfetto equilibrio tra qualità e comfort. Viene fornito con una capacità della batteria interna di 1500 mAh e dispone di un'impostazione di regolazione della potenza inferiore unica. Il pod ha una capacità di e-juice da 3,5 ml e utilizza il sistema di riempimento inferiore.
1. Corpo in gomma siliconica liquida in acciaio inossidabile 304 / nero
2. Batteria interna da 1500 mAh
3. Dispositivo di ricarica di tipo C da 1 A
4. Gamma di potenza 5-40W
5. Potenza regolabile meccanica
6. Intervallo di resistenza da 0,1 a 3,5 ohm
7. Deck RBA incluso all'interno
8. Capacità E-juice da 3,5 ml
9. Facile riempimento inferiore
10. Punta a goccia 510
11. Collegamento magnetico del pod
12. Svapo MTL e DTL limitato
13. Protezione di sicurezza del chipset ASP
Prodotti che potrebbero interessarti anche:
Aspire BP 60
Aspire Rover 2
Altre sigarette elettroniche Eleaf:aspire